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ATS_API_Devs-API-2.1.0 icon


Simplifies adding/changing ATS and adds fixes/QOL changes.

Date uploaded 4 days ago
Version 2.1.0
Download link
Downloads 55
Dependency string ATS_API_Devs-API-2.1.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Against The Storm API

This mod is designed to be used in conjunction with other mods that wish to add new content to the game. It provides a number of useful functions for adding new things to the game in a way that takes away the struggles of understanding the code base and more.

Against the Storm is a deeply complex game with tricky to navigate code for the average person. Also with the game being regular updated it's impossible to know what the devs will change in code which can result in your mod breaking and requiring you to manually fix and reupload it.

The API works as an in-between of your mod and the game by supplying helper methods that create new content and insert it into the game accordingly. This means that if the game updates and breaks your mod, the API will be updated to fix it and require little to no support from your end. (fingers crossed)

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How to install

Installation with Thunderstore (Recommended)

  1. Download and install the Thunderstore app for free from here
  2. When the app is open search for the API mod and install it
    • Be sure to install BepInEx using the app too!
  3. Run game using Thunderstore

Manual Installation

  1. Download latest BepInEx
  2. Extract the contents of the zip into AgainstTheStorms folder that has the games .exe in it
  3. Run the game once so the BepInEx folder gets a plugins folder. If the plugins folder does not get created then you installed it wrong.
  4. Download the latest version of the mod from Thunderstore using the Manual Install button
  5. Extract the contents of the zip into the Against the Storm/BepInEx/plugins folder


Example Mod

The API is worked on alongside the Example Mod mod which contains at least 1 of every new feature in the API to ensure everything is working as we expect.

You're encouraged to view all the code and copy+paste anything you require into your own mod.

If anything does not work please reach out on the discord!




If you require help with the mod, have ideas you want added, want to report a problem or just want to chat join our discord.


If you need help with how to use the API here is the wiki to provide examples and explanations.

Support added for

  • New Goods (items that can be traded/sold, food & fuel)
  • New Perks/Cornerstones
  • New Traders
  • New Orders (Minimal)
  • New Buildings (Minimal)
  • New Recipes
  • New Races (Experimental)
  • Localization
  • Custom Hotkeys (Saving and rebinding included)

Other stuff added

  • Any options/configs that mods add can be modified in the options menu of the game.
  • Enums that list everything in the game, so you can easily see what items/orders exist and get their data without hassle.


  • JamesGames



  • Bumped ATS version to 1.4.11R
  • Options/Configs for mods that can be modified will show in the options menu now
  • Improved support for custom hotkeys that appear in the options menu too

2.0.0 - Contains mod breaking changes.

  • Bumped ATS version to 1.4.4R
    • Updated Enum helpers
  • Added Custom race support (first pass)
  • Added ResolveEffectBuilder
  • Added more columns to relics.csv export
  • Added stack trace when failing to find data using enum helpers
  • Custom BuildingTagModel support
  • Refactored loading mods flow to be less error-prone


  • Fixed infinite loading screen when loading save with the SkyScaper building
  • Fixed infinite loading screen when loading save with missing perks/effects
  • Added MetaCurrencyTypes enum helper
  • Added more SetIcon methods for goods and effect builders
  • Added AddHostility helper method to EffectFactory
  • Added order support when exporting csv data
  • Reduced console spam


  • Added VillagerPerkTypes enum helper
  • Added BuildingPerkTypes enum helper


  • Added Set icon method for GoodsBuilder, so it also changes inline images
  • Added string to Types enum helper for all enum types
  • Added support to replace existing inline images
  • Added load and export helpers for audio
  • Added export texture helper method
  • Reduced number of logs


  • Added CSVBuilder helper to export relics
  • Added GoodsCategoriesTypes enum helper
  • Can now do your own csv and .cs enum export using configs
  • Fixed displayName, description and shortDescription not editable if key exists.
  • Fixed New goods not working with new traders
  • Fixed not being able to add new strings after game has loaded
  • Added more config options

1.2.0 - Contains mod breaking changes.

  • Light support for custom buildings with and without a custom model
    • Houses and Workshops
  • Added RecipeBuilder and WorkshopRecipeBuilder
  • Added new enums
    • BiomeTypes
    • BuildingBehaviourTypes
    • BuildingCategoryTypes
    • BuildingTagTypes
    • BuildingTypes
    • DifficultyTypes
    • EffectTypes
    • GoalTypes
    • GoodsTypes (Enums have been changed)
    • MetaRewardTypes
    • NeedTypes
    • OreTypes
    • ProfessionTypes
    • RaceTypes
    • RelicTypes
    • ResolveEffectTypes
    • SeasonTypes
    • TagTypes
    • TraderTypes
  • Added ToName, GetAll and ToModel helper methods for all enum types
  • Added remove hook helper methods
  • Added SetShowHookedRewardsAsPerks effect helper
  • Added missing language support to hooked effect building (Code breaking)
  • Added namespace for SeasonTypes (Code breaking)
  • Added helper method to generate .cs files for all enums
  • Added Asset bundle helper methods
  • Fixed custom effects without declaring a hook throwing an exception
  • Fixed custom effects that add removal hooks not working
  • Fixed localization sometimes not working for custom mods
  • More code comments/documentation

1.1.1 - Possible mod breaking changes.

  • Added defaults to new goods and effects to avoid errors when making a new perk/cornerstone
  • Added light support for devs to specify a renaming of an effect to avoid breaking saves.
  • Added AfterSeasonChanges Hook (Thanks Shush!)
  • Added SetLabel for EffectBuilders
  • Added GoodsTypes enum for easier referencing types. Can still use string if preferred
  • Fixed missing resolve effects breaking existing save files
  • Fixed HookedEffectBuilder.AddInstantEffect changing the name of the main effect
  • Fixed error message when trying to get a Good that does not exist
  • Renamed SetMissingFields to AssignMissingFieldsToEffect
  • Renamed CanbeSoldToAllTraders to CanBeSoldToAllTraders
  • Changed a lot of namespaces to be more precise


  • Added Custom Trader support
  • Added BareBones support for Custom Order
  • Added GoodsProductionBuilder
  • Added lots more helper methods
  • Fixed tooltip icons showing text instead of icons
  • Fixed unable to sell custom goods at trader (1.3.3)
    • Added optional Short description goods
  • Fixed new fuels breaking existing save files


  • Added Custom Goods support
  • Added Custom Cornerstones support