Decompiled source of All City Network v0.4.1
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BombRushMP.Common; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BombRushMP.BunchOfEmotes")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BombRushMP.BunchOfEmotes")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2025")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("2ce33301-b400-41be-9513-ff280c53a5a1")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace BombRushMP.BunchOfEmotes { public static class BunchOfEmotesSupport { private static object BoEPluginInstance = null; private static Type BoEPluginType = null; private static FieldInfo CustomAnimsField = null; private static bool Cached = false; private static Dictionary<int, int> GameAnimationByCustomAnimationHash = new Dictionary<int, int>(); private static Dictionary<int, int> CustomAnimationHashByGameAnimation = new Dictionary<int, int>(); public static bool Installed { get; private set; } = false; public static void Initialize() { Installed = true; BoEPluginInstance = Chainloader.PluginInfos["com.Dragsun.BunchOfEmotes"].Instance; BoEPluginType = ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("BunchOfEmotes.BunchOfEmotesPlugin"); CustomAnimsField = BoEPluginType.GetField("myCustomAnims2"); } public static void CacheAnimationsIfNecessary() { if (Cached) { return; } Cached = true; foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> item in CustomAnimsField.GetValue(BoEPluginInstance) as Dictionary<int, string>) { int key = item.Key; int num = Compression.HashString(item.Value); GameAnimationByCustomAnimationHash[num] = key; CustomAnimationHashByGameAnimation[key] = num; } } public static bool TryGetGameAnimationForCustomAnimationHash(int hash, out int gameAnim) { if (!Installed) { gameAnim = 0; return false; } CacheAnimationsIfNecessary(); if (GameAnimationByCustomAnimationHash.TryGetValue(hash, out gameAnim)) { return true; } return false; } public static bool TryGetCustomAnimationHashByGameAnimation(int gameAnim, out int hash) { if (!Installed) { hash = 0; return false; } CacheAnimationsIfNecessary(); if (CustomAnimationHashByGameAnimation.TryGetValue(gameAnim, out hash)) { return true; } return false; } } }
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using BombRushMP.Common.Networking; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Newtonsoft.Json; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace BombRushMP.Common { public class AuthUser { [JsonProperty("Description")] private string _description = ""; [JsonProperty("UserKind")] private string _userKind = UserKinds.Player.ToString(); public string[] Tags = Array.Empty<string>(); public int[] Badges = Array.Empty<int>(); [JsonIgnore] public bool CanLurk { get { if (!IsModerator) { return HasTag("elite"); } return true; } } [JsonIgnore] public bool IsAdmin => UserKind == UserKinds.Admin; [JsonIgnore] public bool IsModerator { get { if (UserKind != UserKinds.Mod) { return UserKind == UserKinds.Admin; } return true; } } [JsonIgnore] public UserKinds UserKind { get { if (Enum.TryParse<UserKinds>(_userKind, out var result)) { return result; } return UserKinds.Player; } set { _userKind = value.ToString(); } } public AuthUser(UserKinds userKind = UserKinds.Player, string[] tags = null, int[] badges = null, string description = "") { UserKind = userKind; Tags = tags; if (Tags == null) { Tags = Array.Empty<string>(); } Badges = badges; if (Badges == null) { Badges = Array.Empty<int>(); } _description = description; } public AuthUser() { } public bool HasTag(string tag) { return Tags.Contains(tag); } public void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write((int)UserKind); writer.Write(Tags.Length); string[] tags = Tags; foreach (string value in tags) { writer.Write(value); } writer.Write(Badges.Length); int[] badges = Badges; foreach (int value2 in badges) { writer.Write(value2); } } public void Read(BinaryReader reader) { UserKind = (UserKinds)reader.ReadInt32(); int num = reader.ReadInt32(); Tags = new string[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Tags[i] = reader.ReadString(); } int num2 = reader.ReadInt32(); Badges = new int[num2]; for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { Badges[j] = reader.ReadInt32(); } } } public struct Bitfield { private bool[] _values; public bool this[Enum key] { get { return GetValue(key); } set { SetValue(key, value); } } public Bitfield(Enum size) { _values = Array.Empty<bool>(); _values = new bool[Convert.ToInt32(size)]; } public Bitfield(int size) { _values = Array.Empty<bool>(); _values = new bool[size]; } public static Bitfield ReadByte(BinaryReader reader) { byte b = reader.ReadByte(); int num = 8; Bitfield result = new Bitfield(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { byte b2 = (byte)(1 << i); result._values[i] = (b & b2) != 0; } return result; } public static Bitfield ReadShort(BinaryReader reader) { short num = reader.ReadInt16(); int num2 = 16; Bitfield result = new Bitfield(num2); for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { short num3 = (short)(1 << i); result._values[i] = (num & num3) != 0; } return result; } public static Bitfield ReadInteger(BinaryReader reader) { int num = reader.ReadInt32(); int num2 = 32; Bitfield result = new Bitfield(num2); for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { int num3 = 1 << i; result._values[i] = (num & num3) != 0; } return result; } public void WriteByte(BinaryWriter writer) { byte b = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _values.Length; i++) { if (_values[i]) { b |= (byte)(1 << i); } } writer.Write(b); } public void WriteShort(BinaryWriter writer) { short num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _values.Length; i++) { if (_values[i]) { num |= (short)(1 << i); } } writer.Write(num); } public void WriteInteger(BinaryWriter writer) { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _values.Length; i++) { if (_values[i]) { num |= 1 << i; } } writer.Write(num); } public bool GetValue(Enum index) { return _values[Convert.ToInt32(index)]; } public void SetValue(Enum index, bool value) { _values[Convert.ToInt32(index)] = value; } } public enum CharacterNames { Vinyl, Frank, Coil, Red, Tryce, Bel, Rave, DotExeMember, Solace, DjCyber, EclipseMember, DevilTheoryMember, FauxWithBoostPack, FleshPrince, Irene, Felix, OldHeadMember, Base, Jet, Mesh, FuturismMember, Rise, Shine, FauxWithoutBoostPack, DotExeBoss, FelixWithCyberHead } public enum ChatMessageTypes { Chat, PlayerJoinedOrLeft, System, PlayerAFK, ClearChat } public static class CommandUtility { public static string[] ParseArgs(string command, int argNumber) { string text = command.Split(new char[1] { ' ' })[0]; string text2 = command.Substring(text.Length).Trim(); string[] array = new string[argNumber]; for (int i = 0; i < argNumber; i++) { array[i] = ""; } bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; int num = 0; string text3 = ""; for (int j = 0; j < text2.Length; j++) { char c = text2[j]; if (flag2) { text3 += c; flag2 = false; continue; } switch (c) { case ' ': if (num == argNumber - 1) { text3 += c; } else if (!flag) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text3)) { array[num] = text3.Trim(); text3 = ""; num++; } } else { text3 += c; } break; case '"': if (flag) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text3)) { array[num] = text3; text3 = ""; num++; flag = false; } } else { flag = true; } break; case '\\': flag2 = true; break; default: text3 += c; break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text3) && num < argNumber) { array[num] = text3.Trim(); } return array; } } public static class Compression { private static MD5 Hasher = MD5.Create(); public static int HashString(string s) { return BitConverter.ToInt32(Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)), 0); } public static sbyte CompressToByte(float value, float maxValue) { return CompressNormal(value / maxValue); } public static float DecompressFromByte(sbyte compressedValue, float maxValue) { return DecompressNormal(compressedValue) * maxValue; } public static sbyte CompressNormal(float normalValue) { return (sbyte)(normalValue * 127f); } public static float DecompressNormal(sbyte compressedValue) { return (float)compressedValue / 127f; } public static void WriteCompressedQuaternion(Quaternion quat, BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(CompressNormal(quat.X)); writer.Write(CompressNormal(quat.Y)); writer.Write(CompressNormal(quat.Z)); writer.Write(CompressNormal(quat.W)); } public static Quaternion ReadCompressedQuaternion(BinaryReader reader) { float x = DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); float y = DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); float z = DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); float w = DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); return new Quaternion(x, y, z, w); } public static void WriteCompressedVector3Normal(Vector3 vec, BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(CompressNormal(vec.X)); writer.Write(CompressNormal(vec.Y)); writer.Write(CompressNormal(vec.Z)); } public static Vector3 ReadCompressedVector3Normal(BinaryReader reader) { float x = DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); float y = DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); float z = DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); return new Vector3(x, y, z); } } public static class Constants { public const uint ProtocolVersion = 17u; public const float DefaultNetworkingTickRate = 1f / 32f; public const float ScoreBattleDuration = 180f; public const int MaxPayloadSize = 10000; public const char CommandChar = '/'; public const int MaxMessageLength = 256; public const int MaxNameLength = 64; public const int MaxCrewNameLength = 32; } public enum GamemodeIDs { ScoreBattle, GraffitiRace, TeamGraffitiRace, ProSkaterScoreBattle, TeamScoreBattle, TeamProSkaterScoreBattle } public enum GenericEvents { Spray, Teleport, GraffitiGameOver, Death, Land } public static class ListExtensions { private static Random rng = new Random(); public static void Shuffle<T>(this IList<T> list) { int num = list.Count; while (num > 1) { num--; int index = rng.Next(num + 1); T value = list[index]; list[index] = list[num]; list[num] = value; } } } public class LobbyPlayer { public uint LobbyId; public ushort Id; public float Score; public bool Ready; public byte Team; public LobbyPlayer() { } public LobbyPlayer(uint lobbyId, ushort playerId, byte team) { LobbyId = lobbyId; Id = playerId; Team = team; } public void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Id); writer.Write(Score); writer.Write(Ready); writer.Write(Team); } public void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Id = reader.ReadUInt16(); Score = reader.ReadSingle(); Ready = reader.ReadBoolean(); Team = reader.ReadByte(); } } public class LobbyState { private enum BooleanMask { InGame, AllowTeamSwitching, Challenge, MAX } public bool InGame; public bool AllowTeamSwitching = true; public bool Challenge; public GamemodeIDs Gamemode; public byte[] GamemodeSettings = Array.Empty<byte>(); public int Stage; public uint Id; public ushort HostId; public Dictionary<ushort, LobbyPlayer> Players = new Dictionary<ushort, LobbyPlayer>(); public Dictionary<ushort, DateTime> InvitedPlayers = new Dictionary<ushort, DateTime>(); public LobbyState() { } public LobbyState(int stage, uint id, ushort hostId) { Stage = stage; Id = id; HostId = hostId; } public float GetScoreForTeam(byte team) { float num = 0f; foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer> player in Players) { if (player.Value.Team == team) { num += player.Value.Score; } } return num; } public void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Bitfield bitfield = Bitfield.ReadByte(reader); InGame = bitfield[BooleanMask.InGame]; AllowTeamSwitching = bitfield[BooleanMask.AllowTeamSwitching]; Challenge = bitfield[BooleanMask.Challenge]; Gamemode = (GamemodeIDs)reader.ReadInt32(); int count = reader.ReadInt32(); GamemodeSettings = reader.ReadBytes(count); Stage = reader.ReadInt32(); Id = reader.ReadUInt32(); HostId = reader.ReadUInt16(); Players.Clear(); int num = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { LobbyPlayer lobbyPlayer = new LobbyPlayer(); lobbyPlayer.Read(reader); lobbyPlayer.LobbyId = Id; Players[lobbyPlayer.Id] = lobbyPlayer; } InvitedPlayers.Clear(); int num2 = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++) { DateTime value = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64()); ushort key = reader.ReadUInt16(); InvitedPlayers[key] = value; } } public void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { Bitfield bitfield = new Bitfield(BooleanMask.MAX); bitfield[BooleanMask.InGame] = InGame; bitfield[BooleanMask.AllowTeamSwitching] = AllowTeamSwitching; bitfield[BooleanMask.Challenge] = Challenge; bitfield.WriteByte(writer); writer.Write((int)Gamemode); writer.Write(GamemodeSettings.Length); writer.Write(GamemodeSettings); writer.Write(Stage); writer.Write(Id); writer.Write(HostId); writer.Write(Players.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer> player in Players) { player.Value.Write(writer); } writer.Write(InvitedPlayers.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, DateTime> invitedPlayer in InvitedPlayers) { writer.Write(invitedPlayer.Value.ToBinary()); writer.Write(invitedPlayer.Key); } } } public class MPStage { public string DisplayName; public int Id; public MPStage(string displayName, int id) { DisplayName = displayName; Id = id; } } public enum PlayerStates : byte { Normal, Graffiti, Toilet, Dead } public static class ReflectionUtility { public static Type GetTypeByName(string name) { foreach (Assembly item in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Reverse()) { Type type = item.GetType(name); if (type != null) { return type; } } return null; } } public class ServerState { public HashSet<string> Tags = new HashSet<string>(); public void Read(BinaryReader reader) { int num = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Tags.Add(reader.ReadString()); } } public void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Tags.Count); foreach (string tag in Tags) { writer.Write(tag); } } } public static class SpecialPlayerUtils { public const string SpecialPlayerName = "Freesoul Elite"; public const string SpecialPlayerCrewName = "Freesoul"; public const SpecialSkins SpecialPlayerSkin = SpecialSkins.SpecialPlayer; public const string SpecialPlayerTag = "elite"; public const string SpecialPlayerUnlockName = "Goonie"; public const string SpecialPlayerUnlockID = "goonieskateboard"; public const string SpecialPlayerUnlockNotification = "<color=yellow>You've unlocked the Goonie skateboard skin for beating a Freesoul Elite!</color>"; public const string SpecialPlayerNag = "<color=yellow>Beat a Freesoul Elite in any gamemode to unlock a skateboard skin.</color>"; public const string SpecialPlayerJoinMessage = "<color=yellow>A {0} has entered the stage!</color>"; public const string SpecialPlayerLeaveMessage = "<color=yellow>A {0} has left!</color>"; public const string SpecialPlayerInviteMessage = "<color=yellow>A {0} is challenging you to a {1}.</color>"; } public enum SpecialSkins { None = -1, FemaleCop, MaleCop, SpecialPlayer, SeanKingston, Forklift } public static class TMPFilter { public class Criteria { public enum Kinds { Whitelist, Blacklist } public Kinds ListKind; public string[] List; public Criteria(string[] list, Kinds listKind) { List = list; ListKind = listKind; } internal bool CheckTag(string tag) { if (List.Contains(tag.ToLowerInvariant())) { return ListKind == Kinds.Whitelist; } return ListKind == Kinds.Blacklist; } } public static string[] EnclosingTags = new string[30] { "align", "allcaps", "b", "color", "cspace", "font", "font-weight", "gradient", "i", "indent", "line-height", "link", "lowercase", "margin", "mark", "mspace", "nobr", "noparse", "pos", "rotate", "s", "size", "smallcaps", "style", "sub", "sup", "u", "uppercase", "voffset", "width" }; public static bool IsValidChatMessage(string message) { message = Sanitize(message); message = RemoveAllTags(message); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message)) { return false; } return true; } public static string RemoveAllTags(string text) { text = new Regex("<[^>]*>").Replace(text, string.Empty); return text; } public static string EscapeAllTags(string text) { return FilterTags(text, new Criteria(Array.Empty<string>(), Criteria.Kinds.Whitelist)); } public static string FilterTags(string text, Criteria criteria) { bool flag = false; int num = 0; string text2 = ""; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(text); int num2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { char c = text[i]; if (!flag) { if (c == '<') { flag = true; text2 = ""; num = i; } } else if (c == '>') { flag = false; if (text2[0] == '/') { text2 = text2.Substring(1); } if (text2[0] == '#') { text2 = "color"; } text2 = text2.ToLowerInvariant(); if (text2.Contains("=")) { text2 = text2.Split(new char[1] { '=' })[0]; } if (!criteria.CheckTag(text2)) { stringBuilder.Insert(num + 1 + num2, "\u200b"); num2++; } } else { text2 += c; } } return stringBuilder.ToString(); } public static string Sanitize(string text) { text = text.Replace("\n", ""); text = text.Replace("\t", ""); text = text.Replace("\r", ""); return text; } public static string CloseAllTags(string text) { bool flag = false; string text2 = ""; List<string> list = new List<string>(); string text3 = text; for (int i = 0; i < text3.Length; i++) { char c = text3[i]; if (!flag) { if (c == '<') { flag = true; text2 = ""; } } else if (c == '>') { flag = false; if (text2[0] == '/') { if (list.Count > 0) { text2 = text2.Substring(1); if (text2 == list[0]) { list.RemoveAt(0); } } continue; } if (text2[0] == '#') { text2 = "color"; } text2 = text2.ToLowerInvariant(); if (text2.Contains("=")) { text2 = text2.Split(new char[1] { '=' })[0]; } if (EnclosingTags.Contains(text2)) { list.Insert(0, text2); } } else { text2 += c; } } string text4 = ""; foreach (string item in list) { text4 = text4 + "</" + item + ">"; } text += text4; return text; } } public class UIDProvider { private uint _currentUID = 1u; private HashSet<uint> _usedUIDs = new HashSet<uint>(); public uint RequestUID() { while (_usedUIDs.Contains(_currentUID)) { if (_currentUID < uint.MaxValue) { _currentUID++; } else { _currentUID = 1u; } } _usedUIDs.Add(_currentUID); return _currentUID++; } public void FreeUID(uint uid) { _usedUIDs.Remove(uid); } } public enum UserKinds { Player, Mod, Admin } } namespace BombRushMP.Common.Packets { public class ClientAuth : Packet { public string AuthKey = ""; public bool Invisible; public ClientState State; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientAuth; public ClientAuth() { } public ClientAuth(string authKey, ClientState state) { AuthKey = authKey; State = state; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { if (reader.ReadUInt32() != 17) { throw new IncompatibleProtocolException(); } AuthKey = reader.ReadString(); Invisible = reader.ReadBoolean(); State = new ClientState(); State.Read(reader); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(17u); writer.Write(AuthKey); writer.Write(Invisible); State.Write(writer); } } public class ClientChat : Packet { public string Message = ""; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientChat; public ClientChat() { } public ClientChat(string message) { Message = message; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Message = reader.ReadString(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Message); } } public class ClientComboOver : Packet { public float Score; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientComboOver; public ClientComboOver() { } public ClientComboOver(float score) { Score = score; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Score = reader.ReadSingle(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Score); } } public class ClientGamemodeCountdown : Packet { public ushort CountdownSeconds = 3; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientGamemodeCountdown; public ClientGamemodeCountdown() { } public ClientGamemodeCountdown(ushort seconds) { CountdownSeconds = seconds; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { CountdownSeconds = reader.ReadUInt16(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(CountdownSeconds); } } public class ClientGamemodeScore : Packet { public float Score; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientGameModeScore; public ClientGamemodeScore() { } public ClientGamemodeScore(float score) { Score = score; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Score = reader.ReadSingle(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Score); } } public class ClientGraffitiRaceGSpots : Packet { public const int MaxGraffitiSpotsPerPacket = 10; public List<int> GraffitiSpots = new List<int>(); public bool FinalPacket = true; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientGraffitiRaceGSpots; public ClientGraffitiRaceGSpots() { } public ClientGraffitiRaceGSpots(List<int> graffitiSpots, bool final) { GraffitiSpots = graffitiSpots; FinalPacket = final; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { FinalPacket = reader.ReadBoolean(); ushort num = reader.ReadUInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int item = reader.ReadInt32(); GraffitiSpots.Add(item); } } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(FinalPacket); writer.Write((short)GraffitiSpots.Count); foreach (int graffitiSpot in GraffitiSpots) { writer.Write(graffitiSpot); } } } public class ClientGraffitiRaceStart : Packet { public Vector3 SpawnPosition = Vector3.Zero; public Quaternion SpawnRotation = Quaternion.Identity; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientGraffitiRaceStart; public ClientGraffitiRaceStart(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { SpawnPosition = position; SpawnRotation = rotation; } public ClientGraffitiRaceStart() { } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { float x = reader.ReadSingle(); float y = reader.ReadSingle(); float z = reader.ReadSingle(); SpawnPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z); SpawnRotation = Quaternion.Normalize(Compression.ReadCompressedQuaternion(reader)); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(SpawnPosition.X); writer.Write(SpawnPosition.Y); writer.Write(SpawnPosition.Z); Compression.WriteCompressedQuaternion(SpawnRotation, writer); } } public class ClientHitByPlayer : PlayerPacket { public ushort Attacker; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientHitByPlayer; public ClientHitByPlayer() { } public ClientHitByPlayer(ushort attacker) { Attacker = attacker; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Attacker); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Attacker = reader.ReadUInt16(); } } public class ClientLobbyCreate : Packet { public GamemodeIDs GamemodeID; public byte[] Settings; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyCreate; public ClientLobbyCreate() { } public ClientLobbyCreate(GamemodeIDs gamemode, byte[] settings) { GamemodeID = gamemode; Settings = settings; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write((int)GamemodeID); writer.Write(Settings.Length); writer.Write(Settings); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { GamemodeID = (GamemodeIDs)reader.ReadInt32(); int count = reader.ReadInt32(); Settings = reader.ReadBytes(count); } } public class ClientLobbyDeclineAllInvites : Packet { public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyDeclineAllInvites; } public class ClientLobbyDeclineInvite : Packet { public uint LobbyId; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyDeclineInvite; public ClientLobbyDeclineInvite() { } public ClientLobbyDeclineInvite(uint lobbyId) { LobbyId = lobbyId; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(LobbyId); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { LobbyId = reader.ReadUInt32(); } } public class ClientLobbyEnd : Packet { public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyEnd; } public class ClientLobbyInvite : Packet { public ushort InviteeId; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyInvite; public ClientLobbyInvite() { } public ClientLobbyInvite(ushort inviteeId) { InviteeId = inviteeId; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(InviteeId); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { InviteeId = reader.ReadUInt16(); } } public class ClientLobbyJoin : Packet { public uint LobbyId; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyJoin; public ClientLobbyJoin() { } public ClientLobbyJoin(uint lobbyId) { LobbyId = lobbyId; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { LobbyId = reader.ReadUInt32(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(LobbyId); } } public class ClientLobbyKick : Packet { public ushort PlayerId; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyKick; public ClientLobbyKick() { } public ClientLobbyKick(ushort playerId) { PlayerId = playerId; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(PlayerId); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { PlayerId = reader.ReadUInt16(); } } public class ClientLobbyLeave : Packet { public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyLeave; } public class ClientLobbySetAllowTeamSwitching : Packet { public bool Set = true; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbySetAllowTeamSwitching; public ClientLobbySetAllowTeamSwitching() { } public ClientLobbySetAllowTeamSwitching(bool set) { Set = set; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Set = reader.ReadBoolean(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Set); } } public class ClientLobbySetChallenge : Packet { public bool Set = true; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbySetChallenge; public ClientLobbySetChallenge() { } public ClientLobbySetChallenge(bool set) { Set = set; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Set = reader.ReadBoolean(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Set); } } public class ClientLobbySetGamemode : Packet { public GamemodeIDs Gamemode; public byte[] GamemodeSettings = Array.Empty<byte>(); public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbySetGamemode; public ClientLobbySetGamemode() { } public ClientLobbySetGamemode(GamemodeIDs gamemode, byte[] gamemodeSettings) { Gamemode = gamemode; GamemodeSettings = gamemodeSettings; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Gamemode = (GamemodeIDs)reader.ReadInt32(); int count = reader.ReadInt32(); GamemodeSettings = reader.ReadBytes(count); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write((int)Gamemode); writer.Write(GamemodeSettings.Length); writer.Write(GamemodeSettings); } } public class ClientLobbySetPlayerTeam : Packet { public ushort PlayerId; public byte TeamId; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbySetPlayerTeam; public ClientLobbySetPlayerTeam() { } public ClientLobbySetPlayerTeam(ushort playerId, byte teamId) { PlayerId = playerId; TeamId = teamId; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(PlayerId); writer.Write(TeamId); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { PlayerId = reader.ReadUInt16(); TeamId = reader.ReadByte(); } } public class ClientLobbySetReady : Packet { public bool Ready; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbySetReady; public ClientLobbySetReady() { } public ClientLobbySetReady(bool ready) { Ready = ready; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Ready); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Ready = reader.ReadBoolean(); } } public class ClientLobbyStart : Packet { public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientLobbyStart; } public class ClientScoreBattleLength : Packet { public byte Minutes = 3; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientScoreBattleLength; public ClientScoreBattleLength(byte minutes) { Minutes = minutes; } public ClientScoreBattleLength() { } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Minutes); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Minutes = reader.ReadByte(); } } public class ClientSetTeam : Packet { public byte Team; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientSetTeam; public ClientSetTeam() { } public ClientSetTeam(byte team) { Team = team; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Team = reader.ReadByte(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Team); } } public class ClientState : Packet { public Guid CrewBoomCharacter = Guid.Empty; public sbyte Character; public sbyte FallbackCharacter; public byte FallbackOutfit; public byte Outfit; public SpecialSkins SpecialSkin = SpecialSkins.None; public int SpecialSkinVariant = -1; public string Name = "Player"; public string CrewName = ""; public int Stage; public AuthUser User = new AuthUser(); public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientState; public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { if (Guid.TryParse(reader.ReadString(), out var result)) { CrewBoomCharacter = result; } Character = reader.ReadSByte(); FallbackCharacter = reader.ReadSByte(); FallbackOutfit = reader.ReadByte(); Outfit = reader.ReadByte(); Stage = reader.ReadInt32(); Name = reader.ReadString(); CrewName = reader.ReadString(); SpecialSkin = (SpecialSkins)reader.ReadInt32(); SpecialSkinVariant = reader.ReadInt32(); new AuthUser(); User.Read(reader); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(CrewBoomCharacter.ToString()); writer.Write(Character); writer.Write(FallbackCharacter); writer.Write(FallbackOutfit); writer.Write(Outfit); writer.Write(Stage); writer.Write(Name); writer.Write(CrewName); writer.Write((int)SpecialSkin); writer.Write(SpecialSkinVariant); User.Write(writer); } } public class IncompatibleProtocolException : Exception { } public class ClientTeamGraffRaceScore : Packet { public int TagHash; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientTeamGraffRaceScore; public ClientTeamGraffRaceScore() { } public ClientTeamGraffRaceScore(int tagHash) { TagHash = tagHash; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(TagHash); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { TagHash = reader.ReadInt32(); } } public class ClientVisualState : Packet { private enum BooleanMask { MoveStyleEquipped, SprayCanHeld, PhoneHeld, AFK, Hitbox, HitboxLeftLeg, HitboxRightLeg, HitboxUpperBody, HitboxAerial, HitboxRadial, HitboxSpray, BoostpackTrail, Chibi, BoEAnimation, MAX } private const float PhoneDirectionMaxValue = 2f; public Vector3 Position = Vector3.Zero; public Vector3 VisualPosition = Vector3.Zero; public Vector3 Velocity = Vector3.Zero; public Quaternion Rotation = Quaternion.Identity; public Quaternion VisualRotation = Quaternion.Identity; public bool MoveStyleEquipped; public int MoveStyle; public float GrindDirection; public bool SprayCanHeld; public bool PhoneHeld; public float PhoneDirectionX; public float PhoneDirectionY; public float TurnDirection1; public float TurnDirection2; public float TurnDirection3; public float TurnDirectionSkateboard; public PlayerStates State; public byte DustEmissionRate; public byte BoostpackEffectMode; public byte FrictionEffectMode; public int CurrentAnimation; public float CurrentAnimationTime; public bool AFK; public byte MoveStyleSkin; public int MPMoveStyleSkin = -1; public bool Hitbox; public bool HitboxLeftLeg; public bool HitboxRightLeg; public bool HitboxUpperBody; public bool HitboxAerial; public bool HitboxRadial; public bool HitboxSpray; public bool BoostpackTrail; public bool Chibi; public bool BoEAnimation; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ClientVisualState; public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write((byte)State); writer.Write(Position.X); writer.Write(Position.Y); writer.Write(Position.Z); writer.Write(VisualPosition.X); writer.Write(VisualPosition.Y); writer.Write(VisualPosition.Z); Compression.WriteCompressedQuaternion(Rotation, writer); Compression.WriteCompressedQuaternion(VisualRotation, writer); writer.Write(Velocity.X); writer.Write(Velocity.Y); writer.Write(Velocity.Z); Bitfield bitfield = new Bitfield(BooleanMask.MAX); bitfield[BooleanMask.MoveStyleEquipped] = MoveStyleEquipped; bitfield[BooleanMask.SprayCanHeld] = SprayCanHeld; bitfield[BooleanMask.PhoneHeld] = PhoneHeld; bitfield[BooleanMask.AFK] = AFK; bitfield[BooleanMask.Hitbox] = Hitbox; bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxLeftLeg] = HitboxLeftLeg; bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxRightLeg] = HitboxRightLeg; bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxUpperBody] = HitboxUpperBody; bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxAerial] = HitboxAerial; bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxRadial] = HitboxRadial; bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxSpray] = HitboxSpray; bitfield[BooleanMask.BoostpackTrail] = BoostpackTrail; bitfield[BooleanMask.Chibi] = Chibi; bitfield[BooleanMask.BoEAnimation] = BoEAnimation; bitfield.WriteShort(writer); writer.Write(MoveStyle); writer.Write(Compression.CompressToByte(PhoneDirectionX, 2f)); writer.Write(Compression.CompressToByte(PhoneDirectionY, 2f)); writer.Write(Compression.CompressNormal(TurnDirection1)); writer.Write(Compression.CompressNormal(TurnDirection2)); writer.Write(Compression.CompressNormal(TurnDirection3)); writer.Write(Compression.CompressNormal(TurnDirectionSkateboard)); writer.Write(Compression.CompressNormal(GrindDirection)); writer.Write(DustEmissionRate); writer.Write(BoostpackEffectMode); writer.Write(FrictionEffectMode); writer.Write(CurrentAnimation); writer.Write(CurrentAnimationTime); writer.Write(MoveStyleSkin); writer.Write(MPMoveStyleSkin); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { State = (PlayerStates)reader.ReadByte(); float x = reader.ReadSingle(); float y = reader.ReadSingle(); float z = reader.ReadSingle(); float x2 = reader.ReadSingle(); float y2 = reader.ReadSingle(); float z2 = reader.ReadSingle(); Rotation = Quaternion.Normalize(Compression.ReadCompressedQuaternion(reader)); VisualRotation = Quaternion.Normalize(Compression.ReadCompressedQuaternion(reader)); float x3 = reader.ReadSingle(); float y3 = reader.ReadSingle(); float z3 = reader.ReadSingle(); Bitfield bitfield = Bitfield.ReadShort(reader); MoveStyleEquipped = bitfield[BooleanMask.MoveStyleEquipped]; SprayCanHeld = bitfield[BooleanMask.SprayCanHeld]; PhoneHeld = bitfield[BooleanMask.PhoneHeld]; AFK = bitfield[BooleanMask.AFK]; bool hitbox2 = (bitfield[BooleanMask.Hitbox] = Hitbox); Hitbox = hitbox2; HitboxLeftLeg = bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxLeftLeg]; HitboxRightLeg = bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxRightLeg]; HitboxUpperBody = bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxUpperBody]; HitboxAerial = bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxAerial]; HitboxRadial = bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxRadial]; HitboxSpray = bitfield[BooleanMask.HitboxSpray]; BoostpackTrail = bitfield[BooleanMask.BoostpackTrail]; Chibi = bitfield[BooleanMask.Chibi]; BoEAnimation = bitfield[BooleanMask.BoEAnimation]; MoveStyle = reader.ReadInt32(); PhoneDirectionX = Compression.DecompressFromByte(reader.ReadSByte(), 2f); PhoneDirectionY = Compression.DecompressFromByte(reader.ReadSByte(), 2f); TurnDirection1 = Compression.DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); TurnDirection2 = Compression.DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); TurnDirection3 = Compression.DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); TurnDirectionSkateboard = Compression.DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); GrindDirection = Compression.DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); Position = new Vector3(x, y, z); VisualPosition = new Vector3(x2, y2, z2); Velocity = new Vector3(x3, y3, z3); DustEmissionRate = reader.ReadByte(); BoostpackEffectMode = reader.ReadByte(); FrictionEffectMode = reader.ReadByte(); CurrentAnimation = reader.ReadInt32(); CurrentAnimationTime = reader.ReadSingle(); MoveStyleSkin = reader.ReadByte(); MPMoveStyleSkin = reader.ReadInt32(); } } public abstract class Packet { public abstract Packets PacketId { get; } public virtual void Read(BinaryReader reader) { } public virtual void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { } } public static class PacketFactory { private static Dictionary<Packets, Type> _packetTypeById = new Dictionary<Packets, Type>(); private static INetworkingInterface NetworkingInterface => NetworkingEnvironment.NetworkingInterface; public static void Initialize() { Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes(); foreach (Type type in types) { if (typeof(Packet).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !type.IsAbstract) { Packet packet = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as Packet; _packetTypeById[packet.PacketId] = type; } } } public static IMessage MessageFromPacket(Packet packet, IMessage.SendModes sendMode, NetChannels channel) { IMessage message = NetworkingInterface.CreateMessage(sendMode, channel, packet.PacketId); using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); packet.Write(writer); message.Add(memoryStream.ToArray()); return message; } public static Packet PacketFromMessage(Packets packetId, IMessage message) { using MemoryStream input = new MemoryStream(message.GetBytes()); using BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(input); Packet packet = null; if (_packetTypeById.TryGetValue(packetId, out var value)) { packet = Activator.CreateInstance(value) as Packet; } packet?.Read(reader); return packet; } } public enum Packets : ushort { ClientState, ServerConnectionResponse, ServerClientStates, ClientVisualState, ServerClientVisualStates, PlayerAnimation, PlayerVoice, PlayerGenericEvent, PlayerGraffitiSlash, PlayerGraffitiFinisher, ClientLobbyCreate, ClientLobbyJoin, ClientLobbyLeave, ServerLobbies, ServerLobbyCreateResponse, ServerLobbyDeleted, ClientLobbyStart, ServerLobbyStart, ServerLobbyEnd, ServerGamemodeBegin, ClientGameModeScore, ClientLobbyEnd, ClientGraffitiRaceGSpots, ClientLobbySetGamemode, ServerPlayerCount, ClientLobbySetReady, ClientLobbyInvite, ServerLobbyInvite, ClientLobbyDeclineInvite, ClientLobbyDeclineAllInvites, ClientLobbyKick, ClientChat, ServerChat, ClientComboOver, ClientAuth, ServerBanList, ClientGraffitiRaceStart, ClientGamemodeCountdown, ClientScoreBattleLength, ClientHitByPlayer, ServerSetChibi, ClientSetTeam, ClientTeamGraffRaceScore, ServerTeamGraffRaceScore, ClientLobbySetAllowTeamSwitching, ClientLobbySetPlayerTeam, ClientLobbySetChallenge, ServerLobbySoftUpdate, ServerClientDisconnected, ServerSetSpecialSkin, ServerServerStateUpdate } public class PlayerAnimation : PlayerPacket { private enum BooleanMask { ForceOverwrite, Instant, BoE, MAX } public static IMessage.SendModes ClientSendMode = IMessage.SendModes.ReliableUnordered; public static IMessage.SendModes ServerSendMode = IMessage.SendModes.Unreliable; public int NewAnim; public bool ForceOverwrite; public bool Instant; public bool BoE; public float AtTime; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.PlayerAnimation; public PlayerAnimation() { } public PlayerAnimation(int newAnim, bool forceOverwrite = false, bool instant = false, float atTime = -1f) { NewAnim = newAnim; ForceOverwrite = forceOverwrite; Instant = instant; AtTime = atTime; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { base.Write(writer); writer.Write(ClientId); writer.Write(NewAnim); Bitfield bitfield = new Bitfield(BooleanMask.MAX); bitfield[BooleanMask.Instant] = Instant; bitfield[BooleanMask.ForceOverwrite] = ForceOverwrite; bitfield[BooleanMask.BoE] = BoE; bitfield.WriteByte(writer); writer.Write(Compression.CompressNormal(AtTime)); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { base.Read(reader); ClientId = reader.ReadUInt16(); NewAnim = reader.ReadInt32(); Bitfield bitfield = Bitfield.ReadByte(reader); Instant = bitfield[BooleanMask.Instant]; ForceOverwrite = bitfield[BooleanMask.ForceOverwrite]; BoE = bitfield[BooleanMask.BoE]; AtTime = Compression.DecompressNormal(reader.ReadSByte()); } } public class PlayerGenericEvent : PlayerPacket { public GenericEvents Event; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.PlayerGenericEvent; public PlayerGenericEvent() { } public PlayerGenericEvent(GenericEvents ev) { Event = ev; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { base.Read(reader); Event = (GenericEvents)reader.ReadInt32(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { base.Write(writer); writer.Write((int)Event); } } public class PlayerGraffitiFinisher : PlayerPacket { public byte GraffitiSize; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.PlayerGraffitiFinisher; public PlayerGraffitiFinisher() { } public PlayerGraffitiFinisher(byte graffitiSize) { GraffitiSize = graffitiSize; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { base.Read(reader); GraffitiSize = reader.ReadByte(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { base.Write(writer); writer.Write(GraffitiSize); } } public class PlayerGraffitiSlash : PlayerPacket { public Vector3 Direction = Vector3.Zero; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.PlayerGraffitiSlash; public PlayerGraffitiSlash() { } public PlayerGraffitiSlash(Vector3 direction) { Direction = direction; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { base.Read(reader); Direction = Compression.ReadCompressedVector3Normal(reader); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { base.Write(writer); Compression.WriteCompressedVector3Normal(Direction, writer); } } public abstract class PlayerPacket : Packet { public ushort ClientId; public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { ClientId = reader.ReadUInt16(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(ClientId); } } public class PlayerVoice : PlayerPacket { public int AudioClipId; public int VoicePriority; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.PlayerVoice; public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { base.Read(reader); AudioClipId = reader.ReadInt32(); VoicePriority = reader.ReadInt32(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { base.Write(writer); writer.Write(AudioClipId); writer.Write(VoicePriority); } } public class ServerBanList : Packet { public string JsonData = ""; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerBanList; public ServerBanList() { } public ServerBanList(string banList) { JsonData = banList; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { JsonData = reader.ReadString(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(JsonData); } } public class ServerChat : Packet { public string Author = ""; public string Message = ""; public int[] Badges = Array.Empty<int>(); public ChatMessageTypes MessageType; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerChat; public ServerChat() { } public ServerChat(ChatMessageTypes messageType) { MessageType = messageType; } public ServerChat(string author, string message, int[] badges = null, ChatMessageTypes messageType = ChatMessageTypes.Chat) { Author = author; Message = message; MessageType = messageType; Badges = badges; if (Badges == null) { Badges = Array.Empty<int>(); } } public ServerChat(string message, ChatMessageTypes messageType = ChatMessageTypes.System) { Message = message; MessageType = messageType; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Author = reader.ReadString(); Message = reader.ReadString(); MessageType = (ChatMessageTypes)reader.ReadInt32(); int num = reader.ReadInt32(); Badges = new int[num]; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Badges[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); } } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Author); writer.Write(Message); writer.Write((int)MessageType); writer.Write(Badges.Length); int[] badges = Badges; foreach (int value in badges) { writer.Write(value); } } } public class ServerClientDisconnected : Packet { public ushort ClientId; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerClientDisconnected; public ServerClientDisconnected(ushort clientId) { ClientId = clientId; } public ServerClientDisconnected() { } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(ClientId); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { ClientId = reader.ReadUInt16(); } } public class ServerClientStates : Packet { public Dictionary<ushort, ClientState> ClientStates = new Dictionary<ushort, ClientState>(); public bool Full; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerClientStates; public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Full = reader.ReadBoolean(); int num = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { ushort key = reader.ReadUInt16(); ClientState clientState = new ClientState(); clientState.Read(reader); ClientStates[key] = clientState; } } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Full); writer.Write(ClientStates.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, ClientState> clientState in ClientStates) { writer.Write(clientState.Key); clientState.Value.Write(writer); } } } public class ServerClientVisualStates : Packet { public Dictionary<ushort, ClientVisualState> ClientVisualStates = new Dictionary<ushort, ClientVisualState>(); public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerClientVisualStates; public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { int num = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { ushort key = reader.ReadUInt16(); ClientVisualState clientVisualState = new ClientVisualState(); clientVisualState.Read(reader); ClientVisualStates[key] = clientVisualState; } } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(ClientVisualStates.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, ClientVisualState> clientVisualState in ClientVisualStates) { writer.Write(clientVisualState.Key); clientVisualState.Value.Write(writer); } } } public class ServerConnectionResponse : Packet { public ushort LocalClientId; public float TickRate = 1f / 32f; public IMessage.SendModes ClientAnimationSendMode = IMessage.SendModes.ReliableUnordered; public AuthUser User; public ServerState ServerState; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerConnectionResponse; public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { LocalClientId = reader.ReadUInt16(); TickRate = reader.ReadSingle(); ClientAnimationSendMode = (IMessage.SendModes)reader.ReadByte(); User = new AuthUser(); User.Read(reader); ServerState = new ServerState(); ServerState.Read(reader); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(LocalClientId); writer.Write(TickRate); writer.Write((byte)ClientAnimationSendMode); User.Write(writer); ServerState.Write(writer); } } public class ServerGamemodeBegin : Packet { public DateTime StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerGamemodeBegin; public ServerGamemodeBegin() { } public ServerGamemodeBegin(DateTime startTime) { StartTime = startTime; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { StartTime = DateTime.FromBinary(reader.ReadInt64()); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(StartTime.ToBinary()); } } public class ServerLobbies : Packet { public List<LobbyState> Lobbies = new List<LobbyState>(); public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerLobbies; public ServerLobbies() { } public ServerLobbies(List<LobbyState> lobbies) { Lobbies = lobbies; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { int num = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { LobbyState lobbyState = new LobbyState(); lobbyState.Read(reader); Lobbies.Add(lobbyState); } } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Lobbies.Count); foreach (LobbyState lobby in Lobbies) { lobby.Write(writer); } } } public class ServerLobbyCreateResponse : Packet { public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerLobbyCreateResponse; } public class ServerLobbyDeleted : Packet { public uint LobbyUID; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerLobbyDeleted; public ServerLobbyDeleted() { } public ServerLobbyDeleted(uint lobbyUid) { LobbyUID = lobbyUid; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { LobbyUID = reader.ReadUInt32(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(LobbyUID); } } public class ServerLobbyEnd : Packet { public bool Cancelled; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerLobbyEnd; public ServerLobbyEnd() { } public ServerLobbyEnd(bool cancelled) { Cancelled = cancelled; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Cancelled = reader.ReadBoolean(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Cancelled); } } public class ServerLobbyInvite : Packet { public ushort InviteeId; public ushort InviterId; public uint LobbyId; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerLobbyInvite; public ServerLobbyInvite() { } public ServerLobbyInvite(ushort inviteeId, ushort inviterId, uint lobbyId) { InviteeId = inviteeId; InviterId = inviterId; LobbyId = lobbyId; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(InviteeId); writer.Write(InviterId); writer.Write(LobbyId); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { InviteeId = reader.ReadUInt16(); InviterId = reader.ReadUInt16(); LobbyId = reader.ReadUInt32(); } } public class ServerLobbySoftUpdate : Packet { public uint LobbyId; public ushort PlayerId; public float Score; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerLobbySoftUpdate; public ServerLobbySoftUpdate() { } public ServerLobbySoftUpdate(uint lobbyId, ushort playerId, float score) { LobbyId = lobbyId; PlayerId = playerId; Score = score; } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(LobbyId); writer.Write(PlayerId); writer.Write(Score); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { LobbyId = reader.ReadUInt32(); PlayerId = reader.ReadUInt16(); Score = reader.ReadSingle(); } } public class ServerLobbyStart : Packet { public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerLobbyStart; } public class ServerPlayerCount : Packet { public Dictionary<int, int> PlayerCountByStage = new Dictionary<int, int>(); public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerPlayerCount; public ServerPlayerCount() { } public ServerPlayerCount(Dictionary<int, int> playerCountByStage) { PlayerCountByStage = playerCountByStage; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { int num = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int key = reader.ReadInt32(); int value = reader.ReadInt32(); PlayerCountByStage[key] = value; } } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(PlayerCountByStage.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> item in PlayerCountByStage) { writer.Write(item.Key); writer.Write(item.Value); } } } public class ServerServerStateUpdate : Packet { public ServerState State; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerServerStateUpdate; public ServerServerStateUpdate(ServerState state) { State = state; } public ServerServerStateUpdate() { } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { State = new ServerState(); State.Read(reader); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { State.Write(writer); } } public class ServerSetChibi : Packet { public bool Set; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerSetChibi; public ServerSetChibi(bool set) { Set = set; } public ServerSetChibi() { } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(Set); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { Set = reader.ReadBoolean(); } } public class ServerSetSpecialSkin : Packet { public SpecialSkins SpecialSkin = SpecialSkins.None; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerSetSpecialSkin; public ServerSetSpecialSkin(SpecialSkins specialSkin) { SpecialSkin = specialSkin; } public ServerSetSpecialSkin() { } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write((int)SpecialSkin); } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { SpecialSkin = (SpecialSkins)reader.ReadInt32(); } } public class ServerTeamGraffRaceScore : Packet { public int TagHash; public ushort PlayerId; public override Packets PacketId => Packets.ServerTeamGraffRaceScore; public ServerTeamGraffRaceScore() { } public ServerTeamGraffRaceScore(ushort playerId, int tagHash) { PlayerId = playerId; TagHash = tagHash; } public override void Read(BinaryReader reader) { PlayerId = reader.ReadUInt16(); TagHash = reader.ReadInt32(); } public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(PlayerId); writer.Write(TagHash); } } } namespace BombRushMP.Common.Networking { public class ConnectionFailedEventArgs { public readonly string Reason; public ConnectionFailedEventArgs(string reason) { Reason = reason; } } public class DisconnectedEventArgs { public readonly string Reason; public DisconnectedEventArgs(string reason) { Reason = reason; } } public interface IMessage { public enum SendModes { Unreliable, Reliable, ReliableUnordered } byte[] GetBytes(); IMessage Add(byte[] data); } public interface INetClient { bool IsConnected { get; } EventHandler Connected { get; set; } EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived { get; set; } EventHandler<DisconnectedEventArgs> Disconnected { get; set; } EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs> ConnectionFailed { get; set; } bool Connect(string address, int port); void Disconnect(); void Update(); void Send(IMessage message); } public interface INetConnection { bool CanQualityDisconnect { get; set; } ushort Id { get; } string Address { get; } void Send(IMessage message); } public interface INetServer { EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived { get; set; } EventHandler<ServerDisconnectedEventArgs> ClientDisconnected { get; set; } EventHandler<ServerConnectedEventArgs> ClientConnected { get; set; } int TimeoutTime { set; } void Start(ushort port, ushort maxPlayers); void DisconnectClient(ushort id); void DisconnectClient(INetConnection client); void Update(); void Stop(); } public interface INetworkingInterface { int MaxPayloadSize { get; set; } INetClient CreateClient(); INetServer CreateServer(); IMessage CreateMessage(IMessage.SendModes sendMode, NetChannels channel, Enum packetId); } public class MessageReceivedEventArgs { public readonly ushort MessageId; public readonly IMessage Message; public readonly INetConnection FromConnection; public MessageReceivedEventArgs(ushort messageId, IMessage message, INetConnection fromConnection) { MessageId = messageId; Message = message; FromConnection = fromConnection; } } public enum NetChannels : byte { Default, Gamemodes, ClientAndLobbyUpdates, VisualUpdates, Chat, Animation, MAX } public static class NetworkingEnvironment { public static INetworkingInterface NetworkingInterface; public static bool UseNativeSocketsIfAvailable = true; public static Action<string> LogEventHandler; public static void Log(string message) { LogEventHandler?.Invoke(message); } } public class ServerConnectedEventArgs { public readonly INetConnection Client; public ServerConnectedEventArgs(INetConnection client) { Client = client; } } public class ServerDisconnectedEventArgs { public readonly INetConnection Client; public readonly string Reason; public ServerDisconnectedEventArgs(INetConnection client, string reason) { Client = client; Reason = reason; } } }
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using BombRushMP.Common; using BombRushMP.PluginCommon; using CommonAPI; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Reptile; using UnityEngine; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace BombRushMP.CrewBoom { internal static class AudioLibraryUtils { public static AudioLibrary CreateFromCrewBoomCharacterDefinition(object definition) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0017: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0032: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_010e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0130: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0141: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0152: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0164: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0176: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0189: Expected O, but got Unknown AudioLibrary val = new AudioLibrary(); AudioCollection val2 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val3 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val4 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val5 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val6 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val7 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val8 = new AudioCollection(); AudioClip[] collection = CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionVoiceJumpField.GetValue(definition) as AudioClip[]; AudioClip[] collection2 = CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionVoiceGetHitField.GetValue(definition) as AudioClip[]; AudioClip[] collection3 = CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionVoiceDieField.GetValue(definition) as AudioClip[]; AudioClip[] collection4 = CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionVoiceDieFallField.GetValue(definition) as AudioClip[]; AudioClip[] collection5 = CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionVoiceComboField.GetValue(definition) as AudioClip[]; AudioClip[] collection6 = CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionVoiceBoostTrickField.GetValue(definition) as AudioClip[]; AudioClip[] collection7 = CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionVoiceTalkField.GetValue(definition) as AudioClip[]; val2.Clips.AddRange(collection); val3.Clips.AddRange(collection2); val4.Clips.AddRange(collection3); val5.Clips.AddRange(collection4); val6.Clips.AddRange(collection5); val7.Clips.AddRange(collection6); val8.Clips.AddRange(collection7); val.Collections[(AudioClipID)489] = val2; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)488] = val3; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)484] = val4; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)485] = val5; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)487] = val6; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)498] = val7; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)486] = val8; return val; } } public class CharacterHandle : IDisposable { public bool Finished; public bool Failed; public Action OnLoadFinished; private AssetBundleCreateRequest _request; private AssetBundle _bundle; public Guid GUID = Guid.Empty; private AssetBundleRequest _assetRequest; public GameObject CharacterPrefab { get; private set; } public int References { get; private set; } public AudioLibrary AudioLibrary { get; private set; } public CharacterHandle(Guid guid) { GUID = guid; } public void LoadAsync(string bundle) { _request = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(bundle); ((AsyncOperation)_request).completed += OnAssetBundleLoadCompletion; } private void OnAssetBundleLoadCompletion(AsyncOperation operation) { _bundle = _request.assetBundle; Failed = (Object)(object)_bundle == (Object)null; if (!Failed) { _assetRequest = _bundle.LoadAllAssetsAsync<GameObject>(); ((AsyncOperation)_assetRequest).completed += OnGameObjectsLoadCompletion; } else { Finished = true; OnLoadFinished?.Invoke(); } } private void OnGameObjectsLoadCompletion(AsyncOperation operation) { Object[] allAssets = _assetRequest.allAssets; foreach (Object obj in allAssets) { GameObject val = (GameObject)(object)((obj is GameObject) ? obj : null); if (!((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)) { Component component = val.GetComponent(CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionType); if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null) { CharacterPrefab = val; AudioLibrary = AudioLibraryUtils.CreateFromCrewBoomCharacterDefinition(component); break; } } } Failed = (Object)(object)CharacterPrefab != (Object)null; Finished = true; OnLoadFinished?.Invoke(); } public void Load(string bundle) { try { _bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(bundle); GameObject[] array = _bundle.LoadAllAssets<GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject val in array) { Component component = val.GetComponent(CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionType); if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null) { CharacterPrefab = val; AudioLibrary = AudioLibraryUtils.CreateFromCrewBoomCharacterDefinition(component); break; } } } finally { Failed = (Object)(object)_bundle == (Object)null; Finished = true; OnLoadFinished?.Invoke(); } } public void AddReference() { References++; } public void Release() { References--; } public void Dispose() { if ((Object)(object)_bundle != (Object)null) { _bundle.Unload(true); _bundle = null; } } public CharacterVisual ConstructVisual() { //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0026: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(CharacterPrefab); GameObject val = new GameObject(((Object)CharacterPrefab).name + " Visual"); obj.transform.SetParent(val.transform, false); obj.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(, Quaternion.identity); return val.AddComponent<CharacterVisual>(); } } public static class CrewBoomStreamer { public static bool AlreadyLoadedThisSession = false; internal static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionIdField; internal static Dictionary<Guid, CharacterHandle> CharacterHandleByGUID = new Dictionary<Guid, CharacterHandle>(); private static Dictionary<Guid, string> BundlePathByGUID = new Dictionary<Guid, string>(); private static List<string> Directories = new List<string>(); public static int LoadedCharacters => CharacterHandleByGUID.Count; public static Shader CharacterShader { get; private set; } public static void Initialize() { CharacterDefinitionIdField = CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("Id"); } public static void AddDirectory(string directory) { Directories.Add(directory); Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } public static void ReloadResources() { CharacterShader = AssetAPI.GetShader((ShaderNames)0); } public static void ReloadCharacters() { foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, CharacterHandle> item in CharacterHandleByGUID) { item.Value.Dispose(); } CharacterHandleByGUID.Clear(); BundlePathByGUID.Clear(); foreach (string directory in Directories) { LoadFromDirectory(directory); } AlreadyLoadedThisSession = true; } public static void LoadFromDirectory(string directory) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.cbb", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string text in files) { string path = Path.ChangeExtension(text, ".txt"); if (File.Exists(path)) { Register(Guid.Parse(File.ReadAllText(path)), text); continue; } AssetBundle val = null; try { val = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(text); GameObject[] array = val.LoadAllAssets<GameObject>(); for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++) { Component component = array[j].GetComponent(CrewBoomTypes.CharacterDefinitionType); if ((Object)(object)component != (Object)null) { Guid guid = Guid.Parse(CharacterDefinitionIdField.GetValue(component) as string); Register(guid, text); File.WriteAllText(path, guid.ToString()); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } finally { if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null) { val.Unload(true); } } } } public static bool HasCharacter(Guid guid) { return BundlePathByGUID.ContainsKey(guid); } public static CharacterHandle RequestCharacter(Guid guid, bool isAsync) { if (CharacterHandleByGUID.TryGetValue(guid, out var value)) { value.AddReference(); return value; } if (BundlePathByGUID.TryGetValue(guid, out var value2)) { CharacterHandle characterHandle = new CharacterHandle(guid); if (isAsync) { characterHandle.LoadAsync(value2); } else { characterHandle.Load(value2); } characterHandle.AddReference(); CharacterHandleByGUID[guid] = characterHandle; return characterHandle; } return null; } public static void Tick() { foreach (KeyValuePair<Guid, CharacterHandle> item in new Dictionary<Guid, CharacterHandle>(CharacterHandleByGUID)) { if (item.Value.References <= 0 && item.Value.Finished) { item.Value.Dispose(); CharacterHandleByGUID.Remove(item.Key); } } } private static void Register(Guid guid, string file) { BundlePathByGUID[guid] = file; } } public static class CrewBoomSupport { public const string SKATE_OFFSET_L = "skateOffsetL"; public const string SKATE_OFFSET_R = "skateOffsetR"; private static Dictionary<Characters, List<Guid>> _characterIds; private static MethodInfo _customCharactersTryGetValueMethod; private static PropertyInfo _customCharacterDefinitionProperty; private static FieldInfo _characterDefinitionIdField; public static bool Installed { get; private set; } public static void Initialize() { Installed = true; CrewBoomTypes.Initialize(); _characterIds = ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("CrewBoom.CharacterDatabase").GetField("_characterIds", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null) as Dictionary<Characters, List<Guid>>; } public static Characters GetCharacterForGuid(Guid guid, Characters fallback = 3) { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0060: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (guid.Equals(Guid.Empty)) { return fallback; } foreach (KeyValuePair<Characters, List<Guid>> characterId in _characterIds) { if (characterId.Value != null && characterId.Value.Contains(guid)) { return characterId.Key; } } return fallback; } public static Guid GetGuidForCharacter(Characters character) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0003: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ((int)character < 26) { return Guid.Empty; } if (_characterIds.TryGetValue(character, out var value)) { return value[0]; } return Guid.Empty; } } public static class CrewBoomTypes { public static Type CharacterDefinitionType; public static Type CharacterOutfitType; public static Type CharacterOutfitRendererType; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionOutfitsField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionRenderersField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionCanBlinkField; public static FieldInfo CharacterOutfitEnabledRenderersField; public static FieldInfo CharacterOutfitMaterialContainersField; public static FieldInfo CharacterOutfitRendererMaterialsField; public static FieldInfo CharacterOutfitRendererUseShaderForMaterialField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionVoiceDieField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionVoiceDieFallField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionVoiceTalkField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionVoiceBoostTrickField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionVoiceComboField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionVoiceGetHitField; public static FieldInfo CharacterDefinitionVoiceJumpField; public static void Initialize() { CharacterDefinitionType = ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("CrewBoomMono.CharacterDefinition"); CharacterOutfitType = ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("CrewBoomMono.CharacterOutfit"); CharacterOutfitRendererType = ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("CrewBoomMono.CharacterOutfitRenderer"); CharacterDefinitionOutfitsField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("Outfits"); CharacterDefinitionRenderersField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("Renderers"); CharacterDefinitionCanBlinkField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("CanBlink"); CharacterOutfitEnabledRenderersField = CharacterOutfitType.GetField("EnabledRenderers"); CharacterOutfitMaterialContainersField = CharacterOutfitType.GetField("MaterialContainers"); CharacterOutfitRendererMaterialsField = CharacterOutfitRendererType.GetField("Materials"); CharacterOutfitRendererUseShaderForMaterialField = CharacterOutfitRendererType.GetField("UseShaderForMaterial"); CharacterDefinitionVoiceDieField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("VoiceDie"); CharacterDefinitionVoiceDieFallField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("VoiceDieFall"); CharacterDefinitionVoiceTalkField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("VoiceTalk"); CharacterDefinitionVoiceBoostTrickField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("VoiceBoostTrick"); CharacterDefinitionVoiceComboField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("VoiceCombo"); CharacterDefinitionVoiceGetHitField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("VoiceGetHit"); CharacterDefinitionVoiceJumpField = CharacterDefinitionType.GetField("VoiceJump"); } } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)] internal sealed class IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute : Attribute { public IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute(string assemblyName) { } } }
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using BombRushMP.Common.Networking; using LiteNetLib; using LiteNetLib.Layers; using LiteNetLib.Utils; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BombRushMP.LiteNetLibInterface")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BombRushMP.LiteNetLibInterface")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2025")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("12cf70a5-535b-4ce2-be8f-c0f34cab3614")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] namespace BombRushMP.LiteNetLibInterface; public class LiteNetLibClient : INetClient { private EventBasedNetListener _netListener; private NetManager _netManager; public bool IsConnected { get { //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0026: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if (_netManager != null && _netManager.FirstPeer != null) { return (int)_netManager.FirstPeer.ConnectionState == 4; } return false; } } public EventHandler Connected { get; set; } public EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived { get; set; } public EventHandler<DisconnectedEventArgs> Disconnected { get; set; } public EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs> ConnectionFailed { get; set; } public LiteNetLibClient() { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0028: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0056: Expected O, but got Unknown _netListener = new EventBasedNetListener(); _netListener.PeerConnectedEvent += new OnPeerConnected(_netListener_PeerConnectedEvent); _netListener.NetworkReceiveEvent += new OnNetworkReceive(_netListener_NetworkReceiveEvent); _netListener.PeerDisconnectedEvent += new OnPeerDisconnected(_netListener_PeerDisconnectedEvent); } private void _netListener_PeerDisconnectedEvent(NetPeer peer, DisconnectInfo disconnectInfo) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0056: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002d: Expected O, but got Unknown if ((int)disconnectInfo.Reason == 0) { EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs> connectionFailed = ConnectionFailed; if (connectionFailed != null) { DisconnectReason val = (DisconnectReason)0; connectionFailed(this, new ConnectionFailedEventArgs(((object)(DisconnectReason)(ref val)).ToString())); } } else { Disconnected?.Invoke(this, new DisconnectedEventArgs(((object)(DisconnectReason)(ref disconnectInfo.Reason)).ToString())); } } private void _netListener_NetworkReceiveEvent(NetPeer peer, NetPacketReader reader, byte channel, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod) { //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Expected O, but got Unknown if (((NetDataReader)reader).GetByte() != 0) { ushort uShort = ((NetDataReader)reader).GetUShort(); byte[] remainingBytes = ((NetDataReader)reader).GetRemainingBytes(); LiteNetLibConnection liteNetLibConnection = new LiteNetLibConnection(peer); LiteNetLibMessage liteNetLibMessage = new LiteNetLibMessage(LiteNetLibUtils.DeliveryMethodToSendMode(deliveryMethod), (NetChannels)channel, uShort); liteNetLibMessage.Add(remainingBytes); MessageReceived?.Invoke(this, new MessageReceivedEventArgs(uShort, (IMessage)(object)liteNetLibMessage, (INetConnection)(object)liteNetLibConnection)); reader.Recycle(); } } private void _netListener_PeerConnectedEvent(NetPeer peer) { Connected?.Invoke(this, null); } public bool Connect(string address, int port) { //IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Expected O, but got Unknown if (_netManager != null) { _netManager.Stop(); } _netManager = new NetManager((INetEventListener)(object)_netListener, (PacketLayerBase)null); _netManager.ChannelsCount = 6; if (NetworkingEnvironment.UseNativeSocketsIfAvailable) { NetworkingEnvironment.Log("LiteNetLib: Using native sockets if supported."); _netManager.UseNativeSockets = true; } if (_netManager.Start()) { IPAddress[] hostAddresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(address); if (hostAddresses.Length != 0) { address = hostAddresses[0].ToString(); } IPEndPoint iPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(address), port); _netManager.Connect(iPEndPoint, LiteNetLibInterface.Key); return true; } return false; } public void Disconnect() { _netManager.DisconnectAll(); } public void Send(IMessage message) { //IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _netManager.SendToAll((message as LiteNetLibMessage).GetBytesForSend(), (message as LiteNetLibMessage).DeliveryMethod); } public void Update() { _netManager.TriggerUpdate(); _netManager.PollEvents(0); } public override string ToString() { return ((object)_netManager).ToString(); } } public class LiteNetLibConnection : INetConnection { public NetPeer Peer; public bool CanQualityDisconnect { get { return false; } set { } } public ushort Id => LiteNetLibUtils.PeerIdToGameId(Peer.Id); public string Address => ((object)Peer).ToString().Split(new char[1] { ':' })[0]; public LiteNetLibConnection(NetPeer peer) { Peer = peer; } public void Send(IMessage message) { //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0026: Expected I4, but got Unknown LiteNetLibMessage liteNetLibMessage = message as LiteNetLibMessage; byte[] bytesForSend = liteNetLibMessage.GetBytesForSend(); Peer.Send(bytesForSend, (byte)(int)liteNetLibMessage.Channel, liteNetLibMessage.DeliveryMethod); } public override string ToString() { return ((object)Peer).ToString(); } } public class LiteNetLibInterface : INetworkingInterface { public static string Key = $"ACN-{17u}"; public int MaxPayloadSize { get { return 1400; } set { } } public INetClient CreateClient() { return (INetClient)(object)new LiteNetLibClient(); } public IMessage CreateMessage(SendModes sendMode, NetChannels channel, Enum packetId) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return (IMessage)(object)new LiteNetLibMessage(sendMode, channel, Convert.ToUInt16(packetId)); } public INetServer CreateServer() { return (INetServer)(object)new LiteNetLibServer(); } public override string ToString() { return "LiteNetLib"; } } public class LiteNetLibMessage : IMessage { public DeliveryMethod DeliveryMethod; public NetChannels Channel; private ushort _packetId; private NetDataWriter _writer; public LiteNetLibMessage(SendModes sendMode, NetChannels channel, ushort packetId) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Expected O, but got Unknown DeliveryMethod = LiteNetLibUtils.SendModeToDeliveryMethod(sendMode); Channel = channel; _writer = new NetDataWriter(); _packetId = packetId; } public IMessage Add(byte[] data) { _writer.Put(data); return (IMessage)(object)this; } public byte[] GetBytes() { return _writer.CopyData(); } public byte[] GetBytesForSend() { using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); binaryWriter.Write((byte)1); binaryWriter.Write(_packetId); binaryWriter.Write(GetBytes()); return memoryStream.ToArray(); } } public class LiteNetLibServer : INetServer { private int _disconnectTimeout = 10000; private EventBasedNetListener _netListener; private NetManager _netManager; private ushort _maxPlayers; public EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived { get; set; } public EventHandler<ServerDisconnectedEventArgs> ClientDisconnected { get; set; } public EventHandler<ServerConnectedEventArgs> ClientConnected { get; set; } public int TimeoutTime { set { _disconnectTimeout = value; } } public LiteNetLibServer() { //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0033: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004a: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0078: Expected O, but got Unknown _netListener = new EventBasedNetListener(); _netListener.ConnectionRequestEvent += new OnConnectionRequest(_netListener_ConnectionRequestEvent); _netListener.PeerConnectedEvent += new OnPeerConnected(_netListener_PeerConnectedEvent); _netListener.PeerDisconnectedEvent += new OnPeerDisconnected(_netListener_PeerDisconnectedEvent); _netListener.NetworkReceiveEvent += new OnNetworkReceive(_netListener_NetworkReceiveEvent); } private void _netListener_NetworkReceiveEvent(NetPeer peer, NetPacketReader reader, byte channel, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod) { //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Expected O, but got Unknown if (((NetDataReader)reader).GetByte() != 0) { ushort uShort = ((NetDataReader)reader).GetUShort(); byte[] remainingBytes = ((NetDataReader)reader).GetRemainingBytes(); LiteNetLibConnection liteNetLibConnection = new LiteNetLibConnection(peer); LiteNetLibMessage liteNetLibMessage = new LiteNetLibMessage(LiteNetLibUtils.DeliveryMethodToSendMode(deliveryMethod), (NetChannels)channel, uShort); liteNetLibMessage.Add(remainingBytes); MessageReceived?.Invoke(this, new MessageReceivedEventArgs(uShort, (IMessage)(object)liteNetLibMessage, (INetConnection)(object)liteNetLibConnection)); reader.Recycle(); } } private void _netListener_PeerDisconnectedEvent(NetPeer peer, DisconnectInfo disconnectInfo) { //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002f: Expected O, but got Unknown ClientDisconnected?.Invoke(this, new ServerDisconnectedEventArgs((INetConnection)(object)new LiteNetLibConnection(peer), ((object)(DisconnectReason)(ref disconnectInfo.Reason)).ToString())); using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); using BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); binaryWriter.Write((byte)0); binaryWriter.Write(LiteNetLibUtils.PeerIdToGameId(peer.Id)); byte[] array = memoryStream.ToArray(); _netManager.SendToAll(array, (DeliveryMethod)2); } private void _netListener_PeerConnectedEvent(NetPeer peer) { //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Expected O, but got Unknown ClientConnected?.Invoke(this, new ServerConnectedEventArgs((INetConnection)(object)new LiteNetLibConnection(peer))); } private void _netListener_ConnectionRequestEvent(ConnectionRequest request) { if (_netManager.ConnectedPeersCount < _maxPlayers) { request.AcceptIfKey(LiteNetLibInterface.Key); } else { request.Reject(); } } public void DisconnectClient(ushort id) { NetPeer peerById = _netManager.GetPeerById(LiteNetLibUtils.GameIdToPeerId(id)); _netManager.DisconnectPeer(peerById); } public void DisconnectClient(INetConnection client) { LiteNetLibConnection liteNetLibConnection = client as LiteNetLibConnection; _netManager.DisconnectPeer(liteNetLibConnection.Peer); } public void Start(ushort port, ushort maxPlayers) { //IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Expected O, but got Unknown if (_netManager != null) { _netManager.Stop(); } _netManager = new NetManager((INetEventListener)(object)_netListener, (PacketLayerBase)null); _netManager.ChannelsCount = 6; if (NetworkingEnvironment.UseNativeSocketsIfAvailable) { NetworkingEnvironment.Log("LiteNetLib: Using native sockets if supported."); _netManager.UseNativeSockets = true; } _netManager.DisconnectTimeout = _disconnectTimeout; _netManager.Start((int)port); _maxPlayers = maxPlayers; } public void Stop() { _netManager.Stop(); } public void Update() { _netManager.TriggerUpdate(); _netManager.PollEvents(0); } public override string ToString() { return ((object)_netManager).ToString(); } } public static class LiteNetLibUtils { public static ushort PeerIdToGameId(int peerId) { return (ushort)(peerId + 1); } public static int GameIdToPeerId(ushort gameId) { return gameId - 1; } public static DeliveryMethod SendModeToDeliveryMethod(SendModes sendMode) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Expected I4, but got Unknown return (DeliveryMethod)((int)sendMode switch { 0 => 4, 1 => 2, 2 => 0, _ => 2, }); } public static SendModes DeliveryMethodToSendMode(DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001a: Expected I4, but got Unknown return (SendModes)((int)deliveryMethod switch { 4 => 0, 2 => 1, 0 => 2, _ => 1, }); } }
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using BombRushMP.Common; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using UnityEngine; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace BombRushMP.MapStation { public static class MapStationSupport { public static List<MPStage> Stages = new List<MPStage>(); private static Type _apiManagerType; public static bool Installed { get; private set; } = false; public static void Initialize() { Installed = true; _apiManagerType = ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("MapStation.API.APIManager"); _apiManagerType.GetEvent("OnInitialized", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).AddEventHandler(null, new Action(OnMapStationAPIInitialized)); } private static void OnMapStationAPIInitialized() { //IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009a: Expected O, but got Unknown ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("MapStation.API.ICustomStage"); Type typeByName = ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("MapStation.API.IMapStationAPI"); object value = _apiManagerType.GetField("API", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(null); IList obj = typeByName.GetProperty("CustomStages", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(value) as IList; Type typeByName2 = ReflectionUtility.GetTypeByName("MapStation.API.ICustomStage"); PropertyInfo property = typeByName2.GetProperty("DisplayName"); PropertyInfo property2 = typeByName2.GetProperty("StageID"); foreach (object item2 in obj) { string obj2 = (string)property.GetValue(item2); int num = (int)property2.GetValue(item2); MPStage item = new MPStage(obj2, num); Stages.Add(item); } } public static bool IsMapOptionToggleable(GameObject go) { MonoBehaviour[] componentsInParent = go.GetComponentsInParent<MonoBehaviour>(true); foreach (MonoBehaviour val in componentsInParent) { if (!((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) && ((object)val).GetType().Name == "ActiveOnMapOption") { return true; } } return false; } } }
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using UnityEngine; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace BombRushMP.Mono { public class SpecialSkinDefinition : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Visuals")] public bool CanBlink; public string MainRendererName; public Material[] Variants; [Header("Voice Lines")] public AudioClip[] Jump; public AudioClip[] GetHit; public AudioClip[] Die; public AudioClip[] DieFall; public AudioClip[] Combo; public AudioClip[] BoostTrick; public AudioClip[] Talk; } }
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using BombRushMP.Common.Networking; using BombRushMP.LiteNetLibInterface; using BombRushMP.RiptideInterface; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BombRushMP.NetworkInterfaceProvider")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BombRushMP.NetworkInterfaceProvider")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2025")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("db50ed07-4684-485a-a962-e29460c006a1")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] namespace BombRushMP.NetworkInterfaceProvider; public enum NetworkInterfaces { Riptide, LiteNetLib } public static class NetworkInterfaceFactory { public static INetworkingInterface GetNetworkInterface(NetworkInterfaces netInterface) { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0019: Expected O, but got Unknown INetworkingInterface result = null; switch (netInterface) { case NetworkInterfaces.Riptide: result = (INetworkingInterface)new RiptideInterface(); break; case NetworkInterfaces.LiteNetLib: result = (INetworkingInterface)new LiteNetLibInterface(); break; } return result; } }
Decompiled 2 hours ago
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Configuration; using BombRushMP.BunchOfEmotes; using BombRushMP.Common; using BombRushMP.Common.Networking; using BombRushMP.Common.Packets; using BombRushMP.CrewBoom; using BombRushMP.MapStation; using BombRushMP.Mono; using BombRushMP.NetworkInterfaceProvider; using BombRushMP.Plugin; using BombRushMP.Plugin.Gamemodes; using BombRushMP.Plugin.LocalServer; using BombRushMP.Plugin.OfflineInterface; using BombRushMP.Plugin.Patches; using BombRushMP.Plugin.Phone; using BombRushMP.PluginCommon; using BombRushMP.Server; using CommonAPI; using CommonAPI.Phone; using HarmonyLib; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Reptile; using Reptile.Phone; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.UI; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: IgnoresAccessChecksTo("Assembly-CSharp")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("BombRushMP.Plugin")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("My first plugin")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+a04cda609b5a0a0f830ac52bbd58291ca8231db1")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BombRushMP.Plugin")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BombRushMP.Plugin")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } public class AppJoinLobbyDebug : CustomApp { public override bool Available => false; public static void Initialize() { PhoneAPI.RegisterApp<AppJoinLobbyDebug>("debug join lobby", (Sprite)null); } public override void OnAppInit() { ((CustomApp)this).OnAppInit(); ((CustomApp)this).CreateIconlessTitleBar("Lobbies", 80f); base.ScrollView = PhoneScrollView.Create((CustomApp)(object)this, 275f, 1600f); } public override void OnAppEnable() { ((App)this).OnAppEnable(); PopulateButtons(); } private void PopulateButtons() { //IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) base.ScrollView.RemoveAllButtons(); ClientController clientController = ClientController.Instance; foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Lobby> lobby in clientController.ClientLobbyManager.Lobbies) { MPPlayer mPPlayer = clientController.Players[lobby.Value.LobbyState.HostId]; SimplePhoneButton val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton($"[{lobby.Value.LobbyState.Players.Count}] {GamemodeFactory.GetGamemodeName(lobby.Value.LobbyState.Gamemode)} - {MPUtility.GetPlayerDisplayName(mPPlayer.ClientState)}"); ((PhoneButton)val).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)val).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { clientController.ClientLobbyManager.JoinLobby(lobby.Key); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); } } } public class AppMultiplayer : CustomApp { private PhoneButton _createLobbyButton; private PhoneButton _lobbyButton; private bool _waitingForLobbyCreateResponse; public static void Initialize() { //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0028: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0035: Expected O, but got Unknown byte[] array = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(MPSettings.Instance.Directory, "acn_icon.png")); Texture2D val = new Texture2D(1, 1); ImageConversion.LoadImage(val, array); ((Texture)val).wrapMode = (TextureWrapMode)1; Sprite val2 = TextureUtility.CreateSpriteFromTexture(val); PhoneAPI.RegisterApp<AppMultiplayer>("multiplayer", val2); } public override void OnAppInit() { ((CustomApp)this).OnAppInit(); ((CustomApp)this).CreateIconlessTitleBar("Multiplayer", 70f); base.ScrollView = PhoneScrollView.Create((CustomApp)(object)this, 275f, 1600f); PopulateButtons(); } public override void OnAppUpdate() { ((App)this).OnAppUpdate(); ClientController instance = ClientController.Instance; if (!instance.Connected) { _waitingForLobbyCreateResponse = false; ClientController.PacketReceived = (Action<Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Remove(ClientController.PacketReceived, new Action<Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived_LobbyCreation)); } if (instance.ClientLobbyManager.CurrentLobby != null) { if ((Object)(object)_lobbyButton == (Object)null) { MakeLobbyButton(); } if ((Object)(object)_createLobbyButton != (Object)null) { base.ScrollView.RemoveButton(_createLobbyButton); _createLobbyButton = null; } } else { if ((Object)(object)_createLobbyButton == (Object)null) { MakeCreateLobbyButton(); } if ((Object)(object)_lobbyButton != (Object)null) { base.ScrollView.RemoveButton(_lobbyButton); _lobbyButton = null; } } } private void MakeCreateLobbyButton() { ClientLobbyManager lobbyManager = ClientController.Instance.ClientLobbyManager; _createLobbyButton = (PhoneButton)(object)PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Create Lobby"); PhoneButton createLobbyButton = _createLobbyButton; createLobbyButton.OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(createLobbyButton.OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { if (!_waitingForLobbyCreateResponse) { GamemodeSettings gamemodeSettings = GamemodeFactory.GetGamemodeSettings((GamemodeIDs)0); SavedGamemodeSettings savedSettings = MPSaveData.Instance.GetSavedSettings((GamemodeIDs)0); if (savedSettings != null) { gamemodeSettings.ApplySaved(savedSettings); } lobbyManager.CreateLobby((GamemodeIDs)0, gamemodeSettings); _waitingForLobbyCreateResponse = true; ClientController.PacketReceived = (Action<Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Combine(ClientController.PacketReceived, new Action<Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived_LobbyCreation)); } }); base.ScrollView.InsertButton(0, _createLobbyButton); } private void OnPacketReceived_LobbyCreation(Packets packetId, Packet packet) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0003: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if ((int)packetId == 14) { _waitingForLobbyCreateResponse = false; ClientController.PacketReceived = (Action<Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Remove(ClientController.PacketReceived, new Action<Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived_LobbyCreation)); ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(AppMultiplayerCurrentLobby)); } } private void MakeLobbyButton() { _lobbyButton = (PhoneButton)(object)PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Lobby"); PhoneButton lobbyButton = _lobbyButton; lobbyButton.OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(lobbyButton.OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(AppMultiplayerCurrentLobby)); }); base.ScrollView.InsertButton(0, _lobbyButton); } private void PopulateButtons() { base.ScrollView.RemoveAllButtons(); SimplePhoneButton val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Invites"); SimplePhoneButton obj = val; ((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(AppMultiplayerInvites)); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Stages"); SimplePhoneButton obj2 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { if (MapStationSupport.Stages.Count > 0) { ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(AppMultiplayerStages)); } else { ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(AppMultiplayerBaseStages)); } }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Spectate"); SimplePhoneButton obj3 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj3).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj3).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { SpectatorController.StartSpectating(); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Go AFK"); SimplePhoneButton obj4 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj4).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj4).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { PlayerComponent.Get(((App)this).MyPhone.player).ForceAFK(); ((App)this).MyPhone.TurnOff(true); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Stop AFK"); SimplePhoneButton obj5 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj5).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj5).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { PlayerComponent.Get(((App)this).MyPhone.player).StopAFK(); ((App)this).MyPhone.TurnOff(true); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Movestyle"); SimplePhoneButton obj6 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj6).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj6).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(MoveStylePickerApp)); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); } } public class AppMultiplayerBaseStages : StageListApp { private static bool LastSortedByPlayerCount = false; private static Dictionary<string, Stage> StageMap = new Dictionary<string, Stage> { { "Hideout", (Stage)5 }, { "Versum Hill", (Stage)4 }, { "Millenium Square", (Stage)11 }, { "Brink Terminal", (Stage)12 }, { "Millenium Mall", (Stage)6 }, { "Mataan", (Stage)7 }, { "Pyramid Island", (Stage)9 }, { "Police Station", (Stage)8 } }; public override bool Available => false; public static void Initialize() { PhoneAPI.RegisterApp<AppMultiplayerBaseStages>("base stages", (Sprite)null); } public override void OnAppInit() { ((CustomApp)this).OnAppInit(); ((CustomApp)this).CreateIconlessTitleBar("Base Stages", 70f); ((CustomApp)this).ScrollView = PhoneScrollView.Create((CustomApp)(object)this, 275f, 1600f); } public override void OnAppEnable() { ((App)this).OnAppEnable(); PopulateButtons(LastSortedByPlayerCount); } private void PopulateButtons(bool sortByPlayerCount = false) { //IL_0106: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) LastSortedByPlayerCount = sortByPlayerCount; ((CustomApp)this).ScrollView.RemoveAllButtons(); SimplePhoneButton val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Sort: Player Count"); SimplePhoneButton obj = val; ((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { PopulateButtons(sortByPlayerCount: true); }); ((CustomApp)this).ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Sort: Default"); SimplePhoneButton obj2 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { PopulateButtons(); }); ((CustomApp)this).ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); Dictionary<string, Stage> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Stage>(StageMap); if (sortByPlayerCount) { dictionary = StageMap.OrderByDescending((KeyValuePair<string, Stage> x) => base.ClientController.GetPlayerCountForStage(x.Value)).ToDictionary((KeyValuePair<string, Stage> x) => x.Key, (KeyValuePair<string, Stage> x) => x.Value); } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Stage> item in dictionary) { CreateStageButton(item.Key, item.Value); } } } public class AppMultiplayerCustomStages : StageListApp { private static bool LastSortedByPlayerCount; public override bool Available => false; public static void Initialize() { PhoneAPI.RegisterApp<AppMultiplayerCustomStages>("custom stages", (Sprite)null); } public override void OnAppInit() { ((CustomApp)this).OnAppInit(); ((CustomApp)this).CreateIconlessTitleBar("Custom Stages", 70f); ((CustomApp)this).ScrollView = PhoneScrollView.Create((CustomApp)(object)this, 275f, 1600f); PopulateButtons(LastSortedByPlayerCount); } private void PopulateButtons(bool sortByPlayerCount = false) { LastSortedByPlayerCount = sortByPlayerCount; ((CustomApp)this).ScrollView.RemoveAllButtons(); SimplePhoneButton val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Sort: Player Count"); SimplePhoneButton obj = val; ((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { PopulateButtons(sortByPlayerCount: true); }); ((CustomApp)this).ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Sort: Alphabetically"); SimplePhoneButton obj2 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { PopulateButtons(); }); ((CustomApp)this).ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); List<MPStage> source = new List<MPStage>(MapStationSupport.Stages); source = source.OrderBy((MPStage x) => x.DisplayName).ToList(); if (sortByPlayerCount) { source = source.OrderByDescending((MPStage x) => base.ClientController.GetPlayerCountForStage((Stage)x.Id)).ToList(); } foreach (MPStage item in source) { CreateStageButton(item.DisplayName, (Stage)item.Id); } } } public class AppMultiplayerDebug : CustomApp { public override bool Available => false; public static void Initialize() { PhoneAPI.RegisterApp<AppMultiplayerDebug>("multiplayer debug", (Sprite)null); } public override void OnAppInit() { ((CustomApp)this).OnAppInit(); ((CustomApp)this).CreateIconlessTitleBar("Debug", 80f); base.ScrollView = PhoneScrollView.Create((CustomApp)(object)this, 275f, 1600f); PopulateButtons(); } private void PopulateButtons() { base.ScrollView.RemoveAllButtons(); SimplePhoneButton val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Join Lobby"); SimplePhoneButton obj = val; ((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(AppJoinLobbyDebug)); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Forklift Skin"); SimplePhoneButton obj2 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { Player currentPlayer4 = WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); SpecialSkinManager.Instance.ApplySpecialSkinToPlayer(currentPlayer4, (SpecialSkins)4); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Sean Kingston Skin"); SimplePhoneButton obj3 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj3).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj3).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { Player currentPlayer3 = WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); SpecialSkinManager.Instance.ApplySpecialSkinToPlayer(currentPlayer3, (SpecialSkins)3); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Cop Skin Test"); SimplePhoneButton obj4 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj4).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj4).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { Player currentPlayer2 = WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0) { SpecialSkinManager.Instance.ApplySpecialSkinToPlayer(currentPlayer2, (SpecialSkins)0); } else { SpecialSkinManager.Instance.ApplySpecialSkinToPlayer(currentPlayer2, (SpecialSkins)1); } SpecialSkinManager.Instance.ApplyRandomVariantToPlayer(currentPlayer2); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Remove Skin"); SimplePhoneButton obj5 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj5).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj5).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { Player currentPlayer = WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); SpecialSkinManager.Instance.RemoveSpecialSkinFromPlayer(currentPlayer); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Enable ProSkater Mode"); SimplePhoneButton obj6 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj6).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj6).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { ProSkaterPlayer.Set(WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(), set: true); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Disable ProSkater Mode"); SimplePhoneButton obj7 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj7).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj7).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { ProSkaterPlayer.Set(WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(), set: false); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); } } public class AppMultiplayerStages : CustomApp { public override bool Available => false; public static void Initialize() { PhoneAPI.RegisterApp<AppMultiplayerStages>("stages", (Sprite)null); } public override void OnAppInit() { ((CustomApp)this).OnAppInit(); ((CustomApp)this).CreateIconlessTitleBar("Stages", 80f); base.ScrollView = PhoneScrollView.Create((CustomApp)(object)this, 275f, 1600f); PopulateButtons(); } private void PopulateButtons() { base.ScrollView.RemoveAllButtons(); SimplePhoneButton val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Base Stages"); SimplePhoneButton obj = val; ((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(AppMultiplayerBaseStages)); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("Custom Stages"); SimplePhoneButton obj2 = val; ((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)obj2).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { ((App)this).MyPhone.OpenApp(typeof(AppMultiplayerCustomStages)); }); base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); } } public abstract class StageListApp : CustomApp { protected ClientController ClientController => ClientController.Instance; protected SimplePhoneButton CreateStageButton(string label, Stage stage) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) SimplePhoneButton val = PhoneUIUtility.CreateSimpleButton("(0) " + label); ((PhoneButton)val).OnConfirm = (Action)Delegate.Combine(((PhoneButton)val).OnConfirm, (Action)delegate { //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Core.Instance.BaseModule.StageManager.ExitCurrentStage(stage, (Stage)(-1)); }); StageButton stageButton = ((Component)val).gameObject.AddComponent<StageButton>(); stageButton.Stage = stage; stageButton.StageName = label; base.ScrollView.AddButton((PhoneButton)(object)val); return val; } } namespace BombRushMP.Plugin { public static class AudioLibraryUtils { public static AudioLibrary CreateFromSpecialSkin(SpecialSkinDefinition definition) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0017: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0032: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ce: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00df: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0102: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0114: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0127: Expected O, but got Unknown AudioLibrary val = new AudioLibrary(); AudioCollection val2 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val3 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val4 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val5 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val6 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val7 = new AudioCollection(); AudioCollection val8 = new AudioCollection(); val2.Clips.AddRange(definition.Jump); val3.Clips.AddRange(definition.GetHit); val4.Clips.AddRange(definition.Die); val5.Clips.AddRange(definition.DieFall); val6.Clips.AddRange(definition.Combo); val7.Clips.AddRange(definition.BoostTrick); val8.Clips.AddRange(definition.Talk); val.Collections[(AudioClipID)489] = val2; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)488] = val3; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)484] = val4; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)485] = val5; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)487] = val6; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)498] = val7; val.Collections[(AudioClipID)486] = val8; return val; } } public class BalanceUI : MonoBehaviour { public enum Types { TypeA, TypeB, TypeC } private const float TypeARotation = 61.62f; private const float TypeBRotation = 90f; private const float TypeCRotation = 52f; private Types Type = Types.TypeB; private GameObject _grindUI; private Image _grindUIBG; private RawImage _grindUIIndicatorImage; private GameObject _grindUIIndicator; private GameObject _manualUI; private Image _manualUIBG; private RawImage _manualUIIndicatorImage; private GameObject _manualUIIndicator; public static BalanceUI Instance { get; private set; } private void Awake() { Instance = this; Transform val = ((Component)this).transform.Find("Canvas"); _grindUI = ((Component)val.Find("Grind Balance UI")).gameObject; _manualUI = ((Component)val.Find("Manual Balance UI")).gameObject; _grindUIBG = ((Component)_grindUI.transform.Find("Image")).GetComponent<Image>(); _grindUIIndicator = ((Component)_grindUI.transform.Find("Indicator")).gameObject; _grindUIIndicatorImage = _grindUIIndicator.GetComponentInChildren<RawImage>(true); _manualUIBG = ((Component)_manualUI.transform.Find("Image")).GetComponent<Image>(); _manualUIIndicator = ((Component)_manualUI.transform.Find("Indicator")).gameObject; _manualUIIndicatorImage = _manualUIIndicator.GetComponentInChildren<RawImage>(true); _manualUI.SetActive(false); _grindUI.SetActive(false); } private void Update() { //IL_00fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0101: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0143: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0150: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0211: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) UIManager uIManager = Core.Instance.UIManager; if ((Object)(object)uIManager.gameplay == (Object)null || (Object)(object)uIManager.gameplay.gameplayScreen == (Object)null) { return; } if (!((Component)uIManager.gameplay.gameplayScreen).gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { _grindUI.SetActive(false); _manualUI.SetActive(false); return; } WorldHandler instance = WorldHandler.instance; if ((Object)(object)instance == (Object)null) { return; } Player currentPlayer = instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); if ((Object)(object)currentPlayer == (Object)null) { return; } ProSkaterPlayer proSkaterPlayer = ProSkaterPlayer.Get(currentPlayer); if ((Object)(object)proSkaterPlayer == (Object)null) { _grindUI.SetActive(false); _manualUI.SetActive(false); return; } float num = 61.62f; if (Type == Types.TypeB) { num = 90f; } else if (Type == Types.TypeC) { num = 52f; } if (!proSkaterPlayer.DidGrind) { _grindUI.SetActive(false); } else { _grindUI.SetActive(true); Color color = ((Graphic)_grindUIBG).color; color.a = 0.3f; if (currentPlayer.ability != null && (currentPlayer.ability is GrindAbility || currentPlayer.ability is HandplantAbility)) { color.a = 1f; } ((Graphic)_grindUIBG).color = color; ((Graphic)_grindUIIndicatorImage).color = color; _grindUIIndicator.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, (0f - proSkaterPlayer.GrindBalance.Current) * num); } if (!proSkaterPlayer.DidManual) { _manualUI.SetActive(false); return; } _manualUI.SetActive(true); Color color2 = ((Graphic)_manualUIBG).color; color2.a = 0.3f; if (proSkaterPlayer.IsOnManual()) { color2.a = 1f; } ((Graphic)_manualUIBG).color = color2; ((Graphic)_manualUIIndicatorImage).color = color2; _manualUIIndicator.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, (0f - proSkaterPlayer.ManualBalance.Current) * num); } public static void Create() { if ((Object)(object)Instance != (Object)null) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)Instance).gameObject); } MPAssets instance = MPAssets.Instance; GameObject val = instance.Bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Balance UI"); if (MPSettings.Instance.BalanceUIType == Types.TypeB) { val = instance.Bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Balance UI B"); } else if (MPSettings.Instance.BalanceUIType == Types.TypeC) { val = instance.Bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Balance UI C"); } GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val); obj.transform.SetParent(((Component)Core.Instance.UIManager).transform, false); obj.AddComponent<BalanceUI>().Type = MPSettings.Instance.BalanceUIType; } } public class ChatUI : MonoBehaviour { public enum States { None, Unfocused, Focused } private const int MaxMessages = 250; private Button _sendButton; private TMP_InputField _inputField; private ScrollRect _scrollRect; private Image _scrollRectImage; private Image[] _scrollBarImages; private GameObject _chatWindow; private TextMeshProUGUI _referenceText; private List<TextMeshProUGUI> _messages = new List<TextMeshProUGUI>(); private const float TimeForMessagesToHide = 30f; private bool _messagesHidden; private float _messageHideTimer; public static ChatUI Instance { get; private set; } public States State { get; private set; } private void Awake() { //IL_0110: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011a: Expected O, but got Unknown Instance = this; _chatWindow = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.Find("Canvas").Find("Chat Window")).gameObject; _sendButton = ((Component)_chatWindow.transform.Find("Send Button")).GetComponent<Button>(); _inputField = ((Component)_chatWindow.transform.Find("Input Field")).GetComponent<TMP_InputField>(); _inputField.characterLimit = 256; _scrollRect = ((Component)_chatWindow.transform.Find("Scroll View")).GetComponent<ScrollRect>(); _scrollBarImages = ((Component)((Component)_scrollRect).transform.Find("Scrollbar Vertical")).GetComponentsInChildren<Image>(true); _scrollRectImage = ((Component)_scrollRect).GetComponent<Image>(); _referenceText = ((Component)((Transform)_scrollRect.content).Find("Text")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); ((Component)_referenceText).gameObject.SetActive(false); ((UnityEvent)_sendButton.onClick).AddListener(new UnityAction(TrySendChatMessage)); ((TMP_Text)_referenceText).spriteAsset = MPAssets.Instance.Sprites; ClientController.PacketReceived = (Action<Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Combine(ClientController.PacketReceived, new Action<Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived)); SetState(States.Unfocused); } private void OnDestroy() { ClientController.PacketReceived = (Action<Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Remove(ClientController.PacketReceived, new Action<Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived)); } private void OnPacketReceived(Packets packetId, Packet packet) { //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0016: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001b: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002c: Expected O, but got Unknown MPSettings instance = MPSettings.Instance; ClientController instance2 = ClientController.Instance; _ = instance2.ClientLobbyManager; if ((int)packetId != 27) { if ((int)packetId == 32) { HandleServerMessage((ServerChat)packet); } } else { if (!instance.InviteMessages) { return; } ServerLobbyInvite val = (ServerLobbyInvite)packet; ushort inviterId = val.InviterId; ushort inviteeId = val.InviteeId; uint lobbyId = val.LobbyId; if (inviteeId == instance2.LocalID) { string playerDisplayName = MPUtility.GetPlayerDisplayName(instance2.Players[inviterId].ClientState); string lobbyName = instance2.ClientLobbyManager.GetLobbyName(lobbyId); string format = "{0} Has invited you to their {1} lobby."; if (instance2.GetUser(inviterId).HasTag("elite")) { format = "<color=yellow>A {0} is challenging you to a {1}.</color>"; } AddMessage(string.Format(format, playerDisplayName, lobbyName)); } } } private void HandleServerMessage(ServerChat serverMessage) { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0036: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) MPSettings instance = MPSettings.Instance; string message = serverMessage.Message; if ((int)serverMessage.MessageType == 4) { Clear(); } else { if (((int)serverMessage.MessageType == 1 && !instance.LeaveJoinMessages) || ((int)serverMessage.MessageType == 3 && !instance.AFKMessages)) { return; } string text = serverMessage.Author; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { text = ""; } text = MPUtility.GetPlayerDisplayName(text); int[] badges = serverMessage.Badges; foreach (int num in badges) { text = $"<sprite={num}> {text}"; } if ((int)serverMessage.MessageType == 0) { message = TMPFilter.CloseAllTags(TMPFilter.FilterTags(message, MPSettings.Instance.ChatCriteria)); if (ProfanityFilter.TMPContainsProfanity(message)) { message = ((!MPSettings.Instance.FilterProfanity) ? (message + "<sprite=37><color=red>[FILTERED]</color>") : "I said a naughty word!"); } message = MPUtility.ParseMessageEmojis(message); message = $"{text} : {message}"; } else { message = string.Format(message, text); } AddMessage(message); } } private void Clear() { //IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) foreach (TextMeshProUGUI message in _messages) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)message).gameObject); } _messages.Clear(); LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(ComponentExtensions.RectTransform((Component)(object)_scrollRect)); _scrollRect.normalizedPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f); } public void AddMessage(string text) { //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00eb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) bool flag = true; if (State == States.Focused && _scrollRect.normalizedPosition.y > 0.1f) { flag = false; } if (State == States.Focused && MPSettings.Instance.DontAutoScrollChatIfFocused) { flag = false; } if (MPSettings.Instance.ShowChat) { ShowMessages(); } if (_messages.Count >= 250) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)_messages[0]).gameObject); _messages.RemoveAt(0); } GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(((Component)_referenceText).gameObject); obj.SetActive(true); obj.transform.SetParent((Transform)(object)_scrollRect.content, false); TextMeshProUGUI component = obj.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); ((TMP_Text)component).text = text; _messages.Add(component); LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(ComponentExtensions.RectTransform((Component)(object)_scrollRect)); if (flag) { _scrollRect.normalizedPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f); } } private bool CanOpen() { //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0028: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (MPUtility.AnyMenusOpen()) { return false; } PlayerControllerMapIDCollection allCurrentEnabledControllerMapCategoryIDs = Core.Instance.gameInput.GetAllCurrentEnabledControllerMapCategoryIDs(0); if (allCurrentEnabledControllerMapCategoryIDs.controllerMapCategoryIDs.Contains(0) && allCurrentEnabledControllerMapCategoryIDs.controllerMapCategoryIDs.Contains(6)) { return !Core.Instance.IsCorePaused; } return false; } public void TrySendChatMessage() { //IL_0032: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003e: Expected O, but got Unknown string text = _inputField.text; _inputField.text = ""; SetState(States.Unfocused); if (TMPFilter.IsValidChatMessage(text)) { ClientController.Instance.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientChat(text), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)4); if (text[0] == '/') { ProcessLocalCommand(text); } } } private void ProcessLocalCommand(string message) { string[] array = message.Substring(1).Split(new char[1] { ' ' }); ClientLogger.Log("Processing chat command " + array[0]); switch (array[0]) { case "hide": MPSettings.Instance.ShowChat = false; break; case "show": MPSettings.Instance.ShowChat = true; break; case "clear": Clear(); break; } } private void LateUpdate() { if (ShouldDisplay()) { _chatWindow.SetActive(true); switch (State) { case States.Unfocused: UnfocusedUpdate(); break; case States.Focused: FocusedUpdate(); break; } } else { SetState(States.Unfocused); _chatWindow.SetActive(false); } } private void HideMessages() { _messageHideTimer = 30f; _messagesHidden = true; ((Component)_scrollRect).gameObject.SetActive(false); } private void ShowMessages() { _messageHideTimer = 0f; _messagesHidden = false; ((Component)_scrollRect).gameObject.SetActive(true); } private void UnfocusedUpdate() { //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _scrollRect.normalizedPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f); _messageHideTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (_messageHideTimer >= 30f || !MPSettings.Instance.ShowChat) { HideMessages(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(MPSettings.Instance.ChatKey) && CanOpen()) { SetState(States.Focused); } } private void FocusedUpdate() { //IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) InputUtils.Override = true; try { _messageHideTimer = 0f; Cursor.visible = true; Cursor.lockState = (CursorLockMode)0; if ((Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(2)) && !RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(GameObjectExtensions.RectTransform(_chatWindow), Vector2.op_Implicit(Input.mousePosition))) { SetState(States.Unfocused); } if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)279)) { _scrollRect.normalizedPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f); } if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)271) || (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)13) && (Object)(object)EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject == (Object)(object)((Component)_inputField).gameObject)) { TrySendChatMessage(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)27)) { SetState(States.Unfocused); } } finally { InputUtils.Override = false; } } public void SetState(States newState) { if (State != newState) { State = newState; switch (State) { case States.Unfocused: EnterUnfocusedState(); break; case States.Focused: EnterFocusedState(); break; } } } private void EnterUnfocusedState() { Cursor.visible = false; Cursor.lockState = (CursorLockMode)1; GameInput gameInput = Core.Instance.GameInput; gameInput.DisableAllControllerMaps(0); gameInput.EnableControllerMaps(BaseModule.IN_GAME_INPUT_MAPS, 0); if ((Object)(object)SpectatorController.Instance != (Object)null) { gameInput.EnableControllerMaps(BaseModule.MENU_INPUT_MAPS, 0); } ((Behaviour)_scrollRectImage).enabled = false; ((Component)_inputField).gameObject.SetActive(false); ((Component)_sendButton).gameObject.SetActive(false); Image[] scrollBarImages = _scrollBarImages; for (int i = 0; i < scrollBarImages.Length; i++) { ((Behaviour)scrollBarImages[i]).enabled = false; } EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject((GameObject)null); } private void EnterFocusedState() { Core.Instance.GameInput.DisableAllControllerMaps(0); ShowMessages(); ((Behaviour)_scrollRectImage).enabled = true; ((Component)_inputField).gameObject.SetActive(true); ((Component)_sendButton).gameObject.SetActive(true); Image[] scrollBarImages = _scrollBarImages; for (int i = 0; i < scrollBarImages.Length; i++) { ((Behaviour)scrollBarImages[i]).enabled = true; } ((Selectable)_inputField).Select(); } private bool ShouldDisplay() { UIManager uIManager = Core.Instance.UIManager; if ((Object)(object)uIManager == (Object)null || (Object)(object)uIManager.gameplay == (Object)null || (Object)(object)uIManager.gameplay.gameplayScreen == (Object)null) { return false; } if (!((Component)uIManager.gameplay.gameplayScreen).gameObject.activeInHierarchy && (Object)(object)SpectatorController.Instance == (Object)null) { return false; } return true; } public static void Create() { if ((Object)(object)Instance != (Object)null) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)Instance).gameObject); } GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(MPAssets.Instance.Bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Chat UI")); obj.transform.SetParent(((Component)Core.Instance.UIManager).transform, false); obj.AddComponent<ChatUI>(); } } public static class ClientConstants { public const string ChatMessage = "{0} : {1}"; public const string LobbyChatMessage = "{0} (LOBBY) : {1}"; public const string LobbyInviteMessage = "{0} Has invited you to their {1} lobby."; public const string DeathMessage = "{0} died!"; public const int MinimumPlayersToCheer = 2; public const float PlayerInterpolation = 12f; public const float PlayerGraffitiDistance = 1f; public const float PlayerGraffitiDownDistance = 1f; public const float AFKTime = 300f; public const float InfrequentUpdateRate = 1f; public static int GrindDirectionHash = Animator.StringToHash("grindDirection"); public static int PhoneDirectionXHash = Animator.StringToHash("phoneDirectionX"); public static int PhoneDirectionYHash = Animator.StringToHash("phoneDirectionY"); public static int TurnDirection1Hash = Animator.StringToHash("turnDirectionX"); public static int TurnDirection2Hash = Animator.StringToHash("turnDirectionX2"); public static int TurnDirection3Hash = Animator.StringToHash("turnDirectionX3"); public static int TurnDirectionSkateboardHash = Animator.StringToHash("turnDirectionSkateboard"); public static int MissingAnimationHash = Animator.StringToHash("softBounce17"); } public class ClientController : MonoBehaviour { public Dictionary<int, int> PlayerCountByStage = new Dictionary<int, int>(); public ClientLobbyManager ClientLobbyManager; public Dictionary<Player, MPPlayer> MultiplayerPlayerByPlayer = new Dictionary<Player, MPPlayer>(); public Dictionary<ushort, MPPlayer> Players = new Dictionary<ushort, MPPlayer>(); public ushort LocalID; public float TickRate = 1f / 32f; public string Address = ""; public int Port; public GraffitiGame CurrentGraffitiGame; public static Action ServerDisconnect; public static Action ServerConnect; public static Action<ushort> PlayerDisconnected; public static Action<Packets, Packet> PacketReceived; public static Action ClientStatesUpdate; public string AuthKey; public bool InfrequentClientStateUpdateQueued; public ServerState ServerState = new ServerState(); private PlayerComponent _cachedPlayerComponent; private INetClient _client; private float _tickTimer; private float _infrequentUpdateTimer; private bool _handShook; private MPSettings _mpSettings; private List<Plane[]> _frustumList = new List<Plane[]>(); public static float DeltaTime { get; private set; } public static ClientController Instance { get; private set; } public bool Connected { get { if (_client != null && _client.IsConnected) { return _handShook; } return false; } } public PlayerComponent LocalPlayerComponent { get { if ((Object)(object)_cachedPlayerComponent == (Object)null) { _cachedPlayerComponent = PlayerComponent.Get(WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer()); } return _cachedPlayerComponent; } } private INetworkingInterface NetworkingInterface => NetworkingEnvironment.NetworkingInterface; private void Awake() { Instance = this; _mpSettings = MPSettings.Instance; ClientLobbyManager = new ClientLobbyManager(); ClientLobbyManager.LobbiesUpdated = (Action)Delegate.Combine(ClientLobbyManager.LobbiesUpdated, new Action(OnLobbiesUpdated)); MPPlayer.OptimizationActions.Clear(); } public int GetPlayerCountForStage(Stage stage) { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000e: Expected I4, but got Unknown if (PlayerCountByStage.TryGetValue((int)stage, out var value)) { return value; } return 0; } public AuthUser GetUser(ushort playerId) { if (Players.TryGetValue(playerId, out var value) && value.ClientState != null) { return value.ClientState.User; } return null; } public AuthUser GetLocalUser() { return GetUser(LocalID); } public void Connect() { ClientLogger.Log($"Connecting to {Address}:{Port}"); _client = NetworkingInterface.CreateClient(); Task.Run(delegate { _client.Connect(Address, Port); }); INetClient client = _client; client.Connected = (EventHandler)Delegate.Combine(client.Connected, new EventHandler(OnConnected)); INetClient client2 = _client; client2.Disconnected = (EventHandler<DisconnectedEventArgs>)Delegate.Combine(client2.Disconnected, new EventHandler<DisconnectedEventArgs>(OnDisconnect)); INetClient client3 = _client; client3.ConnectionFailed = (EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs>)Delegate.Combine(client3.ConnectionFailed, new EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs>(OnConnectionFailed)); INetClient client4 = _client; client4.MessageReceived = (EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs>)Delegate.Combine(client4.MessageReceived, new EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs>(OnMessageReceived)); ServerConnect?.Invoke(); } public void Disconnect() { foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, MPPlayer> player in Players) { player.Value.Delete(); } Players.Clear(); _handShook = false; LocalID = 0; if (_client != null) { INetClient client = _client; client.Connected = (EventHandler)Delegate.Remove(client.Connected, new EventHandler(OnConnected)); INetClient client2 = _client; client2.Disconnected = (EventHandler<DisconnectedEventArgs>)Delegate.Remove(client2.Disconnected, new EventHandler<DisconnectedEventArgs>(OnDisconnect)); INetClient client3 = _client; client3.ConnectionFailed = (EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs>)Delegate.Remove(client3.ConnectionFailed, new EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs>(OnConnectionFailed)); INetClient client4 = _client; client4.MessageReceived = (EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs>)Delegate.Remove(client4.MessageReceived, new EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs>(OnMessageReceived)); _client.Disconnect(); } _client = null; ServerDisconnect?.Invoke(); } public void SendGenericEvent(GenericEvents ev, SendModes sendMode) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000e: Expected O, but got Unknown SendPacket((Packet)new PlayerGenericEvent(ev), sendMode, (NetChannels)0); } public void SendPacket(Packet packet, SendModes sendMode, NetChannels channel) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) IMessage val = PacketFactory.MessageFromPacket(packet, sendMode, channel); _client.Send(val); } public static ClientController Create(string address, int port) { //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ClientController clientController = new GameObject("Client Controller").AddComponent<ClientController>(); clientController.Address = address; clientController.Port = port; clientController.Connect(); return clientController; } private ClientVisualState CreateVisualStatePacket(Player player) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003a: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0075: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007f: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_0091: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c4: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_00e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0112: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0128: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0143: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_016a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0170: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_033d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0342: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0347: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_034c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0351: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0364: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0379: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0383: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0388: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_039d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03c1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03f5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0404: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_040f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0419: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_041e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0434: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0448: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_044d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0173: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0179: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_021f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0231: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_025b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0260: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0264: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0269: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) PlayerStates val = (PlayerStates)0; if ((Object)(object)CurrentGraffitiGame != (Object)null) { val = (PlayerStates)1; } PublicToilet currentToilet = MPUtility.GetCurrentToilet(); if ((Object)(object)currentToilet != (Object)null) { val = (PlayerStates)2; } if (player.IsDead()) { val = (PlayerStates)3; } PlayerComponent localPlayerComponent = LocalPlayerComponent; ClientVisualState val2 = new ClientVisualState(); val2.State = val; val2.AFK = localPlayerComponent.AFK; val2.MoveStyleSkin = (byte)Core.Instance.SaveManager.CurrentSaveSlot.GetCharacterProgress(player.character).moveStyleSkin; val2.MoveStyle = (int)player.moveStyleEquipped; val2.Chibi = localPlayerComponent.Chibi; MPSaveData.MPCharacterData characterData = MPSaveData.Instance.GetCharacterData(player.character); if (characterData != null) { val2.MPMoveStyleSkin = characterData.MPMoveStyleSkin; } switch ((int)val) { case 0: case 3: { val2.MoveStyleEquipped = player.usingEquippedMovestyle; val2.Position = ((Component)player).gameObject.transform.position.ToSystemVector3(); val2.VisualPosition = player.visualTf.localPosition.ToSystemVector3(); val2.Rotation = ((Component)player).gameObject.transform.rotation.ToSystemQuaternion(); val2.VisualRotation = player.visualTf.localRotation.ToSystemQuaternion(); val2.Velocity = player.motor._rigidbody.velocity.ToSystemVector3(); val2.GrindDirection = player.anim.GetFloat(ClientConstants.GrindDirectionHash); val2.SprayCanHeld = (int)player.spraycanState == 1 || (int)player.spraycanState == 2; val2.PhoneHeld = player.characterVisual.phoneActive; val2.PhoneDirectionX = player.anim.GetFloat(ClientConstants.PhoneDirectionXHash); val2.PhoneDirectionY = player.anim.GetFloat(ClientConstants.PhoneDirectionYHash); val2.TurnDirection1 = player.anim.GetFloat(ClientConstants.TurnDirection1Hash); val2.TurnDirection2 = player.anim.GetFloat(ClientConstants.TurnDirection2Hash); val2.TurnDirection3 = player.anim.GetFloat(ClientConstants.TurnDirection3Hash); val2.TurnDirectionSkateboard = player.anim.GetFloat(ClientConstants.TurnDirectionSkateboardHash); val2.BoostpackEffectMode = (byte)player.characterVisual.boostpackEffectMode; val2.FrictionEffectMode = (byte)player.characterVisual.frictionEffectMode; if ((Object)(object)player.characterVisual.dustParticles != (Object)null) { EmissionModule emission = player.characterVisual.dustParticles.emission; MinMaxCurve rateOverTime = ((EmissionModule)(ref emission)).rateOverTime; val2.DustEmissionRate = (byte)((MinMaxCurve)(ref rateOverTime)).constant; } val2.CurrentAnimation = player.curAnim; val2.CurrentAnimationTime = player.curAnimActiveTime; val2.Hitbox = player.hitbox.activeSelf; val2.HitboxLeftLeg = player.hitboxLeftLeg.activeSelf; val2.HitboxRightLeg = player.hitboxRightLeg.activeSelf; val2.HitboxUpperBody = player.hitboxUpperBody.activeSelf; val2.HitboxAerial = player.airialHitbox.activeSelf; val2.HitboxRadial = player.radialHitbox.activeSelf; val2.HitboxSpray = player.sprayHitbox.activeSelf; int currentAnimation = default(int); if (BunchOfEmotesSupport.TryGetCustomAnimationHashByGameAnimation(val2.CurrentAnimation, ref currentAnimation)) { val2.BoEAnimation = true; val2.CurrentAnimation = currentAnimation; } break; } case 1: { Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.LookRotation(-((Component)CurrentGraffitiGame.gSpot).transform.forward, Vector3.up); val2.Position = (((Component)CurrentGraffitiGame.gSpot).transform.position + ((Component)CurrentGraffitiGame.gSpot).transform.forward * 1f + -((Component)CurrentGraffitiGame.gSpot).transform.up * 1f).ToSystemVector3(); val2.Rotation = quaternion.ToSystemQuaternion(); val2.BoostpackEffectMode = (byte)CurrentGraffitiGame.characterPuppet.boostpackEffectMode; break; } case 2: val2.Position = (((Component)currentToilet).transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.2f - ((Component)currentToilet).transform.forward * 0.2f).ToSystemVector3(); val2.Rotation = (((Component)currentToilet).transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f)).ToSystemQuaternion(); val2.CurrentAnimation = Animator.StringToHash("idle"); break; } return val2; } private void SendVisualState() { Player currentPlayer = WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); if (!((Object)(object)currentPlayer == (Object)null)) { ClientVisualState packet = CreateVisualStatePacket(currentPlayer); SendPacket((Packet)(object)packet, (SendModes)0, (NetChannels)3); } } private void Tick() { INetClient client = _client; if (client != null) { client.Update(); } if (Connected) { SendVisualState(); } foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, MPPlayer> player in Players) { player.Value.TickUpdate(); } ClientLobbyManager.OnTick(); } private void OnLobbiesUpdated() { foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, MPPlayer> player in Players) { player.Value.UpdateLobby(); player.Value.UpdateNameplate(); } } private void Update() { //IL_0139: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_013e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0210: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0215: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0217: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_021c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) MPSettings instance = MPSettings.Instance; bool flag = (Object)(object)MPUtility.GetCurrentToilet() != (Object)null; _tickTimer += Time.deltaTime; _infrequentUpdateTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (_tickTimer >= TickRate) { DeltaTime = _tickTimer; Tick(); _tickTimer = 0f; } if (_infrequentUpdateTimer >= 1f) { InfrequentUpdate(); _infrequentUpdateTimer = 0f; } _frustumList.Clear(); WorldHandler instance2 = WorldHandler.instance; bool hidePlayersOutOfView = instance.HidePlayersOutOfView; _ = instance.PlayerDrawDistance; if (hidePlayersOutOfView) { Camera currentCamera = instance2.CurrentCamera; _frustumList.Add(GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(currentCamera)); PlayerPhoneCameras instance3 = PlayerPhoneCameras.Instance; if ((Object)(object)instance3 != (Object)null && ((Behaviour)instance3).isActiveAndEnabled) { foreach (KeyValuePair<PhoneCam, Camera> camera in instance3.Cameras) { if (((Behaviour)camera.Value).enabled) { _frustumList.Add(GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(camera.Value)); } } } } Vector3 position = ((Component)instance2.currentCamera).transform.position; List<StageChunk> stageChunks = null; if (instance.HidePlayersInInactiveChunks) { stageChunks = instance2.SceneObjectsRegister.stageChunks; } foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, MPPlayer> player in Players) { bool flag2 = flag; Vector3 val; if (hidePlayersOutOfView && !flag) { if ((Object)(object)player.Value.Player != (Object)null) { val = ((Component)player.Value.Player).transform.position - position; if (((Vector3)(ref val)).sqrMagnitude >= instance.PlayerDrawDistance) { flag2 = true; goto IL_01dc; } } if (!player.Value.CalculateVisibility(_frustumList, stageChunks)) { flag2 = true; } } goto IL_01dc; IL_01dc: bool lod = false; if (!flag2 && (Object)(object)player.Value.Player != (Object)null && instance.PlayerLodEnabled) { val = ((Component)player.Value.Player).transform.position - position; if (((Vector3)(ref val)).sqrMagnitude >= instance.PlayerLodDistance) { lod = true; } } player.Value.FrameUpdate(flag2, lod); } if (MPPlayer.OptimizationActions.Count > 0) { Action action = MPPlayer.OptimizationActions[0]; MPPlayer.OptimizationActions.RemoveAt(0); action?.Invoke(); } ClientLobbyManager.OnUpdate(); } private void InfrequentUpdate() { if (InfrequentClientStateUpdateQueued) { SendClientState(); } } private void OnClientDisconnected(object sender, ushort id) { if (Players.TryGetValue(id, out var value)) { value.Delete(); Players.Remove(id); } PlayerDisconnected?.Invoke(id); } private void ExecuteGenericEvent(GenericEvents ev, MPPlayer player) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001a: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0100: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) switch ((int)ev) { case 0: if (!((Object)(object)player.Player == (Object)null)) { player.Player.characterVisual.SetSpraycan(true, player.Player.character); player.Player.SetSpraycanState((SpraycanState)3); } break; case 1: player.Teleporting = true; break; case 2: if (!((Object)(object)player.Player == (Object)null)) { player.Player.RemoveGraffitiSlash(); } break; case 3: if (player.ClientState != null && MPSettings.Instance.DeathMessages) { ChatUI.Instance.AddMessage($"{MPUtility.GetPlayerDisplayName(player.ClientState)} died!"); } break; case 4: if (!((Object)(object)player.Player == (Object)null)) { player.Player.AudioManager.PlaySfxGameplay(player.Player.moveStyle, (AudioClipID)255, player.Player.playerOneShotAudioSource, 0f); player.Player.CreateCircleDustEffect(-((Component)player.Player).transform.up); } break; } } private void OnMessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs e) { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002d: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_006c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006f: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005b: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0077: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_014a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0151: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_017a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0277: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_027e: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0383: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03f7: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_05e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_05ea: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_04cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04d6: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_055a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0561: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0079: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008e: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_0215: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_022d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0238: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0244: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0480: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0487: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0606: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0614: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_061b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0066: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_06bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_06c4: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bd: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0527: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_063a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0641: Expected O, but got Unknown Packets val = (Packets)e.MessageId; Packet val2 = PacketFactory.PacketFromMessage(val, e.Message); if (val2 == null) { return; } PacketReceived?.Invoke(val, val2); if ((int)val <= 35) { switch (val - 1) { case 0: { ServerConnectionResponse val8 = (ServerConnectionResponse)val2; LocalID = val8.LocalClientId; TickRate = val8.TickRate; ServerState = val8.ServerState; PlayerAnimation.ClientSendMode = val8.ClientAnimationSendMode; _handShook = true; ClientLogger.Log($"Received server handshake - our local ID is {val8.LocalClientId}, our UserKind is {val8.User.UserKind}."); if (val8.User.HasTag("elite")) { Player currentPlayer = WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); currentPlayer.SetCurrentMoveStyleEquipped((MoveStyle)2, true, true); SaveManager saveManager = Core.Instance.SaveManager; MPSkateboardSkin mPSkateboardSkin = MPUnlockManager.Instance.UnlockByID[Animator.StringToHash("goonieskateboard")] as MPSkateboardSkin; saveManager.CurrentSaveSlot.GetCharacterProgress(currentPlayer.character).moveStyleSkin = 0; saveManager.CurrentSaveSlot.GetCharacterProgress(currentPlayer.character).moveStyle = (MoveStyle)2; MPSaveData.Instance.GetCharacterData(currentPlayer.character).MPMoveStyleSkin = mPSkateboardSkin.Identifier; mPSkateboardSkin.ApplyToPlayer(currentPlayer); saveManager.SaveCurrentSaveSlot(); SpecialSkinManager.Instance.ApplySpecialSkinToPlayer(currentPlayer, (SpecialSkins)2); } return; } case 1: { ServerClientStates val5 = (ServerClientStates)val2; foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, ClientState> clientState in val5.ClientStates) { if (!Players.TryGetValue(clientState.Key, out var value4)) { value4 = new MPPlayer(); Players[clientState.Key] = value4; } value4.SetClientState(clientState.Value); value4.ClientId = clientState.Key; value4.UpdateClientStateVisuals(); value4.UpdateNameplate(); } if (val5.Full) { foreach (MPPlayer item in new List<MPPlayer>(Players.Values)) { if (!val5.ClientStates.ContainsKey(item.ClientId)) { OnClientDisconnected(this, item.ClientId); } } } ClientStatesUpdate?.Invoke(); return; } case 3: { foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, ClientVisualState> clientVisualState2 in ((ServerClientVisualStates)val2).ClientVisualStates) { if (Players.TryGetValue(clientVisualState2.Key, out var value2)) { ClientVisualState clientVisualState = value2.ClientVisualState; value2.UpdateVisualState(clientVisualState2.Value); if (clientVisualState == null) { value2.UpdateClientStateVisuals(); } } } return; } case 4: { PlayerAnimation val7 = (PlayerAnimation)val2; if (Players.TryGetValue(((PlayerPacket)val7).ClientId, out var value6) && (Object)(object)value6.Player != (Object)null) { int num = val7.NewAnim; if (val7.BoE) { int num2 = default(int); num = ((!BunchOfEmotesSupport.TryGetGameAnimationForCustomAnimationHash(num, ref num2)) ? ClientConstants.MissingAnimationHash : num2); } MPUtility.PlayAnimationOnMultiplayerPlayer(value6.Player, num, val7.ForceOverwrite, val7.Instant, val7.AtTime); } return; } case 5: if (MPSettings.Instance.PlayerAudioEnabled) { PlayerVoice val9 = (PlayerVoice)val2; if (Players.TryGetValue(((PlayerPacket)val9).ClientId, out var value7) && (Object)(object)value7.Player != (Object)null) { value7.Player.PlayVoice((AudioClipID)val9.AudioClipId, (VoicePriority)val9.VoicePriority, true); } } return; case 7: { PlayerGraffitiSlash val6 = (PlayerGraffitiSlash)val2; if (Players.TryGetValue(((PlayerPacket)val6).ClientId, out var value5) && (Object)(object)value5.Player != (Object)null) { value5.Player.RemoveGraffitiSlash(); value5.Player.CreateGraffitiSlashEffect(((Component)value5.Player).transform, val6.Direction.ToUnityVector3()); value5.Player.AudioManager.PlaySfxGameplay((SfxCollectionID)13, (AudioClipID)10, value5.Player.playerOneShotAudioSource, 0f); } return; } case 8: { PlayerGraffitiFinisher val4 = (PlayerGraffitiFinisher)val2; if (Players.TryGetValue(((PlayerPacket)val4).ClientId, out var value3) && (Object)(object)value3.Player != (Object)null) { value3.Player.RemoveGraffitiSlash(); value3.Player.CreateGraffitiFinishEffect(((Component)value3.Player).transform, (GraffitiSize)val4.GraffitiSize); value3.Player.AudioManager.PlaySfxGameplay((SfxCollectionID)13, (AudioClipID)559, value3.Player.playerOneShotAudioSource, 0f); } return; } case 6: { PlayerGenericEvent val3 = (PlayerGenericEvent)val2; if (Players.TryGetValue(((PlayerPacket)val3).ClientId, out var value)) { ExecuteGenericEvent(val3.Event, value); } return; } case 2: return; } if ((int)val != 24) { if ((int)val == 35 && GetLocalUser().IsModerator) { ServerBanList val10 = (ServerBanList)val2; string text = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "ACN"); string text2 = Path.Combine(text, "banned_users.json"); ChatUI instance = ChatUI.Instance; ClientLogger.Log("Received ban list from server. Will write to " + text2 + "."); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(text); File.WriteAllText(text2, val10.JsonData); instance.AddMessage("Ban list written to " + text2); } catch (Exception ex) { instance.AddMessage("Failed to write ban list."); Debug.LogError((object)ex); } } } else { ServerPlayerCount val11 = (ServerPlayerCount)val2; PlayerCountByStage = val11.PlayerCountByStage; } } else if ((int)val != 39) { if ((int)val != 40) { switch (val - 48) { case 2: { ServerServerStateUpdate val14 = (ServerServerStateUpdate)(object)((val2 is ServerServerStateUpdate) ? val2 : null); ServerState = val14.State; break; } case 1: { ServerSetSpecialSkin val13 = (ServerSetSpecialSkin)(object)((val2 is ServerSetSpecialSkin) ? val2 : null); Player currentPlayer2 = WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); if ((int)val13.SpecialSkin == -1) { SpecialSkinManager.Instance.RemoveSpecialSkinFromPlayer(currentPlayer2); } else { SpecialSkinManager.Instance.ApplySpecialSkinToPlayer(currentPlayer2, val13.SpecialSkin); } break; } case 0: { ServerClientDisconnected val12 = (ServerClientDisconnected)val2; if (Players.ContainsKey(val12.ClientId)) { OnClientDisconnected(this, val12.ClientId); ClientStatesUpdate?.Invoke(); } break; } } } else { LocalPlayerComponent.Chibi = ((ServerSetChibi)((val2 is ServerSetChibi) ? val2 : null)).Set; } } else { ClientHitByPlayer val15 = (ClientHitByPlayer)(object)((val2 is ClientHitByPlayer) ? val2 : null); if (((PlayerPacket)val15).ClientId != LocalID && val15.Attacker == LocalID) { MPSaveData.Instance.Stats.PlayersHit++; Core.Instance.SaveManager.SaveCurrentSaveSlot(); } } } private IEnumerator AttemptReconnect() { yield return (object)new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1f); Disconnect(); Connect(); } private void OnConnectionFailed(object sender, ConnectionFailedEventArgs e) { ClientLogger.Log("Failed to connect to server. Reason: " + e.Reason); ClientLogger.Log("Will attempt to re-connect"); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StopAllCoroutines(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(AttemptReconnect()); } private void OnDisconnect(object sender, DisconnectedEventArgs e) { ClientLogger.Log("Disconnected! Reason: " + e.Reason); ClientLogger.Log("Will attempt to re-connect"); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StopAllCoroutines(); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(AttemptReconnect()); } public void SendAuth() { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Expected O, but got Unknown string authKey = AuthKey; ClientState val = CreateClientState(); ClientAuth val2 = new ClientAuth(authKey, val); val2.Invisible = MPSettings.Instance.Invisible; SendPacket((Packet)(object)val2, (SendModes)1, (NetChannels)0); } public ClientState CreateClientState() { //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0028: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0079: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a6: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bf: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Player currentPlayer = WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); PlayerComponent localPlayerComponent = LocalPlayerComponent; ClientState val = new ClientState { Name = _mpSettings.PlayerName, CrewName = _mpSettings.CrewName, Character = (sbyte)currentPlayer.character, FallbackCharacter = (sbyte)MPSettings.Instance.FallbackCharacter, FallbackOutfit = (byte)MPSettings.Instance.FallbackOutfit, Outfit = (byte)Core.Instance.SaveManager.CurrentSaveSlot.GetCharacterProgress(currentPlayer.character).outfit }; Scene activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); val.Stage = (int)Utility.SceneNameToStage(((Scene)(ref activeScene)).name); val.SpecialSkin = localPlayerComponent.SpecialSkin; val.SpecialSkinVariant = localPlayerComponent.SpecialSkinVariant; ClientState val2 = val; if (CrewBoomSupport.Installed) { val2.CrewBoomCharacter = CrewBoomSupport.GetGuidForCharacter(currentPlayer.character); if (localPlayerComponent.StreamedCharacterHandle != null) { val2.CrewBoomCharacter = localPlayerComponent.StreamedCharacterHandle.GUID; val2.Outfit = (byte)localPlayerComponent.StreamedOutfit; } } return val2; } public void SendClientState() { SendPacket((Packet)(object)CreateClientState(), (SendModes)1, (NetChannels)2); InfrequentClientStateUpdateQueued = false; } private void OnConnected(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClientLogger.Log("Connected! Sending Auth request..."); SendAuth(); } private void OnDestroy() { Disconnect(); ClientLobbyManager.LobbiesUpdated = (Action)Delegate.Remove(ClientLobbyManager.LobbiesUpdated, new Action(OnLobbiesUpdated)); ClientLobbyManager?.Dispose(); } } public class ClientLobbyManager : IDisposable { public static Action LobbiesUpdated; public static Action LobbyChanged; public static Action LobbySoftUpdated; public Dictionary<uint, Lobby> Lobbies = new Dictionary<uint, Lobby>(); public List<uint> LobbiesInvited = new List<uint>(); private ClientController _clientController; private WorldHandler _worldHandler; public Lobby CurrentLobby { get; private set; } public ClientLobbyManager() { _clientController = ClientController.Instance; ClientController.PacketReceived = (Action<Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Combine(ClientController.PacketReceived, new Action<Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived)); ClientController.ServerDisconnect = (Action)Delegate.Combine(ClientController.ServerDisconnect, new Action(OnDisconnect)); _worldHandler = WorldHandler.instance; LobbyChanged = (Action)Delegate.Combine(LobbyChanged, new Action(HandleEncounter)); } public void Dispose() { ClientController.PacketReceived = (Action<Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Remove(ClientController.PacketReceived, new Action<Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived)); ClientController.ServerDisconnect = (Action)Delegate.Remove(ClientController.ServerDisconnect, new Action(OnDisconnect)); if (CurrentLobby != null && CurrentLobby.InGame) { CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode.OnEnd(cancelled: true); } if ((Object)(object)_worldHandler.currentEncounter != (Object)null && _worldHandler.currentEncounter is ProxyEncounter) { _worldHandler.currentEncounter.SetEncounterState((EncounterState)0); } LobbyChanged = (Action)Delegate.Remove(LobbyChanged, new Action(HandleEncounter)); } private void HandleEncounter() { if (CurrentLobby == null && (Object)(object)_worldHandler.currentEncounter != (Object)null && _worldHandler.currentEncounter is ProxyEncounter) { _worldHandler.currentEncounter.SetEncounterState((EncounterState)0); } else if (CurrentLobby != null && (Object)(object)_worldHandler.currentEncounter == (Object)null) { ((Encounter)ProxyEncounter.Instance).ActivateEncounter(); } } public void OnUpdate() { if (CurrentLobby != null && CurrentLobby.InGame) { CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode.OnUpdate_InGame(); } } public bool CanJoinLobby() { if ((Object)(object)_worldHandler.currentEncounter != (Object)null && !(_worldHandler.currentEncounter is ProxyEncounter)) { return false; } return true; } public void OnTick() { if (CurrentLobby != null && CurrentLobby.InGame) { CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode.OnTick_InGame(); } } public string GetLobbyName(uint lobbyId) { //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return GamemodeFactory.GetGamemodeName(Lobbies[lobbyId].LobbyState.Gamemode); } public void CreateLobby(GamemodeIDs gamemode, GamemodeSettings settings) { //IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004e: Expected O, but got Unknown if (!CanJoinLobby()) { return; } byte[] array; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); settings.Write(writer); array = memoryStream.ToArray(); } _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyCreate(gamemode, array), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } public void JoinLobby(uint lobbyId) { //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Expected O, but got Unknown if (CanJoinLobby()) { _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyJoin(lobbyId), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); NotificationController.Instance.RemoveNotificationForLobby(lobbyId); } } public void LeaveLobby() { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyLeave(), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } public void StartGame() { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyStart(), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } public void EndGame() { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyEnd(), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } public void SetChallenge(bool set) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbySetChallenge(set), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } public void SetAllowTeamSwitching(bool set) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbySetAllowTeamSwitching(set), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } public void SetGamemode(GamemodeIDs gamemode, GamemodeSettings settings) { //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Expected O, but got Unknown byte[] array; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream); settings.Write(writer); array = memoryStream.ToArray(); } _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbySetGamemode(gamemode, array), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } public void InvitePlayer(ushort playerId) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyInvite(playerId), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } public void DeclineInvite(uint lobbyId) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyDeclineInvite(lobbyId), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); NotificationController.Instance.RemoveNotificationForLobby(lobbyId); } public void DeclineAllInvites() { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyDeclineAllInvites(), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); NotificationController.Instance.RemoveAllNotifications(); } public void KickPlayer(ushort playerId) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Expected O, but got Unknown _clientController.SendPacket((Packet)new ClientLobbyKick(playerId), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)2); } private void OnPacketReceived(Packets packetId, Packet packet) { //IL_0027: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0048: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_008b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0058: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0104: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_010b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004b: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0121: Expected O, but got Unknown if (CurrentLobby != null && CurrentLobby.InGame) { CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode.OnPacketReceived_InGame(packetId, packet); } switch (packetId - 13) { case 2: { ServerLobbyDeleted val2 = (ServerLobbyDeleted)packet; if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(val2.LobbyUID, out var value2)) { Lobbies.Remove(val2.LobbyUID); OnLobbyDeleted(value2); } return; } case 0: foreach (LobbyState lobby in ((ServerLobbies)packet).Lobbies) { if (!Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobby.Id, out var value)) { value = new Lobby(); Lobbies[lobby.Id] = value; } value.LobbyState = lobby; } OnLobbiesUpdated(); return; case 4: OnStartGame(); return; case 5: { ServerLobbyEnd val = (ServerLobbyEnd)packet; OnEndGame(val.Cancelled); return; } case 1: case 3: return; } if ((int)packetId == 47) { ServerLobbySoftUpdate val3 = (ServerLobbySoftUpdate)packet; if (CurrentLobby == null) { UpdateCurrentLobby(); } if (CurrentLobby.LobbyState.Players.TryGetValue(val3.PlayerId, out var value3)) { value3.Score = val3.Score; } OnLobbySoftUpdated(); } } private void OnDisconnect() { Lobbies.Clear(); OnLobbiesUpdated(); } private void UpdateCurrentLobby() { CurrentLobby = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Lobby> lobby in Lobbies) { if (lobby.Value.LobbyState.Players.Keys.Contains(_clientController.LocalID)) { CurrentLobby = lobby.Value; } } } private void OnEndGame(bool cancelled) { if (CurrentLobby != null) { if (CurrentLobby.InGame) { CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode.OnEnd(cancelled); } CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode = null; CurrentLobby.LobbyState.InGame = false; } } private void OnStartGame() { //IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (CurrentLobby == null) { UpdateCurrentLobby(); } if (CurrentLobby.InGame) { CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode.OnEnd(cancelled: true); } CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode = GamemodeFactory.GetGamemode(CurrentLobby.LobbyState.Gamemode); CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode.Lobby = CurrentLobby; CurrentLobby.LobbyState.InGame = true; CurrentLobby.CurrentGamemode.OnStart(); Player currentPlayer = _worldHandler.GetCurrentPlayer(); PhoneUtility.BackToHomescreen(;; } private void OnLobbyDeleted(Lobby lobby) { if (lobby == CurrentLobby) { CurrentLobby = null; if (lobby.InGame) { lobby.CurrentGamemode.OnEnd(cancelled: true); } LobbyChanged?.Invoke(); } UpdateCurrentLobby(); LobbiesUpdated?.Invoke(); } private void OnLobbySoftUpdated() { LobbySoftUpdated?.Invoke(); } private void OnLobbiesUpdated() { Lobby currentLobby = CurrentLobby; UpdateCurrentLobby(); LobbiesInvited.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Lobby> lobby in Lobbies) { if (lobby.Value != CurrentLobby && lobby.Value.LobbyState.InvitedPlayers.Keys.Contains(_clientController.LocalID)) { LobbiesInvited.Add(lobby.Key); } } if (currentLobby != CurrentLobby) { if (currentLobby != null && currentLobby.InGame) { currentLobby.CurrentGamemode.OnEnd(cancelled: true); currentLobby.CurrentGamemode = null; } LobbyChanged?.Invoke(); } LobbiesUpdated?.Invoke(); } } public static class ClientLogger { public static void Log(string message) { Debug.Log((object)("[" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "] " + message)); } } public class DebugUI : MonoBehaviour { internal static DebugUI Instance; private TextMeshProUGUI _curAnimLabel; private void Awake() { Instance = this; Init(); } private static TextMeshProUGUI MakeLabel(TextMeshProUGUI reference, string name) { //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) TMP_FontAsset font = ((TMP_Text)reference).font; float fontSize = ((TMP_Text)reference).fontSize; Material fontMaterial = ((TMP_Text)reference).fontMaterial; TextMeshProUGUI obj = new GameObject(name).AddComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); ((TMP_Text)obj).font = font; ((TMP_Text)obj).fontSize = fontSize; ((TMP_Text)obj).fontMaterial = fontMaterial; ((TMP_Text)obj).alignment = (TextAlignmentOptions)4097; ((TMP_Text)obj).fontStyle = (FontStyles)1; ((TMP_Text)obj).outlineWidth = 0.2f; return obj; } private static TextMeshProUGUI MakeGlyph(TextMeshProUGUI reference, int actionID) { TextMeshProUGUI val = MakeLabel(reference, ""); ((Component)val).gameObject.SetActive(false); UIButtonGlyphComponent obj = ((Component)val).gameObject.AddComponent<UIButtonGlyphComponent>(); obj.inputActionID = actionID; obj.localizedGlyphTextComponent = val; obj.localizedTextComponent = val; ((Behaviour)obj).enabled = true; ((Component)val).gameObject.SetActive(true); return val; } private void Init() { //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0111: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_012e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) RectTransform val = ((Component)Instance).gameObject.AddComponent<RectTransform>(); val.anchorMin =; val.anchorMax =; TextMeshProUGUI[] componentsInChildren = ((Component)Core.Instance.UIManager.danceAbilityUI).GetComponentsInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>(true); TextMeshProUGUI val2 = null; TextMeshProUGUI[] array = componentsInChildren; foreach (TextMeshProUGUI val3 in array) { if (((Object)((Component)((TMP_Text)val3).transform).gameObject).name == "DanceSelectConfirmText") { val2 = val3; } } if (!((Object)(object)val2 == (Object)null)) { float num = 100f; float num2 = -50f; float num3 = 50f; float num4 = 75f; _curAnimLabel = MakeLabel(val2, "CurAnim"); ((TMP_Text)_curAnimLabel).text = "CurAnim"; ((TMP_Text)_curAnimLabel).rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f); ((TMP_Text)_curAnimLabel).rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f); ((TMP_Text)_curAnimLabel).rectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0f, 1f); ((TMP_Text)_curAnimLabel).rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(num + num4, num3 + num2); ((Transform)((TMP_Text)_curAnimLabel).rectTransform).SetParent((Transform)(object)val, false); } } private void Update() { if ((Object)(object)_curAnimLabel == (Object)null) { return; } WorldHandler instance = WorldHandler.instance; if (!((Object)(object)instance == (Object)null)) { Player currentPlayer = instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); if (!((Object)(object)currentPlayer == (Object)null)) { ((TMP_Text)_curAnimLabel).text = $"CurAnim: {currentPlayer.curAnim}\n"; TextMeshProUGUI curAnimLabel = _curAnimLabel; ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel).text = ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel).text + $"Players: {RenderStats.Players}\n"; TextMeshProUGUI curAnimLabel2 = _curAnimLabel; ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel2).text = ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel2).text + $"Players Rendered (High): {RenderStats.PlayersRendered}\n"; TextMeshProUGUI curAnimLabel3 = _curAnimLabel; ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel3).text = ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel3).text + $"Players Rendered (Low): {RenderStats.PlayersRenderedLOD}\n"; TextMeshProUGUI curAnimLabel4 = _curAnimLabel; ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel4).text = ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel4).text + $"Players Culled: {RenderStats.PlayersCulled}\n"; TextMeshProUGUI curAnimLabel5 = _curAnimLabel; ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel5).text = ((TMP_Text)curAnimLabel5).text + $"Loaded Characters: {CrewBoomStreamer.LoadedCharacters}\n"; } } } public static void Create() { //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ((Object)(object)Instance != (Object)null) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)Instance).gameObject); } GameObject val = new GameObject("Debug UI"); val.transform.SetParent((Transform)(object)((Component)((Component)Core.Instance.UIManager.gameplay).transform.parent).GetComponent<RectTransform>(), false); val.AddComponent<DebugUI>(); } } public class Emojis { public Dictionary<string, int> Sprites = new Dictionary<string, int> { { ":car:", 25 }, { ":akkowot:", 24 }, { ":krehs:", 26 } }; } public static class InputUtils { public static bool Override; public static bool InputBlocked { get { if (Override) { return false; } ChatUI instance = ChatUI.Instance; PlayerListUI instance2 = PlayerListUI.Instance; if ((Object)(object)instance2 == (Object)null) { return false; } if ((Object)(object)instance == (Object)null) { return false; } if (instance.State != ChatUI.States.Focused) { return instance2.Displaying; } return true; } } } public class Lobby { public LobbyState LobbyState; public Gamemode CurrentGamemode; public bool InGame { get { if (CurrentGamemode != null) { return CurrentGamemode.InGame; } return false; } } public LobbyPlayer GetHighestScoringPlayer() { LobbyPlayer val = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer> player in LobbyState.Players) { if (val == null || player.Value.Score > val.Score) { val = player.Value; } } return val; } public Gamemode GetOrCreateGamemode() { //IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (CurrentGamemode != null) { return CurrentGamemode; } return GamemodeFactory.GetGamemode(LobbyState.Gamemode); } } public class LobbyPlayerUI : MonoBehaviour { private TextMeshProUGUI _playerName; private TextMeshProUGUI _score; private ClientController _clientController; private LobbyPlayer _lobbyPlayer; private Lobby _lobby; private GameObject _readySprite; private GameObject _notReadySprite; private GameObject _afkSprite; private Image _bg; private Image _teamBg; public int Position = -1; private const float TeamPlayerDarkening = 0.25f; private void Awake() { _playerName = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.Find("Label")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); _score = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.Find("Score")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); _readySprite = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.Find("Ready")).gameObject; _notReadySprite = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.Find("Not Ready")).gameObject; _afkSprite = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.Find("AFK")).gameObject; _bg = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.Find("BG")).GetComponent<Image>(); _teamBg = ((Component)((Component)this).transform.Find("Team BG")).GetComponent<Image>(); _clientController = ClientController.Instance; ((TMP_Text)_playerName).spriteAsset = MPAssets.Instance.Sprites; } private void Update() { if (_lobbyPlayer == null) { return; } ClientVisualState clientVisualState = _clientController.Players[_lobbyPlayer.Id].ClientVisualState; if (clientVisualState != null) { _afkSprite.SetActive(clientVisualState.AFK); if (!_lobby.InGame) { _readySprite.SetActive(_lobbyPlayer.Ready); _notReadySprite.SetActive(!_lobbyPlayer.Ready); } else { _readySprite.SetActive(false); _notReadySprite.SetActive(false); } if (_lobby.LobbyState.HostId == _lobbyPlayer.Id) { _readySprite.SetActive(false); _notReadySprite.SetActive(false); } } } private string FormatScore(float score) { if (score <= 0f) { return "0"; } return FormattingUtility.FormatPlayerScore(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, score); } public void SetTeam(Lobby lobby, Team team, byte teamId, int standing) { //IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) _lobby = lobby; string text = MPUtility.GetCrewDisplayName(MPUtility.GetTeamName(lobby.LobbyState, team, teamId)); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { text = team.Name; } _lobbyPlayer = null; ((TMP_Text)_playerName).text = $"{standing}. {text}"; ((Component)_bg).gameObject.SetActive(false); _readySprite.SetActive(false); _notReadySprite.SetActive(false); ((Component)_teamBg).gameObject.SetActive(true); _afkSprite.gameObject.SetActive(false); ((Graphic)_teamBg).color = new Color(team.Color.r, team.Color.g, team.Color.b, ((Graphic)_teamBg).color.a); ((TMP_Text)_score).text = FormatScore(_lobby.LobbyState.GetScoreForTeam(teamId)); } public void SetPlayer(LobbyPlayer player, Team team) { //IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0092: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ((Component)_bg).gameObject.SetActive(false); ((Component)_teamBg).gameObject.SetActive(false); if (team == null) { ((Component)_bg).gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { ((Component)_teamBg).gameObject.SetActive(true); ((Graphic)_teamBg).color = new Color(team.Color.r * 0.25f, team.Color.g * 0.25f, team.Color.b * 0.25f, ((Graphic)_teamBg).color.a); } Lobby lobby = (_lobby = _clientController.ClientLobbyManager.Lobbies[player.LobbyId]); string text = MPUtility.GetPlayerDisplayName(_clientController.Players[player.Id].ClientState); if (lobby.LobbyState.HostId == player.Id) { text = "<color=yellow>[Host]</color> "
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Reptile; using UnityEngine; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BombRushMP.PluginCommon")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BombRushMP.PluginCommon")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2025")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("0bf3555a-fac1-41ca-beb1-e93323c1e530")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace BombRushMP.PluginCommon { public class AudioCollection { public List<AudioClip> Clips = new List<AudioClip>(); private AudioClip _lastAudioClip; public AudioClip GetRandom() { if (Clips.Count == 0) { return null; } if (Clips.Count == 1) { return Clips[0]; } List<AudioClip> list = new List<AudioClip>(Clips); if ((Object)(object)_lastAudioClip != (Object)null) { list.Remove(_lastAudioClip); } return _lastAudioClip = list[Random.Range(0, list.Count)]; } } public class AudioLibrary { public Dictionary<AudioClipID, AudioCollection> Collections = new Dictionary<AudioClipID, AudioCollection>(); public AudioClip GetRandom(AudioClipID audioClipID) { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!Collections.ContainsKey(audioClipID)) { return null; } return Collections[audioClipID].GetRandom(); } } }
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using BombRushMP.Common.Networking; using Riptide; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BombRushMP.RiptideInterface")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BombRushMP.RiptideInterface")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2025")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("f0f90b2b-9b2c-45db-b794-03743a2bf1d9")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] namespace BombRushMP.RiptideInterface; internal class RiptideClient : INetClient { private Client _riptideClient; public bool IsConnected => _riptideClient.IsConnected; public EventHandler Connected { get; set; } public EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived { get; set; } public EventHandler<DisconnectedEventArgs> Disconnected { get; set; } public EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs> ConnectionFailed { get; set; } public RiptideClient() { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0016: Expected O, but got Unknown _riptideClient = new Client("CLIENT"); _riptideClient.Connected += InternalConnected; _riptideClient.MessageReceived += InternalMessageReceived; _riptideClient.Disconnected += InternalDisconnected; _riptideClient.ConnectionFailed += InternalConnectionFailed; } private void InternalConnected(object sender, EventArgs args) { Connected?.Invoke(sender, args); } private void InternalConnectionFailed(object sender, ConnectionFailedEventArgs args) { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Expected O, but got Unknown EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs> connectionFailed = ConnectionFailed; if (connectionFailed != null) { RejectReason reason = args.Reason; connectionFailed(sender, new ConnectionFailedEventArgs(((object)(RejectReason)(ref reason)).ToString())); } } private void InternalDisconnected(object sender, DisconnectedEventArgs args) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001a: Expected O, but got Unknown DisconnectReason reason = args.Reason; DisconnectedEventArgs e = new DisconnectedEventArgs(((object)(DisconnectReason)(ref reason)).ToString()); Disconnected?.Invoke(sender, e); } private void InternalMessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs args) { //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Expected O, but got Unknown MessageReceivedEventArgs e = new MessageReceivedEventArgs(args.MessageId, (IMessage)(object)new RiptideMessage(args.Message), (INetConnection)(object)new RiptideConnection(args.FromConnection)); MessageReceived?.Invoke(sender, e); } public bool Connect(string address, int port) { IPAddress[] hostAddresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(address); if (hostAddresses.Length != 0) { address = hostAddresses[0].ToString(); } address += $":{port}"; return _riptideClient.Connect(address, 5, (byte)0, (Message)null, true); } public void Disconnect() { _riptideClient.Disconnect(); } public void Send(IMessage message) { _riptideClient.Send((message as RiptideMessage).InternalRiptideMessage, true); } public void Update() { ((Peer)_riptideClient).Update(); } public override string ToString() { return ((object)_riptideClient).ToString(); } } public class RiptideConnection : INetConnection { private Connection _riptideConnection; public bool CanQualityDisconnect { get { return _riptideConnection.CanQualityDisconnect; } set { _riptideConnection.CanQualityDisconnect = value; } } public ushort Id => _riptideConnection.Id; public string Address => ((object)_riptideConnection).ToString().Split(new char[1] { ':' })[0]; public RiptideConnection(Connection connection) { _riptideConnection = connection; } public void Send(IMessage message) { _riptideConnection.Send((message as RiptideMessage).InternalRiptideMessage, true); } public override string ToString() { return ((object)_riptideConnection).ToString(); } } public class RiptideInterface : INetworkingInterface { public int MaxPayloadSize { get { return Message.MaxPayloadSize; } set { Message.MaxPayloadSize = value; } } public INetClient CreateClient() { return (INetClient)(object)new RiptideClient(); } public INetServer CreateServer() { return (INetServer)(object)new RiptideServer(); } public IMessage CreateMessage(SendModes sendMode, NetChannels channel, Enum packetId) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return (IMessage)(object)new RiptideMessage(Message.Create(RiptideUtils.SendModeToRiptide(sendMode), packetId)); } public override string ToString() { return "Riptide Networking"; } } public class RiptideMessage : IMessage { internal Message InternalRiptideMessage { get; private set; } public RiptideMessage(Message sourceMessage) { InternalRiptideMessage = sourceMessage; } public byte[] GetBytes() { return InternalRiptideMessage.GetBytes(); } public IMessage Add(byte[] data) { InternalRiptideMessage.Add(data, true); return (IMessage)(object)this; } public override string ToString() { return ((object)InternalRiptideMessage).ToString(); } } public class RiptideServer : INetServer { private Server _riptideServer; public int TimeoutTime { set { ((Peer)_riptideServer).TimeoutTime = value; } } public EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived { get; set; } public EventHandler<ServerDisconnectedEventArgs> ClientDisconnected { get; set; } public EventHandler<ServerConnectedEventArgs> ClientConnected { get; set; } public RiptideServer() { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0016: Expected O, but got Unknown _riptideServer = new Server("SERVER"); _riptideServer.MessageReceived += InternalMessageReceived; _riptideServer.ClientDisconnected += InternalClientDisconnected; } public void Start(ushort port, ushort maxPlayers) { _riptideServer.Start(port, maxPlayers, (byte)0, true); } private void InternalClientDisconnected(object sender, ServerDisconnectedEventArgs args) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Expected O, but got Unknown RiptideConnection riptideConnection = new RiptideConnection(args.Client); DisconnectReason reason = args.Reason; ServerDisconnectedEventArgs e = new ServerDisconnectedEventArgs((INetConnection)(object)riptideConnection, ((object)(DisconnectReason)(ref reason)).ToString()); ClientDisconnected?.Invoke(sender, e); } private void InternalClientConnected(object sender, ServerConnectedEventArgs args) { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown ServerConnectedEventArgs e = new ServerConnectedEventArgs((INetConnection)(object)new RiptideConnection(args.Client)); ClientConnected?.Invoke(sender, e); } private void InternalMessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs args) { //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0022: Expected O, but got Unknown MessageReceivedEventArgs e = new MessageReceivedEventArgs(args.MessageId, (IMessage)(object)new RiptideMessage(args.Message), (INetConnection)(object)new RiptideConnection(args.FromConnection)); MessageReceived?.Invoke(sender, e); } public void DisconnectClient(ushort id) { _riptideServer.DisconnectClient(id, (Message)null); } public void DisconnectClient(INetConnection client) { _riptideServer.DisconnectClient(client.Id, (Message)null); } public void Update() { ((Peer)_riptideServer).Update(); } public void Stop() { _riptideServer.Stop(); } public override string ToString() { return ((object)_riptideServer).ToString(); } } public static class RiptideUtils { public static MessageSendMode SendModeToRiptide(SendModes sendMode) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ((int)sendMode != 0) { return (MessageSendMode)7; } return (MessageSendMode)0; } }
Decompiled 2 hours agousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using BombRushMP.Common; using BombRushMP.Common.Networking; using BombRushMP.Common.Packets; using BombRushMP.Server.Gamemodes; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Newtonsoft.Json; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("BombRushMP.Server")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("BombRushMP.Server")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2025")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("dda80519-ac3f-4803-bf1f-0f1aed6887d5")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.6.2")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace BombRushMP.Server { public class AuthKeys { public Dictionary<string, AuthUser> Users = new Dictionary<string, AuthUser>(); private AuthUser _defaultUser = new AuthUser(); public void MakeExample() { //IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Expected O, but got Unknown Users["Default"] = new AuthUser((UserKinds)0, Array.Empty<string>(), Array.Empty<int>(), "Default user"); } public AuthUser GetUser(string key) { if (Users.TryGetValue(key, out var value)) { return value; } if (Users.TryGetValue("Default", out var value2)) { return value2; } return _defaultUser; } } public class BannedUser { public string NameAtTimeOfBan = ""; public string Reason = ""; } public class BannedUsers { public Dictionary<string, BannedUser> Users = new Dictionary<string, BannedUser>(); public void MakeExample() { Users["Example"] = new BannedUser { NameAtTimeOfBan = "Goofiest Gooner", Reason = "Being annoying" }; } public bool IsBanned(string address) { return Users.ContainsKey(address); } public void Ban(string address, string name = "None", string reason = "None") { Users[address] = new BannedUser { NameAtTimeOfBan = name, Reason = reason }; } public void Unban(string address) { if (Users.TryGetValue(address, out var _)) { Users.Remove(address); } } } public class BRCServer : IDisposable { public ServerLobbyManager ServerLobbyManager; public static Action<INetConnection> ClientHandshook; public static Action<INetConnection> ClientDisconnected; public static Action<INetConnection, Packets, Packet> PacketReceived; public static Action<float> OnTick; public Action RestartAction; public Dictionary<ushort, Player> Players = new Dictionary<ushort, Player>(); public INetServer Server; private float _tickRate = 1f / 32f; private Stopwatch _tickStopWatch; private HashSet<int> _activeStages; private float _playerCountTickTimer; private IServerDatabase _database; public bool LogMessagesToFile; public bool LogMessages = true; public bool AllowNameChanges = true; public float ChatCooldown = 0.5f; public SendModes ClientAnimationSendMode = (SendModes)2; public ServerState ServerState = new ServerState(); private const int MaxVisualUpdates = 5; public static BRCServer Instance { get; private set; } private INetworkingInterface NetworkingInterface => NetworkingEnvironment.NetworkingInterface; public BRCServer(int port, ushort maxPlayers, float tickRate, IServerDatabase database) { //IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Expected O, but got Unknown Instance = this; _database = database; _tickRate = tickRate; NetworkingInterface.MaxPayloadSize = 10000; ServerLobbyManager = new ServerLobbyManager(); _tickStopWatch = new Stopwatch(); _tickStopWatch.Start(); Server = NetworkingInterface.CreateServer(); Server.TimeoutTime = 10000; INetServer server = Server; server.ClientConnected = (EventHandler<ServerConnectedEventArgs>)Delegate.Combine(server.ClientConnected, new EventHandler<ServerConnectedEventArgs>(OnClientConnected)); INetServer server2 = Server; server2.ClientDisconnected = (EventHandler<ServerDisconnectedEventArgs>)Delegate.Combine(server2.ClientDisconnected, new EventHandler<ServerDisconnectedEventArgs>(OnClientDisconnected)); INetServer server3 = Server; server3.MessageReceived = (EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs>)Delegate.Combine(server3.MessageReceived, new EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs>(OnMessageReceived)); Server.Start((ushort)port, maxPlayers); ServerLogger.Log($"Starting server on port {port} with max players {maxPlayers}, using Network Interface {NetworkingInterface}"); } public void DisconnectClient(ushort id) { Server.DisconnectClient(id); } public void Update() { double totalSeconds = _tickStopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; if (totalSeconds >= (double)_tickRate) { Tick((float)totalSeconds); _tickStopWatch.Restart(); } } private void Tick(float deltaTime) { Server.Update(); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { player.Value.Tick(deltaTime); } _activeStages = GetActiveStages(); foreach (int activeStage in _activeStages) { TickStage(activeStage); } TickPlayerCount(deltaTime); OnTick?.Invoke(deltaTime); } private void TickPlayerCount(float deltaTime) { //IL_00cb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d8: Expected O, but got Unknown _playerCountTickTimer += deltaTime; if (!(_playerCountTickTimer >= 1f)) { return; } _playerCountTickTimer = 0f; Dictionary<int, int> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { if (player.Value.ClientState != null && !player.Value.Invisible) { if (dictionary.TryGetValue(player.Value.ClientState.Stage, out var value)) { dictionary[player.Value.ClientState.Stage] = value + 1; } else { dictionary[player.Value.ClientState.Stage] = 1; } } } SendPacket((Packet)new ServerPlayerCount(dictionary), (SendModes)0, (NetChannels)0); } private void TickStage(int stage) { foreach (ServerClientVisualStates item in CreateClientVisualStatesPacket(stage)) { SendPacketToStage((Packet)(object)item, (SendModes)0, stage, (NetChannels)3); } } private HashSet<int> GetActiveStages() { HashSet<int> hashSet = new HashSet<int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { if (player.Value.ClientState != null) { hashSet.Add(player.Value.ClientState.Stage); } } return hashSet; } public void Dispose() { Server.Stop(); } public void SendPacket(Packet packet, SendModes sendMode, NetChannels channel, ushort[] except = null) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) IMessage val = PacketFactory.MessageFromPacket(packet, sendMode, channel); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { if (player.Value.ClientState != null && (except == null || !except.Contains(player.Key))) { player.Value.Client.Send(val); } } } public void SendPacketToStage(Packet packet, SendModes sendMode, int stage, NetChannels channel, ushort[] except = null) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) IMessage val = PacketFactory.MessageFromPacket(packet, sendMode, channel); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { if (player.Value.ClientState != null && player.Value.ClientState.Stage == stage && (except == null || !except.Contains(player.Key))) { player.Value.Client.Send(val); } } } public void SendPacketToClient(Packet packet, SendModes sendMode, INetConnection client, NetChannels channel) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) IMessage val = PacketFactory.MessageFromPacket(packet, sendMode, channel); client.Send(val); } private void SendEliteNagChat(int stage) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0015: Expected O, but got Unknown SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerChat("<color=yellow>Beat a Freesoul Elite in any gamemode to unlock a skateboard skin.</color>", (ChatMessageTypes)2), (SendModes)2, stage, (NetChannels)4); } public void SendMessageToPlayer(string message, Player player) { //IL_0003: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0015: Expected O, but got Unknown SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerChat(message, (ChatMessageTypes)2), (SendModes)2, player.Client, (NetChannels)4); } private void ReloadAllUsers() { foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { player.Value.ClientState.User = _database.AuthKeys.GetUser(player.Value.Auth.AuthKey); } foreach (int activeStage in GetActiveStages()) { ServerClientStates packet = CreateClientStatesPacket(activeStage); SendPacketToStage((Packet)(object)packet, (SendModes)1, activeStage, (NetChannels)2); } } private void ProcessCommand(string message, Player player) { //IL_0737: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_074f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0a22: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0a34: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_032e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_033b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_08aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_08c2: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_08e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_08ee: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0474: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0487: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0375: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0382: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_03c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03d9: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_041d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0430: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_02e2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02f4: Expected O, but got Unknown string[] array = message.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }); string text = array[0].Substring(1, array[0].Length - 1); if (text == null) { return; } switch (text.Length) { case 12: switch (text[0]) { case 's': if (text == "setservertag" && player.ClientState.User.IsModerator && array.Length > 1) { ServerState.Tags.Add(array[1]); SendPacket((Packet)new ServerServerStateUpdate(ServerState), (SendModes)1, (NetChannels)2); } break; case 'g': { if (!(text == "getaddresses") || !player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { break; } string text4 = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player2 in Players) { if (player2.Value.ClientState.Stage == player.ClientState.Stage) { text4 += $"{player2.Value.Client.Address} - {TMPFilter.CloseAllTags(player2.Value.ClientState.Name)} ({player2.Key})\n"; } } SendMessageToPlayer(text4, player); break; } } break; case 3: switch (text[0]) { case 'n': if (text == "nag" && player.ClientState.User.HasTag("elite")) { SendEliteNagChat(player.ClientState.Stage); } break; case 's': if (text == "say" && player.ClientState.User.IsAdmin) { SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerChat(message.Substring(5), (ChatMessageTypes)2), (SendModes)2, player.ClientState.Stage, (NetChannels)4); } break; } break; case 5: switch (text[0]) { case 'b': { if (!(text == "banid") || !player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { break; } string[] array2 = CommandUtility.ParseArgs(message, 2); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(array2[0])) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(array2[1])) { array2[1] = "None"; } if (ushort.TryParse(array2[0], out var result) && BanPlayerById(result, array2[1])) { SendMessageToPlayer("Player has been banned.", player); } } break; } case 'u': if (text == "unban" && player.ClientState.User.IsModerator && array.Length > 1 && Unban(array[1])) { SendMessageToPlayer("Player has been unbanned.", player); } break; case 's': { if (!(text == "stats") || !player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { break; } int count = Players.Count; int count2 = ServerLobbyManager.Lobbies.Count; int num = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Lobby> lobby in ServerLobbyManager.Lobbies) { if (lobby.Value.LobbyState.InGame) { num++; } } SendMessageToPlayer($"Players: {count}\nLobbies: {count2}\nLobbies in game: {num}", player); break; } } break; case 6: switch (text[0]) { case 'g': { if (!(text == "getids") || !player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { break; } string text5 = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player3 in Players) { if (player3.Value.ClientState.Stage == player.ClientState.Stage) { text5 += $"{player3.Key} - {TMPFilter.CloseAllTags(player3.Value.ClientState.Name)}\n"; } } SendMessageToPlayer(text5, player); break; } case 's': if (text == "sayall" && player.ClientState.User.IsAdmin) { SendPacket((Packet)new ServerChat(message.Substring(8), (ChatMessageTypes)2), (SendModes)2, (NetChannels)4); } break; case 'r': if (text == "reload" && player.ClientState.User.IsAdmin) { SendMessageToPlayer("Reloading server database.", player); _database.Load(); ReloadAllUsers(); } break; } break; case 7: switch (text[0]) { case 'r': if (text == "restart" && player.ClientState.User.IsAdmin) { SendMessageToPlayer("Restarting server.", player); RestartAction?.Invoke(); } break; case 'b': if (text == "banlist" && player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerBanList(JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)_database.BannedUsers, (Formatting)1)), (SendModes)2, player.Client, (NetChannels)0); } break; } break; case 13: { if (!(text == "getservertags") || !player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { break; } string text3 = "Current server tags:\n"; foreach (string tag in ServerState.Tags) { text3 = text3 + tag + "\n"; } SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerChat(text3, (ChatMessageTypes)2), (SendModes)2, player.Client, (NetChannels)4); break; } case 15: if (text == "removeservertag" && player.ClientState.User.IsModerator && array.Length > 1) { ServerState.Tags.Remove(array[1]); SendPacket((Packet)new ServerServerStateUpdate(ServerState), (SendModes)1, (NetChannels)2); } break; case 16: { if (text == "makeseankingston" && player.ClientState.User.IsModerator && array.Length > 1 && ushort.TryParse(array[1], out var result3) && Players.TryGetValue(result3, out var value2)) { SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerSetSpecialSkin((SpecialSkins)3), (SendModes)2, value2.Client, (NetChannels)0); } break; } case 21: { if (text == "makeforkliftcertified" && player.ClientState.User.IsModerator && array.Length > 1 && ushort.TryParse(array[1], out var result4) && Players.TryGetValue(result4, out var value3)) { SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerSetSpecialSkin((SpecialSkins)4), (SendModes)2, value3.Client, (NetChannels)0); } break; } case 9: { if (text == "makechibi" && player.ClientState.User.IsModerator && array.Length > 1 && ushort.TryParse(array[1], out var result2) && Players.TryGetValue(result2, out var value)) { SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerSetChibi(true), (SendModes)2, value.Client, (NetChannels)0); } break; } case 10: { if (!(text == "banaddress") || !player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { break; } string[] array3 = CommandUtility.ParseArgs(message, 2); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(array3[0])) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(array3[1])) { array3[1] = "None"; } if (BanPlayerByAddress(array3[0], array3[1])) { SendMessageToPlayer("Player has been banned.", player); } } break; } case 8: if (text == "clearall" && player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerChat((ChatMessageTypes)4), (SendModes)2, player.ClientState.Stage, (NetChannels)4); } break; case 4: if (text == "help") { char c = '/'; string text2 = "\nAvailable commands:\n"; text2 += $"{c}hide - Hide chat\n{c}show - Show chat\n{c}clear - Clear chat\n"; if (player.ClientState.User.IsModerator) { text2 += $"{c}banlist - Downloads the ban list from the server\n{c}banaddress (ip) (reason) - Bans player by IP\n{c}banid (id) (reason) - Bans player by ID\n{c}unban (ip) - Unbans player by IP\n{c}getids - Gets IDs of players in current stage\n{c}getaddresses - Gets IP addresses of players in current stage\n{c}help\n{c}stats - Shows global player and lobby stats\n{c}makechibi (id)\n{c}makeseankingston (id)\n{c}makeforkliftcertified (id)\n{c}setservertag (tag)\n{c}removeservertag (tag)\n{c}getservertags\n{c}clearall - Clears everyones chats\n"; } if (player.ClientState.User.IsAdmin) { text2 += $"{c}reload - Reloads server auth keys and banned users\n{c}restart - Restarts the server\n{c}say (announcement for stage)\n{c}sayall (global announcement)\n"; } SendMessageToPlayer(text2, player); } break; case 11: case 14: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: break; } } private void OnPacketReceived(INetConnection client, Packets packetId, Packet packet) { //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003e: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0052: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0367: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_036e: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005a: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_02c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02ca: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0522: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0525: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_053c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0559: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0530: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0532: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0537: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0351: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0365: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0322: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0336: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_04dd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_04e4: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_017b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0181: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0185: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0208: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0214: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0216: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_021b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0220: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_022c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0240: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0296: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_02a9: Expected O, but got Unknown Player player = Players[client.Id]; if (_database.BannedUsers.IsBanned(client.Address)) { Server.DisconnectClient(client.Id); return; } if ((int)packetId <= 3) { if ((int)packetId == 0) { goto IL_005f; } if ((int)packetId == 3) { ClientState clientState = player.ClientState; ClientVisualState val = (ClientVisualState)packet; ClientVisualState clientVisualState = player.ClientVisualState; player.ClientVisualState = val; if (clientVisualState != null && clientVisualState.AFK != val.AFK && !player.Invisible) { if (val.AFK) { SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerChat(clientState.Name, "{0} is now AFK.", clientState.User.Badges, (ChatMessageTypes)3), (SendModes)2, clientState.Stage, (NetChannels)4); } else { SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerChat(clientState.Name, "{0} is no longer AFK.", clientState.User.Badges, (ChatMessageTypes)3), (SendModes)2, clientState.Stage, (NetChannels)4); } } return; } } else { if ((int)packetId == 31) { ClientChat val2 = (ClientChat)packet; string message = val2.Message; message = TMPFilter.Sanitize(message); if (message.Length > 256) { message = message.Substring(0, 256); } string text = player.ClientState.Name + "/" + TMPFilter.RemoveAllTags(player.ClientState.Name) + " (" + player.Client.Address + "): " + message; if (LogMessages) { ServerLogger.Log($"[Stage: {player.ClientState.Stage}] {text}"); } if (LogMessagesToFile) { _database.LogChatMessage("[" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "] " + text, player.ClientState.Stage); } if (!TMPFilter.IsValidChatMessage(message)) { return; } DateTime lastChatTime = player.LastChatTime; DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; if (!((utcNow - lastChatTime).TotalSeconds <= (double)ChatCooldown)) { player.LastChatTime = utcNow; if (val2.Message[0] == '/') { ProcessCommand(message, player); } else if (player.ClientState != null) { ServerChat packet2 = new ServerChat(player.ClientState.Name, message, player.ClientState.User.Badges, (ChatMessageTypes)0); SendPacketToStage((Packet)(object)packet2, (SendModes)2, player.ClientState.Stage, (NetChannels)4); } } return; } if ((int)packetId == 34) { goto IL_005f; } } if (!(packet is PlayerPacket)) { return; } PlayerPacket val3 = (PlayerPacket)(object)((packet is PlayerPacket) ? packet : null); val3.ClientId = client.Id; if (player.ClientState != null) { NetChannels channel = (NetChannels)0; SendModes sendMode = (SendModes)2; if (packet is PlayerAnimation) { channel = (NetChannels)5; sendMode = PlayerAnimation.ServerSendMode; } SendPacketToStage((Packet)(object)val3, sendMode, Players[client.Id].ClientState.Stage, channel); } return; IL_005f: ClientAuth val4 = (ClientAuth)(object)((packet is ClientAuth) ? packet : null); ClientState val5 = (ClientState)(object)((packet is ClientState) ? packet : null); if (val4 != null) { val5 = val4.State; if (player.Auth != null) { val4 = null; } else { player.Auth = val4; } } if (val5.Name.Length > 64) { val5.Name = val5.Name.Substring(0, 64); } if (val5.CrewName.Length > 32) { val5.CrewName = val5.CrewName.Substring(0, 32); } ClientState clientState2 = player.ClientState; if (clientState2 != null) { if (!AllowNameChanges && (int)clientState2.User.UserKind == 0) { val5.Name = clientState2.Name; } val5.Stage = clientState2.Stage; } if (val4 != null) { if ((val5.User = _database.AuthKeys.GetUser(val4.AuthKey)).CanLurk) { player.Invisible = val4.Invisible; } } else if (clientState2 != null) { val5.User = clientState2.User; } if (val5.User.HasTag("elite")) { val5.Name = "Freesoul Elite"; val5.CrewName = "Freesoul"; } else if ((int)val5.SpecialSkin == 2) { val5.SpecialSkin = (SpecialSkins)(-1); } player.ClientState = val5; ServerClientStates val6 = CreatePlayerClientState(player); if (val6 != null) { SendPacketToStage((Packet)(object)val6, (SendModes)1, val5.Stage, (NetChannels)2); } if (clientState2 == null) { ServerLogger.Log($"Player from {client.Address} (ID: {client.Id}) connected as {val5.Name} in stage {val5.Stage}."); SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerConnectionResponse { LocalClientId = client.Id, TickRate = _tickRate, ClientAnimationSendMode = ClientAnimationSendMode, User = val5.User, ServerState = ServerState }, (SendModes)1, client, (NetChannels)0); ServerClientStates packet3 = CreateClientStatesPacket(val5.Stage); SendPacketToClient((Packet)(object)packet3, (SendModes)1, client, (NetChannels)2); string text2 = "{0} Connected."; if (val5.User.HasTag("elite")) { text2 = "<color=yellow>A {0} has entered the stage!</color>"; } if (!player.Invisible) { SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerChat(val5.Name, text2, val5.User.Badges, (ChatMessageTypes)1), (SendModes)2, val5.Stage, (NetChannels)4); } ClientHandshook?.Invoke(client); } } private void OnMessageReceived(object sender, MessageReceivedEventArgs e) { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) try { Packets val = (Packets)e.MessageId; Packet val2 = PacketFactory.PacketFromMessage(val, e.Message); if (val2 != null && Players.TryGetValue(e.FromConnection.Id, out var _)) { PacketReceived?.Invoke(e.FromConnection, val, val2); OnPacketReceived(e.FromConnection, val, val2); } } catch (Exception arg) { ServerLogger.Log($"Dropped client from {e.FromConnection} (ID: {e.FromConnection.Id}) because they sent a faulty packet. Exception:\n{arg}"); Server.DisconnectClient(e.FromConnection); } } public bool BanPlayerById(ushort id, string reason = "None") { if (Players.TryGetValue(id, out var value)) { return BanPlayerByAddress(value.Client.Address); } return false; } public bool Unban(string address) { _database.Load(); if (!_database.BannedUsers.IsBanned(address)) { return false; } _database.BannedUsers.Unban(address); ServerLogger.Log("Unbanned IP " + address); _database.Save(); return true; } public bool BanPlayerByAddress(string address, string reason = "None") { _database.Load(); string text = "None"; ushort num = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { if (player.Value.Client.Address == address) { text = player.Value.ClientState.Name; num = player.Key; break; } } _database.BannedUsers.Ban(address, text, reason); ServerLogger.Log("Banned IP " + address + ", player name: " + text + ", reason: " + reason); if (num != 0) { Server.DisconnectClient(num); } _database.Save(); return true; } private void OnClientConnected(object sender, ServerConnectedEventArgs e) { if (!_database.BannedUsers.IsBanned(e.Client.Address)) { ServerLogger.Log($"Client connected from {e.Client.Address}. ID: {e.Client.Id}. Players: {Players.Count + 1}"); } Player player = new Player(); player.Client = e.Client; player.Server = this; Players[e.Client.Id] = player; e.Client.CanQualityDisconnect = false; if (_database.BannedUsers.IsBanned(e.Client.Address)) { Server.DisconnectClient(e.Client.Id); } } private void OnClientDisconnected(object sender, ServerDisconnectedEventArgs e) { //IL_00d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e3: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_011d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0130: Expected O, but got Unknown if (!_database.BannedUsers.IsBanned(e.Client.Address)) { ServerLogger.Log($"Client disconnected from {e.Client.Address}. ID: {e.Client.Id}. Reason: {e.Reason}. Players: {Players.Count - 1}"); } ClientState val = null; if (Players.TryGetValue(e.Client.Id, out var value)) { ClientDisconnected?.Invoke(e.Client); Players.Remove(e.Client.Id); val = value.ClientState; } if (val != null) { SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerClientDisconnected(e.Client.Id), (SendModes)1, val.Stage, (NetChannels)2); AuthUser user = val.User; string text = "{0} Disconnected."; if (user.HasTag("elite")) { text = "<color=yellow>A {0} has left!</color>"; } if (!value.Invisible) { SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerChat(val.Name, text, val.User.Badges, (ChatMessageTypes)1), (SendModes)2, val.Stage, (NetChannels)4); } } } private ServerClientStates CreatePlayerClientState(Player player) { //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003d: Expected O, but got Unknown if (player.Invisible) { return null; } if (player.ClientState == null) { return null; } return new ServerClientStates { Full = false, ClientStates = { [player.Client.Id] = player.ClientState } }; } private ServerClientStates CreateClientStatesPacket(int stage) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0006: Expected O, but got Unknown ServerClientStates val = new ServerClientStates(); val.Full = true; foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { if (!player.Value.Invisible && player.Value.ClientState != null && player.Value.ClientState.Stage == stage) { val.ClientStates[player.Key] = player.Value.ClientState; } } return val; } private List<ServerClientVisualStates> CreateClientVisualStatesPacket(int stage) { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003c: Expected O, but got Unknown List<ServerClientVisualStates> list = new List<ServerClientVisualStates>(); ListExtensions.Shuffle<ServerClientVisualStates>((IList<ServerClientVisualStates>)list); int num = 0; ServerClientVisualStates val = new ServerClientVisualStates(); foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, Player> player in Players) { if (num >= 5) { list.Add(val); val = new ServerClientVisualStates(); } if (!player.Value.Invisible && player.Value.ClientState != null && player.Value.ClientState.Stage == stage && player.Value.ClientVisualState != null) { val.ClientVisualStates[player.Key] = player.Value.ClientVisualState; num++; } } list.Add(val); return list; } } public interface IServerDatabase { BannedUsers BannedUsers { get; } AuthKeys AuthKeys { get; } void Load(); void Save(); void LogChatMessage(string message, int stage); } public class Lobby { public LobbyState LobbyState; public Gamemode CurrentGamemode; public Lobby(LobbyState lobbyState) { LobbyState = lobbyState; } public void Tick(float deltaTime) { if (CurrentGamemode != null && LobbyState.InGame) { CurrentGamemode.Tick(deltaTime); } } } public class Player { private const float SecondsToKickPlayerWithoutClientState = 5f; public BRCServer Server; public ClientAuth Auth; public ClientState ClientState; public ClientVisualState ClientVisualState; public float SecondsWithoutSendingClientState; public INetConnection Client; public DateTime LastChatTime = DateTime.UtcNow; public bool Invisible; public void Tick(float deltaTime) { if (ClientState == null) { SecondsWithoutSendingClientState += deltaTime; if (SecondsWithoutSendingClientState > 5f) { ServerLogger.Log($"Rejecting player from {Client} (ID: {Client.Id}) because they took longer than {5f} seconds to send ClientState."); Server.DisconnectClient(Client.Id); } } else { SecondsWithoutSendingClientState = 0f; } } } public static class ServerConstants { public const string JoinMessage = "{0} Connected."; public const string LeaveMessage = "{0} Disconnected."; public const string AFKMessage = "{0} is now AFK."; public const string LeaveAFKMessage = "{0} is no longer AFK."; public const float PlayerCountTickRate = 1f; } public class ServerLobbyManager : IDisposable { public Dictionary<uint, Lobby> Lobbies = new Dictionary<uint, Lobby>(); private BRCServer _server; private UIDProvider _uidProvider = new UIDProvider(); private HashSet<int> _queuedStageUpdates = new HashSet<int>(); private List<Action> _queuedActions = new List<Action>(); public ServerLobbyManager() { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0016: Expected O, but got Unknown _server = BRCServer.Instance; BRCServer.PacketReceived = (Action<INetConnection, Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Combine(BRCServer.PacketReceived, new Action<INetConnection, Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived)); BRCServer.OnTick = (Action<float>)Delegate.Combine(BRCServer.OnTick, new Action<float>(OnTick)); BRCServer.ClientDisconnected = (Action<INetConnection>)Delegate.Combine(BRCServer.ClientDisconnected, new Action<INetConnection>(OnClientDisconnected)); BRCServer.ClientHandshook = (Action<INetConnection>)Delegate.Combine(BRCServer.ClientHandshook, new Action<INetConnection>(OnClientHandshook)); } public void Dispose() { BRCServer.PacketReceived = (Action<INetConnection, Packets, Packet>)Delegate.Remove(BRCServer.PacketReceived, new Action<INetConnection, Packets, Packet>(OnPacketReceived)); BRCServer.OnTick = (Action<float>)Delegate.Remove(BRCServer.OnTick, new Action<float>(OnTick)); BRCServer.ClientDisconnected = (Action<INetConnection>)Delegate.Remove(BRCServer.ClientDisconnected, new Action<INetConnection>(OnClientDisconnected)); BRCServer.ClientHandshook = (Action<INetConnection>)Delegate.Remove(BRCServer.ClientHandshook, new Action<INetConnection>(OnClientHandshook)); } public void StartGame(uint lobbyId) { //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b3: Expected O, but got Unknown Lobby lobby = Lobbies[lobbyId]; lobby.CurrentGamemode = GamemodeFactory.GetGamemode(lobby.LobbyState.Gamemode); lobby.CurrentGamemode.Lobby = lobby; lobby.LobbyState.InGame = true; foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer> player in lobby.LobbyState.Players) { player.Value.Score = 0f; player.Value.Ready = false; } ClearAllInvitesForLobby(lobbyId); SendLobbiesToStage(lobby.LobbyState.Stage); SendPacketToLobby((Packet)new ServerLobbyStart(), (SendModes)1, lobbyId, (NetChannels)1); lobby.CurrentGamemode.OnStart(); } public void EndGame(uint lobbyId, bool cancelled) { //IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0046: Expected O, but got Unknown Lobby lobby = Lobbies[lobbyId]; lobby.LobbyState.InGame = false; Gamemode currentGamemode = lobby.CurrentGamemode; lobby.CurrentGamemode = null; SendLobbiesToStage(lobby.LobbyState.Stage); SendPacketToLobby((Packet)new ServerLobbyEnd(cancelled), (SendModes)1, lobbyId, (NetChannels)1); currentGamemode.OnEnd(cancelled); } public void SetPlayerScore(ushort clientId, float score) { Lobby lobbyPlayerIsIn = GetLobbyPlayerIsIn(clientId); lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Players[clientId].Score = score; SendLobbySoftUpdate(lobbyPlayerIsIn, clientId, score); } public Lobby GetLobbyPlayerIsIn(ushort clientId) { foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Lobby> lobby in Lobbies) { if (lobby.Value.LobbyState.Players.Keys.Contains(clientId)) { return lobby.Value; } } return null; } public void DeleteLobby(uint lobbyId) { //IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0077: Expected O, but got Unknown if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobbyId, out var value)) { if (value.CurrentGamemode != null) { EndGame(lobbyId, cancelled: true); } Lobbies.Remove(lobbyId); _uidProvider.FreeUID(lobbyId); ServerLogger.Log($"Deleted Lobby with UID {lobbyId}"); _server.SendPacketToStage((Packet)new ServerLobbyDeleted(value.LobbyState.Id), (SendModes)1, value.LobbyState.Stage, (NetChannels)2); } } public void AddPlayer(uint lobbyId, ushort clientId) { //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0029: Expected O, but got Unknown if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobbyId, out var value)) { value.LobbyState.Players[clientId] = new LobbyPlayer(lobbyId, clientId, (byte)0); UninvitePlayer(lobbyId, clientId); QueueStageUpdate(value.LobbyState.Stage); } } public void RemovePlayer(uint lobbyId, ushort clientId) { if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobbyId, out var value)) { value.LobbyState.Players.Remove(clientId); if (value.LobbyState.HostId == clientId) { DeleteLobby(lobbyId); } QueueStageUpdate(value.LobbyState.Stage); } } public bool InvitePlayer(uint lobbyId, ushort inviteeId) { if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobbyId, out var value)) { if (value.LobbyState.Players.ContainsKey(inviteeId)) { return false; } if (value.LobbyState.InGame) { return false; } if (!value.LobbyState.InvitedPlayers.ContainsKey(inviteeId)) { value.LobbyState.InvitedPlayers[inviteeId] = DateTime.UtcNow; QueueStageUpdate(value.LobbyState.Stage); return true; } } return false; } public void UninvitePlayer(uint lobbyId, ushort inviteeId) { if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobbyId, out var value) && value.LobbyState.InvitedPlayers.ContainsKey(inviteeId)) { value.LobbyState.InvitedPlayers.Remove(inviteeId); QueueStageUpdate(value.LobbyState.Stage); } } public void ClearAllInvitesForLobby(uint lobbyId) { if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobbyId, out var value)) { value.LobbyState.InvitedPlayers.Clear(); QueueStageUpdate(value.LobbyState.Stage); } } public void ClearAllInvitesForPlayer(ushort playerId) { foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Lobby> lobby in Lobbies) { if (lobby.Value.LobbyState.InvitedPlayers.ContainsKey(playerId)) { lobby.Value.LobbyState.InvitedPlayers.Remove(playerId); QueueStageUpdate(lobby.Value.LobbyState.Stage); } } } private void OnTick(float deltaTime) { foreach (int queuedStageUpdate in _queuedStageUpdates) { SendLobbiesToStage(queuedStageUpdate); } _queuedStageUpdates.Clear(); foreach (Action queuedAction in _queuedActions) { queuedAction(); } _queuedActions.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Lobby> lobby in Lobbies) { lobby.Value.Tick(deltaTime); } } private void OnClientHandshook(INetConnection client) { SendLobbiesToClient(client); } private void OnClientDisconnected(INetConnection client) { ClearAllInvitesForPlayer(client.Id); Lobby lobbyPlayerIsIn = GetLobbyPlayerIsIn(client.Id); if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null) { RemovePlayer(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id, client.Id); } } private void OnPacketReceived(INetConnection client, Packets packetId, Packet packet) { //IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c3: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_0156: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_015d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0244: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_024b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_046e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0475: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e4: Expected I4, but got Unknown //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_019d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a7: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_01b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_03ce: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0407: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_040e: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_04a4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0444: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_046c: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_055e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0565: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_05a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_05a8: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0608: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_060f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_011e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0123: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0128: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0134: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0510: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0517: Expected O, but got Unknown ushort id = client.Id; Player player = _server.Players[id]; if (player.ClientState == null) { return; } Lobby lobbyPlayerIsIn = GetLobbyPlayerIsIn(client.Id); if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.CurrentGamemode != null) { lobbyPlayerIsIn.CurrentGamemode.OnPacketFromLobbyReceived(packetId, packet, id); } switch (packetId - 10) { case 13: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id && !lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.InGame && lobbyPlayerIsIn.CurrentGamemode == null) { lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Gamemode = ((ClientLobbySetGamemode)packet).Gamemode; lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.GamemodeSettings = ((ClientLobbySetGamemode)packet).GamemodeSettings; QueueStageUpdate(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Stage); } return; case 0: { ClientLobbyCreate val3 = (ClientLobbyCreate)packet; if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null) { RemovePlayer(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id, client.Id); } Lobby lobby = new Lobby(new LobbyState(player.ClientState.Stage, _uidProvider.RequestUID(), client.Id)); lobby.LobbyState.Gamemode = val3.GamemodeID; lobby.LobbyState.GamemodeSettings = val3.Settings; Lobbies[lobby.LobbyState.Id] = lobby; AddPlayer(lobby.LobbyState.Id, client.Id); ServerLogger.Log($"Created Lobby with UID {lobby.LobbyState.Id} with host {player.ClientState.Name}"); QueueAction(delegate { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Expected O, but got Unknown _server.SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerLobbyCreateResponse(), (SendModes)2, client, (NetChannels)2); }); return; } case 1: { ClientLobbyJoin val4 = (ClientLobbyJoin)packet; if (Lobbies.TryGetValue(val4.LobbyId, out var value) && !value.LobbyState.InGame && lobbyPlayerIsIn != value) { if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null) { RemovePlayer(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id, id); } AddPlayer(val4.LobbyId, id); ServerLogger.Log($"{_server.Players[id].ClientState.Name} joined lobby UID {value.LobbyState.Id}. Now at {value.LobbyState.Players.Count} players. Hosted by {_server.Players[value.LobbyState.HostId].ClientState.Name}."); } return; } case 2: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null) { RemovePlayer(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id, id); } return; case 6: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id && !lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.InGame) { StartGame(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id); } return; case 11: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.InGame) { EndGame(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id, cancelled: true); } return; case 15: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null) { lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Players[id].Ready = ((ClientLobbySetReady)packet).Ready; QueueStageUpdate(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Stage); } return; case 16: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id) { ClientLobbyInvite val2 = (ClientLobbyInvite)packet; if (InvitePlayer(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id, val2.InviteeId)) { _server.SendPacketToClient((Packet)new ServerLobbyInvite(val2.InviteeId, id, lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id), (SendModes)2, _server.Players[val2.InviteeId].Client, (NetChannels)2); } } return; case 18: { ClientLobbyDeclineInvite val = (ClientLobbyDeclineInvite)packet; UninvitePlayer(val.LobbyId, id); return; } case 19: ClearAllInvitesForPlayer(id); return; case 20: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id) { ushort playerId = ((ClientLobbyKick)packet).PlayerId; if (lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Players.ContainsKey(playerId)) { RemovePlayer(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Id, playerId); } } return; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 12: case 14: case 17: return; } switch (packetId - 41) { case 0: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && !lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.InGame && (lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.AllowTeamSwitching || lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id)) { ClientSetTeam val6 = (ClientSetTeam)packet; lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Players[id].Team = val6.Team; QueueStageUpdate(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Stage); } break; case 3: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id) { ClientLobbySetAllowTeamSwitching val7 = (ClientLobbySetAllowTeamSwitching)packet; lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.AllowTeamSwitching = val7.Set; QueueStageUpdate(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Stage); } break; case 4: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id) { ClientLobbySetPlayerTeam val8 = (ClientLobbySetPlayerTeam)packet; if (lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Players.ContainsKey(val8.PlayerId)) { lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Players[val8.PlayerId].Team = val8.TeamId; QueueStageUpdate(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Stage); } } break; case 5: if (lobbyPlayerIsIn != null && lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.HostId == id) { ClientLobbySetChallenge val5 = (ClientLobbySetChallenge)packet; lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Challenge = val5.Set; QueueStageUpdate(lobbyPlayerIsIn.LobbyState.Stage); } break; case 1: case 2: break; } } public void SendPacketToLobby(Packet packet, SendModes sendMode, uint lobbyId, NetChannels channel) { //IL_0032: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!Lobbies.TryGetValue(lobbyId, out var value)) { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer> player in value.LobbyState.Players) { _server.SendPacketToClient(packet, sendMode, _server.Players[player.Key].Client, channel); } } private void SendLobbiesToClient(INetConnection client) { Player player = _server.Players[client.Id]; if (!_queuedStageUpdates.Contains(player.ClientState.Stage)) { Packet packet = CreateServerLobbyStatesPacket(player.ClientState.Stage); _server.SendPacketToClient(packet, (SendModes)1, client, (NetChannels)2); } } private void QueueStageUpdate(int stage) { _queuedStageUpdates.Add(stage); } private void QueueAction(Action action) { _queuedActions.Add(action); } private void SendLobbySoftUpdate(Lobby lobby, ushort playerId, float score) { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Expected O, but got Unknown ServerLobbySoftUpdate packet = new ServerLobbySoftUpdate(lobby.LobbyState.Id, playerId, score); SendPacketToLobby((Packet)(object)packet, (SendModes)1, lobby.LobbyState.Id, (NetChannels)2); } private void SendLobbiesToStage(int stage) { Packet packet = CreateServerLobbyStatesPacket(stage); _server.SendPacketToStage(packet, (SendModes)1, stage, (NetChannels)2); } private List<LobbyState> GetLobbyStatesForStage(int stage) { List<LobbyState> list = new List<LobbyState>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Lobby> lobby in Lobbies) { if (lobby.Value.LobbyState.Stage == stage) { list.Add(lobby.Value.LobbyState); } } return list; } private Packet CreateServerLobbyStatesPacket(int stage) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000d: Expected O, but got Unknown return (Packet)new ServerLobbies(GetLobbyStatesForStage(stage)); } } public static class ServerLogger { public static void Log(string message) { Console.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "] " + message); } } } namespace BombRushMP.Server.Gamemodes { public abstract class Gamemode { public bool TeamBased; public Lobby Lobby; protected int CountdownTime = 10; protected BRCServer Server; protected ServerLobbyManager ServerLobbyManager; public Gamemode() { Server = BRCServer.Instance; ServerLobbyManager = Server.ServerLobbyManager; } public virtual void OnStart() { } public virtual void OnEnd(bool cancelled) { } public virtual void Tick(float deltaTime) { } public virtual void OnPacketFromLobbyReceived(Packets packetId, Packet packet, ushort playerId) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0003: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if ((int)packetId == 37 && playerId == Lobby.LobbyState.HostId) { CountdownTime = ((ClientGamemodeCountdown)((packet is ClientGamemodeCountdown) ? packet : null)).CountdownSeconds; } } } public static class GamemodeFactory { private static Dictionary<GamemodeIDs, Type> Gamemodes = new Dictionary<GamemodeIDs, Type> { { (GamemodeIDs)0, typeof(ScoreBattle) }, { (GamemodeIDs)1, typeof(GraffitiRace) }, { (GamemodeIDs)2, typeof(TeamGraffitiRace) }, { (GamemodeIDs)3, typeof(ProSkaterScoreBattle) }, { (GamemodeIDs)4, typeof(TeamScoreBattle) }, { (GamemodeIDs)5, typeof(TeamProSkaterScoreBattle) } }; public static Gamemode GetGamemode(GamemodeIDs gameModeID) { //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return Activator.CreateInstance(Gamemodes[gameModeID]) as Gamemode; } } public class GraffitiRace : Gamemode { public enum States { Countdown, Main, Finished } private States _state; private float _countdownTimer; private float _maxScore; private Dictionary<byte, HashSet<int>> _graffitisCompletedByTeam = new Dictionary<byte, HashSet<int>>(); public override void OnEnd(bool cancelled) { base.OnEnd(cancelled); _maxScore = 0f; } public override void OnStart() { base.OnStart(); _maxScore = 0f; _graffitisCompletedByTeam = new Dictionary<byte, HashSet<int>>(); } private bool SetTagCompleted(byte team, int tag) { HashSet<int> hashSet; if (_graffitisCompletedByTeam.TryGetValue(team, out var value)) { hashSet = value; } else { hashSet = new HashSet<int>(); _graffitisCompletedByTeam[team] = hashSet; } if (hashSet.Contains(tag)) { return false; } hashSet.Add(tag); return true; } public override void Tick(float deltaTime) { //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0039: Expected O, but got Unknown if (_state == States.Countdown && _countdownTimer > (float)CountdownTime) { ServerLobbyManager.SendPacketToLobby((Packet)new ServerGamemodeBegin(), (SendModes)1, Lobby.LobbyState.Id, (NetChannels)1); _state = States.Main; } _countdownTimer += deltaTime; } public override void OnPacketFromLobbyReceived(Packets packetId, Packet packet, ushort playerId) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000c: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001f: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0019: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_00cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d2: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007c: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0153: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0159: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0210: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0217: Expected O, but got Unknown base.OnPacketFromLobbyReceived(packetId, packet, playerId); if ((int)packetId <= 22) { if ((int)packetId != 20) { if ((int)packetId == 22 && playerId == Lobby.LobbyState.HostId) { ClientGraffitiRaceGSpots val = (ClientGraffitiRaceGSpots)packet; ServerLobbyManager.SendPacketToLobby((Packet)(object)val, (SendModes)1, Lobby.LobbyState.Id, (NetChannels)1); _maxScore += val.GraffitiSpots.Count; } } else if (!TeamBased && _state == States.Main) { ClientGamemodeScore val2 = (ClientGamemodeScore)packet; ServerLobbyManager.SetPlayerScore(playerId, val2.Score); if (val2.Score >= _maxScore) { ServerLobbyManager.EndGame(Lobby.LobbyState.Id, cancelled: false); _state = States.Finished; } } } else { if ((int)packetId != 36) { if ((int)packetId != 42 || !TeamBased) { return; } LobbyPlayer lobbyPlayer = Lobby.LobbyState.Players[playerId]; if (_state != States.Main) { return; } ClientTeamGraffRaceScore val3 = (ClientTeamGraffRaceScore)packet; if (!SetTagCompleted(lobbyPlayer.Team, val3.TagHash)) { return; } ServerLobbyManager.SetPlayerScore(playerId, lobbyPlayer.Score + 1f); if (Lobby.LobbyState.GetScoreForTeam(Lobby.LobbyState.Players[playerId].Team) >= _maxScore) { ServerLobbyManager.EndGame(Lobby.LobbyState.Id, cancelled: false); _state = States.Finished; } IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer>> enumerable = Lobby.LobbyState.Players.Where((KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer> x) => x.Value.Team == lobbyPlayer.Team && x.Value.Id != lobbyPlayer.Id); ServerTeamGraffRaceScore packet2 = new ServerTeamGraffRaceScore(playerId, val3.TagHash); { foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer> item in enumerable) { Server.SendPacketToClient((Packet)(object)packet2, (SendModes)1, Server.Players[item.Key].Client, (NetChannels)1); } return; } } if (playerId == Lobby.LobbyState.HostId) { ServerLobbyManager.SendPacketToLobby(packet, (SendModes)1, Lobby.LobbyState.Id, (NetChannels)1); } } } } public class ProSkaterScoreBattle : ScoreBattle { public ProSkaterScoreBattle() { ComboBased = true; } } public class ScoreBattle : Gamemode { public enum States { Countdown, Main, Finished } private States _state; private float _stateTimer; private DateTime _startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; public bool ComboBased; private HashSet<ushort> _clientsFinishedCombo = new HashSet<ushort>(); private float _timeElapsed; private float _timeLeft = 1f; private int _durationMinutes = 3; public override void Tick(float deltaTime) { //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0047: Expected O, but got Unknown switch (_state) { case States.Countdown: if (_stateTimer > (float)CountdownTime) { ServerLobbyManager.SendPacketToLobby((Packet)new ServerGamemodeBegin(), (SendModes)1, Lobby.LobbyState.Id, (NetChannels)1); _state = States.Main; _startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; } break; case States.Main: { _timeElapsed = (float)(DateTime.UtcNow - _startTime).TotalSeconds; float num = (float)_durationMinutes * 60f; _timeLeft = num - _timeElapsed; if (!ComboBased) { if (_timeLeft <= 0f) { ServerLobbyManager.EndGame(Lobby.LobbyState.Id, cancelled: false); _state = States.Finished; } } else if (EveryoneFinishedComboing() && _timeLeft <= 0f) { ServerLobbyManager.EndGame(Lobby.LobbyState.Id, cancelled: false); _state = States.Finished; } break; } } _stateTimer += deltaTime; } private bool EveryoneFinishedComboing() { foreach (KeyValuePair<ushort, LobbyPlayer> player in Lobby.LobbyState.Players) { if (!_clientsFinishedCombo.Contains(player.Key)) { return false; } } return true; } public override void OnPacketFromLobbyReceived(Packets packetId, Packet packet, ushort playerId) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000c: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0046: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0061: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f6: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_010b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) base.OnPacketFromLobbyReceived(packetId, packet, playerId); if ((int)packetId == 38 && playerId == Lobby.LobbyState.HostId) { _durationMinutes = ((ClientScoreBattleLength)((packet is ClientScoreBattleLength) ? packet : null)).Minutes; } if (_state != States.Main) { return; } if ((int)packetId != 20) { if ((int)packetId == 33 && ComboBased && !_clientsFinishedCombo.Contains(playerId)) { ServerLobbyManager.SendPacketToLobby((Packet)new ServerChat(TMPFilter.CloseAllTags(BRCServer.Instance.Players[playerId].ClientState.Name), "{0} landed their combo!", BRCServer.Instance.Players[playerId].ClientState.User.Badges, (ChatMessageTypes)2), (SendModes)2, Lobby.LobbyState.Id, (NetChannels)1); _clientsFinishedCombo.Add(playerId); ServerLobbyManager.SetPlayerScore(playerId, ((ClientComboOver)packet).Score); } } else if (!_clientsFinishedCombo.Contains(playerId)) { ClientGamemodeScore val = (ClientGamemodeScore)packet; ServerLobbyManager.SetPlayerScore(playerId, val.Score); } } } public class TeamGraffitiRace : GraffitiRace { public TeamGraffitiRace() { TeamBased = true; } } public class TeamProSkaterScoreBattle : ProSkaterScoreBattle { public TeamProSkaterScoreBattle() { TeamBased = true; } } public class TeamScoreBattle : ScoreBattle { public TeamScoreBattle() { TeamBased = true; } } }
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using LiteNetLib.Layers; using LiteNetLib.Utils; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.0")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Ruslan Pyrch")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright 2024 Ruslan Pyrch")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("Lite reliable UDP library for .NET, Mono, and .NET Core")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("1.3.1")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+f57b9eafe72b924681a371d671af911478b6ab88")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("LiteNetLib")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("LiteNetLib")] [assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class IsReadOnlyAttribute : Attribute { } [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class IsUnmanagedAttribute : Attribute { } [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class IsByRefLikeAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace LiteNetLib { internal abstract class BaseChannel { protected readonly NetPeer Peer; protected readonly Queue<NetPacket> OutgoingQueue = new Queue<NetPacket>(64); private int _isAddedToPeerChannelSendQueue; public int PacketsInQueue => OutgoingQueue.Count; protected BaseChannel(NetPeer peer) { Peer = peer; } public void AddToQueue(NetPacket packet) { lock (OutgoingQueue) { OutgoingQueue.Enqueue(packet); } AddToPeerChannelSendQueue(); } protected void AddToPeerChannelSendQueue() { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _isAddedToPeerChannelSendQueue, 1, 0) == 0) { Peer.AddToReliableChannelSendQueue(this); } } public bool SendAndCheckQueue() { bool num = SendNextPackets(); if (!num) { Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isAddedToPeerChannelSendQueue, 0); } return num; } protected abstract bool SendNextPackets(); public abstract bool ProcessPacket(NetPacket packet); } internal enum ConnectionRequestResult { None, Accept, Reject, RejectForce } public class ConnectionRequest { private readonly NetManager _listener; private int _used; internal NetConnectRequestPacket InternalPacket; public readonly IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint; public NetDataReader Data => InternalPacket.Data; internal ConnectionRequestResult Result { get; private set; } internal void UpdateRequest(NetConnectRequestPacket connectRequest) { if (connectRequest.ConnectionTime >= InternalPacket.ConnectionTime && (connectRequest.ConnectionTime != InternalPacket.ConnectionTime || connectRequest.ConnectionNumber != InternalPacket.ConnectionNumber)) { InternalPacket = connectRequest; } } private bool TryActivate() { return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _used, 1, 0) == 0; } internal ConnectionRequest(IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, NetConnectRequestPacket requestPacket, NetManager listener) { InternalPacket = requestPacket; RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint; _listener = listener; } public NetPeer AcceptIfKey(string key) { if (!TryActivate()) { return null; } try { if (Data.GetString() == key) { Result = ConnectionRequestResult.Accept; } } catch { NetDebug.WriteError("[AC] Invalid incoming data"); } if (Result == ConnectionRequestResult.Accept) { return _listener.OnConnectionSolved(this, null, 0, 0); } Result = ConnectionRequestResult.Reject; _listener.OnConnectionSolved(this, null, 0, 0); return null; } public NetPeer Accept() { if (!TryActivate()) { return null; } Result = ConnectionRequestResult.Accept; return _listener.OnConnectionSolved(this, null, 0, 0); } public void Reject(byte[] rejectData, int start, int length, bool force) { if (TryActivate()) { Result = (force ? ConnectionRequestResult.RejectForce : ConnectionRequestResult.Reject); _listener.OnConnectionSolved(this, rejectData, start, length); } } public void Reject(byte[] rejectData, int start, int length) { Reject(rejectData, start, length, force: false); } public void RejectForce(byte[] rejectData, int start, int length) { Reject(rejectData, start, length, force: true); } public void RejectForce() { Reject(null, 0, 0, force: true); } public void RejectForce(byte[] rejectData) { Reject(rejectData, 0, rejectData.Length, force: true); } public void RejectForce(NetDataWriter rejectData) { Reject(rejectData.Data, 0, rejectData.Length, force: true); } public void Reject() { Reject(null, 0, 0, force: false); } public void Reject(byte[] rejectData) { Reject(rejectData, 0, rejectData.Length, force: false); } public void Reject(NetDataWriter rejectData) { Reject(rejectData.Data, 0, rejectData.Length, force: false); } } public enum UnconnectedMessageType { BasicMessage, Broadcast } public enum DisconnectReason { ConnectionFailed, Timeout, HostUnreachable, NetworkUnreachable, RemoteConnectionClose, DisconnectPeerCalled, ConnectionRejected, InvalidProtocol, UnknownHost, Reconnect, PeerToPeerConnection, PeerNotFound } public struct DisconnectInfo { public DisconnectReason Reason; public SocketError SocketErrorCode; public NetPacketReader AdditionalData; } public interface INetEventListener { void OnPeerConnected(NetPeer peer); void OnPeerDisconnected(NetPeer peer, DisconnectInfo disconnectInfo); void OnNetworkError(IPEndPoint endPoint, SocketError socketError); void OnNetworkReceive(NetPeer peer, NetPacketReader reader, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod); void OnNetworkReceiveUnconnected(IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, NetPacketReader reader, UnconnectedMessageType messageType); void OnNetworkLatencyUpdate(NetPeer peer, int latency); void OnConnectionRequest(ConnectionRequest request); } public interface IDeliveryEventListener { void OnMessageDelivered(NetPeer peer, object userData); } public interface INtpEventListener { void OnNtpResponse(NtpPacket packet); } public interface IPeerAddressChangedListener { void OnPeerAddressChanged(NetPeer peer, IPEndPoint previousAddress); } public class EventBasedNetListener : INetEventListener, IDeliveryEventListener, INtpEventListener, IPeerAddressChangedListener { public delegate void OnPeerConnected(NetPeer peer); public delegate void OnPeerDisconnected(NetPeer peer, DisconnectInfo disconnectInfo); public delegate void OnNetworkError(IPEndPoint endPoint, SocketError socketError); public delegate void OnNetworkReceive(NetPeer peer, NetPacketReader reader, byte channel, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod); public delegate void OnNetworkReceiveUnconnected(IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, NetPacketReader reader, UnconnectedMessageType messageType); public delegate void OnNetworkLatencyUpdate(NetPeer peer, int latency); public delegate void OnConnectionRequest(ConnectionRequest request); public delegate void OnDeliveryEvent(NetPeer peer, object userData); public delegate void OnNtpResponseEvent(NtpPacket packet); public delegate void OnPeerAddressChangedEvent(NetPeer peer, IPEndPoint previousAddress); public event OnPeerConnected PeerConnectedEvent; public event OnPeerDisconnected PeerDisconnectedEvent; public event OnNetworkError NetworkErrorEvent; public event OnNetworkReceive NetworkReceiveEvent; public event OnNetworkReceiveUnconnected NetworkReceiveUnconnectedEvent; public event OnNetworkLatencyUpdate NetworkLatencyUpdateEvent; public event OnConnectionRequest ConnectionRequestEvent; public event OnDeliveryEvent DeliveryEvent; public event OnNtpResponseEvent NtpResponseEvent; public event OnPeerAddressChangedEvent PeerAddressChangedEvent; public void ClearPeerConnectedEvent() { this.PeerConnectedEvent = null; } public void ClearPeerDisconnectedEvent() { this.PeerDisconnectedEvent = null; } public void ClearNetworkErrorEvent() { this.NetworkErrorEvent = null; } public void ClearNetworkReceiveEvent() { this.NetworkReceiveEvent = null; } public void ClearNetworkReceiveUnconnectedEvent() { this.NetworkReceiveUnconnectedEvent = null; } public void ClearNetworkLatencyUpdateEvent() { this.NetworkLatencyUpdateEvent = null; } public void ClearConnectionRequestEvent() { this.ConnectionRequestEvent = null; } public void ClearDeliveryEvent() { this.DeliveryEvent = null; } public void ClearNtpResponseEvent() { this.NtpResponseEvent = null; } public void ClearPeerAddressChangedEvent() { this.PeerAddressChangedEvent = null; } void INetEventListener.OnPeerConnected(NetPeer peer) { if (this.PeerConnectedEvent != null) { this.PeerConnectedEvent(peer); } } void INetEventListener.OnPeerDisconnected(NetPeer peer, DisconnectInfo disconnectInfo) { if (this.PeerDisconnectedEvent != null) { this.PeerDisconnectedEvent(peer, disconnectInfo); } } void INetEventListener.OnNetworkError(IPEndPoint endPoint, SocketError socketErrorCode) { if (this.NetworkErrorEvent != null) { this.NetworkErrorEvent(endPoint, socketErrorCode); } } void INetEventListener.OnNetworkReceive(NetPeer peer, NetPacketReader reader, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod) { if (this.NetworkReceiveEvent != null) { this.NetworkReceiveEvent(peer, reader, channelNumber, deliveryMethod); } } void INetEventListener.OnNetworkReceiveUnconnected(IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, NetPacketReader reader, UnconnectedMessageType messageType) { if (this.NetworkReceiveUnconnectedEvent != null) { this.NetworkReceiveUnconnectedEvent(remoteEndPoint, reader, messageType); } } void INetEventListener.OnNetworkLatencyUpdate(NetPeer peer, int latency) { if (this.NetworkLatencyUpdateEvent != null) { this.NetworkLatencyUpdateEvent(peer, latency); } } void INetEventListener.OnConnectionRequest(ConnectionRequest request) { if (this.ConnectionRequestEvent != null) { this.ConnectionRequestEvent(request); } } void IDeliveryEventListener.OnMessageDelivered(NetPeer peer, object userData) { if (this.DeliveryEvent != null) { this.DeliveryEvent(peer, userData); } } void INtpEventListener.OnNtpResponse(NtpPacket packet) { if (this.NtpResponseEvent != null) { this.NtpResponseEvent(packet); } } void IPeerAddressChangedListener.OnPeerAddressChanged(NetPeer peer, IPEndPoint previousAddress) { if (this.PeerAddressChangedEvent != null) { this.PeerAddressChangedEvent(peer, previousAddress); } } } internal sealed class NetConnectRequestPacket { public const int HeaderSize = 18; public readonly long ConnectionTime; public byte ConnectionNumber; public readonly byte[] TargetAddress; public readonly NetDataReader Data; public readonly int PeerId; private NetConnectRequestPacket(long connectionTime, byte connectionNumber, int localId, byte[] targetAddress, NetDataReader data) { ConnectionTime = connectionTime; ConnectionNumber = connectionNumber; TargetAddress = targetAddress; Data = data; PeerId = localId; } public static int GetProtocolId(NetPacket packet) { return BitConverter.ToInt32(packet.RawData, 1); } public static NetConnectRequestPacket FromData(NetPacket packet) { if (packet.ConnectionNumber >= 4) { return null; } long connectionTime = BitConverter.ToInt64(packet.RawData, 5); int localId = BitConverter.ToInt32(packet.RawData, 13); int num = packet.RawData[17]; if (num != 16 && num != 28) { return null; } byte[] array = new byte[num]; Buffer.BlockCopy(packet.RawData, 18, array, 0, num); NetDataReader netDataReader = new NetDataReader(null, 0, 0); if (packet.Size > 18 + num) { netDataReader.SetSource(packet.RawData, 18 + num, packet.Size); } return new NetConnectRequestPacket(connectionTime, packet.ConnectionNumber, localId, array, netDataReader); } public static NetPacket Make(NetDataWriter connectData, SocketAddress addressBytes, long connectTime, int localId) { NetPacket netPacket = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.ConnectRequest, connectData.Length + addressBytes.Size); FastBitConverter.GetBytes(netPacket.RawData, 1, 13); FastBitConverter.GetBytes(netPacket.RawData, 5, connectTime); FastBitConverter.GetBytes(netPacket.RawData, 13, localId); netPacket.RawData[17] = (byte)addressBytes.Size; for (int i = 0; i < addressBytes.Size; i++) { netPacket.RawData[18 + i] = addressBytes[i]; } Buffer.BlockCopy(connectData.Data, 0, netPacket.RawData, 18 + addressBytes.Size, connectData.Length); return netPacket; } } internal sealed class NetConnectAcceptPacket { public const int Size = 15; public readonly long ConnectionTime; public readonly byte ConnectionNumber; public readonly int PeerId; public readonly bool PeerNetworkChanged; private NetConnectAcceptPacket(long connectionTime, byte connectionNumber, int peerId, bool peerNetworkChanged) { ConnectionTime = connectionTime; ConnectionNumber = connectionNumber; PeerId = peerId; PeerNetworkChanged = peerNetworkChanged; } public static NetConnectAcceptPacket FromData(NetPacket packet) { if (packet.Size != 15) { return null; } long connectionTime = BitConverter.ToInt64(packet.RawData, 1); byte b = packet.RawData[9]; if (b >= 4) { return null; } byte b2 = packet.RawData[10]; if (b2 > 1) { return null; } int num = BitConverter.ToInt32(packet.RawData, 11); if (num < 0) { return null; } return new NetConnectAcceptPacket(connectionTime, b, num, b2 == 1); } public static NetPacket Make(long connectTime, byte connectNum, int localPeerId) { NetPacket netPacket = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.ConnectAccept, 0); FastBitConverter.GetBytes(netPacket.RawData, 1, connectTime); netPacket.RawData[9] = connectNum; FastBitConverter.GetBytes(netPacket.RawData, 11, localPeerId); return netPacket; } public static NetPacket MakeNetworkChanged(NetPeer peer) { NetPacket netPacket = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.PeerNotFound, 14); FastBitConverter.GetBytes(netPacket.RawData, 1, peer.ConnectTime); netPacket.RawData[9] = peer.ConnectionNum; netPacket.RawData[10] = 1; FastBitConverter.GetBytes(netPacket.RawData, 11, peer.RemoteId); return netPacket; } } internal static class NativeSocket { private static class WinSock { private const string LibName = "ws2_32.dll"; [DllImport("ws2_32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern int recvfrom(IntPtr socketHandle, [In][Out] byte[] pinnedBuffer, [In] int len, [In] SocketFlags socketFlags, [Out] byte[] socketAddress, [In][Out] ref int socketAddressSize); [DllImport("ws2_32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal unsafe static extern int sendto(IntPtr socketHandle, byte* pinnedBuffer, [In] int len, [In] SocketFlags socketFlags, [In] byte[] socketAddress, [In] int socketAddressSize); } private static class UnixSock { private const string LibName = "libc"; [DllImport("libc", SetLastError = true)] public static extern int recvfrom(IntPtr socketHandle, [In][Out] byte[] pinnedBuffer, [In] int len, [In] SocketFlags socketFlags, [Out] byte[] socketAddress, [In][Out] ref int socketAddressSize); [DllImport("libc", SetLastError = true)] internal unsafe static extern int sendto(IntPtr socketHandle, byte* pinnedBuffer, [In] int len, [In] SocketFlags socketFlags, [In] byte[] socketAddress, [In] int socketAddressSize); } public static readonly bool IsSupported; public static readonly bool UnixMode; public const int IPv4AddrSize = 16; public const int IPv6AddrSize = 28; public const int AF_INET = 2; public const int AF_INET6 = 10; private static readonly Dictionary<int, SocketError> NativeErrorToSocketError; static NativeSocket() { IsSupported = false; UnixMode = false; NativeErrorToSocketError = new Dictionary<int, SocketError> { { 13, SocketError.AccessDenied }, { 98, SocketError.AddressAlreadyInUse }, { 99, SocketError.AddressNotAvailable }, { 97, SocketError.AddressFamilyNotSupported }, { 11, SocketError.WouldBlock }, { 114, SocketError.AlreadyInProgress }, { 9, SocketError.OperationAborted }, { 125, SocketError.OperationAborted }, { 103, SocketError.ConnectionAborted }, { 111, SocketError.ConnectionRefused }, { 104, SocketError.ConnectionReset }, { 89, SocketError.DestinationAddressRequired }, { 14, SocketError.Fault }, { 112, SocketError.HostDown }, { 6, SocketError.HostNotFound }, { 113, SocketError.HostUnreachable }, { 115, SocketError.InProgress }, { 4, SocketError.Interrupted }, { 22, SocketError.InvalidArgument }, { 106, SocketError.IsConnected }, { 24, SocketError.TooManyOpenSockets }, { 90, SocketError.MessageSize }, { 100, SocketError.NetworkDown }, { 102, SocketError.NetworkReset }, { 101, SocketError.NetworkUnreachable }, { 23, SocketError.TooManyOpenSockets }, { 105, SocketError.NoBufferSpaceAvailable }, { 61, SocketError.NoData }, { 2, SocketError.AddressNotAvailable }, { 92, SocketError.ProtocolOption }, { 107, SocketError.NotConnected }, { 88, SocketError.NotSocket }, { 3440, SocketError.OperationNotSupported }, { 1, SocketError.AccessDenied }, { 32, SocketError.Shutdown }, { 96, SocketError.ProtocolFamilyNotSupported }, { 93, SocketError.ProtocolNotSupported }, { 91, SocketError.ProtocolType }, { 94, SocketError.SocketNotSupported }, { 108, SocketError.Disconnecting }, { 110, SocketError.TimedOut }, { 0, SocketError.Success } }; if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { IsSupported = true; UnixMode = true; } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { IsSupported = true; } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static int RecvFrom(IntPtr socketHandle, byte[] pinnedBuffer, int len, byte[] socketAddress, ref int socketAddressSize) { if (!UnixMode) { return WinSock.recvfrom(socketHandle, pinnedBuffer, len, SocketFlags.None, socketAddress, ref socketAddressSize); } return UnixSock.recvfrom(socketHandle, pinnedBuffer, len, SocketFlags.None, socketAddress, ref socketAddressSize); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public unsafe static int SendTo(IntPtr socketHandle, byte* pinnedBuffer, int len, byte[] socketAddress, int socketAddressSize) { if (!UnixMode) { return WinSock.sendto(socketHandle, pinnedBuffer, len, SocketFlags.None, socketAddress, socketAddressSize); } return UnixSock.sendto(socketHandle, pinnedBuffer, len, SocketFlags.None, socketAddress, socketAddressSize); } public static SocketError GetSocketError() { int lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (UnixMode) { if (!NativeErrorToSocketError.TryGetValue(lastWin32Error, out var value)) { return SocketError.SocketError; } return value; } return (SocketError)lastWin32Error; } public static SocketException GetSocketException() { int lastWin32Error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (UnixMode) { if (!NativeErrorToSocketError.TryGetValue(lastWin32Error, out var value)) { return new SocketException(-1); } return new SocketException((int)value); } return new SocketException(lastWin32Error); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static short GetNativeAddressFamily(IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { if (!UnixMode) { return (short)remoteEndPoint.AddressFamily; } return (short)((remoteEndPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) ? 2 : 10); } } public enum NatAddressType { Internal, External } public interface INatPunchListener { void OnNatIntroductionRequest(IPEndPoint localEndPoint, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string token); void OnNatIntroductionSuccess(IPEndPoint targetEndPoint, NatAddressType type, string token); } public class EventBasedNatPunchListener : INatPunchListener { public delegate void OnNatIntroductionRequest(IPEndPoint localEndPoint, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string token); public delegate void OnNatIntroductionSuccess(IPEndPoint targetEndPoint, NatAddressType type, string token); public event OnNatIntroductionRequest NatIntroductionRequest; public event OnNatIntroductionSuccess NatIntroductionSuccess; void INatPunchListener.OnNatIntroductionRequest(IPEndPoint localEndPoint, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string token) { if (this.NatIntroductionRequest != null) { this.NatIntroductionRequest(localEndPoint, remoteEndPoint, token); } } void INatPunchListener.OnNatIntroductionSuccess(IPEndPoint targetEndPoint, NatAddressType type, string token) { if (this.NatIntroductionSuccess != null) { this.NatIntroductionSuccess(targetEndPoint, type, token); } } } public sealed class NatPunchModule { private struct RequestEventData { public IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint; public IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint; public string Token; } private struct SuccessEventData { public IPEndPoint TargetEndPoint; public NatAddressType Type; public string Token; } private class NatIntroduceRequestPacket { public IPEndPoint Internal { [Preserve] get; [Preserve] set; } public string Token { [Preserve] get; [Preserve] set; } } private class NatIntroduceResponsePacket { public IPEndPoint Internal { [Preserve] get; [Preserve] set; } public IPEndPoint External { [Preserve] get; [Preserve] set; } public string Token { [Preserve] get; [Preserve] set; } } private class NatPunchPacket { public string Token { [Preserve] get; [Preserve] set; } public bool IsExternal { [Preserve] get; [Preserve] set; } } private readonly NetManager _socket; private readonly ConcurrentQueue<RequestEventData> _requestEvents = new ConcurrentQueue<RequestEventData>(); private readonly ConcurrentQueue<SuccessEventData> _successEvents = new ConcurrentQueue<SuccessEventData>(); private readonly NetDataReader _cacheReader = new NetDataReader(); private readonly NetDataWriter _cacheWriter = new NetDataWriter(); private readonly NetPacketProcessor _netPacketProcessor = new NetPacketProcessor(256); private INatPunchListener _natPunchListener; public const int MaxTokenLength = 256; public bool UnsyncedEvents; internal NatPunchModule(NetManager socket) { _socket = socket; _netPacketProcessor.SubscribeReusable<NatIntroduceResponsePacket>(OnNatIntroductionResponse); _netPacketProcessor.SubscribeReusable<NatIntroduceRequestPacket, IPEndPoint>(OnNatIntroductionRequest); _netPacketProcessor.SubscribeReusable<NatPunchPacket, IPEndPoint>(OnNatPunch); } internal void ProcessMessage(IPEndPoint senderEndPoint, NetPacket packet) { lock (_cacheReader) { _cacheReader.SetSource(packet.RawData, 1, packet.Size); _netPacketProcessor.ReadAllPackets(_cacheReader, senderEndPoint); } } public void Init(INatPunchListener listener) { _natPunchListener = listener; } private void Send<T>(T packet, IPEndPoint target) where T : class, new() { _cacheWriter.Reset(); _cacheWriter.Put((byte)16); _netPacketProcessor.Write(_cacheWriter, packet); _socket.SendRaw(_cacheWriter.Data, 0, _cacheWriter.Length, target); } public void NatIntroduce(IPEndPoint hostInternal, IPEndPoint hostExternal, IPEndPoint clientInternal, IPEndPoint clientExternal, string additionalInfo) { NatIntroduceResponsePacket natIntroduceResponsePacket = new NatIntroduceResponsePacket { Token = additionalInfo }; natIntroduceResponsePacket.Internal = hostInternal; natIntroduceResponsePacket.External = hostExternal; Send(natIntroduceResponsePacket, clientExternal); natIntroduceResponsePacket.Internal = clientInternal; natIntroduceResponsePacket.External = clientExternal; Send(natIntroduceResponsePacket, hostExternal); } public void PollEvents() { if (!UnsyncedEvents && _natPunchListener != null && (!_successEvents.IsEmpty || !_requestEvents.IsEmpty)) { SuccessEventData result; while (_successEvents.TryDequeue(out result)) { _natPunchListener.OnNatIntroductionSuccess(result.TargetEndPoint, result.Type, result.Token); } RequestEventData result2; while (_requestEvents.TryDequeue(out result2)) { _natPunchListener.OnNatIntroductionRequest(result2.LocalEndPoint, result2.RemoteEndPoint, result2.Token); } } } public void SendNatIntroduceRequest(string host, int port, string additionalInfo) { SendNatIntroduceRequest(NetUtils.MakeEndPoint(host, port), additionalInfo); } public void SendNatIntroduceRequest(IPEndPoint masterServerEndPoint, string additionalInfo) { string localIp = NetUtils.GetLocalIp(LocalAddrType.IPv4); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localIp) || masterServerEndPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { localIp = NetUtils.GetLocalIp(LocalAddrType.IPv6); } Send(new NatIntroduceRequestPacket { Internal = NetUtils.MakeEndPoint(localIp, _socket.LocalPort), Token = additionalInfo }, masterServerEndPoint); } private void OnNatIntroductionRequest(NatIntroduceRequestPacket req, IPEndPoint senderEndPoint) { if (UnsyncedEvents) { _natPunchListener.OnNatIntroductionRequest(req.Internal, senderEndPoint, req.Token); return; } _requestEvents.Enqueue(new RequestEventData { LocalEndPoint = req.Internal, RemoteEndPoint = senderEndPoint, Token = req.Token }); } private void OnNatIntroductionResponse(NatIntroduceResponsePacket req) { NatPunchPacket natPunchPacket = new NatPunchPacket { Token = req.Token }; Send(natPunchPacket, req.Internal); _socket.Ttl = 2; _socket.SendRaw(new byte[1] { 17 }, 0, 1, req.External); _socket.Ttl = 255; natPunchPacket.IsExternal = true; Send(natPunchPacket, req.External); } private void OnNatPunch(NatPunchPacket req, IPEndPoint senderEndPoint) { if (UnsyncedEvents) { _natPunchListener.OnNatIntroductionSuccess(senderEndPoint, req.IsExternal ? NatAddressType.External : NatAddressType.Internal, req.Token); return; } _successEvents.Enqueue(new SuccessEventData { TargetEndPoint = senderEndPoint, Type = (req.IsExternal ? NatAddressType.External : NatAddressType.Internal), Token = req.Token }); } } public enum DeliveryMethod : byte { Unreliable = 4, ReliableUnordered = 0, Sequenced = 1, ReliableOrdered = 2, ReliableSequenced = 3 } public static class NetConstants { public const int DefaultWindowSize = 64; public const int SocketBufferSize = 1048576; public const int SocketTTL = 255; public const int HeaderSize = 1; public const int ChanneledHeaderSize = 4; public const int FragmentHeaderSize = 6; public const int FragmentedHeaderTotalSize = 10; public const ushort MaxSequence = 32768; public const ushort HalfMaxSequence = 16384; internal const int ProtocolId = 13; internal const int MaxUdpHeaderSize = 68; internal const int ChannelTypeCount = 4; internal static readonly int[] PossibleMtu = new int[6] { 1024, 1164, 1392, 1404, 1424, 1432 }; public static readonly int InitialMtu = PossibleMtu[0]; public static readonly int MaxPacketSize = PossibleMtu[PossibleMtu.Length - 1]; public static readonly int MaxUnreliableDataSize = MaxPacketSize - 1; public const byte MaxConnectionNumber = 4; } public class InvalidPacketException : ArgumentException { public InvalidPacketException(string message) : base(message) { } } public class TooBigPacketException : InvalidPacketException { public TooBigPacketException(string message) : base(message) { } } public enum NetLogLevel { Warning, Error, Trace, Info } public interface INetLogger { void WriteNet(NetLogLevel level, string str, params object[] args); } public static class NetDebug { public static INetLogger Logger = null; private static readonly object DebugLogLock = new object(); private static void WriteLogic(NetLogLevel logLevel, string str, params object[] args) { lock (DebugLogLock) { if (Logger == null) { Console.WriteLine(str, args); } else { Logger.WriteNet(logLevel, str, args); } } } [Conditional("DEBUG_MESSAGES")] internal static void Write(string str) { WriteLogic(NetLogLevel.Trace, str); } [Conditional("DEBUG_MESSAGES")] internal static void Write(NetLogLevel level, string str) { WriteLogic(level, str); } [Conditional("DEBUG_MESSAGES")] [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void WriteForce(string str) { WriteLogic(NetLogLevel.Trace, str); } [Conditional("DEBUG_MESSAGES")] [Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void WriteForce(NetLogLevel level, string str) { WriteLogic(level, str); } internal static void WriteError(string str) { WriteLogic(NetLogLevel.Error, str); } } public sealed class NetPacketReader : NetDataReader { private NetPacket _packet; private readonly NetManager _manager; private readonly NetEvent _evt; internal NetPacketReader(NetManager manager, NetEvent evt) { _manager = manager; _evt = evt; } internal void SetSource(NetPacket packet, int headerSize) { if (packet != null) { _packet = packet; SetSource(packet.RawData, headerSize, packet.Size); } } internal void RecycleInternal() { Clear(); if (_packet != null) { _manager.PoolRecycle(_packet); } _packet = null; _manager.RecycleEvent(_evt); } public void Recycle() { if (!_manager.AutoRecycle) { RecycleInternal(); } } } internal sealed class NetEvent { public enum EType { Connect, Disconnect, Receive, ReceiveUnconnected, Error, ConnectionLatencyUpdated, Broadcast, ConnectionRequest, MessageDelivered, PeerAddressChanged } public NetEvent Next; public EType Type; public NetPeer Peer; public IPEndPoint RemoteEndPoint; public object UserData; public int Latency; public SocketError ErrorCode; public DisconnectReason DisconnectReason; public ConnectionRequest ConnectionRequest; public DeliveryMethod DeliveryMethod; public byte ChannelNumber; public readonly NetPacketReader DataReader; public NetEvent(NetManager manager) { DataReader = new NetPacketReader(manager, this); } } public class NetManager : IEnumerable<NetPeer>, IEnumerable { public struct NetPeerEnumerator : IEnumerator<NetPeer>, IEnumerator, IDisposable { private readonly NetPeer _initialPeer; private NetPeer _p; public NetPeer Current => _p; object IEnumerator.Current => _p; public NetPeerEnumerator(NetPeer p) { _initialPeer = p; _p = null; } public void Dispose() { } public bool MoveNext() { _p = ((_p == null) ? _initialPeer : _p.NextPeer); return _p != null; } public void Reset() { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } private struct IncomingData { public NetPacket Data; public IPEndPoint EndPoint; public DateTime TimeWhenGet; } private struct Slot { internal int HashCode; internal int Next; internal NetPeer Value; } private readonly List<IncomingData> _pingSimulationList = new List<IncomingData>(); private readonly Random _randomGenerator = new Random(); private const int MinLatencyThreshold = 5; private Thread _logicThread; private bool _manualMode; private readonly AutoResetEvent _updateTriggerEvent = new AutoResetEvent(initialState: true); private NetEvent _pendingEventHead; private NetEvent _pendingEventTail; private NetEvent _netEventPoolHead; private readonly INetEventListener _netEventListener; private readonly IDeliveryEventListener _deliveryEventListener; private readonly INtpEventListener _ntpEventListener; private readonly IPeerAddressChangedListener _peerAddressChangedListener; private readonly Dictionary<IPEndPoint, ConnectionRequest> _requestsDict = new Dictionary<IPEndPoint, ConnectionRequest>(); private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<IPEndPoint, NtpRequest> _ntpRequests = new ConcurrentDictionary<IPEndPoint, NtpRequest>(); private long _connectedPeersCount; private readonly List<NetPeer> _connectedPeerListCache = new List<NetPeer>(); private readonly PacketLayerBase _extraPacketLayer; private int _lastPeerId; private ConcurrentQueue<int> _peerIds = new ConcurrentQueue<int>(); private byte _channelsCount = 1; private readonly object _eventLock = new object(); private bool _dropPacket; public bool UnconnectedMessagesEnabled; public bool NatPunchEnabled; public int UpdateTime = 15; public int PingInterval = 1000; public int DisconnectTimeout = 5000; public bool SimulatePacketLoss; public bool SimulateLatency; public int SimulationPacketLossChance = 10; public int SimulationMinLatency = 30; public int SimulationMaxLatency = 100; public bool UnsyncedEvents; public bool UnsyncedReceiveEvent; public bool UnsyncedDeliveryEvent; public bool BroadcastReceiveEnabled; public int ReconnectDelay = 500; public int MaxConnectAttempts = 10; public bool ReuseAddress; public bool DontRoute; public readonly NetStatistics Statistics = new NetStatistics(); public bool EnableStatistics; public readonly NatPunchModule NatPunchModule; public bool AutoRecycle; public bool IPv6Enabled = true; public int MtuOverride; public bool MtuDiscovery; public bool UseNativeSockets; public bool DisconnectOnUnreachable; public bool AllowPeerAddressChange; private const int MaxPrimeArrayLength = 2147483587; private const int HashPrime = 101; private const int Lower31BitMask = int.MaxValue; private static readonly int[] Primes; private int[] _buckets; private Slot[] _slots; private int _count; private int _lastIndex; private int _freeList = -1; private NetPeer[] _peersArray = new NetPeer[32]; private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _peersLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.NoRecursion); private volatile NetPeer _headPeer; private NetPacket _poolHead; private int _poolCount; private readonly object _poolLock = new object(); public int PacketPoolSize = 1000; private const int ReceivePollingTime = 500000; private Socket _udpSocketv4; private Socket _udpSocketv6; private Thread _receiveThread; private IPEndPoint _bufferEndPointv4; private IPEndPoint _bufferEndPointv6; private const int SioUdpConnreset = -1744830452; private static readonly IPAddress MulticastAddressV6; public static readonly bool IPv6Support; internal bool NotConnected; public bool IsRunning { get; private set; } public int LocalPort { get; private set; } public NetPeer FirstPeer => _headPeer; public byte ChannelsCount { get { return _channelsCount; } set { if (value < 1 || value > 64) { throw new ArgumentException("Channels count must be between 1 and 64"); } _channelsCount = value; } } public List<NetPeer> ConnectedPeerList { get { GetPeersNonAlloc(_connectedPeerListCache, ConnectionState.Connected); return _connectedPeerListCache; } } public int ConnectedPeersCount => (int)Interlocked.Read(ref _connectedPeersCount); public int ExtraPacketSizeForLayer => _extraPacketLayer?.ExtraPacketSizeForLayer ?? 0; public int PoolCount => _poolCount; public short Ttl { get { return _udpSocketv4.Ttl; } internal set { _udpSocketv4.Ttl = value; } } public NetManager(INetEventListener listener, PacketLayerBase extraPacketLayer = null) { _netEventListener = listener; _deliveryEventListener = listener as IDeliveryEventListener; _ntpEventListener = listener as INtpEventListener; _peerAddressChangedListener = listener as IPeerAddressChangedListener; NatPunchModule = new NatPunchModule(this); _extraPacketLayer = extraPacketLayer; } internal void ConnectionLatencyUpdated(NetPeer fromPeer, int latency) { CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.ConnectionLatencyUpdated, fromPeer, null, SocketError.Success, latency, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); } internal void MessageDelivered(NetPeer fromPeer, object userData) { if (_deliveryEventListener != null) { CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.MessageDelivered, fromPeer, null, SocketError.Success, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0, null, userData); } } internal void DisconnectPeerForce(NetPeer peer, DisconnectReason reason, SocketError socketErrorCode, NetPacket eventData) { DisconnectPeer(peer, reason, socketErrorCode, force: true, null, 0, 0, eventData); } private void DisconnectPeer(NetPeer peer, DisconnectReason reason, SocketError socketErrorCode, bool force, byte[] data, int start, int count, NetPacket eventData) { switch (peer.Shutdown(data, start, count, force)) { case ShutdownResult.None: return; case ShutdownResult.WasConnected: Interlocked.Decrement(ref _connectedPeersCount); break; } CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.Disconnect, peer, null, socketErrorCode, 0, reason, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0, eventData); } private void CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType type, NetPeer peer = null, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = null, SocketError errorCode = SocketError.Success, int latency = 0, DisconnectReason disconnectReason = DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, ConnectionRequest connectionRequest = null, DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod = DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, byte channelNumber = 0, NetPacket readerSource = null, object userData = null) { bool flag = UnsyncedEvents; switch (type) { case NetEvent.EType.Connect: Interlocked.Increment(ref _connectedPeersCount); break; case NetEvent.EType.MessageDelivered: flag = UnsyncedDeliveryEvent; break; } NetEvent netEvent; lock (_eventLock) { netEvent = _netEventPoolHead; if (netEvent == null) { netEvent = new NetEvent(this); } else { _netEventPoolHead = netEvent.Next; } } netEvent.Next = null; netEvent.Type = type; netEvent.DataReader.SetSource(readerSource, readerSource?.GetHeaderSize() ?? 0); netEvent.Peer = peer; netEvent.RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint; netEvent.Latency = latency; netEvent.ErrorCode = errorCode; netEvent.DisconnectReason = disconnectReason; netEvent.ConnectionRequest = connectionRequest; netEvent.DeliveryMethod = deliveryMethod; netEvent.ChannelNumber = channelNumber; netEvent.UserData = userData; if (flag || _manualMode) { ProcessEvent(netEvent); return; } lock (_eventLock) { if (_pendingEventTail == null) { _pendingEventHead = netEvent; } else { _pendingEventTail.Next = netEvent; } _pendingEventTail = netEvent; } } private void ProcessEvent(NetEvent evt) { bool isNull = evt.DataReader.IsNull; switch (evt.Type) { case NetEvent.EType.Connect: _netEventListener.OnPeerConnected(evt.Peer); break; case NetEvent.EType.Disconnect: { DisconnectInfo disconnectInfo = default(DisconnectInfo); disconnectInfo.Reason = evt.DisconnectReason; disconnectInfo.AdditionalData = evt.DataReader; disconnectInfo.SocketErrorCode = evt.ErrorCode; DisconnectInfo disconnectInfo2 = disconnectInfo; _netEventListener.OnPeerDisconnected(evt.Peer, disconnectInfo2); break; } case NetEvent.EType.Receive: _netEventListener.OnNetworkReceive(evt.Peer, evt.DataReader, evt.ChannelNumber, evt.DeliveryMethod); break; case NetEvent.EType.ReceiveUnconnected: _netEventListener.OnNetworkReceiveUnconnected(evt.RemoteEndPoint, evt.DataReader, UnconnectedMessageType.BasicMessage); break; case NetEvent.EType.Broadcast: _netEventListener.OnNetworkReceiveUnconnected(evt.RemoteEndPoint, evt.DataReader, UnconnectedMessageType.Broadcast); break; case NetEvent.EType.Error: _netEventListener.OnNetworkError(evt.RemoteEndPoint, evt.ErrorCode); break; case NetEvent.EType.ConnectionLatencyUpdated: _netEventListener.OnNetworkLatencyUpdate(evt.Peer, evt.Latency); break; case NetEvent.EType.ConnectionRequest: _netEventListener.OnConnectionRequest(evt.ConnectionRequest); break; case NetEvent.EType.MessageDelivered: _deliveryEventListener.OnMessageDelivered(evt.Peer, evt.UserData); break; case NetEvent.EType.PeerAddressChanged: { _peersLock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock(); IPEndPoint iPEndPoint = null; if (ContainsPeer(evt.Peer)) { _peersLock.EnterWriteLock(); RemovePeerFromSet(evt.Peer); iPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(evt.Peer.Address, evt.Peer.Port); evt.Peer.FinishEndPointChange(evt.RemoteEndPoint); AddPeerToSet(evt.Peer); _peersLock.ExitWriteLock(); } _peersLock.ExitUpgradeableReadLock(); if (iPEndPoint != null && _peerAddressChangedListener != null) { _peerAddressChangedListener.OnPeerAddressChanged(evt.Peer, iPEndPoint); } break; } } if (isNull) { RecycleEvent(evt); } else if (AutoRecycle) { evt.DataReader.RecycleInternal(); } } internal void RecycleEvent(NetEvent evt) { evt.Peer = null; evt.ErrorCode = SocketError.Success; evt.RemoteEndPoint = null; evt.ConnectionRequest = null; lock (_eventLock) { evt.Next = _netEventPoolHead; _netEventPoolHead = evt; } } private void UpdateLogic() { List<NetPeer> list = new List<NetPeer>(); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); while (IsRunning) { try { float num = (float)((double)stopwatch.ElapsedTicks / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency * 1000.0); num = ((num <= 0f) ? 0.001f : num); stopwatch.Restart(); for (NetPeer netPeer = _headPeer; netPeer != null; netPeer = netPeer.NextPeer) { if (netPeer.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Disconnected && netPeer.TimeSinceLastPacket > (float)DisconnectTimeout) { list.Add(netPeer); } else { netPeer.Update(num); } } if (list.Count > 0) { _peersLock.EnterWriteLock(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { RemovePeer(list[i], enableWriteLock: false); } _peersLock.ExitWriteLock(); list.Clear(); } ProcessNtpRequests(num); int num2 = UpdateTime - (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (num2 > 0) { _updateTriggerEvent.WaitOne(num2); } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { return; } catch (Exception ex2) { NetDebug.WriteError("[NM] LogicThread error: " + ex2); } } stopwatch.Stop(); } [Conditional("DEBUG")] private void ProcessDelayedPackets() { if (!SimulateLatency) { return; } DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; lock (_pingSimulationList) { for (int i = 0; i < _pingSimulationList.Count; i++) { IncomingData incomingData = _pingSimulationList[i]; if (incomingData.TimeWhenGet <= utcNow) { HandleMessageReceived(incomingData.Data, incomingData.EndPoint); _pingSimulationList.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } } } private void ProcessNtpRequests(float elapsedMilliseconds) { List<IPEndPoint> list = null; foreach (KeyValuePair<IPEndPoint, NtpRequest> ntpRequest in _ntpRequests) { ntpRequest.Value.Send(_udpSocketv4, elapsedMilliseconds); if (ntpRequest.Value.NeedToKill) { if (list == null) { list = new List<IPEndPoint>(); } list.Add(ntpRequest.Key); } } if (list == null) { return; } foreach (IPEndPoint item in list) { _ntpRequests.TryRemove(item, out var _); } } public void ManualUpdate(float elapsedMilliseconds) { if (!_manualMode) { return; } for (NetPeer netPeer = _headPeer; netPeer != null; netPeer = netPeer.NextPeer) { if (netPeer.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Disconnected && netPeer.TimeSinceLastPacket > (float)DisconnectTimeout) { RemovePeer(netPeer, enableWriteLock: false); } else { netPeer.Update(elapsedMilliseconds); } } ProcessNtpRequests(elapsedMilliseconds); } internal NetPeer OnConnectionSolved(ConnectionRequest request, byte[] rejectData, int start, int length) { NetPeer actualValue = null; if (request.Result == ConnectionRequestResult.RejectForce) { if (rejectData != null && length > 0) { NetPacket netPacket = PoolGetWithProperty(PacketProperty.Disconnect, length); netPacket.ConnectionNumber = request.InternalPacket.ConnectionNumber; FastBitConverter.GetBytes(netPacket.RawData, 1, request.InternalPacket.ConnectionTime); if (netPacket.Size >= NetConstants.PossibleMtu[0]) { NetDebug.WriteError("[Peer] Disconnect additional data size more than MTU!"); } else { Buffer.BlockCopy(rejectData, start, netPacket.RawData, 9, length); } SendRawAndRecycle(netPacket, request.RemoteEndPoint); } lock (_requestsDict) { _requestsDict.Remove(request.RemoteEndPoint); } } else { lock (_requestsDict) { if (!TryGetPeer(request.RemoteEndPoint, out actualValue)) { if (request.Result == ConnectionRequestResult.Reject) { actualValue = new NetPeer(this, request.RemoteEndPoint, GetNextPeerId()); actualValue.Reject(request.InternalPacket, rejectData, start, length); AddPeer(actualValue); } else { actualValue = new NetPeer(this, request, GetNextPeerId()); AddPeer(actualValue); CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.Connect, actualValue, null, SocketError.Success, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); } } _requestsDict.Remove(request.RemoteEndPoint); } } return actualValue; } private int GetNextPeerId() { if (!_peerIds.TryDequeue(out var result)) { return _lastPeerId++; } return result; } private void ProcessConnectRequest(IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, NetPeer netPeer, NetConnectRequestPacket connRequest) { if (netPeer != null) { ConnectRequestResult connectRequestResult = netPeer.ProcessConnectRequest(connRequest); switch (connectRequestResult) { default: return; case ConnectRequestResult.Reconnection: DisconnectPeerForce(netPeer, DisconnectReason.Reconnect, SocketError.Success, null); RemovePeer(netPeer, enableWriteLock: true); break; case ConnectRequestResult.NewConnection: RemovePeer(netPeer, enableWriteLock: true); break; case ConnectRequestResult.P2PLose: DisconnectPeerForce(netPeer, DisconnectReason.PeerToPeerConnection, SocketError.Success, null); RemovePeer(netPeer, enableWriteLock: true); break; } if (connectRequestResult != ConnectRequestResult.P2PLose) { connRequest.ConnectionNumber = (byte)((netPeer.ConnectionNum + 1) % 4); } } ConnectionRequest value; lock (_requestsDict) { if (_requestsDict.TryGetValue(remoteEndPoint, out value)) { value.UpdateRequest(connRequest); return; } value = new ConnectionRequest(remoteEndPoint, connRequest, this); _requestsDict.Add(remoteEndPoint, value); } CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.ConnectionRequest, null, null, SocketError.Success, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, value, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); } private void OnMessageReceived(NetPacket packet, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { if (packet.Size == 0) { PoolRecycle(packet); return; } _dropPacket = false; if (!_dropPacket) { HandleMessageReceived(packet, remoteEndPoint); } } [Conditional("DEBUG")] private void HandleSimulateLatency(NetPacket packet, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { if (!SimulateLatency) { return; } int num = _randomGenerator.Next(SimulationMinLatency, SimulationMaxLatency); if (num > 5) { lock (_pingSimulationList) { _pingSimulationList.Add(new IncomingData { Data = packet, EndPoint = remoteEndPoint, TimeWhenGet = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(num) }); } _dropPacket = true; } } [Conditional("DEBUG")] private void HandleSimulatePacketLoss() { if (SimulatePacketLoss && _randomGenerator.NextDouble() * 100.0 < (double)SimulationPacketLossChance) { _dropPacket = true; } } private void HandleMessageReceived(NetPacket packet, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { int size = packet.Size; if (EnableStatistics) { Statistics.IncrementPacketsReceived(); Statistics.AddBytesReceived(size); } if (_ntpRequests.Count > 0 && _ntpRequests.TryGetValue(remoteEndPoint, out var _)) { if (packet.Size >= 48) { byte[] array = new byte[packet.Size]; Buffer.BlockCopy(packet.RawData, 0, array, 0, packet.Size); NtpPacket ntpPacket = NtpPacket.FromServerResponse(array, DateTime.UtcNow); try { ntpPacket.ValidateReply(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { ntpPacket = null; } if (ntpPacket != null) { _ntpRequests.TryRemove(remoteEndPoint, out var _); _ntpEventListener?.OnNtpResponse(ntpPacket); } } return; } if (_extraPacketLayer != null) { _extraPacketLayer.ProcessInboundPacket(ref remoteEndPoint, ref packet.RawData, ref packet.Size); if (packet.Size == 0) { return; } } if (!packet.Verify()) { NetDebug.WriteError("[NM] DataReceived: bad!"); PoolRecycle(packet); return; } switch (packet.Property) { case PacketProperty.ConnectRequest: if (NetConnectRequestPacket.GetProtocolId(packet) != 13) { SendRawAndRecycle(PoolGetWithProperty(PacketProperty.InvalidProtocol), remoteEndPoint); return; } break; case PacketProperty.Broadcast: if (BroadcastReceiveEnabled) { CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.Broadcast, null, remoteEndPoint, SocketError.Success, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0, packet); } return; case PacketProperty.UnconnectedMessage: if (UnconnectedMessagesEnabled) { CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.ReceiveUnconnected, null, remoteEndPoint, SocketError.Success, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0, packet); } return; case PacketProperty.NatMessage: if (NatPunchEnabled) { NatPunchModule.ProcessMessage(remoteEndPoint, packet); } return; } NetPeer actualValue = remoteEndPoint as NetPeer; bool flag = actualValue != null || TryGetPeer(remoteEndPoint, out actualValue); if (flag && EnableStatistics) { actualValue.Statistics.IncrementPacketsReceived(); actualValue.Statistics.AddBytesReceived(size); } switch (packet.Property) { case PacketProperty.ConnectRequest: { NetConnectRequestPacket netConnectRequestPacket = NetConnectRequestPacket.FromData(packet); if (netConnectRequestPacket != null) { ProcessConnectRequest(remoteEndPoint, actualValue, netConnectRequestPacket); } break; } case PacketProperty.PeerNotFound: if (flag) { if (actualValue.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Connected) { if (packet.Size == 1) { actualValue.ResetMtu(); SendRaw(NetConnectAcceptPacket.MakeNetworkChanged(actualValue), remoteEndPoint); } else if (packet.Size == 2 && packet.RawData[1] == 1) { DisconnectPeerForce(actualValue, DisconnectReason.PeerNotFound, SocketError.Success, null); } } } else { if (packet.Size <= 1) { break; } bool flag2 = false; if (AllowPeerAddressChange) { NetConnectAcceptPacket netConnectAcceptPacket = NetConnectAcceptPacket.FromData(packet); if (netConnectAcceptPacket != null && netConnectAcceptPacket.PeerNetworkChanged && netConnectAcceptPacket.PeerId < _peersArray.Length) { _peersLock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock(); NetPeer netPeer = _peersArray[netConnectAcceptPacket.PeerId]; _peersLock.ExitUpgradeableReadLock(); if (netPeer != null && netPeer.ConnectTime == netConnectAcceptPacket.ConnectionTime && netPeer.ConnectionNum == netConnectAcceptPacket.ConnectionNumber) { if (netPeer.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Connected) { netPeer.InitiateEndPointChange(); CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.PeerAddressChanged, netPeer, remoteEndPoint, SocketError.Success, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); } flag2 = true; } } } PoolRecycle(packet); if (!flag2) { NetPacket netPacket = PoolGetWithProperty(PacketProperty.PeerNotFound, 1); netPacket.RawData[1] = 1; SendRawAndRecycle(netPacket, remoteEndPoint); } } break; case PacketProperty.InvalidProtocol: if (flag && actualValue.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Outgoing) { DisconnectPeerForce(actualValue, DisconnectReason.InvalidProtocol, SocketError.Success, null); } break; case PacketProperty.Disconnect: if (flag) { DisconnectResult disconnectResult = actualValue.ProcessDisconnect(packet); if (disconnectResult == DisconnectResult.None) { PoolRecycle(packet); break; } DisconnectPeerForce(actualValue, (disconnectResult == DisconnectResult.Disconnect) ? DisconnectReason.RemoteConnectionClose : DisconnectReason.ConnectionRejected, SocketError.Success, packet); } else { PoolRecycle(packet); } SendRawAndRecycle(PoolGetWithProperty(PacketProperty.ShutdownOk), remoteEndPoint); break; case PacketProperty.ConnectAccept: if (flag) { NetConnectAcceptPacket netConnectAcceptPacket2 = NetConnectAcceptPacket.FromData(packet); if (netConnectAcceptPacket2 != null && actualValue.ProcessConnectAccept(netConnectAcceptPacket2)) { CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.Connect, actualValue, null, SocketError.Success, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); } } break; default: if (flag) { actualValue.ProcessPacket(packet); } else { SendRawAndRecycle(PoolGetWithProperty(PacketProperty.PeerNotFound), remoteEndPoint); } break; } } internal void CreateReceiveEvent(NetPacket packet, DeliveryMethod method, byte channelNumber, int headerSize, NetPeer fromPeer) { if (UnsyncedEvents || UnsyncedReceiveEvent || _manualMode) { NetEvent netEvent; lock (_eventLock) { netEvent = _netEventPoolHead; if (netEvent == null) { netEvent = new NetEvent(this); } else { _netEventPoolHead = netEvent.Next; } } netEvent.Next = null; netEvent.Type = NetEvent.EType.Receive; netEvent.DataReader.SetSource(packet, headerSize); netEvent.Peer = fromPeer; netEvent.DeliveryMethod = method; netEvent.ChannelNumber = channelNumber; ProcessEvent(netEvent); return; } lock (_eventLock) { NetEvent netEvent = _netEventPoolHead; if (netEvent == null) { netEvent = new NetEvent(this); } else { _netEventPoolHead = netEvent.Next; } netEvent.Next = null; netEvent.Type = NetEvent.EType.Receive; netEvent.DataReader.SetSource(packet, headerSize); netEvent.Peer = fromPeer; netEvent.DeliveryMethod = method; netEvent.ChannelNumber = channelNumber; if (_pendingEventTail == null) { _pendingEventHead = netEvent; } else { _pendingEventTail.Next = netEvent; } _pendingEventTail = netEvent; } } public void SendToAll(NetDataWriter writer, DeliveryMethod options) { SendToAll(writer.Data, 0, writer.Length, options); } public void SendToAll(byte[] data, DeliveryMethod options) { SendToAll(data, 0, data.Length, options); } public void SendToAll(byte[] data, int start, int length, DeliveryMethod options) { SendToAll(data, start, length, 0, options); } public void SendToAll(NetDataWriter writer, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod options) { SendToAll(writer.Data, 0, writer.Length, channelNumber, options); } public void SendToAll(byte[] data, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod options) { SendToAll(data, 0, data.Length, channelNumber, options); } public void SendToAll(byte[] data, int start, int length, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod options) { try { _peersLock.EnterReadLock(); for (NetPeer netPeer = _headPeer; netPeer != null; netPeer = netPeer.NextPeer) { netPeer.Send(data, start, length, channelNumber, options); } } finally { _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); } } public void SendToAll(NetDataWriter writer, DeliveryMethod options, NetPeer excludePeer) { SendToAll(writer.Data, 0, writer.Length, 0, options, excludePeer); } public void SendToAll(byte[] data, DeliveryMethod options, NetPeer excludePeer) { SendToAll(data, 0, data.Length, 0, options, excludePeer); } public void SendToAll(byte[] data, int start, int length, DeliveryMethod options, NetPeer excludePeer) { SendToAll(data, start, length, 0, options, excludePeer); } public void SendToAll(NetDataWriter writer, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod options, NetPeer excludePeer) { SendToAll(writer.Data, 0, writer.Length, channelNumber, options, excludePeer); } public void SendToAll(byte[] data, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod options, NetPeer excludePeer) { SendToAll(data, 0, data.Length, channelNumber, options, excludePeer); } public void SendToAll(byte[] data, int start, int length, byte channelNumber, DeliveryMethod options, NetPeer excludePeer) { try { _peersLock.EnterReadLock(); for (NetPeer netPeer = _headPeer; netPeer != null; netPeer = netPeer.NextPeer) { if (netPeer != excludePeer) { netPeer.Send(data, start, length, channelNumber, options); } } } finally { _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); } } public bool Start() { return Start(0); } public bool Start(IPAddress addressIPv4, IPAddress addressIPv6, int port) { return Start(addressIPv4, addressIPv6, port, manualMode: false); } public bool Start(string addressIPv4, string addressIPv6, int port) { IPAddress addressIPv7 = NetUtils.ResolveAddress(addressIPv4); IPAddress addressIPv8 = NetUtils.ResolveAddress(addressIPv6); return Start(addressIPv7, addressIPv8, port); } public bool Start(int port) { return Start(IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.IPv6Any, port); } public bool StartInManualMode(IPAddress addressIPv4, IPAddress addressIPv6, int port) { return Start(addressIPv4, addressIPv6, port, manualMode: true); } public bool StartInManualMode(string addressIPv4, string addressIPv6, int port) { IPAddress addressIPv7 = NetUtils.ResolveAddress(addressIPv4); IPAddress addressIPv8 = NetUtils.ResolveAddress(addressIPv6); return StartInManualMode(addressIPv7, addressIPv8, port); } public bool StartInManualMode(int port) { return StartInManualMode(IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.IPv6Any, port); } public bool SendUnconnectedMessage(byte[] message, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { return SendUnconnectedMessage(message, 0, message.Length, remoteEndPoint); } public bool SendUnconnectedMessage(NetDataWriter writer, string address, int port) { IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = NetUtils.MakeEndPoint(address, port); return SendUnconnectedMessage(writer.Data, 0, writer.Length, remoteEndPoint); } public bool SendUnconnectedMessage(NetDataWriter writer, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { return SendUnconnectedMessage(writer.Data, 0, writer.Length, remoteEndPoint); } public bool SendUnconnectedMessage(byte[] message, int start, int length, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { NetPacket packet = PoolGetWithData(PacketProperty.UnconnectedMessage, message, start, length); return SendRawAndRecycle(packet, remoteEndPoint) > 0; } public void TriggerUpdate() { _updateTriggerEvent.Set(); } public void PollEvents(int maxProcessedEvents = 0) { if (_manualMode) { if (_udpSocketv4 != null) { ManualReceive(_udpSocketv4, _bufferEndPointv4, maxProcessedEvents); } if (_udpSocketv6 != null && _udpSocketv6 != _udpSocketv4) { ManualReceive(_udpSocketv6, _bufferEndPointv6, maxProcessedEvents); } } else { if (UnsyncedEvents) { return; } NetEvent netEvent; lock (_eventLock) { netEvent = _pendingEventHead; _pendingEventHead = null; _pendingEventTail = null; } int num = 0; while (netEvent != null) { NetEvent next = netEvent.Next; ProcessEvent(netEvent); netEvent = next; num++; if (num == maxProcessedEvents) { break; } } } } public NetPeer Connect(string address, int port, string key) { return Connect(address, port, NetDataWriter.FromString(key)); } public NetPeer Connect(string address, int port, NetDataWriter connectionData) { IPEndPoint target; try { target = NetUtils.MakeEndPoint(address, port); } catch { CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.Disconnect, null, null, SocketError.Success, 0, DisconnectReason.UnknownHost, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); return null; } return Connect(target, connectionData); } public NetPeer Connect(IPEndPoint target, string key) { return Connect(target, NetDataWriter.FromString(key)); } public NetPeer Connect(IPEndPoint target, NetDataWriter connectionData) { if (!IsRunning) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Client is not running"); } lock (_requestsDict) { if (_requestsDict.ContainsKey(target)) { return null; } byte connectNum = 0; if (TryGetPeer(target, out var actualValue)) { ConnectionState connectionState = actualValue.ConnectionState; if (connectionState == ConnectionState.Outgoing || connectionState == ConnectionState.Connected) { return actualValue; } connectNum = (byte)((actualValue.ConnectionNum + 1) % 4); RemovePeer(actualValue, enableWriteLock: true); } actualValue = new NetPeer(this, target, GetNextPeerId(), connectNum, connectionData); AddPeer(actualValue); return actualValue; } } public void Stop() { Stop(sendDisconnectMessages: true); } public void Stop(bool sendDisconnectMessages) { if (IsRunning) { for (NetPeer netPeer = _headPeer; netPeer != null; netPeer = netPeer.NextPeer) { netPeer.Shutdown(null, 0, 0, !sendDisconnectMessages); } CloseSocket(); _updateTriggerEvent.Set(); if (!_manualMode) { _logicThread.Join(); _logicThread = null; } ClearPeerSet(); _peerIds = new ConcurrentQueue<int>(); _lastPeerId = 0; _connectedPeersCount = 0L; _pendingEventHead = null; _pendingEventTail = null; } } [Conditional("DEBUG")] private void ClearPingSimulationList() { lock (_pingSimulationList) { _pingSimulationList.Clear(); } } public int GetPeersCount(ConnectionState peerState) { int num = 0; _peersLock.EnterReadLock(); for (NetPeer netPeer = _headPeer; netPeer != null; netPeer = netPeer.NextPeer) { if ((netPeer.ConnectionState & peerState) != 0) { num++; } } _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); return num; } public void GetPeersNonAlloc(List<NetPeer> peers, ConnectionState peerState) { peers.Clear(); _peersLock.EnterReadLock(); for (NetPeer netPeer = _headPeer; netPeer != null; netPeer = netPeer.NextPeer) { if ((netPeer.ConnectionState & peerState) != 0) { peers.Add(netPeer); } } _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); } public void DisconnectAll() { DisconnectAll(null, 0, 0); } public void DisconnectAll(byte[] data, int start, int count) { _peersLock.EnterReadLock(); for (NetPeer netPeer = _headPeer; netPeer != null; netPeer = netPeer.NextPeer) { DisconnectPeer(netPeer, DisconnectReason.DisconnectPeerCalled, SocketError.Success, force: false, data, start, count, null); } _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); } public void DisconnectPeerForce(NetPeer peer) { DisconnectPeerForce(peer, DisconnectReason.DisconnectPeerCalled, SocketError.Success, null); } public void DisconnectPeer(NetPeer peer) { DisconnectPeer(peer, null, 0, 0); } public void DisconnectPeer(NetPeer peer, byte[] data) { DisconnectPeer(peer, data, 0, data.Length); } public void DisconnectPeer(NetPeer peer, NetDataWriter writer) { DisconnectPeer(peer, writer.Data, 0, writer.Length); } public void DisconnectPeer(NetPeer peer, byte[] data, int start, int count) { DisconnectPeer(peer, DisconnectReason.DisconnectPeerCalled, SocketError.Success, force: false, data, start, count, null); } public void CreateNtpRequest(IPEndPoint endPoint) { _ntpRequests.TryAdd(endPoint, new NtpRequest(endPoint)); } public void CreateNtpRequest(string ntpServerAddress, int port) { IPEndPoint iPEndPoint = NetUtils.MakeEndPoint(ntpServerAddress, port); _ntpRequests.TryAdd(iPEndPoint, new NtpRequest(iPEndPoint)); } public void CreateNtpRequest(string ntpServerAddress) { IPEndPoint iPEndPoint = NetUtils.MakeEndPoint(ntpServerAddress, 123); _ntpRequests.TryAdd(iPEndPoint, new NtpRequest(iPEndPoint)); } public NetPeerEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new NetPeerEnumerator(_headPeer); } IEnumerator<NetPeer> IEnumerable<NetPeer>.GetEnumerator() { return new NetPeerEnumerator(_headPeer); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return new NetPeerEnumerator(_headPeer); } private static int HashSetGetPrime(int min) { int[] primes = Primes; foreach (int num in primes) { if (num >= min) { return num; } } for (int j = min | 1; j < int.MaxValue; j += 2) { if (IsPrime(j) && (j - 1) % 101 != 0) { return j; } } return min; static bool IsPrime(int candidate) { if (((uint)candidate & (true ? 1u : 0u)) != 0) { int num2 = (int)Math.Sqrt(candidate); for (int k = 3; k <= num2; k += 2) { if (candidate % k == 0) { return false; } } return true; } return candidate == 2; } } private void ClearPeerSet() { _peersLock.EnterWriteLock(); _headPeer = null; if (_lastIndex > 0) { Array.Clear(_slots, 0, _lastIndex); Array.Clear(_buckets, 0, _buckets.Length); _lastIndex = 0; _count = 0; _freeList = -1; } _peersArray = new NetPeer[32]; _peersLock.ExitWriteLock(); } private bool ContainsPeer(NetPeer item) { if (item == null) { NetDebug.WriteError($"Contains peer null: {item}"); return false; } if (_buckets != null) { int num = item.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; for (int num2 = _buckets[num % _buckets.Length] - 1; num2 >= 0; num2 = _slots[num2].Next) { if (_slots[num2].HashCode == num && _slots[num2].Value.Equals(item)) { return true; } } } return false; } public NetPeer GetPeerById(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= _peersArray.Length) { return null; } return _peersArray[id]; } public bool TryGetPeerById(int id, out NetPeer peer) { peer = GetPeerById(id); return peer != null; } private void AddPeer(NetPeer peer) { if (peer == null) { NetDebug.WriteError($"Add peer null: {peer}"); return; } _peersLock.EnterWriteLock(); if (_headPeer != null) { peer.NextPeer = _headPeer; _headPeer.PrevPeer = peer; } _headPeer = peer; AddPeerToSet(peer); if (peer.Id >= _peersArray.Length) { int num = _peersArray.Length * 2; while (peer.Id >= num) { num *= 2; } Array.Resize(ref _peersArray, num); } _peersArray[peer.Id] = peer; _peersLock.ExitWriteLock(); } private void RemovePeer(NetPeer peer, bool enableWriteLock) { if (enableWriteLock) { _peersLock.EnterWriteLock(); } if (!RemovePeerFromSet(peer)) { if (enableWriteLock) { _peersLock.ExitWriteLock(); } return; } if (peer == _headPeer) { _headPeer = peer.NextPeer; } if (peer.PrevPeer != null) { peer.PrevPeer.NextPeer = peer.NextPeer; } if (peer.NextPeer != null) { peer.NextPeer.PrevPeer = peer.PrevPeer; } peer.PrevPeer = null; _peersArray[peer.Id] = null; _peerIds.Enqueue(peer.Id); if (enableWriteLock) { _peersLock.ExitWriteLock(); } } private bool RemovePeerFromSet(NetPeer peer) { if (_buckets == null || peer == null) { return false; } int num = peer.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; int num2 = num % _buckets.Length; int num3 = -1; for (int num4 = _buckets[num2] - 1; num4 >= 0; num4 = _slots[num4].Next) { if (_slots[num4].HashCode == num && _slots[num4].Value.Equals(peer)) { if (num3 < 0) { _buckets[num2] = _slots[num4].Next + 1; } else { _slots[num3].Next = _slots[num4].Next; } _slots[num4].HashCode = -1; _slots[num4].Value = null; _slots[num4].Next = _freeList; _count--; if (_count == 0) { _lastIndex = 0; _freeList = -1; } else { _freeList = num4; } return true; } num3 = num4; } return false; } private bool TryGetPeer(IPEndPoint endPoint, out NetPeer actualValue) { if (_buckets != null) { int num = endPoint.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; _peersLock.EnterReadLock(); for (int num2 = _buckets[num % _buckets.Length] - 1; num2 >= 0; num2 = _slots[num2].Next) { if (_slots[num2].HashCode == num && _slots[num2].Value.Equals(endPoint)) { actualValue = _slots[num2].Value; _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); return true; } } _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); } actualValue = null; return false; } private bool TryGetPeer(SocketAddress saddr, out NetPeer actualValue) { if (_buckets != null) { int num = saddr.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; _peersLock.EnterReadLock(); for (int num2 = _buckets[num % _buckets.Length] - 1; num2 >= 0; num2 = _slots[num2].Next) { if (_slots[num2].HashCode == num && _slots[num2].Value.Serialize().Equals(saddr)) { actualValue = _slots[num2].Value; _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); return true; } } _peersLock.ExitReadLock(); } actualValue = null; return false; } private bool AddPeerToSet(NetPeer value) { if (_buckets == null) { int num = HashSetGetPrime(0); _buckets = new int[num]; _slots = new Slot[num]; } int num2 = value.GetHashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; int num3 = num2 % _buckets.Length; for (int num4 = _buckets[num2 % _buckets.Length] - 1; num4 >= 0; num4 = _slots[num4].Next) { if (_slots[num4].HashCode == num2 && _slots[num4].Value.Equals(value)) { return false; } } int num5; if (_freeList >= 0) { num5 = _freeList; _freeList = _slots[num5].Next; } else { if (_lastIndex == _slots.Length) { int num6 = 2 * _count; num6 = (((uint)num6 > 2147483587u && 2147483587 > _count) ? 2147483587 : HashSetGetPrime(num6)); Slot[] array = new Slot[num6]; Array.Copy(_slots, 0, array, 0, _lastIndex); _buckets = new int[num6]; for (int i = 0; i < _lastIndex; i++) { int num7 = array[i].HashCode % num6; array[i].Next = _buckets[num7] - 1; _buckets[num7] = i + 1; } _slots = array; num3 = num2 % _buckets.Length; } num5 = _lastIndex; _lastIndex++; } _slots[num5].HashCode = num2; _slots[num5].Value = value; _slots[num5].Next = _buckets[num3] - 1; _buckets[num3] = num5 + 1; _count++; return true; } private NetPacket PoolGetWithData(PacketProperty property, byte[] data, int start, int length) { int headerSize = NetPacket.GetHeaderSize(property); NetPacket netPacket = PoolGetPacket(length + headerSize); netPacket.Property = property; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, start, netPacket.RawData, headerSize, length); return netPacket; } private NetPacket PoolGetWithProperty(PacketProperty property, int size) { NetPacket netPacket = PoolGetPacket(size + NetPacket.GetHeaderSize(property)); netPacket.Property = property; return netPacket; } private NetPacket PoolGetWithProperty(PacketProperty property) { NetPacket netPacket = PoolGetPacket(NetPacket.GetHeaderSize(property)); netPacket.Property = property; return netPacket; } internal NetPacket PoolGetPacket(int size) { if (size > NetConstants.MaxPacketSize) { return new NetPacket(size); } NetPacket poolHead; lock (_poolLock) { poolHead = _poolHead; if (poolHead == null) { return new NetPacket(size); } _poolHead = _poolHead.Next; _poolCount--; } poolHead.Size = size; if (poolHead.RawData.Length < size) { poolHead.RawData = new byte[size]; } return poolHead; } internal void PoolRecycle(NetPacket packet) { if (packet.RawData.Length > NetConstants.MaxPacketSize || _poolCount >= PacketPoolSize) { return; } packet.RawData[0] = 0; lock (_poolLock) { packet.Next = _poolHead; _poolHead = packet; _poolCount++; } } static NetManager() { Primes = new int[72] { 3, 7, 11, 17, 23, 29, 37, 47, 59, 71, 89, 107, 131, 163, 197, 239, 293, 353, 431, 521, 631, 761, 919, 1103, 1327, 1597, 1931, 2333, 2801, 3371, 4049, 4861, 5839, 7013, 8419, 10103, 12143, 14591, 17519, 21023, 25229, 30293, 36353, 43627, 52361, 62851, 75431, 90523, 108631, 130363, 156437, 187751, 225307, 270371, 324449, 389357, 467237, 560689, 672827, 807403, 968897, 1162687, 1395263, 1674319, 2009191, 2411033, 2893249, 3471899, 4166287, 4999559, 5999471, 7199369 }; MulticastAddressV6 = IPAddress.Parse("ff02::1"); IPv6Support = Socket.OSSupportsIPv6; } private bool ProcessError(SocketException ex) { switch (ex.SocketErrorCode) { case SocketError.NotConnected: NotConnected = true; return true; case SocketError.OperationAborted: case SocketError.Interrupted: case SocketError.NotSocket: return true; default: NetDebug.WriteError($"[R]Error code: {(int)ex.SocketErrorCode} - {ex}"); CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.Error, null, null, ex.SocketErrorCode, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); break; case SocketError.WouldBlock: case SocketError.MessageSize: case SocketError.NetworkReset: case SocketError.ConnectionReset: case SocketError.TimedOut: break; } return false; } private void ManualReceive(Socket socket, EndPoint bufferEndPoint, int maxReceive) { try { int num = 0; while (socket.Available > 0) { ReceiveFrom(socket, ref bufferEndPoint); num++; if (num == maxReceive) { break; } } } catch (SocketException ex) { ProcessError(ex); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } catch (Exception ex3) { NetDebug.WriteError("[NM] SocketReceiveThread error: " + ex3); } } private void NativeReceiveLogic() { IntPtr handle = _udpSocketv4.Handle; IntPtr s2 = _udpSocketv6?.Handle ?? IntPtr.Zero; byte[] address2 = new byte[16]; byte[] address3 = new byte[28]; IPEndPoint tempEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); List<Socket> list = new List<Socket>(2); Socket udpSocketv = _udpSocketv4; Socket udpSocketv2 = _udpSocketv6; NetPacket packet = PoolGetPacket(NetConstants.MaxPacketSize); while (IsRunning) { try { if (udpSocketv2 == null) { if (!NativeReceiveFrom(handle, address2)) { break; } continue; } bool flag = false; if (udpSocketv.Available != 0 || list.Contains(udpSocketv)) { if (!NativeReceiveFrom(handle, address2)) { break; } flag = true; } if (udpSocketv2.Available != 0 || list.Contains(udpSocketv2)) { if (!NativeReceiveFrom(s2, address3)) { break; } flag = true; } list.Clear(); if (!flag) { list.Add(udpSocketv); list.Add(udpSocketv2); Socket.Select(list, null, null, 500000); } } catch (SocketException ex) { if (ProcessError(ex)) { break; } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { break; } catch (ThreadAbortException) { break; } catch (Exception ex4) { NetDebug.WriteError("[NM] SocketReceiveThread error: " + ex4); } } bool NativeReceiveFrom(IntPtr s, byte[] address) { int socketAddressSize = address.Length; packet.Size = NativeSocket.RecvFrom(s, packet.RawData, NetConstants.MaxPacketSize, address, ref socketAddressSize); if (packet.Size == 0) { return true; } if (packet.Size == -1) { return !ProcessError(new SocketException((int)NativeSocket.GetSocketError())); } short num = (short)((address[1] << 8) | address[0]); tempEndPoint.Port = (ushort)((address[2] << 8) | address[3]); if ((NativeSocket.UnixMode && num == 10) || (!NativeSocket.UnixMode && num == 23)) { uint num2 = (uint)((address[27] << 24) + (address[26] << 16) + (address[25] << 8) + address[24]); byte[] array = new byte[16]; Buffer.BlockCopy(address, 8, array, 0, 16); tempEndPoint.Address = new IPAddress(array, num2); } else { long newAddress = (uint)((address[4] & 0xFF) | ((address[5] << 8) & 0xFF00) | ((address[6] << 16) & 0xFF0000) | (address[7] << 24)); tempEndPoint.Address = new IPAddress(newAddress); } if (TryGetPeer(tempEndPoint, out var actualValue)) { OnMessageReceived(packet, actualValue); } else { OnMessageReceived(packet, tempEndPoint); tempEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); } packet = PoolGetPacket(NetConstants.MaxPacketSize); return true; } } private void ReceiveFrom(Socket s, ref EndPoint bufferEndPoint) { NetPacket netPacket = PoolGetPacket(NetConstants.MaxPacketSize); netPacket.Size = s.ReceiveFrom(netPacket.RawData, 0, NetConstants.MaxPacketSize, SocketFlags.None, ref bufferEndPoint); OnMessageReceived(netPacket, (IPEndPoint)bufferEndPoint); } private void ReceiveLogic() { EndPoint bufferEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); EndPoint bufferEndPoint2 = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0); List<Socket> list = new List<Socket>(2); Socket udpSocketv = _udpSocketv4; Socket udpSocketv2 = _udpSocketv6; while (IsRunning) { try { if (udpSocketv2 == null) { if (udpSocketv.Available != 0 || udpSocketv.Poll(500000, SelectMode.SelectRead)) { ReceiveFrom(udpSocketv, ref bufferEndPoint); } continue; } bool flag = false; if (udpSocketv.Available != 0 || list.Contains(udpSocketv)) { ReceiveFrom(udpSocketv, ref bufferEndPoint); flag = true; } if (udpSocketv2.Available != 0 || list.Contains(udpSocketv2)) { ReceiveFrom(udpSocketv2, ref bufferEndPoint2); flag = true; } list.Clear(); if (!flag) { list.Add(udpSocketv); list.Add(udpSocketv2); Socket.Select(list, null, null, 500000); } } catch (SocketException ex) { if (ProcessError(ex)) { break; } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { break; } catch (ThreadAbortException) { break; } catch (Exception ex4) { NetDebug.WriteError("[NM] SocketReceiveThread error: " + ex4); } } } public bool Start(IPAddress addressIPv4, IPAddress addressIPv6, int port, bool manualMode) { if (IsRunning && !NotConnected) { return false; } NotConnected = false; _manualMode = manualMode; UseNativeSockets = UseNativeSockets && NativeSocket.IsSupported; _udpSocketv4 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); if (!BindSocket(_udpSocketv4, new IPEndPoint(addressIPv4, port))) { return false; } LocalPort = ((IPEndPoint)_udpSocketv4.LocalEndPoint).Port; IsRunning = true; if (_manualMode) { _bufferEndPointv4 = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); } if (IPv6Support && IPv6Enabled) { _udpSocketv6 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); if (BindSocket(_udpSocketv6, new IPEndPoint(addressIPv6, LocalPort))) { if (_manualMode) { _bufferEndPointv6 = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, 0); } } else { _udpSocketv6 = null; } } if (!manualMode) { ThreadStart start = ReceiveLogic; if (UseNativeSockets) { start = NativeReceiveLogic; } _receiveThread = new Thread(start) { Name = $"ReceiveThread({LocalPort})", IsBackground = true }; _receiveThread.Start(); if (_logicThread == null) { _logicThread = new Thread(UpdateLogic) { Name = "LogicThread", IsBackground = true }; _logicThread.Start(); } } return true; } private bool BindSocket(Socket socket, IPEndPoint ep) { socket.ReceiveTimeout = 500; socket.SendTimeout = 500; socket.ReceiveBufferSize = 1048576; socket.SendBufferSize = 1048576; socket.Blocking = true; if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { try { socket.IOControl(-1744830452, new byte[1], null); } catch { } } try { socket.ExclusiveAddressUse = !ReuseAddress; socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, ReuseAddress); socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.DontRoute, DontRoute); } catch { } if (ep.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { Ttl = 255; try { socket.EnableBroadcast = true; } catch (SocketException ex) { NetDebug.WriteError($"[B]Broadcast error: {ex.SocketErrorCode}"); } if (!RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { try { socket.DontFragment = true; } catch (SocketException ex2) { NetDebug.WriteError($"[B]DontFragment error: {ex2.SocketErrorCode}"); } } } try { socket.Bind(ep); if (ep.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { try { socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IPv6, SocketOptionName.AddMembership, new IPv6MulticastOption(MulticastAddressV6)); } catch (Exception) { } } } catch (SocketException ex4) { switch (ex4.SocketErrorCode) { case SocketError.AddressAlreadyInUse: if (socket.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) { try { socket.DualMode = false; socket.Bind(ep); } catch (SocketException ex5) { NetDebug.WriteError($"[B]Bind exception: {ex5}, errorCode: {ex5.SocketErrorCode}"); return false; } return true; } break; case SocketError.AddressFamilyNotSupported: return true; } NetDebug.WriteError($"[B]Bind exception: {ex4}, errorCode: {ex4.SocketErrorCode}"); return false; } return true; } internal int SendRawAndRecycle(NetPacket packet, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { int result = SendRaw(packet.RawData, 0, packet.Size, remoteEndPoint); PoolRecycle(packet); return result; } internal int SendRaw(NetPacket packet, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { return SendRaw(packet.RawData, 0, packet.Size, remoteEndPoint); } internal unsafe int SendRaw(byte[] message, int start, int length, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { if (!IsRunning) { return 0; } NetPacket netPacket = null; if (_extraPacketLayer != null) { netPacket = PoolGetPacket(length + _extraPacketLayer.ExtraPacketSizeForLayer); Buffer.BlockCopy(message, start, netPacket.RawData, 0, length); start = 0; _extraPacketLayer.ProcessOutBoundPacket(ref remoteEndPoint, ref netPacket.RawData, ref start, ref length); message = netPacket.RawData; } Socket socket = _udpSocketv4; if (remoteEndPoint.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 && IPv6Support) { socket = _udpSocketv6; if (socket == null) { return 0; } } int num; try { if (UseNativeSockets && remoteEndPoint is NetPeer netPeer) { fixed (byte* pinnedBuffer = &message[start]) { num = NativeSocket.SendTo(socket.Handle, pinnedBuffer, length, netPeer.NativeAddress, netPeer.NativeAddress.Length); } if (num == -1) { throw NativeSocket.GetSocketException(); } } else { num = socket.SendTo(message, start, length, SocketFlags.None, remoteEndPoint); } } catch (SocketException ex) { switch (ex.SocketErrorCode) { case SocketError.Interrupted: case SocketError.NoBufferSpaceAvailable: return 0; case SocketError.MessageSize: return 0; case SocketError.NetworkUnreachable: case SocketError.HostUnreachable: if (DisconnectOnUnreachable && remoteEndPoint is NetPeer peer) { DisconnectPeerForce(peer, (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.HostUnreachable) ? DisconnectReason.HostUnreachable : DisconnectReason.NetworkUnreachable, ex.SocketErrorCode, null); } CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.Error, null, remoteEndPoint, ex.SocketErrorCode, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); return -1; case SocketError.Shutdown: CreateEvent(NetEvent.EType.Error, null, remoteEndPoint, ex.SocketErrorCode, 0, DisconnectReason.ConnectionFailed, null, DeliveryMethod.Unreliable, 0); return -1; default: NetDebug.WriteError($"[S] {ex}"); return -1; } } catch (Exception arg) { NetDebug.WriteError($"[S] {arg}"); return 0; } finally { if (netPacket != null) { PoolRecycle(netPacket); } } if (num <= 0) { return 0; } if (EnableStatistics) { Statistics.IncrementPacketsSent(); Statistics.AddBytesSent(length); } return num; } public bool SendBroadcast(NetDataWriter writer, int port) { return SendBroadcast(writer.Data, 0, writer.Length, port); } public bool SendBroadcast(byte[] data, int port) { return SendBroadcast(data, 0, data.Length, port); } public bool SendBroadcast(byte[] data, int start, int length, int port) { if (!IsRunning) { return false; } NetPacket netPacket; if (_extraPacketLayer != null) { int headerSize = NetPacket.GetHeaderSize(PacketProperty.Broadcast); netPacket = PoolGetPacket(headerSize + length + _extraPacketLayer.ExtraPacketSizeForLayer); netPacket.Property = PacketProperty.Broadcast; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, start, netPacket.RawData, headerSize, length); int offset = 0; int length2 = length + headerSize; IPEndPoint endPoint = null; _extraPacketLayer.ProcessOutBoundPacket(ref endPoint, ref netPacket.RawData, ref offset, ref length2); } else { netPacket = PoolGetWithData(PacketProperty.Broadcast, data, start, length); } bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; try { flag = _udpSocketv4.SendTo(netPacket.RawData, 0, netPacket.Size, SocketFlags.None, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, port)) > 0; if (_udpSocketv6 != null) { flag2 = _udpSocketv6.SendTo(netPacket.RawData, 0, netPacket.Size, SocketFlags.None, new IPEndPoint(MulticastAddressV6, port)) > 0; } } catch (SocketException ex) { if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.HostUnreachable) { return flag; } NetDebug.WriteError($"[S][MCAST] {ex}"); return flag; } catch (Exception arg) { NetDebug.WriteError($"[S][MCAST] {arg}"); return flag; } finally { PoolRecycle(netPacket); } return flag || flag2; } private void CloseSocket() { IsRunning = false; _udpSocketv4?.Close(); _udpSocketv6?.Close(); _udpSocketv4 = null; _udpSocketv6 = null; if (_receiveThread != null && _receiveThread != Thread.CurrentThread) { _receiveThread.Join(); } _receiveThread = null; } } internal enum PacketProperty : byte { Unreliable, Channeled, Ack, Ping, Pong, ConnectRequest, ConnectAccept, Disconnect, UnconnectedMessage, MtuCheck, MtuOk, Broadcast, Merged, ShutdownOk, PeerNotFound, InvalidProtocol, NatMessage, Empty } internal sealed class NetPacket { private static readonly int PropertiesCount; private static readonly int[] HeaderSizes; public byte[] RawData; public int Size; public object UserData; public NetPacket Next; public PacketProperty Property { get { return (PacketProperty)(RawData[0] & 0x1Fu); } set { RawData[0] = (byte)((RawData[0] & 0xE0u) | (uint)value); } } public byte ConnectionNumber { get { return (byte)((RawData[0] & 0x60) >> 5); } set { RawData[0] = (byte)((RawData[0] & 0x9Fu) | (uint)(value << 5)); } } public ushort Sequence { get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(RawData, 1); } set { FastBitConverter.GetBytes(RawData, 1, value); } } public bool IsFragmented => (RawData[0] & 0x80) != 0; public byte ChannelId { get { return RawData[3]; } set { RawData[3] = value; } } public ushort FragmentId { get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(RawData, 4); } set { FastBitConverter.GetBytes(RawData, 4, value); } } public ushort FragmentPart { get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(RawData, 6); } set { FastBitConverter.GetBytes(RawData, 6, value); } } public ushort FragmentsTotal { get { return BitConverter.ToUInt16(RawData, 8); } set { FastBitConverter.GetBytes(RawData, 8, value); } } static NetPacket() { PropertiesCount = Enum.GetValues(typeof(PacketProperty)).Length; HeaderSizes = NetUtils.AllocatePinnedUninitializedArray<int>(PropertiesCount); for (int i = 0; i < HeaderSizes.Length; i++) { switch ((PacketProperty)(byte)i) { case PacketProperty.Channeled: case PacketProperty.Ack: HeaderSizes[i] = 4; break; case PacketProperty.Ping: HeaderSizes[i] = 3; break; case PacketProperty.ConnectRequest: HeaderSizes[i] = 18; break; case PacketProperty.ConnectAccept: HeaderSizes[i] = 15; break; case PacketProperty.Disconnect: HeaderSizes[i] = 9; break; case PacketProperty.Pong: HeaderSizes[i] = 11; break; default: HeaderSizes[i] = 1; break; } } } public void MarkFragmented() { RawData[0] |= 128; } public NetPacket(int size) { RawData = new byte[size]; Size = size; } public NetPacket(PacketProperty property, int size) { size += GetHeaderSize(property); RawData = new byte[size]; Property = property; Size = size; } public static int GetHeaderSize(PacketProperty property) { return HeaderSizes[(uint)property]; } public int GetHeaderSize() { return HeaderSizes[RawData[0] & 0x1F]; } public bool Verify() { byte b = (byte)(RawData[0] & 0x1Fu); if (b >= PropertiesCount) { return false; } int num = HeaderSizes[b]; bool flag = (RawData[0] & 0x80) != 0; if (Size >= num) { if (flag) { return Size >= num + 6; } return true; } return false; } } [Flags] public enum ConnectionState : byte { Outgoing = 2, Connected = 4, ShutdownRequested = 8, Disconnected = 0x10, EndPointChange = 0x20, Any = 0x2E } internal enum ConnectRequestResult { None, P2PLose, Reconnection, NewConnection } internal enum DisconnectResult { None, Reject, Disconnect } internal enum ShutdownResult { None, Success, WasConnected } public class NetPeer : IPEndPoint { private class IncomingFragments { public NetPacket[] Fragments; public int ReceivedCount; public int TotalSize; public byte ChannelId; } private int _rtt; private int _avgRtt; private int _rttCount; private double _resendDelay = 27.0; private float _pingSendTimer; private float _rttResetTimer; private readonly Stopwatch _pingTimer = new Stopwatch(); private volatile float _timeSinceLastPacket; private long _remoteDelta; private readonly object _shutdownLock = new object(); internal volatile NetPeer NextPeer; internal NetPeer PrevPeer; private NetPacket[] _unreliableSecondQueue; private NetPacket[] _unreliableChannel; private int _unreliablePendingCount; private readonly object _unreliableChannelLock = new object(); private readonly ConcurrentQueue<BaseChannel> _channelSendQueue; private readonly BaseChannel[] _channels; private int _mtu; private int _mtuIdx; private bool _finishMtu; private float _mtuCheckTimer; private int _mtuCheckAttempts; private const int MtuCheckDelay = 1000; private const int MaxMtuCheckAttempts = 4; private readonly object _mtuMutex = new object(); private int _fragmentId; private readonly Dictionary<ushort, IncomingFragments> _holdedFragments; private readonly Dictionary<ushort, ushort> _deliveredFragments; private readonly NetPacket _mergeData; private int _mergePos; private int _mergeCount; private int _connectAttempts; private float _connectTimer; private long _connectTime; private byte _connectNum; private ConnectionState _connectionState; private NetPacket _shutdownPacket; private const int ShutdownDelay = 300; private float _shutdownTimer; private readonly NetPacket _pingPacket; private readonly NetPacket _pongPacket; private readonly NetPacket _connectRequestPacket; private readonly NetPacket _connectAcceptPacket; public readonly NetManager NetManager; public readonly int Id; public object Tag; public readonly NetStatistics Statistics; private SocketAddress _cachedSocketAddr; private int _cachedHashCode; internal byte[] NativeAddress; internal byte ConnectionNum { get { return _connectNum; } private set { _connectNum = value; _mergeData.ConnectionNumber = value; _pingPacket.ConnectionNumber = value; _pongPacket.ConnectionNumber = value; } } public ConnectionState ConnectionState => _connectionState; internal long ConnectTime => _connectTime; public int RemoteId { get; private set; } public int Ping => _avgRtt / 2; public int RoundTripTime => _avgRtt; public int Mtu => _mtu; public long RemoteTimeDelta => _remoteDelta; public DateTime RemoteUtcTime => new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + _remoteDelta); public float TimeSinceLastPacket => _timeSinceLastPacket; internal double ResendDelay => _resendDelay; public override SocketAddress Serialize() { return _cachedSocketAddr; } public override int GetHashCode() { return _cachedHashCode; } internal NetPeer(NetManager netManager, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint, int id) : base(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port) { Id = id; Statistics = new NetStatistics(); NetManager = netManager; _cachedSocketAddr = base.Serialize(); if (NetManager.UseNativeSockets) { NativeAddress = new byte[_cachedSocketAddr.Size]; for (int i = 0; i < _cachedSocketAddr.Size; i++) { NativeAddress[i] = _cachedSocketAddr[i]; } } _cachedHashCode = base.GetHashCode(); ResetMtu(); _connectionState = ConnectionState.Connected; _mergeData = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.Merged, NetConstants.MaxPacketSize); _pongPacket = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.Pong, 0); _pingPacket = new NetPacket(PacketProperty.Ping, 0) { Sequence = 1 }; _unreliableSecondQueue = new NetPacket[8]; _unreliableChannel = new NetPacket[8]; _holdedFragments = new Dictionary<ushort, IncomingFragments>(); _deliveredFragments = new Dictionary<ushort, ushort>(); _channels = new BaseChannel[netManager.ChannelsCount * 4]; _channelSendQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<BaseChannel>(); } internal void InitiateEndPointChange() { ResetMtu(); _connectionState = ConnectionState.EndPointChange; } internal void FinishEndPointChange(IPEndPoint newEndPoint) { if (_connectionState != ConnectionState.EndPointChange) { return; } _connectionState = ConnectionState.Connected; base.Address = newEndPoint.Address; base.Port = newEndPoint.Port; if (NetManager.UseNativeSockets) { NativeAddress = new byte[_cachedSocketAddr.Size]; for (int i = 0; i < _cachedSocketAddr.Size; i++) { NativeAddress[i] = _cachedSocketAddr[i]; } } _cachedSocketAddr = base.Serialize(); _cachedHashCode = base.GetHashCode(); } internal void ResetMtu() { _finishMtu = !NetManager.MtuDiscovery; if (NetManager.MtuOverride > 0) { OverrideMtu(NetManager.MtuOverride); } else { SetMtu(0); } } private void SetMtu(int mtuIdx) { _mtuIdx = mtuIdx; _mtu = NetConstants.PossibleMtu[mtuIdx] - NetManager.ExtraPacketSizeForLayer; } private void OverrideMtu(int mtuValue) { _mtu = mtuValue; _finishMtu = true; } public int GetPacketsCountInReliableQueue(byte channelNumber, bool ordered) { int num = channelNumber * 4 + (ordered ? 2 : 0); BaseChannel baseChannel = _channels[num]; if (baseChannel == null) { return 0; } return ((ReliableChannel)baseChannel).PacketsInQueue; } public PooledPacket CreatePacketFromPool(DeliveryMethod deliveryMethod, byte channelNumber) { int mtu = _mtu; NetPacket netPacket = NetManager.PoolGetPacket(mtu); if (deliveryMethod == DeliveryMethod.Unreliable) { netPacket.Property = PacketProperty.Unreliable; return new PooledPacket(netPacket, mtu, 0); } netPacket.Property = PacketProperty.Channeled; return new PooledPacket(netPacket, mtu, (byte)((uint)(channelNumber * 4) + (uint)deliveryMethod)); } public void SendPooledPacket(PooledPacket packet, int userDataSize) { if (_connectionState == ConnectionState.Connected) { packet._packet.Size = packet.UserDataOffset + userDataSize; if (packet._packet.Property == PacketProperty.Channeled) { CreateChannel(packet._channelNumber).AddToQueue(packet._packet); } else { EnqueueUnreliable(packet._packet); } } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private void EnqueueUnreliable(NetPacket packet) { lock (_unreliableChannelLock) { if (_unreliablePendingCount == _unreliableChannel.Length) { Array.Resize(ref _unreliableChannel, _unreliablePendingCount * 2); } _unreliableChannel[_unreliablePendingCount++] = packet; } } private BaseChannel CreateChannel(byte idx) { BaseChannel baseChannel = _channels[idx]; if (baseChannel != null) { return baseChannel; } switch ((DeliveryMethod)(byte)(idx % 4)) { case DeliveryMethod.ReliableUnordered: baseChannel = new ReliableChannel(this, ordered: false, idx); break; case DeliveryMethod.Sequenced: baseChannel = new SequencedChannel(this, reliable: false, idx); break; case DeliveryM
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using System; using System.CodeDom.Compiler; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; using System.Configuration.Assemblies; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore; using System.Diagnostics.Tracing; using System.Drawing; using System.Dynamic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.IO.IsolatedStorage; using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles; using System.IO.Pipes; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Net; using System.Net.Cache; using System.Net.Http; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Net.Mime; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; using System.Net.Security; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net.WebSockets; using System.Numerics; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Resources; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Authentication; using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection; using System.Security.Claims; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Timers; using System.Transactions; using System.Web; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Xml.Resolvers; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Xml.Xsl; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; [assembly: AssemblyTitle("netstandard")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("netstandard")] [assembly: AssemblyDefaultAlias("netstandard")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft Corporation")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Microsoft® .NET Framework")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.")] [assembly: AssemblyMetadata(".NETFrameworkAssembly", "")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("4.6.26011.1")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("4.6.26011.1")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CriticalHandleMinusOneIsInvalid))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CriticalHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeFileHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeHandleMinusOneIsInvalid))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafePipeHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeProcessHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeWaitHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeX509ChainHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AccessViolationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Action<, , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Activator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AggregateException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AppContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AppDomain))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AppDomainUnloadedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ApplicationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ApplicationId))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArgumentException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArgumentNullException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArithmeticException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Array))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArraySegment<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArrayTypeMismatchException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyLoadEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyLoadEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncCallback))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Attribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AttributeTargets))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AttributeUsageAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BadImageFormatException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Base64FormattingOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BitConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(bool))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Buffer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(byte))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CannotUnloadAppDomainException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(char))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CharEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CLSCompliantAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GeneratedCodeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IndentedTextWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArrayList))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BitArray))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CaseInsensitiveComparer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CollectionBase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Comparer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BlockingCollection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConcurrentBag<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConcurrentDictionary<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConcurrentQueue<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConcurrentStack<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EnumerablePartitionerOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IProducerConsumerCollection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OrderablePartitioner<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Partitioner))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Partitioner<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DictionaryBase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DictionaryEntry))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Comparer<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Dictionary<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EqualityComparer<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HashSet<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICollection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComparer<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDictionary<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumerable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumerator<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEqualityComparer<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IList<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IReadOnlyCollection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IReadOnlyDictionary<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IReadOnlyList<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISet<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KeyNotFoundException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KeyValuePair<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LinkedListNode<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LinkedList<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(List<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Queue<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SortedDictionary<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SortedList<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SortedSet<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Stack<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Hashtable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComparer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDictionary))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDictionaryEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumerable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEqualityComparer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IHashCodeProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IList))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IStructuralComparable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IStructuralEquatable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Collection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KeyedCollection<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ObservableCollection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadOnlyCollection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadOnlyDictionary<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadOnlyObservableCollection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Queue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadOnlyCollectionBase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SortedList))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BitVector32))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CollectionsUtil))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HybridDictionary))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INotifyCollectionChanged))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IOrderedDictionary))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListDictionary))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NameObjectCollectionBase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NameValueCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NotifyCollectionChangedAction))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OrderedDictionary))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringDictionary))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Stack))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StructuralComparisons))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Comparison<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AddingNewEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AddingNewEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AmbientValueAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArrayConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncOperation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncOperationManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AttributeCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AttributeProviderAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BackgroundWorker))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BaseNumberConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BindableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BindableSupport))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BindingDirection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BindingList<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BooleanConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BrowsableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ByteConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CancelEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CancelEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CategoryAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CharConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CollectionChangeAction))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CollectionChangeEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CollectionChangeEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CollectionConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Component))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentEditor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentResourceManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Container))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContainerFilterService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CultureInfoConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomTypeDescriptor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataErrorsChangedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataObjectAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataObjectFieldAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataObjectMethodAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataObjectMethodType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTimeConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTimeOffsetConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DecimalConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultEventAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultPropertyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultValueAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DescriptionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ActiveDesignerEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ActiveDesignerEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CheckoutException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CommandID))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentChangedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentChangingEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentChangingEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentRenameEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentRenameEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerOptionService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerTransaction))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerVerb))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerVerbCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesigntimeLicenseContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HelpContextType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HelpKeywordAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HelpKeywordType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComponentChangeService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComponentDiscoveryService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComponentInitializer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesigner))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerEventService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerFilter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerHost))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerHostTransactionState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerOptionService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDictionaryService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEventBindingService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IExtenderListService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IExtenderProviderService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IHelpService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IInheritanceService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMenuCommandService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IReferenceService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IResourceService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IRootDesigner))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISelectionService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IServiceContainer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITreeDesigner))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeDescriptorFilterService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeDiscoveryService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeResolutionService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MenuCommand))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SelectionTypes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentSerializationService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContextStack))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerLoader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerSerializerAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerLoaderHost))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerLoaderHost2))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerLoaderService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerSerializationManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerSerializationProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDesignerSerializationService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INameCreationService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InstanceDescriptor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberRelationship))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberRelationshipService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResolveNameEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResolveNameEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RootDesignerSerializerAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SerializationStore))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ServiceContainer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ServiceCreatorCallback))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StandardCommands))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StandardToolWindows))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeDescriptionProviderService))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ViewTechnology))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerCategoryAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerSerializationVisibility))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignOnlyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DesignTimeVisibleAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DoubleConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DoWorkEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DoWorkEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EditorAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EditorBrowsableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EditorBrowsableState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EnumConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventDescriptor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventDescriptorCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventHandlerList))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GuidConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HandledEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HandledEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IBindingList))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IBindingListView))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICancelAddNew))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IChangeTracking))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComNativeDescriptorHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComponent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IContainer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomTypeDescriptor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDataErrorInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEditableObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IExtenderProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IIntellisenseBuilder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IListSource))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImmutableObjectAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INestedContainer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INestedSite))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InheritanceAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InheritanceLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InitializationEventAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INotifyDataErrorInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INotifyPropertyChanged))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INotifyPropertyChanging))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InstallerTypeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InstanceCreationEditor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Int16Converter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Int32Converter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Int64Converter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidAsynchronousStateException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidEnumArgumentException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IRaiseItemChangedEvents))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IRevertibleChangeTracking))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISite))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISupportInitialize))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISupportInitializeNotification))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISynchronizeInvoke))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeDescriptorContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypedList))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(License))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LicenseContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LicenseException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LicenseManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LicenseProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LicenseProviderAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LicenseUsageMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LicFileLicenseProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListBindableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListChangedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListChangedType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListSortDescription))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListSortDescriptionCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListSortDirection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LocalizableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LookupBindingPropertiesAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MarshalByValueComponent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MaskedTextProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MaskedTextResultHint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberDescriptor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MergablePropertyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MultilineStringConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NestedContainer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NotifyParentPropertyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NullableConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PasswordPropertyTextAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProgressChangedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProgressChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyChangedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyChangingEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyChangingEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyDescriptor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyDescriptorCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyTabAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyTabScope))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProvidePropertyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReferenceConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RefreshEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RefreshEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RefreshProperties))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RefreshPropertiesAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RunInstallerAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SByteConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SettingsBindableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SingleConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SyntaxCheck))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TimeSpanConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ToolboxItemAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ToolboxItemFilterAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ToolboxItemFilterType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeDescriptionProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeDescriptor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeListConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UInt16Converter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UInt32Converter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UInt64Converter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WarningException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Win32Exception))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyHashAlgorithm))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyVersionCompatibility))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Console))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConsoleCancelEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConsoleCancelEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConsoleColor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConsoleKey))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConsoleKeyInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConsoleModifiers))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConsoleSpecialKey))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContextBoundObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContextMarshalException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContextStaticAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Convert))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Converter<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AcceptRejectRule))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CommandBehavior))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CommandType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CatalogLocation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataAdapter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataColumnMapping))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataColumnMappingCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTableMapping))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTableMappingCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbColumn))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbCommand))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbCommandBuilder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbConnection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbConnectionStringBuilder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbDataAdapter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbDataReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbDataReaderExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbDataRecord))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbDataSourceEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbMetaDataCollectionNames))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbMetaDataColumnNames))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbParameter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbParameterCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbProviderFactory))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbProviderSpecificTypePropertyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbTransaction))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GroupByBehavior))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDbColumnSchemaGenerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IdentifierCase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RowUpdatedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RowUpdatingEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SchemaTableColumn))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SchemaTableOptionalColumn))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SupportedJoinOperators))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConflictOption))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConnectionState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Constraint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConstraintCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConstraintException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataColumn))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataColumnChangeEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataColumnChangeEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataColumnCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRelation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRelationCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRow))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRowAction))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRowBuilder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRowChangeEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRowChangeEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRowCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRowState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRowVersion))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataRowView))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataSet))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataSetDateTime))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataSysDescriptionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTableClearEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTableClearEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTableCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTableNewRowEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTableNewRowEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataTableReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataView))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataViewManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataViewRowState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataViewSetting))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataViewSettingCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DBConcurrencyException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DbType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DeletedRowInaccessibleException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DuplicateNameException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EvaluateException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FillErrorEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FillErrorEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ForeignKeyConstraint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IColumnMapping))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IColumnMappingCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDataAdapter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDataParameter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDataParameterCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDataReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDataRecord))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDbCommand))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDbConnection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDbDataAdapter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDbDataParameter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDbTransaction))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InRowChangingEventException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InternalDataCollectionBase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidConstraintException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidExpressionException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Data.IsolationLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITableMapping))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITableMappingCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KeyRestrictionBehavior))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LoadOption))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MappingType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MergeFailedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MergeFailedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingMappingAction))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingPrimaryKeyException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingSchemaAction))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NoNullAllowedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterDirection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadOnlyException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RowNotInTableException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Rule))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SchemaSerializationMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SchemaType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SerializationFormat))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlDbType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INullable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlAlreadyFilledException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlBinary))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlBoolean))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlByte))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlBytes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlChars))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlCompareOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlDateTime))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlDecimal))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlDouble))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlGuid))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlInt16))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlInt32))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlInt64))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlMoney))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlNotFilledException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlNullValueException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlSingle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlString))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlTruncateException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlTypeException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SqlXml))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StorageState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StateChangeEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StateChangeEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StatementCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StatementCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StatementType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StrongTypingException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SyntaxErrorException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UniqueConstraint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UpdateRowSource))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UpdateStatus))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VersionNotFoundException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(XmlReadMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(XmlWriteMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataMisalignedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTime))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTimeKind))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTimeOffset))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DayOfWeek))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DBNull))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(decimal))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Delegate))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BooleanSwitch))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SuppressMessageAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConditionalAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Contract))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractAbbreviatorAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractArgumentValidatorAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractClassAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractClassForAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractFailedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractFailureKind))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractInvariantMethodAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractOptionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractPublicPropertyNameAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractReferenceAssemblyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractRuntimeIgnoredAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractVerificationAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PureAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CorrelationManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataReceivedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataReceivedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Debug))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Debugger))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerBrowsableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerBrowsableState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerDisplayAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerHiddenAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerStepThroughAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebuggerVisualizerAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultTraceListener))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DelimitedListTraceListener))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventTypeFilter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileVersionInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MonitoringDescriptionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Process))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProcessModule))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProcessModuleCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProcessPriorityClass))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProcessStartInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProcessThread))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProcessThreadCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProcessWindowStyle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SourceFilter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SourceLevels))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SourceSwitch))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StackFrame))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StackFrameExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StackTrace))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Stopwatch))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Switch))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SwitchAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SwitchLevelAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolBinder1))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolDocument))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolDocumentWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolMethod))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolNamespace))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolScope))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolVariable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISymbolWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymAddressKind))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymbolToken))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymDocumentType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymLanguageType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymLanguageVendor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TextWriterTraceListener))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ThreadPriorityLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(System.Diagnostics.ThreadState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ThreadWaitReason))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Trace))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceEventCache))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceEventType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceFilter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceListener))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceListenerCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceSource))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TraceSwitch))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventActivityOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventChannel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventCommand))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventCommandEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventCounter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventDataAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventFieldAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventFieldFormat))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventFieldTags))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventIgnoreAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventKeywords))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventListener))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventManifestOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventOpcode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventSource))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventSourceAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventSourceException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventSourceOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventSourceSettings))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventTags))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventTask))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventWrittenEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NonEventAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DivideByZeroException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DllNotFoundException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(double))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Color))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Point))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PointF))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Rectangle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RectangleF))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Size))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SizeF))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DuplicateWaitObjectException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BinaryOperationBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BindingRestrictions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConvertBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CreateInstanceBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DeleteIndexBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DeleteMemberBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicMetaObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicMetaObjectBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExpandoObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GetIndexBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GetMemberBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDynamicMetaObjectProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IInvokeOnGetBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvokeBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvokeMemberBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SetIndexBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SetMemberBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnaryOperationBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EntryPointNotFoundException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Enum))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Environment))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EnvironmentVariableTarget))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventHandler<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Exception))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExecutionEngineException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FieldAccessException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileStyleUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FlagsAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FormatException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FormattableString))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FtpStyleUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Func<, , , , , , , , >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GCCollectionMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GCNotificationStatus))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericUriParserOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Calendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CalendarAlgorithmType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CalendarWeekRule))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CharUnicodeInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ChineseLunisolarCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompareInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompareOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CultureInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CultureNotFoundException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CultureTypes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTimeFormatInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTimeStyles))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DaylightTime))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DigitShapes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EastAsianLunisolarCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GlobalizationExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GregorianCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GregorianCalendarTypes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HebrewCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HijriCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IdnMapping))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(JapaneseCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(JapaneseLunisolarCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(JulianCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KoreanCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KoreanLunisolarCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NumberFormatInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NumberStyles))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PersianCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RegionInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SortKey))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SortVersion))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TaiwanCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TaiwanLunisolarCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TextElementEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TextInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ThaiBuddhistCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TimeSpanStyles))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UmAlQuraCalendar))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnicodeCategory))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GopherStyleUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Guid))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpStyleUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IAsyncResult))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICloneable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComparable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IComparable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IConvertible))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDisposable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEquatable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IFormatProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IFormattable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IndexOutOfRangeException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InsufficientExecutionStackException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InsufficientMemoryException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(short))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(int))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(long))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IntPtr))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidCastException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidOperationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidProgramException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidTimeZoneException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BinaryReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BinaryWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BufferedStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompressionLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompressionMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DeflateStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GZipStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ZipArchive))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ZipArchiveEntry))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ZipArchiveMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ZipFile))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ZipFileExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Directory))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DirectoryInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DirectoryNotFoundException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DriveInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DriveNotFoundException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DriveType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EndOfStreamException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ErrorEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ErrorEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(File))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileAccess))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileLoadException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileNotFoundException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileShare))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileSystemEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileSystemEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileSystemInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileSystemWatcher))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HandleInheritability))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InternalBufferOverflowException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidDataException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IOException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INormalizeForIsolatedStorage))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsolatedStorage))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsolatedStorageException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsolatedStorageFile))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsolatedStorageFileStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsolatedStorageScope))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemoryMappedFile))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemoryMappedFileAccess))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemoryMappedFileOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemoryMappedFileRights))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemoryMappedViewAccessor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemoryMappedViewStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemoryStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NotifyFilters))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Path))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PathTooLongException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AnonymousPipeClientStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AnonymousPipeServerStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NamedPipeClientStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NamedPipeServerStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PipeDirection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PipeOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PipeStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PipeStreamImpersonationWorker))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PipeTransmissionMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RenamedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RenamedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SearchOption))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SeekOrigin))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Stream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StreamReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StreamWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TextReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TextWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnmanagedMemoryAccessor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnmanagedMemoryStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WaitForChangedResult))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WatcherChangeTypes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IObservable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IObserver<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IProgress<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Lazy<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Lazy<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LdapStyleUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Enumerable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EnumerableExecutor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EnumerableExecutor<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EnumerableQuery))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EnumerableQuery<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BinaryExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BlockExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CatchBlock))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConditionalExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConstantExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebugInfoExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicExpressionVisitor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ElementInit))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Expression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExpressionType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExpressionVisitor))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Expression<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GotoExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GotoExpressionKind))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IArgumentProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDynamicExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IndexExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvocationExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LabelExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LabelTarget))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LambdaExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ListInitExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LoopExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberAssignment))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberBinding))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberBindingType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberInitExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberListBinding))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberMemberBinding))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodCallExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NewArrayExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NewExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeVariablesExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SwitchCase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SwitchExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SymbolDocumentInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TryExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeBinaryExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnaryExpression))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IGrouping<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ILookup<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IOrderedEnumerable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IOrderedQueryable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IOrderedQueryable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IQueryable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IQueryable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IQueryProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Lookup<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OrderedParallelQuery<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParallelEnumerable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParallelExecutionMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParallelMergeOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParallelQuery))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParallelQuery<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Queryable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LoaderOptimization))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LoaderOptimizationAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LocalDataStoreSlot))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MarshalByRefObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Math))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberAccessException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodAccessException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MidpointRounding))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingFieldException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingMemberException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingMethodException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MTAThreadAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MulticastDelegate))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MulticastNotSupportedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AuthenticationManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AuthenticationSchemes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AuthenticationSchemeSelector))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Authorization))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BindIPEndPoint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpCacheAgeControl))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpRequestCacheLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpRequestCachePolicy))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RequestCacheLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RequestCachePolicy))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Cookie))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CookieCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CookieContainer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CookieException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CredentialCache))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DecompressionMethods))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Dns))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DnsEndPoint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EndPoint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileWebRequest))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FileWebResponse))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FtpStatusCode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FtpWebRequest))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FtpWebResponse))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GlobalProxySelection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ByteArrayContent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClientCertificateOption))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DelegatingHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FormUrlEncodedContent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AuthenticationHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CacheControlHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContentDispositionHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContentRangeHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EntityTagHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpContentHeaders))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpHeaders))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpHeaderValueCollection<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpRequestHeaders))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpResponseHeaders))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MediaTypeHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NameValueHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProductHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProductInfoHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RangeConditionHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RangeHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RangeItemHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RetryConditionHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringWithQualityHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TransferCodingHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TransferCodingWithQualityHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ViaHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WarningHeaderValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpClient))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpClientHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpCompletionOption))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpContent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpMessageHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpMessageInvoker))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpMethod))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpRequestException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpRequestMessage))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpResponseMessage))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MessageProcessingHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MultipartContent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MultipartFormDataContent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StreamContent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringContent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpContinueDelegate))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListener))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListenerBasicIdentity))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListenerContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListenerException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListenerPrefixCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListenerRequest))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListenerResponse))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListenerTimeoutManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpRequestHeader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpResponseHeader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpStatusCode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpVersion))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpWebRequest))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpWebResponse))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IAuthenticationModule))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICredentialPolicy))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICredentials))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICredentialsByHost))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPAddress))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPEndPoint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPHostEntry))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IWebProxy))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IWebProxyScript))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IWebRequestCreate))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AlternateView))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AlternateViewCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Attachment))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AttachmentBase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AttachmentCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DeliveryNotificationOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LinkedResource))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LinkedResourceCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MailAddress))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MailAddressCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MailMessage))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MailPriority))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SendCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SmtpClient))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SmtpDeliveryFormat))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SmtpDeliveryMethod))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SmtpException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SmtpFailedRecipientException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SmtpFailedRecipientsException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SmtpStatusCode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContentDisposition))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContentType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DispositionTypeNames))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MediaTypeNames))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TransferEncoding))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkCredential))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DuplicateAddressDetectionState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GatewayIPAddressInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IcmpV4Statistics))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IcmpV6Statistics))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPAddressCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPAddressInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPAddressInformationCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPGlobalProperties))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPGlobalStatistics))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPInterfaceProperties))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPInterfaceStatistics))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPStatus))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPv4InterfaceProperties))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPv4InterfaceStatistics))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPv6InterfaceProperties))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MulticastIPAddressInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetBiosNodeType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkChange))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkInformationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkInterface))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkInterfaceComponent))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkInterfaceType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OperationalStatus))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PhysicalAddress))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Ping))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PingCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PingCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PingException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PingOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PingReply))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PrefixOrigin))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ScopeLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SuffixOrigin))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TcpConnectionInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TcpState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TcpStatistics))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UdpStatistics))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnicastIPAddressInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpenReadCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpenReadCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProtocolViolationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AuthenticatedStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AuthenticationLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EncryptionPolicy))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LocalCertificateSelectionCallback))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NegotiateStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProtectionLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RemoteCertificateValidationCallback))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SslPolicyErrors))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SslStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SecurityProtocolType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ServicePoint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ServicePointManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketAddress))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AddressFamily))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IOControlCode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPPacketInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPProtectionLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPv6MulticastOption))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LingerOption))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MulticastOption))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetworkStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProtocolFamily))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProtocolType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SelectMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SendPacketsElement))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Socket))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketAsyncEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketAsyncOperation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketError))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketFlags))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketInformationOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketOptionLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketOptionName))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketReceiveFromResult))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketReceiveMessageFromResult))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketShutdown))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketTaskExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SocketType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TcpClient))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TcpListener))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TransmitFileOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UdpClient))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UdpReceiveResult))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TransportContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadDataCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadDataCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadFileCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadFileCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadProgressChangedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadProgressChangedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadStringCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadStringCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebClient))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebExceptionStatus))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebHeaderCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebProxy))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebRequest))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebRequestMethods))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebResponse))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClientWebSocket))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClientWebSocketOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HttpListenerWebSocketContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebSocket))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebSocketCloseStatus))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebSocketContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebSocketError))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebSocketException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebSocketMessageType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebSocketReceiveResult))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebSocketState))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(WebUtility))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetPipeStyleUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NetTcpStyleUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NewsStyleUriParser))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NonSerializedAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NotFiniteNumberException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NotImplementedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NotSupportedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Nullable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Nullable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NullReferenceException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BigInteger))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Complex))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(object))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ObjectDisposedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OperatingSystem))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OperationCanceledException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OutOfMemoryException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OverflowException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParamArrayAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PlatformID))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PlatformNotSupportedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Predicate<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Progress<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Random))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RankException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AmbiguousMatchException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Assembly))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyConfigurationAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyContentType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyCultureAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyDelaySignAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyFlagsAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyKeyFileAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyKeyNameAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyMetadataAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyName))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyNameFlags))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyNameProxy))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyProductAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyTrademarkAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyVersionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Binder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BindingFlags))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallingConventions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConstructorInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomAttributeData))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomAttributeExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomAttributeFormatException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomAttributeNamedArgument))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomAttributeTypedArgument))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FlowControl))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpCode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpCodes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OpCodeType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OperandType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PackingSize))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StackBehaviour))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EventInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExceptionHandlingClause))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FieldAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FieldInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GenericParameterAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomAttributeProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ImageFileMachine))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InterfaceMapping))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IntrospectionExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidFilterCriteriaException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IReflect))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IReflectableType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LocalVariableInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ManifestResourceInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberFilter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemberTypes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodBase))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodBody))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodImplAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Missing))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Module))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ModuleResolveEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ObfuscationAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ParameterModifier))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Pointer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PortableExecutableKinds))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProcessorArchitecture))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PropertyInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReflectionContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReflectionTypeLoadException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceLocation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeReflectionExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StrongNameKeyPair))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TargetException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TargetInvocationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TargetParameterCountException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeAttributes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeDelegator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeFilter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResolveEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResolveEventHandler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IResourceReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IResourceWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingManifestResourceException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MissingSatelliteAssemblyException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceReader))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceSet))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceWriter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SatelliteContractVersionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UltimateResourceFallbackLocation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AssemblyTargetedPatchBandAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncStateMachineAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncTaskMethodBuilder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsyncVoidMethodBuilder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallConvCdecl))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallConvFastcall))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallConvStdcall))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallConvThiscall))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallerFilePathAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallerLineNumberAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallerMemberNameAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallSite))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallSiteBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallSiteHelpers))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallSite<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompilationRelaxations))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompilationRelaxationsAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompilerGeneratedAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompilerMarshalOverride))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConditionalWeakTable<, >))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConfiguredTaskAwaitable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractHelper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomConstantAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTimeConstantAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DebugInfoGenerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DecimalConstantAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultDependencyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DependencyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DisablePrivateReflectionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DiscardableAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DynamicAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExtensionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FixedAddressValueTypeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FixedBufferAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FormattableStringFactory))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HasCopySemanticsAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IAsyncStateMachine))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICriticalNotifyCompletion))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IndexerNameAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INotifyCompletion))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InternalsVisibleToAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IRuntimeVariables))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsBoxed))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsByValue))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsConst))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsCopyConstructed))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsExplicitlyDereferenced))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsImplicitlyDereferenced))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsJitIntrinsic))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsLong))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsPinned))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsSignUnspecifiedByte))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IStrongBox))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsUdtReturn))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IsVolatile))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IteratorStateMachineAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IUnknownConstantAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LoadHint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodCodeType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodImplAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MethodImplOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(NativeCppClassAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReferenceAssemblyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RequiredAttributeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuleCache<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeHelpers))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeWrappedException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ScopelessEnumAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SpecialNameAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StateMachineAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StringFreezingAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StrongBox<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SuppressIldasmAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TaskAwaiter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TaskAwaiter<>))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TupleElementNamesAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeForwardedFromAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeForwardedToAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnsafeValueTypeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(YieldAwaitable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Cer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Consistency))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CriticalFinalizerObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PrePrepareMethodAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ReliabilityContractAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExceptionDispatchInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GCLatencyMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GCSettings))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AllowReversePInvokeCallsAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Architecture))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ArrayWithOffset))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BestFitMappingAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BStrWrapper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CallingConvention))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CharSet))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClassInterfaceAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClassInterfaceType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CoClassAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComAliasNameAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComAwareEventInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComCompatibleVersionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComConversionLossAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComEventInterfaceAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComEventsHelper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(COMException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComImportAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComInterfaceType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComMemberType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComRegisterFunctionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComSourceInterfacesAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ADVF))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BINDPTR))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BIND_OPTS))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CALLCONV))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CONNECTDATA))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DATADIR))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DESCKIND))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DISPPARAMS))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DVASPECT))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ELEMDESC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EXCEPINFO))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FILETIME))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FORMATETC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FUNCDESC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FUNCFLAGS))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FUNCKIND))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IAdviseSink))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IBindCtx))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IConnectionPoint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IConnectionPointContainer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDataObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDLDESC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDLFLAG))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumConnectionPoints))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumConnections))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumFORMATETC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumMoniker))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumSTATDATA))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumString))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IEnumVARIANT))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMoniker))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IMPLTYPEFLAGS))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(INVOKEKIND))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IPersistFile))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IRunningObjectTable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeComp))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeInfo2))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeLib))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ITypeLib2))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LIBFLAGS))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PARAMDESC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PARAMFLAG))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(STATDATA))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(STATSTG))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(STGMEDIUM))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SYSKIND))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TYMED))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TYPEATTR))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TYPEDESC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TYPEFLAGS))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TYPEKIND))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TYPELIBATTR))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VARDESC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VARFLAGS))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VARKIND))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComVisibleAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CriticalHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CurrencyWrapper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomQueryInterfaceMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CustomQueryInterfaceResult))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultCharSetAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DefaultParameterValueAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DispatchWrapper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DispIdAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DllImportAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DllImportSearchPath))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ErrorWrapper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExternalException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GCHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GCHandleType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GuidAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HandleCollector))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HandleRef))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomAdapter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomFactory))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomMarshaler))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICustomQueryInterface))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InterfaceTypeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidComObjectException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidOleVariantTypeException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LayoutKind))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(LCIDConversionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Marshal))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MarshalAsAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MarshalDirectiveException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OptionalAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OSPlatform))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OutAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PreserveSigAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProgIdAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeEnvironment))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeArrayRankMismatchException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeArrayTypeMismatchException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeBuffer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SEHException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StructLayoutAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeIdentifierAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnknownWrapper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(UnmanagedType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VarEnum))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VariantWrapper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MemoryFailPoint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CollectionDataContractAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ContractNamespaceAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataContractAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataContractResolver))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataContractSerializer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataContractSerializerExtensions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataContractSerializerSettings))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataMemberAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DateTimeFormat))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EmitTypeInformation))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(EnumMemberAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExportOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExtensionDataObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Formatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FormatterConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(BinaryFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FormatterAssemblyStyle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FormatterTypeStyle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TypeFilterLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FormatterServices))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IDeserializationCallback))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IExtensibleDataObject))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IFormatterConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IgnoreDataMemberAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidDataContractException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IObjectReference))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISafeSerializationData))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISerializable))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISerializationSurrogate))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISerializationSurrogateProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ISurrogateSelector))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataContractJsonSerializer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DataContractJsonSerializerSettings))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IXmlJsonReaderInitializer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IXmlJsonWriterInitializer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(JsonReaderWriterFactory))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KnownTypeAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ObjectIDGenerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ObjectManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OnDeserializedAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OnDeserializingAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OnSerializedAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OnSerializingAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OptionalFieldAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SafeSerializationEventArgs))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SerializationBinder))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SerializationEntry))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SerializationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SerializationInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SerializationInfoEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SerializationObjectManager))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StreamingContext))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(StreamingContextStates))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SurrogateSelector))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(XmlObjectSerializer))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(XmlSerializableServices))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(XPathQueryGenerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(XsdDataContractExporter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentGuaranteesAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ComponentGuaranteesOptions))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FrameworkName))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceConsumptionAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceExposureAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ResourceScope))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(TargetFrameworkAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(VersioningHelper))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeArgumentHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeFieldHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeMethodHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RuntimeTypeHandle))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(sbyte))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AuthenticationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CipherAlgorithmType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExchangeAlgorithmType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ChannelBinding))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ChannelBindingKind))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExtendedProtectionPolicy))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ExtendedProtectionPolicyTypeConverter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PolicyEnforcement))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ProtectionScenario))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ServiceNameCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HashAlgorithmType))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(InvalidCredentialException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SslProtocols))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Claim))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClaimsIdentity))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClaimsPrincipal))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClaimTypes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ClaimValueTypes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Aes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AesCryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AesManaged))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsnEncodedData))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsnEncodedDataCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsnEncodedDataEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsymmetricAlgorithm))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(AsymmetricSignatureFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CipherMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CryptoConfig))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CryptographicException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CryptoStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CryptoStreamMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CspKeyContainerInfo))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CspParameters))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CspProviderFlags))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DeriveBytes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DES))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DESCryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DSA))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DSACryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DSAParameters))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DSASignatureDeformatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DSASignatureFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ECCurve))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ECDsa))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ECParameters))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ECPoint))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FromBase64Transform))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(FromBase64TransformMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HashAlgorithm))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HashAlgorithmName))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HMAC))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HMACMD5))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HMACSHA1))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HMACSHA256))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HMACSHA384))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(HMACSHA512))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICryptoTransform))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(IncrementalHash))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KeyedHashAlgorithm))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KeyNumber))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(KeySizes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MaskGenerationMethod))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MD5))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(MD5CryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Oid))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OidCollection))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OidEnumerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(OidGroup))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PaddingMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PasswordDeriveBytes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RandomNumberGenerator))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RC2))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RC2CryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Rfc2898DeriveBytes))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(Rijndael))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RijndaelManaged))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RNGCryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSA))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSACryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAEncryptionPadding))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAEncryptionPaddingMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAParameters))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSASignaturePadding))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(RSASignaturePaddingMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA1))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA1CryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA1Managed))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA256))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA256CryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA256Managed))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA384))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA384CryptoServiceProvider))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA384Managed))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(SHA512))] [assembly: TypeForwar
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Dynamic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Numerics; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Resources; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Newtonsoft.Json.Bson; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JsonPath; using Newtonsoft.Json.Schema; using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization; using Newtonsoft.Json.Utilities; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Newtonsoft.Json.Schema, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100f561df277c6c0b497d629032b410cdcf286e537c054724f7ffa0164345f62b3e642029d7a80cc351918955328c4adc8a048823ef90b0cf38ea7db0d729caf2b633c3babe08b0310198c1081995c19029bc675193744eab9d7345b8a67258ec17d112cebdbbb2a281487dceeafb9d83aa930f32103fbe1d2911425bc5744002c7")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Newtonsoft.Json.Tests, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100f561df277c6c0b497d629032b410cdcf286e537c054724f7ffa0164345f62b3e642029d7a80cc351918955328c4adc8a048823ef90b0cf38ea7db0d729caf2b633c3babe08b0310198c1081995c19029bc675193744eab9d7345b8a67258ec17d112cebdbbb2a281487dceeafb9d83aa930f32103fbe1d2911425bc5744002c7")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Newtonsoft.Json.Dynamic, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100cbd8d53b9d7de30f1f1278f636ec462cf9c254991291e66ebb157a885638a517887633b898ccbcf0d5c5ff7be85a6abe9e765d0ac7cd33c68dac67e7e64530e8222101109f154ab14a941c490ac155cd1d4fcba0fabb49016b4ef28593b015cab5937da31172f03f67d09edda404b88a60023f062ae71d0b2e4438b74cc11dc9")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("9ca358aa-317b-4925-8ada-4a29e943a363")] [assembly: CLSCompliant(true)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.5", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.5")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Newtonsoft")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © James Newton-King 2008")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("13.0.3+0a2e291c0d9c0c7675d445703e51750363a549ef")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Json.NET")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("Json.NET .NET 4.5")] [assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")] [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class IsReadOnlyAttribute : Attribute { } [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte[] NullableFlags; public NullableAttribute(byte P_0) { NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 }; } public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0) { NullableFlags = P_0; } } [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute { public readonly byte Flag; public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0) { Flag = P_0; } } } namespace System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue, AllowMultiple = true)] internal sealed class NotNullAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)] internal sealed class NotNullWhenAttribute : Attribute { public bool ReturnValue { get; } public NotNullWhenAttribute(bool returnValue) { ReturnValue = returnValue; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class MaybeNullAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class AllowNullAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false)] internal class DoesNotReturnIfAttribute : Attribute { public bool ParameterValue { get; } public DoesNotReturnIfAttribute(bool parameterValue) { ParameterValue = parameterValue; } } } namespace Newtonsoft.Json { public enum ConstructorHandling { Default, AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor } public enum DateFormatHandling { IsoDateFormat, MicrosoftDateFormat } public enum DateParseHandling { None, DateTime, DateTimeOffset } public enum DateTimeZoneHandling { Local, Utc, Unspecified, RoundtripKind } public class DefaultJsonNameTable : JsonNameTable { private class Entry { internal readonly string Value; internal readonly int HashCode; internal Entry Next; internal Entry(string value, int hashCode, Entry next) { Value = value; HashCode = hashCode; Next = next; } } private static readonly int HashCodeRandomizer; private int _count; private Entry[] _entries; private int _mask = 31; static DefaultJsonNameTable() { HashCodeRandomizer = Environment.TickCount; } public DefaultJsonNameTable() { _entries = new Entry[_mask + 1]; } public override string? Get(char[] key, int start, int length) { if (length == 0) { return string.Empty; } int num = length + HashCodeRandomizer; num += (num << 7) ^ key[start]; int num2 = start + length; for (int i = start + 1; i < num2; i++) { num += (num << 7) ^ key[i]; } num -= num >> 17; num -= num >> 11; num -= num >> 5; int num3 = Volatile.Read(ref _mask); int num4 = num & num3; for (Entry entry = _entries[num4]; entry != null; entry = entry.Next) { if (entry.HashCode == num && TextEquals(entry.Value, key, start, length)) { return entry.Value; } } return null; } public string Add(string key) { if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); } int length = key.Length; if (length == 0) { return string.Empty; } int num = length + HashCodeRandomizer; for (int i = 0; i < key.Length; i++) { num += (num << 7) ^ key[i]; } num -= num >> 17; num -= num >> 11; num -= num >> 5; for (Entry entry = _entries[num & _mask]; entry != null; entry = entry.Next) { if (entry.HashCode == num && entry.Value.Equals(key, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return entry.Value; } } return AddEntry(key, num); } private string AddEntry(string str, int hashCode) { int num = hashCode & _mask; Entry entry = new Entry(str, hashCode, _entries[num]); _entries[num] = entry; if (_count++ == _mask) { Grow(); } return entry.Value; } private void Grow() { Entry[] entries = _entries; int num = _mask * 2 + 1; Entry[] array = new Entry[num + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < entries.Length; i++) { Entry entry = entries[i]; while (entry != null) { int num2 = entry.HashCode & num; Entry next = entry.Next; entry.Next = array[num2]; array[num2] = entry; entry = next; } } _entries = array; Volatile.Write(ref _mask, num); } private static bool TextEquals(string str1, char[] str2, int str2Start, int str2Length) { if (str1.Length != str2Length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < str1.Length; i++) { if (str1[i] != str2[str2Start + i]) { return false; } } return true; } } [Flags] public enum DefaultValueHandling { Include = 0, Ignore = 1, Populate = 2, IgnoreAndPopulate = 3 } public enum FloatFormatHandling { String, Symbol, DefaultValue } public enum FloatParseHandling { Double, Decimal } public enum Formatting { None, Indented } public interface IArrayPool<T> { T[] Rent(int minimumLength); void Return(T[]? array); } public interface IJsonLineInfo { int LineNumber { get; } int LinePosition { get; } bool HasLineInfo(); } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class JsonArrayAttribute : JsonContainerAttribute { private bool _allowNullItems; public bool AllowNullItems { get { return _allowNullItems; } set { _allowNullItems = value; } } public JsonArrayAttribute() { } public JsonArrayAttribute(bool allowNullItems) { _allowNullItems = allowNullItems; } public JsonArrayAttribute(string id) : base(id) { } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Constructor, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class JsonConstructorAttribute : Attribute { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = false)] public abstract class JsonContainerAttribute : Attribute { internal bool? _isReference; internal bool? _itemIsReference; internal ReferenceLoopHandling? _itemReferenceLoopHandling; internal TypeNameHandling? _itemTypeNameHandling; private Type? _namingStrategyType; private object[]? _namingStrategyParameters; public string? Id { get; set; } public string? Title { get; set; } public string? Description { get; set; } public Type? ItemConverterType { get; set; } public object[]? ItemConverterParameters { get; set; } public Type? NamingStrategyType { get { return _namingStrategyType; } set { _namingStrategyType = value; NamingStrategyInstance = null; } } public object[]? NamingStrategyParameters { get { return _namingStrategyParameters; } set { _namingStrategyParameters = value; NamingStrategyInstance = null; } } internal NamingStrategy? NamingStrategyInstance { get; set; } public bool IsReference { get { return _isReference.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _isReference = value; } } public bool ItemIsReference { get { return _itemIsReference.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _itemIsReference = value; } } public ReferenceLoopHandling ItemReferenceLoopHandling { get { return _itemReferenceLoopHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _itemReferenceLoopHandling = value; } } public TypeNameHandling ItemTypeNameHandling { get { return _itemTypeNameHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _itemTypeNameHandling = value; } } protected JsonContainerAttribute() { } protected JsonContainerAttribute(string id) { Id = id; } } public static class JsonConvert { public static readonly string True = "true"; public static readonly string False = "false"; public static readonly string Null = "null"; public static readonly string Undefined = "undefined"; public static readonly string PositiveInfinity = "Infinity"; public static readonly string NegativeInfinity = "-Infinity"; public static readonly string NaN = "NaN"; public static Func<JsonSerializerSettings>? DefaultSettings { get; set; } public static string ToString(DateTime value) { return ToString(value, DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat, DateTimeZoneHandling.RoundtripKind); } public static string ToString(DateTime value, DateFormatHandling format, DateTimeZoneHandling timeZoneHandling) { DateTime value2 = DateTimeUtils.EnsureDateTime(value, timeZoneHandling); using StringWriter stringWriter = StringUtils.CreateStringWriter(64); stringWriter.Write('"'); DateTimeUtils.WriteDateTimeString(stringWriter, value2, format, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); stringWriter.Write('"'); return stringWriter.ToString(); } public static string ToString(DateTimeOffset value) { return ToString(value, DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat); } public static string ToString(DateTimeOffset value, DateFormatHandling format) { using StringWriter stringWriter = StringUtils.CreateStringWriter(64); stringWriter.Write('"'); DateTimeUtils.WriteDateTimeOffsetString(stringWriter, value, format, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); stringWriter.Write('"'); return stringWriter.ToString(); } public static string ToString(bool value) { if (!value) { return False; } return True; } public static string ToString(char value) { return ToString(char.ToString(value)); } public static string ToString(Enum value) { return value.ToString("D"); } public static string ToString(int value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } public static string ToString(short value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static string ToString(ushort value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static string ToString(uint value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } public static string ToString(long value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } private static string ToStringInternal(BigInteger value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static string ToString(ulong value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } public static string ToString(float value) { return EnsureDecimalPlace(value, value.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } internal static string ToString(float value, FloatFormatHandling floatFormatHandling, char quoteChar, bool nullable) { return EnsureFloatFormat(value, EnsureDecimalPlace(value, value.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), floatFormatHandling, quoteChar, nullable); } private static string EnsureFloatFormat(double value, string text, FloatFormatHandling floatFormatHandling, char quoteChar, bool nullable) { if (floatFormatHandling == FloatFormatHandling.Symbol || (!double.IsInfinity(value) && !double.IsNaN(value))) { return text; } if (floatFormatHandling == FloatFormatHandling.DefaultValue) { if (nullable) { return Null; } return "0.0"; } return quoteChar + text + quoteChar; } public static string ToString(double value) { return EnsureDecimalPlace(value, value.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } internal static string ToString(double value, FloatFormatHandling floatFormatHandling, char quoteChar, bool nullable) { return EnsureFloatFormat(value, EnsureDecimalPlace(value, value.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), floatFormatHandling, quoteChar, nullable); } private static string EnsureDecimalPlace(double value, string text) { if (double.IsNaN(value) || double.IsInfinity(value) || StringUtils.IndexOf(text, '.') != -1 || StringUtils.IndexOf(text, 'E') != -1 || StringUtils.IndexOf(text, 'e') != -1) { return text; } return text + ".0"; } private static string EnsureDecimalPlace(string text) { if (StringUtils.IndexOf(text, '.') != -1) { return text; } return text + ".0"; } public static string ToString(byte value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static string ToString(sbyte value) { return value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } public static string ToString(decimal value) { return EnsureDecimalPlace(value.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } public static string ToString(Guid value) { return ToString(value, '"'); } internal static string ToString(Guid value, char quoteChar) { string text = value.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string text2 = quoteChar.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return text2 + text + text2; } public static string ToString(TimeSpan value) { return ToString(value, '"'); } internal static string ToString(TimeSpan value, char quoteChar) { return ToString(value.ToString(), quoteChar); } public static string ToString(Uri? value) { if (value == null) { return Null; } return ToString(value, '"'); } internal static string ToString(Uri value, char quoteChar) { return ToString(value.OriginalString, quoteChar); } public static string ToString(string? value) { return ToString(value, '"'); } public static string ToString(string? value, char delimiter) { return ToString(value, delimiter, StringEscapeHandling.Default); } public static string ToString(string? value, char delimiter, StringEscapeHandling stringEscapeHandling) { if (delimiter != '"' && delimiter != '\'') { throw new ArgumentException("Delimiter must be a single or double quote.", "delimiter"); } return JavaScriptUtils.ToEscapedJavaScriptString(value, delimiter, appendDelimiters: true, stringEscapeHandling); } public static string ToString(object? value) { if (value == null) { return Null; } return ConvertUtils.GetTypeCode(value.GetType()) switch { PrimitiveTypeCode.String => ToString((string)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Char => ToString((char)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Boolean => ToString((bool)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.SByte => ToString((sbyte)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Int16 => ToString((short)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt16 => ToString((ushort)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32 => ToString((int)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Byte => ToString((byte)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt32 => ToString((uint)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Int64 => ToString((long)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt64 => ToString((ulong)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Single => ToString((float)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Double => ToString((double)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.DateTime => ToString((DateTime)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Decimal => ToString((decimal)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.DBNull => Null, PrimitiveTypeCode.DateTimeOffset => ToString((DateTimeOffset)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Guid => ToString((Guid)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.Uri => ToString((Uri)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.TimeSpan => ToString((TimeSpan)value), PrimitiveTypeCode.BigInteger => ToStringInternal((BigInteger)value), _ => throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported type: {0}. Use the JsonSerializer class to get the object's JSON representation.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, value.GetType())), }; } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static string SerializeObject(object? value) { return SerializeObject(value, (Type?)null, (JsonSerializerSettings?)null); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static string SerializeObject(object? value, Formatting formatting) { return SerializeObject(value, formatting, (JsonSerializerSettings?)null); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static string SerializeObject(object? value, params JsonConverter[] converters) { JsonSerializerSettings settings = ((converters != null && converters.Length != 0) ? new JsonSerializerSettings { Converters = converters } : null); return SerializeObject(value, null, settings); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static string SerializeObject(object? value, Formatting formatting, params JsonConverter[] converters) { JsonSerializerSettings settings = ((converters != null && converters.Length != 0) ? new JsonSerializerSettings { Converters = converters } : null); return SerializeObject(value, null, formatting, settings); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static string SerializeObject(object? value, JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { return SerializeObject(value, null, settings); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static string SerializeObject(object? value, Type? type, JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings); return SerializeObjectInternal(value, type, jsonSerializer); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static string SerializeObject(object? value, Formatting formatting, JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { return SerializeObject(value, null, formatting, settings); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static string SerializeObject(object? value, Type? type, Formatting formatting, JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings); jsonSerializer.Formatting = formatting; return SerializeObjectInternal(value, type, jsonSerializer); } private static string SerializeObjectInternal(object? value, Type? type, JsonSerializer jsonSerializer) { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder(256), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); using (JsonTextWriter jsonTextWriter = new JsonTextWriter(stringWriter)) { jsonTextWriter.Formatting = jsonSerializer.Formatting; jsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonTextWriter, value, type); } return stringWriter.ToString(); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static object? DeserializeObject(string value) { return DeserializeObject(value, (Type?)null, (JsonSerializerSettings?)null); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static object? DeserializeObject(string value, JsonSerializerSettings settings) { return DeserializeObject(value, null, settings); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static object? DeserializeObject(string value, Type type) { return DeserializeObject(value, type, (JsonSerializerSettings?)null); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static T? DeserializeObject<T>(string value) { return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(value, (JsonSerializerSettings?)null); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static T? DeserializeAnonymousType<T>(string value, T anonymousTypeObject) { return DeserializeObject<T>(value); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static T? DeserializeAnonymousType<T>(string value, T anonymousTypeObject, JsonSerializerSettings settings) { return DeserializeObject<T>(value, settings); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static T? DeserializeObject<T>(string value, params JsonConverter[] converters) { return (T)DeserializeObject(value, typeof(T), converters); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static T? DeserializeObject<T>(string value, JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { return (T)DeserializeObject(value, typeof(T), settings); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static object? DeserializeObject(string value, Type type, params JsonConverter[] converters) { JsonSerializerSettings settings = ((converters != null && converters.Length != 0) ? new JsonSerializerSettings { Converters = converters } : null); return DeserializeObject(value, type, settings); } public static object? DeserializeObject(string value, Type? type, JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(value, "value"); JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings); if (!jsonSerializer.IsCheckAdditionalContentSet()) { jsonSerializer.CheckAdditionalContent = true; } using JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(value)); return jsonSerializer.Deserialize(reader, type); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static void PopulateObject(string value, object target) { PopulateObject(value, target, null); } public static void PopulateObject(string value, object target, JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings); using JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(value)); jsonSerializer.Populate(jsonReader, target); if (settings == null || !settings.CheckAdditionalContent) { return; } while (jsonReader.Read()) { if (jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.Comment) { throw JsonSerializationException.Create(jsonReader, "Additional text found in JSON string after finishing deserializing object."); } } } public static string SerializeXmlNode(XmlNode? node) { return SerializeXmlNode(node, Formatting.None); } public static string SerializeXmlNode(XmlNode? node, Formatting formatting) { XmlNodeConverter xmlNodeConverter = new XmlNodeConverter(); return SerializeObject(node, formatting, xmlNodeConverter); } public static string SerializeXmlNode(XmlNode? node, Formatting formatting, bool omitRootObject) { XmlNodeConverter xmlNodeConverter = new XmlNodeConverter { OmitRootObject = omitRootObject }; return SerializeObject(node, formatting, xmlNodeConverter); } public static XmlDocument? DeserializeXmlNode(string value) { return DeserializeXmlNode(value, null); } public static XmlDocument? DeserializeXmlNode(string value, string? deserializeRootElementName) { return DeserializeXmlNode(value, deserializeRootElementName, writeArrayAttribute: false); } public static XmlDocument? DeserializeXmlNode(string value, string? deserializeRootElementName, bool writeArrayAttribute) { return DeserializeXmlNode(value, deserializeRootElementName, writeArrayAttribute, encodeSpecialCharacters: false); } public static XmlDocument? DeserializeXmlNode(string value, string? deserializeRootElementName, bool writeArrayAttribute, bool encodeSpecialCharacters) { XmlNodeConverter xmlNodeConverter = new XmlNodeConverter(); xmlNodeConverter.DeserializeRootElementName = deserializeRootElementName; xmlNodeConverter.WriteArrayAttribute = writeArrayAttribute; xmlNodeConverter.EncodeSpecialCharacters = encodeSpecialCharacters; return (XmlDocument)DeserializeObject(value, typeof(XmlDocument), xmlNodeConverter); } public static string SerializeXNode(XObject? node) { return SerializeXNode(node, Formatting.None); } public static string SerializeXNode(XObject? node, Formatting formatting) { return SerializeXNode(node, formatting, omitRootObject: false); } public static string SerializeXNode(XObject? node, Formatting formatting, bool omitRootObject) { XmlNodeConverter xmlNodeConverter = new XmlNodeConverter { OmitRootObject = omitRootObject }; return SerializeObject(node, formatting, xmlNodeConverter); } public static XDocument? DeserializeXNode(string value) { return DeserializeXNode(value, null); } public static XDocument? DeserializeXNode(string value, string? deserializeRootElementName) { return DeserializeXNode(value, deserializeRootElementName, writeArrayAttribute: false); } public static XDocument? DeserializeXNode(string value, string? deserializeRootElementName, bool writeArrayAttribute) { return DeserializeXNode(value, deserializeRootElementName, writeArrayAttribute, encodeSpecialCharacters: false); } public static XDocument? DeserializeXNode(string value, string? deserializeRootElementName, bool writeArrayAttribute, bool encodeSpecialCharacters) { //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003b: Expected O, but got Unknown XmlNodeConverter xmlNodeConverter = new XmlNodeConverter(); xmlNodeConverter.DeserializeRootElementName = deserializeRootElementName; xmlNodeConverter.WriteArrayAttribute = writeArrayAttribute; xmlNodeConverter.EncodeSpecialCharacters = encodeSpecialCharacters; return (XDocument)DeserializeObject(value, typeof(XDocument), xmlNodeConverter); } } public abstract class JsonConverter { public virtual bool CanRead => true; public virtual bool CanWrite => true; public abstract void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object? value, JsonSerializer serializer); public abstract object? ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object? existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer); public abstract bool CanConvert(Type objectType); } public abstract class JsonConverter<T> : JsonConverter { public sealed override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object? value, JsonSerializer serializer) { if (!((value != null) ? (value is T) : ReflectionUtils.IsNullable(typeof(T)))) { throw new JsonSerializationException("Converter cannot write specified value to JSON. {0} is required.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, typeof(T))); } WriteJson(writer, (T)value, serializer); } public abstract void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, T? value, JsonSerializer serializer); public sealed override object? ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object? existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { bool flag = existingValue == null; if (!flag && !(existingValue is T)) { throw new JsonSerializationException("Converter cannot read JSON with the specified existing value. {0} is required.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, typeof(T))); } return ReadJson(reader, objectType, flag ? default(T) : ((T)existingValue), !flag, serializer); } public abstract T? ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, T? existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer); public sealed override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) { return typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(objectType); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class JsonConverterAttribute : Attribute { private readonly Type _converterType; public Type ConverterType => _converterType; public object[]? ConverterParameters { get; } public JsonConverterAttribute(Type converterType) { if (converterType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("converterType"); } _converterType = converterType; } public JsonConverterAttribute(Type converterType, params object[] converterParameters) : this(converterType) { ConverterParameters = converterParameters; } } public class JsonConverterCollection : Collection<JsonConverter> { } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class JsonDictionaryAttribute : JsonContainerAttribute { public JsonDictionaryAttribute() { } public JsonDictionaryAttribute(string id) : base(id) { } } [Serializable] public class JsonException : Exception { public JsonException() { } public JsonException(string message) : base(message) { } public JsonException(string message, Exception? innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } public JsonException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { } internal static JsonException Create(IJsonLineInfo lineInfo, string path, string message) { message = JsonPosition.FormatMessage(lineInfo, path, message); return new JsonException(message); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)] public class JsonExtensionDataAttribute : Attribute { public bool WriteData { get; set; } public bool ReadData { get; set; } public JsonExtensionDataAttribute() { WriteData = true; ReadData = true; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class JsonIgnoreAttribute : Attribute { } public abstract class JsonNameTable { public abstract string? Get(char[] key, int start, int length); } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Interface, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class JsonObjectAttribute : JsonContainerAttribute { private MemberSerialization _memberSerialization; internal MissingMemberHandling? _missingMemberHandling; internal Required? _itemRequired; internal NullValueHandling? _itemNullValueHandling; public MemberSerialization MemberSerialization { get { return _memberSerialization; } set { _memberSerialization = value; } } public MissingMemberHandling MissingMemberHandling { get { return _missingMemberHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _missingMemberHandling = value; } } public NullValueHandling ItemNullValueHandling { get { return _itemNullValueHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _itemNullValueHandling = value; } } public Required ItemRequired { get { return _itemRequired.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _itemRequired = value; } } public JsonObjectAttribute() { } public JsonObjectAttribute(MemberSerialization memberSerialization) { MemberSerialization = memberSerialization; } public JsonObjectAttribute(string id) : base(id) { } } internal enum JsonContainerType { None, Object, Array, Constructor } internal struct JsonPosition { private static readonly char[] SpecialCharacters = new char[18] { '.', ' ', '\'', '/', '"', '[', ']', '(', ')', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\f', '\b', '\\', '\u0085', '\u2028', '\u2029' }; internal JsonContainerType Type; internal int Position; internal string? PropertyName; internal bool HasIndex; public JsonPosition(JsonContainerType type) { Type = type; HasIndex = TypeHasIndex(type); Position = -1; PropertyName = null; } internal int CalculateLength() { switch (Type) { case JsonContainerType.Object: return PropertyName.Length + 5; case JsonContainerType.Array: case JsonContainerType.Constructor: return MathUtils.IntLength((ulong)Position) + 2; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Type"); } } internal void WriteTo(StringBuilder sb, ref StringWriter? writer, ref char[]? buffer) { switch (Type) { case JsonContainerType.Object: { string propertyName = PropertyName; if (propertyName.IndexOfAny(SpecialCharacters) != -1) { sb.Append("['"); if (writer == null) { writer = new StringWriter(sb); } JavaScriptUtils.WriteEscapedJavaScriptString(writer, propertyName, '\'', appendDelimiters: false, JavaScriptUtils.SingleQuoteCharEscapeFlags, StringEscapeHandling.Default, null, ref buffer); sb.Append("']"); } else { if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Append('.'); } sb.Append(propertyName); } break; } case JsonContainerType.Array: case JsonContainerType.Constructor: sb.Append('['); sb.Append(Position); sb.Append(']'); break; } } internal static bool TypeHasIndex(JsonContainerType type) { if (type != JsonContainerType.Array) { return type == JsonContainerType.Constructor; } return true; } internal static string BuildPath(List<JsonPosition> positions, JsonPosition? currentPosition) { int num = 0; if (positions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++) { num += positions[i].CalculateLength(); } } if (currentPosition.HasValue) { num += currentPosition.GetValueOrDefault().CalculateLength(); } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(num); StringWriter writer = null; char[] buffer = null; if (positions != null) { foreach (JsonPosition position in positions) { position.WriteTo(stringBuilder, ref writer, ref buffer); } } currentPosition?.WriteTo(stringBuilder, ref writer, ref buffer); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } internal static string FormatMessage(IJsonLineInfo? lineInfo, string path, string message) { if (!message.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { message = message.Trim(); if (!StringUtils.EndsWith(message, '.')) { message += "."; } message += " "; } message += "Path '{0}'".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, path); if (lineInfo != null && lineInfo.HasLineInfo()) { message += ", line {0}, position {1}".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, lineInfo.LineNumber, lineInfo.LinePosition); } message += "."; return message; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class JsonPropertyAttribute : Attribute { internal NullValueHandling? _nullValueHandling; internal DefaultValueHandling? _defaultValueHandling; internal ReferenceLoopHandling? _referenceLoopHandling; internal ObjectCreationHandling? _objectCreationHandling; internal TypeNameHandling? _typeNameHandling; internal bool? _isReference; internal int? _order; internal Required? _required; internal bool? _itemIsReference; internal ReferenceLoopHandling? _itemReferenceLoopHandling; internal TypeNameHandling? _itemTypeNameHandling; public Type? ItemConverterType { get; set; } public object[]? ItemConverterParameters { get; set; } public Type? NamingStrategyType { get; set; } public object[]? NamingStrategyParameters { get; set; } public NullValueHandling NullValueHandling { get { return _nullValueHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _nullValueHandling = value; } } public DefaultValueHandling DefaultValueHandling { get { return _defaultValueHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _defaultValueHandling = value; } } public ReferenceLoopHandling ReferenceLoopHandling { get { return _referenceLoopHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _referenceLoopHandling = value; } } public ObjectCreationHandling ObjectCreationHandling { get { return _objectCreationHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _objectCreationHandling = value; } } public TypeNameHandling TypeNameHandling { get { return _typeNameHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _typeNameHandling = value; } } public bool IsReference { get { return _isReference.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _isReference = value; } } public int Order { get { return _order.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _order = value; } } public Required Required { get { return _required.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _required = value; } } public string? PropertyName { get; set; } public ReferenceLoopHandling ItemReferenceLoopHandling { get { return _itemReferenceLoopHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _itemReferenceLoopHandling = value; } } public TypeNameHandling ItemTypeNameHandling { get { return _itemTypeNameHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _itemTypeNameHandling = value; } } public bool ItemIsReference { get { return _itemIsReference.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _itemIsReference = value; } } public JsonPropertyAttribute() { } public JsonPropertyAttribute(string propertyName) { PropertyName = propertyName; } } public abstract class JsonReader : IDisposable { protected internal enum State { Start, Complete, Property, ObjectStart, Object, ArrayStart, Array, Closed, PostValue, ConstructorStart, Constructor, Error, Finished } private JsonToken _tokenType; private object? _value; internal char _quoteChar; internal State _currentState; private JsonPosition _currentPosition; private CultureInfo? _culture; private DateTimeZoneHandling _dateTimeZoneHandling; private int? _maxDepth; private bool _hasExceededMaxDepth; internal DateParseHandling _dateParseHandling; internal FloatParseHandling _floatParseHandling; private string? _dateFormatString; private List<JsonPosition>? _stack; protected State CurrentState => _currentState; public bool CloseInput { get; set; } public bool SupportMultipleContent { get; set; } public virtual char QuoteChar { get { return _quoteChar; } protected internal set { _quoteChar = value; } } public DateTimeZoneHandling DateTimeZoneHandling { get { return _dateTimeZoneHandling; } set { if (value < DateTimeZoneHandling.Local || value > DateTimeZoneHandling.RoundtripKind) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _dateTimeZoneHandling = value; } } public DateParseHandling DateParseHandling { get { return _dateParseHandling; } set { if (value < DateParseHandling.None || value > DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _dateParseHandling = value; } } public FloatParseHandling FloatParseHandling { get { return _floatParseHandling; } set { if (value < FloatParseHandling.Double || value > FloatParseHandling.Decimal) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _floatParseHandling = value; } } public string? DateFormatString { get { return _dateFormatString; } set { _dateFormatString = value; } } public int? MaxDepth { get { return _maxDepth; } set { if (value <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Value must be positive.", "value"); } _maxDepth = value; } } public virtual JsonToken TokenType => _tokenType; public virtual object? Value => _value; public virtual Type? ValueType => _value?.GetType(); public virtual int Depth { get { int num = _stack?.Count ?? 0; if (JsonTokenUtils.IsStartToken(TokenType) || _currentPosition.Type == JsonContainerType.None) { return num; } return num + 1; } } public virtual string Path { get { if (_currentPosition.Type == JsonContainerType.None) { return string.Empty; } JsonPosition? currentPosition = ((_currentState != State.ArrayStart && _currentState != State.ConstructorStart && _currentState != State.ObjectStart) ? new JsonPosition?(_currentPosition) : null); return JsonPosition.BuildPath(_stack, currentPosition); } } public CultureInfo Culture { get { return _culture ?? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; } set { _culture = value; } } public virtual Task<bool> ReadAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return cancellationToken.CancelIfRequestedAsync<bool>() ?? Read().ToAsync(); } public async Task SkipAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { if (TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName) { await ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); } if (JsonTokenUtils.IsStartToken(TokenType)) { int depth = Depth; while (await ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false) && depth < Depth) { } } } internal async Task ReaderReadAndAssertAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (!(await ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false))) { throw CreateUnexpectedEndException(); } } public virtual Task<bool?> ReadAsBooleanAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return cancellationToken.CancelIfRequestedAsync<bool?>() ?? Task.FromResult(ReadAsBoolean()); } public virtual Task<byte[]?> ReadAsBytesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return cancellationToken.CancelIfRequestedAsync<byte[]>() ?? Task.FromResult(ReadAsBytes()); } internal async Task<byte[]?> ReadArrayIntoByteArrayAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>(); do { if (!(await ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false))) { SetToken(JsonToken.None); } } while (!ReadArrayElementIntoByteArrayReportDone(buffer)); byte[] array = buffer.ToArray(); SetToken(JsonToken.Bytes, array, updateIndex: false); return array; } public virtual Task<DateTime?> ReadAsDateTimeAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return cancellationToken.CancelIfRequestedAsync<DateTime?>() ?? Task.FromResult(ReadAsDateTime()); } public virtual Task<DateTimeOffset?> ReadAsDateTimeOffsetAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return cancellationToken.CancelIfRequestedAsync<DateTimeOffset?>() ?? Task.FromResult(ReadAsDateTimeOffset()); } public virtual Task<decimal?> ReadAsDecimalAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return cancellationToken.CancelIfRequestedAsync<decimal?>() ?? Task.FromResult(ReadAsDecimal()); } public virtual Task<double?> ReadAsDoubleAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return Task.FromResult(ReadAsDouble()); } public virtual Task<int?> ReadAsInt32Async(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return cancellationToken.CancelIfRequestedAsync<int?>() ?? Task.FromResult(ReadAsInt32()); } public virtual Task<string?> ReadAsStringAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken)) { return cancellationToken.CancelIfRequestedAsync<string>() ?? Task.FromResult(ReadAsString()); } internal async Task<bool> ReadAndMoveToContentAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { bool flag = await ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); if (flag) { flag = await MoveToContentAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); } return flag; } internal Task<bool> MoveToContentAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { JsonToken tokenType = TokenType; if (tokenType == JsonToken.None || tokenType == JsonToken.Comment) { return MoveToContentFromNonContentAsync(cancellationToken); } return AsyncUtils.True; } private async Task<bool> MoveToContentFromNonContentAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { JsonToken tokenType; do { if (!(await ReadAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false))) { return false; } tokenType = TokenType; } while (tokenType == JsonToken.None || tokenType == JsonToken.Comment); return true; } internal JsonPosition GetPosition(int depth) { if (_stack != null && depth < _stack.Count) { return _stack[depth]; } return _currentPosition; } protected JsonReader() { _currentState = State.Start; _dateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.RoundtripKind; _dateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.DateTime; _floatParseHandling = FloatParseHandling.Double; _maxDepth = 64; CloseInput = true; } private void Push(JsonContainerType value) { UpdateScopeWithFinishedValue(); if (_currentPosition.Type == JsonContainerType.None) { _currentPosition = new JsonPosition(value); return; } if (_stack == null) { _stack = new List<JsonPosition>(); } _stack.Add(_currentPosition); _currentPosition = new JsonPosition(value); if (!_maxDepth.HasValue || !(Depth + 1 > _maxDepth) || _hasExceededMaxDepth) { return; } _hasExceededMaxDepth = true; throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "The reader's MaxDepth of {0} has been exceeded.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, _maxDepth)); } private JsonContainerType Pop() { JsonPosition currentPosition; if (_stack != null && _stack.Count > 0) { currentPosition = _currentPosition; _currentPosition = _stack[_stack.Count - 1]; _stack.RemoveAt(_stack.Count - 1); } else { currentPosition = _currentPosition; _currentPosition = default(JsonPosition); } if (_maxDepth.HasValue && Depth <= _maxDepth) { _hasExceededMaxDepth = false; } return currentPosition.Type; } private JsonContainerType Peek() { return _currentPosition.Type; } public abstract bool Read(); public virtual int? ReadAsInt32() { JsonToken contentToken = GetContentToken(); switch (contentToken) { case JsonToken.None: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.EndArray: return null; case JsonToken.Integer: case JsonToken.Float: { object value = Value; if (value is int) { return (int)value; } int num; if (value is BigInteger bigInteger) { num = (int)bigInteger; } else { try { num = Convert.ToInt32(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception ex) { throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Could not convert to integer: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, value), ex); } } SetToken(JsonToken.Integer, num, updateIndex: false); return num; } case JsonToken.String: { string s = (string)Value; return ReadInt32String(s); } default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading integer. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contentToken)); } } internal int? ReadInt32String(string? s) { if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Null, null, updateIndex: false); return null; } if (int.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Integer, Culture, out var result)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Integer, result, updateIndex: false); return result; } SetToken(JsonToken.String, s, updateIndex: false); throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Could not convert string to integer: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, s)); } public virtual string? ReadAsString() { JsonToken contentToken = GetContentToken(); switch (contentToken) { case JsonToken.None: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.EndArray: return null; case JsonToken.String: return (string)Value; default: if (JsonTokenUtils.IsPrimitiveToken(contentToken)) { object value = Value; if (value != null) { string text = ((!(value is IFormattable formattable)) ? ((value is Uri uri) ? uri.OriginalString : value.ToString()) : formattable.ToString(null, Culture)); SetToken(JsonToken.String, text, updateIndex: false); return text; } } throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading string. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contentToken)); } } public virtual byte[]? ReadAsBytes() { JsonToken contentToken = GetContentToken(); switch (contentToken) { case JsonToken.StartObject: { ReadIntoWrappedTypeObject(); byte[] array2 = ReadAsBytes(); ReaderReadAndAssert(); if (TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading bytes. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TokenType)); } SetToken(JsonToken.Bytes, array2, updateIndex: false); return array2; } case JsonToken.String: { string text = (string)Value; Guid g; byte[] array3 = ((text.Length == 0) ? CollectionUtils.ArrayEmpty<byte>() : ((!ConvertUtils.TryConvertGuid(text, out g)) ? Convert.FromBase64String(text) : g.ToByteArray())); SetToken(JsonToken.Bytes, array3, updateIndex: false); return array3; } case JsonToken.None: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.EndArray: return null; case JsonToken.Bytes: if (Value is Guid guid) { byte[] array = guid.ToByteArray(); SetToken(JsonToken.Bytes, array, updateIndex: false); return array; } return (byte[])Value; case JsonToken.StartArray: return ReadArrayIntoByteArray(); default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading bytes. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contentToken)); } } internal byte[] ReadArrayIntoByteArray() { List<byte> list = new List<byte>(); do { if (!Read()) { SetToken(JsonToken.None); } } while (!ReadArrayElementIntoByteArrayReportDone(list)); byte[] array = list.ToArray(); SetToken(JsonToken.Bytes, array, updateIndex: false); return array; } private bool ReadArrayElementIntoByteArrayReportDone(List<byte> buffer) { switch (TokenType) { case JsonToken.None: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Unexpected end when reading bytes."); case JsonToken.Integer: buffer.Add(Convert.ToByte(Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); return false; case JsonToken.EndArray: return true; case JsonToken.Comment: return false; default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Unexpected token when reading bytes: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TokenType)); } } public virtual double? ReadAsDouble() { JsonToken contentToken = GetContentToken(); switch (contentToken) { case JsonToken.None: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.EndArray: return null; case JsonToken.Integer: case JsonToken.Float: { object value = Value; if (value is double) { return (double)value; } double num = ((!(value is BigInteger bigInteger)) ? Convert.ToDouble(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : ((double)bigInteger)); SetToken(JsonToken.Float, num, updateIndex: false); return num; } case JsonToken.String: return ReadDoubleString((string)Value); default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading double. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contentToken)); } } internal double? ReadDoubleString(string? s) { if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Null, null, updateIndex: false); return null; } if (double.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Float | NumberStyles.AllowThousands, Culture, out var result)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Float, result, updateIndex: false); return result; } SetToken(JsonToken.String, s, updateIndex: false); throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Could not convert string to double: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, s)); } public virtual bool? ReadAsBoolean() { JsonToken contentToken = GetContentToken(); switch (contentToken) { case JsonToken.None: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.EndArray: return null; case JsonToken.Integer: case JsonToken.Float: { bool flag = ((!(Value is BigInteger bigInteger)) ? Convert.ToBoolean(Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : (bigInteger != 0L)); SetToken(JsonToken.Boolean, flag, updateIndex: false); return flag; } case JsonToken.String: return ReadBooleanString((string)Value); case JsonToken.Boolean: return (bool)Value; default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading boolean. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contentToken)); } } internal bool? ReadBooleanString(string? s) { if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Null, null, updateIndex: false); return null; } if (bool.TryParse(s, out var result)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Boolean, result, updateIndex: false); return result; } SetToken(JsonToken.String, s, updateIndex: false); throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Could not convert string to boolean: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, s)); } public virtual decimal? ReadAsDecimal() { JsonToken contentToken = GetContentToken(); switch (contentToken) { case JsonToken.None: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.EndArray: return null; case JsonToken.Integer: case JsonToken.Float: { object value = Value; if (value is decimal) { return (decimal)value; } decimal num; if (value is BigInteger bigInteger) { num = (decimal)bigInteger; } else { try { num = Convert.ToDecimal(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception ex) { throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Could not convert to decimal: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, value), ex); } } SetToken(JsonToken.Float, num, updateIndex: false); return num; } case JsonToken.String: return ReadDecimalString((string)Value); default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading decimal. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contentToken)); } } internal decimal? ReadDecimalString(string? s) { if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Null, null, updateIndex: false); return null; } if (decimal.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Number, Culture, out var result)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Float, result, updateIndex: false); return result; } if (ConvertUtils.DecimalTryParse(s.ToCharArray(), 0, s.Length, out result) == ParseResult.Success) { SetToken(JsonToken.Float, result, updateIndex: false); return result; } SetToken(JsonToken.String, s, updateIndex: false); throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Could not convert string to decimal: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, s)); } public virtual DateTime? ReadAsDateTime() { switch (GetContentToken()) { case JsonToken.None: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.EndArray: return null; case JsonToken.Date: if (Value is DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset) { SetToken(JsonToken.Date, dateTimeOffset.DateTime, updateIndex: false); } return (DateTime)Value; case JsonToken.String: return ReadDateTimeString((string)Value); default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading date. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, TokenType)); } } internal DateTime? ReadDateTimeString(string? s) { if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Null, null, updateIndex: false); return null; } if (DateTimeUtils.TryParseDateTime(s, DateTimeZoneHandling, _dateFormatString, Culture, out var dt)) { dt = DateTimeUtils.EnsureDateTime(dt, DateTimeZoneHandling); SetToken(JsonToken.Date, dt, updateIndex: false); return dt; } if (DateTime.TryParse(s, Culture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out dt)) { dt = DateTimeUtils.EnsureDateTime(dt, DateTimeZoneHandling); SetToken(JsonToken.Date, dt, updateIndex: false); return dt; } throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Could not convert string to DateTime: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, s)); } public virtual DateTimeOffset? ReadAsDateTimeOffset() { JsonToken contentToken = GetContentToken(); switch (contentToken) { case JsonToken.None: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.EndArray: return null; case JsonToken.Date: if (Value is DateTime dateTime) { SetToken(JsonToken.Date, new DateTimeOffset(dateTime), updateIndex: false); } return (DateTimeOffset)Value; case JsonToken.String: { string s = (string)Value; return ReadDateTimeOffsetString(s); } default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading date. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contentToken)); } } internal DateTimeOffset? ReadDateTimeOffsetString(string? s) { if (StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Null, null, updateIndex: false); return null; } if (DateTimeUtils.TryParseDateTimeOffset(s, _dateFormatString, Culture, out var dt)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Date, dt, updateIndex: false); return dt; } if (DateTimeOffset.TryParse(s, Culture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out dt)) { SetToken(JsonToken.Date, dt, updateIndex: false); return dt; } SetToken(JsonToken.String, s, updateIndex: false); throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Could not convert string to DateTimeOffset: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, s)); } internal void ReaderReadAndAssert() { if (!Read()) { throw CreateUnexpectedEndException(); } } internal JsonReaderException CreateUnexpectedEndException() { return JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Unexpected end when reading JSON."); } internal void ReadIntoWrappedTypeObject() { ReaderReadAndAssert(); if (Value != null && Value.ToString() == "$type") { ReaderReadAndAssert(); if (Value != null && Value.ToString().StartsWith("System.Byte[]", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ReaderReadAndAssert(); if (Value.ToString() == "$value") { return; } } } throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Error reading bytes. Unexpected token: {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, JsonToken.StartObject)); } public void Skip() { if (TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName) { Read(); } if (JsonTokenUtils.IsStartToken(TokenType)) { int depth = Depth; while (Read() && depth < Depth) { } } } protected void SetToken(JsonToken newToken) { SetToken(newToken, null, updateIndex: true); } protected void SetToken(JsonToken newToken, object? value) { SetToken(newToken, value, updateIndex: true); } protected void SetToken(JsonToken newToken, object? value, bool updateIndex) { _tokenType = newToken; _value = value; switch (newToken) { case JsonToken.StartObject: _currentState = State.ObjectStart; Push(JsonContainerType.Object); break; case JsonToken.StartArray: _currentState = State.ArrayStart; Push(JsonContainerType.Array); break; case JsonToken.StartConstructor: _currentState = State.ConstructorStart; Push(JsonContainerType.Constructor); break; case JsonToken.EndObject: ValidateEnd(JsonToken.EndObject); break; case JsonToken.EndArray: ValidateEnd(JsonToken.EndArray); break; case JsonToken.EndConstructor: ValidateEnd(JsonToken.EndConstructor); break; case JsonToken.PropertyName: _currentState = State.Property; _currentPosition.PropertyName = (string)value; break; case JsonToken.Raw: case JsonToken.Integer: case JsonToken.Float: case JsonToken.String: case JsonToken.Boolean: case JsonToken.Null: case JsonToken.Undefined: case JsonToken.Date: case JsonToken.Bytes: SetPostValueState(updateIndex); break; case JsonToken.Comment: break; } } internal void SetPostValueState(bool updateIndex) { if (Peek() != 0 || SupportMultipleContent) { _currentState = State.PostValue; } else { SetFinished(); } if (updateIndex) { UpdateScopeWithFinishedValue(); } } private void UpdateScopeWithFinishedValue() { if (_currentPosition.HasIndex) { _currentPosition.Position++; } } private void ValidateEnd(JsonToken endToken) { JsonContainerType jsonContainerType = Pop(); if (GetTypeForCloseToken(endToken) != jsonContainerType) { throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "JsonToken {0} is not valid for closing JsonType {1}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, endToken, jsonContainerType)); } if (Peek() != 0 || SupportMultipleContent) { _currentState = State.PostValue; } else { SetFinished(); } } protected void SetStateBasedOnCurrent() { JsonContainerType jsonContainerType = Peek(); switch (jsonContainerType) { case JsonContainerType.Object: _currentState = State.Object; break; case JsonContainerType.Array: _currentState = State.Array; break; case JsonContainerType.Constructor: _currentState = State.Constructor; break; case JsonContainerType.None: SetFinished(); break; default: throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "While setting the reader state back to current object an unexpected JsonType was encountered: {0}".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, jsonContainerType)); } } private void SetFinished() { _currentState = ((!SupportMultipleContent) ? State.Finished : State.Start); } private JsonContainerType GetTypeForCloseToken(JsonToken token) { return token switch { JsonToken.EndObject => JsonContainerType.Object, JsonToken.EndArray => JsonContainerType.Array, JsonToken.EndConstructor => JsonContainerType.Constructor, _ => throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "Not a valid close JsonToken: {0}".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, token)), }; } void IDisposable.Dispose() { Dispose(disposing: true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_currentState != State.Closed && disposing) { Close(); } } public virtual void Close() { _currentState = State.Closed; _tokenType = JsonToken.None; _value = null; } internal void ReadAndAssert() { if (!Read()) { throw JsonSerializationException.Create(this, "Unexpected end when reading JSON."); } } internal void ReadForTypeAndAssert(JsonContract? contract, bool hasConverter) { if (!ReadForType(contract, hasConverter)) { throw JsonSerializationException.Create(this, "Unexpected end when reading JSON."); } } internal bool ReadForType(JsonContract? contract, bool hasConverter) { if (hasConverter) { return Read(); } switch (contract?.InternalReadType ?? ReadType.Read) { case ReadType.Read: return ReadAndMoveToContent(); case ReadType.ReadAsInt32: ReadAsInt32(); break; case ReadType.ReadAsInt64: { bool result = ReadAndMoveToContent(); if (TokenType == JsonToken.Undefined) { throw JsonReaderException.Create(this, "An undefined token is not a valid {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contract?.UnderlyingType ?? typeof(long))); } return result; } case ReadType.ReadAsDecimal: ReadAsDecimal(); break; case ReadType.ReadAsDouble: ReadAsDouble(); break; case ReadType.ReadAsBytes: ReadAsBytes(); break; case ReadType.ReadAsBoolean: ReadAsBoolean(); break; case ReadType.ReadAsString: ReadAsString(); break; case ReadType.ReadAsDateTime: ReadAsDateTime(); break; case ReadType.ReadAsDateTimeOffset: ReadAsDateTimeOffset(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return TokenType != JsonToken.None; } internal bool ReadAndMoveToContent() { if (Read()) { return MoveToContent(); } return false; } internal bool MoveToContent() { JsonToken tokenType = TokenType; while (tokenType == JsonToken.None || tokenType == JsonToken.Comment) { if (!Read()) { return false; } tokenType = TokenType; } return true; } private JsonToken GetContentToken() { JsonToken tokenType; do { if (!Read()) { SetToken(JsonToken.None); return JsonToken.None; } tokenType = TokenType; } while (tokenType == JsonToken.Comment); return tokenType; } } [Serializable] public class JsonReaderException : JsonException { public int LineNumber { get; } public int LinePosition { get; } public string? Path { get; } public JsonReaderException() { } public JsonReaderException(string message) : base(message) { } public JsonReaderException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } public JsonReaderException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { } public JsonReaderException(string message, string path, int lineNumber, int linePosition, Exception? innerException) : base(message, innerException) { Path = path; LineNumber = lineNumber; LinePosition = linePosition; } internal static JsonReaderException Create(JsonReader reader, string message) { return Create(reader, message, null); } internal static JsonReaderException Create(JsonReader reader, string message, Exception? ex) { return Create(reader as IJsonLineInfo, reader.Path, message, ex); } internal static JsonReaderException Create(IJsonLineInfo? lineInfo, string path, string message, Exception? ex) { message = JsonPosition.FormatMessage(lineInfo, path, message); int lineNumber; int linePosition; if (lineInfo != null && lineInfo.HasLineInfo()) { lineNumber = lineInfo.LineNumber; linePosition = lineInfo.LinePosition; } else { lineNumber = 0; linePosition = 0; } return new JsonReaderException(message, path, lineNumber, linePosition, ex); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class JsonRequiredAttribute : Attribute { } [Serializable] public class JsonSerializationException : JsonException { public int LineNumber { get; } public int LinePosition { get; } public string? Path { get; } public JsonSerializationException() { } public JsonSerializationException(string message) : base(message) { } public JsonSerializationException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException) { } public JsonSerializationException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { } public JsonSerializationException(string message, string path, int lineNumber, int linePosition, Exception? innerException) : base(message, innerException) { Path = path; LineNumber = lineNumber; LinePosition = linePosition; } internal static JsonSerializationException Create(JsonReader reader, string message) { return Create(reader, message, null); } internal static JsonSerializationException Create(JsonReader reader, string message, Exception? ex) { return Create(reader as IJsonLineInfo, reader.Path, message, ex); } internal static JsonSerializationException Create(IJsonLineInfo? lineInfo, string path, string message, Exception? ex) { message = JsonPosition.FormatMessage(lineInfo, path, message); int lineNumber; int linePosition; if (lineInfo != null && lineInfo.HasLineInfo()) { lineNumber = lineInfo.LineNumber; linePosition = lineInfo.LinePosition; } else { lineNumber = 0; linePosition = 0; } return new JsonSerializationException(message, path, lineNumber, linePosition, ex); } } public class JsonSerializer { internal TypeNameHandling _typeNameHandling; internal TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling _typeNameAssemblyFormatHandling; internal PreserveReferencesHandling _preserveReferencesHandling; internal ReferenceLoopHandling _referenceLoopHandling; internal MissingMemberHandling _missingMemberHandling; internal ObjectCreationHandling _objectCreationHandling; internal NullValueHandling _nullValueHandling; internal DefaultValueHandling _defaultValueHandling; internal ConstructorHandling _constructorHandling; internal MetadataPropertyHandling _metadataPropertyHandling; internal JsonConverterCollection? _converters; internal IContractResolver _contractResolver; internal ITraceWriter? _traceWriter; internal IEqualityComparer? _equalityComparer; internal ISerializationBinder _serializationBinder; internal StreamingContext _context; private IReferenceResolver? _referenceResolver; private Formatting? _formatting; private DateFormatHandling? _dateFormatHandling; private DateTimeZoneHandling? _dateTimeZoneHandling; private DateParseHandling? _dateParseHandling; private FloatFormatHandling? _floatFormatHandling; private FloatParseHandling? _floatParseHandling; private StringEscapeHandling? _stringEscapeHandling; private CultureInfo _culture; private int? _maxDepth; private bool _maxDepthSet; private bool? _checkAdditionalContent; private string? _dateFormatString; private bool _dateFormatStringSet; public virtual IReferenceResolver? ReferenceResolver { get { return GetReferenceResolver(); } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value", "Reference resolver cannot be null."); } _referenceResolver = value; } } [Obsolete("Binder is obsolete. Use SerializationBinder instead.")] public virtual SerializationBinder Binder { get { if (_serializationBinder is SerializationBinder result) { return result; } if (_serializationBinder is SerializationBinderAdapter serializationBinderAdapter) { return serializationBinderAdapter.SerializationBinder; } throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot get SerializationBinder because an ISerializationBinder was previously set."); } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value", "Serialization binder cannot be null."); } _serializationBinder = (value as ISerializationBinder) ?? new SerializationBinderAdapter(value); } } public virtual ISerializationBinder SerializationBinder { get { return _serializationBinder; } set { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("value", "Serialization binder cannot be null."); } _serializationBinder = value; } } public virtual ITraceWriter? TraceWriter { get { return _traceWriter; } set { _traceWriter = value; } } public virtual IEqualityComparer? EqualityComparer { get { return _equalityComparer; } set { _equalityComparer = value; } } public virtual TypeNameHandling TypeNameHandling { get { return _typeNameHandling; } set { if (value < TypeNameHandling.None || value > TypeNameHandling.Auto) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _typeNameHandling = value; } } [Obsolete("TypeNameAssemblyFormat is obsolete. Use TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling instead.")] public virtual FormatterAssemblyStyle TypeNameAssemblyFormat { get { return (FormatterAssemblyStyle)_typeNameAssemblyFormatHandling; } set { if (value < FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple || value > FormatterAssemblyStyle.Full) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _typeNameAssemblyFormatHandling = (TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling)value; } } public virtual TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling { get { return _typeNameAssemblyFormatHandling; } set { if (value < TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling.Simple || value > TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling.Full) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _typeNameAssemblyFormatHandling = value; } } public virtual PreserveReferencesHandling PreserveReferencesHandling { get { return _preserveReferencesHandling; } set { if (value < PreserveReferencesHandling.None || value > PreserveReferencesHandling.All) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _preserveReferencesHandling = value; } } public virtual ReferenceLoopHandling ReferenceLoopHandling { get { return _referenceLoopHandling; } set { if (value < ReferenceLoopHandling.Error || value > ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _referenceLoopHandling = value; } } public virtual MissingMemberHandling MissingMemberHandling { get { return _missingMemberHandling; } set { if (value < MissingMemberHandling.Ignore || value > MissingMemberHandling.Error) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _missingMemberHandling = value; } } public virtual NullValueHandling NullValueHandling { get { return _nullValueHandling; } set { if (value < NullValueHandling.Include || value > NullValueHandling.Ignore) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _nullValueHandling = value; } } public virtual DefaultValueHandling DefaultValueHandling { get { return _defaultValueHandling; } set { if (value < DefaultValueHandling.Include || value > DefaultValueHandling.IgnoreAndPopulate) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _defaultValueHandling = value; } } public virtual ObjectCreationHandling ObjectCreationHandling { get { return _objectCreationHandling; } set { if (value < ObjectCreationHandling.Auto || value > ObjectCreationHandling.Replace) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _objectCreationHandling = value; } } public virtual ConstructorHandling ConstructorHandling { get { return _constructorHandling; } set { if (value < ConstructorHandling.Default || value > ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _constructorHandling = value; } } public virtual MetadataPropertyHandling MetadataPropertyHandling { get { return _metadataPropertyHandling; } set { if (value < MetadataPropertyHandling.Default || value > MetadataPropertyHandling.Ignore) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value"); } _metadataPropertyHandling = value; } } public virtual JsonConverterCollection Converters { get { if (_converters == null) { _converters = new JsonConverterCollection(); } return _converters; } } public virtual IContractResolver ContractResolver { get { return _contractResolver; } set { _contractResolver = value ?? DefaultContractResolver.Instance; } } public virtual StreamingContext Context { get { return _context; } set { _context = value; } } public virtual Formatting Formatting { get { return _formatting.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _formatting = value; } } public virtual DateFormatHandling DateFormatHandling { get { return _dateFormatHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _dateFormatHandling = value; } } public virtual DateTimeZoneHandling DateTimeZoneHandling { get { return _dateTimeZoneHandling ?? DateTimeZoneHandling.RoundtripKind; } set { _dateTimeZoneHandling = value; } } public virtual DateParseHandling DateParseHandling { get { return _dateParseHandling ?? DateParseHandling.DateTime; } set { _dateParseHandling = value; } } public virtual FloatParseHandling FloatParseHandling { get { return _floatParseHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _floatParseHandling = value; } } public virtual FloatFormatHandling FloatFormatHandling { get { return _floatFormatHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _floatFormatHandling = value; } } public virtual StringEscapeHandling StringEscapeHandling { get { return _stringEscapeHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _stringEscapeHandling = value; } } public virtual string DateFormatString { get { return _dateFormatString ?? "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFK"; } set { _dateFormatString = value; _dateFormatStringSet = true; } } public virtual CultureInfo Culture { get { return _culture ?? JsonSerializerSettings.DefaultCulture; } set { _culture = value; } } public virtual int? MaxDepth { get { return _maxDepth; } set { if (value <= 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Value must be positive.", "value"); } _maxDepth = value; _maxDepthSet = true; } } public virtual bool CheckAdditionalContent { get { return _checkAdditionalContent.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _checkAdditionalContent = value; } } public virtual event EventHandler<Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ErrorEventArgs>? Error; internal bool IsCheckAdditionalContentSet() { return _checkAdditionalContent.HasValue; } public JsonSerializer() { _referenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Error; _missingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore; _nullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include; _defaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Include; _objectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Auto; _preserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.None; _constructorHandling = ConstructorHandling.Default; _typeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None; _metadataPropertyHandling = MetadataPropertyHandling.Default; _context = JsonSerializerSettings.DefaultContext; _serializationBinder = DefaultSerializationBinder.Instance; _culture = JsonSerializerSettings.DefaultCulture; _contractResolver = DefaultContractResolver.Instance; } public static JsonSerializer Create() { return new JsonSerializer(); } public static JsonSerializer Create(JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = Create(); if (settings != null) { ApplySerializerSettings(jsonSerializer, settings); } return jsonSerializer; } public static JsonSerializer CreateDefault() { return Create(JsonConvert.DefaultSettings?.Invoke()); } public static JsonSerializer CreateDefault(JsonSerializerSettings? settings) { JsonSerializer jsonSerializer = CreateDefault(); if (settings != null) { ApplySerializerSettings(jsonSerializer, settings); } return jsonSerializer; } private static void ApplySerializerSettings(JsonSerializer serializer, JsonSerializerSettings settings) { if (!CollectionUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Converters)) { for (int i = 0; i < settings.Converters.Count; i++) { serializer.Converters.Insert(i, settings.Converters[i]); } } if (settings._typeNameHandling.HasValue) { serializer.TypeNameHandling = settings.TypeNameHandling; } if (settings._metadataPropertyHandling.HasValue) { serializer.MetadataPropertyHandling = settings.MetadataPropertyHandling; } if (settings._typeNameAssemblyFormatHandling.HasValue) { serializer.TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling = settings.TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling; } if (settings._preserveReferencesHandling.HasValue) { serializer.PreserveReferencesHandling = settings.PreserveReferencesHandling; } if (settings._referenceLoopHandling.HasValue) { serializer.ReferenceLoopHandling = settings.ReferenceLoopHandling; } if (settings._missingMemberHandling.HasValue) { serializer.MissingMemberHandling = settings.MissingMemberHandling; } if (settings._objectCreationHandling.HasValue) { serializer.ObjectCreationHandling = settings.ObjectCreationHandling; } if (settings._nullValueHandling.HasValue) { serializer.NullValueHandling = settings.NullValueHandling; } if (settings._defaultValueHandling.HasValue) { serializer.DefaultValueHandling = settings.DefaultValueHandling; } if (settings._constructorHandling.HasValue) { serializer.ConstructorHandling = settings.ConstructorHandling; } if (settings._context.HasValue) { serializer.Context = settings.Context; } if (settings._checkAdditionalContent.HasValue) { serializer._checkAdditionalContent = settings._checkAdditionalContent; } if (settings.Error != null) { serializer.Error += settings.Error; } if (settings.ContractResolver != null) { serializer.ContractResolver = settings.ContractResolver; } if (settings.ReferenceResolverProvider != null) { serializer.ReferenceResolver = settings.ReferenceResolverProvider(); } if (settings.TraceWriter != null) { serializer.TraceWriter = settings.TraceWriter; } if (settings.EqualityComparer != null) { serializer.EqualityComparer = settings.EqualityComparer; } if (settings.SerializationBinder != null) { serializer.SerializationBinder = settings.SerializationBinder; } if (settings._formatting.HasValue) { serializer._formatting = settings._formatting; } if (settings._dateFormatHandling.HasValue) { serializer._dateFormatHandling = settings._dateFormatHandling; } if (settings._dateTimeZoneHandling.HasValue) { serializer._dateTimeZoneHandling = settings._dateTimeZoneHandling; } if (settings._dateParseHandling.HasValue) { serializer._dateParseHandling = settings._dateParseHandling; } if (settings._dateFormatStringSet) { serializer._dateFormatString = settings._dateFormatString; serializer._dateFormatStringSet = settings._dateFormatStringSet; } if (settings._floatFormatHandling.HasValue) { serializer._floatFormatHandling = settings._floatFormatHandling; } if (settings._floatParseHandling.HasValue) { serializer._floatParseHandling = settings._floatParseHandling; } if (settings._stringEscapeHandling.HasValue) { serializer._stringEscapeHandling = settings._stringEscapeHandling; } if (settings._culture != null) { serializer._culture = settings._culture; } if (settings._maxDepthSet) { serializer._maxDepth = settings._maxDepth; serializer._maxDepthSet = settings._maxDepthSet; } } [DebuggerStepThrough] public void Populate(TextReader reader, object target) { Populate(new JsonTextReader(reader), target); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public void Populate(JsonReader reader, object target) { PopulateInternal(reader, target); } internal virtual void PopulateInternal(JsonReader reader, object target) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(reader, "reader"); ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(target, "target"); SetupReader(reader, out CultureInfo previousCulture, out DateTimeZoneHandling? previousDateTimeZoneHandling, out DateParseHandling? previousDateParseHandling, out FloatParseHandling? previousFloatParseHandling, out int? previousMaxDepth, out string previousDateFormatString); TraceJsonReader traceJsonReader = ((TraceWriter != null && TraceWriter.LevelFilter >= TraceLevel.Verbose) ? CreateTraceJsonReader(reader) : null); new JsonSerializerInternalReader(this).Populate(traceJsonReader ?? reader, target); if (traceJsonReader != null) { TraceWriter.Trace(TraceLevel.Verbose, traceJsonReader.GetDeserializedJsonMessage(), null); } ResetReader(reader, previousCulture, previousDateTimeZoneHandling, previousDateParseHandling, previousFloatParseHandling, previousMaxDepth, previousDateFormatString); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public object? Deserialize(JsonReader reader) { return Deserialize(reader, null); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public object? Deserialize(TextReader reader, Type objectType) { return Deserialize(new JsonTextReader(reader), objectType); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public T? Deserialize<T>(JsonReader reader) { return (T)Deserialize(reader, typeof(T)); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public object? Deserialize(JsonReader reader, Type? objectType) { return DeserializeInternal(reader, objectType); } internal virtual object? DeserializeInternal(JsonReader reader, Type? objectType) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(reader, "reader"); SetupReader(reader, out CultureInfo previousCulture, out DateTimeZoneHandling? previousDateTimeZoneHandling, out DateParseHandling? previousDateParseHandling, out FloatParseHandling? previousFloatParseHandling, out int? previousMaxDepth, out string previousDateFormatString); TraceJsonReader traceJsonReader = ((TraceWriter != null && TraceWriter.LevelFilter >= TraceLevel.Verbose) ? CreateTraceJsonReader(reader) : null); object? result = new JsonSerializerInternalReader(this).Deserialize(traceJsonReader ?? reader, objectType, CheckAdditionalContent); if (traceJsonReader != null) { TraceWriter.Trace(TraceLevel.Verbose, traceJsonReader.GetDeserializedJsonMessage(), null); } ResetReader(reader, previousCulture, previousDateTimeZoneHandling, previousDateParseHandling, previousFloatParseHandling, previousMaxDepth, previousDateFormatString); return result; } internal void SetupReader(JsonReader reader, out CultureInfo? previousCulture, out DateTimeZoneHandling? previousDateTimeZoneHandling, out DateParseHandling? previousDateParseHandling, out FloatParseHandling? previousFloatParseHandling, out int? previousMaxDepth, out string? previousDateFormatString) { if (_culture != null && !_culture.Equals(reader.Culture)) { previousCulture = reader.Culture; reader.Culture = _culture; } else { previousCulture = null; } if (_dateTimeZoneHandling.HasValue && reader.DateTimeZoneHandling != _dateTimeZoneHandling) { previousDateTimeZoneHandling = reader.DateTimeZoneHandling; reader.DateTimeZoneHandling = _dateTimeZoneHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } else { previousDateTimeZoneHandling = null; } if (_dateParseHandling.HasValue && reader.DateParseHandling != _dateParseHandling) { previousDateParseHandling = reader.DateParseHandling; reader.DateParseHandling = _dateParseHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } else { previousDateParseHandling = null; } if (_floatParseHandling.HasValue && reader.FloatParseHandling != _floatParseHandling) { previousFloatParseHandling = reader.FloatParseHandling; reader.FloatParseHandling = _floatParseHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } else { previousFloatParseHandling = null; } if (_maxDepthSet && reader.MaxDepth != _maxDepth) { previousMaxDepth = reader.MaxDepth; reader.MaxDepth = _maxDepth; } else { previousMaxDepth = null; } if (_dateFormatStringSet && reader.DateFormatString != _dateFormatString) { previousDateFormatString = reader.DateFormatString; reader.DateFormatString = _dateFormatString; } else { previousDateFormatString = null; } if (reader is JsonTextReader jsonTextReader && jsonTextReader.PropertyNameTable == null && _contractResolver is DefaultContractResolver defaultContractResolver) { jsonTextReader.PropertyNameTable = defaultContractResolver.GetNameTable(); } } private void ResetReader(JsonReader reader, CultureInfo? previousCulture, DateTimeZoneHandling? previousDateTimeZoneHandling, DateParseHandling? previousDateParseHandling, FloatParseHandling? previousFloatParseHandling, int? previousMaxDepth, string? previousDateFormatString) { if (previousCulture != null) { reader.Culture = previousCulture; } if (previousDateTimeZoneHandling.HasValue) { reader.DateTimeZoneHandling = previousDateTimeZoneHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (previousDateParseHandling.HasValue) { reader.DateParseHandling = previousDateParseHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (previousFloatParseHandling.HasValue) { reader.FloatParseHandling = previousFloatParseHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (_maxDepthSet) { reader.MaxDepth = previousMaxDepth; } if (_dateFormatStringSet) { reader.DateFormatString = previousDateFormatString; } if (reader is JsonTextReader jsonTextReader && jsonTextReader.PropertyNameTable != null && _contractResolver is DefaultContractResolver defaultContractResolver && jsonTextReader.PropertyNameTable == defaultContractResolver.GetNameTable()) { jsonTextReader.PropertyNameTable = null; } } public void Serialize(TextWriter textWriter, object? value) { Serialize(new JsonTextWriter(textWriter), value); } public void Serialize(JsonWriter jsonWriter, object? value, Type? objectType) { SerializeInternal(jsonWriter, value, objectType); } public void Serialize(TextWriter textWriter, object? value, Type objectType) { Serialize(new JsonTextWriter(textWriter), value, objectType); } public void Serialize(JsonWriter jsonWriter, object? value) { SerializeInternal(jsonWriter, value, null); } private TraceJsonReader CreateTraceJsonReader(JsonReader reader) { TraceJsonReader traceJsonReader = new TraceJsonReader(reader); if (reader.TokenType != 0) { traceJsonReader.WriteCurrentToken(); } return traceJsonReader; } internal virtual void SerializeInternal(JsonWriter jsonWriter, object? value, Type? objectType) { ValidationUtils.ArgumentNotNull(jsonWriter, "jsonWriter"); Formatting? formatting = null; if (_formatting.HasValue && jsonWriter.Formatting != _formatting) { formatting = jsonWriter.Formatting; jsonWriter.Formatting = _formatting.GetValueOrDefault(); } DateFormatHandling? dateFormatHandling = null; if (_dateFormatHandling.HasValue && jsonWriter.DateFormatHandling != _dateFormatHandling) { dateFormatHandling = jsonWriter.DateFormatHandling; jsonWriter.DateFormatHandling = _dateFormatHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } DateTimeZoneHandling? dateTimeZoneHandling = null; if (_dateTimeZoneHandling.HasValue && jsonWriter.DateTimeZoneHandling != _dateTimeZoneHandling) { dateTimeZoneHandling = jsonWriter.DateTimeZoneHandling; jsonWriter.DateTimeZoneHandling = _dateTimeZoneHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } FloatFormatHandling? floatFormatHandling = null; if (_floatFormatHandling.HasValue && jsonWriter.FloatFormatHandling != _floatFormatHandling) { floatFormatHandling = jsonWriter.FloatFormatHandling; jsonWriter.FloatFormatHandling = _floatFormatHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } StringEscapeHandling? stringEscapeHandling = null; if (_stringEscapeHandling.HasValue && jsonWriter.StringEscapeHandling != _stringEscapeHandling) { stringEscapeHandling = jsonWriter.StringEscapeHandling; jsonWriter.StringEscapeHandling = _stringEscapeHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } CultureInfo cultureInfo = null; if (_culture != null && !_culture.Equals(jsonWriter.Culture)) { cultureInfo = jsonWriter.Culture; jsonWriter.Culture = _culture; } string dateFormatString = null; if (_dateFormatStringSet && jsonWriter.DateFormatString != _dateFormatString) { dateFormatString = jsonWriter.DateFormatString; jsonWriter.DateFormatString = _dateFormatString; } TraceJsonWriter traceJsonWriter = ((TraceWriter != null && TraceWriter.LevelFilter >= TraceLevel.Verbose) ? new TraceJsonWriter(jsonWriter) : null); new JsonSerializerInternalWriter(this).Serialize(traceJsonWriter ?? jsonWriter, value, objectType); if (traceJsonWriter != null) { TraceWriter.Trace(TraceLevel.Verbose, traceJsonWriter.GetSerializedJsonMessage(), null); } if (formatting.HasValue) { jsonWriter.Formatting = formatting.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (dateFormatHandling.HasValue) { jsonWriter.DateFormatHandling = dateFormatHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (dateTimeZoneHandling.HasValue) { jsonWriter.DateTimeZoneHandling = dateTimeZoneHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (floatFormatHandling.HasValue) { jsonWriter.FloatFormatHandling = floatFormatHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (stringEscapeHandling.HasValue) { jsonWriter.StringEscapeHandling = stringEscapeHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (_dateFormatStringSet) { jsonWriter.DateFormatString = dateFormatString; } if (cultureInfo != null) { jsonWriter.Culture = cultureInfo; } } internal IReferenceResolver GetReferenceResolver() { if (_referenceResolver == null) { _referenceResolver = new DefaultReferenceResolver(); } return _referenceResolver; } internal JsonConverter? GetMatchingConverter(Type type) { return GetMatchingConverter(_converters, type); } internal static JsonConverter? GetMatchingConverter(IList<JsonConverter>? converters, Type objectType) { if (converters != null) { for (int i = 0; i < converters.Count; i++) { JsonConverter jsonConverter = converters[i]; if (jsonConverter.CanConvert(objectType)) { return jsonConverter; } } } return null; } internal void OnError(Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.ErrorEventArgs e) { this.Error?.Invoke(this, e); } } public class JsonSerializerSettings { internal const ReferenceLoopHandling DefaultReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Error; internal const MissingMemberHandling DefaultMissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Ignore; internal const NullValueHandling DefaultNullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include; internal const DefaultValueHandling DefaultDefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Include; internal const ObjectCreationHandling DefaultObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Auto; internal const PreserveReferencesHandling DefaultPreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.None; internal const ConstructorHandling DefaultConstructorHandling = ConstructorHandling.Default; internal const TypeNameHandling DefaultTypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None; internal const MetadataPropertyHandling DefaultMetadataPropertyHandling = MetadataPropertyHandling.Default; internal static readonly StreamingContext DefaultContext; internal const Formatting DefaultFormatting = Formatting.None; internal const DateFormatHandling DefaultDateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat; internal const DateTimeZoneHandling DefaultDateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.RoundtripKind; internal const DateParseHandling DefaultDateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.DateTime; internal const FloatParseHandling DefaultFloatParseHandling = FloatParseHandling.Double; internal const FloatFormatHandling DefaultFloatFormatHandling = FloatFormatHandling.String; internal const StringEscapeHandling DefaultStringEscapeHandling = StringEscapeHandling.Default; internal const TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling DefaultTypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling = TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling.Simple; internal static readonly CultureInfo DefaultCulture; internal const bool DefaultCheckAdditionalContent = false; internal const string DefaultDateFormatString = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.FFFFFFFK"; internal const int DefaultMaxDepth = 64; internal Formatting? _formatting; internal DateFormatHandling? _dateFormatHandling; internal DateTimeZoneHandling? _dateTimeZoneHandling; internal DateParseHandling? _dateParseHandling; internal FloatFormatHandling? _floatFormatHandling; internal FloatParseHandling? _floatParseHandling; internal StringEscapeHandling? _stringEscapeHandling; internal CultureInfo? _culture; internal bool? _checkAdditionalContent; internal int? _maxDepth; internal bool _maxDepthSet; internal string? _dateFormatString; internal bool _dateFormatStringSet; internal TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling? _typeNameAssemblyFormatHandling; internal DefaultValueHandling? _defaultValueHandling; internal PreserveReferencesHandling? _preserveReferencesHandling; internal NullValueHandling? _nullValueHandling; internal ObjectCreationHandling? _objectCreationHandling; internal MissingMemberHandling? _missingMemberHandling; internal ReferenceLoopHandling? _referenceLoopHandling; internal StreamingContext? _context; internal ConstructorHandling? _constructorHandling; internal TypeNameHandling? _typeNameHandling; internal MetadataPropertyHandling? _metadataPropertyHandling; public ReferenceLoopHandling ReferenceLoopHandling { get { return _referenceLoopHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _referenceLoopHandling = value; } } public MissingMemberHandling MissingMemberHandling { get { return _missingMemberHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _missingMemberHandling = value; } } public ObjectCreationHandling ObjectCreationHandling { get { return _objectCreationHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _objectCreationHandling = value; } } public NullValueHandling NullValueHandling { get { return _nullValueHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _nullValueHandling = value; } } public DefaultValueHandling DefaultValueHandling { get { return _defaultValueHandling.GetValueOrDefault(); } set { _defaultValueHandling = value; } } public IList<JsonConverter> Converters { get; set; } public PreserveReferencesHandling PreserveReferencesHandling { get { return _preserveReferencesHandling.GetValueOrDef
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Text; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Riptide.Transports; using Riptide.Transports.Udp; using Riptide.Utils; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.0")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Tom Weiland")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Tom Weiland 2022")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("Riptide Networking is a lightweight C# networking library primarily designed for use in multiplayer games.")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("2.2.0")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Riptide Networking")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("RiptideNetworking")] [assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class IsReadOnlyAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace Riptide { public class Client : Peer { public delegate void MessageHandler(Message message); private Connection connection; private int connectionAttempts; private int maxConnectionAttempts; private Dictionary<ushort, MessageHandler> messageHandlers; private IClient transport; private Message connectMessage; public ushort Id => connection.Id; public short RTT => connection.RTT; public short SmoothRTT => connection.SmoothRTT; public override int TimeoutTime { set { defaultTimeout = value; connection.TimeoutTime = defaultTimeout; } } public bool IsNotConnected { get { if (connection != null) { return connection.IsNotConnected; } return true; } } public bool IsConnecting { get { if (connection != null) { return connection.IsConnecting; } return false; } } public bool IsPending { get { if (connection != null) { return connection.IsPending; } return false; } } public bool IsConnected { get { if (connection != null) { return connection.IsConnected; } return false; } } public Connection Connection => connection; public event EventHandler Connected; public event EventHandler<ConnectionFailedEventArgs> ConnectionFailed; public event EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived; public event EventHandler<DisconnectedEventArgs> Disconnected; public event EventHandler<ClientConnectedEventArgs> ClientConnected; public event EventHandler<ClientDisconnectedEventArgs> ClientDisconnected; public Client(IClient transport, string logName = "CLIENT") : base(logName) { this.transport = transport; } public Client(string logName = "CLIENT") : this(new Riptide.Transports.Udp.UdpClient(), logName) { } public void ChangeTransport(IClient newTransport) { Disconnect(); transport = newTransport; } public bool Connect(string hostAddress, int maxConnectionAttempts = 5, byte messageHandlerGroupId = 0, Message message = null, bool useMessageHandlers = true) { Disconnect(); SubToTransportEvents(); if (!transport.Connect(hostAddress, out connection, out var connectError)) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, LogName, connectError); UnsubFromTransportEvents(); return false; } this.maxConnectionAttempts = maxConnectionAttempts; connectionAttempts = 0; connection.Initialize(this, defaultTimeout); Peer.IncreaseActiveCount(); base.useMessageHandlers = useMessageHandlers; if (useMessageHandlers) { CreateMessageHandlersDictionary(messageHandlerGroupId); } connectMessage = Message.Create(MessageHeader.Connect); if (message != null) { if (message.ReadBits != 0) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, LogName, "Use the parameterless 'Message.Create()' overload when setting connection attempt data!"); } connectMessage.AddMessage(message); message.Release(); } StartTime(); Heartbeat(); RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, $"Connecting to {connection}..."); return true; } private void SubToTransportEvents() { transport.Connected += TransportConnected; transport.ConnectionFailed += TransportConnectionFailed; transport.DataReceived += base.HandleData; transport.Disconnected += TransportDisconnected; } private void UnsubFromTransportEvents() { transport.Connected -= TransportConnected; transport.ConnectionFailed -= TransportConnectionFailed; transport.DataReceived -= base.HandleData; transport.Disconnected -= TransportDisconnected; } protected override void CreateMessageHandlersDictionary(byte messageHandlerGroupId) { MethodInfo[] array = FindMessageHandlers(); messageHandlers = new Dictionary<ushort, MessageHandler>(array.Length); MethodInfo[] array2 = array; foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in array2) { MessageHandlerAttribute customAttribute = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute<MessageHandlerAttribute>(); if (customAttribute.GroupId != messageHandlerGroupId) { continue; } if (!methodInfo.IsStatic) { throw new NonStaticHandlerException(methodInfo.DeclaringType, methodInfo.Name); } Delegate @delegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(MessageHandler), methodInfo, throwOnBindFailure: false); if ((object)@delegate != null) { if (messageHandlers.ContainsKey(customAttribute.MessageId)) { MethodInfo methodInfo2 = messageHandlers[customAttribute.MessageId].GetMethodInfo(); throw new DuplicateHandlerException(customAttribute.MessageId, methodInfo, methodInfo2); } messageHandlers.Add(customAttribute.MessageId, (MessageHandler)@delegate); } else if ((object)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Server.MessageHandler), methodInfo, throwOnBindFailure: false) == null) { throw new InvalidHandlerSignatureException(methodInfo.DeclaringType, methodInfo.Name); } } } internal override void Heartbeat() { if (IsConnecting) { if (connectionAttempts < maxConnectionAttempts) { Send(connectMessage, shouldRelease: false); connectionAttempts++; } else { LocalDisconnect(DisconnectReason.NeverConnected); } } else if (IsPending) { if (connection.HasConnectAttemptTimedOut) { LocalDisconnect(DisconnectReason.TimedOut); return; } } else if (IsConnected) { if (connection.HasTimedOut) { LocalDisconnect(DisconnectReason.TimedOut); return; } connection.SendHeartbeat(); } ExecuteLater(base.HeartbeatInterval, new HeartbeatEvent(this)); } public override void Update() { base.Update(); transport.Poll(); HandleMessages(); } protected override void Handle(Message message, MessageHeader header, Connection connection) { switch (header) { case MessageHeader.Unreliable: case MessageHeader.Reliable: OnMessageReceived(message); break; case MessageHeader.Ack: connection.HandleAck(message); break; case MessageHeader.Connect: connection.SetPending(); break; case MessageHeader.Reject: if (!IsConnected) { LocalDisconnect(DisconnectReason.ConnectionRejected, message, (RejectReason)message.GetByte()); } break; case MessageHeader.Heartbeat: connection.HandleHeartbeatResponse(message); break; case MessageHeader.Disconnect: LocalDisconnect((DisconnectReason)message.GetByte(), message); break; case MessageHeader.Welcome: if (IsConnecting || IsPending) { connection.HandleWelcome(message); OnConnected(); } break; case MessageHeader.ClientConnected: OnClientConnected(message.GetUShort()); break; case MessageHeader.ClientDisconnected: OnClientDisconnected(message.GetUShort()); break; default: RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogName, $"Unexpected message header '{header}'! Discarding {message.BytesInUse} bytes."); break; } message.Release(); } public ushort Send(Message message, bool shouldRelease = true) { return connection.Send(message, shouldRelease); } public void Disconnect() { if (connection != null && !IsNotConnected) { Send(Message.Create(MessageHeader.Disconnect)); LocalDisconnect(DisconnectReason.Disconnected); } } internal override void Disconnect(Connection connection, DisconnectReason reason) { if (connection.IsConnected && connection.CanQualityDisconnect) { LocalDisconnect(reason); } } private void LocalDisconnect(DisconnectReason reason, Message message = null, RejectReason rejectReason = RejectReason.NoConnection) { if (!IsNotConnected) { UnsubFromTransportEvents(); Peer.DecreaseActiveCount(); StopTime(); transport.Disconnect(); connection.LocalDisconnect(); switch (reason) { case DisconnectReason.NeverConnected: OnConnectionFailed(RejectReason.NoConnection); break; case DisconnectReason.ConnectionRejected: OnConnectionFailed(rejectReason, message); break; default: OnDisconnected(reason, message); break; } } } private void TransportConnected(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void TransportConnectionFailed(object sender, EventArgs e) { LocalDisconnect(DisconnectReason.NeverConnected); } private void TransportDisconnected(object sender, Riptide.Transports.DisconnectedEventArgs e) { if (connection == e.Connection) { LocalDisconnect(e.Reason); } } protected virtual void OnConnected() { connectMessage.Release(); connectMessage = null; RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, "Connected successfully!"); this.Connected?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } protected virtual void OnConnectionFailed(RejectReason reason, Message message = null) { connectMessage.Release(); connectMessage = null; RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, "Connection to server failed: " + Helper.GetReasonString(reason) + "."); this.ConnectionFailed?.Invoke(this, new ConnectionFailedEventArgs(reason, message)); } protected virtual void OnMessageReceived(Message message) { ushort num = (ushort)message.GetVarULong(); this.MessageReceived?.Invoke(this, new MessageReceivedEventArgs(connection, num, message)); if (useMessageHandlers) { if (messageHandlers.TryGetValue(num, out var value)) { value(message); } else { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogName, $"No message handler method found for message ID {num}!"); } } } protected virtual void OnDisconnected(DisconnectReason reason, Message message) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, "Disconnected from server: " + Helper.GetReasonString(reason) + "."); this.Disconnected?.Invoke(this, new DisconnectedEventArgs(reason, message)); } protected virtual void OnClientConnected(ushort clientId) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, $"Client {clientId} connected."); this.ClientConnected?.Invoke(this, new ClientConnectedEventArgs(clientId)); } protected virtual void OnClientDisconnected(ushort clientId) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, $"Client {clientId} disconnected."); this.ClientDisconnected?.Invoke(this, new ClientDisconnectedEventArgs(clientId)); } } internal enum ConnectionState : byte { NotConnected, Connecting, Pending, Connected } public abstract class Connection { private abstract class Sequencer { private ushort _nextSequenceId = 1; protected readonly Connection connection; protected ushort lastReceivedSeqId; protected readonly Bitfield receivedSeqIds = new Bitfield(); protected ushort lastAckedSeqId; protected readonly Bitfield ackedSeqIds = new Bitfield(isDynamicCapacity: false); internal ushort NextSequenceId => _nextSequenceId++; protected Sequencer(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; } internal abstract bool ShouldHandle(ushort sequenceId); internal abstract void UpdateReceivedAcks(ushort remoteLastReceivedSeqId, ushort remoteReceivedSeqIds); } private class NotifySequencer : Sequencer { internal NotifySequencer(Connection connection) : base(connection) { } internal ushort InsertHeader(Message message) { ushort nextSequenceId = base.NextSequenceId; ulong bitfield = lastReceivedSeqId | ((ulong)receivedSeqIds.First8 << 16) | ((ulong)nextSequenceId << 24); message.SetBits(bitfield, 40, 4); return nextSequenceId; } internal override bool ShouldHandle(ushort sequenceId) { int sequenceGap = Helper.GetSequenceGap(sequenceId, lastReceivedSeqId); if (sequenceGap > 0) { receivedSeqIds.ShiftBy(sequenceGap); lastReceivedSeqId = sequenceId; if (receivedSeqIds.IsSet(sequenceGap)) { return false; } receivedSeqIds.Set(sequenceGap); return true; } return false; } internal override void UpdateReceivedAcks(ushort remoteLastReceivedSeqId, ushort remoteReceivedSeqIds) { int num = Helper.GetSequenceGap(remoteLastReceivedSeqId, lastAckedSeqId); if (num <= 0) { return; } if (num > 1) { while (num > 9) { lastAckedSeqId++; num--; connection.NotifyLost?.Invoke(lastAckedSeqId); } int num2 = num - 1; int num3 = 1 << num2; for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { lastAckedSeqId++; num3 >>= 1; if ((remoteReceivedSeqIds & num3) == 0) { connection.OnNotifyLost(lastAckedSeqId); } else { connection.OnNotifyDelivered(lastAckedSeqId); } } } lastAckedSeqId = remoteLastReceivedSeqId; connection.OnNotifyDelivered(lastAckedSeqId); } } private class ReliableSequencer : Sequencer { internal ReliableSequencer(Connection connection) : base(connection) { } internal override bool ShouldHandle(ushort sequenceId) { bool result = false; int num = Helper.GetSequenceGap(sequenceId, lastReceivedSeqId); if (num != 0) { if (num > 0) { if (num > 64) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, connection.Peer.LogName, $"The gap between received sequence IDs was very large ({num})!"); } receivedSeqIds.ShiftBy(num); lastReceivedSeqId = sequenceId; } else { num = -num; } result = !receivedSeqIds.IsSet(num); receivedSeqIds.Set(num); } connection.SendAck(sequenceId, lastReceivedSeqId, receivedSeqIds); return result; } internal override void UpdateReceivedAcks(ushort remoteLastReceivedSeqId, ushort remoteReceivedSeqIds) { int sequenceGap = Helper.GetSequenceGap(remoteLastReceivedSeqId, lastAckedSeqId); if (sequenceGap > 0) { if (!ackedSeqIds.HasCapacityFor(sequenceGap, out var overflow)) { for (int i = 0; i < overflow; i++) { if (!ackedSeqIds.CheckAndTrimLast(out var checkedPosition)) { connection.ResendMessage((ushort)(lastAckedSeqId - checkedPosition)); } else { connection.ClearMessage((ushort)(lastAckedSeqId - checkedPosition)); } } } ackedSeqIds.ShiftBy(sequenceGap); lastAckedSeqId = remoteLastReceivedSeqId; for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (!ackedSeqIds.IsSet(j + 1) && (remoteReceivedSeqIds & (1 << j)) != 0) { connection.ClearMessage((ushort)(lastAckedSeqId - (j + 1))); } } ackedSeqIds.Combine(remoteReceivedSeqIds); ackedSeqIds.Set(sequenceGap); connection.ClearMessage(remoteLastReceivedSeqId); } else if (sequenceGap < 0) { ackedSeqIds.Set(-sequenceGap); } else { ackedSeqIds.Combine(remoteReceivedSeqIds); } } } public Action<ushort> NotifyDelivered; public Action<ushort> NotifyLost; public Action<Message> NotifyReceived; public Action<ushort> ReliableDelivered; private short _rtt; private bool _canTimeout; public bool CanQualityDisconnect; public readonly ConnectionMetrics Metrics; public int MaxAvgSendAttempts; public int AvgSendAttemptsResilience; public int MaxSendAttempts; public float MaxNotifyLoss; public int NotifyLossResilience; private readonly NotifySequencer notify; private readonly ReliableSequencer reliable; private readonly Dictionary<ushort, PendingMessage> pendingMessages; private ConnectionState state; private int sendAttemptsViolations; private int lossRateViolations; private long lastHeartbeat; private byte lastPingId; private byte pendingPingId; private long pendingPingSendTime; public ushort Id { get; internal set; } public bool IsNotConnected => state == ConnectionState.NotConnected; public bool IsConnecting => state == ConnectionState.Connecting; public bool IsPending => state == ConnectionState.Pending; public bool IsConnected => state == ConnectionState.Connected; public short RTT { get { return _rtt; } private set { SmoothRTT = ((_rtt == -1) ? value : ((short)Math.Max(1f, (float)SmoothRTT * 0.7f + (float)value * 0.3f))); _rtt = value; } } public short SmoothRTT { get; private set; } public int TimeoutTime { get; set; } public bool CanTimeout { get { return _canTimeout; } set { if (value) { ResetTimeout(); } _canTimeout = value; } } internal Peer Peer { get; private set; } internal bool HasTimedOut { get { if (_canTimeout) { return Peer.CurrentTime - lastHeartbeat > TimeoutTime; } return false; } } internal bool HasConnectAttemptTimedOut { get { if (_canTimeout) { return Peer.CurrentTime - lastHeartbeat > Peer.ConnectTimeoutTime; } return false; } } protected Connection() { Metrics = new ConnectionMetrics(); notify = new NotifySequencer(this); reliable = new ReliableSequencer(this); state = ConnectionState.Connecting; _rtt = -1; SmoothRTT = -1; _canTimeout = true; CanQualityDisconnect = true; MaxAvgSendAttempts = 5; AvgSendAttemptsResilience = 64; MaxSendAttempts = 15; MaxNotifyLoss = 0.05f; NotifyLossResilience = 64; pendingMessages = new Dictionary<ushort, PendingMessage>(); } internal void Initialize(Peer peer, int timeoutTime) { Peer = peer; TimeoutTime = timeoutTime; } public void ResetTimeout() { lastHeartbeat = Peer.CurrentTime; } public ushort Send(Message message, bool shouldRelease = true) { ushort num = 0; if (message.SendMode == MessageSendMode.Notify) { num = notify.InsertHeader(message); int bytesInUse = message.BytesInUse; Buffer.BlockCopy(message.Data, 0, Message.ByteBuffer, 0, bytesInUse); Send(Message.ByteBuffer, bytesInUse); Metrics.SentNotify(bytesInUse); } else if (message.SendMode == MessageSendMode.Unreliable) { int bytesInUse2 = message.BytesInUse; Buffer.BlockCopy(message.Data, 0, Message.ByteBuffer, 0, bytesInUse2); Send(Message.ByteBuffer, bytesInUse2); Metrics.SentUnreliable(bytesInUse2); } else { num = reliable.NextSequenceId; PendingMessage pendingMessage = PendingMessage.Create(num, message, this); pendingMessages.Add(num, pendingMessage); pendingMessage.TrySend(); Metrics.ReliableUniques++; } if (shouldRelease) { message.Release(); } return num; } protected internal abstract void Send(byte[] dataBuffer, int amount); internal void ProcessNotify(byte[] dataBuffer, int amount, Message message) { notify.UpdateReceivedAcks(Converter.UShortFromBits(dataBuffer, 4), Converter.ByteFromBits(dataBuffer, 20)); Metrics.ReceivedNotify(amount); if (notify.ShouldHandle(Converter.UShortFromBits(dataBuffer, 28))) { Buffer.BlockCopy(dataBuffer, 1, message.Data, 1, amount - 1); NotifyReceived?.Invoke(message); } else { Metrics.NotifyDiscarded++; } } internal bool ShouldHandle(ushort sequenceId) { return reliable.ShouldHandle(sequenceId); } internal void LocalDisconnect() { state = ConnectionState.NotConnected; foreach (PendingMessage value in pendingMessages.Values) { value.Clear(); } pendingMessages.Clear(); } private void ResendMessage(ushort sequenceId) { if (pendingMessages.TryGetValue(sequenceId, out var value)) { value.RetrySend(); } } internal void ClearMessage(ushort sequenceId) { if (pendingMessages.TryGetValue(sequenceId, out var value)) { ReliableDelivered?.Invoke(sequenceId); value.Clear(); pendingMessages.Remove(sequenceId); UpdateSendAttemptsViolations(); } } internal void SetPending() { if (IsConnecting) { state = ConnectionState.Pending; ResetTimeout(); } } private void UpdateSendAttemptsViolations() { if (Metrics.RollingReliableSends.Mean > (double)MaxAvgSendAttempts) { sendAttemptsViolations++; if (sendAttemptsViolations >= AvgSendAttemptsResilience) { Peer.Disconnect(this, DisconnectReason.PoorConnection); } } else { sendAttemptsViolations = 0; } } private void UpdateLossViolations() { if (Metrics.RollingNotifyLossRate > MaxNotifyLoss) { lossRateViolations++; if (lossRateViolations >= NotifyLossResilience) { Peer.Disconnect(this, DisconnectReason.PoorConnection); } } else { lossRateViolations = 0; } } private void SendAck(ushort forSeqId, ushort lastReceivedSeqId, Bitfield receivedSeqIds) { Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.Ack); message.AddUShort(lastReceivedSeqId); message.AddUShort(receivedSeqIds.First16); if (forSeqId == lastReceivedSeqId) { message.AddBool(value: false); } else { message.AddBool(value: true); message.AddUShort(forSeqId); } Send(message); } internal void HandleAck(Message message) { ushort uShort = message.GetUShort(); ushort uShort2 = message.GetUShort(); ushort sequenceId = (message.GetBool() ? message.GetUShort() : uShort); ClearMessage(sequenceId); reliable.UpdateReceivedAcks(uShort, uShort2); } internal void SendWelcome() { Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.Welcome); message.AddUShort(Id); Send(message); } internal bool HandleWelcomeResponse(Message message) { if (!IsPending) { return false; } ushort uShort = message.GetUShort(); if (Id != uShort) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, Peer.LogName, $"Client has assumed ID {uShort} instead of {Id}!"); } state = ConnectionState.Connected; ResetTimeout(); return true; } internal void HandleHeartbeat(Message message) { if (IsConnected) { RespondHeartbeat(message.GetByte()); RTT = message.GetShort(); ResetTimeout(); } } private void RespondHeartbeat(byte pingId) { Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.Heartbeat); message.AddByte(pingId); Send(message); } internal void HandleWelcome(Message message) { Id = message.GetUShort(); state = ConnectionState.Connected; ResetTimeout(); RespondWelcome(); } private void RespondWelcome() { Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.Welcome); message.AddUShort(Id); Send(message); } internal void SendHeartbeat() { pendingPingId = lastPingId++; pendingPingSendTime = Peer.CurrentTime; Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.Heartbeat); message.AddByte(pendingPingId); message.AddShort(RTT); Send(message); } internal void HandleHeartbeatResponse(Message message) { byte @byte = message.GetByte(); if (pendingPingId == @byte) { RTT = (short)Math.Max(1L, Peer.CurrentTime - pendingPingSendTime); } ResetTimeout(); } protected virtual void OnNotifyDelivered(ushort sequenceId) { Metrics.DeliveredNotify(); NotifyDelivered?.Invoke(sequenceId); UpdateLossViolations(); } protected virtual void OnNotifyLost(ushort sequenceId) { Metrics.LostNotify(); NotifyLost?.Invoke(sequenceId); UpdateLossViolations(); } } public class ServerConnectedEventArgs : EventArgs { public readonly Connection Client; public ServerConnectedEventArgs(Connection client) { Client = client; } } public class ServerConnectionFailedEventArgs : EventArgs { public readonly Connection Client; public ServerConnectionFailedEventArgs(Connection client) { Client = client; } } public class ServerDisconnectedEventArgs : EventArgs { public readonly Connection Client; public readonly DisconnectReason Reason; public ServerDisconnectedEventArgs(Connection client, DisconnectReason reason) { Client = client; Reason = reason; } } public class MessageReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs { public readonly Connection FromConnection; public readonly ushort MessageId; public readonly Message Message; public MessageReceivedEventArgs(Connection fromConnection, ushort messageId, Message message) { FromConnection = fromConnection; MessageId = messageId; Message = message; } } public class ConnectionFailedEventArgs : EventArgs { public readonly RejectReason Reason; public readonly Message Message; public ConnectionFailedEventArgs(RejectReason reason, Message message) { Reason = reason; Message = message; } } public class DisconnectedEventArgs : EventArgs { public readonly DisconnectReason Reason; public readonly Message Message; public DisconnectedEventArgs(DisconnectReason reason, Message message) { Reason = reason; Message = message; } } public class ClientConnectedEventArgs : EventArgs { public readonly ushort Id; public ClientConnectedEventArgs(ushort id) { Id = id; } } public class ClientDisconnectedEventArgs : EventArgs { public readonly ushort Id; public ClientDisconnectedEventArgs(ushort id) { Id = id; } } public class InsufficientCapacityException : Exception { public readonly Message RiptideMessage; public readonly string TypeName; public readonly int RequiredBits; public InsufficientCapacityException() { } public InsufficientCapacityException(string message) : base(message) { } public InsufficientCapacityException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } public InsufficientCapacityException(Message message, int reserveBits) : base(GetErrorMessage(message, reserveBits)) { RiptideMessage = message; TypeName = "reservation"; RequiredBits = reserveBits; } public InsufficientCapacityException(Message message, string typeName, int requiredBits) : base(GetErrorMessage(message, typeName, requiredBits)) { RiptideMessage = message; TypeName = typeName; RequiredBits = requiredBits; } public InsufficientCapacityException(Message message, int arrayLength, string typeName, int requiredBits) : base(GetErrorMessage(message, arrayLength, typeName, requiredBits)) { RiptideMessage = message; TypeName = typeName + "[]"; RequiredBits = requiredBits * arrayLength; } private static string GetErrorMessage(Message message, int reserveBits) { return string.Format("Cannot reserve {0} {1} in a message with {2} ", reserveBits, Helper.CorrectForm(reserveBits, "bit"), message.UnwrittenBits) + Helper.CorrectForm(message.UnwrittenBits, "bit") + " of remaining capacity!"; } private static string GetErrorMessage(Message message, string typeName, int requiredBits) { return string.Format("Cannot add a value of type '{0}' (requires {1} {2}) to ", typeName, requiredBits, Helper.CorrectForm(requiredBits, "bit")) + string.Format("a message with {0} {1} of remaining capacity!", message.UnwrittenBits, Helper.CorrectForm(message.UnwrittenBits, "bit")); } private static string GetErrorMessage(Message message, int arrayLength, string typeName, int requiredBits) { requiredBits *= arrayLength; return string.Format("Cannot add an array of type '{0}[]' with {1} {2} (requires {3} {4}) ", typeName, arrayLength, Helper.CorrectForm(arrayLength, "element"), requiredBits, Helper.CorrectForm(requiredBits, "bit")) + string.Format("to a message with {0} {1} of remaining capacity!", message.UnwrittenBits, Helper.CorrectForm(message.UnwrittenBits, "bit")); } } public class NonStaticHandlerException : Exception { public readonly Type DeclaringType; public readonly string HandlerMethodName; public NonStaticHandlerException() { } public NonStaticHandlerException(string message) : base(message) { } public NonStaticHandlerException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } public NonStaticHandlerException(Type declaringType, string handlerMethodName) : base(GetErrorMessage(declaringType, handlerMethodName)) { DeclaringType = declaringType; HandlerMethodName = handlerMethodName; } private static string GetErrorMessage(Type declaringType, string handlerMethodName) { return "'" + declaringType.Name + "." + handlerMethodName + "' is an instance method, but message handler methods must be static!"; } } public class InvalidHandlerSignatureException : Exception { public readonly Type DeclaringType; public readonly string HandlerMethodName; public InvalidHandlerSignatureException() { } public InvalidHandlerSignatureException(string message) : base(message) { } public InvalidHandlerSignatureException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } public InvalidHandlerSignatureException(Type declaringType, string handlerMethodName) : base(GetErrorMessage(declaringType, handlerMethodName)) { DeclaringType = declaringType; HandlerMethodName = handlerMethodName; } private static string GetErrorMessage(Type declaringType, string handlerMethodName) { return "'" + declaringType.Name + "." + handlerMethodName + "' doesn't match any acceptable message handler method signatures! Server message handler methods should have a 'ushort' and a 'Message' parameter, while client message handler methods should only have a 'Message' parameter."; } } public class DuplicateHandlerException : Exception { public readonly ushort Id; public readonly Type DeclaringType1; public readonly string HandlerMethodName1; public readonly Type DeclaringType2; public readonly string HandlerMethodName2; public DuplicateHandlerException() { } public DuplicateHandlerException(string message) : base(message) { } public DuplicateHandlerException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } public DuplicateHandlerException(ushort id, MethodInfo method1, MethodInfo method2) : base(GetErrorMessage(id, method1, method2)) { Id = id; DeclaringType1 = method1.DeclaringType; HandlerMethodName1 = method1.Name; DeclaringType2 = method2.DeclaringType; HandlerMethodName2 = method2.Name; } private static string GetErrorMessage(ushort id, MethodInfo method1, MethodInfo method2) { return $"Message handler methods '{method1.DeclaringType.Name}.{method1.Name}' and '{method2.DeclaringType.Name}.{method2.Name}' are both set to handle messages with ID {id}! Only one handler method is allowed per message ID!"; } } public interface IMessageSerializable { void Serialize(Message message); void Deserialize(Message message); } public enum MessageSendMode : byte { Notify = 6, Unreliable = 0, Reliable = 7 } public class Message { public const int MaxHeaderSize = 44; internal const int HeaderBits = 4; internal const byte HeaderBitmask = 15; internal const int UnreliableHeaderBits = 4; internal const int ReliableHeaderBits = 20; internal const int NotifyHeaderBits = 44; internal const int MinUnreliableBytes = 1; internal const int MinReliableBytes = 3; internal const int MinNotifyBytes = 6; private const int BitsPerByte = 8; private const int BitsPerSegment = 64; internal static byte[] ByteBuffer; private static int maxBitCount; private static int maxArraySize; private static readonly List<Message> pool; private readonly ulong[] data; private int readBit; private int writeBit; private const string ByteName = "byte"; private const string SByteName = "sbyte"; private const string BoolName = "bool"; private const string ShortName = "short"; private const string UShortName = "ushort"; private const string IntName = "int"; private const string UIntName = "uint"; private const string LongName = "long"; private const string ULongName = "ulong"; private const string FloatName = "float"; private const string DoubleName = "double"; private const string StringName = "string"; private const string ArrayLengthName = "array length"; public static int MaxSize { get; private set; } public static int MaxPayloadSize { get { return MaxSize - 6; } set { if (Peer.ActiveCount > 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Changing the 'MaxPayloadSize' is not allowed while a Server or Client is running!"); } if (value < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "'MaxPayloadSize' cannot be negative!"); } MaxSize = 6 + value; maxBitCount = MaxSize * 8; maxArraySize = MaxSize / 8 + ((MaxSize % 8 != 0) ? 1 : 0); ByteBuffer = new byte[MaxSize]; TrimPool(); PendingMessage.ClearPool(); } } public static byte InstancesPerPeer { get; set; } public MessageSendMode SendMode { get; private set; } public int ReadBits => readBit; public int UnreadBits => writeBit - readBit; public int WrittenBits => writeBit; public int UnwrittenBits => maxBitCount - writeBit; public int BytesInUse => writeBit / 8 + ((writeBit % 8 != 0) ? 1 : 0); [Obsolete("Use ReadBits instead.")] public int ReadLength => ReadBits / 8 + ((ReadBits % 8 != 0) ? 1 : 0); [Obsolete("Use UnreadBits instead.")] public int UnreadLength => UnreadBits / 8 + ((UnreadBits % 8 != 0) ? 1 : 0); [Obsolete("Use WrittenBits instead.")] public int WrittenLength => WrittenBits / 8 + ((WrittenBits % 8 != 0) ? 1 : 0); internal ulong[] Data => data; static Message() { InstancesPerPeer = 4; pool = new List<Message>(InstancesPerPeer * 2); MaxSize = 1231; maxBitCount = MaxSize * 8; maxArraySize = MaxSize / 8 + ((MaxSize % 8 != 0) ? 1 : 0); ByteBuffer = new byte[MaxSize]; } private Message() { data = new ulong[maxArraySize]; } public static Message Create() { Message message = RetrieveFromPool(); message.readBit = 0; message.writeBit = 0; return message; } public static Message Create(MessageSendMode sendMode) { return RetrieveFromPool().Init((MessageHeader)sendMode); } public static Message Create(MessageSendMode sendMode, ushort id) { return RetrieveFromPool().Init((MessageHeader)sendMode).AddVarULong(id); } public static Message Create(MessageSendMode sendMode, Enum id) { return Create(sendMode, (ushort)(object)id); } internal static Message Create(MessageHeader header) { return RetrieveFromPool().Init(header); } public static void TrimPool() { if (Peer.ActiveCount == 0) { pool.Clear(); pool.Capacity = InstancesPerPeer * 2; return; } int num = Peer.ActiveCount * InstancesPerPeer; if (pool.Count > num) { pool.RemoveRange(Peer.ActiveCount * InstancesPerPeer, pool.Count - num); pool.Capacity = num * 2; } } private static Message RetrieveFromPool() { Message result; if (pool.Count > 0) { result = pool[0]; pool.RemoveAt(0); } else { result = new Message(); } return result; } public void Release() { if (pool.Count < pool.Capacity && !pool.Contains(this)) { pool.Add(this); } } private Message Init(MessageHeader header) { data[0] = (ulong)header; SetHeader(header); return this; } internal Message Init(byte firstByte, int contentLength, out MessageHeader header) { data[contentLength / 8] = 0uL; data[0] = firstByte; header = (MessageHeader)(firstByte & 0xFu); SetHeader(header); writeBit = contentLength * 8; return this; } private void SetHeader(MessageHeader header) { if (header == MessageHeader.Notify) { readBit = 44; writeBit = 44; SendMode = MessageSendMode.Notify; } else if ((int)header >= 7) { readBit = 20; writeBit = 20; SendMode = MessageSendMode.Reliable; } else { readBit = 4; writeBit = 4; SendMode = MessageSendMode.Unreliable; } } public Message AddMessage(Message message) { return AddMessage(message, message.UnreadBits, message.readBit); } public Message AddMessage(Message message, int amount, int startBit) { if (UnwrittenBits < amount) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "Message", amount); } int num = startBit / 64; int num2 = startBit % 64; int num3 = writeBit / 64; int num4 = writeBit % 64; int num5 = num4 - num2; int num6 = (writeBit + amount) / 64 - num3 + 1; if (num5 == 0) { ulong num7 =[num]; if (num4 == 0) { data[num3] = num7; } else { data[num3] |= num7 & (ulong)(~((1L << num2) - 1)); } for (int i = 1; i < num6; i++) { data[num3 + i] =[num + i]; } } else if (num5 > 0) { ulong num8 =[num] & (ulong)(~((1L << num2) - 1)); num8 <<= num5; if (num4 == 0) { data[num3] = num8; } else { data[num3] |= num8; } for (int j = 1; j < num6; j++) { data[num3 + j] = ([num + j - 1] >> 64 - num5) | ([num + j] << num5); } } else { num5 = -num5; ulong num9 =[num] & (ulong)(~((1L << num2) - 1)); num9 >>= num5; if (num4 == 0) { data[num3] = num9; } else { data[num3] |= num9; } int num10 = (startBit + amount) / 64 - num + 1; for (int k = 1; k < num10; k++) { data[num3 + k - 1] |=[num + k] << 64 - num5; data[num3 + k] =[num + k] >> num5; } } writeBit += amount; data[num3 + num6 - 1] &= (ulong)((1L << writeBit % 64) - 1); return this; } public Message ReserveBits(int amount) { if (UnwrittenBits < amount) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, amount); } int num = writeBit % 64; writeBit += amount; if (num + amount >= 64) { data[writeBit / 64] = 0uL; } return this; } public Message SkipBits(int amount) { if (UnreadBits < amount) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, string.Format("Message only contains {0} unread {1}, which is not enough to skip {2}!", UnreadBits, Helper.CorrectForm(UnreadBits, "bit"), amount)); } readBit += amount; return this; } public Message SetBits(ulong bitfield, int amount, int startBit) { if (amount > 64) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", $"Cannot set more than {64} bits at a time!"); } Converter.SetBits(bitfield, amount, data, startBit); return this; } public Message PeekBits(int amount, int startBit, out byte bitfield) { if (amount > 8) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", string.Format("This '{0}' overload cannot be used to peek more than {1} bits at a time!", "PeekBits", 8)); } Converter.GetBits(amount, data, startBit, out bitfield); return this; } public Message PeekBits(int amount, int startBit, out ushort bitfield) { if (amount > 16) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", string.Format("This '{0}' overload cannot be used to peek more than {1} bits at a time!", "PeekBits", 16)); } Converter.GetBits(amount, data, startBit, out bitfield); return this; } public Message PeekBits(int amount, int startBit, out uint bitfield) { if (amount > 32) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", string.Format("This '{0}' overload cannot be used to peek more than {1} bits at a time!", "PeekBits", 32)); } Converter.GetBits(amount, data, startBit, out bitfield); return this; } public Message PeekBits(int amount, int startBit, out ulong bitfield) { if (amount > 64) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", string.Format("This '{0}' overload cannot be used to peek more than {1} bits at a time!", "PeekBits", 64)); } Converter.GetBits(amount, data, startBit, out bitfield); return this; } public Message AddBits(byte bitfield, int amount) { if (amount > 8) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", string.Format("This '{0}' overload cannot be used to add more than {1} bits at a time!", "AddBits", 8)); } bitfield &= (byte)((1 << amount) - 1); Converter.ByteToBits(bitfield, data, writeBit); writeBit += amount; return this; } public Message AddBits(ushort bitfield, int amount) { if (amount > 16) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", string.Format("This '{0}' overload cannot be used to add more than {1} bits at a time!", "AddBits", 16)); } bitfield &= (ushort)((1 << amount) - 1); Converter.UShortToBits(bitfield, data, writeBit); writeBit += amount; return this; } public Message AddBits(uint bitfield, int amount) { if (amount > 32) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", string.Format("This '{0}' overload cannot be used to add more than {1} bits at a time!", "AddBits", 32)); } bitfield &= (uint)((1 << amount - 1 << 1) - 1); Converter.UIntToBits(bitfield, data, writeBit); writeBit += amount; return this; } public Message AddBits(ulong bitfield, int amount) { if (amount > 64) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amount", string.Format("This '{0}' overload cannot be used to add more than {1} bits at a time!", "AddBits", 64)); } bitfield &= (ulong)((1L << amount - 1 << 1) - 1); Converter.ULongToBits(bitfield, data, writeBit); writeBit += amount; return this; } public Message GetBits(int amount, out byte bitfield) { PeekBits(amount, readBit, out bitfield); readBit += amount; return this; } public Message GetBits(int amount, out ushort bitfield) { PeekBits(amount, readBit, out bitfield); readBit += amount; return this; } public Message GetBits(int amount, out uint bitfield) { PeekBits(amount, readBit, out bitfield); readBit += amount; return this; } public Message GetBits(int amount, out ulong bitfield) { PeekBits(amount, readBit, out bitfield); readBit += amount; return this; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message AddVarLong(long value) { return AddVarULong((ulong)Converter.ZigZagEncode(value)); } public Message AddVarULong(ulong value) { do { byte b = (byte)(value & 0x7F); value >>= 7; if (value != 0L) { b = (byte)(b | 0x80u); } AddByte(b); } while (value != 0L); return this; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public long GetVarLong() { return Converter.ZigZagDecode((long)GetVarULong()); } public ulong GetVarULong() { ulong num = 0uL; int num2 = 0; ulong num3; do { num3 = GetByte(); num |= (num3 & 0x7F) << num2; num2 += 7; } while ((num3 & 0x80) != 0L); return num; } public Message AddByte(byte value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "byte", 8); } Converter.ByteToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 8; return this; } public Message AddSByte(sbyte value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "sbyte", 8); } Converter.SByteToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 8; return this; } public byte GetByte() { if (UnreadBits < 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("byte", $"{(byte)0}")); return 0; } byte result = Converter.ByteFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 8; return result; } public sbyte GetSByte() { if (UnreadBits < 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("sbyte", $"{(sbyte)0}")); return 0; } sbyte result = Converter.SByteFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 8; return result; } public Message AddBytes(byte[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } int num = array.Length * 8; if (UnwrittenBits < num) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "byte", 8); } if (writeBit % 8 == 0) { int num2 = writeBit % 64; if (num2 + num > 64) { data[(writeBit + num) / 64] = 0uL; } else if (num2 == 0) { data[writeBit / 64] = 0uL; } Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, data, writeBit / 8, array.Length); writeBit += num; } else { for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.ByteToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 8; } } return this; } public Message AddBytes(byte[] array, int startIndex, int amount, bool includeLength = true) { if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= array.Length) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex"); } if (startIndex + amount > array.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", string.Format("The source array is not long enough to read {0} {1} starting at {2}!", amount, Helper.CorrectForm(amount, "byte"), startIndex)); } if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)amount); } int num = amount * 8; if (UnwrittenBits < num) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, amount, "byte", 8); } if (writeBit % 8 == 0) { int num2 = writeBit % 64; if (num2 + num > 64) { data[(writeBit + num) / 64] = 0uL; } else if (num2 == 0) { data[writeBit / 64] = 0uL; } Buffer.BlockCopy(array, startIndex, data, writeBit / 8, amount); writeBit += num; } else { for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + amount; i++) { Converter.ByteToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 8; } } return this; } public Message AddSBytes(sbyte[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "sbyte", 8); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.SByteToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 8; } return this; } public byte[] GetBytes() { return GetBytes((int)GetVarULong()); } public byte[] GetBytes(int amount) { byte[] array = new byte[amount]; ReadBytes(amount, array); return array; } public void GetBytes(byte[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetBytes((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetBytes(int amount, byte[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "byte")); } ReadBytes(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } public sbyte[] GetSBytes() { return GetSBytes((int)GetVarULong()); } public sbyte[] GetSBytes(int amount) { sbyte[] array = new sbyte[amount]; ReadSBytes(amount, array); return array; } public void GetSBytes(sbyte[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetSBytes((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetSBytes(int amount, sbyte[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "sbyte")); } ReadSBytes(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } private void ReadBytes(int amount, byte[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "byte")); amount = UnreadBits / 8; } if (readBit % 8 == 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(data, readBit / 8, intoArray, startIndex, amount); readBit += amount * 8; return; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.ByteFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 8; } } private void ReadSBytes(int amount, sbyte[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "sbyte")); amount = UnreadBits / 8; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.SByteFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 8; } } public Message AddBool(bool value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 1) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "bool", 1); } Converter.BoolToBit(value, data, writeBit++); return this; } public bool GetBool() { if (UnreadBits < 1) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("bool", $"{false}")); return false; } return Converter.BoolFromBit(data, readBit++); } public Message AddBools(bool[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "bool", 1); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.BoolToBit(array[i], data, writeBit++); } return this; } public bool[] GetBools() { return GetBools((int)GetVarULong()); } public bool[] GetBools(int amount) { bool[] array = new bool[amount]; ReadBools(amount, array); return array; } public void GetBools(bool[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetBools((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetBools(int amount, bool[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "bool")); } ReadBools(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } private void ReadBools(int amount, bool[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "bool")); amount = UnreadBits; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.BoolFromBit(data, readBit++); } } public Message AddShort(short value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 16) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "short", 16); } Converter.ShortToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 16; return this; } public Message AddUShort(ushort value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 16) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "ushort", 16); } Converter.UShortToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 16; return this; } public short GetShort() { if (UnreadBits < 16) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("short", $"{(short)0}")); return 0; } short result = Converter.ShortFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 16; return result; } public ushort GetUShort() { if (UnreadBits < 16) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("ushort", $"{(ushort)0}")); return 0; } ushort result = Converter.UShortFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 16; return result; } public Message AddShorts(short[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 2 * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "short", 16); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.ShortToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 16; } return this; } public Message AddUShorts(ushort[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 2 * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "ushort", 16); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.UShortToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 16; } return this; } public short[] GetShorts() { return GetShorts((int)GetVarULong()); } public short[] GetShorts(int amount) { short[] array = new short[amount]; ReadShorts(amount, array); return array; } public void GetShorts(short[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetShorts((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetShorts(int amount, short[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "short")); } ReadShorts(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } public ushort[] GetUShorts() { return GetUShorts((int)GetVarULong()); } public ushort[] GetUShorts(int amount) { ushort[] array = new ushort[amount]; ReadUShorts(amount, array); return array; } public void GetUShorts(ushort[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetUShorts((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetUShorts(int amount, ushort[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "ushort")); } ReadUShorts(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } private void ReadShorts(int amount, short[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 2 * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "short")); amount = UnreadBits / 16; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.ShortFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 16; } } private void ReadUShorts(int amount, ushort[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 2 * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "ushort")); amount = UnreadBits / 16; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.UShortFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 16; } } public Message AddInt(int value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 32) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "int", 32); } Converter.IntToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 32; return this; } public Message AddUInt(uint value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 32) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "uint", 32); } Converter.UIntToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 32; return this; } public int GetInt() { if (UnreadBits < 32) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("int", $"{0}")); return 0; } int result = Converter.IntFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 32; return result; } public uint GetUInt() { if (UnreadBits < 32) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("uint", $"{0u}")); return 0u; } uint result = Converter.UIntFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 32; return result; } public Message AddInts(int[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 4 * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "int", 32); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.IntToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 32; } return this; } public Message AddUInts(uint[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 4 * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "uint", 32); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.UIntToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 32; } return this; } public int[] GetInts() { return GetInts((int)GetVarULong()); } public int[] GetInts(int amount) { int[] array = new int[amount]; ReadInts(amount, array); return array; } public void GetInts(int[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetInts((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetInts(int amount, int[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "int")); } ReadInts(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } public uint[] GetUInts() { return GetUInts((int)GetVarULong()); } public uint[] GetUInts(int amount) { uint[] array = new uint[amount]; ReadUInts(amount, array); return array; } public void GetUInts(uint[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetUInts((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetUInts(int amount, uint[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "uint")); } ReadUInts(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } private void ReadInts(int amount, int[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 4 * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "int")); amount = UnreadBits / 32; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.IntFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 32; } } private void ReadUInts(int amount, uint[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 4 * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "uint")); amount = UnreadBits / 32; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.UIntFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 32; } } public Message AddLong(long value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 64) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "long", 64); } Converter.LongToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 64; return this; } public Message AddULong(ulong value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 64) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "ulong", 64); } Converter.ULongToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 64; return this; } public long GetLong() { if (UnreadBits < 64) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("long", $"{0L}")); return 0L; } long result = Converter.LongFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 64; return result; } public ulong GetULong() { if (UnreadBits < 64) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("ulong", $"{0uL}")); return 0uL; } ulong result = Converter.ULongFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 64; return result; } public Message AddLongs(long[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 8 * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "long", 64); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.LongToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 64; } return this; } public Message AddULongs(ulong[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 8 * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "ulong", 64); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.ULongToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 64; } return this; } public long[] GetLongs() { return GetLongs((int)GetVarULong()); } public long[] GetLongs(int amount) { long[] array = new long[amount]; ReadLongs(amount, array); return array; } public void GetLongs(long[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetLongs((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetLongs(int amount, long[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "long")); } ReadLongs(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } public ulong[] GetULongs() { return GetULongs((int)GetVarULong()); } public ulong[] GetULongs(int amount) { ulong[] array = new ulong[amount]; ReadULongs(amount, array); return array; } public void GetULongs(ulong[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetULongs((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetULongs(int amount, ulong[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "ulong")); } ReadULongs(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } private void ReadLongs(int amount, long[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 8 * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "long")); amount = UnreadBits / 64; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.LongFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 64; } } private void ReadULongs(int amount, ulong[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 8 * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "ulong")); amount = UnreadBits / 64; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.ULongFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 64; } } public Message AddFloat(float value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 32) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "float", 32); } Converter.FloatToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 32; return this; } public float GetFloat() { if (UnreadBits < 32) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("float", $"{0f}")); return 0f; } float result = Converter.FloatFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 32; return result; } public Message AddFloats(float[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 4 * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "float", 32); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.FloatToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 32; } return this; } public float[] GetFloats() { return GetFloats((int)GetVarULong()); } public float[] GetFloats(int amount) { float[] array = new float[amount]; ReadFloats(amount, array); return array; } public void GetFloats(float[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetFloats((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetFloats(int amount, float[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "float")); } ReadFloats(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } private void ReadFloats(int amount, float[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 4 * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "float")); amount = UnreadBits / 32; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.FloatFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 32; } } public Message AddDouble(double value) { if (UnwrittenBits < 64) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, "double", 64); } Converter.DoubleToBits(value, data, writeBit); writeBit += 64; return this; } public double GetDouble() { if (UnreadBits < 64) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("double", $"{0.0}")); return 0.0; } double result = Converter.DoubleFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 64; return result; } public Message AddDoubles(double[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } if (UnwrittenBits < array.Length * 8 * 8) { throw new InsufficientCapacityException(this, array.Length, "double", 64); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Converter.DoubleToBits(array[i], data, writeBit); writeBit += 64; } return this; } public double[] GetDoubles() { return GetDoubles((int)GetVarULong()); } public double[] GetDoubles(int amount) { double[] array = new double[amount]; ReadDoubles(amount, array); return array; } public void GetDoubles(double[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetDoubles((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetDoubles(int amount, double[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "double")); } ReadDoubles(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } private void ReadDoubles(int amount, double[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (UnreadBits < amount * 8 * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError(amount, "double")); amount = UnreadBits / 64; } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = Converter.DoubleFromBits(data, readBit); readBit += 64; } } public Message AddString(string value) { AddBytes(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value)); return this; } public string GetString() { int num = (int)GetVarULong(); if (UnreadBits < num * 8) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, NotEnoughBitsError("string", "shortened string")); num = UnreadBits / 8; } return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(GetBytes(num), 0, num); } public Message AddStrings(string[] array, bool includeLength = true) { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { AddString(array[i]); } return this; } public string[] GetStrings() { return GetStrings((int)GetVarULong()); } public string[] GetStrings(int amount) { string[] array = new string[amount]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = GetString(); } return array; } public void GetStrings(string[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { GetStrings((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetStrings(int amount, string[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, "string")); } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = GetString(); } } public Message AddSerializable<T>(T value) where T : IMessageSerializable { value.Serialize(this); return this; } public T GetSerializable<T>() where T : IMessageSerializable, new() { T result = new T(); result.Deserialize(this); return result; } public Message AddSerializables<T>(T[] array, bool includeLength = true) where T : IMessageSerializable { if (includeLength) { AddVarULong((uint)array.Length); } for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { AddSerializable(array[i]); } return this; } public T[] GetSerializables<T>() where T : IMessageSerializable, new() { return GetSerializables<T>((int)GetVarULong()); } public T[] GetSerializables<T>(int amount) where T : IMessageSerializable, new() { T[] array = new T[amount]; ReadSerializables(amount, array); return array; } public void GetSerializables<T>(T[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) where T : IMessageSerializable, new() { GetSerializables((int)GetVarULong(), intoArray, startIndex); } public void GetSerializables<T>(int amount, T[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) where T : IMessageSerializable, new() { if (startIndex + amount > intoArray.Length) { throw new ArgumentException("amount", ArrayNotLongEnoughError(amount, intoArray.Length, startIndex, typeof(T).Name)); } ReadSerializables(amount, intoArray, startIndex); } private void ReadSerializables<T>(int amount, T[] intoArray, int startIndex = 0) where T : IMessageSerializable, new() { for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { intoArray[startIndex + i] = GetSerializable<T>(); } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(byte value) { return AddByte(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(sbyte value) { return AddSByte(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(bool value) { return AddBool(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(short value) { return AddShort(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(ushort value) { return AddUShort(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(int value) { return AddInt(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(uint value) { return AddUInt(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(long value) { return AddLong(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(ulong value) { return AddULong(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(float value) { return AddFloat(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(double value) { return AddDouble(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(string value) { return AddString(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add<T>(T value) where T : IMessageSerializable { return AddSerializable(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(byte[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddBytes(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(sbyte[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddSBytes(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(bool[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddBools(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(short[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddShorts(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(ushort[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddUShorts(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(int[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddInts(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(uint[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddUInts(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(long[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddLongs(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(ulong[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddULongs(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(float[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddFloats(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(double[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddDoubles(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add(string[] array, bool includeLength = true) { return AddStrings(array, includeLength); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public Message Add<T>(T[] array, bool includeLength = true) where T : IMessageSerializable, new() { return AddSerializables(array, includeLength); } private string NotEnoughBitsError(string valueName, string defaultReturn) { return string.Format("Message only contains {0} unread {1}, which is not enough to retrieve a value of type '{2}'! Returning {3}.", UnreadBits, Helper.CorrectForm(UnreadBits, "bit"), valueName, defaultReturn); } private string NotEnoughBitsError(int arrayLength, string valueName) { return string.Format("Message only contains {0} unread {1}, which is not enough to retrieve {2} {3}! Returned array will contain default elements.", UnreadBits, Helper.CorrectForm(UnreadBits, "bit"), arrayLength, Helper.CorrectForm(arrayLength, valueName)); } private string ArrayNotLongEnoughError(int amount, int arrayLength, int startIndex, string valueName, string pluralValueName = "") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluralValueName)) { pluralValueName = valueName + "s"; } return $"The amount of {pluralValueName} to retrieve ({amount}) is greater than the number of elements from the start index ({startIndex}) to the end of the given array (length: {arrayLength})!"; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class MessageHandlerAttribute : Attribute { public readonly ushort MessageId; public readonly byte GroupId; public MessageHandlerAttribute(ushort messageId, byte groupId = 0) { MessageId = messageId; GroupId = groupId; } } public class MessageRelayFilter { private const int BitsPerInt = 32; private int[] filter; public MessageRelayFilter(int size) { Set(size); } public MessageRelayFilter(Type idEnum) { Set(GetSizeFromEnum(idEnum)); } public MessageRelayFilter(int size, params ushort[] idsToEnable) { Set(size); EnableIds(idsToEnable); } public MessageRelayFilter(Type idEnum, params Enum[] idsToEnable) { Set(GetSizeFromEnum(idEnum)); EnableIds(idsToEnable.Cast<ushort>().ToArray()); } private void EnableIds(ushort[] idsToEnable) { for (int i = 0; i < idsToEnable.Length; i++) { EnableRelay(idsToEnable[i]); } } private int GetSizeFromEnum(Type idEnum) { if (!idEnum.IsEnum) { throw new ArgumentException("Parameter 'idEnum' must be an enum type!", "idEnum"); } return Enum.GetValues(idEnum).Cast<ushort>().Max() + 1; } private void Set(int size) { filter = new int[size / 32 + ((size % 32 > 0) ? 1 : 0)]; } public void EnableRelay(ushort forMessageId) { filter[forMessageId / 32] |= 1 << forMessageId % 32; } public void EnableRelay(Enum forMessageId) { EnableRelay((ushort)(object)forMessageId); } public void DisableRelay(ushort forMessageId) { filter[forMessageId / 32] &= ~(1 << forMessageId % 32); } public void DisableRelay(Enum forMessageId) { DisableRelay((ushort)(object)forMessageId); } internal bool ShouldRelay(ushort forMessageId) { return (filter[forMessageId / 32] & (1 << forMessageId % 32)) != 0; } } public enum RejectReason : byte { NoConnection, AlreadyConnected, ServerFull, Rejected, Custom } public enum DisconnectReason : byte { NeverConnected, ConnectionRejected, TransportError, TimedOut, Kicked, ServerStopped, Disconnected, PoorConnection } public abstract class Peer { public readonly string LogName; protected bool useMessageHandlers; protected int defaultTimeout = 5000; private readonly Stopwatch time = new Stopwatch(); private readonly Queue<MessageToHandle> messagesToHandle = new Queue<MessageToHandle>(); private readonly Riptide.Utils.PriorityQueue<DelayedEvent, long> eventQueue = new Riptide.Utils.PriorityQueue<DelayedEvent, long>(); public abstract int TimeoutTime { set; } public int HeartbeatInterval { get; set; } = 1000; internal static int ActiveCount { get; private set; } internal int ConnectTimeoutTime { get; set; } = 10000; internal long CurrentTime { get; private set; } public Peer(string logName) { LogName = logName; } protected MethodInfo[] FindMessageHandlers() { string thisAssemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().FullName; return (from m in (from a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() where a.GetReferencedAssemblies().Any((AssemblyName n) => n.FullName == thisAssemblyName) select a).SelectMany((Assembly a) => a.GetTypes()).SelectMany((Type t) => t.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) where m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MessageHandlerAttribute), inherit: false).Length != 0 select m).ToArray(); } protected abstract void CreateMessageHandlersDictionary(byte messageHandlerGroupId); protected void StartTime() { CurrentTime = 0L; time.Restart(); } protected void StopTime() { CurrentTime = 0L; time.Reset(); eventQueue.Clear(); } internal abstract void Heartbeat(); public virtual void Update() { CurrentTime = time.ElapsedMilliseconds; while (eventQueue.Count > 0 && eventQueue.PeekPriority() <= CurrentTime) { eventQueue.Dequeue().Invoke(); } } internal void ExecuteLater(long inMS, DelayedEvent delayedEvent) { eventQueue.Enqueue(delayedEvent, CurrentTime + inMS); } protected void HandleMessages() { while (messagesToHandle.Count > 0) { MessageToHandle messageToHandle = messagesToHandle.Dequeue(); Handle(messageToHandle.Message, messageToHandle.Header, messageToHandle.FromConnection); } } protected void HandleData(object _, Riptide.Transports.DataReceivedEventArgs e) { MessageHeader header; Message message = Message.Create().Init(e.DataBuffer[0], e.Amount, out header); if (message.SendMode == MessageSendMode.Notify) { if (e.Amount >= 6) { e.FromConnection.ProcessNotify(e.DataBuffer, e.Amount, message); } } else if (message.SendMode == MessageSendMode.Unreliable) { if (e.Amount > 1) { Buffer.BlockCopy(e.DataBuffer, 1, message.Data, 1, e.Amount - 1); } messagesToHandle.Enqueue(new MessageToHandle(message, header, e.FromConnection)); e.FromConnection.Metrics.ReceivedUnreliable(e.Amount); } else if (e.Amount >= 3) { e.FromConnection.Metrics.ReceivedReliable(e.Amount); if (e.FromConnection.ShouldHandle(Converter.UShortFromBits(e.DataBuffer, 4))) { Buffer.BlockCopy(e.DataBuffer, 1, message.Data, 1, e.Amount - 1); messagesToHandle.Enqueue(new MessageToHandle(message, header, e.FromConnection)); } else { e.FromConnection.Metrics.ReliableDiscarded++; } } } protected abstract void Handle(Message message, MessageHeader header, Connection connection); internal abstract void Disconnect(Connection connection, DisconnectReason reason); protected static void IncreaseActiveCount() { ActiveCount++; } protected static void DecreaseActiveCount() { ActiveCount--; if (ActiveCount < 0) { ActiveCount = 0; } } } internal readonly struct MessageToHandle { internal readonly Message Message; internal readonly MessageHeader Header; internal readonly Connection FromConnection; public MessageToHandle(Message message, MessageHeader header, Connection fromConnection) { Message = message; Header = header; FromConnection = fromConnection; } } internal class PendingMessage { private const float RetryTimeMultiplier = 1.2f; private static readonly List<PendingMessage> pool = new List<PendingMessage>(); private Connection connection; private readonly byte[] data; private int size; private byte sendAttempts; private bool wasCleared; internal long LastSendTime { get; private set; } internal PendingMessage() { data = new byte[Message.MaxSize]; } internal static PendingMessage Create(ushort sequenceId, Message message, Connection connection) { PendingMessage pendingMessage = RetrieveFromPool(); pendingMessage.connection = connection; message.SetBits(sequenceId, 16, 4); pendingMessage.size = message.BytesInUse; Buffer.BlockCopy(message.Data, 0,, 0, pendingMessage.size); pendingMessage.sendAttempts = 0; pendingMessage.wasCleared = false; return pendingMessage; } private static PendingMessage RetrieveFromPool() { PendingMessage result; if (pool.Count > 0) { result = pool[0]; pool.RemoveAt(0); } else { result = new PendingMessage(); } return result; } public static void ClearPool() { pool.Clear(); } private void Release() { if (!pool.Contains(this)) { pool.Add(this); } } internal void RetrySend() { if (!wasCleared) { long currentTime = connection.Peer.CurrentTime; if (LastSendTime + ((connection.SmoothRTT < 0) ? 25 : (connection.SmoothRTT / 2)) <= currentTime) { TrySend(); } else { connection.Peer.ExecuteLater((connection.SmoothRTT < 0) ? 50 : ((long)Math.Max(10f, (float)connection.SmoothRTT * 1.2f)), new ResendEvent(this, currentTime)); } } } internal void TrySend() { if (sendAttempts >= connection.MaxSendAttempts && connection.CanQualityDisconnect) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, connection.Peer.LogName, $"Could not guarantee delivery of a {(MessageHeader)(data[0] & 0xFu)} message after {sendAttempts} attempts! Disconnecting..."); connection.Peer.Disconnect(connection, DisconnectReason.PoorConnection); return; } connection.Send(data, size); connection.Metrics.SentReliable(size); LastSendTime = connection.Peer.CurrentTime; sendAttempts++; connection.Peer.ExecuteLater((connection.SmoothRTT < 0) ? 50 : ((long)Math.Max(10f, (float)connection.SmoothRTT * 1.2f)), new ResendEvent(this, connection.Peer.CurrentTime)); } internal void Clear() { connection.Metrics.RollingReliableSends.Add((int)sendAttempts); wasCleared = true; Release(); } } public class Server : Peer { public delegate void MessageHandler(ushort fromClientId, Message message); public delegate void ConnectionAttemptHandler(Connection pendingConnection, Message connectMessage); public ConnectionAttemptHandler HandleConnection; public MessageRelayFilter RelayFilter; private readonly List<Connection> pendingConnections; private Dictionary<ushort, Connection> clients; private readonly List<Connection> timedOutClients; private Dictionary<ushort, MessageHandler> messageHandlers; private IServer transport; private Queue<ushort> availableClientIds; public bool IsRunning { get; private set; } public ushort Port => transport.Port; public override int TimeoutTime { set { defaultTimeout = value; foreach (Connection value2 in clients.Values) { value2.TimeoutTime = defaultTimeout; } } } public ushort MaxClientCount { get; private set; } public int ClientCount => clients.Count; public Connection[] Clients => clients.Values.ToArray(); public event EventHandler<ServerConnectedEventArgs> ClientConnected; public event EventHandler<ServerConnectionFailedEventArgs> ConnectionFailed; public event EventHandler<MessageReceivedEventArgs> MessageReceived; public event EventHandler<ServerDisconnectedEventArgs> ClientDisconnected; public Server(IServer transport, string logName = "SERVER") : base(logName) { this.transport = transport; pendingConnections = new List<Connection>(); clients = new Dictionary<ushort, Connection>(); timedOutClients = new List<Connection>(); } public Server(string logName = "SERVER") : this(new UdpServer(), logName) { } public void ChangeTransport(IServer newTransport) { Stop(); transport = newTransport; } public void Start(ushort port, ushort maxClientCount, byte messageHandlerGroupId = 0, bool useMessageHandlers = true) { Stop(); Peer.IncreaseActiveCount(); base.useMessageHandlers = useMessageHandlers; if (useMessageHandlers) { CreateMessageHandlersDictionary(messageHandlerGroupId); } MaxClientCount = maxClientCount; clients = new Dictionary<ushort, Connection>(maxClientCount); InitializeClientIds(); SubToTransportEvents(); transport.Start(port); StartTime(); Heartbeat(); IsRunning = true; RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, $"Started on port {port}."); } private void SubToTransportEvents() { transport.Connected += HandleConnectionAttempt; transport.DataReceived += base.HandleData; transport.Disconnected += TransportDisconnected; } private void UnsubFromTransportEvents() { transport.Connected -= HandleConnectionAttempt; transport.DataReceived -= base.HandleData; transport.Disconnected -= TransportDisconnected; } protected override void CreateMessageHandlersDictionary(byte messageHandlerGroupId) { MethodInfo[] array = FindMessageHandlers(); messageHandlers = new Dictionary<ushort, MessageHandler>(array.Length); MethodInfo[] array2 = array; foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in array2) { MessageHandlerAttribute customAttribute = methodInfo.GetCustomAttribute<MessageHandlerAttribute>(); if (customAttribute.GroupId != messageHandlerGroupId) { continue; } if (!methodInfo.IsStatic) { throw new NonStaticHandlerException(methodInfo.DeclaringType, methodInfo.Name); } Delegate @delegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(MessageHandler), methodInfo, throwOnBindFailure: false); if ((object)@delegate != null) { if (messageHandlers.ContainsKey(customAttribute.MessageId)) { MethodInfo methodInfo2 = messageHandlers[customAttribute.MessageId].GetMethodInfo(); throw new DuplicateHandlerException(customAttribute.MessageId, methodInfo, methodInfo2); } messageHandlers.Add(customAttribute.MessageId, (MessageHandler)@delegate); } else if ((object)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Client.MessageHandler), methodInfo, throwOnBindFailure: false) == null) { throw new InvalidHandlerSignatureException(methodInfo.DeclaringType, methodInfo.Name); } } } private void HandleConnectionAttempt(object _, ConnectedEventArgs e) { e.Connection.Initialize(this, defaultTimeout); } private void HandleConnect(Connection connection, Message connectMessage) { connection.SetPending(); if (HandleConnection == null) { AcceptConnection(connection); } else if (ClientCount < MaxClientCount) { if (!clients.ContainsValue(connection) && !pendingConnections.Contains(connection)) { pendingConnections.Add(connection); Send(Message.Create(MessageHeader.Connect), connection); HandleConnection(connection, connectMessage); } else { Reject(connection, RejectReason.AlreadyConnected); } } else { Reject(connection, RejectReason.ServerFull); } } public void Accept(Connection connection) { if (pendingConnections.Remove(connection)) { AcceptConnection(connection); } else { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogName, $"Couldn't accept connection from {connection} because no such connection was pending!"); } } public void Reject(Connection connection, Message message = null) { if (message != null && message.ReadBits != 0) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, LogName, "Use the parameterless 'Message.Create()' overload when setting rejection data!"); } if (pendingConnections.Remove(connection)) { Reject(connection, (message == null) ? RejectReason.Rejected : RejectReason.Custom, message); } else { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogName, $"Couldn't reject connection from {connection} because no such connection was pending!"); } } private void AcceptConnection(Connection connection) { if (ClientCount < MaxClientCount) { if (!clients.ContainsValue(connection)) { ushort key = (connection.Id = GetAvailableClientId()); clients.Add(key, connection); connection.ResetTimeout(); connection.SendWelcome(); } else { Reject(connection, RejectReason.AlreadyConnected); } } else { Reject(connection, RejectReason.ServerFull); } } private void Reject(Connection connection, RejectReason reason, Message rejectMessage = null) { if (reason != RejectReason.AlreadyConnected) { Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.Reject); message.AddByte((byte)reason); if (reason == RejectReason.Custom) { message.AddMessage(rejectMessage); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { connection.Send(message, shouldRelease: false); } message.Release(); } connection.ResetTimeout(); connection.LocalDisconnect(); RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, $"Rejected connection from {connection}: {Helper.GetReasonString(reason)}."); } internal override void Heartbeat() { foreach (Connection value in clients.Values) { if (value.HasTimedOut) { timedOutClients.Add(value); } } foreach (Connection pendingConnection in pendingConnections) { if (pendingConnection.HasConnectAttemptTimedOut) { timedOutClients.Add(pendingConnection); } } foreach (Connection timedOutClient in timedOutClients) { LocalDisconnect(timedOutClient, DisconnectReason.TimedOut); } timedOutClients.Clear(); ExecuteLater(base.HeartbeatInterval, new HeartbeatEvent(this)); } public override void Update() { base.Update(); transport.Poll(); HandleMessages(); } protected override void Handle(Message message, MessageHeader header, Connection connection) { switch (header) { case MessageHeader.Unreliable: case MessageHeader.Reliable: OnMessageReceived(message, connection); break; case MessageHeader.Ack: connection.HandleAck(message); break; case MessageHeader.Connect: HandleConnect(connection, message); break; case MessageHeader.Heartbeat: connection.HandleHeartbeat(message); break; case MessageHeader.Disconnect: LocalDisconnect(connection, DisconnectReason.Disconnected); break; case MessageHeader.Welcome: if (connection.HandleWelcomeResponse(message)) { OnClientConnected(connection); } break; default: RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogName, $"Unexpected message header '{header}'! Discarding {message.BytesInUse} bytes received from {connection}."); break; } message.Release(); } public void Send(Message message, ushort toClient, bool shouldRelease = true) { if (clients.TryGetValue(toClient, out var value)) { Send(message, value, shouldRelease); } } public ushort Send(Message message, Connection toClient, bool shouldRelease = true) { return toClient.Send(message, shouldRelease); } public void SendToAll(Message message, bool shouldRelease = true) { foreach (Connection value in clients.Values) { value.Send(message, shouldRelease: false); } if (shouldRelease) { message.Release(); } } public void SendToAll(Message message, ushort exceptToClientId, bool shouldRelease = true) { foreach (Connection value in clients.Values) { if (value.Id != exceptToClientId) { value.Send(message, shouldRelease: false); } } if (shouldRelease) { message.Release(); } } public bool TryGetClient(ushort id, out Connection client) { return clients.TryGetValue(id, out client); } public void DisconnectClient(ushort id, Message message = null) { if (message != null && message.ReadBits != 0) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, LogName, "Use the parameterless 'Message.Create()' overload when setting disconnection data!"); } if (clients.TryGetValue(id, out var value)) { SendDisconnect(value, DisconnectReason.Kicked, message); LocalDisconnect(value, DisconnectReason.Kicked); } else { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogName, $"Couldn't disconnect client {id} because it wasn't connected!"); } } public void DisconnectClient(Connection client, Message message = null) { if (message != null && message.ReadBits != 0) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, LogName, "Use the parameterless 'Message.Create()' overload when setting disconnection data!"); } if (clients.ContainsKey(client.Id)) { SendDisconnect(client, DisconnectReason.Kicked, message); LocalDisconnect(client, DisconnectReason.Kicked); } else { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogName, $"Couldn't disconnect client {client.Id} because it wasn't connected!"); } } internal override void Disconnect(Connection connection, DisconnectReason reason) { if (connection.IsConnected && connection.CanQualityDisconnect) { LocalDisconnect(connection, reason); } } private void LocalDisconnect(Connection client, DisconnectReason reason) { if (client.Peer == this) { transport.Close(client); if (clients.Remove(client.Id)) { availableClientIds.Enqueue(client.Id); } if (client.IsConnected) { OnClientDisconnected(client, reason); } else if (client.IsPending) { OnConnectionFailed(client); } client.LocalDisconnect(); } } private void TransportDisconnected(object sender, Riptide.Transports.DisconnectedEventArgs e) { LocalDisconnect(e.Connection, e.Reason); } public void Stop() { if (!IsRunning) { return; } pendingConnections.Clear(); byte[] array = new byte[2] { 5, 5 }; foreach (Connection value in clients.Values) { value.Send(array, array.Length); } clients.Clear(); transport.Shutdown(); UnsubFromTransportEvents(); Peer.DecreaseActiveCount(); StopTime(); IsRunning = false; RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, "Server stopped."); } private void InitializeClientIds() { if (MaxClientCount > 65534) { throw new Exception($"A server's max client count may not exceed {65534}!"); } availableClientIds = new Queue<ushort>(MaxClientCount); for (ushort num = 1; num <= MaxClientCount; num++) { availableClientIds.Enqueue(num); } } private ushort GetAvailableClientId() { if (availableClientIds.Count > 0) { return availableClientIds.Dequeue(); } RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Error, LogName, "No available client IDs, assigned 0!"); return 0; } private void SendDisconnect(Connection client, DisconnectReason reason, Message disconnectMessage) { Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.Disconnect); message.AddByte((byte)reason); if (reason == DisconnectReason.Kicked && disconnectMessage != null) { message.AddMessage(disconnectMessage); } Send(message, client); } private void SendClientConnected(Connection newClient) { Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.ClientConnected); message.AddUShort(newClient.Id); SendToAll(message, newClient.Id); } private void SendClientDisconnected(ushort id) { Message message = Message.Create(MessageHeader.ClientDisconnected); message.AddUShort(id); SendToAll(message); } protected virtual void OnClientConnected(Connection client) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, $"Client {client.Id} ({client}) connected successfully!"); SendClientConnected(client); this.ClientConnected?.Invoke(this, new ServerConnectedEventArgs(client)); } protected virtual void OnConnectionFailed(Connection connection) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, $"Client {connection} stopped responding before the connection was fully established!"); this.ConnectionFailed?.Invoke(this, new ServerConnectionFailedEventArgs(connection)); } protected virtual void OnMessageReceived(Message message, Connection fromConnection) { ushort num = (ushort)message.GetVarULong(); if (RelayFilter != null && RelayFilter.ShouldRelay(num)) { SendToAll(message, fromConnection.Id); return; } this.MessageReceived?.Invoke(this, new MessageReceivedEventArgs(fromConnection, num, message)); if (useMessageHandlers) { if (messageHandlers.TryGetValue(num, out var value)) { value(fromConnection.Id, message); } else { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Warning, LogName, $"No message handler method found for message ID {num}!"); } } } protected virtual void OnClientDisconnected(Connection connection, DisconnectReason reason) { RiptideLogger.Log(LogType.Info, LogName, $"Client {connection.Id} ({connection}) disconnected: {Helper.GetReasonString(reason)}."); SendClientDisconnected(connection.Id); this.ClientDisconnected?.Invoke(this, new ServerDisconnectedEventArgs(connection, reason)); } } } namespace Riptide.Utils { internal class Bitfield { private const int SegmentSize = 32; private readonly List<uint> segments; private readonly bool isDynamicCapacity; private int count; private int capacity; internal byte First8 => (byte)segments[0]; internal ushort First16 => (ushort)segments[0]; internal Bitfield(bool isDynamicCapacity = true) { segments = new List<uint>(4) { 0u }; capacity = segments.Count * 32; this.isDynamicCapacity = isDynamicCapacity; } internal bool HasCapacityFor(int amount, out int overflow) { overflow = count + amount - capacity; return overflow < 0; } internal void ShiftBy(int amount) { int num = amount / 32; int num2 = amount % 32; int overflow; if (!isDynamicCapacity) { count = Math.Min(count + amount, 32); } else if (!HasCapacityFor(amount, out overflow)) { Trim(); count += amount; if (count > capacity) { int num3 = num + 1; for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { segments.Add(0u); } capacity = segments.Count * 32; } } else { count += amount; } int num4 = segments.Count - 1; segments[num4] <<= num2; for (num4 -= 1 + num; num4 > -1; num4--) { ulong num5 = (ulong)segments[num4] << num2; segments[num4] = (uint)num5; segments[num4 + 1 + num] |= (uint)(int)(num5 >> 32); } } internal bool CheckAndTrimLast(out int checkedPosition) { checkedPosition = count; uint num = (uint)(1 << (count - 1) % 32); bool result = (segments[segments.Count - 1] & num) != 0; count--; return result; } private void Trim() { while (count > 0 && IsSet(count)) { count--; } } internal void Set(int bit) { if (bit < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bit", "'bit' must be greater than zero!"); } bit--; int num = bit / 32; uint num2 = (uint)(1 << bit % 32); if (num < segments.Count) { segments[num] |= num2; } } internal bool IsSet(int bit) { if (bit > count) { return true; } if (bit < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bit", "'bit' must be greater than zero!"); } bit--; int num = bit / 32; uint num2 = (uint)(1 << bit % 32); if (num < segments.Count) { return (segments[num] & num2) != 0; } return true; } internal void Combine(ushort other) { segments[0] |= other; } } public class ConnectionMetrics { public readonly RollingStat RollingReliableSends; private const ulong ULongLeftBit = 9223372036854775808uL; private ulong notifyLossTracker; private int notifyBufferCount; public int BytesIn => UnreliableBytesIn + NotifyBytesIn + ReliableBytesIn; public int BytesOut => UnreliableBytesOut + NotifyBytesOut + ReliableBytesOut; public int MessagesIn => UnreliableIn + NotifyIn + ReliableIn; public int MessagesOut => UnreliableOut + NotifyOut + ReliableOut; public int UnreliableBytesIn { get; private set; } public int UnreliableBytesOut { get; internal set; } public int UnreliableIn { get; private set; } public int UnreliableOut { get; internal set; } public int NotifyBytesIn { get; private set; } public int NotifyBytesOut { get; internal set; } public int NotifyIn { get; private set; } public int NotifyOut { get; internal set; } public int NotifyDiscarded { get; internal set; } public int NotifyLost { get; private set; } public int NotifyDelivered { get; private set; } public int RollingNotifyLost { get; private set; } public int RollingNotifyDelivered { get; private set; } public float RollingNotifyLossRate => (float)RollingNotifyLost / 64f; public int ReliableBytesIn { get; private set; } publi