Decompiled source of Quicksilver v1.7.0


Decompiled 2 months ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BoneLib;
using BoneLib.BoneMenu;
using HarmonyLib;
using Il2CppInterop.Runtime.InteropTypes;
using Il2CppSLZ.Marrow;
using Il2CppSLZ.Marrow.Audio;
using Il2CppSLZ.Marrow.Warehouse;
using Il2CppSLZ.VRMK;
using Il2CppSystem;
using MelonLoader;
using MelonLoader.Preferences;
using Quicksilver;
using UnityEngine;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Quicksilver")]
[assembly: MelonInfo(typeof(QuicksilverMod), "Quicksilver", "1.7.0", "Lakatrazz", null)]
[assembly: MelonGame("Stress Level Zero", "BONELAB")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET 6.0")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Quicksilver
	public class QuicksilverMod : MelonMod
		public struct RigidbodyState
			public float drag;

			public float angularDrag;

			public RigidbodyState(Rigidbody rb)
				drag = rb.drag;
				angularDrag = rb.angularDrag;

		public const string Version = "1.7.0";

		private static bool _previousIsEnabled;

		public RigManager rigManager;

		public float lastTimeScale;

		public float lastCheckedTimeScale;

		public float timeOfLastAvatarUpdate;

		public bool checkForUpdate;

		public Dictionary<Rigidbody, RigidbodyState> rigidbodies = new Dictionary<Rigidbody, RigidbodyState>();

		private static bool _registeredPrefs = false;

		public static QuicksilverMod Instance { get; private set; }

		public static bool IsEnabled { get; private set; }

		public static float TargetTimeScale { get; private set; } = 1f;

		public static MelonPreferences_Category MelonPrefCategory { get; private set; }

		public static MelonPreferences_Entry<bool> MelonPrefEnabled { get; private set; }

		public static Page BoneMenuPage { get; private set; }

		public static BoolElement BoneMenuEnabledElement { get; private set; }

		public override void OnInitializeMelon()
			Instance = this;
			Hooking.OnLevelLoaded += OnLevelLoaded;

		public static void SetupMelonPrefs()
			MelonPrefCategory = MelonPreferences.CreateCategory("Quicksilver");
			MelonPrefEnabled = MelonPrefCategory.CreateEntry<bool>("IsEnabled", true, (string)null, (string)null, false, false, (ValueValidator)null, (string)null);
			IsEnabled = MelonPrefEnabled.Value;
			_previousIsEnabled = IsEnabled;
			_registeredPrefs = true;

		public static void SetupBoneMenu()
			//IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			BoneMenuPage = Page.Root.CreatePage("Quicksilver", new Color(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f), 0, true);
			BoneMenuEnabledElement = BoneMenuPage.CreateBool("Mod Toggle", Color.yellow, IsEnabled, (Action<bool>)OnSetEnabled);

		public static void OnSetEnabled(bool value)
			IsEnabled = value;
			MelonPrefEnabled.Value = value;

		public override void OnPreferencesLoaded()
			if (_registeredPrefs)
				IsEnabled = MelonPrefEnabled.Value;
				BoneMenuEnabledElement.Value = IsEnabled;

		public void OnLevelLoaded(LevelInfo info)
			rigManager = Player.RigManager;
			TargetTimeScale = Time.timeScale;
			lastTimeScale = Time.timeScale;
			lastCheckedTimeScale = lastTimeScale;
			foreach (Rigidbody componentsInChild in ((Component)rigManager).GetComponentsInChildren<Rigidbody>(true))
				rigidbodies.Add(componentsInChild, new RigidbodyState(componentsInChild));

		public void ResetPlayer()
			PhysicsRig physicsRig = rigManager.physicsRig;
			physicsRig._pelvisForceInternalMult = 1f;
			physicsRig.leftHand.physHand.armInternalMult = 1f;
			physicsRig.rightHand.physHand.armInternalMult = 1f;
			rigManager.SwapAvatarCrate(((ScannableReference)rigManager.AvatarCrate).Barcode, false, (Action<bool>)null);

		public bool HasRigManager()
			if (rigManager != null && !((Object)(object)rigManager == (Object)null))
				return !((Il2CppObjectBase)rigManager).WasCollected;
			return false;

		public override void OnFixedUpdate()
			float timeScale = Time.timeScale;
			if (timeScale <= 0f || !HasRigManager() || !rigManager.physicsRig.ballLocoEnabled)
			if (IsEnabled)
				if (Mathf.Round(timeScale * 1000f) != Mathf.Round(lastCheckedTimeScale * 1000f))
					OnUpdateVelocities(timeScale, lastCheckedTimeScale);
					timeOfLastAvatarUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
					checkForUpdate = true;
					lastCheckedTimeScale = timeScale;
				if (!_previousIsEnabled || (checkForUpdate && Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timeOfLastAvatarUpdate > 0.015f))
					checkForUpdate = false;
					rigManager.SwapAvatarCrate(((ScannableReference)rigManager.AvatarCrate).Barcode, false, (Action<bool>)null);
					lastTimeScale = timeScale;
					TargetTimeScale = timeScale;
				PhysicsRig physicsRig = rigManager.physicsRig;
				physicsRig._pelvisForceInternalMult = 1f / Mathf.Pow(timeScale, 3f);
				physicsRig.leftHand.physHand.armInternalMult = 1f / timeScale;
				physicsRig.rightHand.physHand.armInternalMult = 1f / timeScale;
			else if (_previousIsEnabled)
			_previousIsEnabled = IsEnabled;

		private void ApplyGravity(float timeScale)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0056: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float num = 1f / timeScale;
			num *= num;
			Vector3 gravity = Physics.gravity;
			Vector3 val = gravity * num - gravity;
			Rigidbody feetRb = rigManager.physicsRig._feetRb;
			Rigidbody kneeRb = rigManager.physicsRig._kneeRb;
			Vector3 val2 = val;
			float num2 = 0f;
			if (feetRb.useGravity)
				feetRb.AddForce(val, (ForceMode)5);
				num2 += feetRb.mass;
			if (kneeRb.useGravity)
				kneeRb.AddForce(val, (ForceMode)5);
				num2 += kneeRb.mass;
			Collider groundedCollider = rigManager.physicsRig.physG._groundedCollider;
			if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)groundedCollider) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)groundedCollider.attachedRigidbody))
				groundedCollider.attachedRigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(-val2 * Mathf.Min(groundedCollider.attachedRigidbody.mass, num2), feetRb.worldCenterOfMass, (ForceMode)0);

		public void OnUpdateVelocities(float timeScale, float lastTimeScale)
			//IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (timeScale <= 0f || lastTimeScale <= 0f)
			float num = lastTimeScale / timeScale;
			for (int i = 0; i < rigidbodies.Keys.Count; i++)
				Rigidbody val = rigidbodies.Keys.ElementAt(i);
				if (val != null && !((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) && !((Il2CppObjectBase)val).WasCollected)
					val.velocity *= num;
					val.angularVelocity *= num;

		public void OnUpdateRigidbodies(float timeScale)
			if (timeScale <= 0f)
			for (int i = 0; i < rigidbodies.Keys.Count; i++)
				Rigidbody val = rigidbodies.Keys.ElementAt(i);
				if (val != null && !((Object)(object)val == (Object)null) && !((Il2CppObjectBase)val).WasCollected)
					RigidbodyState rigidbodyState = rigidbodies[val];
					val.drag = rigidbodyState.drag * timeScale;
					val.angularDrag = rigidbodyState.angularDrag * timeScale;

		public static bool IsMainRig(Avatar avatar)
			bool result = false;
				if ((Object)(object)Instance.rigManager.avatar == (Object)(object)avatar)
					result = true;
			return result;

		public static bool IsMainRig(Rig rig)
			bool result = false;
				if ((Object)(object)rig.manager == (Object)(object)Instance.rigManager)
					result = true;
			return result;
namespace Quicksilver.Patching
	public static class AnimationRigPatches
		public static void OnEarlyUpdatePrefix(AnimationRig __instance)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.IsMainRig((Rig)(object)__instance))
				TimePatches.ReturnScaled = true;

		public static void OnEarlyUpdatePostfix(AnimationRig __instance)
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = false;

		public static void BodyVelocity(AnimationRig __instance, Rig inRig, ref Vector2 vel, ref Vector2 accel, float deltaTime)
			//IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.IsMainRig((Rig)(object)__instance))
				vel *= QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
				accel *= QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
	public static class ArtRigPatches
		public static void ArtOutputUpdatePrefix(ArtRig __instance, PhysicsRig inRig)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f && QuicksilverMod.IsMainRig((Rig)(object)inRig))
				TimePatches.ReturnScaled = true;

		public static void ArtOutputUpdatePostfix()
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = false;
	public static class AvatarPatches
		public static void ComputeMass(Avatar __instance, float normalizeTo82)
			if (!(QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale <= 0f) && QuicksilverMod.IsMainRig(__instance) && QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled)
				float num = 1f / QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
				float num2 = 1f / Mathf.Lerp(1f, QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale, 0.9f);
				__instance._massChest *= num;
				__instance._massHead *= num;
				__instance._massPelvis *= num;
				__instance._massArm *= num;
				__instance._massLeg *= num;
				__instance._massTotal *= num2;

		public static void ComputeBaseStats(Avatar __instance)
			if (!(QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale <= 0f) && QuicksilverMod.IsMainRig(__instance) && QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled)
				float num = 1f / QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
				float num2 = num * num;
				__instance._strengthUpper *= num2;
				__instance._strengthLower *= num2 * num2;
				__instance._speed *= num;
				__instance._agility *= num2 * num2;
	public static class FootstepPatches
		public static void UpdateStepping(Vector3 rootPosition, Quaternion rootRotation, Quaternion footRotation, Vector3 rootUp, ref Vector3 velocitySanGrav, ref Vector3 accel, float angularVel, float velocitySanGravNorm, float stepLZ, float velDot, float sacrumHeightWeight, float deltaTime)
			//IL_002d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f)
				float num = Mathf.Lerp(1f, QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale, 0.95f);
				velocitySanGrav *= num;
				accel *= num;
	public static class FootstepSFXPatches
		public static void PlayStepPrefix(float velocitySqr)
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void PlayStepPostfix(float velocitySqr)
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;
	[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ForcePullGrip), "OnFarHandHoverUpdate")]
	public static class ForcePullPatches
		public static void Prefix(ForcePullGrip __instance, Hand hand)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f)
				__instance.maxForce = 250f / QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
	public static class AlignPlugPatches
		public static void UpdatePrefix()
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f)
				TimePatches.ReturnScaled = true;

		public static void UpdatePostfix()
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = false;
	public static class GunPatches
		public static void UpdatePrefix(Gun __instance)
			if (QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)__instance.triggerGrip) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)__instance.triggerGrip.GetHand()) && (Object)(object)__instance.triggerGrip.GetHand().manager == (Object)(object)QuicksilverMod.Instance.rigManager)
				if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled)
					__instance.fireDuration = 60f / __instance.roundsPerMinute * QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
					__instance.fireDuration = 60f / __instance.roundsPerMinute;
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = true;

		public static void UpdatePostfix()
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = false;
	public static class HandJointConfigurationPatches
		public static void LockConfiguration(ConfigurableJoint joint)
			float targetTimeScale = QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && targetTimeScale > 0f)
				float num = targetTimeScale * targetTimeScale;
				((Joint)joint).breakForce = ((Joint)joint).breakForce / num;
				((Joint)joint).breakTorque = ((Joint)joint).breakTorque / num;

		[HarmonyPatch("ApplyConfiguration", new Type[] { typeof(ConfigurableJoint) })]
		public static void ApplyConfiguration(ConfigurableJoint joint)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f)
				((Joint)joint).breakForce = ((Joint)joint).breakForce / (QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale * QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale);
				((Joint)joint).breakTorque = ((Joint)joint).breakTorque / (QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale * QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale);

		[HarmonyPatch("ApplyConfiguration", new Type[]
		public static void ApplyConfiguration(Quaternion localRotation, ConfigurableJoint joint)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f)
				((Joint)joint).breakForce = ((Joint)joint).breakForce / (QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale * QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale);
				((Joint)joint).breakTorque = ((Joint)joint).breakTorque / (QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale * QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale);
	public static class HandSFXPatches
		public static void GrabPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void GrabPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void BodySlotPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void BodySlotPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void DropPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void DropPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void ForcePullPrefix(float massDistance)
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void ForcePullPostfix(float massDistance)
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void OnSignificantCollisionEnterPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void OnSignificantCollisionEnterPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;
	public static class HeadSFXPatches
		public static void SmallDamageVocalPrefix(float damage)
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void SmallDamageVocalPostfix(float damage)
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void BigDamageVocalPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void BigDamageVocalPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void DyingVocalPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void DyingVocalPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void DeathVocalPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void DeathVocalPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void RecoveryVocalPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void RecoveryVocalPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void JumpEffortPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void JumpEffortPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void DoubleJumpPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void DoubleJumpPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;

		public static void OnSignificantCollisionEnterPrefix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void OnSignificantCollisionEnterPostfix()
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;
	public static class OpenControllerRigPatches
		public static void UpdateHeptaBody(OpenControllerRig __instance, ref float deltaTime)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f && QuicksilverMod.IsMainRig((Rig)(object)__instance))
				deltaTime /= QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;

		public static void OnEarlyUpdatePrefix(OpenControllerRig __instance)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.IsMainRig((Rig)(object)__instance))
				TimePatches.ReturnScaled = true;
				TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;

		public static void OnEarlyUpdatePostfix(OpenControllerRig __instance)
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = false;
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;
	public static class RemapRigPatches
		public static void OnEarlyUpdatePrefix(RemapRig __instance)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && QuicksilverMod.IsMainRig((Rig)(object)__instance))
				TimePatches.ReturnScaled = true;

		public static void OnEarlyUpdatePostfix(RemapRig __instance)
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = false;
	public static class TimePatches
		public static bool ReturnScaled;

		public static bool ForceDefaultTimescale;

		public static bool ReturnInversed;

		[HarmonyPatch(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
		public static void GetDeltaTime(ref float __result)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled)
				float realTimeScale = GetRealTimeScale();
				if (ReturnScaled)
					__result /= realTimeScale;
				else if (ReturnInversed)
					__result *= realTimeScale;

		[HarmonyPatch(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
		public static void GetFixedDeltaTime(ref float __result)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled)
				float realTimeScale = GetRealTimeScale();
				if (ReturnScaled)
					__result /= realTimeScale;
				else if (ReturnInversed)
					__result *= realTimeScale;

		[HarmonyPatch(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
		public static void GetTimeScale(ref float __result)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled && ForceDefaultTimescale)
				__result = 1f;

		private static float GetRealTimeScale()
			bool forceDefaultTimescale = ForceDefaultTimescale;
			ForceDefaultTimescale = false;
			float timeScale = Time.timeScale;
			ForceDefaultTimescale = forceDefaultTimescale;
			return timeScale;
	public static class HandgunVirtualControllerPatches
		public static void OnVirtualControllerSolvePrefix(VirtualControlerPayload p)
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = true;

		public static void OnVirtualControllerSolvePostfix(VirtualControlerPayload p)
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = false;
	public static class RifleVirtualControllerPatches
		public static void OnVirtualControllerSolvePrefix(VirtualControlerPayload payload)
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = true;

		public static void OnVirtualControllerSolvePostfix(VirtualControlerPayload payload)
			TimePatches.ReturnScaled = false;
	public static class WindBuffetPatches
		public static void UpdateBuffetPrefix(WindBuffetSFX __instance)
			if (QuicksilverMod.IsEnabled)
				if (QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale > 0f)
					__instance.minSpeed = 5f / QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
					__instance.maxSpeed = 40f / QuicksilverMod.TargetTimeScale;
				TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = true;
				__instance.minSpeed = 5f;
				__instance.maxSpeed = 40f;

		public static void UpdateBuffetPostfix(WindBuffetSFX __instance)
			TimePatches.ForceDefaultTimescale = false;