Collect Rebirth tokens while out on crusades, allowing followers to be born again so that you may change their name, looks and more.
1.0.8 - 24/08/2024
- Removal of Costura Fody as it's no longer required, and causes delays with updates on Thunderstore.
1.0.7 - 23/08/2024
- Maintenance update for
- Reverted/removed UnityDebuggerAssistant requirement
1.0.6 - 23/08/2024
- Maintenance update for
- API version dependency update to 0.2.5
- Implemented hard dependency UnityDebuggerAssistant
1.0.5 - 17/08/2024
- Maintenance update for Unholy Alliance
1.0.4 - 25/01/2024
- Maintenance update for Sins of The Flesh
1.0.3 - 20/01/2024
- Maintenance update for Sins of The Flesh
1.0.3 - 9/5/2023
- ???
1.0.2 - 3/12/2022
- Added support for changing config options from within the Cult of the Lamb Mod settings menu.
1.0.1 - 25/11/2022
- Compatibility update for COTL API 0.1.10
- Added ability to rebirth elderly followers. Default is off. Can be changed in the config file.
1.0.0 - 17/10/2022
- Moved the token from the common to rare pool of the offering shrine.
- Added token as a refinery item to the refinery. 15 bones for 1 token.
- Added a token mission to the Missionary structure.
- Re-activated the custom quest. Will be expanded a little (different zones) provided there is no further issues.
- Fixed followers being reset to level 1 on Rebirth. They now keep their level and XP provided they're lucky enough to not trigger the 10% chance of losing half their XP and 1 level.
0.1.3 - 25/09/2022
- Disabled the quest until I get a chance to look at what broke (if the follower comes to you with it, it softlocks. Pressing ESC/B (on controller) appears to resolve it.)
0.1.201 - 25/09/2022
- Dependency update. Enforcing a version means I get less "it's not working messages".
0.1.1 - 25/09/2022
- The token now spawns as an actual item.
- The token can appear in the offering shrines.
- Each time you start the game it will add a quest to go collect a random amount (between 15 and 25) of them from one of the dungeons you have completed.
0.1.0 - 10/09/2022
- Initial release