BRCFTEAM-Fortified_Residential_Zone icon

Fortified Residential Zone

FRZ from Jet Set Radio Future


0.0.1: Initial version

0.0.2: Fixed ladder rail alignment, added easter egg

0.0.3: Fixed lighting and retour rail against wall in level 2

1.0.0: Graffiti added

1.0.1: Fixed fence transparency

1.0.2: Fixed a softlock behind an XL graffiti

1.0.3: Bomb spawns!

1.0.4: Dusk skybox

1.0.7: Made spiral grinds no longer break combos, removed top glass to see skybox

1.0.8: Checked box to prevent ALL grinds from breaking combo, improved lighting, added more emissions

1.0.91: Redid lighting, added ambient trigger at the top level

1.0.95: Added custom vending machines, more grinds, and an easter egg

1.1.0: Prevent combo breaking again

1.1.1: Added emissions

1.1.2: Added easter egg