SRCTeam-Final_Rush icon

Final Rush

From Sonic Adventure 2. First release from the Sonic Rush Cyberfunk Team! *CONTAINS FLASHING TEXTURES*

By SRCTeam


0.1.0: Initial version

0.1.2: Made some lights blink, fixed skybox

0.1.3: Slowed down the billboard texture scrolling

0.1.4: Added CHAOS COLA vending machines

1.0.0: Added invisible walls and an extra platform

1.0.1: Better death planes

1.0.2: Fixed shakey anims, added springs, slide zone sign

1.1.0: ADDED BLUE RINGS FINALLY! Added red color shift at the end and added another spring

1.1.1: Added two easter eggs and a new CHAOS COLA machine color

1.1.2: Finished adding blue rings

1.2.0: Added vertical rail platforms, added some rails, resized rings, removed and changed some springs

1.2.1: Added Sonic! And more rail platforms, square ones coming soon

1.2.2: Camera zones!

1.2.3: Added easter egg, fixed springs

1.2.31: Fixed lighting issues, added orange lights

1.2.4: Fixed all lighting issues, added missing rails back to prepare for the fenced platforms

1.2.51: Added orange straight rail objects, updated shaders, added more springs, added more rail platforms, added some platforms, removed some platforms

1.3.0: Added graffiti for races, minimap and toilets