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LazyDuchess-WallPlant-2.5.7 icon


Adds a new Wall Plant and Graffiti Plant tricks that can be triggered by pressing the jump key when airing into walls.

Date uploaded 8 months ago
Version 2.5.7
Download link
Downloads 20291
Dependency string LazyDuchess-WallPlant-2.5.7

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



BepInEx plugin that adds a Wall Plant and Graffiti Plant (Sticker Slaps) tricks to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.

wallplant graffplant


Simply hit the jump button as you hit a wall in mid-air to trigger the trick. By default, you will be able to air dash and air boost again after hitting a wall plant, and every wall plant you do in a row without landing/grinding/wallrunning/etc. beforehand will get weaker. You can do up to 4 in a row.

If you hold or press the Spraycan/Interact button as you hit the wall you will spray a small graffiti. The graffiti depends on your character, but you also get the option to use custom ones, and to re-bind the graffiti plant to the slide button or disable it altogether.


A documented BepInEx configuration file will be created the first time you run the mod, called "com.LazyDuchess.BRC.WallPlant.cfg". You can use r2modman to more easily edit it. You can edit most aspects of the mod such as the physics, limits and penalties, and for Graffiti Plants you can edit the size, number of them, etc.

First time you launch the game with the mod a "Wall Plant" folder will be greated in your "BepInEx/config" folder. Inside there is a Graffiti folder, with a Readme.txt containing instructions on how to add your own custom graffiti for graffiti plants.

Building from source

You will need to provide a publicized version of the "Assembly-CSharp.dll" file which can be found in your "Bomb Rush Cyberfunk_Data/Managed" folder. To publicize it, you can use the BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer tool, and paste the result into "lib/Assembly-CSharp-publicized.dll" in this project's root directory.

In that same lib folder, you will need to place a build of CommonAPI and CrewBoomAPI.



  • Fix crash to desktop.
  • Remove a lot of dependencies that aren't needed anymore and were getting the mod flagged on Thunderstore.


  • Fixed error spam in Plugin.Update function.

2.5.5 (Hotfix)

  • Fixed the networking workaround from the previous patch not actually working.


  • Improvements to decal networking, should be more reliable, and fixes some very minor issues.
  • Small performance improvement.
  • Now works, although without networking support, if you have an old version of the SlopCrew API for some reason.


  • No longer errors if CrewBoom is installed but not initialized.


  • Fixed crashes.


  • Fixed networked decals always being red's graffiti. Whoops.


  • Experimental networking features.
  • Fixes graffiti not showing up properly on some surfaces.


  • No longer crashes if you don't have both SlopCrew and CrewBoom installed. My bad!


  • Decal limiter now actually deletes enough decals to get under the limit.
  • Adjusted limit again from 50 to 20.


  • Now uses character filenames rather than GUID for CrewBoom custom wallplant graffiti folders.
  • Graffiti wallplants are now networked. Still a work in progress, but graffiti from other players should show up on your screen when they graffiti plant.
  • Default decal limit increased from 10 to 50.


  • No longer ships with CrewBoom API. Fixes crashing.


  • Fixed crashing.


  • Added new configurable settings. Adjusted distance to walls you can wallplant.


  • Implements a new decal system that should wrap around geometry way better.


  • Fix version.
  • Add option to Graffiti Plant by default and instead have to press a button to do a regular Wall Plant.


  • Changed base score from 60 to 80.
  • Added "Graffiti Plants", which can be triggered by pressing/holding the Spraycan/Interact button as you hit a wall. Instructions on how to create custom graffiti will be generated in your BepInEx "config/Wall Plant/Graffiti" folder upon launching the game.


  • Modified default setting accordings to feedback and playtesting. Wall plants are now more lenient in regards to wall angle and speed into walls, and a little bit more of your speed is kept when wall jumping. If you want to check out the new settings, delete your configuration file.
  • Heavily reduced usage of Reflection in the code by making the plugin assembly unsafe, which should improve performance and readability. Thanks to Yuri for letting me know about this!

1.0.1 (Thunderstore)

  • Updated the readme to fix a missing image.


  • Initial release.