- Readded the "VR Settings" settings category thanks to Cessil
- Fixed the DisableVR and --disable-vr flag completely breaking the game
- Improved some code stuff that doesn't affect the mod
- Fixed 1.0.4 being loaded as a dependency to 1.0.5 for some reason
- Update README links
I guess this is mine now!
- Project now maintained by gingerphoenix10
- Added support for Content Warning version 1.19.e
- Added new config option "InteractToZoom", which makes you have to hold the interact button to zoom the camera. This will remove the interact button requirement for swapping items.
- Original project archived
- Added a temporary patch to prevent Content Warning from breaking soft dependencies
- QoL improvements to settings menu
- Hotfix for custom controls
- Fixed UI interactions not working for the sponsors monitors
- Added compatibility with ContentSettings
Time for more controllers!
The most important part of this update is control rebinding. Controllers with specialized layouts (like the HTC vive or WMR) we're not able to play CWVR. Now you can go into the settings and change the bindings to your needs.
- Replaced the
menu in the settings with VR controls, that can be rebound at any time, whether you are in-game or not - Fixed the defibrillator not using VR controls as input
- Fixed the quota and views UI not being visible
Time to get SpöökFamous!!
No changelogs are necessary for this version, as it is the first version. Subsequent versions will contain a list of changes and new contributors.