Decompiled source of LuaEngine v0.4.0
Decompiled 3 months agousing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Bootstrap; using BepInEx.Logging; using DG.Tweening; using HarmonyLib; using LuaEngine.Alarms; using LuaEngine.Modules; using LuaEngine.Mono; using MapStation.Common; using MapStation.Plugin; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using MoonSharp.Interpreter; using Reptile; using TMPro; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.1")] [assembly: IgnoresAccessChecksTo("Assembly-CSharp")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("LuaEngine")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("LuaEngine Plugin for BRC.")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("0.4.0+ecb3c4555884938466d8d4a15fc91f2b48fc9b0f")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("LuaEngine")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("LuaEngine")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace LuaEngine { public interface ILuaModule { void OnRegister(Script script); } public interface ILuaReloadable { void OnReload(); } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaAnimator : LuaBuiltInBehaviour { public Animator Animator; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaAnimator(Animator animator, Script script) : base((Behaviour)(object)animator, script) { Animator = animator; } internal static LuaAnimator CastMethod(Animator animator) { return new LuaAnimator(animator, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public void SetTrigger(string name) { Animator.SetTrigger(name); } public void SetBool(string name, bool value) { Animator.SetBool(name, value); } public bool GetBool(string name) { return Animator.GetBool(name); } public void SetInteger(string name, int value) { Animator.SetInteger(name, value); } public int GetInteger(string name) { return Animator.GetInteger(name); } public void SetFloat(string name, float value) { Animator.SetFloat(name, value); } public float GetFloat(string name) { return Animator.GetFloat(name); } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaAudioSource : LuaBuiltInBehaviour { public AudioSource AudioSource; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaAudioSource(AudioSource audio, Script script) : base((Behaviour)(object)audio, script) { AudioSource = audio; } internal static LuaAudioSource CastMethod(AudioSource audioSource) { return new LuaAudioSource(audioSource, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public void Play() { AudioSource.Play(); } public void Stop() { AudioSource.Stop(); } public void Pause() { AudioSource.Pause(); } public void SetMixerGroup(int mixerGroup) { AudioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = Core.Instance.AudioManager.mixerGroups[mixerGroup]; } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBuiltInBehaviour : LuaBuiltInComponent { public Behaviour Behaviour; public bool IsActiveAndEnabled => Behaviour.isActiveAndEnabled; public bool Enabled { get { return Behaviour.enabled; } set { Behaviour.enabled = true; } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaBuiltInBehaviour(Behaviour behaviour, Script script) : base((Component)(object)behaviour, script) { Behaviour = behaviour; } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBuiltInComponent { public LuaGameObject GameObject; public Component Component; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaBuiltInComponent(Component component, Script script) { Component = component; GameObject = new LuaGameObject(component.gameObject); } } public class LuaCast { public Type CSharpType { get; private set; } public Type LuaType { get; private set; } public Delegate CastMethod { get; private set; } public static LuaCast Create<TLua, TCSharp>(Func<TCSharp, TLua> castMethod) where TLua : class where TCSharp : class { return new LuaCast { CastMethod = castMethod, LuaType = castMethod.Method.ReturnType, CSharpType = castMethod.Method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType }; } } public static class LuaCastFactory { private static Dictionary<Type, LuaCast> CastFromCSharpType = new Dictionary<Type, LuaCast>(); private static Dictionary<string, LuaCast> CastFromLuaTypeName = new Dictionary<string, LuaCast>(); internal static void Initialize() { RegisterCasts(LuaCast.Create<LuaPlayer, Player>(LuaPlayer.CastMethod), LuaCast.Create<LuaScriptBehavior, ScriptBehavior>(LuaScriptBehavior.CastMethod), LuaCast.Create<LuaAnimator, Animator>(LuaAnimator.CastMethod), LuaCast.Create<LuaAudioSource, AudioSource>(LuaAudioSource.CastMethod), LuaCast.Create<LuaScriptStringValue, ScriptStringValue>(LuaScriptStringValue.CastMethod), LuaCast.Create<LuaScriptNumberValue, ScriptNumberValue>(LuaScriptNumberValue.CastMethod), LuaCast.Create<LuaScriptGameObjectValue, ScriptGameObjectValue>(LuaScriptGameObjectValue.CastMethod), LuaCast.Create<LuaScriptComponentValue, ScriptComponentValue>(LuaScriptComponentValue.CastMethod), LuaCast.Create<LuaPlayableDirector, PlayableDirector>(LuaPlayableDirector.CastMethod)); } public static Type GetCSharpTypeFromLuaTypeName(string luaTypeName) { if (CastFromLuaTypeName.TryGetValue(luaTypeName, out var value)) { return value.CSharpType; } return null; } public static T CastCSharpTypeToLuaType<T>(object CSharpObject) where T : class { if (CastFromCSharpType.TryGetValue(CSharpObject.GetType(), out var value)) { return value.CastMethod.DynamicInvoke(CSharpObject) as T; } return null; } public static void RegisterCasts(params LuaCast[] casts) { foreach (LuaCast luaCast in casts) { CastFromCSharpType[luaCast.CSharpType] = luaCast; CastFromLuaTypeName[luaCast.LuaType.Name] = luaCast; } } } public static class LuaDatabase { public static List<LuaScript> AutoRunScripts; public static Dictionary<string, LuaScript> BehaviorScripts; private static ManualLogSource LogSource; private static bool CheckedMapStationInstalled; private static bool CachedMapStationInstalled; private static string PluginPath; private static bool MapStationInstalled { get { if (CheckedMapStationInstalled) { return CachedMapStationInstalled; } CachedMapStationInstalled = CheckMapStationInstalled(); CheckedMapStationInstalled = true; return CachedMapStationInstalled; } } private static bool CheckMapStationInstalled() { return Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("MapStation.Plugin"); } internal static void Initialize(string pluginPath) { PluginPath = pluginPath; LogSource = Logger.CreateLogSource("Lua Database"); InitializeScripts(); } public static void Reload() { InitializeScripts(); } private static void InitializeScripts() { AutoRunScripts = new List<LuaScript>(); BehaviorScripts = new Dictionary<string, LuaScript>(); LoadPluginScripts(); if (MapStationInstalled) { LoadMapScripts(); } } private static void LoadPluginScripts() { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(PluginPath, "*.luamod", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string text in files) { LogSource.LogInfo((object)("Loading Lua scripts in " + text)); LoadPluginZip(text); } } private static void LoadMapScripts() { foreach (KeyValuePair<Stage, PluginMapDatabaseEntry> map in MapDatabase.Instance.maps) { ZipArchiveEntry entry = ZipFile.OpenRead(map.Value.zipPath).GetEntry("lua.luamod"); if (entry != null) { Stream stream = entry.Open(); ZipArchive zipArchive = new ZipArchive(stream); LoadPluginZip(zipArchive); zipArchive.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); } } } public static void LoadPluginZip(ZipArchive archive) { foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries) { string text = entry.FullName.Replace("\\", "/"); string text2 = entry.Name.Replace("\\", "/"); if (!text2.EndsWith(".lua")) { continue; } string body = ReadStringZipEntry(entry); if (text.StartsWith("autorun/")) { LuaScript luaScript = LuaScript.FromString(text2, body, usePriority: true); if (luaScript != null) { AutoRunScripts.Add(luaScript); } } else if (text.StartsWith("behavior/")) { LuaScript luaScript2 = LuaScript.FromString(text2, body, usePriority: true); if (luaScript2 != null) { BehaviorScripts[luaScript2.Name] = luaScript2; } } } } public static void LoadPluginZip(string zipPath) { ZipArchive zipArchive = ZipFile.OpenRead(zipPath); LoadPluginZip(zipArchive); zipArchive.Dispose(); } private static string ReadStringZipEntry(ZipArchiveEntry entry) { using Stream stream = entry.Open(); using StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream); return streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaEventHandler : ILuaReloadable { private Dictionary<string, DynValue> _callbackByGUID = new Dictionary<string, DynValue>(); private Script _script; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaEventHandler(Script script) { _script = script; LuaReloadableManager.Register(this); } [MoonSharpHidden] public void OnReload() { Clear(); } public void Clear() { _callbackByGUID = new Dictionary<string, DynValue>(); } public string Add(DynValue callback) { string text = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _callbackByGUID[text] = callback; return text; } public void Remove(string callbackGUID) { if (callbackGUID != null && _callbackByGUID.TryGetValue(callbackGUID, out var _)) { _callbackByGUID.Remove(callbackGUID); } } public void Invoke(params object[] args) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DynValue> item in _callbackByGUID) { if (item.Value != null && !item.Value.IsNilOrNan()) { LuaManager.Instance.Call(item.Value, args); } } } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaGameObject { [MoonSharpHidden] public GameObject Handle; public LuaGameObject Parent { get { return new LuaGameObject(((Component)Handle.transform.parent).gameObject); } set { Handle.transform.SetParent(value.Handle.transform, true); } } public Table Velocity { get { //IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Rigidbody component = Handle.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); if ((Object)(object)component == (Object)null) { return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(; } return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(component.velocity); } set { //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Rigidbody component = Handle.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); if (!((Object)(object)component == (Object)null)) { component.velocity = LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(value); } } } public bool ActiveInHierarchy => Handle.gameObject.activeInHierarchy; public bool Active { get { return Handle.gameObject.activeSelf; } set { Handle.gameObject.SetActive(value); } } public int InstanceID => ((Object)Handle.gameObject).GetInstanceID(); public string Name { get { return ((Object)Handle.gameObject).name; } set { ((Object)Handle.gameObject).name = value; } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaGameObject(GameObject handle) { Handle = handle; } public LuaGameObject Find(string name) { Transform val = Handle.gameObject.transform.Find(name); if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) { return null; } return new LuaGameObject(((Component)val).gameObject); } public LuaGameObject FindRecursive(string name) { Transform val = TransformExtentions.FindRecursive(Handle.gameObject.transform, name); if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) { return null; } return new LuaGameObject(((Component)val).gameObject); } public Table GetLocalPosition() { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(Handle.transform.localPosition); } public void SetLocalPosition(Table position) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Handle.transform.localPosition = LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(position); } public Table GetPosition() { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(Handle.transform.position); } public void SetPosition(Table position) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Handle.transform.position = LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(position); } public void AddPosition(Table offset) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Transform transform = Handle.transform; transform.position += LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(offset); } public Table GetLocalEulerAngles() { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(Handle.transform.localEulerAngles); } public void SetLocalEulerAngles(Table eulerAngles) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Handle.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(eulerAngles)); } public Table GetEulerAngles() { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(Handle.transform.eulerAngles); } public void SetEulerAngles(Table eulerAngles) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Handle.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(eulerAngles)); } public void Rotate(Table axis, float angle) { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Handle.transform.Rotate(LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(axis), angle); } public Table GetForward() { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(Handle.transform.forward); } public Table GetRight() { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(Handle.transform.right); } public Table GetUp() { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(Handle.transform.up); } public LuaGameObject Instantiate() { GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(Handle.gameObject); LuaUtility.OnInstantiate(obj); return new LuaGameObject(obj); } public void Destroy() { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)Handle.gameObject); } public LuaScriptBehavior AddScriptBehavior(string scriptFilename) { ScriptBehavior scriptBehavior = Handle.gameObject.AddComponent<ScriptBehavior>(); scriptBehavior.LuaScriptName = scriptFilename; scriptBehavior.Initialize(); return new LuaScriptBehavior(scriptBehavior, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public LuaBuiltInComponent GetLuaComponent(string luaComponentName) { Type cSharpTypeFromLuaTypeName = LuaCastFactory.GetCSharpTypeFromLuaTypeName(luaComponentName); if (cSharpTypeFromLuaTypeName == null) { return null; } Component component = Handle.gameObject.GetComponent(cSharpTypeFromLuaTypeName); if ((Object)(object)component == (Object)null) { return null; } return LuaCastFactory.CastCSharpTypeToLuaType<LuaBuiltInComponent>(component); } public LuaScriptBehavior GetScriptBehavior(string scriptFilename) { ScriptBehavior[] components = Handle.GetComponents<ScriptBehavior>(); foreach (ScriptBehavior scriptBehavior in components) { if (scriptBehavior.LuaScriptName == scriptFilename) { return new LuaScriptBehavior(scriptBehavior, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } } return null; } public static LuaGameObject New(string name) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000b: Expected O, but got Unknown return new LuaGameObject(new GameObject(name)); } public LuaScriptStringValue GetStringValue(string name) { return new LuaScriptStringValue((from comp in Handle.GetComponents<ScriptStringValue>() where comp.Name == name select comp).FirstOrDefault(), LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public LuaScriptNumberValue GetNumberValue(string name) { return new LuaScriptNumberValue((from comp in Handle.GetComponents<ScriptNumberValue>() where comp.Name == name select comp).FirstOrDefault(), LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public LuaScriptGameObjectValue GetGameObjectValue(string name) { return new LuaScriptGameObjectValue((from comp in Handle.GetComponents<ScriptGameObjectValue>() where comp.Name == name select comp).FirstOrDefault(), LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public LuaScriptComponentValue GetComponentValue(string name) { return new LuaScriptComponentValue((from comp in Handle.GetComponents<ScriptComponentValue>() where comp.Name == name select comp).FirstOrDefault(), LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public void SetStringValue(string name, string value) { ScriptStringValue scriptStringValue = GetStringValue(name).ScriptStringValue; if ((Object)(object)scriptStringValue == (Object)null) { scriptStringValue = Handle.AddComponent<ScriptStringValue>(); } scriptStringValue.Value = value; } public void SetNumberValue(string name, double value) { ScriptNumberValue scriptNumberValue = GetNumberValue(name).ScriptNumberValue; if ((Object)(object)scriptNumberValue == (Object)null) { scriptNumberValue = Handle.AddComponent<ScriptNumberValue>(); } scriptNumberValue.Value = value; } public void SetGameObjectValue(string name, LuaGameObject value) { ScriptGameObjectValue scriptGameObjectValue = GetGameObjectValue(name).ScriptGameObjectValue; if ((Object)(object)scriptGameObjectValue == (Object)null) { scriptGameObjectValue = Handle.AddComponent<ScriptGameObjectValue>(); } scriptGameObjectValue.Value = value.Handle; } public void SetComponentValue(string name, LuaBuiltInComponent value) { ScriptComponentValue scriptComponentValue = GetComponentValue(name).ScriptComponentValue; if ((Object)(object)scriptComponentValue == (Object)null) { scriptComponentValue = Handle.AddComponent<ScriptComponentValue>(); } scriptComponentValue.Value = value.Component; } } public class LuaManager : MonoBehaviour { public Script GlobalScript; private ManualLogSource _logSource; private ManualLogSource _scriptLogSource; public static LuaManager Instance { get; private set; } internal static void Create() { //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0016: Expected O, but got Unknown GameObject val = new GameObject("Lua Manager"); LuaManager instance = val.AddComponent<LuaManager>(); Object.DontDestroyOnLoad((Object)val); Instance = instance; } private void Awake() { //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002b: Expected O, but got Unknown _logSource = Logger.CreateLogSource("Lua Manager"); _scriptLogSource = Logger.CreateLogSource("Global Lua"); GlobalScript = new Script(); GlobalScript.Options.DebugPrint = delegate(string message) { _scriptLogSource.LogInfo((object)message); }; RegisterModules(); RunScripts(); } private void RunScripts() { LuaDatabase.AutoRunScripts = LuaDatabase.AutoRunScripts.OrderBy((LuaScript script) => script.Priority).ToList(); foreach (LuaScript autoRunScript in LuaDatabase.AutoRunScripts) { _logSource.LogInfo((object)$"Running Autorun Script {autoRunScript.Name} with priority {autoRunScript.Priority}"); autoRunScript.Run(GlobalScript); } } public DynValue Call(DynValue function, params object[] args) { //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown try { return GlobalScript.Call(function, args); } catch (InterpreterException val) { InterpreterException val2 = val; Debug.LogError((object)("Error executing lua function!" + Environment.NewLine + val2.DecoratedMessage)); } return null; } public void Reload() { LuaReloadableManager.OnReload(); LuaDatabase.Reload(); RunScripts(); } private void RegisterModules() { UserData.RegisterType<LuaAnimator>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaAudioSource>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaBuiltInBehaviour>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaBuiltInComponent>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaEventHandler>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaGameObject>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaPlayableDirector>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaPlayer>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaScriptBehavior>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaScriptComponentValue>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaScriptGameObjectValue>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaScriptNumberValue>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaScriptStringValue>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaScriptValue>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaAlarmManager>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaCore>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaSequenceHandler>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaStageManager>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaUI>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaUnityEngine>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); UserData.RegisterType<LuaWorldHandler>((InteropAccessMode)7, (string)null); _logSource.LogInfo((object)"Registering Lua modules"); LuaStageManager module = new LuaStageManager(); RegisterModule(module); LuaCore module2 = new LuaCore(); RegisterModule(module2); LuaUnityEngine module3 = new LuaUnityEngine(); RegisterModule(module3); LuaWorldHandler module4 = new LuaWorldHandler(); RegisterModule(module4); LuaUI module5 = new LuaUI(); RegisterModule(module5); LuaAlarmManager module6 = new LuaAlarmManager(); RegisterModule(module6); LuaSequenceHandler module7 = new LuaSequenceHandler(); RegisterModule(module7); } private void RegisterModule(ILuaModule module) { module.OnRegister(GlobalScript); } } public static class LuaMathUtils { public static Vector3 TableToVector3(Table table) { //IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return new Vector3((float)table.Get("x").CastToNumber().Value, (float)table.Get("y").CastToNumber().Value, (float)table.Get("z").CastToNumber().Value); } public static Table Vector3ToTable(Vector3 vector) { //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Script globalScript = LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript; object obj = globalScript.Globals[(object)"Vector3"]; Table val = (Table)((obj is Table) ? obj : null); return globalScript.Call(val.Get("New"), new object[3] { vector.x, vector.y, vector.z }).Table; } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaPlayableDirector : LuaBuiltInBehaviour { public PlayableDirector PlayableDirector; public double Time => PlayableDirector.time; public double Duration => PlayableDirector.duration; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaPlayableDirector(PlayableDirector playableDirector, Script script) : base((Behaviour)(object)playableDirector, script) { PlayableDirector = playableDirector; } internal static LuaPlayableDirector CastMethod(PlayableDirector playableDirector) { return new LuaPlayableDirector(playableDirector, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public void SkipTo(double time, bool keepGameplayCamera = true) { PlayableDirector.time = time; PlayableDirector.Evaluate(); if (keepGameplayCamera && (Object)(object)WorldHandler.instance.CurrentCamera != (Object)(object)WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer() { ((Component)WorldHandler.instance.CurrentCamera).gameObject.SetActive(false); } } public void Play() { PlayableDirector.Play(); } public void Pause() { PlayableDirector.Pause(); } public void Stop() { PlayableDirector.Stop(); } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaPlayer : LuaBuiltInBehaviour { public Player Player; public bool AllowClimb { get { return PlayerLuaEngineComponent.Get(Player).AllowClimb; } set { PlayerLuaEngineComponent.Get(Player).AllowClimb = value; } } public bool UserInputEnabled { get { return Player.userInputEnabled; } set { Player.userInputEnabled = value; } } public LuaEventHandler OnLandCombo => PlayerLuaEngineComponent.Get(Player)?.OnLandCombo; public LuaEventHandler OnDropCombo => PlayerLuaEngineComponent.Get(Player)?.OnDropCombo; public bool IsComboing => Player.IsComboing(); public float ScoreMultiplier { get { return Player.scoreMultiplier; } set { Player.scoreMultiplier = value; } } public float BaseScore { get { return Player.baseScore; } set { Player.baseScore = value; } } public bool Grounded => Player.IsGrounded(); public int MoveStyleEquipped => (int)Player.moveStyleEquipped; public int MoveStyle => (int)Player.moveStyle; public float NormalizedHP => Player.GetNormalizedHP(); public float MaxHP { get { return Player.maxHP; } set { Player.maxHP = value; } } public float HP { get { return Player.HP; } set { Player.HP = value; } } public string AbilityName { get { if (Player.ability == null) { return null; } return ((object)Player.ability).GetType().Name; } } public bool IsTooBusyForSuddenCutscenes => Player.IsTooBusyForSuddenCutscenes(); public bool IsBusyWithSequence => Player.IsBusyWithSequence(); public bool IsDead => Player.IsDead(); public bool IsAI { get { return Player.isAI; } set { Player.isAI = value; } } public float BoostCharge { get { return Player.boostCharge; } set { Player.boostCharge = value; } } public float MaxBoostCharge { get { return Player.maxBoostCharge; } set { Player.maxBoostCharge = value; } } public Table Velocity { get { //IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return LuaMathUtils.Vector3ToTable(Player.motor.velocity); } set { //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Player.motor.velocity = LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(value); } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaPlayer(Player player, Script script) : base((Behaviour)(object)player, script) { Player = player; } internal static LuaPlayer CastMethod(Player player) { return new LuaPlayer(player, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public void ForceUnground(bool resetVisual) { Player.ForceUnground(resetVisual); } public void AddBoostCharge(float amount) { Player.AddBoostCharge(amount); } public void SetRotation(Table forward) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Player.SetRotation(LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(forward)); } public void SetRotationHard(Table forward) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Player.SetRotHard(LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(forward)); } public void GetHit(int damage, Table damageDirection, string knockbackType) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0070: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0075: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0067: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) KnockbackType val = (KnockbackType)5; switch (knockbackType) { case "Stationary": val = (KnockbackType)0; break; case "Far": val = (KnockbackType)1; break; case "Big": val = (KnockbackType)2; break; case "ShieldBash": val = (KnockbackType)3; break; case "Fall": val = (KnockbackType)4; break; case "None": val = (KnockbackType)5; break; } Player.GetHit(damage, LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(damageDirection), val); } public void ChangeHP(int damage) { Player.ChangeHP(damage); } public void SetCurrentMoveStyleEquipped(int moveStyle) { Player.SetCurrentMoveStyleEquipped((MoveStyle)moveStyle, true, true); } public void SwitchToEquippedMovestyle(bool set, bool doAirTrick, bool showEffect) { Player.SwitchToEquippedMovestyle(set, doAirTrick, true, showEffect); } public void LandCombo() { Player.LandCombo(); } public void DropCombo() { Player.DropCombo(); } public void AddScoreMultiplier() { Player.AddScoreMultiplier(); } public void DoTrick(string trickName, int score) { //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Player.currentTrickPoints = score; Player.currentTrickType = (TrickType)13; Player.currentTrickName = trickName; Player.currentTrickOnFoot = !Player.usingEquippedMovestyle; Player player = Player; player.baseScore += (float)(int)((float)Player.currentTrickPoints * Player.scoreFactor); if (Player.scoreMultiplier == 0f) { Player.scoreMultiplier = 1f; } if (Player.tricksInCombo == 0 && (Object)(object)Player.ui != (Object)null) { Player.ui.SetTrickingChargeBarActive(true); } Player player2 = Player; player2.tricksInCombo++; if (Player.tricksInCombo >= 5) { float num = Player.gainBoostChargeCurve.Evaluate(Mathf.Min((float)Player.tricksInCombo, 50f) / 50f); Player.showAddCharge = num; Player.AddBoostCharge(num); } Player.moveInScoreTimer = 1f; } public void PlayVoice(int audioClipID, int voicePriority, bool fromPlayer = true) { Player.PlayVoice((AudioClipID)audioClipID, (VoicePriority)voicePriority, fromPlayer); } public void RegainAirMobility() { Player.RegainAirMobility(); } } public static class LuaReloadableManager { private static List<WeakReference> Reloadables = new List<WeakReference>(); public static void Register(ILuaReloadable reloadable) { Purge(); Reloadables.Add(new WeakReference(reloadable)); } internal static void Purge() { Reloadables = Reloadables.Where((WeakReference reloadable) => reloadable.IsAlive).ToList(); } internal static void OnReload() { Purge(); foreach (WeakReference reloadable in Reloadables) { ((ILuaReloadable)reloadable.Target).OnReload(); } } } public class LuaScript { private const string InternalVariablePrefix = "_LUAENGINE_INTERNAL_"; private const string PriorityPrefix = "--PRIORITY:"; public string Name = ""; public string Body = ""; public int Priority; public static LuaScript FromString(string name, string body, bool usePriority = false) { LuaScript luaScript = new LuaScript(); luaScript.Body = body; luaScript.Name = name; if (usePriority) { using StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(luaScript.Body); string text; while ((text = stringReader.ReadLine()) != null) { if (text.StartsWith("--PRIORITY:") && int.TryParse(text.Substring("--PRIORITY:".Length), out var result)) { luaScript.Priority = result; break; } } } return luaScript; } private DynValue DoString(Script script, string body, string name) { //IL_000d: Expected O, but got Unknown try { return script.DoString(body, (Table)null, name); } catch (InterpreterException val) { InterpreterException val2 = val; Debug.LogError((object)("Error executing lua script " + name + "!" + Environment.NewLine + val2.DecoratedMessage)); } return null; } public void Run(Script script) { DoString(script, Body, Name); } public void RunForScriptBehavior(Script script, LuaScriptBehavior scriptBehavior) { string body = AddLocalContext(script, Body, "script", scriptBehavior); DoString(script, body, Name); RemoveLocalContext(script, "script"); } private string AddLocalContext(Script script, string body, string variableName, object variableValue) { script.Globals[(object)("_LUAENGINE_INTERNAL_" + variableName)] = variableValue; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine("local " + variableName + " = _LUAENGINE_INTERNAL_" + variableName); stringBuilder.AppendLine("_LUAENGINE_INTERNAL_" + variableName + " = nil"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(body); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } private void RemoveLocalContext(Script script, string variableName) { script.Globals[(object)("_LUAENGINE_INTERNAL_" + variableName)] = DynValue.Nil; } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaScriptBehavior : LuaBuiltInBehaviour { public ScriptBehavior ScriptBehavior; public string ScriptName => ScriptBehavior.LuaScriptName; public LuaEventHandler OnStart => ScriptBehavior.OnStart; public LuaEventHandler OnDestroy => ScriptBehavior.OnDestroyed; public LuaEventHandler OnCollisionEnter => ScriptBehavior.OnAnyCollisionEnter; public LuaEventHandler OnCollisionStay => ScriptBehavior.OnAnyCollisionStay; public LuaEventHandler OnCollisionExit => ScriptBehavior.OnAnyCollisionExit; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerCollisionEnter => ScriptBehavior.OnPlayerCollisionEnter; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerCollisionStay => ScriptBehavior.OnPlayerCollisionStay; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerCollisionExit => ScriptBehavior.OnPlayerCollisionExit; public LuaEventHandler OnTriggerEnter => ScriptBehavior.OnAnyTriggerEnter; public LuaEventHandler OnTriggerStay => ScriptBehavior.OnAnyTriggerStay; public LuaEventHandler OnTriggerExit => ScriptBehavior.OnAnyTriggerExit; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerTriggerEnter => ScriptBehavior.OnPlayerTriggerEnter; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerTriggerStay => ScriptBehavior.OnPlayerTriggerStay; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerTriggerExit => ScriptBehavior.OnPlayerTriggerExit; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaScriptBehavior(ScriptBehavior scriptBehavior, Script script) : base((Behaviour)(object)scriptBehavior, script) { ScriptBehavior = scriptBehavior; } internal static LuaScriptBehavior CastMethod(ScriptBehavior scriptBehavior) { return new LuaScriptBehavior(scriptBehavior, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaScriptComponentValue : LuaScriptValue { public ScriptComponentValue ScriptComponentValue; public LuaBuiltInComponent Value { get { return LuaCastFactory.CastCSharpTypeToLuaType<LuaBuiltInComponent>(ScriptComponentValue.Value); } set { ScriptComponentValue.Value = value.Component; } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaScriptComponentValue(ScriptComponentValue value, Script script) : base(value, script) { ScriptComponentValue = value; } internal static LuaScriptComponentValue CastMethod(ScriptComponentValue componentValue) { return new LuaScriptComponentValue(componentValue, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaScriptGameObjectValue : LuaScriptValue { public ScriptGameObjectValue ScriptGameObjectValue; public LuaGameObject Value { get { return new LuaGameObject(ScriptGameObjectValue.Value); } set { ScriptGameObjectValue.Value = value.Handle; } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaScriptGameObjectValue(ScriptGameObjectValue value, Script script) : base(value, script) { ScriptGameObjectValue = value; } internal static LuaScriptGameObjectValue CastMethod(ScriptGameObjectValue gameObjectValue) { return new LuaScriptGameObjectValue(gameObjectValue, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaScriptNumberValue : LuaScriptValue { public ScriptNumberValue ScriptNumberValue; public double Value { get { return ScriptNumberValue.Value; } set { ScriptNumberValue.Value = value; } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaScriptNumberValue(ScriptNumberValue value, Script script) : base(value, script) { ScriptNumberValue = value; } internal static LuaScriptNumberValue CastMethod(ScriptNumberValue numberValue) { return new LuaScriptNumberValue(numberValue, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaScriptStringValue : LuaScriptValue { public ScriptStringValue ScriptStringValue; public string Value { get { return ScriptStringValue.Value; } set { ScriptStringValue.Value = value; } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaScriptStringValue(ScriptStringValue value, Script script) : base(value, script) { ScriptStringValue = value; } internal static LuaScriptStringValue CastMethod(ScriptStringValue stringValue) { return new LuaScriptStringValue(stringValue, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } } [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaScriptValue : LuaBuiltInBehaviour { public ScriptValue ScriptValue; public string Name { get { return ScriptValue.Name; } set { ScriptValue.Name = value; } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaScriptValue(ScriptValue value, Script script) : base((Behaviour)(object)value, script) { ScriptValue = value; } } public static class LuaUtility { public static void OnInstantiate(GameObject gameObject) { ScriptBehavior[] componentsInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<ScriptBehavior>(true); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInChildren.Length; i++) { componentsInChildren[i].Restart(); } } } public class PlayerLuaEngineComponent : MonoBehaviour { public bool AllowClimb = true; public LuaEventHandler OnLandCombo; public LuaEventHandler OnDropCombo; public Player Player; private void Awake() { OnLandCombo = new LuaEventHandler(LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); OnDropCombo = new LuaEventHandler(LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public static PlayerLuaEngineComponent Get(Player player) { return ((Component)player).gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerLuaEngineComponent>(); } private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { ScriptBehavior[] componentsInParent = collision.gameObject.GetComponentsInParent<ScriptBehavior>(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInParent.Length; i++) { componentsInParent[i].OnPlayerCollisionEnter?.Invoke(new LuaPlayer(Player, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript)); } } private void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision) { ScriptBehavior[] componentsInParent = collision.gameObject.GetComponentsInParent<ScriptBehavior>(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInParent.Length; i++) { componentsInParent[i].OnPlayerCollisionStay?.Invoke(new LuaPlayer(Player, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript)); } } private void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision) { ScriptBehavior[] componentsInParent = collision.gameObject.GetComponentsInParent<ScriptBehavior>(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInParent.Length; i++) { componentsInParent[i].OnPlayerCollisionExit?.Invoke(new LuaPlayer(Player, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript)); } } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { ScriptBehavior[] componentsInParent = ((Component)other).GetComponentsInParent<ScriptBehavior>(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInParent.Length; i++) { componentsInParent[i].OnPlayerTriggerEnter?.Invoke(new LuaPlayer(Player, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript)); } } private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { ScriptBehavior[] componentsInParent = ((Component)other).GetComponentsInParent<ScriptBehavior>(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInParent.Length; i++) { componentsInParent[i].OnPlayerTriggerStay?.Invoke(new LuaPlayer(Player, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript)); } } private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { ScriptBehavior[] componentsInParent = ((Component)other).GetComponentsInParent<ScriptBehavior>(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInParent.Length; i++) { componentsInParent[i].OnPlayerTriggerExit?.Invoke(new LuaPlayer(Player, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript)); } } } [BepInPlugin("LuaEngine", "LuaEngine", "0.4.0")] public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin { private void Start() { //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) try { new Harmony("LuaEngine").PatchAll(); LuaCastFactory.Initialize(); LuaDatabase.Initialize(Paths.PluginPath); LuaManager.Create(); ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Plugin LuaEngine 0.4.0 is loaded!"); } catch (Exception ex) { ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogError((object)string.Format("Plugin {0} {1} failed to load!{2}{3}", "LuaEngine", "0.4.0", Environment.NewLine, ex)); } } } public class SequenceEvent : GameplayEvent { public PlayableDirector Director; public LuaEventHandler OnSequenceEnd; public override void Awake() { ((AProgressable)this).Awake(); OnSequenceEnd = new LuaEventHandler(LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } public override void LetPlayerGo() { ((GameplayEvent)this).LetPlayerGo(); Director.time = Director.duration; Director.Evaluate(); if ((Object)(object)WorldHandler.instance.CurrentCamera != (Object)(object)WorldHandler.instance.GetCurrentPlayer() { ((Component)WorldHandler.instance.CurrentCamera).gameObject.SetActive(false); } OnSequenceEnd?.Invoke(); Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)this).gameObject); } } public static class PluginInfo { public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "LuaEngine"; public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "LuaEngine"; public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "0.4.0"; } } namespace LuaEngine.Patches { [HarmonyPatch(typeof(LedgeClimbAbility))] internal static class LedgeClimbAbilityPatch { [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch("CheckActivation")] private static bool CheckActivation_Prefix(ref bool __result, LedgeClimbAbility __instance) { PlayerLuaEngineComponent playerLuaEngineComponent = PlayerLuaEngineComponent.Get(((Ability)__instance).p); if ((Object)(object)playerLuaEngineComponent == (Object)null) { return true; } if (playerLuaEngineComponent.AllowClimb) { return true; } __result = false; return false; } } [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Player))] internal static class PlayerPatch { [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch("Init")] private static void Init_Postfix(Player __instance) { if (!((Object)(object)((Component)__instance).gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerLuaEngineComponent>() != (Object)null)) { ((Component)__instance).gameObject.AddComponent<PlayerLuaEngineComponent>().Player = __instance; } } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch("LandCombo")] private static void LandCombo_Prefix(Player __instance) { if (__instance.IsComboing()) { PlayerLuaEngineComponent playerLuaEngineComponent = PlayerLuaEngineComponent.Get(__instance); if (!((Object)(object)playerLuaEngineComponent == (Object)null)) { playerLuaEngineComponent.OnLandCombo?.Invoke(); } } } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch("DropCombo")] private static void DropCombo_Prefix(Player __instance) { if (__instance.IsComboing()) { PlayerLuaEngineComponent playerLuaEngineComponent = PlayerLuaEngineComponent.Get(__instance); if (!((Object)(object)playerLuaEngineComponent == (Object)null)) { playerLuaEngineComponent.OnDropCombo?.Invoke(); } } } } } namespace LuaEngine.Mono { public class ScriptBehavior : MonoBehaviour { public LuaEventHandler OnStart; public LuaEventHandler OnDestroyed; public LuaEventHandler OnAnyCollisionEnter; public LuaEventHandler OnAnyCollisionStay; public LuaEventHandler OnAnyCollisionExit; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerCollisionEnter; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerCollisionStay; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerCollisionExit; public LuaEventHandler OnAnyTriggerEnter; public LuaEventHandler OnAnyTriggerStay; public LuaEventHandler OnAnyTriggerExit; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerTriggerEnter; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerTriggerStay; public LuaEventHandler OnPlayerTriggerExit; public string LuaScriptName; private bool _initialized; private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { OnAnyCollisionEnter?.Invoke(new LuaGameObject(collision.gameObject)); } private void OnCollisionStay(Collision collision) { OnAnyCollisionStay?.Invoke(new LuaGameObject(collision.gameObject)); } private void OnCollisionExit(Collision collision) { OnAnyCollisionExit?.Invoke(new LuaGameObject(collision.gameObject)); } private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { OnAnyTriggerEnter?.Invoke(new LuaGameObject(((Component)other).gameObject)); } private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { OnAnyTriggerStay?.Invoke(new LuaGameObject(((Component)other).gameObject)); } private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { OnAnyTriggerExit?.Invoke(new LuaGameObject(((Component)other).gameObject)); } private void Awake() { Initialize(); } private void OnEnable() { Initialize(); } public void Initialize() { if (LuaScriptName != null && ((Component)this).gameObject.activeInHierarchy && !_initialized) { _initialized = true; Script globalScript = LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript; LuaScript luaScript = LuaDatabase.BehaviorScripts[LuaScriptName]; OnStart = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnDestroyed = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnAnyCollisionEnter = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnAnyCollisionStay = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnAnyCollisionExit = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnPlayerCollisionEnter = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnPlayerCollisionStay = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnPlayerCollisionExit = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnAnyTriggerEnter = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnAnyTriggerStay = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnAnyTriggerExit = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnPlayerTriggerEnter = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnPlayerTriggerStay = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); OnPlayerTriggerExit = new LuaEventHandler(globalScript); luaScript.RunForScriptBehavior(globalScript, new LuaScriptBehavior(this, globalScript)); } } public void Restart() { _initialized = false; Initialize(); } private void OnDestroy() { OnDestroyed?.Invoke(); } private void Start() { OnStart?.Invoke(); } } public class ScriptComponentValue : ScriptValue { public Component Value; } public class ScriptGameObjectValue : ScriptValue { public GameObject Value; } public class ScriptNumberValue : ScriptValue { public double Value; } public class ScriptStringValue : ScriptValue { public string Value = ""; } public abstract class ScriptValue : MonoBehaviour { public string Name = ""; } } namespace LuaEngine.Modules { public class LuaAlarmManager : ILuaModule { [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBindings { public string CreateAlarm(LuaGameObject gameObject, float seconds, bool runPaused, DynValue callback) { Alarm alarm = new Alarm(); alarm.TimeLeft = seconds; alarm.RunPaused = runPaused; alarm.Callback.Add(callback); AlarmHandler alarmHandler = gameObject.Handle.GetComponent<AlarmHandler>(); if ((Object)(object)alarmHandler == (Object)null) { alarmHandler = gameObject.Handle.AddComponent<AlarmHandler>(); } return alarmHandler.Add(alarm); } public void RemoveAlarm(LuaGameObject gameObject, string guid) { AlarmHandler component = gameObject.Handle.GetComponent<AlarmHandler>(); if (!((Object)(object)component == (Object)null)) { component.Remove(guid); } } } private LuaBindings _bindings; public void OnRegister(Script script) { _bindings = new LuaBindings(); script.Globals[(object)"AlarmManager"] = _bindings; } } public class LuaCore : ILuaModule { [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBindings { public LuaEventHandler OnAlwaysUpdate; public LuaEventHandler OnFixedUpdate; public LuaEventHandler OnUpdate; public LuaEventHandler OnLateUpdate; public string LuaEngineVersion => "0.4.0"; public float DeltaTime => Core.dt; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaBindings(Script script) { OnAlwaysUpdate = new LuaEventHandler(script); OnFixedUpdate = new LuaEventHandler(script); OnUpdate = new LuaEventHandler(script); OnLateUpdate = new LuaEventHandler(script); } } private LuaBindings _bindings; public void OnRegister(Script script) { //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002e: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0050: Expected O, but got Unknown _bindings = new LuaBindings(script); Core.OnAlwaysUpdate += new OnUpdateHandler(Core_OnAlwaysUpdate); Core.OnFixedUpdate += new OnFixedUpdateHandler(Core_OnFixedUpdate); Core.OnUpdate += new OnUpdateHandler(Core_OnUpdate); Core.OnLateUpdate += new OnLateUpdateHandler(Core_OnLateUpdate); script.Globals[(object)"Core"] = _bindings; } private void Core_OnAlwaysUpdate() { _bindings.OnAlwaysUpdate.Invoke(); } private void Core_OnFixedUpdate() { _bindings.OnFixedUpdate.Invoke(); } private void Core_OnUpdate() { _bindings.OnUpdate.Invoke(); } private void Core_OnLateUpdate() { _bindings.OnLateUpdate.Invoke(); } } public class LuaSequenceHandler : ILuaModule { [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBindings { private LuaSequenceHandler _luaSequenceHandler; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaBindings(LuaSequenceHandler luaSequenceHandler) { _luaSequenceHandler = luaSequenceHandler; } public void StartSequence(LuaPlayableDirector director, DynValue OnSequenceEnd = null, bool hidePlayer = true, bool interruptPlayer = true, bool instantly = false, bool pausePlayer = false, bool allowPhoneOnAfterSequence = true, bool skippable = true, bool lowerVolume = true) { //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0026: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 SequenceEvent sequenceEvent = new GameObject("Lua Sequence Event").AddComponent<SequenceEvent>(); sequenceEvent.Director = director.PlayableDirector; if (OnSequenceEnd != null && (int)OnSequenceEnd.Type == 5) { sequenceEvent.OnSequenceEnd.Add(OnSequenceEnd); } SequenceHandler.instance.StartEnteringSequence(director.PlayableDirector, (GameplayEvent)(object)sequenceEvent, hidePlayer, interruptPlayer, instantly, pausePlayer, allowPhoneOnAfterSequence, (ProgressObject)null, skippable, lowerVolume, (Battle)null, false); } } private LuaBindings _bindings; public void OnRegister(Script script) { _bindings = new LuaBindings(this); script.Globals[(object)"SequenceHandler"] = _bindings; } } public class LuaStageManager : ILuaModule { [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBindings { public LuaEventHandler OnStageInitialized; public LuaEventHandler OnStagePostInitialization; public int CurrentStage => (int)Utility.GetCurrentStage(); [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaBindings(Script script) { OnStageInitialized = new LuaEventHandler(script); OnStagePostInitialization = new LuaEventHandler(script); } public void ExitCurrentStage(int targetStageID, int previousStageID) { Core.Instance.BaseModule.StageManager.ExitCurrentStage((Stage)targetStageID, (Stage)previousStageID); } public string GetInternalNameForStageID(int stageID) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Stage val = (Stage)stageID; return ((object)(Stage)(ref val)).ToString(); } public string GetLocalizedNameForStageID(int stageID) { return Core.Instance.Localizer.GetStageName((Stage)stageID); } public int GetStageIDForInternalName(string stageInternalName) { //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000c: Expected I4, but got Unknown if (Enum.TryParse<Stage>(stageInternalName, out Stage result)) { return (int)result; } return -1; } } private LuaBindings _bindings; public void OnRegister(Script script) { //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002e: Expected O, but got Unknown _bindings = new LuaBindings(script); StageManager.OnStageInitialized += new OnStageInitializedDelegate(StageManager_OnStageInitialized); StageManager.OnStagePostInitialization += new OnStageInitializedDelegate(StageManager_OnStagePostInitialization); script.Globals[(object)"StageManager"] = _bindings; } private void StageManager_OnStageInitialized() { _bindings.OnStageInitialized.Invoke(); } private void StageManager_OnStagePostInitialization() { _bindings.OnStagePostInitialization.Invoke(); } } public class LuaUI : ILuaModule { [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBindings { private Script _script; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaBindings(Script script) { _script = script; } public void SetTextMeshProText(LuaGameObject gameObject, string text) { gameObject.Handle.gameObject.GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text = text; } public string GetTextMeshProText(LuaGameObject gameObject) { return gameObject.Handle.gameObject.GetComponent<TMP_Text>().text; } public void StartScreenShake(string screenShakeType, float duration, bool continuous) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0067: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ScreenShakeType val = (ScreenShakeType)0; switch (screenShakeType) { case "Light": val = (ScreenShakeType)0; break; case "Medium": val = (ScreenShakeType)1; break; case "Heavy": val = (ScreenShakeType)2; break; case "ExtraLight": val = (ScreenShakeType)3; break; case "JustABitLighter": val = (ScreenShakeType)4; break; case "UltraLight": val = (ScreenShakeType)5; break; } GameplayCamera.StartScreenShake(val, duration, continuous); } public void FadeInAndOut(float durationIn, float durationStay, float durationOut) { Core.Instance.BaseModule.uiManager.effects.FadeInAndOutBlack(durationIn, durationStay, durationOut, (UpdateType)3); } public void ShowNotification(string text) { Core.Instance.BaseModule.uiManager.ShowNotification(text, Array.Empty<string>()); } public void ResetCamera() { GameplayCamera.instance.ResetCameraPositionRotation(); } } private LuaBindings _bindings; public void OnRegister(Script script) { _bindings = new LuaBindings(script); script.Globals[(object)"UI"] = _bindings; } } public class LuaUnityEngine : ILuaModule { [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBindings { private Script _script; [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaBindings(Script script) { _script = script; } public List<LuaScriptBehavior> FindScriptBehaviors(string scriptName, bool includeInactive) { IEnumerable<ScriptBehavior> enumerable = from script in Object.FindObjectsOfType<ScriptBehavior>(includeInactive) where script.LuaScriptName == scriptName select script; List<LuaScriptBehavior> list = new List<LuaScriptBehavior>(); foreach (ScriptBehavior item in enumerable) { list.Add(new LuaScriptBehavior(item, LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript)); } return list; } public List<LuaGameObject> GetGameObjects(bool includeInactive) { GameObject[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<GameObject>(includeInactive); List<LuaGameObject> list = new List<LuaGameObject>(); GameObject[] array2 = array; foreach (GameObject handle in array2) { list.Add(new LuaGameObject(handle)); } return list; } public LuaGameObject FindGameObjectByName(string name) { GameObject val = GameObject.Find(name); if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) { return null; } return new LuaGameObject(val); } } private LuaBindings _bindings; public void OnRegister(Script script) { _bindings = new LuaBindings(script); script.Globals[(object)"Engine"] = _bindings; script.Globals[(object)"LuaGameObject"] = typeof(LuaGameObject); } } public class LuaWorldHandler : ILuaModule { [MoonSharpUserData] public class LuaBindings { private Script _script; public LuaGameObject CurrentCamera { get { WorldHandler instance = WorldHandler.instance; if ((Object)(object)instance == (Object)null) { return null; } return new LuaGameObject(((Component)instance.currentCamera).gameObject); } } public LuaPlayer CurrentPlayer { get { WorldHandler instance = WorldHandler.instance; if ((Object)(object)instance == (Object)null) { return null; } Player currentPlayer = instance.GetCurrentPlayer(); if ((Object)(object)currentPlayer == (Object)null) { return null; } return new LuaPlayer(currentPlayer, _script); } } [MoonSharpHidden] public LuaBindings(Script script) { _script = script; } public void PlacePlayerAt(LuaPlayer player, Table luaPosition, Table luaEulerAngles, bool stopAbility = true) { //IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) Vector3 val = LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(luaPosition); Quaternion val2 = Quaternion.Euler(LuaMathUtils.TableToVector3(luaEulerAngles)); WorldHandler.instance.PlacePlayerAt(player.Player, val, val2, stopAbility); } } private LuaBindings _bindings; public void OnRegister(Script script) { _bindings = new LuaBindings(script); script.Globals[(object)"WorldHandler"] = _bindings; } } } namespace LuaEngine.MapStation { public class LuaEngineGameMapStationPlugin : AGameMapStationPlugin { public override void OnReload() { LuaManager.Instance.Reload(); } } } namespace LuaEngine.Alarms { public class Alarm { public float TimeLeft; public bool RunPaused; public LuaEventHandler Callback; public Alarm() { Callback = new LuaEventHandler(LuaManager.Instance.GlobalScript); } } public class AlarmHandler : MonoBehaviour { public Dictionary<string, Alarm> AlarmByGUID; private void Awake() { AlarmByGUID = new Dictionary<string, Alarm>(); } private void Update() { Dictionary<string, Alarm> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, Alarm>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Alarm> item in AlarmByGUID) { if (Core.Instance.IsCorePaused && !item.Value.RunPaused) { dictionary[item.Key] = item.Value; return; } item.Value.TimeLeft -= Core.dt; if (item.Value.TimeLeft <= 0f) { item.Value.Callback.Invoke(); return; } dictionary[item.Key] = item.Value; } AlarmByGUID = dictionary; } public string Add(Alarm alarm) { string text = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AlarmByGUID[text] = alarm; return text; } public void Remove(string guid) { if (AlarmByGUID.TryGetValue(guid, out var _)) { AlarmByGUID.Remove(guid); } } } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)] internal sealed class IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute : Attribute { public IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute(string assemblyName) { } } }
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Compatibility; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Compatibility.Frameworks; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.IO; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.CoreLib.StringLib; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.DataStructs; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Debugging; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounters; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.Scopes; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.VM; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.IO; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.BasicDescriptors; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.Converters; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.LuaStateInterop; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.RegistrationPolicies; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.StandardDescriptors; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Interop.UserDataRegistries; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Loaders; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Platforms; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.REPL; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Serialization.Json; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Expressions; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Fast_Interface; using MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tree.Statements; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("MoonSharp.Interpreter")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("An interpreter for the Lua language")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("MoonSharp.Interpreter")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2014-2015, Marco Mastropaolo")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: Guid("c971e5a8-dbec-4408-8046-86e4fdd1b2e3")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tests, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100F704C50BBDC3F2F011CC26A8C6C4797A40E0B4BC94CFB1335E9BA208326340696B686DC13099F10D3054544532F5E3E66C26A13FF260AEA2343E0410511FE56EDCC2AFB898AAA1BC21DA33C0D0AE60824EB441D02A0E6B7AE251CDE0946BFC748209C12B062573ECDB008A3D10CC40534B314847591CE5342A3BC6AA83CE23B8")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tests.net40-client, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100F704C50BBDC3F2F011CC26A8C6C4797A40E0B4BC94CFB1335E9BA208326340696B686DC13099F10D3054544532F5E3E66C26A13FF260AEA2343E0410511FE56EDCC2AFB898AAA1BC21DA33C0D0AE60824EB441D02A0E6B7AE251CDE0946BFC748209C12B062573ECDB008A3D10CC40534B314847591CE5342A3BC6AA83CE23B8")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tests.portable40, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100F704C50BBDC3F2F011CC26A8C6C4797A40E0B4BC94CFB1335E9BA208326340696B686DC13099F10D3054544532F5E3E66C26A13FF260AEA2343E0410511FE56EDCC2AFB898AAA1BC21DA33C0D0AE60824EB441D02A0E6B7AE251CDE0946BFC748209C12B062573ECDB008A3D10CC40534B314847591CE5342A3BC6AA83CE23B8")] [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MoonSharp.Interpreter.Tests.net35-client, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100F704C50BBDC3F2F011CC26A8C6C4797A40E0B4BC94CFB1335E9BA208326340696B686DC13099F10D3054544532F5E3E66C26A13FF260AEA2343E0410511FE56EDCC2AFB898AAA1BC21DA33C0D0AE60824EB441D02A0E6B7AE251CDE0946BFC748209C12B062573ECDB008A3D10CC40534B314847591CE5342A3BC6AA83CE23B8")] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4 Client Profile")] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] namespace MoonSharp.Interpreter { public static class AsyncExtensions { private static Task<T> ExecAsync<T>(Func<T> func) { return Task.Factory.StartNew(func); } private static Task ExecAsyncVoid(Action func) { return Task.Factory.StartNew(func); } public static Task<DynValue> CallAsync(this Closure function) { return ExecAsync(() => function.Call()); } public static Task<DynValue> CallAsync(this Closure function, params object[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => function.Call(args)); } public static Task<DynValue> CallAsync(this Closure function, params DynValue[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => function.Call(args)); } public static Task<DynValue> DoStringAsync(this Script script, string code, Table globalContext = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { return ExecAsync(() => script.DoString(code, globalContext, codeFriendlyName)); } public static Task<DynValue> DoStreamAsync(this Script script, Stream stream, Table globalContext = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { return ExecAsync(() => script.DoStream(stream, globalContext, codeFriendlyName)); } public static Task<DynValue> DoFileAsync(this Script script, string filename, Table globalContext = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { return ExecAsync(() => script.DoFile(filename, globalContext, codeFriendlyName)); } public static Task<DynValue> LoadFunctionAsync(this Script script, string code, Table globalTable = null, string funcFriendlyName = null) { return ExecAsync(() => script.LoadFunction(code, globalTable, funcFriendlyName)); } public static Task<DynValue> LoadStringAsync(this Script script, string code, Table globalTable = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { return ExecAsync(() => script.LoadString(code, globalTable, codeFriendlyName)); } public static Task<DynValue> LoadStreamAsync(this Script script, Stream stream, Table globalTable = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { return ExecAsync(() => script.LoadStream(stream, globalTable, codeFriendlyName)); } public static Task DumpAsync(this Script script, DynValue function, Stream stream) { return ExecAsyncVoid(delegate { script.Dump(function, stream); }); } public static Task<DynValue> LoadFileAsync(this Script script, string filename, Table globalContext = null, string friendlyFilename = null) { return ExecAsync(() => script.LoadFile(filename, globalContext, friendlyFilename)); } public static Task<DynValue> CallAsync(this Script script, DynValue function) { return ExecAsync(() => script.Call(function)); } public static Task<DynValue> CallAsync(this Script script, DynValue function, params DynValue[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => script.Call(function, args)); } public static Task<DynValue> CallAsync(this Script script, DynValue function, params object[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => script.Call(function, args)); } public static Task<DynValue> CallAsync(this Script script, object function) { return ExecAsync(() => script.Call(function)); } public static Task<DynValue> CallAsync(this Script script, object function, params object[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => script.Call(function, args)); } public static Task<DynamicExpression> CreateDynamicExpressionAsync(this Script script, string code) { return ExecAsync(() => script.CreateDynamicExpression(code)); } public static Task<DynValue> EvaluateAsync(this ReplInterpreter interpreter, string input) { return ExecAsync(() => interpreter.Evaluate(input)); } public static Task<DynValue> ResumeAsync(this Coroutine cor, params DynValue[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => cor.Resume(args)); } public static Task<DynValue> ResumeAsync(this Coroutine cor, ScriptExecutionContext context, params DynValue[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => cor.Resume(context, args)); } public static Task<DynValue> ResumeAsync(this Coroutine cor) { return ExecAsync(() => cor.Resume()); } public static Task<DynValue> ResumeAsync(this Coroutine cor, ScriptExecutionContext context) { return ExecAsync(() => cor.Resume(context)); } public static Task<DynValue> ResumeAsync(this Coroutine cor, params object[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => cor.Resume(args)); } public static Task<DynValue> ResumeAsync(this Coroutine cor, ScriptExecutionContext context, params object[] args) { return ExecAsync(() => cor.Resume(context, args)); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)] public sealed class MoonSharpPropertyAttribute : Attribute { public string Name { get; private set; } public MoonSharpPropertyAttribute() { } public MoonSharpPropertyAttribute(string name) { Name = name; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)] public sealed class MoonSharpUserDataMetamethodAttribute : Attribute { public string Name { get; private set; } public MoonSharpUserDataMetamethodAttribute(string name) { Name = name; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)] public sealed class MoonSharpHideMemberAttribute : Attribute { public string MemberName { get; private set; } public MoonSharpHideMemberAttribute(string memberName) { MemberName = memberName; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Constructor | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class MoonSharpHiddenAttribute : Attribute { } public delegate object ScriptFunctionDelegate(params object[] args); public delegate T ScriptFunctionDelegate<T>(params object[] args); [Flags] public enum TypeValidationFlags { None = 0, AllowNil = 1, AutoConvert = 2, Default = 2 } [Serializable] public class DynamicExpressionException : ScriptRuntimeException { public DynamicExpressionException(string format, params object[] args) : base("<dynamic>: " + format, args) { } public DynamicExpressionException(string message) : base("<dynamic>: " + message) { } } public class DynamicExpression : IScriptPrivateResource { private DynamicExprExpression m_Exp; private DynValue m_Constant; public readonly string ExpressionCode; public Script OwnerScript { get; private set; } internal DynamicExpression(Script S, string strExpr, DynamicExprExpression expr) { ExpressionCode = strExpr; OwnerScript = S; m_Exp = expr; } internal DynamicExpression(Script S, string strExpr, DynValue constant) { ExpressionCode = strExpr; OwnerScript = S; m_Constant = constant; } public DynValue Evaluate(ScriptExecutionContext context = null) { context = context ?? OwnerScript.CreateDynamicExecutionContext(); this.CheckScriptOwnership(context.GetScript()); if (m_Constant != null) { return m_Constant; } return m_Exp.Eval(context); } public SymbolRef FindSymbol(ScriptExecutionContext context) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(context.GetScript()); if (m_Exp != null) { return m_Exp.FindDynamic(context); } return null; } public bool IsConstant() { return m_Constant != null; } public override int GetHashCode() { return ExpressionCode.GetHashCode(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (!(obj is DynamicExpression dynamicExpression)) { return false; } return dynamicExpression.ExpressionCode == ExpressionCode; } } internal static class Extension_Methods { public static TValue GetOrDefault<TKey, TValue>(this Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key) { if (dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var value)) { return value; } return default(TValue); } public static TValue GetOrCreate<TKey, TValue>(this Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key, Func<TValue> creator) { if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var value)) { value = creator(); dictionary.Add(key, value); } return value; } } public class Coroutine : RefIdObject, IScriptPrivateResource { public enum CoroutineType { Coroutine, ClrCallback, ClrCallbackDead } private CallbackFunction m_ClrCallback; private Processor m_Processor; public CoroutineType Type { get; private set; } public CoroutineState State { get { if (Type == CoroutineType.ClrCallback) { return CoroutineState.NotStarted; } if (Type == CoroutineType.ClrCallbackDead) { return CoroutineState.Dead; } return m_Processor.State; } } public Script OwnerScript { get; private set; } public long AutoYieldCounter { get { return m_Processor.AutoYieldCounter; } set { m_Processor.AutoYieldCounter = value; } } internal Coroutine(CallbackFunction function) { Type = CoroutineType.ClrCallback; m_ClrCallback = function; OwnerScript = null; } internal Coroutine(Processor proc) { Type = CoroutineType.Coroutine; m_Processor = proc; m_Processor.AssociatedCoroutine = this; OwnerScript = proc.GetScript(); } internal void MarkClrCallbackAsDead() { if (Type != CoroutineType.ClrCallback) { throw new InvalidOperationException("State must be CoroutineType.ClrCallback"); } Type = CoroutineType.ClrCallbackDead; } public IEnumerable<DynValue> AsTypedEnumerable() { if (Type != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead"); } while (State == CoroutineState.NotStarted || State == CoroutineState.Suspended || State == CoroutineState.ForceSuspended) { yield return Resume(); } } public IEnumerable<object> AsEnumerable() { foreach (DynValue item in AsTypedEnumerable()) { yield return item.ToScalar().ToObject(); } } public IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable<T>() { foreach (DynValue item in AsTypedEnumerable()) { yield return item.ToScalar().ToObject<T>(); } } public IEnumerator AsUnityCoroutine() { foreach (DynValue item in AsTypedEnumerable()) { _ = item; yield return null; } } public DynValue Resume(params DynValue[] args) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(args); if (Type == CoroutineType.Coroutine) { return m_Processor.Coroutine_Resume(args); } throw new InvalidOperationException("Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead"); } public DynValue Resume(ScriptExecutionContext context, params DynValue[] args) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(context); this.CheckScriptOwnership(args); if (Type == CoroutineType.Coroutine) { return m_Processor.Coroutine_Resume(args); } if (Type == CoroutineType.ClrCallback) { DynValue result = m_ClrCallback.Invoke(context, args); MarkClrCallbackAsDead(); return result; } throw ScriptRuntimeException.CannotResumeNotSuspended(CoroutineState.Dead); } public DynValue Resume() { return Resume(new DynValue[0]); } public DynValue Resume(ScriptExecutionContext context) { return Resume(context, new DynValue[0]); } public DynValue Resume(params object[] args) { if (Type != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only non-CLR coroutines can be resumed with this overload of the Resume method. Use the overload accepting a ScriptExecutionContext instead"); } DynValue[] array = new DynValue[args.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = DynValue.FromObject(OwnerScript, args[i]); } return Resume(array); } public DynValue Resume(ScriptExecutionContext context, params object[] args) { DynValue[] array = new DynValue[args.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = DynValue.FromObject(context.GetScript(), args[i]); } return Resume(context, array); } public WatchItem[] GetStackTrace(int skip, SourceRef entrySourceRef = null) { if (State != CoroutineState.Running) { entrySourceRef = m_Processor.GetCoroutineSuspendedLocation(); } return m_Processor.Debugger_GetCallStack(entrySourceRef).Skip(skip).ToArray(); } } public interface IScriptPrivateResource { Script OwnerScript { get; } } internal static class ScriptPrivateResource_Extension { public static void CheckScriptOwnership(this IScriptPrivateResource containingResource, DynValue[] values) { foreach (DynValue value in values) { containingResource.CheckScriptOwnership(value); } } public static void CheckScriptOwnership(this IScriptPrivateResource containingResource, DynValue value) { if (value != null) { IScriptPrivateResource asPrivateResource = value.GetAsPrivateResource(); if (asPrivateResource != null) { containingResource.CheckScriptOwnership(asPrivateResource); } } } public static void CheckScriptOwnership(this IScriptPrivateResource resource, Script script) { if (resource.OwnerScript != null && resource.OwnerScript != script && script != null) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Attempt to access a resource owned by a script, from another script"); } } public static void CheckScriptOwnership(this IScriptPrivateResource containingResource, IScriptPrivateResource itemResource) { if (itemResource != null) { if (containingResource.OwnerScript != null && containingResource.OwnerScript != itemResource.OwnerScript && itemResource.OwnerScript != null) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Attempt to perform operations with resources owned by different scripts."); } if (containingResource.OwnerScript == null && itemResource.OwnerScript != null) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Attempt to perform operations with a script private resource on a shared resource."); } } } } public class RefIdObject { private static int s_RefIDCounter; private int m_RefID = ++s_RefIDCounter; public int ReferenceID => m_RefID; public string FormatTypeString(string typeString) { return $"{typeString}: {m_RefID:X8}"; } } public class TailCallData { public DynValue Function { get; set; } public DynValue[] Args { get; set; } public CallbackFunction Continuation { get; set; } public CallbackFunction ErrorHandler { get; set; } public DynValue ErrorHandlerBeforeUnwind { get; set; } } public class UserData : RefIdObject { public DynValue UserValue { get; set; } public object Object { get; private set; } public IUserDataDescriptor Descriptor { get; private set; } public static IRegistrationPolicy RegistrationPolicy { get { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegistrationPolicy; } set { TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegistrationPolicy = value; } } public static InteropAccessMode DefaultAccessMode { get { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.DefaultAccessMode; } set { TypeDescriptorRegistry.DefaultAccessMode = value; } } private UserData() { } static UserData() { RegistrationPolicy = InteropRegistrationPolicy.Default; RegisterType<EventFacade>(InteropAccessMode.NoReflectionAllowed); RegisterType<AnonWrapper>(InteropAccessMode.HideMembers); RegisterType<EnumerableWrapper>(InteropAccessMode.NoReflectionAllowed); RegisterType<JsonNull>(InteropAccessMode.Reflection); DefaultAccessMode = InteropAccessMode.LazyOptimized; } public static IUserDataDescriptor RegisterType<T>(InteropAccessMode accessMode = InteropAccessMode.Default, string friendlyName = null) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterType_Impl(typeof(T), accessMode, friendlyName, null); } public static IUserDataDescriptor RegisterType(Type type, InteropAccessMode accessMode = InteropAccessMode.Default, string friendlyName = null) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterType_Impl(type, accessMode, friendlyName, null); } public static IUserDataDescriptor RegisterProxyType(IProxyFactory proxyFactory, InteropAccessMode accessMode = InteropAccessMode.Default, string friendlyName = null) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterProxyType_Impl(proxyFactory, accessMode, friendlyName); } public static IUserDataDescriptor RegisterProxyType<TProxy, TTarget>(Func<TTarget, TProxy> wrapDelegate, InteropAccessMode accessMode = InteropAccessMode.Default, string friendlyName = null) where TProxy : class where TTarget : class { return RegisterProxyType(new DelegateProxyFactory<TProxy, TTarget>(wrapDelegate), accessMode, friendlyName); } public static IUserDataDescriptor RegisterType<T>(IUserDataDescriptor customDescriptor) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterType_Impl(typeof(T), InteropAccessMode.Default, null, customDescriptor); } public static IUserDataDescriptor RegisterType(Type type, IUserDataDescriptor customDescriptor) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterType_Impl(type, InteropAccessMode.Default, null, customDescriptor); } public static IUserDataDescriptor RegisterType(IUserDataDescriptor customDescriptor) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterType_Impl(customDescriptor.Type, InteropAccessMode.Default, null, customDescriptor); } public static void RegisterAssembly(Assembly asm = null, bool includeExtensionTypes = false) { if (asm == null) { asm = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); } TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisterAssembly(asm, includeExtensionTypes); } public static bool IsTypeRegistered(Type t) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.IsTypeRegistered(t); } public static bool IsTypeRegistered<T>() { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.IsTypeRegistered(typeof(T)); } public static void UnregisterType<T>() { TypeDescriptorRegistry.UnregisterType(typeof(T)); } public static void UnregisterType(Type t) { TypeDescriptorRegistry.UnregisterType(t); } public static DynValue Create(object o, IUserDataDescriptor descr) { return DynValue.NewUserData(new UserData { Descriptor = descr, Object = o }); } public static DynValue Create(object o) { IUserDataDescriptor descriptorForObject = GetDescriptorForObject(o); if (descriptorForObject == null) { if (o is Type) { return CreateStatic((Type)o); } return null; } return Create(o, descriptorForObject); } public static DynValue CreateStatic(IUserDataDescriptor descr) { if (descr == null) { return null; } return DynValue.NewUserData(new UserData { Descriptor = descr, Object = null }); } public static DynValue CreateStatic(Type t) { return CreateStatic(GetDescriptorForType(t, searchInterfaces: false)); } public static DynValue CreateStatic<T>() { return CreateStatic(GetDescriptorForType(typeof(T), searchInterfaces: false)); } public static void RegisterExtensionType(Type type, InteropAccessMode mode = InteropAccessMode.Default) { ExtensionMethodsRegistry.RegisterExtensionType(type, mode); } public static List<IOverloadableMemberDescriptor> GetExtensionMethodsByNameAndType(string name, Type extendedType) { return ExtensionMethodsRegistry.GetExtensionMethodsByNameAndType(name, extendedType); } public static int GetExtensionMethodsChangeVersion() { return ExtensionMethodsRegistry.GetExtensionMethodsChangeVersion(); } public static IUserDataDescriptor GetDescriptorForType<T>(bool searchInterfaces) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.GetDescriptorForType(typeof(T), searchInterfaces); } public static IUserDataDescriptor GetDescriptorForType(Type type, bool searchInterfaces) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.GetDescriptorForType(type, searchInterfaces); } public static IUserDataDescriptor GetDescriptorForObject(object o) { return TypeDescriptorRegistry.GetDescriptorForType(o.GetType(), searchInterfaces: true); } public static Table GetDescriptionOfRegisteredTypes(bool useHistoricalData = false) { DynValue dynValue = DynValue.NewPrimeTable(); foreach (KeyValuePair<Type, IUserDataDescriptor> item in useHistoricalData ? TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisteredTypesHistory : TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisteredTypes) { if (item.Value is IWireableDescriptor wireableDescriptor) { DynValue dynValue2 = DynValue.NewPrimeTable(); dynValue.Table.Set(item.Key.FullName, dynValue2); wireableDescriptor.PrepareForWiring(dynValue2.Table); } } return dynValue.Table; } public static IEnumerable<Type> GetRegisteredTypes(bool useHistoricalData = false) { return (useHistoricalData ? TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisteredTypesHistory : TypeDescriptorRegistry.RegisteredTypes).Select((KeyValuePair<Type, IUserDataDescriptor> p) => p.Value.Type); } } public static class WellKnownSymbols { public const string VARARGS = "..."; public const string ENV = "_ENV"; } public class YieldRequest { public DynValue[] ReturnValues; public bool Forced { get; internal set; } } [Serializable] public class ScriptRuntimeException : InterpreterException { public ScriptRuntimeException(Exception ex) : base(ex) { } public ScriptRuntimeException(ScriptRuntimeException ex) : base(ex, ex.DecoratedMessage) { base.DecoratedMessage = Message; base.DoNotDecorateMessage = true; } public ScriptRuntimeException(string message) : base(message) { } public ScriptRuntimeException(string format, params object[] args) : base(format, args) { } public static ScriptRuntimeException ArithmeticOnNonNumber(DynValue l, DynValue r = null) { if (l.Type != DataType.Number && l.Type != DataType.String) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to perform arithmetic on a {0} value", l.Type.ToLuaTypeString()); } if (r != null && r.Type != DataType.Number && r.Type != DataType.String) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to perform arithmetic on a {0} value", r.Type.ToLuaTypeString()); } if (l.Type == DataType.String || (r != null && r.Type == DataType.String)) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value"); } throw new InternalErrorException("ArithmeticOnNonNumber - both are numbers"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException ConcatOnNonString(DynValue l, DynValue r) { if (l.Type != DataType.Number && l.Type != DataType.String) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to concatenate a {0} value", l.Type.ToLuaTypeString()); } if (r != null && r.Type != DataType.Number && r.Type != DataType.String) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to concatenate a {0} value", r.Type.ToLuaTypeString()); } throw new InternalErrorException("ConcatOnNonString - both are numbers/strings"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException LenOnInvalidType(DynValue r) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to get length of a {0} value", r.Type.ToLuaTypeString()); } public static ScriptRuntimeException CompareInvalidType(DynValue l, DynValue r) { if (l.Type.ToLuaTypeString() == r.Type.ToLuaTypeString()) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to compare two {0} values", l.Type.ToLuaTypeString()); } return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to compare {0} with {1}", l.Type.ToLuaTypeString(), r.Type.ToLuaTypeString()); } public static ScriptRuntimeException BadArgument(int argNum, string funcName, string message) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("bad argument #{0} to '{1}' ({2})", argNum + 1, funcName, message); } public static ScriptRuntimeException BadArgumentUserData(int argNum, string funcName, Type expected, object got, bool allowNil) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("bad argument #{0} to '{1}' (userdata<{2}>{3} expected, got {4})", argNum + 1, funcName, expected.Name, allowNil ? "nil or " : "", (got != null) ? ("userdata<" + got.GetType().Name + ">") : "null"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException BadArgument(int argNum, string funcName, DataType expected, DataType got, bool allowNil) { return BadArgument(argNum, funcName, expected.ToErrorTypeString(), got.ToErrorTypeString(), allowNil); } public static ScriptRuntimeException BadArgument(int argNum, string funcName, string expected, string got, bool allowNil) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("bad argument #{0} to '{1}' ({2}{3} expected, got {4})", argNum + 1, funcName, allowNil ? "nil or " : "", expected, got); } public static ScriptRuntimeException BadArgumentNoValue(int argNum, string funcName, DataType expected) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("bad argument #{0} to '{1}' ({2} expected, got no value)", argNum + 1, funcName, expected.ToErrorTypeString()); } public static ScriptRuntimeException BadArgumentIndexOutOfRange(string funcName, int argNum) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("bad argument #{0} to '{1}' (index out of range)", argNum + 1, funcName); } public static ScriptRuntimeException BadArgumentNoNegativeNumbers(int argNum, string funcName) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("bad argument #{0} to '{1}' (not a non-negative number in proper range)", argNum + 1, funcName); } public static ScriptRuntimeException BadArgumentValueExpected(int argNum, string funcName) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("bad argument #{0} to '{1}' (value expected)", argNum + 1, funcName); } public static ScriptRuntimeException IndexType(DynValue obj) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to index a {0} value", obj.Type.ToLuaTypeString()); } public static ScriptRuntimeException LoopInIndex() { return new ScriptRuntimeException("loop in gettable"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException LoopInNewIndex() { return new ScriptRuntimeException("loop in settable"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException LoopInCall() { return new ScriptRuntimeException("loop in call"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException TableIndexIsNil() { return new ScriptRuntimeException("table index is nil"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException TableIndexIsNaN() { return new ScriptRuntimeException("table index is NaN"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException ConvertToNumberFailed(int stage) { return stage switch { 1 => new ScriptRuntimeException("'for' initial value must be a number"), 2 => new ScriptRuntimeException("'for' step must be a number"), 3 => new ScriptRuntimeException("'for' limit must be a number"), _ => new ScriptRuntimeException("value must be a number"), }; } public static ScriptRuntimeException ConvertObjectFailed(object obj) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("cannot convert clr type {0}", obj.GetType()); } public static ScriptRuntimeException ConvertObjectFailed(DataType t) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("cannot convert a {0} to a clr type", t.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); } public static ScriptRuntimeException ConvertObjectFailed(DataType t, Type t2) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("cannot convert a {0} to a clr type {1}", t.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), t2.FullName); } public static ScriptRuntimeException UserDataArgumentTypeMismatch(DataType t, Type clrType) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("cannot find a conversion from a MoonSharp {0} to a clr {1}", t.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), clrType.FullName); } public static ScriptRuntimeException UserDataMissingField(string typename, string fieldname) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("cannot access field {0} of userdata<{1}>", fieldname, typename); } public static ScriptRuntimeException CannotResumeNotSuspended(CoroutineState state) { if (state == CoroutineState.Dead) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("cannot resume dead coroutine"); } return new ScriptRuntimeException("cannot resume non-suspended coroutine"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException CannotYield() { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to yield across a CLR-call boundary"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException CannotYieldMain() { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to yield from outside a coroutine"); } public static ScriptRuntimeException AttemptToCallNonFunc(DataType type, string debugText = null) { string text = type.ToErrorTypeString(); if (debugText != null) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to call a {0} value near '{1}'", text, debugText); } return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to call a {0} value", text); } public static ScriptRuntimeException AccessInstanceMemberOnStatics(IMemberDescriptor desc) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to access instance member {0} from a static userdata", desc.Name); } public static ScriptRuntimeException AccessInstanceMemberOnStatics(IUserDataDescriptor typeDescr, IMemberDescriptor desc) { return new ScriptRuntimeException("attempt to access instance member {0}.{1} from a static userdata", typeDescr.Name, desc.Name); } public override void Rethrow() { if (Script.GlobalOptions.RethrowExceptionNested) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException(this); } } } [Serializable] public class InternalErrorException : InterpreterException { internal InternalErrorException(string message) : base(message) { } internal InternalErrorException(string format, params object[] args) : base(format, args) { } } [Serializable] public class InterpreterException : Exception { public int InstructionPtr { get; internal set; } public IList<WatchItem> CallStack { get; internal set; } public string DecoratedMessage { get; internal set; } public bool DoNotDecorateMessage { get; set; } protected InterpreterException(Exception ex, string message) : base(message, ex) { } protected InterpreterException(Exception ex) : base(ex.Message, ex) { } protected InterpreterException(string message) : base(message) { } protected InterpreterException(string format, params object[] args) : base(string.Format(format, args)) { } internal void DecorateMessage(Script script, SourceRef sref, int ip = -1) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DecoratedMessage)) { if (DoNotDecorateMessage) { DecoratedMessage = Message; } else if (sref != null) { DecoratedMessage = $"{sref.FormatLocation(script)}: {Message}"; } else { DecoratedMessage = $"bytecode:{ip}: {Message}"; } } } public virtual void Rethrow() { } } [Serializable] public class SyntaxErrorException : InterpreterException { internal Token Token { get; private set; } public bool IsPrematureStreamTermination { get; set; } internal SyntaxErrorException(Token t, string format, params object[] args) : base(format, args) { Token = t; } internal SyntaxErrorException(Token t, string message) : base(message) { Token = t; } internal SyntaxErrorException(Script script, SourceRef sref, string format, params object[] args) : base(format, args) { DecorateMessage(script, sref); } internal SyntaxErrorException(Script script, SourceRef sref, string message) : base(message) { DecorateMessage(script, sref); } private SyntaxErrorException(SyntaxErrorException syntaxErrorException) : base(syntaxErrorException, syntaxErrorException.DecoratedMessage) { Token = syntaxErrorException.Token; base.DecoratedMessage = Message; } internal void DecorateMessage(Script script) { if (Token != null) { DecorateMessage(script, Token.GetSourceRef(isStepStop: false)); } } public override void Rethrow() { if (Script.GlobalOptions.RethrowExceptionNested) { throw new SyntaxErrorException(this); } } } public class CallbackArguments { private IList<DynValue> m_Args; private int m_Count; private bool m_LastIsTuple; public int Count => m_Count; public bool IsMethodCall { get; private set; } public DynValue this[int index] => RawGet(index, translateVoids: true) ?? DynValue.Void; public CallbackArguments(IList<DynValue> args, bool isMethodCall) { m_Args = args; if (m_Args.Count > 0) { DynValue dynValue = m_Args[m_Args.Count - 1]; if (dynValue.Type == DataType.Tuple) { m_Count = dynValue.Tuple.Length - 1 + m_Args.Count; m_LastIsTuple = true; } else if (dynValue.Type == DataType.Void) { m_Count = m_Args.Count - 1; } else { m_Count = m_Args.Count; } } else { m_Count = 0; } IsMethodCall = isMethodCall; } public DynValue RawGet(int index, bool translateVoids) { if (index >= m_Count) { return null; } DynValue dynValue = ((m_LastIsTuple && index >= m_Args.Count - 1) ? m_Args[m_Args.Count - 1].Tuple[index - (m_Args.Count - 1)] : m_Args[index]); if (dynValue.Type == DataType.Tuple) { dynValue = ((dynValue.Tuple.Length == 0) ? DynValue.Nil : dynValue.Tuple[0]); } if (translateVoids && dynValue.Type == DataType.Void) { dynValue = DynValue.Nil; } return dynValue; } public DynValue[] GetArray(int skip = 0) { if (skip >= m_Count) { return new DynValue[0]; } DynValue[] array = new DynValue[m_Count - skip]; for (int i = skip; i < m_Count; i++) { array[i - skip] = this[i]; } return array; } public DynValue AsType(int argNum, string funcName, DataType type, bool allowNil = false) { return this[argNum].CheckType(funcName, type, argNum, allowNil ? (TypeValidationFlags.AllowNil | TypeValidationFlags.AutoConvert) : TypeValidationFlags.AutoConvert); } public T AsUserData<T>(int argNum, string funcName, bool allowNil = false) { return this[argNum].CheckUserDataType<T>(funcName, argNum, allowNil ? TypeValidationFlags.AllowNil : TypeValidationFlags.None); } public int AsInt(int argNum, string funcName) { return (int)AsType(argNum, funcName, DataType.Number).Number; } public long AsLong(int argNum, string funcName) { return (long)AsType(argNum, funcName, DataType.Number).Number; } public string AsStringUsingMeta(ScriptExecutionContext executionContext, int argNum, string funcName) { if (this[argNum].Type == DataType.Table && this[argNum].Table.MetaTable != null && this[argNum].Table.MetaTable.RawGet("__tostring") != null) { DynValue dynValue = executionContext.GetScript().Call(this[argNum].Table.MetaTable.RawGet("__tostring"), this[argNum]); if (dynValue.Type != DataType.String) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException("'tostring' must return a string to '{0}'", funcName); } return dynValue.ToPrintString(); } return this[argNum].ToPrintString(); } public CallbackArguments SkipMethodCall() { if (IsMethodCall) { return new CallbackArguments(new Slice<DynValue>(m_Args, 1, m_Args.Count - 1, reversed: false), isMethodCall: false); } return this; } } public class Closure : RefIdObject, IScriptPrivateResource { public enum UpvaluesType { None, Environment, Closure } private static ClosureContext emptyClosure = new ClosureContext(); public int EntryPointByteCodeLocation { get; private set; } public Script OwnerScript { get; private set; } internal ClosureContext ClosureContext { get; private set; } internal Closure(Script script, int idx, SymbolRef[] symbols, IEnumerable<DynValue> resolvedLocals) { OwnerScript = script; EntryPointByteCodeLocation = idx; if (symbols.Length != 0) { ClosureContext = new ClosureContext(symbols, resolvedLocals); } else { ClosureContext = emptyClosure; } } public DynValue Call() { return OwnerScript.Call(this); } public DynValue Call(params object[] args) { return OwnerScript.Call(this, args); } public DynValue Call(params DynValue[] args) { return OwnerScript.Call(this, args); } public ScriptFunctionDelegate GetDelegate() { return (object[] args) => Call(args).ToObject(); } public ScriptFunctionDelegate<T> GetDelegate<T>() { return (object[] args) => Call(args).ToObject<T>(); } public int GetUpvaluesCount() { return ClosureContext.Count; } public string GetUpvalueName(int idx) { return ClosureContext.Symbols[idx]; } public DynValue GetUpvalue(int idx) { return ClosureContext[idx]; } public UpvaluesType GetUpvaluesType() { switch (GetUpvaluesCount()) { case 0: return UpvaluesType.None; case 1: if (GetUpvalueName(0) == "_ENV") { return UpvaluesType.Environment; } break; } return UpvaluesType.Closure; } } public sealed class CallbackFunction : RefIdObject { private static InteropAccessMode m_DefaultAccessMode = InteropAccessMode.LazyOptimized; public string Name { get; private set; } public Func<ScriptExecutionContext, CallbackArguments, DynValue> ClrCallback { get; private set; } public static InteropAccessMode DefaultAccessMode { get { return m_DefaultAccessMode; } set { if (value == InteropAccessMode.Default || value == InteropAccessMode.HideMembers || value == InteropAccessMode.BackgroundOptimized) { throw new ArgumentException("DefaultAccessMode"); } m_DefaultAccessMode = value; } } public object AdditionalData { get; set; } public CallbackFunction(Func<ScriptExecutionContext, CallbackArguments, DynValue> callBack, string name = null) { ClrCallback = callBack; Name = name; } public DynValue Invoke(ScriptExecutionContext executionContext, IList<DynValue> args, bool isMethodCall = false) { if (isMethodCall) { switch (executionContext.GetScript().Options.ColonOperatorClrCallbackBehaviour) { case ColonOperatorBehaviour.TreatAsColon: isMethodCall = false; break; case ColonOperatorBehaviour.TreatAsDotOnUserData: isMethodCall = args.Count > 0 && args[0].Type == DataType.UserData; break; } } return ClrCallback(executionContext, new CallbackArguments(args, isMethodCall)); } public static CallbackFunction FromDelegate(Script script, Delegate del, InteropAccessMode accessMode = InteropAccessMode.Default) { if (accessMode == InteropAccessMode.Default) { accessMode = m_DefaultAccessMode; } return new MethodMemberDescriptor(del.Method, accessMode).GetCallbackFunction(script, del.Target); } public static CallbackFunction FromMethodInfo(Script script, MethodInfo mi, object obj = null, InteropAccessMode accessMode = InteropAccessMode.Default) { if (accessMode == InteropAccessMode.Default) { accessMode = m_DefaultAccessMode; } return new MethodMemberDescriptor(mi, accessMode).GetCallbackFunction(script, obj); } public static bool CheckCallbackSignature(MethodInfo mi, bool requirePublicVisibility) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = mi.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 2 && parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(ScriptExecutionContext) && parameters[1].ParameterType == typeof(CallbackArguments) && mi.ReturnType == typeof(DynValue)) { if (!requirePublicVisibility) { return mi.IsPublic; } return true; } return false; } } public sealed class DynValue { private static int s_RefIDCounter; private int m_RefID = ++s_RefIDCounter; private int m_HashCode = -1; private bool m_ReadOnly; private double m_Number; private object m_Object; private DataType m_Type; public int ReferenceID => m_RefID; public DataType Type => m_Type; public Closure Function => m_Object as Closure; public double Number => m_Number; public DynValue[] Tuple => m_Object as DynValue[]; public Coroutine Coroutine => m_Object as Coroutine; public Table Table => m_Object as Table; public bool Boolean => Number != 0.0; public string String => m_Object as string; public CallbackFunction Callback => m_Object as CallbackFunction; public TailCallData TailCallData => m_Object as TailCallData; public YieldRequest YieldRequest => m_Object as YieldRequest; public UserData UserData => m_Object as UserData; public bool ReadOnly => m_ReadOnly; public static DynValue Void { get; private set; } public static DynValue Nil { get; private set; } public static DynValue True { get; private set; } public static DynValue False { get; private set; } public static DynValue NewNil() { return new DynValue(); } public static DynValue NewBoolean(bool v) { return new DynValue { m_Number = (v ? 1 : 0), m_Type = DataType.Boolean }; } public static DynValue NewNumber(double num) { return new DynValue { m_Number = num, m_Type = DataType.Number, m_HashCode = -1 }; } public static DynValue NewString(string str) { return new DynValue { m_Object = str, m_Type = DataType.String }; } public static DynValue NewString(StringBuilder sb) { return new DynValue { m_Object = sb.ToString(), m_Type = DataType.String }; } public static DynValue NewString(string format, params object[] args) { return new DynValue { m_Object = string.Format(format, args), m_Type = DataType.String }; } public static DynValue NewCoroutine(Coroutine coroutine) { return new DynValue { m_Object = coroutine, m_Type = DataType.Thread }; } public static DynValue NewClosure(Closure function) { return new DynValue { m_Object = function, m_Type = DataType.Function }; } public static DynValue NewCallback(Func<ScriptExecutionContext, CallbackArguments, DynValue> callBack, string name = null) { return new DynValue { m_Object = new CallbackFunction(callBack, name), m_Type = DataType.ClrFunction }; } public static DynValue NewCallback(CallbackFunction function) { return new DynValue { m_Object = function, m_Type = DataType.ClrFunction }; } public static DynValue NewTable(Table table) { return new DynValue { m_Object = table, m_Type = DataType.Table }; } public static DynValue NewPrimeTable() { return NewTable(new Table(null)); } public static DynValue NewTable(Script script) { return NewTable(new Table(script)); } public static DynValue NewTable(Script script, params DynValue[] arrayValues) { return NewTable(new Table(script, arrayValues)); } public static DynValue NewTailCallReq(DynValue tailFn, params DynValue[] args) { return new DynValue { m_Object = new TailCallData { Args = args, Function = tailFn }, m_Type = DataType.TailCallRequest }; } public static DynValue NewTailCallReq(TailCallData tailCallData) { return new DynValue { m_Object = tailCallData, m_Type = DataType.TailCallRequest }; } public static DynValue NewYieldReq(DynValue[] args) { return new DynValue { m_Object = new YieldRequest { ReturnValues = args }, m_Type = DataType.YieldRequest }; } internal static DynValue NewForcedYieldReq() { return new DynValue { m_Object = new YieldRequest { Forced = true }, m_Type = DataType.YieldRequest }; } public static DynValue NewTuple(params DynValue[] values) { if (values.Length == 0) { return NewNil(); } if (values.Length == 1) { return values[0]; } return new DynValue { m_Object = values, m_Type = DataType.Tuple }; } public static DynValue NewTupleNested(params DynValue[] values) { if (!values.Any((DynValue v) => v.Type == DataType.Tuple)) { return NewTuple(values); } if (values.Length == 1) { return values[0]; } List<DynValue> list = new List<DynValue>(); foreach (DynValue dynValue in values) { if (dynValue.Type == DataType.Tuple) { list.AddRange(dynValue.Tuple); } else { list.Add(dynValue); } } return new DynValue { m_Object = list.ToArray(), m_Type = DataType.Tuple }; } public static DynValue NewUserData(UserData userData) { return new DynValue { m_Object = userData, m_Type = DataType.UserData }; } public DynValue AsReadOnly() { if (ReadOnly) { return this; } return Clone(readOnly: true); } public DynValue Clone() { return Clone(ReadOnly); } public DynValue Clone(bool readOnly) { return new DynValue { m_Object = m_Object, m_Number = m_Number, m_HashCode = m_HashCode, m_Type = m_Type, m_ReadOnly = readOnly }; } public DynValue CloneAsWritable() { return Clone(readOnly: false); } static DynValue() { Nil = new DynValue { m_Type = DataType.Nil }.AsReadOnly(); Void = new DynValue { m_Type = DataType.Void }.AsReadOnly(); True = NewBoolean(v: true).AsReadOnly(); False = NewBoolean(v: false).AsReadOnly(); } public string ToPrintString() { if (m_Object != null && m_Object is RefIdObject) { RefIdObject refIdObject = (RefIdObject)m_Object; string typeString = Type.ToLuaTypeString(); if (m_Object is UserData) { UserData userData = (UserData)m_Object; string text = userData.Descriptor.AsString(userData.Object); if (text != null) { return text; } } return refIdObject.FormatTypeString(typeString); } return Type switch { DataType.String => String, DataType.Tuple => string.Join("\t", Tuple.Select((DynValue t) => t.ToPrintString()).ToArray()), DataType.TailCallRequest => "(TailCallRequest -- INTERNAL!)", DataType.YieldRequest => "(YieldRequest -- INTERNAL!)", _ => ToString(), }; } public string ToDebugPrintString() { if (m_Object != null && m_Object is RefIdObject) { RefIdObject refIdObject = (RefIdObject)m_Object; string typeString = Type.ToLuaTypeString(); if (m_Object is UserData) { UserData userData = (UserData)m_Object; string text = userData.Descriptor.AsString(userData.Object); if (text != null) { return text; } } return refIdObject.FormatTypeString(typeString); } return Type switch { DataType.Tuple => string.Join("\t", Tuple.Select((DynValue t) => t.ToPrintString()).ToArray()), DataType.TailCallRequest => "(TailCallRequest)", DataType.YieldRequest => "(YieldRequest)", _ => ToString(), }; } public override string ToString() { return Type switch { DataType.Void => "void", DataType.Nil => "nil", DataType.Boolean => Boolean.ToString().ToLower(), DataType.Number => Number.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), DataType.String => "\"" + String + "\"", DataType.Function => $"(Function {Function.EntryPointByteCodeLocation:X8})", DataType.ClrFunction => string.Format("(Function CLR)", Function), DataType.Table => "(Table)", DataType.Tuple => string.Join(", ", Tuple.Select((DynValue t) => t.ToString()).ToArray()), DataType.TailCallRequest => "Tail:(" + string.Join(", ", Tuple.Select((DynValue t) => t.ToString()).ToArray()) + ")", DataType.UserData => "(UserData)", DataType.Thread => $"(Coroutine {Coroutine.ReferenceID:X8})", _ => "(???)", }; } public override int GetHashCode() { if (m_HashCode != -1) { return m_HashCode; } int num = (int)Type << 27; switch (Type) { case DataType.Nil: case DataType.Void: m_HashCode = 0; break; case DataType.Boolean: m_HashCode = (Boolean ? 1 : 2); break; case DataType.Number: m_HashCode = num ^ Number.GetHashCode(); break; case DataType.String: m_HashCode = num ^ String.GetHashCode(); break; case DataType.Function: m_HashCode = num ^ Function.GetHashCode(); break; case DataType.ClrFunction: m_HashCode = num ^ Callback.GetHashCode(); break; case DataType.Table: m_HashCode = num ^ Table.GetHashCode(); break; case DataType.Tuple: case DataType.TailCallRequest: m_HashCode = num ^ Tuple.GetHashCode(); break; default: m_HashCode = 999; break; } return m_HashCode; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (!(obj is DynValue dynValue)) { return false; } if ((dynValue.Type == DataType.Nil && Type == DataType.Void) || (dynValue.Type == DataType.Void && Type == DataType.Nil)) { return true; } if (dynValue.Type != Type) { return false; } switch (Type) { case DataType.Nil: case DataType.Void: return true; case DataType.Boolean: return Boolean == dynValue.Boolean; case DataType.Number: return Number == dynValue.Number; case DataType.String: return String == dynValue.String; case DataType.Function: return Function == dynValue.Function; case DataType.ClrFunction: return Callback == dynValue.Callback; case DataType.Table: return Table == dynValue.Table; case DataType.Tuple: case DataType.TailCallRequest: return Tuple == dynValue.Tuple; case DataType.Thread: return Coroutine == dynValue.Coroutine; case DataType.UserData: { UserData userData = UserData; UserData userData2 = dynValue.UserData; if (userData == null || userData2 == null) { return false; } if (userData.Descriptor != userData2.Descriptor) { return false; } if (userData.Object == null && userData2.Object == null) { return true; } if (userData.Object != null && userData2.Object != null) { return userData.Object.Equals(userData2.Object); } return false; } default: return this == dynValue; } } public string CastToString() { DynValue dynValue = ToScalar(); if (dynValue.Type == DataType.Number) { return dynValue.Number.ToString(); } if (dynValue.Type == DataType.String) { return dynValue.String; } return null; } public double? CastToNumber() { DynValue dynValue = ToScalar(); if (dynValue.Type == DataType.Number) { return dynValue.Number; } if (dynValue.Type == DataType.String && double.TryParse(dynValue.String, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result)) { return result; } return null; } public bool CastToBool() { DynValue dynValue = ToScalar(); if (dynValue.Type == DataType.Boolean) { return dynValue.Boolean; } if (dynValue.Type != 0) { return dynValue.Type != DataType.Void; } return false; } public IScriptPrivateResource GetAsPrivateResource() { return m_Object as IScriptPrivateResource; } public DynValue ToScalar() { if (Type != DataType.Tuple) { return this; } if (Tuple.Length == 0) { return Void; } return Tuple[0].ToScalar(); } public void Assign(DynValue value) { if (ReadOnly) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Assigning on r-value"); } m_Number = value.m_Number; m_Object = value.m_Object; m_Type = value.Type; m_HashCode = -1; } public DynValue GetLength() { if (Type == DataType.Table) { return NewNumber(Table.Length); } if (Type == DataType.String) { return NewNumber(String.Length); } throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Can't get length of type {0}", Type); } public bool IsNil() { if (Type != 0) { return Type == DataType.Void; } return true; } public bool IsNotNil() { if (Type != 0) { return Type != DataType.Void; } return false; } public bool IsVoid() { return Type == DataType.Void; } public bool IsNotVoid() { return Type != DataType.Void; } public bool IsNilOrNan() { if (Type != 0 && Type != DataType.Void) { if (Type == DataType.Number) { return double.IsNaN(Number); } return false; } return true; } internal void AssignNumber(double num) { if (ReadOnly) { throw new InternalErrorException(null, "Writing on r-value"); } if (Type != DataType.Number) { throw new InternalErrorException("Can't assign number to type {0}", Type); } m_Number = num; } public static DynValue FromObject(Script script, object obj) { return ClrToScriptConversions.ObjectToDynValue(script, obj); } public object ToObject() { return ScriptToClrConversions.DynValueToObject(this); } public object ToObject(Type desiredType) { return ScriptToClrConversions.DynValueToObjectOfType(this, desiredType, null, isOptional: false); } public T ToObject<T>() { return (T)ToObject(typeof(T)); } public dynamic ToDynamic() { return ScriptToClrConversions.DynValueToObject(this); } public DynValue CheckType(string funcName, DataType desiredType, int argNum = -1, TypeValidationFlags flags = TypeValidationFlags.AutoConvert) { if (Type == desiredType) { return this; } bool flag = (flags & TypeValidationFlags.AllowNil) != 0; if (flag && IsNil()) { return this; } if ((flags & TypeValidationFlags.AutoConvert) != 0) { switch (desiredType) { case DataType.Boolean: return NewBoolean(CastToBool()); case DataType.Number: { double? num = CastToNumber(); if (num.HasValue) { return NewNumber(num.Value); } break; } } if (desiredType == DataType.String) { string text = CastToString(); if (text != null) { return NewString(text); } } } if (IsVoid()) { throw ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentNoValue(argNum, funcName, desiredType); } throw ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgument(argNum, funcName, desiredType, Type, flag); } public T CheckUserDataType<T>(string funcName, int argNum = -1, TypeValidationFlags flags = TypeValidationFlags.AutoConvert) { DynValue dynValue = CheckType(funcName, DataType.UserData, argNum, flags); bool allowNil = (flags & TypeValidationFlags.AllowNil) != 0; if (dynValue.IsNil()) { return default(T); } object @object = dynValue.UserData.Object; if (@object != null && @object is T) { return (T)@object; } throw ScriptRuntimeException.BadArgumentUserData(argNum, funcName, typeof(T), @object, allowNil); } } public struct TablePair { private static TablePair s_NilNode = new TablePair(DynValue.Nil, DynValue.Nil); private DynValue key; private DynValue value; public DynValue Key { get { return key; } private set { Key = key; } } public DynValue Value { get { return value; } set { if (key.IsNotNil()) { Value = value; } } } public static TablePair Nil => s_NilNode; public TablePair(DynValue key, DynValue val) { this.key = key; value = val; } } public class ScriptExecutionContext : IScriptPrivateResource { private Processor m_Processor; private CallbackFunction m_Callback; public bool IsDynamicExecution { get; private set; } public SourceRef CallingLocation { get; private set; } public object AdditionalData { get { if (m_Callback == null) { return null; } return m_Callback.AdditionalData; } set { if (m_Callback == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot set additional data on a context which has no callback"); } m_Callback.AdditionalData = value; } } public Table CurrentGlobalEnv { get { DynValue dynValue = EvaluateSymbolByName("_ENV"); if (dynValue == null || dynValue.Type != DataType.Table) { return null; } return dynValue.Table; } } public Script OwnerScript => GetScript(); internal ScriptExecutionContext(Processor p, CallbackFunction callBackFunction, SourceRef sourceRef, bool isDynamic = false) { IsDynamicExecution = isDynamic; m_Processor = p; m_Callback = callBackFunction; CallingLocation = sourceRef; } public Table GetMetatable(DynValue value) { return m_Processor.GetMetatable(value); } public DynValue GetMetamethod(DynValue value, string metamethod) { return m_Processor.GetMetamethod(value, metamethod); } public DynValue GetMetamethodTailCall(DynValue value, string metamethod, params DynValue[] args) { DynValue metamethod2 = GetMetamethod(value, metamethod); if (metamethod2 == null) { return null; } return DynValue.NewTailCallReq(metamethod2, args); } public DynValue GetBinaryMetamethod(DynValue op1, DynValue op2, string eventName) { return m_Processor.GetBinaryMetamethod(op1, op2, eventName); } public Script GetScript() { return m_Processor.GetScript(); } public Coroutine GetCallingCoroutine() { return m_Processor.AssociatedCoroutine; } public DynValue EmulateClassicCall(CallbackArguments args, string functionName, Func<LuaState, int> callback) { LuaState luaState = new LuaState(this, args, functionName); int retvals = callback(luaState); return luaState.GetReturnValue(retvals); } public DynValue Call(DynValue func, params DynValue[] args) { if (func.Type == DataType.Function) { return GetScript().Call(func, args); } if (func.Type == DataType.ClrFunction) { DynValue dynValue; while (true) { dynValue = func.Callback.Invoke(this, args); if (dynValue.Type == DataType.YieldRequest) { throw ScriptRuntimeException.CannotYield(); } if (dynValue.Type != DataType.TailCallRequest) { break; } TailCallData tailCallData = dynValue.TailCallData; if (tailCallData.Continuation != null || tailCallData.ErrorHandler != null) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException("the function passed cannot be called directly. wrap in a script function instead."); } args = tailCallData.Args; func = tailCallData.Function; } return dynValue; } int num = 10; while (num > 0) { DynValue metamethod = GetMetamethod(func, "__call"); if (metamethod == null && metamethod.IsNil()) { throw ScriptRuntimeException.AttemptToCallNonFunc(func.Type); } func = metamethod; if (func.Type == DataType.Function || func.Type == DataType.ClrFunction) { return Call(func, args); } } throw ScriptRuntimeException.LoopInCall(); } public DynValue EvaluateSymbol(SymbolRef symref) { if (symref == null) { return DynValue.Nil; } return m_Processor.GetGenericSymbol(symref); } public DynValue EvaluateSymbolByName(string symbol) { return EvaluateSymbol(FindSymbolByName(symbol)); } public SymbolRef FindSymbolByName(string symbol) { return m_Processor.FindSymbolByName(symbol); } public void PerformMessageDecorationBeforeUnwind(DynValue messageHandler, ScriptRuntimeException exception) { if (messageHandler != null) { exception.DecoratedMessage = m_Processor.PerformMessageDecorationBeforeUnwind(messageHandler, exception.Message, CallingLocation); } else { exception.DecoratedMessage = exception.Message; } } } public enum CoroutineState { Main, NotStarted, Suspended, ForceSuspended, Running, Dead } public static class LinqHelpers { public static IEnumerable<T> Convert<T>(this IEnumerable<DynValue> enumerable, DataType type) { return from v in enumerable where v.Type == type select v.ToObject<T>(); } public static IEnumerable<DynValue> OfDataType(this IEnumerable<DynValue> enumerable, DataType type) { return enumerable.Where((DynValue v) => v.Type == type); } public static IEnumerable<object> AsObjects(this IEnumerable<DynValue> enumerable) { return enumerable.Select((DynValue v) => v.ToObject()); } public static IEnumerable<T> AsObjects<T>(this IEnumerable<DynValue> enumerable) { return enumerable.Select((DynValue v) => v.ToObject<T>()); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class MoonSharpUserDataAttribute : Attribute { public InteropAccessMode AccessMode { get; set; } public MoonSharpUserDataAttribute() { AccessMode = InteropAccessMode.Default; } } internal class AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor : IUserDataDescriptor { private string m_FriendlyName; private Type m_Type; public string Name => m_FriendlyName; public Type Type => m_Type; public AutoDescribingUserDataDescriptor(Type type, string friendlyName) { m_FriendlyName = friendlyName; m_Type = type; } public DynValue Index(Script script, object obj, DynValue index, bool isDirectIndexing) { if (obj is IUserDataType userDataType) { return userDataType.Index(script, index, isDirectIndexing); } return null; } public bool SetIndex(Script script, object obj, DynValue index, DynValue value, bool isDirectIndexing) { if (obj is IUserDataType userDataType) { return userDataType.SetIndex(script, index, value, isDirectIndexing); } return false; } public string AsString(object obj) { return obj?.ToString(); } public DynValue MetaIndex(Script script, object obj, string metaname) { if (obj is IUserDataType userDataType) { return userDataType.MetaIndex(script, metaname); } return null; } public bool IsTypeCompatible(Type type, object obj) { return Framework.Do.IsInstanceOfType(type, obj); } } public enum InteropAccessMode { Reflection, LazyOptimized, Preoptimized, BackgroundOptimized, Hardwired, HideMembers, NoReflectionAllowed, Default } public enum SymbolRefType { Local, Upvalue, Global, DefaultEnv } public class SymbolRef { private static SymbolRef s_DefaultEnv = new SymbolRef { i_Type = SymbolRefType.DefaultEnv }; internal SymbolRefType i_Type; internal SymbolRef i_Env; internal int i_Index; internal string i_Name; public SymbolRefType Type => i_Type; public int Index => i_Index; public string Name => i_Name; public SymbolRef Environment => i_Env; public static SymbolRef DefaultEnv => s_DefaultEnv; public static SymbolRef Global(string name, SymbolRef envSymbol) { return new SymbolRef { i_Index = -1, i_Type = SymbolRefType.Global, i_Env = envSymbol, i_Name = name }; } internal static SymbolRef Local(string name, int index) { return new SymbolRef { i_Index = index, i_Type = SymbolRefType.Local, i_Name = name }; } internal static SymbolRef Upvalue(string name, int index) { return new SymbolRef { i_Index = index, i_Type = SymbolRefType.Upvalue, i_Name = name }; } public override string ToString() { if (i_Type == SymbolRefType.DefaultEnv) { return "(default _ENV)"; } if (i_Type == SymbolRefType.Global) { return string.Format("{2} : {0} / {1}", i_Type, i_Env, i_Name); } return string.Format("{2} : {0}[{1}]", i_Type, i_Index, i_Name); } internal void WriteBinary(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write((byte)i_Type); bw.Write(i_Index); bw.Write(i_Name); } internal static SymbolRef ReadBinary(BinaryReader br) { return new SymbolRef { i_Type = (SymbolRefType)br.ReadByte(), i_Index = br.ReadInt32(), i_Name = br.ReadString() }; } internal void WriteBinaryEnv(BinaryWriter bw, Dictionary<SymbolRef, int> symbolMap) { if (i_Env != null) { bw.Write(symbolMap[i_Env]); } else { bw.Write(-1); } } internal void ReadBinaryEnv(BinaryReader br, SymbolRef[] symbolRefs) { int num = br.ReadInt32(); if (num >= 0) { i_Env = symbolRefs[num]; } } } public enum DataType { Nil, Void, Boolean, Number, String, Function, Table, Tuple, UserData, Thread, ClrFunction, TailCallRequest, YieldRequest } public static class LuaTypeExtensions { internal const DataType MaxMetaTypes = DataType.Table; internal const DataType MaxConvertibleTypes = DataType.ClrFunction; public static bool CanHaveTypeMetatables(this DataType type) { return type < DataType.Table; } public static string ToErrorTypeString(this DataType type) { return type switch { DataType.Void => "no value", DataType.Nil => "nil", DataType.Boolean => "boolean", DataType.Number => "number", DataType.String => "string", DataType.Function => "function", DataType.ClrFunction => "function", DataType.Table => "table", DataType.UserData => "userdata", DataType.Thread => "coroutine", _ => $"internal<{type.ToLuaDebuggerString()}>", }; } public static string ToLuaDebuggerString(this DataType type) { return type.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); } public static string ToLuaTypeString(this DataType type) { switch (type) { case DataType.Nil: case DataType.Void: return "nil"; case DataType.Boolean: return "boolean"; case DataType.Number: return "number"; case DataType.String: return "string"; case DataType.Function: return "function"; case DataType.ClrFunction: return "function"; case DataType.Table: return "table"; case DataType.UserData: return "userdata"; case DataType.Thread: return "thread"; default: throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Unexpected LuaType {0}", type); } } } public enum ColonOperatorBehaviour { TreatAsDot, TreatAsDotOnUserData, TreatAsColon } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class MoonSharpModuleConstantAttribute : Attribute { public string Name { get; set; } } internal static class NamespaceDoc { } public class Script : IScriptPrivateResource { public const string VERSION = ""; public const string LUA_VERSION = "5.2"; private Processor m_MainProcessor; private ByteCode m_ByteCode; private List<SourceCode> m_Sources = new List<SourceCode>(); private Table m_GlobalTable; private IDebugger m_Debugger; private Table[] m_TypeMetatables = new Table[6]; public static ScriptOptions DefaultOptions { get; private set; } public ScriptOptions Options { get; private set; } public static ScriptGlobalOptions GlobalOptions { get; private set; } public PerformanceStatistics PerformanceStats { get; private set; } public Table Globals => m_GlobalTable; public bool DebuggerEnabled { get { return m_MainProcessor.DebuggerEnabled; } set { m_MainProcessor.DebuggerEnabled = value; } } public int SourceCodeCount => m_Sources.Count; public Table Registry { get; private set; } Script IScriptPrivateResource.OwnerScript => this; static Script() { GlobalOptions = new ScriptGlobalOptions(); DefaultOptions = new ScriptOptions { DebugPrint = delegate(string s) { GlobalOptions.Platform.DefaultPrint(s); }, DebugInput = (string s) => GlobalOptions.Platform.DefaultInput(s), CheckThreadAccess = true, ScriptLoader = PlatformAutoDetector.GetDefaultScriptLoader(), TailCallOptimizationThreshold = 65536 }; } public Script() : this(CoreModules.Preset_Default) { } public Script(CoreModules coreModules) { Options = new ScriptOptions(DefaultOptions); PerformanceStats = new PerformanceStatistics(); Registry = new Table(this); m_ByteCode = new ByteCode(this); m_MainProcessor = new Processor(this, m_GlobalTable, m_ByteCode); m_GlobalTable = new Table(this).RegisterCoreModules(coreModules); } public DynValue LoadFunction(string code, Table globalTable = null, string funcFriendlyName = null) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(globalTable); SourceCode sourceCode = new SourceCode($"libfunc_{funcFriendlyName ?? m_Sources.Count.ToString()}", code, m_Sources.Count, this); m_Sources.Add(sourceCode); int address = Loader_Fast.LoadFunction(this, sourceCode, m_ByteCode, globalTable != null || m_GlobalTable != null); SignalSourceCodeChange(sourceCode); SignalByteCodeChange(); return MakeClosure(address, globalTable ?? m_GlobalTable); } private void SignalByteCodeChange() { if (m_Debugger != null) { m_Debugger.SetByteCode(m_ByteCode.Code.Select((Instruction s) => s.ToString()).ToArray()); } } private void SignalSourceCodeChange(SourceCode source) { if (m_Debugger != null) { m_Debugger.SetSourceCode(source); } } public DynValue LoadString(string code, Table globalTable = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(globalTable); if (code.StartsWith("MoonSharp_dump_b64::")) { code = code.Substring("MoonSharp_dump_b64::".Length); using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(code)); return LoadStream(stream, globalTable, codeFriendlyName); } string text = string.Format("{0}", codeFriendlyName ?? ("chunk_" + m_Sources.Count)); SourceCode sourceCode = new SourceCode(codeFriendlyName ?? text, code, m_Sources.Count, this); m_Sources.Add(sourceCode); int address = Loader_Fast.LoadChunk(this, sourceCode, m_ByteCode); SignalSourceCodeChange(sourceCode); SignalByteCodeChange(); return MakeClosure(address, globalTable ?? m_GlobalTable); } public DynValue LoadStream(Stream stream, Table globalTable = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(globalTable); Stream stream2 = new UndisposableStream(stream); if (!Processor.IsDumpStream(stream2)) { using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream2)) { string code = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); return LoadString(code, globalTable, codeFriendlyName); } } string text = string.Format("{0}", codeFriendlyName ?? ("dump_" + m_Sources.Count)); SourceCode sourceCode = new SourceCode(codeFriendlyName ?? text, $"-- This script was decoded from a binary dump - dump_{m_Sources.Count}", m_Sources.Count, this); m_Sources.Add(sourceCode); bool hasUpvalues; int address = m_MainProcessor.Undump(stream2, m_Sources.Count - 1, globalTable ?? m_GlobalTable, out hasUpvalues); SignalSourceCodeChange(sourceCode); SignalByteCodeChange(); if (hasUpvalues) { return MakeClosure(address, globalTable ?? m_GlobalTable); } return MakeClosure(address); } public void Dump(DynValue function, Stream stream) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(function); if (function.Type != DataType.Function) { throw new ArgumentException("function arg is not a function!"); } if (!stream.CanWrite) { throw new ArgumentException("stream is readonly!"); } Closure.UpvaluesType upvaluesType = function.Function.GetUpvaluesType(); if (upvaluesType == Closure.UpvaluesType.Closure) { throw new ArgumentException("function arg has upvalues other than _ENV"); } UndisposableStream stream2 = new UndisposableStream(stream); m_MainProcessor.Dump(stream2, function.Function.EntryPointByteCodeLocation, upvaluesType == Closure.UpvaluesType.Environment); } public DynValue LoadFile(string filename, Table globalContext = null, string friendlyFilename = null) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(globalContext); filename = Options.ScriptLoader.ResolveFileName(filename, globalContext ?? m_GlobalTable); object obj = Options.ScriptLoader.LoadFile(filename, globalContext ?? m_GlobalTable); if (obj is string) { return LoadString((string)obj, globalContext, friendlyFilename ?? filename); } if (obj is byte[]) { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream((byte[])obj)) { return LoadStream(stream, globalContext, friendlyFilename ?? filename); } } if (obj is Stream) { try { return LoadStream((Stream)obj, globalContext, friendlyFilename ?? filename); } finally { ((Stream)obj).Dispose(); } } if (obj == null) { throw new InvalidCastException("Unexpected null from IScriptLoader.LoadFile"); } throw new InvalidCastException($"Unsupported return type from IScriptLoader.LoadFile : {obj.GetType()}"); } public DynValue DoString(string code, Table globalContext = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { DynValue function = LoadString(code, globalContext, codeFriendlyName); return Call(function); } public DynValue DoStream(Stream stream, Table globalContext = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { DynValue function = LoadStream(stream, globalContext, codeFriendlyName); return Call(function); } public DynValue DoFile(string filename, Table globalContext = null, string codeFriendlyName = null) { DynValue function = LoadFile(filename, globalContext, codeFriendlyName); return Call(function); } public static DynValue RunFile(string filename) { return new Script().DoFile(filename); } public static DynValue RunString(string code) { return new Script().DoString(code); } private DynValue MakeClosure(int address, Table envTable = null) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(envTable); Closure function; if (envTable == null) { Instruction instruction = m_MainProcessor.FindMeta(ref address); function = ((instruction == null || instruction.NumVal2 != 0) ? new Closure(this, address, new SymbolRef[0], new DynValue[0]) : new Closure(this, address, new SymbolRef[1] { SymbolRef.Upvalue("_ENV", 0) }, new DynValue[1] { instruction.Value })); } else { SymbolRef[] symbols = new SymbolRef[1] { new SymbolRef { i_Env = null, i_Index = 0, i_Name = "_ENV", i_Type = SymbolRefType.DefaultEnv } }; DynValue[] resolvedLocals = new DynValue[1] { DynValue.NewTable(envTable) }; function = new Closure(this, address, symbols, resolvedLocals); } return DynValue.NewClosure(function); } public DynValue Call(DynValue function) { return Call(function, new DynValue[0]); } public DynValue Call(DynValue function, params DynValue[] args) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(function); this.CheckScriptOwnership(args); if (function.Type != DataType.Function && function.Type != DataType.ClrFunction) { DynValue metamethod = m_MainProcessor.GetMetamethod(function, "__call"); if (metamethod == null) { throw new ArgumentException("function is not a function and has no __call metamethod."); } DynValue[] array = new DynValue[args.Length + 1]; array[0] = function; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { array[i + 1] = args[i]; } function = metamethod; args = array; } else if (function.Type == DataType.ClrFunction) { return function.Callback.ClrCallback(CreateDynamicExecutionContext(function.Callback), new CallbackArguments(args, isMethodCall: false)); } return m_MainProcessor.Call(function, args); } public DynValue Call(DynValue function, params object[] args) { DynValue[] array = new DynValue[args.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = DynValue.FromObject(this, args[i]); } return Call(function, array); } public DynValue Call(object function) { return Call(DynValue.FromObject(this, function)); } public DynValue Call(object function, params object[] args) { return Call(DynValue.FromObject(this, function), args); } public DynValue CreateCoroutine(DynValue function) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(function); if (function.Type == DataType.Function) { return m_MainProcessor.Coroutine_Create(function.Function); } if (function.Type == DataType.ClrFunction) { return DynValue.NewCoroutine(new Coroutine(function.Callback)); } throw new ArgumentException("function is not of DataType.Function or DataType.ClrFunction"); } public DynValue CreateCoroutine(object function) { return CreateCoroutine(DynValue.FromObject(this, function)); } public void AttachDebugger(IDebugger debugger) { DebuggerEnabled = true; m_Debugger = debugger; m_MainProcessor.AttachDebugger(debugger); foreach (SourceCode source in m_Sources) { SignalSourceCodeChange(source); } SignalByteCodeChange(); } public SourceCode GetSourceCode(int sourceCodeID) { return m_Sources[sourceCodeID]; } public DynValue RequireModule(string modname, Table globalContext = null) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(globalContext); Table globalContext2 = globalContext ?? m_GlobalTable; string text = Options.ScriptLoader.ResolveModuleName(modname, globalContext2); if (text == null) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException("module '{0}' not found", modname); } return LoadFile(text, globalContext, text); } public Table GetTypeMetatable(DataType type) { if (type >= DataType.Nil && (int)type < m_TypeMetatables.Length) { return m_TypeMetatables[(int)type]; } return null; } public void SetTypeMetatable(DataType type, Table metatable) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(metatable); int num = (int)type; if (num >= 0 && num < m_TypeMetatables.Length) { m_TypeMetatables[num] = metatable; return; } throw new ArgumentException("Specified type not supported : " + type); } public static void WarmUp() { new Script(CoreModules.Basic).LoadString("return 1;"); } public DynamicExpression CreateDynamicExpression(string code) { DynamicExprExpression expr = Loader_Fast.LoadDynamicExpr(this, new SourceCode("__dynamic", code, -1, this)); return new DynamicExpression(this, code, expr); } public DynamicExpression CreateConstantDynamicExpression(string code, DynValue constant) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(constant); return new DynamicExpression(this, code, constant); } internal ScriptExecutionContext CreateDynamicExecutionContext(CallbackFunction func = null) { return new ScriptExecutionContext(m_MainProcessor, func, null, isDynamic: true); } public static string GetBanner(string subproduct = null) { subproduct = ((subproduct != null) ? (subproduct + " ") : ""); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("MoonSharp {0}{1} [{2}]", subproduct, "", GlobalOptions.Platform.GetPlatformName())); stringBuilder.AppendLine("Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Marco Mastropaolo"); stringBuilder.AppendLine(""); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } } public class Table : RefIdObject, IScriptPrivateResource { private readonly LinkedList<TablePair> m_Values; private readonly LinkedListIndex<DynValue, TablePair> m_ValueMap; private readonly LinkedListIndex<string, TablePair> m_StringMap; private readonly LinkedListIndex<int, TablePair> m_ArrayMap; private readonly Script m_Owner; private int m_InitArray; private int m_CachedLength = -1; private bool m_ContainsNilEntries; private Table m_MetaTable; public Script OwnerScript => m_Owner; public object this[params object[] keys] { get { return Get(keys).ToObject(); } set { Set(keys, DynValue.FromObject(OwnerScript, value)); } } public object this[object key] { get { return Get(key).ToObject(); } set { Set(key, DynValue.FromObject(OwnerScript, value)); } } public int Length { get { if (m_CachedLength < 0) { m_CachedLength = 0; for (int i = 1; m_ArrayMap.ContainsKey(i) && !m_ArrayMap.Find(i).Value.Value.IsNil(); i++) { m_CachedLength = i; } } return m_CachedLength; } } public Table MetaTable { get { return m_MetaTable; } set { this.CheckScriptOwnership(m_MetaTable); m_MetaTable = value; } } public IEnumerable<TablePair> Pairs => m_Values.Select((TablePair n) => new TablePair(n.Key, n.Value)); public IEnumerable<DynValue> Keys => m_Values.Select((TablePair n) => n.Key); public IEnumerable<DynValue> Values => m_Values.Select((TablePair n) => n.Value); public Table(Script owner) { m_Values = new LinkedList<TablePair>(); m_StringMap = new LinkedListIndex<string, TablePair>(m_Values); m_ArrayMap = new LinkedListIndex<int, TablePair>(m_Values); m_ValueMap = new LinkedListIndex<DynValue, TablePair>(m_Values); m_Owner = owner; } public Table(Script owner, params DynValue[] arrayValues) : this(owner) { for (int i = 0; i < arrayValues.Length; i++) { Set(DynValue.NewNumber(i + 1), arrayValues[i]); } } public void Clear() { m_Values.Clear(); m_StringMap.Clear(); m_ArrayMap.Clear(); m_ValueMap.Clear(); m_CachedLength = -1; } private int GetIntegralKey(double d) { int num = (int)d; if (d >= 1.0 && d == (double)num) { return num; } return -1; } private Table ResolveMultipleKeys(object[] keys, out object key) { Table table = this; key = ((keys.Length != 0) ? keys[0] : null); for (int i = 1; i < keys.Length; i++) { DynValue obj = table.RawGet(key) ?? throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Key '{0}' did not point to anything"); if (obj.Type != DataType.Table) { throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Key '{0}' did not point to a table"); } table = obj.Table; key = keys[i]; } return table; } public void Append(DynValue value) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(value); PerformTableSet(m_ArrayMap, Length + 1, DynValue.NewNumber(Length + 1), value, isNumber: true, Length + 1); } private void PerformTableSet<T>(LinkedListIndex<T, TablePair> listIndex, T key, DynValue keyDynValue, DynValue value, bool isNumber, int appendKey) { TablePair tablePair = listIndex.Set(key, new TablePair(keyDynValue, value)); if (m_ContainsNilEntries && value.IsNotNil() && (tablePair.Value == null || tablePair.Value.IsNil())) { CollectDeadKeys(); } else if (value.IsNil()) { m_ContainsNilEntries = true; if (isNumber) { m_CachedLength = -1; } } else { if (!isNumber || (tablePair.Value != null && !tablePair.Value.IsNilOrNan())) { return; } if (appendKey >= 0) { LinkedListNode<TablePair> linkedListNode = m_ArrayMap.Find(appendKey + 1); if (linkedListNode == null || linkedListNode.Value.Value == null || linkedListNode.Value.Value.IsNil()) { m_CachedLength++; } else { m_CachedLength = -1; } } else { m_CachedLength = -1; } } } public void Set(string key, DynValue value) { if (key == null) { throw ScriptRuntimeException.TableIndexIsNil(); } this.CheckScriptOwnership(value); PerformTableSet(m_StringMap, key, DynValue.NewString(key), value, isNumber: false, -1); } public void Set(int key, DynValue value) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(value); PerformTableSet(m_ArrayMap, key, DynValue.NewNumber(key), value, isNumber: true, -1); } public void Set(DynValue key, DynValue value) { if (key.IsNilOrNan()) { if (key.IsNil()) { throw ScriptRuntimeException.TableIndexIsNil(); } throw ScriptRuntimeException.TableIndexIsNaN(); } if (key.Type == DataType.String) { Set(key.String, value); return; } if (key.Type == DataType.Number) { int integralKey = GetIntegralKey(key.Number); if (integralKey > 0) { Set(integralKey, value); return; } } this.CheckScriptOwnership(key); this.CheckScriptOwnership(value); PerformTableSet(m_ValueMap, key, key, value, isNumber: false, -1); } public void Set(object key, DynValue value) { if (key == null) { throw ScriptRuntimeException.TableIndexIsNil(); } if (key is string) { Set((string)key, value); } else if (key is int) { Set((int)key, value); } else { Set(DynValue.FromObject(OwnerScript, key), value); } } public void Set(object[] keys, DynValue value) { if (keys == null || keys.Length == 0) { throw ScriptRuntimeException.TableIndexIsNil(); } ResolveMultipleKeys(keys, out var key).Set(key, value); } public DynValue Get(string key) { return RawGet(key) ?? DynValue.Nil; } public DynValue Get(int key) { return RawGet(key) ?? DynValue.Nil; } public DynValue Get(DynValue key) { return RawGet(key) ?? DynValue.Nil; } public DynValue Get(object key) { return RawGet(key) ?? DynValue.Nil; } public DynValue Get(params object[] keys) { return RawGet(keys) ?? DynValue.Nil; } private static DynValue RawGetValue(LinkedListNode<TablePair> linkedListNode) { return linkedListNode?.Value.Value; } public DynValue RawGet(string key) { return RawGetValue(m_StringMap.Find(key)); } public DynValue RawGet(int key) { return RawGetValue(m_ArrayMap.Find(key)); } public DynValue RawGet(DynValue key) { if (key.Type == DataType.String) { return RawGet(key.String); } if (key.Type == DataType.Number) { int integralKey = GetIntegralKey(key.Number); if (integralKey > 0) { return RawGet(integralKey); } } return RawGetValue(m_ValueMap.Find(key)); } public DynValue RawGet(object key) { if (key == null) { return null; } if (key is string) { return RawGet((string)key); } if (key is int) { return RawGet((int)key); } return RawGet(DynValue.FromObject(OwnerScript, key)); } public DynValue RawGet(params object[] keys) { if (keys == null || keys.Length == 0) { return null; } object key; return ResolveMultipleKeys(keys, out key).RawGet(key); } private bool PerformTableRemove<T>(LinkedListIndex<T, TablePair> listIndex, T key, bool isNumber) { bool num = listIndex.Remove(key); if (num && isNumber) { m_CachedLength = -1; } return num; } public bool Remove(string key) { return PerformTableRemove(m_StringMap, key, isNumber: false); } public bool Remove(int key) { return PerformTableRemove(m_ArrayMap, key, isNumber: true); } public bool Remove(DynValue key) { if (key.Type == DataType.String) { return Remove(key.String); } if (key.Type == DataType.Number) { int integralKey = GetIntegralKey(key.Number); if (integralKey > 0) { return Remove(integralKey); } } return PerformTableRemove(m_ValueMap, key, isNumber: false); } public bool Remove(object key) { if (key is string) { return Remove((string)key); } if (key is int) { return Remove((int)key); } return Remove(DynValue.FromObject(OwnerScript, key)); } public bool Remove(params object[] keys) { if (keys == null || keys.Length == 0) { return false; } object key; return ResolveMultipleKeys(keys, out key).Remove(key); } public void CollectDeadKeys() { for (LinkedListNode<TablePair> linkedListNode = m_Values.First; linkedListNode != null; linkedListNode = linkedListNode.Next) { if (linkedListNode.Value.Value.IsNil()) { Remove(linkedListNode.Value.Key); } } m_ContainsNilEntries = false; m_CachedLength = -1; } public TablePair? NextKey(DynValue v) { if (v.IsNil()) { LinkedListNode<TablePair> first = m_Values.First; if (first == null) { return TablePair.Nil; } if (first.Value.Value.IsNil()) { return NextKey(first.Value.Key); } return first.Value; } if (v.Type == DataType.String) { return GetNextOf(m_StringMap.Find(v.String)); } if (v.Type == DataType.Number) { int integralKey = GetIntegralKey(v.Number); if (integralKey > 0) { return GetNextOf(m_ArrayMap.Find(integralKey)); } } return GetNextOf(m_ValueMap.Find(v)); } private TablePair? GetNextOf(LinkedListNode<TablePair> linkedListNode) { do { if (linkedListNode == null) { return null; } if (linkedListNode.Next == null) { return TablePair.Nil; } linkedListNode = linkedListNode.Next; } while (linkedListNode.Value.Value.IsNil()); return linkedListNode.Value; } internal void InitNextArrayKeys(DynValue val, bool lastpos) { if (val.Type == DataType.Tuple && lastpos) { DynValue[] tuple = val.Tuple; foreach (DynValue val2 in tuple) { InitNextArrayKeys(val2, lastpos: true); } } else { Set(++m_InitArray, val.ToScalar()); } } } [Flags] public enum CoreModules { None = 0, Basic = 0x40, GlobalConsts = 1, TableIterators = 2, Metatables = 4, String = 8, LoadMethods = 0x10, Table = 0x20, ErrorHandling = 0x80, Math = 0x100, Coroutine = 0x200, Bit32 = 0x400, OS_Time = 0x800, OS_System = 0x1000, IO = 0x2000, Debug = 0x4000, Dynamic = 0x8000, Json = 0x10000, Preset_HardSandbox = 0x56B, Preset_SoftSandbox = 0x18FEF, Preset_Default = 0x1BFFF, Preset_Complete = 0x1FFFF } internal static class CoreModules_ExtensionMethods { public static bool Has(this CoreModules val, CoreModules flag) { return (val & flag) == flag; } } public static class ModuleRegister { public static Table RegisterCoreModules(this Table table, CoreModules modules) { modules = Script.GlobalOptions.Platform.FilterSupportedCoreModules(modules); if (modules.Has(CoreModules.GlobalConsts)) { table.RegisterConstants(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.TableIterators)) { table.RegisterModuleType<TableIteratorsModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Basic)) { table.RegisterModuleType<BasicModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Metatables)) { table.RegisterModuleType<MetaTableModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.String)) { table.RegisterModuleType<StringModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.LoadMethods)) { table.RegisterModuleType<LoadModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Table)) { table.RegisterModuleType<TableModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Table)) { table.RegisterModuleType<TableModule_Globals>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.ErrorHandling)) { table.RegisterModuleType<ErrorHandlingModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Math)) { table.RegisterModuleType<MathModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Coroutine)) { table.RegisterModuleType<CoroutineModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Bit32)) { table.RegisterModuleType<Bit32Module>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Dynamic)) { table.RegisterModuleType<DynamicModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.OS_System)) { table.RegisterModuleType<OsSystemModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.OS_Time)) { table.RegisterModuleType<OsTimeModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.IO)) { table.RegisterModuleType<IoModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Debug)) { table.RegisterModuleType<DebugModule>(); } if (modules.Has(CoreModules.Json)) { table.RegisterModuleType<JsonModule>(); } return table; } public static Table RegisterConstants(this Table table) { DynValue dynValue = DynValue.NewTable(table.OwnerScript); Table table2 = dynValue.Table; table.Set("_G", DynValue.NewTable(table)); table.Set("_VERSION", DynValue.NewString(string.Format("MoonSharp {0}", ""))); table.Set("_MOONSHARP", dynValue); table2.Set("version", DynValue.NewString("")); table2.Set("luacompat", DynValue.NewString("5.2")); table2.Set("platform", DynValue.NewString(Script.GlobalOptions.Platform.GetPlatformName())); table2.Set("is_aot", DynValue.NewBoolean(Script.GlobalOptions.Platform.IsRunningOnAOT())); table2.Set("is_unity", DynValue.NewBoolean(PlatformAutoDetector.IsRunningOnUnity)); table2.Set("is_mono", DynValue.NewBoolean(PlatformAutoDetector.IsRunningOnMono)); table2.Set("is_clr4", DynValue.NewBoolean(PlatformAutoDetector.IsRunningOnClr4)); table2.Set("is_pcl", DynValue.NewBoolean(PlatformAutoDetector.IsPortableFramework)); table2.Set("banner", DynValue.NewString(Script.GetBanner())); return table; } public static Table RegisterModuleType(this Table gtable, Type t) { Table table = CreateModuleNamespace(gtable, t); foreach (MethodInfo item in from __mi in Framework.Do.GetMethods(t) where __mi.IsStatic select __mi) { if (item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute), inherit: false).ToArray().Length != 0) { MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute moonSharpModuleMethodAttribute = (MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute)item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute), inherit: false).First(); if (!CallbackFunction.CheckCallbackSignature(item, requirePublicVisibility: true)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Method {item.Name} does not have the right signature."); } Func<ScriptExecutionContext, CallbackArguments, DynValue> callBack = (Func<ScriptExecutionContext, CallbackArguments, DynValue>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<ScriptExecutionContext, CallbackArguments, DynValue>), item); string text = ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moonSharpModuleMethodAttribute.Name)) ? moonSharpModuleMethodAttribute.Name : item.Name); table.Set(text, DynValue.NewCallback(callBack, text)); } else if (item.Name == "MoonSharpInit") { object[] parameters = new object[2] { gtable, table }; item.Invoke(null, parameters); } } foreach (FieldInfo item2 in from _mi in Framework.Do.GetFields(t) where _mi.IsStatic && _mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute), inherit: false).ToArray().Length != 0 select _mi) { MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute moonSharpModuleMethodAttribute2 = (MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute)item2.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute), inherit: false).First(); string name = ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moonSharpModuleMethodAttribute2.Name)) ? moonSharpModuleMethodAttribute2.Name : item2.Name); RegisterScriptField(item2, null, table, t, name); } foreach (FieldInfo item3 in from _mi in Framework.Do.GetFields(t) where _mi.IsStatic && _mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MoonSharpModuleConstantAttribute), inherit: false).ToArray().Length != 0 select _mi) { MoonSharpModuleConstantAttribute moonSharpModuleConstantAttribute = (MoonSharpModuleConstantAttribute)item3.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MoonSharpModuleConstantAttribute), inherit: false).First(); string name2 = ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moonSharpModuleConstantAttribute.Name)) ? moonSharpModuleConstantAttribute.Name : item3.Name); RegisterScriptFieldAsConst(item3, null, table, t, name2); } return gtable; } private static void RegisterScriptFieldAsConst(FieldInfo fi, object o, Table table, Type t, string name) { if (fi.FieldType == typeof(string)) { string str = fi.GetValue(o) as string; table.Set(name, DynValue.NewString(str)); return; } if (fi.FieldType == typeof(double)) { double num = (double)fi.GetValue(o); table.Set(name, DynValue.NewNumber(num)); return; } throw new ArgumentException($"Field {name} does not have the right type - it must be string or double."); } private static void RegisterScriptField(FieldInfo fi, object o, Table table, Type t, string name) { if (fi.FieldType != typeof(string)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Field {name} does not have the right type - it must be string."); } string code = fi.GetValue(o) as string; DynValue value = table.OwnerScript.LoadFunction(code, table, name); table.Set(name, value); } private static Table CreateModuleNamespace(Table gtable, Type t) { MoonSharpModuleAttribute moonSharpModuleAttribute = (MoonSharpModuleAttribute)Framework.Do.GetCustomAttributes(t, typeof(MoonSharpModuleAttribute), inherit: false).First(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(moonSharpModuleAttribute.Namespace)) { return gtable; } Table table = null; DynValue dynValue = gtable.Get(moonSharpModuleAttribute.Namespace); if (dynValue.Type == DataType.Table) { table = dynValue.Table; } else { table = new Table(gtable.OwnerScript); gtable.Set(moonSharpModuleAttribute.Namespace, DynValue.NewTable(table)); } DynValue dynValue2 = gtable.RawGet("package"); if (dynValue2 == null || dynValue2.Type != DataType.Table) { gtable.Set("package", dynValue2 = DynValue.NewTable(gtable.OwnerScript)); } DynValue dynValue3 = dynValue2.Table.RawGet("loaded"); if (dynValue3 == null || dynValue3.Type != DataType.Table) { dynValue2.Table.Set("loaded", dynValue3 = DynValue.NewTable(gtable.OwnerScript)); } dynValue3.Table.Set(moonSharpModuleAttribute.Namespace, DynValue.NewTable(table)); return table; } public static Table RegisterModuleType<T>(this Table table) { return table.RegisterModuleType(typeof(T)); } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Field, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class MoonSharpModuleMethodAttribute : Attribute { public string Name { get; set; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)] public sealed class MoonSharpModuleAttribute : Attribute { public string Namespace { get; set; } } public class ScriptGlobalOptions { public CustomConvertersCollection CustomConverters { get; set; } public IPlatformAccessor Platform { get; set; } public bool RethrowExceptionNested { get; set; } internal ScriptGlobalOptions() { Platform = PlatformAutoDetector.GetDefaultPlatform(); CustomConverters = new CustomConvertersCollection(); } } public class ScriptOptions { public IScriptLoader ScriptLoader { get; set; } public Action<string> DebugPrint { get; set; } public Func<string, string> DebugInput { get; set; } public bool Us
Decompiled 3 months agousing System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Reflection; using System.Resources; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Text; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: CLSCompliant(true)] [assembly: SecurityTransparent] [assembly: SecurityRules(SecurityRuleSet.Level2, SkipVerificationInFullTrust = true)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("System.IO.Compression.dll")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("System.IO.Compression.dll")] [assembly: AssemblyDefaultAlias("System.IO.Compression.dll")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft Corporation")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Microsoft® .NET Framework")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("")] [assembly: SatelliteContractVersion("")] [assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en-US")] [assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(true)] [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("f:\\dd\\tools\\devdiv\\EcmaPublicKey.snk")] [assembly: AssemblySignatureKey("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", "a5a866e1ee186f807668209f3b11236ace5e21f117803a3143abb126dd035d7d2f876b6938aaf2ee3414d5420d753621400db44a49c486ce134300a2106adb6bdb433590fef8ad5c43cba82290dc49530effd86523d9483c00f458af46890036b0e2c61d077d7fbac467a506eba29e467a87198b053c749aa2a4d2840c784e6d")] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: ReferenceAssembly] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompressionLevel))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(CompressionMode))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(DeflateStream))] [assembly: TypeForwardedTo(typeof(GZipStream))] namespace System.IO.Compression; public class ZipArchive : IDisposable { public ReadOnlyCollection<ZipArchiveEntry> Entries { get { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public ZipArchiveMode Mode { get { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public ZipArchive(Stream stream) { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public ZipArchive(Stream stream, ZipArchiveMode mode) { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public ZipArchive(Stream stream, ZipArchiveMode mode, bool leaveOpen) { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public ZipArchive(Stream stream, ZipArchiveMode mode, bool leaveOpen, Encoding entryNameEncoding) { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public ZipArchiveEntry CreateEntry(string entryName) { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public ZipArchiveEntry CreateEntry(string entryName, CompressionLevel compressionLevel) { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public void Dispose() { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public ZipArchiveEntry GetEntry(string entryName) { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public class ZipArchiveEntry { public ZipArchive Archive { get { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public long CompressedLength { get { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public string FullName { get { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } private set { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public DateTimeOffset LastWriteTime { get { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } set { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public long Length { get { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public string Name { get { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public void Delete() { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public Stream Open() { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } public override string ToString() { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } private ZipArchiveEntry() { /*Error: Empty body found. Decompiled assembly might be a reference assembly.*/; } } public enum ZipArchiveMode { Read, Create, Update }