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erwer-AGoodNameLib-4.1.2 icon


a good name lib.

Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 4.1.2
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Downloads 760
Dependency string erwer-AGoodNameLib-4.1.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


This mod doesn't do anything for you, on its own; Its a library mod without a lot; It will be updated;

For any modders:

  • try_kill_player is deprecated, but will not be removed

AGoodNameLib Documentation

Classes and Methods


This class provides static methods to interact with player objects.

  • do_kill_player(PlayerBody __body, int id = 256, CauseOfDeath cod = CauseOfDeath.Accident)

    • Attempts to kill the specified player, marking the death with a specified cause of death.
    • Parameters:
      • __body: The player's body that will be affected.
      • id: The ID of the killer (defaults to 256).
      • cod: The cause of death (defaults to CauseOfDeath.Accident).
    • Returns: True if the player was successfully killed, otherwise False.
  • try_destroy_respawns(Player player)

    • Attempts to destroy all respawn positions for the specified player.
    • Parameters:
      • player: The player instance whose respawns will be removed.
    • Returns: True if the player's respawns were removed, otherwise False.
  • setPos(Player player, Vec2 position)

    • Sets the position of the specified player.
    • Parameters:
      • player: The player instance.
      • position: The new position for the player.
  • player_from_body(PlayerBody body)

    • Gets the player instance from a player's body.
    • Parameters:
      • body: The player's body.
    • Returns: The player instance or null if the body is null.
  • id_from_player_body(PlayerBody body)

    • Gets the player ID from a player's body.
    • Parameters:
      • body: The player's body.
    • Returns: The player ID or 256 if the body is null.
  • Physics_from_body(PlayerBody body)

    • Gets the physics instance from a player's body.
    • Parameters:
      • body: The player's body.
    • Returns: The player's physics instance or null if the body is null.
  • clear_ropes(PlayerBody body)

    • Clears all ropes from the player's body.
    • Parameters:
      • body: The player's body.
  • does_own_rope(PlayerBody body)

    • Checks if the player owns the rope attached to their body.
    • Parameters:
      • body: The player's body.
    • Returns: True if the player owns the rope, otherwise False.


This class manages the match state.

  • SuddenDeathState
    • Gets or sets the sudden death state of the game.
    • Property: bool SuddenDeathState

Example Mod Using AGNL

using BepInEx;
using BoplFixedMath;
using HarmonyLib;
using UnityEngine;
using static UnityEngine.ParticleSystem.PlaybackState;

namespace example_agln
    public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
        public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "com.your_name.example_agnl";
        public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "example_agnl";
        public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "1.0.0";

        private void Awake()
            // Plugin startup logic
            Logger.LogInfo($"Plugin {PLUGIN_GUID} is loaded!");

            var harmony = new Harmony(PLUGIN_GUID);

    public class Patches
        //basic plugin which gives dash the ability to disconnect grapple hooks
        [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Dash), "performDash")]
        public static void PatchDash(Dash __instance)
            PlayerBody body = __instance.body;
            if (!AGoodNameLib.player.does_own_rope(body))