This update is the Cows and meows update. It adds an Icon. Thats it. Forever. And Ever.

Comrades! Unite under the Red Banner of the Proletariat Cows! πŸ„πŸŒΎβœŠ

Workers of the world, rejoice! The Revolutionary Bovine Brigade is here to lead the charge against capitalist oppression. No longer will we be milked dry by the bourgeoisie! Together, we shall cultivate a future where every cow is free to graze in equality and harmony.

Join us in our struggle to seize the means of milk production and bring about a utopia where every blade of grass is shared, and every barn is a collective home. From each cow according to her ability, to each cow according to her need!

Moo for the Motherland! Moo for the Revolution! πŸ„βœŠ

Remember, Comrades: In unity, there is strength. In the fields of socialism, we shall plow the seeds of freedom and harvest the fruits of justice. Down with the tyranny of the corporate dairies! Up with the collective farm! πŸ„πŸŒΎπŸŒŸ

Brought to you by the People's Commissariat of Bovine Affairs. Moo together, moo stronger!