Adi-GunTweaker icon


GunTweaker lets you tweak the settings of any gun

By Adi
Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 2787
Total rating 4 
Categories Code Mods
Dependency string Adi-GunTweaker-1.1.4
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

gnonme-BoneLib-3.0.0 icon

A BONELAB mod for making life easier for other mod creators.

Preferred version: 3.0.0


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GunTweaker lets you tweak any gun through the Bonemenu

Each gun has 5 separate profiles that you can easily switch between

Preferences are stored in UserData/GunTweakerPrefs.cfg


Firerate Multiplier

Damage Multiplier

Projectile Mass Multiplier

Projectile Velocity Multiplier

Firemode (Automatic, SemiAutomatic, BoltAction, Burst, BinaryTrigger)

  • Rounds Per Burst

Magazine Capacity

Infinite Ammo

Slide Release On Collision (Enabled/Disabled)

Slide Locked On Empty (Enabled/Disabled)

  • Determines whether the slide locks back when you run out of ammo

Mag Eject (Enabled/Disabled)

Auto Eject Mag (Enabled/Disabled)

Pseudo Shotgun (Enabled/Disabled)

  • Makes normal guns behave like shotguns

Pellets Per Shot (Shotguns & Pseudo Shotguns)


Is this compatible with LemonLoader?

Not anymore


Josie: Testing the mod on Quest


Version 1.1.4

  • The mod now saves preferences when you change a setting instead of only when you close the game normally

Version 1.1.3

  • Updated for Bonelib 3.1.0

Version 1.1.2

  • Fixed some minor issues

Version 1.1.1

  • Last version was broken, oops

Version 1.1.0

  • Updated for Patch 5
  • Fixed some stuff I think

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release