Tap the jump button as soon as you land to launch right back into the air!
- New Rebound.NewTrix configuration option: Force Animation Blending
- The speed at which custom Rebound animations blend into the fall animation (larger numbers are slower transitions)
- Allows custom Rebound animations to blend smoothly
- May cause jank - many BOE animations weren't built to blend like this!
- Set to 0 by default (no effect) due to aformentioned jank - 0.75 recommended if you can deal with it
- The speed at which custom Rebound animations blend into the fall animation (larger numbers are slower transitions)
- BunchOfEmotes animations can be configured by name - z-codes are no longer needed
- Calls NewTrix methods directly; naturally, requires both NewTrix and BunchOfEmotes to be installed
- Added custom Rebound animations
- Rebound animations for each movestyle and each trick button can now be configured in a new "goatgirl.Rebound.NewTrix.cfg" configuration file
- Animation names follow the same rules as the NewTrix updates
- BunchOfEmotes animations are supported
- New Rebound.NewTrix configuration option: Multiple Tricks for Boosted Rebounds (enabled by default)
- Holding a trick button while doing a Boosted Rebound will perform the boost trick associated with that button
- Reverted a change that made Rebounds too sensitive (could be triggered when jumping off rails or billboards)
- Rebounding while holding slide is now much more consistent and easier to pull off
- Adjusted timing to match non-sliding Rebounds
- Preserved jump buffering for Rebounds
- Consecutive Rebounds are much easier to pull off when using slide as a Modifier Action
- Reduced sensitivity of the "Prevent Combo Extension" configuration option, preventing wrongly dropped combos
- Adjusted input detection to be more consistent
- Clarified MovementPlus 3.0 compatibility on the mod page
- Reverted some changes from 2.0.0 to make Rebounds more consistent
- Intended to fix random Rebounds and the grace period being extended occasionally; however, these issues may have stuck around, so let me know if there's still any weird behavior!
- Fixed the Rebound trail breaking the boost trail after being activated
- The Rebound trail can now be disabled in the configuration file
- (2.1.1) Fixed a syntax error that made some patches apply to AI players
2.0.0 (New Year Update)
- New configuration option: Prevent Combo Extension (enabled by default)
- Prevents using a long grace period to artificially extend combos
- Detects if an action other than a Rebound is taken during the grace period and cancels the combo accordingly
- If using MovementPlus, this does not apply until the combo meter runs out while on the ground
- A new trail effect for Rebounds with configurable size and length
- General code cleanup for more reliable Rebounds and better performance
- Fixed an issue where boosting could prevent a combo from ending in vanilla gameplay
- Fixed an issue where a combo could be incorrectly dropped by Rebounding in certain situations
- Consistent player detection backported from my newer mods
- Added notes on MovementPlus 3.0 compatibility on the mod's home page
- Removed configuration options: Combo Meter Cost, Boost Meter Cost, Allow Boosted Rebounds
- Boosted Rebounds are now always allowed
- Combo meter cost has been slightly increased from the original default (no boost cost)
- Updated mod icon
- (2.0.1) Fixed a regression that broke using slide as a Rebound Modifier Action
- Plugin now tries to ignore AI "players," hopefully fixing weird SlopCrew behavior
- Rebound velocity now follows the direction of sloped ground
- Rebound on downward slopes to gain speed
- Rebound on upward slopes to gain height
- Not applied on launchers (by default)
- Rebounding on an empty combo meter now ends your combo instantly
- New config options:
- Ground Angle Multiplier for Forward Speed (1 by default)
- Ground Angle Multiplier for Upward Speed (1 by default)
- Apply Slope Physics when Rebounding on Launcher (false by default)
- Default config adjustment: minimum velocity to rebound is now zero (plays better with slopes)
- Disabled an unused config option
- Removed annoying console logs
- Initial release