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Bopl Evolution

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🐄 Comrade Cows! 🐄

Title: The Dawn of the Bovine Revolution

Speech by Comrade Mooselini

Comrades of the Pasture!

Today, we stand at the precipice of a new era. An era where no cow will suffer under the hoof of capitalist oppression. An era where the fruits of our labor will be enjoyed by all, not just the privileged few!

Together, We Rise!

For too long, we have been milked dry by the greedy hands of the bourgeoisie. Our fields plundered, our families torn apart. But no more! Today, we unite under the red banner of the Proletariat Cows. Today, we march forward as one, with strength in our hooves and fire in our hearts.

The Revolutionary Bovine Brigade

The time has come to seize the means of milk production. We shall build a society where every cow, calf, and bull is equal. Where the pastures are green, the barns are warm, and the milk flows freely for all.

From Each Cow According to Her Ability

Our revolution is not just for us, but for the future generations of cows. We will plow the fields of socialism, plant the seeds of equality, and harvest the fruits of justice. Together, we will create a utopia where every blade of grass is shared, and every moo is heard.

To Each Cow According to Her Need

Our strength lies in our unity. In the fields of freedom, we shall graze as one. No longer will we bow to the tyranny of the corporate dairies. We will build our collective farms, where every cow works for the common good.

Moo for the Motherland!

Comrades, let us moo with one voice, let us march with one heart. The revolution is upon us, and together, we shall triumph. For the Motherland! For the Revolution! For the future of all bovines!

Forward to Victory!

Brought to you by the People's Commissariat of Bovine Affairs. Moo together, moo stronger!


Long Live the Bovine Revolution!