0.0.3 i forgot the cypher
1.0.0 Almost all important zones have working rails/ramps/bowls (Carberton/Sewers/Observatory)
1.1.0 Grinds added to entire map, wallrides added to billboards and megapark entrance signs, collision removed from tree leaves and bushes. Stone terrain, walls inside stadium, and various surfaces marked on the minimap turned to nonstablesurface for future movement feature. Various missing materials restored, loose/broken geometry removed, various visual improvements, trees chunked and given LODs to improve performance, cutout shader removed from all materials that werent using it to improve performance, grinds chunked to improve performance, various other tweaks.
1.1.1 Added skatepark inside stadium, various tweaks to rest of map
1.1.2 Added bathrooms, lighting improvements, some more skateable elements added to area surrounding stadium, fixed stadium verts, changed some materials
1.1.3 Added material I missed
1.1.4 Added new billboard textures from the GGs, added a few missing grinds, removed the height map from grass, set texture compression to high instead of normal, removed grinds from billboards
1.1.5 fixed missing billboard, added dj table, made nighttime
1.1.6 daytime restored, peds added to undad's rave table