Displays the Item Max Stack Size in Item ToolTip / 在项目工具提示中显示项目最大堆栈大小
Date uploaded | a year ago |
Version | 1.0.0 |
Download link | Desperationfighter-ShowMaxStackforItem-1.0.0.zip |
Downloads | 4385 |
Dependency string | Desperationfighter-ShowMaxStackforItem-1.0.0 |
Show Max Stack for Item
- BepInEx 5.4.x
- BepInEx.ConfigurationManager (Optional)
This Mod shows the Player the Max Stack Size for an Item. (Any you can have in your Inventory). It either shows a big mark beside the Item name and/or it lists the Stack Size as Property in the Property List. You can configure how it should look. (See Config)
How to install
- Install BepInEx
- (Optional) BepInEx.ConfigurationManager
- Extract the downloaded Mod Files to the BepInEx\Plugins Folder
- (It should look like "\Dyson Sphere Program\BepInEx\plugins[Mod Files]")
How to uninstall
- Remove Mod Files you copied there again
Does this Mod work with other Mods?
I didn't test and I can not say. You are on your own Risk but feel free to give Feedback. However, the Mod is build to not rely on anything else like Stack Size changes from other Mods as long these Mods do not return it in a complete other way than the original does. So it is at least very likely it will work with the very Most other Mods.
How to config this Mod ?
After first boot up with the Mod, a config file is generated under \Dyson Sphere Program\BepInEx\config[Config File]. Current Settings. -> Modus : Choose where you want to see Stack Size -> Modus 1 Settings : Choose your Preferred Style for Name Line -> Modus 2 Settings : Choose if you want to have the Property at the Start or End of the Property List
License: Reuploading of any File Content is prohibited either Original, Modified or Partly for other Projects. If you have any Bugfixes may contact me with it and i will credit you in the next release.
#显示项目的最大堆栈 要求
- BepInEx 5.4.x
- BepInEx.ConfigurationManager (自选)
此模组向玩家显示物品的最大堆栈大小。(您可以在库存中拥有的任何物品)。 它要么在项目名称旁边显示一个大标记,要么在属性列表中将堆栈大小列为属性。 您可以配置它的外观。(参见配置)
- 安装 BepInEx *(可选)BepInEx.ConfigurationManager
- 将下载的 Mod 文件解压到 BepInEx\Plugins 文件夹 *(它应该看起来像"\Dyson Sphere Program\BepInEx\plugins[Mod Files]")
*删除您再次复制到那里的 Mod 文件
我没有测试,我不能说。风险由您自行承担,但请随时提供反馈。 但是,Mod 的构建不依赖于其他任何内容,例如来自其他 Mod 的堆栈大小更改 只要这些模组不以与原始方式完全不同的方式返回它。 因此,它至少很有可能与大多数其他模组一起使用。
首次使用 Mod 启动后,会在 \Dyson Sphere Program\BepInEx\config[Config File] 下生成一个配置文件。 当前设置。 ->模式:选择要查看堆栈大小的位置 ->模式 1 设置:选择您喜欢的姓名行样式 ->模式 2 设置:选择是否要将属性放在属性列表的开头或结尾
许可证:禁止为其他项目重新上传任何文件内容,无论是原始的、修改的还是部分的。 如果您有任何错误修复,可以与我联系,我会在下一个版本中向您致谢。