Decompiled source of Bulldozer v1.1.9


Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using ABN;
using BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer;
using DSPWeb;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using NGPT;
using PowerNetworkStructures;
using Steamworks;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.PostProcessing;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Video;
using UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects;
using UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects;
using XGamingRuntime;
using rail;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
		public EmbeddedAttribute()
			throw null;
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	internal sealed class IsUnmanagedAttribute : Attribute
		public IsUnmanagedAttribute()
			throw null;
public class GridQuadGizmo : MonoBehaviour
	public float edgeLength;

	public float cellSize;

	public bool turn;

	public int area;

	public float extend;

	public float fadeout;

	public bool updatePerFrame;

	public MeshRenderer quadRenderer;

	public float quadSize;

	public Vector2 centerOffset;

	public const float aspect = 1.1539569f;

	public void Refresh()
		throw null;

	public void OnEnable()
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public GridQuadGizmo()
		throw null;
public class AudioContainer
	public int poolCapacity;

	public int cursor;

	public AudioData[] audioPool;

	public int[] recycleIds;

	public int recycleBegin;

	public int recycleEnd;

	public AudioContainer()
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public int AddAudioData(int _objId, EObjectType _objType, Vector3 _pos, PrefabDesc _pdesc)
		throw null;

	public void RemoveAudioData(int index)
		throw null;

	public void Expand2x()
		throw null;
public class AudioContainerLF
	public int poolCapacity;

	public int cursor;

	public AudioDataLF[] audioPool;

	public int[] recycleIds;

	public int recycleBegin;

	public int recycleEnd;

	public AudioContainerLF()
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public int AddAudioDataLF(int _objId, EObjectType _objType, int _astroId, VectorLF3 _pos, PrefabDesc _pdesc)
		throw null;

	public int AddAudioDataLF(AudioDataLF au)
		throw null;

	public void RemoveAudioDataLF(int index)
		throw null;

	public void Expand2x()
		throw null;
public class AudioPool : MonoBehaviour
	public AudioSource audioPrefab;

	public AudioSource[] audioPool;

	public int audioCapacity;

	public int audioCursor;

	public static AudioPool instance
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static void Create()
		throw null;

	public static void Destroy()
		throw null;

	public void Awake()
		throw null;

	public void OnDestroy()
		throw null;

	public void SetAudioCapacity(int newCapacity)
		throw null;

	public static AudioSource TakeAudio(AudioData au)
		throw null;

	public static void PutAudio(AudioSource c)
		throw null;

	public AudioPool()
		throw null;
public class AudioPoolLF : MonoBehaviour
	public AudioSource audioPrefab;

	public AudioSource[] audioPool;

	public int audioCapacity;

	public int audioCursor;

	public static AudioPoolLF instance
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static void Create()
		throw null;

	public static void Destroy()
		throw null;

	public void Awake()
		throw null;

	public void OnDestroy()
		throw null;

	public void SetAudioCapacity(int newCapacity)
		throw null;

	public static AudioSource TakeAudio(AudioDataLF au)
		throw null;

	public static void PutAudio(AudioSource c)
		throw null;

	public AudioPoolLF()
		throw null;
public class BGMController : MonoBehaviour
	public AudioSource[] musics;

	public AudioSource advisorVoiceSource;

	public float[] volumeScalers;

	public float[] fadeInDurs;

	public float[] fadeOutDurs;

	public int[] commonMusicIndex;

	public float[] vols;

	public float[] volsTar;

	public float[] fadeInTimes;

	public float[] fadeOutTimes;

	public bool[] loops;

	public float volumeFx1;

	public float volumeFx1Target;

	public float volumeFx2;

	public float volumeFx2Target;

	public float volumeFx3;

	public float volumeFx3Target;

	public int playbackIndex;

	public const int MUTE = 0;

	public const int MAIN_THEME_PRE = 1;

	public const int MAIN_THEME_BODY = 2;

	public const int MAIN_THEME_BODY_2 = 21;

	public const int MAIN_THEME_BODY_3 = 22;

	public const int RISE_OF_THE_DARKFOG = 29;

	public const int UNIVERSE_1 = 3;

	public const int UNIVERSE_2 = 4;

	public const int UNIVERSE_3 = 5;

	public const int UNIVERSE_4 = 14;

	public const int DARK_FOG_HIVE = 28;

	public const int FACTORY_1 = 6;

	public const int FACTORY_2 = 7;

	public const int FACTORY_3 = 8;

	public const int FACTORY_4 = 13;

	public const int FACTORY_5 = 24;

	public const int PLANET_OCEAN = 9;

	public const int PLANET_OCEAN_1 = 15;

	public const int PLANET_OCEAN_2 = 16;

	public const int PLANET_OCEAN_3 = 25;

	public const int PLANET_LAVA = 10;

	public const int PLANET_LAVA_2 = 20;

	public const int PLANET_DESERT = 11;

	public const int PLANET_DESERT_2 = 26;

	public const int PLANET_ICE = 27;

	public const int DYSON_SPHERE_1 = 17;

	public const int DYSON_SPHERE_2 = 18;

	public const int BLACK_HOLE = 19;

	public const int PROLOGUE = 12;

	public const int MILKY_WAY = 23;

	public UIRoot uiRoot;

	public UIGame uiGame;

	public VFPreload loadingSplash;

	public Transform mainCameraTrans;

	public bool loadWorkEnded;

	public MusicEnvDesc currentEnv;

	public List<int> playList;

	public int spaceTime;

	public int planetTime;

	public List<int> _tmp_list;

	public float headPlayTime;

	public float listBreakTime;

	public static BGMController instance
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static int BGM
			throw null;

	public static bool MusicIndexBypassFx(int index)
		throw null;

	public void Awake()
		throw null;

	public void Start()
		throw null;

	public void OnDestroy()
		throw null;

	public void LateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public static bool HasBGM(int bgmIndex)
		throw null;

	public static bool IsPlaying(int bgmIndex)
		throw null;

	public static float PlaybackTime(int bgmIndex)
		throw null;

	public static void BreakCurrentLoop()
		throw null;

	public static void ResetCurrentLoop()
		throw null;

	public static void Playback(int bgmIndex, float fadeOutTime, float fadeInTime, EPlaybackOrigin origin = EPlaybackOrigin.Begin, float offset = 0f)
		throw null;

	public void Init()
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public void DeterminePlayList(Player player)
		throw null;

	public void UpdateLogic()
		throw null;

	public void CheckPlayList()
		throw null;

	public void PlayHeadOfList()
		throw null;

	public void OnLoadingSplashLoad()
		throw null;

	public void OnLoadingSplashLoadHalf()
		throw null;

	public void OnLoadingSplashWorkEnd()
		throw null;

	public BGMController()
		throw null;
public enum EPlaybackOrigin
public struct MusicEnvDesc
	public enum SpaceType

	public int theme;

	public int mood;

	public int space;

	public static MusicEnvDesc none
			throw null;

	public MusicEnvDesc(int _theme, int _mood, int _space)
		throw null;

	public override bool Equals(object obj)
		throw null;

	public override int GetHashCode()
		throw null;

	public override string ToString()
		throw null;

	public static bool operator !=(MusicEnvDesc a, MusicEnvDesc b)
		throw null;

	public static bool operator ==(MusicEnvDesc a, MusicEnvDesc b)
		throw null;
public class FactoryAudio : MonoBehaviour
	public PlanetData planet;

	public int frameAudioCount;

	public bool onPlanet
			throw null;

	public void Init()
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public void OnEntityBuild(int objId)
		throw null;

	public void OnEntityDismantle(int objId)
		throw null;

	public void OnEntityKill(int objId)
		throw null;

	public FactoryAudio()
		throw null;
public static class GameAudio
	public static Transform _audioBox;

	public static Transform audioBox
			throw null;

	public static void ClearAudio()
		throw null;
public class NearAudioLogic
	public AudioContainer[] auChunks;

	public int[] activeAuHashes;

	public int activeAuHashCount;

	public Dictionary<int, AudioObject> audioObjs;

	public List<int> _delList;

	public PlanetData planet
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public void Init(PlanetData _planet)
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public void RefreshAudiosOnArrayChange()
		throw null;

	public void RefreshAudiosLive()
		throw null;

	public void DeleteDeadAudios()
		throw null;

	public int FindAudioId(AudioSource ausrc)
		throw null;

	public AudioObject FindAudioObject(AudioSource ausrc)
		throw null;

	public void MarkActivePos(Vector3 pos)
		throw null;

	public void MarkActivePos(int hash)
		throw null;

	public void GameTick()
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public void UpdateListenerPosNear()
		throw null;

	public int GetEntitiesInAreaNonAlloc(Vector3 center, float areaRadius, int[] entityIds)
		throw null;

	public int GetVegetablesInAreaNonAlloc(Vector3 center, float areaRadius, int[] vegeIds)
		throw null;

	public int GetVeinsInAreaNonAlloc(Vector3 center, float areaRadius, int[] veinIds)
		throw null;

	public int GetPrebuildsInAreaNonAlloc(Vector3 center, float areaRadius, int[] prebuildIds)
		throw null;

	public int GetBuildingsInAreaNonAlloc(Vector3 center, float areaRadius, int[] buildingIds)
		throw null;

	public NearAudioLogic()
		throw null;
public class AudioObject
	public int id;

	public bool live;

	public AudioSource ausrc;

	public AudioObject(int _id, AudioData _audata)
		throw null;
public class PlanetAudio
	public NearAudioLogic nearAudioLogic;

	public AudioContainer[] auChunks;

	public const int kAuBlockPerAxis = 10;

	public const int kAuBlockPerFace = 100;

	public const int kAuBlockCount = 600;

	public const int kSpeakerHash = 600;

	public const int kMaxSpecialHashCount = 1;

	public const int kAuHashLength = 601;

	public float systemVolume;

	public float combatVolume;

	public bool isPlanetAudioDirty;

	public const int kAudioIdMax = 4096;

	public int[] audioCounts;

	public PlanetData planet
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public PlanetAudio(PlanetData _planet)
		throw null;

	public void Init()
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public int AddAudioData(int _objId, EObjectType _objType, Vector3 _pos, PrefabDesc _pdesc)
		throw null;

	public void ChangeAudioSpeakerInfo(int _auId, int _speakerId0, int _speakerId1, int _repeatTimes)
		throw null;

	public void ChangeAudioDataVolume(int auId, float volume)
		throw null;

	public void ChangeAudioDataFalloff(int auId, float start, float end)
		throw null;

	public void RemoveAudioData(int auId)
		throw null;

	public AudioData GetAudioData(int auId)
		throw null;

	public bool GetAudioData(AudioSource ausrc, out AudioData au)
		throw null;

	public static IntVector3 AuBlockIPos(Vector3 pos)
		throw null;

	public static int IPosToHash(IntVector3 ipos)
		throw null;

	public static int HashAuBlock(Vector3 pos)
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public void LateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public void GameTick()
		throw null;

	public void RefreshAudios()
		throw null;

	public void SetPlanetAudioDirty()
		throw null;

	public void NotifyObjectRemove(EObjectType objType, int objId)
		throw null;

	public void SetEntityAudioRuntimeParams(AudioSource ausrc, AudioData au, float dist, float rand, AnimData[] animPool)
		throw null;

	public void SetCraftAudioRuntimeParams(AudioSource ausrc, AudioData au, float dist, float rand, AnimData[] animPool)
		throw null;

	public void SetEnemyAudioRuntimeParams(AudioSource ausrc, AudioData au, float dist, float rand, AnimData[] animPool)
		throw null;

	public float GetHeightVolumeFactor(float height, float startHeight, float endHeight, float falloff)
		throw null;
public class SectorAudio
	public AudioContainerLF[] auChunks;

	public const int kHashCount = 32768;

	public SpaceAudioLogic spaceAudioLogic;

	public bool isAudioObjectDirty;

	public SpaceSector spaceSector
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public SectorAudio(SpaceSector _spaceSector)
		throw null;

	public void Init()
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public void GameTick()
		throw null;

	public void PostGameTick()
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public void LateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public int AddAudioData(int _objId, EObjectType _objType, int _astroId, VectorLF3 _pos, PrefabDesc _pdesc)
		throw null;

	public void RemoveAudioData(int auId)
		throw null;

	public int AlterAudioAstroId(int oldAuId, int newAstroId, VectorLF3 newPos)
		throw null;

	public AudioDataLF GetAudioData(int auId)
		throw null;

	public void SetAudioData(int auId, AudioDataLF au)
		throw null;

	public bool GetAudioData(AudioSource ausrc, out AudioDataLF au)
		throw null;

	public void RefreshAudiosIfDirty()
		throw null;

	public void SetAudioObjectDirty()
		throw null;

	public void NotifyObjectRemove(EObjectType objType, int objId)
		throw null;

	public static int HashAuBlock(int astroId)
		throw null;
public class SFXAmbController : MonoBehaviour
	public AudioSource audioSource;

	public AudioClip starAmbient;

	public float targetVolume;

	public float volume;

	public float volumeMul;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public SFXAmbController()
		throw null;
public class SkillAudioLogic
	public DataPool<SkillSFXHolder> holders;

	public VFAudio[] insts;

	public GameData gameData;

	public SpaceSector sector;

	public SkillSystem skillSystem;

	public bool muteAll;

	public int[] audioCount;

	public IntRange[] mixLimit;

	public int[] limitedProtos;

	public void Init(GameData _gameData)
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public void SyncInstArray()
		throw null;

	public void LateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public ref SkillSFXHolder AddPlanetAudio(int protoId, float life, int astroId, Vector3 lpos)
		throw null;

	public ref SkillSFXHolder AddPlayerAudio(int protoId, float life, Vector3 lpos)
		throw null;

	public ref SkillSFXHolder AddSpaceAudio(int protoId, float life, VectorLF3 upos)
		throw null;

	public void RemoveAudio(int id)
		throw null;

	public VFAudio CreateAudioInst(int id)
		throw null;

	public void ReleaseAudioInst(int id)
		throw null;

	public void ReleaseAllAudioInsts()
		throw null;

	public void PlayPlanetParticleSFX(DataPoolRenderer<ParticleData> pr, ref ParticleData p)
		throw null;

	public SkillAudioLogic()
		throw null;
public struct SkillSFXHolder : IPoolElement
	public int id;

	public int protoId;

	public float priority;

	public float distRatio;

	public float volume;

	public float time;

	public float life;

	public float radius0;

	public float radius1;

	public float falloff;

	public int tag;

	public SkillTarget bind;

	public VectorLF3 pos;

	public int ID
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public void Export(BinaryWriter w)
		throw null;

	public void Import(BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public void Reset()
		throw null;

	public void SetVolumeByDist(float dist)
		throw null;
public class SpaceAudioLogic
	public AudioContainerLF[] auChunks;

	public int[] activeAuHashes;

	public int activeAuHashCount;

	public Dictionary<int, AudioObjectLF> audioObjs;

	public List<int> _delList;

	public SpaceSector sector
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public void Init(SpaceSector _sector)
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public void RefreshAudiosOnArrayChange()
		throw null;

	public void RefreshAudiosLive()
		throw null;

	public void DeleteDeadAudios()
		throw null;

	public int FindAudioId(AudioSource ausrc)
		throw null;

	public void MarkActivePos(int astroId)
		throw null;

	public void GameTick()
		throw null;

	public void ActiveAudiosByRay(Ray ray, float distance)
		throw null;

	public void ActiveAudiosByMovementRay()
		throw null;

	public SpaceAudioLogic()
		throw null;
public class AudioObjectLF
	public int id;

	public bool live;

	public AudioSource ausrc;

	public AudioObjectLF(int _id, AudioDataLF _audata)
		throw null;
public class VFAudio : MonoBehaviour
	public static List<VFAudio> pool;

	public static float audioVolume;

	public static float soundVolume;

	public static float combatVolume;

	public static float ambientVolume;

	public static float musicVolume;

	public static float dfAttackAlertVolume;

	public static float mechaAlertVolume;

	public AudioSource audioSource;

	public AudioProto proto;

	public Transform trans;

	public Vector3 pos;

	public bool isTransNull;

	public bool isPlaying;

	public bool occupied;

	public int playClipId;

	public long playCustomId;

	public int prefabId;

	public static long[] coldTimes;

	public float lengthOverride;

	public float volumeMultiplier;

	public float pitchOverride;

	public float spatialBlendOverride;

	public int loopOverride;

	public float fadeInDuration;

	public float fadeOutDuration;

	public float volumeFade;

	public float fadeTarget;

	public static float finalSoundVolume
			throw null;

	public static float finalCombatVolume
			throw null;

	public static float finalAmbientVolume
			throw null;

	public static float finalMusicVolume
			throw null;

	public static float finalDFAttackAlertVolume
			throw null;

	public static float finalMechaAlertVolume
			throw null;

	public static VFAudio GetVFAudio(long customId)
		throw null;

	public static VFAudio Create(string _name, Transform _transform, Vector3 _position, bool play = false, int cdTime = 0, int clipId = -1, long customId = -1L)
		throw null;

	public static VFAudio Create(int _id, Transform _transform, Vector3 _position, bool play = false, int cdTime = 0, int clipId = -1, long customId = -1L)
		throw null;

	public static VFAudio CreateSkill(int _id, Vector3 _position)
		throw null;

	public void Play()
		throw null;

	public void Play(float _time)
		throw null;

	public void Stop()
		throw null;

	public void ResetAudio()
		throw null;

	public static bool QueryColdAndPut(int pid, int cdTime)
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public void RandomClip()
		throw null;

	public VFAudio()
		throw null;
public static class VFListener
	public static AudioListener audioListener;

	public static AudioLowPassFilter lowPassFilter;

	public static AudioHighPassFilter highPassFilter;

	public static Transform listenerTransform;

	public static void Init()
		throw null;

	public static void SetPassFilter(float freq)
		throw null;

	public static void ListenerUpdate()
		throw null;
public struct CameraPose
	public Pose pose;

	public float fov;

	public float near;

	public float far;

	public Vector3 position
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public Quaternion rotation
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public Vector3 eulerAngles
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public Vector3 forward
			throw null;

	public Vector3 right
			throw null;

	public Vector3 up
			throw null;

	public Vector3 back
			throw null;

	public Vector3 left
			throw null;

	public Vector3 down
			throw null;

	public Ray ray
			throw null;

	public static CameraPose identity
			throw null;

	public CameraPose(Pose pose)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Pose pose, float fov)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Pose pose, float fov, float near, float far)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Vector3 pos)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, float fov)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, float fov, float near, float far)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Transform t)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Transform t, float fov)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Transform t, float fov, float near, float far)
		throw null;

	public CameraPose(Camera cam)
		throw null;

	public void SetYawPitchRoll(float yaw, float pitch, float roll)
		throw null;

	public void ApplyToCamera(Camera cam)
		throw null;

	public static CameraPose Lerp(CameraPose _from, CameraPose _to, float t)
		throw null;
public abstract class CameraPoser : MonoBehaviour
	public DebugKeyCode debugKey;

	public Transform _trans;

	public int updateOrder;

	public float fov;

	public float near;

	public float far;

	public Transform transform
			throw null;

	public CameraPose cameraPose
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public virtual void Init()
		throw null;

	public virtual void Free()
		throw null;

	public abstract void Calculate();

	public static int Compare(CameraPoser l, CameraPoser r)
		throw null;

	public CameraPoser()
		throw null;
public enum DebugKeyCode
	None = 0,
	F1 = 282,
	F2 = 283,
	F3 = 284,
	F4 = 285
public class DysonMapCamera : ManualBehaviour
	public UIDysonEditor dysonEditor;

	public Camera editorCamera;

	public Light cameraLight;

	public RectTransform uiCanvasTrans;

	public float startYaw;

	public float startPitch;

	public float startDist;

	public Vector3 startTarget;

	public float maxPitch;

	public float minPitch;

	public float maxDist;

	public float minDist;

	public float smooth;

	public Vector3 target;

	public Vector3 targetWanted;

	public float yaw;

	public float yawWanted;

	public float pitch;

	public float pitchWanted;

	public float dist;

	public float distWanted;

	public float viewCenterPixelBiasX;

	public float viewCenterPixelBiasXWanted;

	public float viewCenterPixelBiasY;

	public float viewCenterPixelBiasYWanted;

	public Vector2 bias;

	public bool rotate1Pressing;

	public bool rotate2Pressing;

	public bool panPressing;

	public RenderTexture screenRT
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public override void _OnCreate()
		throw null;

	public override void _OnDestroy()
		throw null;

	public override void _OnOpen()
		throw null;

	public override void _OnClose()
		throw null;

	public void FixedUpdate()
		throw null;

	public override void _OnLateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public void UserInput()
		throw null;

	public void CalcTransform()
		throw null;

	public void FindNode(float longitute, float latitude, float radius)
		throw null;

	public void CheckOrCreateRTex()
		throw null;

	public void ReleaseRTex()
		throw null;

	public void OnPostRender()
		throw null;

	public DysonMapCamera()
		throw null;
public class GameCamera : MonoBehaviour
	public CameraPoser finalPoser;

	public CameraPoser debugPoser;

	public Light camLight;

	public OffsetPoser rtsTarget;

	public FixedPoser rtsTargetOffset;

	public FixedPoser[] animationOffsets;

	public OffsetPoser buildTarget;

	public OffsetPoser globeTarget;

	public FixedPoser finalMenu;

	public RTSPoser rtsPoser;

	public RTSPoser buildPoser;

	public PlanetPoser planetPoser;

	public SailPoser sailPoser;

	public GraticulePoser blueprintPoser;

	public ThirdPersonPoser galaxySelectPoser;

	public static int sceneIndex;

	public SphereCollisionPoser planetCollisionPoser;

	public CameraPoseBlender finalBlender;

	public CameraPoseBlender gameBlender;

	public float generalYaw;

	public float generalPitch;

	public float generalDist;

	public bool sailOverride;

	public bool planetMode;

	public int overrideGameMode;

	public float rtsFocusLR;

	public float rtsFocusT;

	public LayerMaskPreset menuLayerMask;

	public LayerMaskPreset gameLayerMask;

	public LayerMaskPreset combatCutsceneLayerMask;

	public LayerMaskPreset galaxySelectLayerMask;

	public const int MENU_SCENE = 0;

	public const int GAME_SCENE = 1;

	public const int GALAXY_SELECT_SCENE = 2;

	public const int COMBAT_CUTSCENE = 3;

	public const int MILKY_WAY_SCENE = 4;

	public const int RTS_MODE = 0;

	public const int BUILD_MODE = 1;

	public const int PLANET_MODE = 2;

	public const int SAIL_MODE = 3;

	public const int BLUEPRINT_MODE = 4;

	public static float camRotSensX;

	public static float camRotSensY;

	public static float camZoomSens;

	public static Camera main
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static GameCamera instance
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public List<CameraPoser> cameraPosers
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static Transform generalTarget
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public bool isRtsMode
			throw null;

	public bool isBuildMode
			throw null;

	public bool isPlanetMode
			throw null;

	public bool isSailMode
			throw null;

	public bool isBlueprintMode
			throw null;

	public Vector3 animationOffset
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public Quaternion animationRotation
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public void Awake()
		throw null;

	public void Start()
		throw null;

	public void OnDestroy()
		throw null;

	public void LateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public void FrameLogic()
		throw null;

	public void AddCameraPoser(CameraPoser poser)
		throw null;

	public void RemoveCameraPoser(CameraPoser poser)
		throw null;

	public static void CaptureSaveScreenShot()
		throw null;

	public static void CaptureScreenShot(int width, int height)
		throw null;

	public static void CaptureScreenShot(int width, int height, string filename)
		throw null;

	public void ResetAll3rdPersonCameraPoses()
		throw null;

	public void SetReady()
		throw null;

	public void Logic()
		throw null;

	public void SyncForSailMode()
		throw null;

	public GameCamera()
		throw null;

	static GameCamera()
		throw null;
public class MainCamera : MonoBehaviour
	public Camera _camera;

	public static event Action<Camera> onPostRender
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static event Action<Camera> onPostRenderLate
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public void Awake()
		throw null;

	public void OnPostRender()
		throw null;

	public MainCamera()
		throw null;
public class MilkyWayCamera : MonoBehaviour
	public Camera cam;

	public float rangeRadius;

	public bool isMoving;

	public bool isRenderStar;

	public bool isRenderNebula;

	public static VectorLF3 initDir;

	public MilkyWayData milkyWayData;

	public VectorLF3 camPos;

	public VectorLF3 focusPos;

	public VectorLF3 focusPosWanted;

	public float mousePanSen;

	public float defaultPanSpeed;

	public float defaultMousePanSpeed;

	public float maxPanSpeedMultiplier;

	public float maxMousePanSpeedMultiplier;

	public float realMousePanSpeed;

	public float panDamping;

	public Quaternion camRot;

	public float pitch;

	public float yaw;

	public float pitchWanted;

	public float yawWanted;

	public float pitchSen;

	public float yawSen;

	public float pitchMax;

	public float pitchMin;

	public float rotDamping;

	public float cruiseAngularVelocity;

	public float cruiseDamping;

	public float realRotDamping;

	public double distWanted;

	public double distMin;

	public float distMax;

	public double dist;

	public float distDamping;

	public bool allowInput;

	public bool keepPosition;

	public bool isCruising;

	public bool isNearTarget;

	public float pressDelay;

	public float angleXZ;

	public float angleToFocus;

	public float sqrRangeRadius
			throw null;

	public static MilkyWayCamera instance
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static event Action onPostRender
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public void OnEnable()
		throw null;

	public void OnDisable()
		throw null;

	public void Init(MilkyWayData data)
		throw null;

	public void _Update()
		throw null;

	public void _LateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public void CameraControl()
		throw null;

	public void MoveCircularly()
		throw null;

	public float ClampAngle(float angle, float min, float max)
		throw null;

	public void RefreshCameraFarClip()
		throw null;

	public void RefreshCameraPose()
		throw null;

	public void LookAt(Vector3 pos)
		throw null;

	public void LookToCenter(bool force)
		throw null;

	public bool IsNearTarget()
		throw null;

	public void ForceToLookAt()
		throw null;

	public bool IsLookingAtCenter()
		throw null;

	public void SetViewTarget(Vector3 pos)
		throw null;

	public void OnPostRender()
		throw null;

	public MilkyWayCamera()
		throw null;
public class CameraPoseBlender : CameraPoser
	public CameraPoser[] srcPosers;

	public Transform blendCenter;

	public int index;

	public float blendTime;

	public AnimationCurve blendCurve;

	public float[] weights;

	public float[] times;

	public int immediateBlendFrames;

	public override void Init()
		throw null;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public CameraPoseBlender()
		throw null;
public class FixedPoser : CameraPoser
	public CameraPoser fix;

	public bool overrideParams;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public FixedPoser()
		throw null;
public class GraticulePoser : CameraPoser
	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateXSens;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateYSens;

	[Range(0.005f, 1f)]
	public float damp;

	public float planetRadius;

	public float normalFov;

	public float weight;

	public float longitude;

	public float latitude;

	public float altitude;

	public float longitudeWanted;

	public float latitudeWanted;

	public float altitudeWanted;

	public AnimationCurve pitchByAltCurve;

	public bool lockCursor;

	public float altitudeMin
			throw null;

	public float altitudeMax
			throw null;

	public void ResetVars()
		throw null;

	public override void Init()
		throw null;

	public void SyncByTarget(Vector3 tar, Vector3 fwd)
		throw null;

	public void SetDefault()
		throw null;

	public void ToWanted()
		throw null;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public GraticulePoser()
		throw null;
public class OffsetPoser : CameraPoser
	public Vector3 position;

	public Vector3 eulerAngles;

	public float xOffset
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public float yOffset
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public float zOffset
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public float yaw
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public float pitch
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public float roll
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public OffsetPoser()
		throw null;
public class PlanetPoser : CameraPoser
	public CameraPoser target;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateXSens;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateYSens;

	[Range(0.005f, 1f)]
	public float damp;

	public float planetRadius;

	public bool maxDistanceReached;

	public bool inNearView;

	public float normalFov;

	public Quaternion rotationBegin;

	public float weight;

	public float alt;

	public float dist;

	public float distWanted;

	public Quaternion rotation;

	public Quaternion rotationWanted;

	public AnimationCurve altDistCurve;

	public AnimationCurve pitchAltCurve;

	public bool useGlobal;

	public bool lockCursor;

	public float distMin
			throw null;

	public float distMax
			throw null;

	public float distBegin
			throw null;

	public float altMax
			throw null;

	public void ResetVars()
		throw null;

	public override void Init()
		throw null;

	public void ToWanted()
		throw null;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public PlanetPoser()
		throw null;
public class RTSPoser : CameraPoser
	public CameraPoser target;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateXSens;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateYSens;

	[Range(0.005f, 1f)]
	public float damp;

	public float distMin;

	public float distMax;

	public float normalFov;

	public AnimationCurve pitchMinCurve;

	public AnimationCurve pitchMaxCurve;

	public AnimationCurve fovPitchCurve;

	[Range(-180f, 180f)]
	public float yawBegin;

	[Range(0f, 1f)]
	public float pitchCoefBegin;

	[Range(0f, 1f)]
	public float distCoefBegin;

	public float weight;

	public float yaw;

	public float pitch;

	public float dist;

	public float yawWanted;

	public float pitchCoef;

	public float distCoef;

	public float pitchCoefWanted;

	public float distCoefWanted;

	public bool useGlobal;

	public bool lockCursor;

	public bool disableDist;

	public void ResetVars()
		throw null;

	public void Sync()
		throw null;

	public override void Init()
		throw null;

	public void ToWanted()
		throw null;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public RTSPoser()
		throw null;
public class SailPoser : CameraPoser
	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateXSens;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateYSens;

	[Range(0.1f, 100f)]
	public float damp;

	public float distCoef;

	public float distCoefWanted;

	public float distCoefBegin;

	public AnimationCurve distCurve;

	public AnimationCurve warpDistCurve;

	public AnimationCurve warpInFovCurve;

	public AnimationCurve warpOutFovCurve;

	public Transform targetAnimationTrans;

	public Player player;

	public PlanetData localPlanet;

	public VectorLF3 relPos;

	public Quaternion relRot;

	public VectorLF3 targetUPos;

	public Quaternion targetURot;

	public Quaternion targetURotWanted;

	public float weight;

	public bool disableRot;

	public bool disableDist;

	public bool disableFov;

	public bool disablePose;

	public float warpedInOut;

	public void ResetVars()
		throw null;

	public void Sync()
		throw null;

	public override void Init()
		throw null;

	public void ToWanted()
		throw null;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public SailPoser()
		throw null;
public class ShakeFXPoser : CameraPoser
	public CameraPoser prevPoser;

	[Tooltip("相机在三个轴向进行平移的最大位置; 默认使用旋转方式达到抖动效果; 此参数无效")]
	public Vector3 maximumTranslationShake;

	[Tooltip("相机在三个方向进行旋转的最大角度; 默认使用旋转方式达到抖动效果; 此参数有效")]
	public Vector3 maximumAngularShake;

	public float frequency;

	public float recoverySpeed;

	public float traumaExponent;

	public float seed;

	public float trauma;

	public void InduceStress(float stress)
		throw null;

	public void SetTraumaDirect(float _trauma)
		throw null;

	public void ShakeTransform()
		throw null;

	public void ShakeRotate()
		throw null;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public ShakeFXPoser()
		throw null;
public class SmoothFollowPoser : CameraPoser
	public Transform follow;

	public bool followPosition;

	public bool followRotation;

	public float smoothTime;

	public float overshot;

	public float rotationDamping;

	public Vector3 smooth_vel;

	public Vector3 last_tar_diff;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public SmoothFollowPoser()
		throw null;
public class SphereCollisionPoser : CameraPoser
	public CameraPoser prevPoser;

	public float clampRadius;

	public float softDistance;

	public float oldR;

	public float newR;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public SphereCollisionPoser()
		throw null;
public class ThirdPersonPoser : CameraPoser
	public CameraPoser target;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateXSens;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float mouseRotateYSens;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float joystickRotateXSens;

	[Range(-4f, 4f)]
	public float joystickRotateYSens;

	[Range(0.005f, 1f)]
	public float damp;

	public float pitchMin;

	public float pitchMax;

	public float distMin;

	public float distMax;

	public AnimationCurve pitchDistCurve;

	[Range(-180f, 180f)]
	public float yawBegin;

	[Range(-89.9f, 89.9f)]
	public float pitchBegin;

	public float weight;

	public float yaw;

	public float pitch;

	public float dist;

	public float yawWanted;

	public float pitchWanted;

	public bool useGlobal;

	public bool lockCursor;

	public float distRatio;

	public void ResetVars()
		throw null;

	public override void Init()
		throw null;

	public void EvaluateDist()
		throw null;

	public override void Calculate()
		throw null;

	public ThirdPersonPoser()
		throw null;
public class PostEffectController : MonoBehaviour
	public PostProcessingBehaviour postScript;

	public PostProcessingProfile postProfile;

	public GameCamera cameraController;

	public PostProcessingProfile menuProfile;

	public PostProcessingProfile menu1Profile;

	public PostProcessingProfile menu2Profile;

	public PostProcessingProfile menu3Profile;

	public PostProcessingProfile galaxyProfile;

	public Bloom uiBloom;

	public PostProcessingProfile inst;

	public SunShafts sunShaft;

	public static float dofBlurStrength;

	public static bool ssaoOn;

	public static bool aaOn;

	public static bool ditheringOn;

	public static bool headlight;

	public TranslucentImageSource translucentSource;

	public Color uiNormalTint;

	public Color uiTechTreeTint;

	public Color uiFullscreenTint;

	public float focusDistance;

	public float aperture;

	public float focalLength;

	public float maxShadowDistance;

	public double lastPtdist;

	public float lastDiff;

	public void Start()
		throw null;

	public void OnDestroy()
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public PostEffectController()
		throw null;

	static PostEffectController()
		throw null;
public class StarmapCamera : MonoBehaviour
	public UIStarmap uiStarmap;

	public Camera tarCam;

	public Camera main;

	public Transform gridTrans;

	public double dist;

	public double distWanted;

	public float fovWantedSet;

	public float fov;

	public float fovWanted;

	public float mouseRotateXSens;

	public float mouseRotateYSens;

	public float mouseRotateZSens;

	public Transform bgStarNear;

	public Transform bgStarFar;

	public float dampRatio;

	public float rollAngleWanted;

	public UIGridSplit tmp_grid_split;

	public void SyncToStarmap()
		throw null;

	public void SyncBackToMain()
		throw null;

	public void SetViewTarget(PlanetData planet, StarData star, Player player, VectorLF3 lpos, Quaternion lrot, double minDist, double maxDist, bool lockRot, bool immediate)
		throw null;

	public void SetViewTarget(PlanetData planet, StarData star, Player player, VectorLF3 lpos, double minDist, double maxDist, bool lockRot, bool immediate)
		throw null;

	public void SetRotationLock(bool lockRot)
		throw null;

	public void DisablePositionLock()
		throw null;

	public void SetNorth()
		throw null;

	public void DoLockNorthOnce()
		throw null;

	public void OnEnable()
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public void LateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public void OnPostRender()
		throw null;

	public void CameraControl()
		throw null;

	public void RefreshCameraPose()
		throw null;

	public StarmapCamera()
		throw null;
public static class Assert
	public static void True(bool expression)
		throw null;

	public static void True(bool expression, string message)
		throw null;

	public static void Positive(int number)
		throw null;

	public static void Positive(int number, string message)
		throw null;

	public static void Zero(int number)
		throw null;

	public static void Zero(int number, string message)
		throw null;

	public static void False(bool expression)
		throw null;

	public static void False(bool expression, string message)
		throw null;

	public static void Null(object obj)
		throw null;

	public static void Null(object obj, string message)
		throw null;

	public static void NotNull(object obj)
		throw null;

	public static void NotNull(object obj, string message)
		throw null;

	public static void CannotBeReached()
		throw null;

	public static void CannotBeReached(string message)
		throw null;
public abstract class BinaryData
	public abstract void Import(BinaryReader r);

	public abstract void Export(BinaryWriter w);

	public byte[] ToByte()
		throw null;

	public void FromByte(byte[] buffer)
		throw null;

	public void CopyTo(BinaryData dst)
		throw null;

	public BinaryData()
		throw null;
public enum HResult
	OK = 0,
	Failure = 1,
	NotExist = 2,
	Corrupt = 3,
	AccessDenied = 4,
	Null = 5,
	OutOfIndex = 6,
	FakeData = 7,
	InvalidParam = 8,
	AlreadyExist = 9,
	Full = 10,
	Waiting = 11,
	Busy = 12,
	UnknownFailure = 255
public static class LayerOperation
	public static void SetLayer(this GameObject obj, int layer, bool recursive = false)
		throw null;
public enum Layer
	Default = 0,
	TransparentFX = 1,
	IgnoreRaycast = 2,
	Water = 4,
	UI = 5,
	Player = 8,
	Terrain = 9,
	Vegetable = 10,
	Vein = 11,
	Entity = 12,
	Platform = 13,
	BuildGrid = 14,
	Prebuild = 15,
	DysonSphere = 16,
	BuildingCollider = 17,
	BuildPreview = 18,
	Spacecraft = 19,
	Starmap = 20,
	DysonSphereMap = 21,
	UI3D = 22,
	GalaxySelect = 23,
	Universe = 24,
	MilkyWay = 25,
	MechaEditor = 26,
	Audio = 27,
	Special = 28,
	AtmosphereBlur = 29,
	PlanetLoading = 30,
	PlanetLoading2 = 31
public enum LayerMaskPreset
	Any = -1,
	None = 0,
	Default = 1,
	TransparentFX = 2,
	IgnoreRaycast = 4,
	Water = 0x10,
	UI = 0x20,
	Player = 0x100,
	Terrain = 0x200,
	Vegetable = 0x400,
	Vein = 0x800,
	Entity = 0x1000,
	Platform = 0x2000,
	BuildGrid = 0x4000,
	Prebuild = 0x8000,
	DysonSphere = 0x10000,
	BuildingCollider = 0x20000,
	BuildPreview = 0x40000,
	Spacecraft = 0x80000,
	Starmap = 0x100000,
	DysonSphereMap = 0x200000,
	UI3D = 0x400000,
	GalaxySelect = 0x800000,
	Universe = 0x1000000,
	MilkyWay = 0x2000000,
	MechaEditor = 0x4000000,
	Audio = 0x8000000,
	Special = 0x10000000,
	AtmosphereBlur = 0x20000000,
	PlanetLoading = 0x40000000,
	PlanetLoading2 = int.MinValue,
	Visible = 0x4BF11,
	Walkable = 0x3E01,
	PlanetSurface = 0x2210,
	BuildCastAlt0 = 0x2210,
	BuildCastAlt1 = 0x6000,
	SolidSurface = 0x2200,
	TerrainWater = 0x210,
	BuildingTriggers = 0x60000,
	BuildingConflicts = 0x60800,
	MinerConflicts = 0x60000,
	MechaEditorAndGizmos = 0x14000000,
	PlantConflicts = 0x61800
public static class ValueCompare
	public enum ECompare
		Greater = 1,

	public static bool Compare(bool lhs, bool rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(int lhs, int rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(float lhs, int rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(int lhs, float rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(float lhs, float rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(double lhs, float rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(float lhs, double rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(double lhs, double rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(int lhs, double rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(double lhs, int rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;

	public static bool Compare(string lhs, string rhs, ECompare comp)
		throw null;
public interface IPoolElement
	int ID { get; set; }

	void Reset();

	void Export(BinaryWriter w);

	void Import(BinaryReader r);
public class DataPool<T> where T : struct, IPoolElement
	public T[] buffer;

	public int cursor;

	public int capacity;

	public int[] recycleIds;

	public int recycleCursor;

	public int count
			throw null;

	public void Reset()
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public void SetCapacity(int newCap)
		throw null;

	public ref T Add()
		throw null;

	public void Remove(int id)
		throw null;

	public void Flush()
		throw null;

	public void Export(BinaryWriter w)
		throw null;

	public void Import(BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public DataPool()
		throw null;
public class ObjectPool<T> where T : class, IPoolElement, new()
	public T[] buffer;

	public int cursor;

	public int capacity;

	public int[] recycleIds;

	public int recycleCursor;

	public int count
			throw null;

	public T this[int index]
			throw null;

	public void Reset()
		throw null;

	public void Free()
		throw null;

	public void SetCapacity(int newCap)
		throw null;

	public T Add()
		throw null;

	public void Remove(int id)
		throw null;

	public void SetNull(int id)
		throw null;

	public void Flush()
		throw null;

	public void Export(BinaryWriter w)
		throw null;

	public void Import(BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public ObjectPool()
		throw null;
public class GlobalEvent : MonoBehaviour
	public static Action onScreenResolutionChange;

	public int _last_screen_width;

	public int _last_screen_height;

	public void Start()
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public void InitScreenResolutionVars()
		throw null;

	public void UpdateScreenResolutionVars()
		throw null;

	public GlobalEvent()
		throw null;
public class GlobalObject : MonoBehaviour
	public static GlobalObject inst;

	public static double timeSinceStart;

	public static int opCounter;

	public static ComputeBuffer shaderInt32ArgBuffer;

	public static int[] shaderInt32ArgArray;

	public ulong debugTextureMemory;

	public static List<Version> versionList;

	public static AssetList[] preloadLists
			throw null;

	[RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	public static void Initialize()
		throw null;

	public void Update()
		throw null;

	public void FixedUpdate()
		throw null;

	public void LateUpdate()
		throw null;

	public void UpdateTime()
		throw null;

	public void UpdateShaderGlobalBuffer()
		throw null;

	public void OnDestroy()
		throw null;

	public void OnApplicationQuit()
		throw null;

	public void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus)
		throw null;

	public static void SetShaderGlobalVars()
		throw null;

	public static void SaveLastLanguage()
		throw null;

	public static void SaveOpCounter()
		throw null;

	public static void LoadVersions()
		throw null;

	public static int VersionCompare(Version lhs, Version rhs)
		throw null;

	public GlobalObject()
		throw null;

	static GlobalObject()
		throw null;
public enum VKey
	NULL = 0,
	CANCEL = 3,
	XBUTTON1 = 5,
	XBUTTON2 = 6,
	BACK = 8,
	TAB = 9,
	RETURN = 13,
	SHIFT = 16,
	CONTROL = 17,
	MENU = 18,
	PAUSE = 19,
	CAPITAL = 20,
	ESCAPE = 27,
	SPACE = 32,
	PRIOR = 33,
	NEXT = 34,
	END = 35,
	HOME = 36,
	LEFT = 37,
	UP = 38,
	RIGHT = 39,
	DOWN = 40,
	Insert = 45,
	Delete = 46,
	ALPHA0 = 48,
	ALPHA1 = 49,
	ALPHA2 = 50,
	ALPHA3 = 51,
	ALPHA4 = 52,
	ALPHA5 = 53,
	ALPHA6 = 54,
	ALPHA7 = 55,
	ALPHA8 = 56,
	ALPHA9 = 57,
	A = 65,
	B = 66,
	C = 67,
	D = 68,
	E = 69,
	F = 70,
	G = 71,
	H = 72,
	I = 73,
	J = 74,
	K = 75,
	L = 76,
	M = 77,
	N = 78,
	O = 79,
	P = 80,
	Q = 81,
	R = 82,
	S = 83,
	T = 84,
	U = 85,
	V = 86,
	W = 87,
	X = 88,
	Y = 89,
	Z = 90,
	LWIN = 91,
	RWIN = 92,
	APPS = 93,
	NUMPAD0 = 96,
	NUMPAD1 = 97,
	NUMPAD2 = 98,
	NUMPAD3 = 99,
	NUMPAD4 = 100,
	NUMPAD5 = 101,
	NUMPAD6 = 102,
	NUMPAD7 = 103,
	NUMPAD8 = 104,
	NUMPAD9 = 105,
	F1 = 112,
	F2 = 113,
	F3 = 114,
	F4 = 115,
	F5 = 116,
	F6 = 117,
	F7 = 118,
	F8 = 119,
	F9 = 120,
	F10 = 121,
	F11 = 122,
	F12 = 123,
	F13 = 124,
	F14 = 125,
	F15 = 126,
	F16 = 127,
	F17 = 128,
	F18 = 129,
	F19 = 130,
	F20 = 131,
	F21 = 132,
	F22 = 133,
	F23 = 134,
	F24 = 135,
	NUMLOCK = 144,
	SCROLL = 145,
	LSHIFT = 160,
	RSHIFT = 161,
	LCONTROL = 162,
	RCONTROL = 163,
	LMENU = 164,
	RMENU = 165
public static class WinInput
	public static extern int GetAsyncKeyState(int vKey);

	public static bool GetKey(VKey vkey)
		throw null;
public static class IOHelper
	public static void ExportColor(BinaryWriter w, Color data)
		throw null;

	public static void ExportColor32(BinaryWriter w, Color32 data)
		throw null;

	public static void ExportVector2(BinaryWriter w, Vector2 data)
		throw null;

	public static void ExportVector3(BinaryWriter w, Vector3 data)
		throw null;

	public static void ExportVector4(BinaryWriter w, Vector4 data)
		throw null;

	public static void WriteFlexibleInt(this BinaryWriter w, int num)
		throw null;

	public static void WriteFlexibleUInt(this BinaryWriter w, uint num)
		throw null;

	public static Color ImportColor(BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public static Color32 ImportColor32(BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public static Vector2 ImportVector2(BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public static Vector3 ImportVector3(BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public static Vector4 ImportVector4(BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public static int ReadFlexibleInt(this BinaryReader r)
		throw null;

	public static uint ReadFlexibleUInt(this BinaryReader r)
		throw null;
public static class StringIO
	public static string LoadFromFile(string filename, Encoding encoding)
		throw null;

	public static void SaveToFile(string filename, string content, Encoding encoding)
		throw null;
public static class Localization
	public class Language
		public int lcId;

		public string name;

		public string abbr;

		public string abbr2;

		public int fallback;

		public EGlyph glyph;

		public Language()
			throw null;

	public enum EGlyph
		Latin = 0,
		CJK = 1,
		Other = 99

	public static int currentLanguageIndex;

	public static int preSelectLanguageLCID;

	public static Dictionary<string, int> namesIndexer;

	public static string[][] strings;

	public static float[][] floats;

	public static string[] currentStrings;

	public static float[] currentFloats;

	public const int LCID_ZHCN = 2052;

	public const int LCID_ENUS = 1033;

	public const int LCID_FRFR = 1036;

	public static readonly string DefaultLoadingPath;

	public static string[] resourcePages;

	public static bool Loaded
			throw null;

	public static Language[] Languages
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static int LanguageCount
			throw null;

	public static int CurrentLanguageIndex
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static Language CurrentLanguage
			throw null;

	public static int CurrentLanguageLCID
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static int NamesCount
			throw null;

	public static bool isZHCN
			throw null;

	public static bool isENUS
			throw null;

	public static bool isFRFR
			throw null;

	public static bool isCJK
			throw null;

	public static bool isKMG
			throw null;

	public static string ResourcesPath
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static event Action OnLanguageChange
			throw null;
			throw null;

	public static void NotifyLanguageChange()
		throw null;

	public static string Translate(this string s)
		throw null;

	public static bool CanTranslate(string s)
		throw null;

	public static float TranslateParam(this string s, float default_value)
		throw null;

	public static float? TranslateParam(this string s)
		throw null;

	public static void Load()
		throw null;

	public static bool Load(string path)
		throw null;

	public static bool LoadSettings()
		throw null;

	public static bool LoadLanguage(int index)
		throw null;

	public static bool LanguageLoaded(int index)
		throw null;

	public static void Unload()
		throw null;

	public static void UnloadLanguage(int index)
		throw null;

	public static StringBuilder UnescapeString(StringBuilder sb, StringBuilder ret)
		throw null;

	static Localization()
		throw null;
public class Localizer : MonoBehaviour
	public string stringKey;

	public string translation;

	public RectTransform rectTrans;

	public Text text;

	public Image image;

	public RawImage rawImage;

	public AudioSource audioSource;

	public string xParamKey;

	public string yParamKey;

	public string wParamKey;

	public string hParamKey;

	public bool wAutoFit;

	public bool hAutoFit;

	public void OnEnable()
		throw null;

	public void OnDisable()
		throw null;

	public void Refresh()
		throw null;

	public void OnLanguageChange()
		throw null;

	public Localizer()
		throw null;
public sealed class DotNet35Locale
	public DotNet35Locale()
		throw null;

	public static string GetText(string msg)
		throw null;

	public static string GetText(string fmt, params object[] args)
		throw null;
public class DotNet35Random
	public const int MBIG = int.MaxValue;

	public const int MSEED = 161803398;

	public const int MZ = 0;

	public int inext;

	public int inextp;

	public int[] SeedArray;

	public DotNet35Random()
		throw null;

	public DotNet35Random(int Seed)
		throw null;

	public virtual double Sample()
		throw null;

	public virtual int Next()
		throw null;

	public virtual int Next(int maxValue)
		throw null;

	public virtual int Next(int minValue, int maxValue)
		throw null;

	public virtual void NextBytes(byte[] buffer)
		throw null;

	public virtual double NextDouble()
		throw null;
public struct VectorLF2
	public double x;

	public double y;

	public static VectorLF2 zero
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 one
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 minusone
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 unit_x
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 unit_y
			throw null;

	public double sqrMagnitude
			throw null;

	public double magnitude
			throw null;

	public VectorLF2 normalized
			throw null;

	public VectorLF2(VectorLF2 vec)
		throw null;

	public VectorLF2(double x_, double y_)
		throw null;

	public VectorLF2(float x_, float y_)
		throw null;

	public static bool operator ==(VectorLF2 lhs, VectorLF2 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static bool operator !=(VectorLF2 lhs, VectorLF2 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 operator *(VectorLF2 lhs, VectorLF2 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 operator *(VectorLF2 lhs, double rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 operator /(VectorLF2 lhs, double rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 operator -(VectorLF2 vec)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 operator -(VectorLF2 lhs, VectorLF2 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF2 operator +(VectorLF2 lhs, VectorLF2 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static implicit operator VectorLF2(Vector2 vec2)
		throw null;

	public static implicit operator Vector2(VectorLF2 vec2)
		throw null;

	public double Distance(VectorLF2 vec)
		throw null;

	public override bool Equals(object obj)
		throw null;

	public override int GetHashCode()
		throw null;

	public override string ToString()
		throw null;
public struct VectorLF3
	public double x;

	public double y;

	public double z;

	public static VectorLF3 zero
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 one
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 minusone
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 unit_x
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 unit_y
			throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 unit_z
			throw null;

	public VectorLF2 xy
			throw null;

	public VectorLF2 yx
			throw null;

	public VectorLF2 zx
			throw null;

	public VectorLF2 xz
			throw null;

	public VectorLF2 yz
			throw null;

	public VectorLF2 zy
			throw null;

	public double sqrMagnitude
			throw null;

	public double magnitude
			throw null;

	public VectorLF3 normalized
			throw null;

	public VectorLF3(VectorLF3 vec)
		throw null;

	public VectorLF3(double x_, double y_, double z_)
		throw null;

	public VectorLF3(float x_, float y_, float z_)
		throw null;

	public static bool operator ==(VectorLF3 lhs, VectorLF3 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static bool operator !=(VectorLF3 lhs, VectorLF3 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 operator *(VectorLF3 lhs, VectorLF3 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 operator *(VectorLF3 lhs, double rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 operator /(VectorLF3 lhs, double rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 operator -(VectorLF3 vec)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 operator -(VectorLF3 lhs, VectorLF3 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 operator +(VectorLF3 lhs, VectorLF3 rhs)
		throw null;

	public static implicit operator VectorLF3(Vector3 vec3)
		throw null;

	public static implicit operator Vector3(VectorLF3 vec3)
		throw null;

	public double Distance(VectorLF3 vec)
		throw null;

	public override bool Equals(object obj)
		throw null;

	public override int GetHashCode()
		throw null;

	public override string ToString()
		throw null;

	public static double Dot(VectorLF3 a, VectorLF3 b)
		throw null;

	public static VectorLF3 Cross(VectorLF3 a, Vecto


Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using Bulldozer.Properties;
using Bulldozer.SelectiveDecoration;
using HarmonyLib;
using PowerNetworkStructures;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.8", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.8")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Bulldozer
	public class BulldozeIcon
		private static byte[] pngBytes = new byte[19377]
			137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0,
			0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82, 0, 0, 2, 0,
			0, 0, 2, 0, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0, 244,
			120, 212, 250, 0, 0, 0, 4, 115, 66, 73,
			84, 8, 8, 8, 8, 124, 8, 100, 136, 0,
			0, 0, 9, 112, 72, 89, 115, 0, 0, 13,
			215, 0, 0, 13, 215, 1, 66, 40, 155, 120,
			0, 0, 0, 25, 116, 69, 88, 116, 83, 111,
			102, 116, 119, 97, 114, 101, 0, 119, 119, 119,
			46, 105, 110, 107, 115, 99, 97, 112, 101, 46,
			111, 114, 103, 155, 238, 60, 26, 0, 0, 32,
			0, 73, 68, 65, 84, 120, 156, 236, 221, 121,
			220, 173, 213, 220, 199, 241, 207, 247, 116, 154,
			211, 28, 149, 74, 137, 82, 146, 70, 105, 82,
			137, 122, 240, 80, 66, 33, 165, 34, 67, 74,
			25, 162, 40, 205, 66, 148, 16, 30, 34, 149,
			68, 105, 146, 50, 115, 154, 52, 104, 164, 80,
			74, 138, 230, 57, 81, 29, 213, 239, 249, 99,
			93, 39, 183, 227, 12, 247, 189, 215, 186, 166,
			189, 191, 239, 215, 107, 191, 120, 60, 231, 90,
			235, 183, 239, 123, 223, 251, 250, 93, 107, 253,
			214, 90, 138, 8, 204, 204, 204, 108, 180, 76,
			106, 59, 0, 51, 51, 51, 107, 158, 19, 0,
			51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108,
			4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0,
			204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179,
			17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1,
			48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204,
			70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4,
			192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51,
			27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19,
			0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204,
			108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78,
			0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51,
			179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57,
			1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204,
			204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228,
			4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51,
			51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144,
			19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204,
			204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65,
			78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51,
			51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4,
			57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204,
			204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17,
			228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48,
			51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70,
			144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192,
			204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27,
			65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0,
			51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108,
			4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0,
			204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179,
			17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1,
			48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204,
			70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4,
			192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51,
			27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19,
			0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204,
			108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78,
			0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51,
			179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57,
			1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204,
			204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228,
			4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51,
			51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144,
			19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204,
			204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65,
			78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51,
			51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4,
			57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204,
			204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17,
			228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48,
			51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70,
			144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192,
			204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27,
			65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0,
			51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108,
			4, 77, 110, 59, 0, 27, 63, 73, 47, 4,
			94, 5, 60, 31, 88, 6, 120, 54, 48, 79,
			171, 65, 153, 213, 235, 110, 224, 242, 234, 117,
			86, 68, 252, 163, 229, 120, 204, 134, 134, 34,
			162, 237, 24, 108, 22, 36, 45, 4, 124, 24,
			216, 30, 88, 161, 229, 112, 204, 218, 116, 19,
			240, 246, 136, 184, 168, 237, 64, 204, 134, 129,
			19, 128, 142, 146, 52, 7, 176, 7, 176, 31,
			176, 88, 203, 225, 152, 117, 197, 83, 192, 30,
			17, 241, 229, 182, 3, 49, 235, 59, 39, 0,
			29, 36, 105, 97, 224, 20, 224, 149, 109, 199,
			98, 214, 65, 143, 3, 235, 68, 196, 181, 109,
			7, 98, 214, 103, 78, 0, 58, 70, 210, 10,
			192, 143, 128, 149, 219, 142, 197, 172, 195, 174,
			2, 214, 14, 127, 129, 153, 13, 204, 9, 64,
			135, 72, 90, 16, 184, 4, 88, 165, 237, 88,
			204, 122, 224, 5, 17, 113, 125, 219, 65, 152,
			245, 149, 151, 1, 118, 132, 164, 73, 192, 201,
			248, 230, 111, 54, 94, 235, 180, 29, 128, 89,
			159, 57, 1, 232, 142, 119, 3, 175, 110, 59,
			8, 179, 30, 89, 189, 237, 0, 204, 250, 204,
			251, 0, 116, 128, 164, 5, 128, 3, 219, 142,
			195, 172, 103, 254, 90, 71, 163, 146, 54, 7,
			214, 7, 214, 2, 22, 2, 174, 36, 237, 67,
			112, 118, 68, 252, 179, 142, 62, 205, 218, 224,
			4, 160, 27, 62, 8, 60, 179, 237, 32, 204,
			122, 230, 242, 146, 141, 73, 90, 6, 248, 26,
			105, 179, 173, 177, 94, 94, 253, 231, 77, 146,
			222, 17, 17, 231, 149, 236, 215, 172, 45, 46,
			2, 236, 0, 73, 127, 2, 158, 215, 118, 28,
			102, 61, 242, 48, 176, 100, 68, 60, 90, 162,
			49, 73, 27, 1, 231, 0, 11, 206, 230, 159,
			6, 240, 233, 136, 216, 183, 68, 191, 102, 109,
			114, 13, 64, 203, 170, 237, 125, 125, 243, 55,
			155, 152, 189, 10, 222, 252, 231, 3, 190, 197,
			236, 111, 254, 0, 2, 246, 145, 116, 84, 137,
			190, 205, 218, 228, 4, 160, 125, 46, 252, 51,
			155, 152, 31, 68, 196, 113, 5, 219, 59, 12,
			88, 113, 130, 215, 236, 229, 36, 192, 250, 206,
			9, 64, 251, 38, 250, 197, 99, 54, 170, 2,
			248, 2, 240, 230, 194, 237, 238, 56, 224, 117,
			78, 2, 172, 215, 92, 4, 216, 190, 165, 218,
			14, 192, 172, 227, 254, 74, 170, 196, 63, 58,
			34, 126, 85, 178, 97, 73, 203, 1, 139, 102,
			52, 177, 151, 36, 34, 226, 3, 165, 98, 50,
			107, 138, 19, 128, 246, 45, 153, 113, 237, 222,
			192, 15, 51, 251, 63, 1, 88, 119, 192, 107,
			223, 14, 92, 150, 217, 127, 223, 29, 8, 108,
			151, 113, 237, 247, 138, 69, 210, 142, 29, 129,
			65, 11, 226, 78, 0, 14, 159, 205, 191, 185,
			39, 34, 238, 27, 176, 253, 241, 88, 173, 64,
			27, 78, 2, 172, 151, 156, 0, 180, 111, 238,
			140, 107, 127, 30, 17, 127, 204, 233, 92, 82,
			206, 186, 230, 91, 115, 251, 239, 59, 73, 15,
			102, 92, 126, 87, 223, 127, 126, 146, 238, 206,
			184, 252, 129, 14, 188, 255, 219, 11, 181, 179,
			151, 164, 251, 34, 226, 208, 66, 237, 153, 213,
			206, 53, 0, 102, 54, 202, 126, 15, 252, 171,
			80, 91, 7, 75, 122, 125, 161, 182, 204, 106,
			231, 4, 192, 204, 70, 86, 68, 76, 5, 126,
			93, 168, 57, 1, 39, 74, 122, 110, 161, 246,
			204, 106, 229, 4, 192, 204, 70, 221, 238, 192,
			212, 66, 109, 205, 15, 28, 82, 168, 45, 179,
			90, 57, 1, 48, 179, 145, 22, 17, 215, 82,
			246, 166, 253, 22, 73, 107, 20, 108, 207, 172,
			22, 78, 0, 204, 204, 210, 106, 132, 147, 10,
			181, 37, 96, 207, 66, 109, 153, 213, 198, 9,
			128, 153, 141, 188, 136, 120, 146, 180, 172, 181,
			84, 18, 240, 26, 73, 254, 126, 181, 78, 243,
			7, 212, 204, 140, 226, 73, 192, 18, 164, 35,
			133, 205, 58, 203, 9, 128, 153, 89, 165, 112,
			18, 176, 102, 129, 54, 204, 106, 227, 4, 192,
			204, 108, 140, 130, 73, 192, 179, 10, 132, 99,
			86, 27, 39, 0, 102, 102, 211, 25, 147, 4,
			156, 158, 209, 76, 206, 54, 223, 102, 181, 115,
			2, 96, 102, 54, 3, 85, 18, 112, 106, 70,
			19, 11, 148, 138, 197, 172, 14, 78, 0, 204,
			204, 234, 161, 182, 3, 48, 155, 21, 39, 0,
			102, 102, 102, 35, 200, 9, 128, 153, 153, 217,
			8, 114, 2, 96, 102, 102, 54, 130, 38, 183,
			29, 128, 89, 73, 146, 230, 5, 94, 1, 172,
			3, 172, 13, 60, 12, 92, 14, 92, 26, 17,
			23, 181, 25, 155, 153, 89, 151, 56, 1, 176,
			161, 33, 105, 61, 224, 4, 96, 165, 233, 254,
			95, 111, 169, 254, 255, 63, 0, 222, 21, 17,
			119, 53, 29, 155, 153, 89, 215, 120, 10, 192,
			134, 130, 164, 247, 1, 23, 241, 223, 55, 255,
			177, 94, 7, 92, 43, 105, 237, 102, 162, 50,
			51, 235, 46, 39, 0, 214, 123, 213, 209, 171,
			71, 1, 115, 140, 227, 159, 47, 14, 156, 40,
			105, 238, 122, 163, 50, 51, 235, 54, 39, 0,
			214, 107, 146, 38, 147, 134, 253, 231, 156, 192,
			101, 171, 0, 7, 213, 19, 145, 153, 89, 63,
			56, 1, 176, 190, 123, 49, 240, 162, 1, 174,
			219, 190, 116, 32, 102, 102, 125, 226, 4, 192,
			250, 110, 221, 1, 175, 91, 70, 146, 247, 106,
			55, 179, 145, 229, 4, 192, 250, 110, 173, 150,
			174, 53, 51, 235, 53, 39, 0, 214, 119, 11,
			182, 116, 173, 153, 89, 175, 57, 1, 48, 51,
			51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144,
			19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204,
			204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65,
			78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51,
			51, 179, 17, 228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4,
			57, 1, 48, 51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204,
			204, 204, 70, 144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17,
			228, 4, 192, 204, 204, 108, 4, 57, 1, 48,
			51, 51, 27, 65, 78, 0, 204, 204, 204, 70,
			144, 19, 0, 51, 51, 179, 17, 52, 185, 237,
			0, 204, 204, 186, 64, 210, 36, 96, 67, 224,
			37, 192, 210, 213, 107, 149, 140, 38, 55, 145,
			116, 6, 112, 7, 112, 59, 112, 3, 240, 147,
			136, 120, 40, 55, 86, 179, 18, 156, 0, 152,
			217, 72, 147, 180, 26, 240, 1, 224, 181, 192,
			18, 5, 155, 94, 18, 216, 122, 186, 255, 237,
			95, 146, 126, 5, 124, 19, 56, 37, 34, 162,
			96, 127, 102, 19, 226, 41, 0, 51, 27, 73,
			146, 150, 145, 244, 77, 224, 26, 96, 23, 202,
			222, 252, 103, 102, 78, 96, 11, 224, 187, 192,
			101, 146, 54, 109, 160, 79, 179, 25, 114, 2,
			96, 102, 35, 71, 210, 43, 128, 223, 1, 59,
			211, 222, 247, 224, 58, 192, 175, 36, 29, 38,
			73, 45, 197, 96, 35, 204, 9, 128, 153, 141,
			20, 73, 239, 5, 126, 4, 44, 220, 118, 44,
			149, 143, 1, 103, 72, 154, 191, 237, 64, 108,
			180, 56, 1, 48, 179, 145, 33, 233, 109, 192,
			151, 233, 94, 253, 211, 86, 192, 73, 30, 9,
			176, 38, 57, 1, 48, 203, 243, 84, 198, 181,
			254, 178, 111, 144, 164, 245, 129, 99, 219, 142,
			99, 22, 182, 2, 14, 105, 59, 8, 27, 29,
			78, 0, 172, 239, 230, 204, 184, 182, 68, 5,
			246, 131, 25, 215, 46, 84, 160, 127, 27, 7,
			73, 243, 2, 223, 3, 230, 110, 59, 150, 217,
			248, 184, 164, 141, 218, 14, 194, 70, 67, 215,
			134, 193, 108, 98, 142, 146, 148, 187, 166, 120,
			181, 140, 107, 15, 149, 116, 111, 102, 255, 57,
			230, 0, 94, 157, 113, 253, 253, 5, 98, 184,
			39, 227, 218, 38, 170, 206, 45, 217, 19, 88,
			182, 237, 32, 198, 233, 8, 96, 253, 182, 131,
			176, 225, 231, 4, 160, 223, 54, 109, 185, 255,
			13, 91, 238, 63, 215, 237, 5, 218, 200, 73,
			0, 22, 47, 208, 191, 205, 134, 164, 69, 129,
			125, 218, 142, 99, 2, 94, 42, 233, 13, 17,
			113, 90, 219, 129, 216, 112, 243, 20, 128, 141,
			178, 59, 10, 180, 225, 17, 128, 238, 123, 61,
			253, 155, 110, 217, 169, 237, 0, 108, 248, 57,
			1, 176, 81, 117, 125, 68, 148, 152, 2, 184,
			59, 227, 90, 143, 0, 52, 99, 171, 182, 3,
			24, 192, 43, 188, 44, 208, 234, 230, 4, 160,
			69, 146, 118, 39, 111, 175, 113, 27, 220, 153,
			133, 218, 241, 8, 64, 135, 73, 154, 27, 120,
			69, 219, 113, 12, 96, 30, 96, 243, 182, 131,
			176, 225, 230, 26, 128, 22, 72, 90, 136, 180,
			28, 233, 141, 109, 199, 50, 194, 206, 40, 212,
			142, 19, 128, 110, 91, 22, 152, 183, 237, 32,
			6, 180, 82, 219, 1, 216, 112, 243, 8, 64,
			195, 36, 173, 13, 92, 137, 111, 254, 109, 154,
			18, 17, 151, 150, 104, 40, 34, 30, 7, 254,
			62, 224, 229, 243, 75, 90, 176, 68, 28, 54,
			83, 75, 183, 29, 64, 134, 62, 199, 110, 61,
			224, 17, 128, 6, 85, 67, 254, 159, 3, 230,
			106, 59, 150, 17, 22, 192, 222, 133, 219, 188,
			7, 120, 198, 128, 215, 110, 72, 218, 150, 214,
			234, 177, 84, 198, 181, 55, 145, 150, 15, 62,
			153, 209, 198, 246, 192, 219, 6, 188, 54, 39,
			118, 179, 217, 114, 2, 208, 128, 106, 200, 255,
			27, 192, 27, 218, 142, 197, 248, 102, 68, 92,
			94, 184, 205, 187, 129, 231, 14, 120, 237, 38,
			56, 1, 168, 83, 206, 240, 255, 133, 17, 113,
			78, 78, 231, 146, 230, 97, 240, 4, 160, 175,
			83, 23, 214, 19, 158, 2, 168, 217, 152, 33,
			127, 223, 252, 219, 119, 57, 176, 123, 13, 237,
			94, 147, 113, 237, 38, 197, 162, 48, 51, 155,
			0, 39, 0, 53, 146, 180, 7, 240, 107, 6,
			127, 58, 180, 114, 110, 3, 182, 142, 136, 199,
			106, 104, 251, 188, 140, 107, 215, 241, 114, 47,
			51, 107, 131, 19, 128, 26, 72, 90, 72, 210,
			247, 129, 47, 224, 249, 254, 46, 184, 28, 88,
			47, 34, 110, 171, 169, 253, 243, 51, 174, 157,
			76, 255, 119, 84, 52, 179, 30, 114, 2, 80,
			152, 164, 117, 240, 144, 127, 87, 4, 112, 28,
			240, 178, 26, 111, 254, 84, 109, 223, 148, 209,
			132, 167, 1, 204, 172, 113, 78, 0, 10, 170,
			134, 252, 47, 194, 67, 254, 93, 240, 51, 96,
			157, 136, 216, 37, 34, 30, 109, 160, 191, 156,
			105, 0, 39, 0, 102, 214, 56, 39, 0, 5,
			84, 67, 254, 167, 225, 33, 255, 54, 5, 105,
			228, 229, 19, 192, 234, 17, 177, 69, 68, 92,
			217, 96, 255, 57, 9, 192, 122, 213, 129, 53,
			102, 102, 141, 241, 50, 192, 76, 213, 144, 255,
			41, 192, 10, 53, 118, 115, 5, 112, 56, 121,
			235, 145, 135, 81, 144, 142, 244, 253, 27, 112,
			91, 68, 76, 109, 49, 150, 156, 4, 96, 50,
			176, 53, 240, 205, 66, 177, 152, 153, 205, 150,
			19, 128, 12, 146, 222, 79, 58, 187, 187, 206,
			167, 254, 47, 1, 31, 106, 249, 230, 102, 179,
			17, 17, 183, 72, 186, 21, 88, 110, 192, 38,
			222, 132, 19, 0, 51, 107, 144, 167, 0, 6,
			32, 105, 225, 106, 200, 255, 104, 234, 187, 249,
			63, 4, 188, 49, 34, 246, 240, 205, 191, 55,
			114, 70, 1, 54, 247, 52, 128, 153, 53, 201,
			9, 192, 4, 73, 90, 151, 52, 215, 188, 77,
			141, 221, 92, 1, 172, 21, 17, 167, 213, 216,
			135, 149, 151, 147, 0, 204, 73, 154, 6, 48,
			51, 107, 132, 19, 128, 9, 168, 134, 252, 47,
			164, 222, 249, 254, 47, 1, 27, 68, 196, 159,
			107, 236, 195, 234, 241, 67, 224, 169, 140, 235,
			223, 84, 42, 16, 51, 179, 217, 113, 2, 48,
			14, 213, 144, 255, 233, 120, 200, 223, 102, 33,
			34, 238, 34, 111, 83, 32, 79, 3, 152, 89,
			99, 156, 0, 204, 198, 152, 33, 255, 215, 215,
			216, 141, 135, 252, 135, 199, 169, 25, 215, 122,
			26, 192, 204, 26, 227, 4, 96, 22, 36, 237,
			73, 253, 67, 254, 95, 196, 67, 254, 195, 228,
			52, 60, 13, 96, 102, 61, 224, 4, 96, 6,
			198, 12, 249, 127, 158, 122, 135, 252, 223, 16,
			17, 239, 247, 144, 255, 240, 240, 52, 128, 153,
			245, 133, 19, 128, 233, 84, 67, 254, 87, 81,
			239, 144, 255, 229, 192, 154, 17, 113, 122, 141,
			125, 88, 123, 60, 13, 96, 102, 157, 231, 4,
			96, 140, 49, 67, 254, 203, 215, 216, 205, 23,
			128, 13, 35, 226, 230, 26, 251, 176, 118, 121,
			26, 192, 204, 58, 207, 9, 64, 69, 210, 238,
			52, 51, 228, 191, 167, 135, 252, 135, 155, 167,
			1, 198, 109, 51, 73, 59, 72, 90, 164, 237,
			64, 204, 70, 145, 19, 0, 64, 210, 22, 164,
			155, 127, 93, 60, 228, 63, 122, 60, 13, 48,
			123, 171, 3, 39, 0, 119, 75, 250, 133, 164,
			61, 36, 13, 186, 149, 178, 153, 77, 208, 200,
			39, 0, 146, 22, 7, 190, 7, 204, 81, 83,
			23, 30, 242, 31, 77, 158, 6, 24, 191, 201,
			192, 203, 73, 127, 43, 183, 72, 186, 82, 210,
			39, 36, 173, 222, 114, 92, 102, 67, 109, 228,
			19, 0, 210, 89, 236, 11, 215, 208, 238, 131,
			192, 54, 30, 242, 31, 77, 158, 6, 200, 178,
			38, 112, 16, 112, 141, 164, 63, 75, 58, 82,
			210, 38, 146, 234, 74, 210, 205, 70, 146, 19,
			0, 216, 168, 134, 54, 127, 67, 218, 216, 231,
			140, 26, 218, 182, 254, 240, 52, 64, 190, 21,
			128, 15, 0, 83, 128, 59, 37, 29, 39, 105,
			43, 73, 243, 182, 27, 150, 89, 255, 57, 1,
			128, 13, 11, 183, 119, 52, 176, 145, 135, 252,
			13, 79, 3, 148, 182, 56, 176, 19, 112, 38,
			112, 159, 164, 51, 37, 237, 36, 105, 177, 118,
			195, 50, 235, 39, 39, 0, 240, 204, 66, 237,
			76, 27, 242, 223, 203, 67, 254, 6, 158, 6,
			168, 217, 188, 192, 86, 192, 113, 192, 93, 146,
			166, 72, 218, 75, 82, 157, 187, 118, 154, 13,
			21, 39, 0, 101, 252, 134, 84, 229, 239, 33,
			127, 155, 222, 41, 25, 215, 122, 26, 96, 124,
			230, 32, 213, 242, 28, 5, 252, 89, 210, 53,
			146, 14, 146, 180, 102, 203, 113, 153, 117, 154,
			19, 128, 124, 211, 134, 252, 255, 210, 118, 32,
			214, 73, 167, 227, 105, 128, 166, 173, 14, 124,
			130, 116, 136, 215, 49, 45, 199, 98, 214, 89,
			78, 0, 242, 236, 224, 33, 127, 155, 21, 79,
			3, 180, 110, 190, 182, 3, 48, 235, 42, 39,
			0, 121, 46, 108, 59, 0, 235, 5, 79, 3,
			152, 89, 231, 56, 1, 48, 171, 159, 167, 1,
			204, 172, 115, 156, 0, 152, 213, 204, 211, 0,
			189, 229, 189, 6, 108, 168, 57, 1, 48, 107,
			134, 167, 1, 250, 103, 91, 73, 183, 72, 58,
			90, 210, 102, 146, 38, 183, 29, 144, 89, 73,
			78, 0, 204, 154, 225, 105, 128, 126, 90, 14,
			120, 63, 240, 75, 210, 126, 3, 199, 75, 218,
			90, 146, 139, 11, 173, 247, 156, 0, 152, 53,
			160, 154, 6, 56, 47, 163, 9, 79, 3, 180,
			111, 81, 96, 71, 224, 12, 224, 94, 239, 68,
			104, 125, 231, 4, 192, 172, 57, 62, 27, 224,
			63, 29, 7, 108, 79, 250, 185, 60, 210, 114,
			44, 19, 53, 163, 157, 8, 247, 148, 180, 124,
			171, 81, 153, 77, 128, 19, 0, 179, 230, 120,
			26, 224, 63, 61, 28, 17, 223, 137, 136, 109,
			73, 251, 252, 191, 6, 248, 58, 112, 87, 187,
			97, 77, 216, 180, 157, 8, 63, 15, 220, 44,
			233, 42, 73, 7, 72, 122, 113, 203, 113, 153,
			205, 146, 19, 0, 179, 134, 84, 211, 0, 23,
			100, 52, 49, 180, 211, 0, 17, 241, 120, 68,
			156, 27, 17, 239, 2, 150, 38, 29, 210, 117,
			4, 240, 167, 118, 35, 27, 200, 26, 192, 129,
			192, 213, 192, 241, 237, 134, 98, 54, 115, 78,
			0, 204, 154, 229, 213, 0, 179, 17, 17, 79,
			69, 196, 175, 35, 226, 35, 17, 177, 18, 240,
			66, 224, 227, 164, 51, 55, 162, 221, 232, 38,
			108, 193, 182, 3, 48, 155, 25, 39, 0, 102,
			205, 242, 52, 192, 4, 69, 196, 239, 35, 226,
			147, 17, 241, 18, 96, 89, 224, 125, 192, 207,
			128, 127, 181, 27, 153, 89, 191, 57, 1, 48,
			107, 80, 68, 220, 137, 167, 1, 6, 22, 17,
			183, 69, 196, 151, 35, 98, 11, 210, 81, 222,
			125, 45, 34, 52, 107, 157, 19, 0, 179, 230,
			121, 26, 160, 128, 136, 120, 112, 72, 138, 8,
			103, 102, 174, 182, 3, 176, 225, 230, 4, 192,
			172, 121, 158, 6, 40, 108, 200, 138, 8, 167,
			121, 149, 164, 63, 75, 58, 82, 210, 203, 36,
			205, 209, 118, 64, 54, 92, 156, 0, 152, 53,
			204, 211, 0, 245, 26, 178, 34, 194, 21, 128,
			15, 144, 54, 145, 186, 83, 210, 55, 37, 189,
			78, 146, 207, 41, 176, 108, 78, 0, 204, 218,
			225, 105, 128, 134, 12, 81, 17, 225, 226, 192,
			206, 192, 89, 164, 157, 8, 79, 151, 180, 163,
			147, 65, 27, 148, 19, 0, 179, 118, 120, 26,
			160, 5, 211, 21, 17, 46, 193, 191, 139, 8,
			255, 222, 110, 100, 19, 54, 31, 240, 122, 210,
			62, 3, 119, 73, 250, 165, 164, 247, 75, 90,
			174, 229, 184, 172, 71, 156, 0, 152, 181, 192,
			211, 0, 237, 139, 136, 135, 198, 20, 17, 46,
			65, 127, 139, 8, 39, 3, 155, 1, 71, 3,
			183, 72, 186, 66, 210, 254, 146, 94, 212, 114,
			92, 214, 113, 78, 0, 204, 218, 227, 105, 128,
			142, 24, 178, 34, 194, 181, 128, 131, 129, 223,
			74, 186, 73, 210, 231, 36, 109, 44, 201, 223,
			247, 246, 31, 252, 129, 48, 107, 143, 167, 1,
			58, 104, 200, 138, 8, 159, 11, 124, 16, 56,
			159, 84, 68, 248, 13, 73, 175, 149, 52, 79,
			203, 113, 89, 7, 56, 1, 48, 107, 137, 167,
			1, 250, 97, 136, 138, 8, 151, 0, 118, 1,
			126, 64, 42, 34, 60, 77, 210, 14, 146, 22,
			105, 57, 46, 107, 137, 19, 0, 179, 118, 121,
			26, 160, 71, 134, 168, 136, 112, 126, 96, 27,
			224, 4, 224, 110, 73, 191, 144, 180, 187, 164,
			101, 91, 142, 203, 26, 228, 4, 192, 172, 93,
			158, 6, 232, 169, 25, 20, 17, 190, 26, 248,
			26, 112, 103, 187, 145, 77, 216, 100, 224, 229,
			192, 23, 129, 91, 37, 93, 46, 105, 63, 73,
			171, 181, 28, 151, 213, 204, 9, 128, 89, 139,
			60, 13, 48, 28, 170, 34, 194, 31, 69, 196,
			187, 129, 103, 3, 27, 0, 159, 1, 110, 104,
			55, 178, 129, 172, 13, 28, 2, 252, 78, 210,
			141, 146, 142, 144, 180, 106, 219, 65, 89, 121,
			78, 0, 204, 218, 231, 105, 128, 33, 82, 21,
			17, 94, 28, 17, 31, 141, 136, 149, 129, 85,
			129, 143, 1, 151, 209, 191, 34, 194, 21, 129,
			15, 3, 215, 73, 186, 160, 170, 25, 112, 1,
			225, 144, 112, 2, 96, 214, 62, 79, 3, 12,
			177, 136, 248, 67, 68, 28, 30, 17, 235, 145,
			138, 8, 119, 3, 126, 74, 255, 138, 8, 55,
			34, 213, 12, 220, 46, 233, 211, 146, 158, 209,
			118, 64, 150, 199, 9, 128, 89, 203, 60, 13,
			48, 58, 170, 34, 194, 175, 68, 196, 150, 164,
			186, 129, 183, 146, 70, 128, 250, 84, 68, 184,
			8, 240, 17, 224, 143, 146, 222, 220, 118, 48,
			54, 56, 39, 0, 102, 221, 224, 105, 128, 17,
			83, 21, 17, 158, 28, 17, 219, 209, 207, 34,
			194, 165, 129, 147, 37, 253, 92, 210, 11, 218,
			14, 198, 38, 78, 17, 125, 155, 146, 42, 75,
			210, 95, 128, 231, 12, 120, 249, 113, 192, 195,
			229, 162, 25, 58, 1, 60, 2, 220, 63, 131,
			215, 221, 17, 113, 95, 139, 177, 117, 138, 164,
			37, 129, 219, 24, 60, 41, 255, 113, 68, 188,
			170, 96, 72, 227, 34, 105, 47, 224, 168, 1,
			47, 63, 58, 34, 246, 42, 25, 207, 48, 144,
			36, 224, 165, 164, 164, 110, 107, 96, 165, 118,
			35, 26, 151, 199, 128, 157, 35, 226, 187, 109,
			7, 98, 227, 55, 185, 237, 0, 122, 110, 231,
			182, 3, 232, 51, 73, 183, 2, 151, 142, 121,
			93, 17, 17, 143, 182, 27, 85, 59, 34, 226,
			78, 73, 23, 0, 155, 12, 216, 196, 230, 146,
			22, 141, 136, 251, 75, 198, 101, 205, 139, 244,
			84, 118, 113, 245, 250, 168, 164, 85, 248, 119,
			50, 176, 46, 160, 22, 195, 155, 153, 121, 72,
			163, 1, 43, 71, 196, 65, 109, 7, 99, 227,
			227, 41, 0, 107, 211, 114, 164, 2, 182, 207,
			146, 230, 192, 31, 150, 116, 165, 164, 131, 36,
			61, 191, 221, 208, 90, 225, 105, 0, 251, 47,
			211, 21, 17, 46, 67, 183, 139, 8, 15, 148,
			244, 29, 175, 20, 232, 7, 39, 0, 214, 37,
			147, 129, 53, 129, 79, 0, 55, 72, 186, 164,
			218, 157, 108, 241, 150, 227, 106, 138, 87, 3,
			216, 44, 69, 196, 237, 61, 40, 34, 124, 11,
			112, 142, 164, 185, 218, 14, 196, 102, 205, 9,
			128, 117, 217, 122, 164, 221, 201, 110, 151, 116,
			182, 164, 77, 91, 142, 167, 86, 94, 13, 96,
			19, 49, 93, 17, 225, 226, 116, 171, 136, 240,
			229, 192, 177, 109, 7, 97, 179, 230, 4, 192,
			250, 96, 78, 224, 127, 129, 95, 73, 250, 169,
			164, 117, 218, 14, 168, 70, 158, 6, 176, 9,
			139, 136, 169, 99, 118, 34, 92, 154, 110, 236,
			68, 184, 131, 164, 3, 91, 236, 223, 102, 195,
			9, 128, 245, 205, 43, 129, 223, 84, 39, 153,
			13, 227, 246, 164, 158, 6, 176, 44, 145, 116,
			101, 39, 194, 3, 36, 237, 216, 112, 159, 54,
			78, 78, 0, 250, 183, 53, 167, 37, 219, 144,
			246, 42, 255, 150, 164, 229, 218, 14, 166, 148,
			17, 155, 6, 240, 223, 94, 3, 58, 80, 68,
			248, 21, 73, 203, 55, 212, 151, 77, 128, 247,
			1, 144, 206, 7, 54, 110, 59, 14, 203, 242,
			24, 240, 121, 224, 240, 136, 232, 253, 190, 12,
			146, 118, 3, 142, 201, 104, 226, 124, 224, 170,
			66, 225, 204, 206, 54, 164, 237, 109, 7, 113,
			80, 68, 28, 88, 48, 22, 155, 0, 73, 11,
			145, 234, 6, 182, 6, 94, 5, 212, 185, 181,
			239, 15, 35, 226, 181, 53, 182, 111, 3, 112,
			2, 32, 29, 9, 124, 160, 237, 56, 172, 136,
			123, 128, 131, 128, 255, 139, 136, 39, 218, 14,
			102, 80, 5, 54, 5, 234, 139, 93, 35, 194,
			133, 98, 29, 80, 85, 236, 111, 78, 74, 6,
			222, 0, 44, 86, 67, 55, 219, 68, 196, 25,
			53, 180, 107, 3, 26, 246, 47, 152, 241, 184,
			172, 237, 0, 172, 152, 37, 128, 47, 1, 215,
			74, 218, 170, 237, 96, 6, 85, 96, 26, 160,
			47, 254, 218, 118, 0, 150, 76, 87, 68, 184,
			60, 176, 47, 112, 111, 225, 110, 142, 150, 180,
			64, 225, 54, 45, 131, 19, 0, 56, 13, 248,
			109, 219, 65, 88, 81, 43, 3, 103, 74, 58,
			175, 199, 43, 6, 114, 86, 3, 244, 193, 83,
			192, 213, 109, 7, 97, 255, 45, 34, 30, 137,
			136, 79, 1, 43, 80, 54, 17, 88, 22, 120,
			95, 161, 182, 172, 128, 145, 159, 2, 0, 144,
			180, 6, 105, 36, 96, 206, 182, 99, 177, 226,
			2, 56, 25, 248, 88, 68, 220, 210, 118, 48,
			227, 85, 77, 3, 252, 13, 152, 163, 237, 88,
			106, 242, 235, 136, 216, 176, 237, 32, 108, 246,
			170, 167, 246, 83, 72, 117, 2, 185, 110, 5,
			158, 27, 17, 79, 22, 104, 203, 50, 121, 4,
			0, 136, 136, 171, 73, 187, 87, 249, 112, 154,
			225, 35, 210, 110, 105, 215, 87, 103, 152, 47,
			212, 118, 64, 227, 81, 77, 3, 124, 187, 237,
			56, 106, 116, 102, 219, 1, 216, 248, 68, 196,
			35, 164, 218, 128, 31, 22, 104, 110, 57, 192,
			197, 128, 29, 225, 17, 128, 49, 170, 167, 174,
			99, 72, 155, 206, 120, 27, 203, 225, 116, 47,
			112, 48, 240, 213, 136, 232, 226, 94, 234, 79,
			171, 150, 78, 221, 192, 240, 141, 76, 253, 157,
			244, 20, 88, 122, 142, 217, 106, 84, 21, 10,
			126, 143, 252, 205, 166, 126, 25, 17, 155, 23,
			8, 201, 50, 57, 1, 152, 129, 234, 131, 254,
			98, 96, 13, 96, 254, 150, 195, 153, 168, 103,
			2, 251, 208, 252, 137, 97, 143, 2, 119, 84,
			175, 219, 171, 215, 157, 192, 124, 192, 82, 164,
			221, 201, 150, 174, 254, 251, 18, 180, 63, 250,
			244, 39, 224, 163, 93, 175, 74, 150, 116, 12,
			105, 221, 246, 48, 57, 32, 34, 14, 110, 59,
			8, 155, 56, 73, 115, 146, 166, 3, 114, 147,
			128, 23, 68, 196, 245, 5, 66, 178, 12, 78,
			0, 134, 136, 164, 249, 128, 95, 1, 47, 105,
			160, 187, 251, 73, 67, 130, 103, 2, 231, 77,
			228, 24, 90, 73, 147, 129, 21, 73, 67, 129,
			91, 145, 182, 45, 109, 43, 33, 184, 16, 248,
			80, 68, 116, 114, 53, 136, 164, 165, 128, 155,
			128, 121, 219, 142, 165, 144, 191, 2, 171, 86,
			195, 202, 214, 67, 146, 150, 0, 254, 12, 228,
			84, 244, 239, 25, 17, 95, 40, 20, 146, 13,
			200, 9, 192, 144, 144, 52, 137, 180, 162, 161,
			206, 189, 224, 111, 37, 221, 240, 207, 4, 46,
			40, 181, 214, 94, 210, 51, 249, 119, 50, 240,
			74, 210, 217, 226, 77, 10, 210, 208, 230, 190,
			17, 241, 151, 134, 251, 158, 45, 73, 59, 1,
			223, 164, 155, 231, 192, 79, 196, 163, 192, 70,
			17, 113, 101, 219, 129, 88, 30, 73, 135, 2,
			31, 207, 104, 226, 180, 136, 120, 99, 169, 120,
			108, 48, 78, 0, 134, 132, 164, 163, 128, 189,
			106, 106, 254, 38, 210, 94, 226, 167, 70, 205,
			31, 24, 73, 139, 1, 251, 145, 134, 189, 155,
			174, 195, 120, 156, 116, 250, 224, 97, 17, 241,
			96, 195, 125, 207, 146, 164, 93, 72, 167, 171,
			245, 53, 9, 8, 224, 205, 17, 49, 236, 203,
			27, 71, 130, 164, 133, 129, 155, 129, 133, 7,
			108, 226, 158, 136, 120, 102, 193, 144, 108, 0,
			109, 207, 195, 90, 1, 146, 246, 160, 158, 155,
			255, 61, 192, 30, 192, 42, 17, 113, 74, 221,
			55, 127, 128, 136, 184, 47, 34, 62, 64, 90,
			203, 127, 18, 205, 238, 23, 63, 55, 240, 97,
			224, 70, 73, 123, 86, 243, 157, 157, 16, 17,
			223, 4, 222, 73, 63, 247, 207, 127, 4, 120,
			131, 111, 254, 195, 163, 74, 144, 63, 155, 209,
			196, 18, 146, 86, 41, 21, 143, 13, 198, 35,
			0, 61, 39, 233, 117, 192, 25, 148, 77, 230,
			254, 1, 28, 9, 28, 17, 17, 127, 47, 216,
			238, 132, 73, 90, 19, 248, 52, 105, 106, 160,
			105, 55, 2, 251, 68, 196, 105, 45, 244, 61,
			67, 146, 222, 74, 58, 247, 96, 137, 182, 99,
			25, 167, 27, 72, 91, 192, 94, 215, 118, 32,
			86, 150, 164, 103, 0, 15, 48, 248, 94, 21,
			239, 168, 18, 91, 107, 137, 71, 0, 122, 172,
			218, 229, 238, 100, 202, 254, 30, 255, 0, 172,
			17, 17, 159, 104, 251, 230, 15, 16, 17, 87,
			69, 196, 22, 164, 41, 129, 166, 247, 247, 127,
			30, 240, 125, 73, 23, 74, 122, 105, 195, 125,
			207, 80, 68, 124, 135, 180, 67, 219, 62, 116,
			123, 223, 138, 123, 129, 61, 129, 213, 124, 243,
			31, 78, 213, 247, 195, 77, 25, 77, 44, 93,
			42, 22, 27, 140, 19, 128, 158, 146, 244, 28,
			224, 108, 210, 50, 187, 82, 206, 1, 94, 26,
			17, 55, 22, 108, 179, 136, 136, 248, 10, 176,
			5, 237, 220, 244, 54, 4, 46, 150, 244, 61,
			73, 207, 109, 161, 255, 255, 16, 17, 255, 136,
			136, 79, 147, 18, 129, 143, 3, 151, 0, 93,
			168, 89, 120, 156, 244, 25, 218, 21, 88, 49,
			34, 190, 208, 245, 189, 22, 44, 219, 31, 50,
			174, 93, 188, 88, 20, 54, 16, 79, 1, 244,
			80, 85, 128, 115, 17, 176, 106, 193, 102, 63,
			77, 218, 46, 247, 169, 130, 109, 22, 87, 221,
			128, 207, 166, 236, 123, 159, 136, 169, 164, 3,
			135, 14, 141, 136, 7, 90, 138, 97, 134, 170,
			213, 20, 47, 0, 86, 34, 111, 137, 214, 68,
			252, 157, 127, 239, 253, 240, 167, 136, 248, 71,
			67, 253, 90, 7, 72, 250, 36, 233, 188, 128,
			65, 124, 39, 34, 182, 47, 25, 143, 77, 140,
			19, 128, 158, 169, 10, 211, 126, 12, 188, 188,
			80, 147, 143, 1, 239, 140, 136, 147, 10, 181,
			87, 187, 106, 238, 241, 59, 164, 29, 27, 219,
			114, 63, 112, 40, 112, 76, 68, 76, 109, 49,
			14, 179, 214, 72, 218, 1, 56, 97, 192, 203,
			127, 26, 17, 91, 150, 140, 199, 38, 198, 83,
			0, 253, 243, 117, 202, 221, 252, 3, 120, 107,
			159, 110, 254, 240, 244, 220, 227, 235, 129, 159,
			183, 24, 198, 162, 164, 66, 201, 63, 72, 122,
			83, 139, 113, 152, 181, 233, 134, 140, 107, 23,
			43, 22, 133, 13, 196, 9, 64, 143, 72, 58,
			0, 120, 123, 193, 38, 15, 236, 250, 86, 184,
			51, 83, 109, 66, 180, 45, 105, 75, 223, 54,
			61, 23, 56, 69, 210, 175, 37, 109, 208, 114,
			44, 102, 77, 123, 60, 227, 218, 201, 197, 162,
			176, 129, 56, 1, 232, 9, 73, 59, 2, 7,
			22, 108, 242, 251, 192, 33, 5, 219, 107, 92,
			53, 7, 255, 58, 224, 161, 182, 99, 1, 214,
			7, 46, 146, 116, 170, 164, 21, 219, 14, 198,
			204, 108, 118, 156, 0, 244, 128, 164, 205, 72,
			187, 192, 149, 114, 13, 176, 83, 19, 27, 251,
			212, 45, 34, 254, 8, 188, 25, 232, 202, 249,
			226, 111, 4, 126, 47, 233, 40, 73, 139, 182,
			29, 140, 153, 217, 204, 56, 1, 232, 184, 106,
			183, 172, 211, 41, 119, 36, 236, 189, 192, 86,
			195, 84, 173, 29, 17, 63, 6, 62, 218, 118,
			28, 99, 204, 69, 218, 153, 241, 70, 73, 31,
			170, 78, 151, 52, 51, 235, 20, 39, 0, 29,
			38, 233, 89, 192, 185, 12, 190, 223, 246, 140,
			236, 31, 17, 183, 20, 108, 175, 43, 142, 4,
			174, 106, 59, 136, 233, 44, 66, 218, 46, 245,
			143, 146, 182, 107, 59, 24, 51, 179, 177, 156,
			0, 116, 84, 117, 180, 239, 217, 192, 242, 5,
			155, 189, 129, 178, 83, 9, 157, 81, 77, 103,
			116, 105, 20, 96, 172, 21, 128, 239, 74, 186,
			68, 210, 134, 109, 7, 99, 102, 6, 78, 0,
			58, 169, 58, 218, 247, 59, 192, 186, 133, 155,
			222, 183, 212, 17, 190, 93, 20, 17, 63, 3,
			126, 214, 118, 28, 179, 176, 30, 112, 161, 164,
			211, 36, 61, 175, 237, 96, 204, 108, 180, 57,
			1, 232, 166, 163, 128, 173, 10, 183, 121, 73,
			68, 156, 94, 184, 205, 46, 250, 40, 221, 63,
			49, 111, 27, 82, 161, 224, 209, 213, 241, 199,
			102, 102, 141, 115, 2, 208, 49, 146, 246, 4,
			222, 95, 67, 211, 31, 169, 161, 205, 206, 137,
			136, 171, 72, 7, 36, 117, 221, 156, 164, 223,
			243, 141, 146, 246, 150, 52, 119, 219, 1, 153,
			217, 104, 113, 2, 208, 33, 146, 182, 34, 21,
			179, 149, 246, 171, 136, 184, 160, 134, 118, 187,
			234, 224, 182, 3, 152, 128, 133, 129, 207, 144,
			10, 5, 223, 34, 73, 109, 7, 100, 102, 163,
			193, 9, 64, 71, 72, 90, 151, 52, 239, 95,
			199, 239, 164, 51, 231, 217, 55, 33, 34, 174,
			7, 174, 205, 104, 226, 41, 224, 167, 133, 194,
			25, 175, 229, 73, 191, 255, 75, 37, 109, 220,
			112, 223, 102, 54, 130, 156, 0, 116, 128, 164,
			229, 41, 127, 180, 239, 52, 1, 156, 85, 67,
			187, 93, 119, 102, 198, 181, 147, 128, 247, 145,
			142, 31, 254, 109, 153, 112, 198, 109, 93, 224,
			124, 73, 103, 72, 90, 169, 225, 190, 205, 108,
			132, 56, 1, 104, 89, 117, 180, 239, 185, 192,
			179, 106, 234, 226, 138, 136, 248, 91, 77, 109,
			119, 89, 78, 2, 0, 176, 70, 181, 170, 96,
			77, 96, 23, 210, 113, 183, 77, 218, 26, 184,
			78, 210, 23, 37, 249, 220, 116, 51, 43, 206,
			9, 64, 139, 170, 29, 226, 78, 7, 86, 169,
			177, 155, 220, 27, 97, 47, 69, 196, 21, 192,
			95, 51, 154, 120, 113, 213, 206, 83, 17, 113,
			28, 240, 124, 224, 0, 224, 145, 2, 225, 141,
			215, 100, 96, 119, 82, 161, 224, 71, 37, 205,
			211, 96, 223, 102, 54, 228, 156, 0, 180, 235,
			88, 96, 179, 154, 251, 104, 60, 1, 144, 52,
			191, 164, 141, 36, 237, 41, 233, 237, 146, 94,
			88, 237, 109, 208, 180, 156, 169, 143, 53, 198,
			254, 31, 17, 241, 207, 136, 56, 152, 148, 8,
			124, 157, 102, 207, 30, 88, 8, 248, 20, 112,
			189, 164, 237, 93, 40, 104, 102, 37, 56, 1,
			104, 137, 164, 131, 128, 29, 106, 238, 230, 111,
			17, 113, 93, 205, 125, 60, 77, 210, 34, 146,
			78, 2, 30, 6, 46, 0, 62, 15, 124, 139,
			84, 144, 247, 128, 164, 247, 53, 124, 243, 250,
			113, 198, 181, 107, 204, 232, 127, 140, 136, 59,
			35, 226, 93, 164, 17, 130, 31, 101, 180, 63,
			136, 229, 128, 111, 3, 151, 73, 218, 164, 225,
			190, 205, 108, 200, 56, 1, 104, 129, 164, 183,
			3, 159, 104, 160, 171, 198, 246, 252, 151, 180,
			41, 233, 70, 255, 86, 102, 252, 185, 90, 16,
			248, 18, 240, 243, 234, 140, 131, 38, 228, 188,
			255, 101, 102, 117, 136, 79, 68, 92, 23, 17,
			175, 6, 94, 73, 58, 93, 177, 73, 235, 0,
			83, 36, 157, 37, 105, 229, 134, 251, 54, 179,
			33, 225, 4, 160, 97, 146, 94, 78, 26, 66,
			110, 194, 29, 77, 116, 34, 105, 73, 210, 82,
			195, 165, 199, 241, 207, 95, 14, 124, 179, 222,
			136, 158, 150, 251, 254, 103, 123, 8, 83, 68,
			252, 28, 88, 11, 216, 25, 184, 45, 179, 191,
			137, 122, 29, 112, 173, 164, 99, 36, 45, 209,
			112, 223, 102, 214, 115, 78, 0, 26, 36, 105,
			85, 202, 30, 237, 59, 59, 77, 85, 174, 255,
			31, 176, 232, 4, 254, 253, 171, 37, 237, 82,
			87, 48, 211, 68, 196, 125, 192, 227, 25, 77,
			44, 50, 206, 126, 158, 138, 136, 111, 1, 43,
			1, 251, 211, 124, 161, 224, 110, 192, 77, 146,
			62, 38, 105, 222, 6, 251, 54, 179, 30, 115,
			2, 208, 144, 234, 41, 249, 92, 82, 65, 87,
			83, 106, 79, 0, 36, 189, 144, 244, 36, 58,
			81, 31, 43, 29, 203, 76, 220, 153, 113, 237,
			132, 142, 97, 174, 10, 5, 15, 5, 158, 71,
			74, 138, 154, 44, 20, 124, 6, 112, 24, 169,
			80, 112, 71, 23, 10, 154, 217, 236, 56, 1,
			104, 192, 152, 163, 125, 159, 211, 112, 215, 77,
			76, 1, 172, 53, 224, 117, 43, 74, 154, 200,
			168, 193, 160, 114, 146, 160, 9, 37, 0, 211,
			68, 196, 93, 17, 241, 30, 96, 117, 224, 156,
			140, 254, 7, 177, 44, 112, 60, 112, 69, 53,
			221, 100, 102, 54, 67, 78, 0, 106, 86, 45,
			127, 59, 153, 84, 184, 213, 180, 38, 166, 0,
			6, 77, 0, 0, 214, 46, 22, 197, 204, 53,
			158, 0, 76, 19, 17, 191, 143, 136, 255, 5,
			54, 7, 174, 202, 105, 107, 0, 107, 2, 191,
			144, 244, 67, 73, 117, 238, 51, 97, 102, 61,
			229, 4, 160, 126, 159, 103, 176, 33, 242, 190,
			200, 57, 122, 183, 235, 195, 212, 79, 148, 104,
			36, 34, 126, 73, 74, 118, 222, 14, 52, 189,
			43, 227, 107, 128, 223, 73, 250, 106, 131, 171,
			47, 204, 172, 7, 156, 0, 212, 72, 210, 94,
			192, 30, 45, 134, 48, 158, 170, 252, 92, 151,
			183, 116, 237, 120, 229, 252, 12, 138, 141, 160,
			68, 114, 2, 169, 80, 240, 227, 192, 223, 75,
			181, 61, 14, 115, 0, 239, 6, 254, 36, 105,
			63, 23, 10, 154, 25, 56, 1, 168, 141, 164,
			215, 3, 159, 107, 57, 140, 165, 26, 232, 99,
			208, 155, 248, 205, 17, 113, 127, 209, 72, 102,
			172, 19, 9, 192, 52, 17, 241, 104, 68, 124,
			146, 84, 40, 248, 21, 10, 141, 50, 140, 211,
			51, 128, 67, 72, 137, 192, 78, 45, 237, 206,
			104, 102, 29, 225, 47, 128, 26, 72, 122, 9,
			112, 18, 237, 255, 124, 107, 31, 1, 136, 136,
			27, 72, 75, 27, 39, 234, 211, 165, 99, 153,
			137, 37, 7, 188, 46, 168, 177, 136, 50, 34,
			238, 142, 136, 221, 128, 23, 145, 10, 68, 155,
			244, 108, 224, 56, 82, 161, 224, 43, 26, 238,
			219, 204, 58, 162, 237, 27, 212, 208, 145, 180,
			2, 233, 11, 189, 212, 48, 107, 206, 28, 123,
			19, 83, 0, 0, 239, 1, 238, 158, 192, 191,
			255, 89, 68, 252, 95, 93, 193, 76, 35, 105,
			49, 96, 238, 1, 47, 191, 47, 34, 166, 150,
			140, 103, 70, 34, 226, 143, 17, 241, 58, 210,
			153, 16, 87, 214, 221, 223, 116, 214, 0, 126,
			38, 233, 220, 106, 57, 167, 153, 141, 16, 39,
			0, 5, 73, 90, 132, 180, 214, 255, 153, 133,
			154, 188, 25, 56, 56, 227, 250, 38, 166, 0,
			136, 136, 123, 128, 109, 24, 223, 233, 123, 23,
			0, 59, 213, 26, 208, 191, 229, 188, 255, 70,
			143, 255, 141, 136, 41, 164, 149, 34, 59, 144,
			119, 138, 225, 32, 94, 5, 92, 35, 233, 107,
			213, 126, 21, 102, 54, 2, 156, 0, 20, 82,
			237, 27, 127, 6, 240, 130, 66, 77, 62, 64,
			250, 98, 206, 57, 112, 166, 177, 125, 7, 34,
			226, 34, 96, 53, 224, 27, 204, 120, 94, 251,
			97, 96, 79, 96, 147, 136, 104, 234, 230, 154,
			243, 254, 27, 77, 0, 224, 233, 66, 193, 111,
			147, 10, 5, 247, 37, 253, 204, 154, 50, 7,
			176, 43, 169, 62, 224, 19, 213, 222, 21, 102,
			54, 196, 156, 0, 148, 243, 13, 160, 212, 9,
			109, 83, 129, 173, 35, 226, 122, 210, 65, 51,
			131, 22, 138, 45, 83, 109, 63, 220, 136, 136,
			120, 56, 34, 222, 73, 58, 248, 103, 125, 210,
			89, 246, 59, 145, 18, 131, 69, 34, 226, 11,
			17, 145, 51, 165, 49, 81, 91, 102, 92, 219,
			200, 57, 10, 51, 18, 17, 143, 69, 196, 167,
			72, 133, 130, 95, 166, 217, 66, 193, 5, 128,
			131, 72, 137, 192, 46, 46, 20, 52, 27, 94,
			254, 227, 46, 64, 210, 193, 192, 219, 10, 54,
			185, 75, 68, 156, 15, 233, 102, 0, 252, 62,
			163, 173, 173, 203, 132, 52, 126, 85, 165, 251,
			37, 17, 113, 76, 68, 28, 95, 157, 156, 247,
			84, 211, 113, 0, 91, 101, 92, 219, 248, 8,
			192, 244, 34, 226, 158, 136, 120, 31, 41, 129,
			250, 65, 195, 221, 47, 77, 74, 106, 175, 146,
			180, 69, 195, 125, 155, 89, 3, 156, 0, 100,
			146, 180, 19, 233, 0, 152, 82, 246, 143, 136,
			147, 166, 251, 223, 114, 138, 195, 26, 79, 0,
			186, 64, 210, 90, 192, 114, 25, 77, 52, 118,
			148, 242, 236, 68, 196, 245, 17, 177, 21, 176,
			41, 205, 236, 157, 48, 214, 234, 192, 79, 36,
			253, 88, 210, 139, 26, 238, 219, 204, 106, 228,
			4, 32, 131, 164, 205, 129, 175, 21, 108, 242,
			155, 213, 97, 50, 211, 187, 34, 163, 205, 117,
			36, 53, 181, 26, 160, 75, 114, 158, 254, 1,
			126, 90, 36, 138, 130, 34, 226, 60, 224, 37,
			164, 209, 166, 91, 27, 238, 126, 75, 224, 106,
			73, 199, 74, 106, 164, 184, 212, 204, 234, 229,
			4, 96, 64, 213, 178, 169, 211, 40, 119, 180,
			239, 207, 73, 187, 181, 205, 72, 206, 8, 128,
			200, 191, 25, 246, 81, 206, 200, 199, 213, 17,
			209, 153, 17, 128, 177, 170, 66, 193, 147, 128,
			149, 129, 125, 128, 135, 26, 236, 126, 18, 240,
			14, 82, 125, 192, 129, 146, 230, 111, 176, 111,
			51, 43, 204, 9, 192, 0, 170, 39, 160, 146,
			71, 251, 94, 11, 188, 33, 34, 102, 86, 236,
			117, 53, 121, 71, 203, 110, 147, 113, 109, 239,
			72, 122, 30, 105, 232, 122, 80, 103, 150, 138,
			165, 46, 85, 161, 224, 167, 73, 133, 130, 95,
			162, 217, 66, 193, 249, 129, 3, 72, 137, 192,
			59, 93, 40, 104, 214, 79, 254, 195, 157, 160,
			234, 169, 231, 108, 242, 230, 151, 199, 186, 3,
			120, 117, 68, 204, 116, 201, 87, 68, 252, 147,
			148, 36, 12, 234, 21, 146, 214, 207, 184, 190,
			111, 246, 203, 188, 190, 243, 9, 192, 52, 17,
			113, 111, 68, 236, 1, 188, 144, 230, 227, 94,
			10, 248, 58, 105, 15, 129, 255, 105, 184, 111,
			51, 203, 228, 4, 96, 2, 36, 205, 1, 124,
			151, 114, 199, 216, 62, 2, 188, 38, 34, 198,
			179, 241, 203, 9, 153, 125, 125, 38, 243, 250,
			94, 144, 180, 58, 105, 51, 157, 65, 253, 37,
			34, 174, 41, 21, 79, 83, 34, 226, 134, 136,
			120, 61, 240, 50, 224, 55, 13, 119, 191, 26,
			240, 35, 73, 63, 173, 126, 254, 102, 214, 3,
			78, 0, 38, 230, 104, 224, 127, 11, 181, 245,
			36, 240, 230, 136, 24, 239, 57, 241, 199, 3,
			143, 103, 244, 183, 145, 164, 97, 62, 150, 120,
			154, 79, 145, 247, 185, 238, 205, 211, 255, 140,
			68, 196, 5, 192, 122, 192, 91, 129, 191, 52,
			220, 253, 43, 73, 203, 6, 191, 57, 162, 133,
			167, 102, 189, 226, 4, 96, 156, 36, 125, 16,
			120, 95, 193, 38, 247, 136, 136, 115, 198, 251,
			143, 35, 226, 62, 224, 251, 153, 125, 30, 94,
			141, 98, 12, 37, 73, 155, 145, 118, 79, 204,
			209, 235, 4, 0, 158, 46, 20, 60, 153, 180,
			43, 229, 71, 104, 190, 80, 112, 103, 82, 125,
			192, 65, 146, 22, 104, 176, 111, 51, 155, 0,
			39, 0, 227, 32, 105, 27, 224, 136, 130, 77,
			126, 54, 34, 190, 50, 192, 117, 95, 205, 236,
			119, 85, 210, 151, 243, 208, 145, 36, 242, 167,
			57, 238, 3, 46, 44, 16, 78, 39, 68, 196,
			227, 17, 113, 4, 176, 34, 240, 5, 224, 95,
			13, 118, 63, 31, 240, 9, 82, 34, 176, 235,
			48, 39, 158, 102, 125, 229, 4, 96, 54, 36,
			173, 7, 124, 155, 114, 63, 171, 239, 147, 158,
			202, 38, 44, 34, 46, 36, 111, 87, 64, 128,
			195, 36, 45, 147, 217, 70, 23, 237, 78, 58,
			76, 39, 199, 247, 35, 34, 103, 181, 69, 39,
			69, 196, 125, 17, 177, 39, 169, 80, 112, 144,
			163, 155, 115, 44, 73, 218, 43, 227, 26, 73,
			185, 163, 51, 102, 86, 144, 19, 128, 89, 144,
			244, 92, 202, 30, 237, 123, 49, 176, 67, 230,
			126, 248, 185, 199, 232, 62, 19, 56, 83, 82,
			169, 247, 212, 186, 234, 76, 251, 35, 51, 155,
			121, 12, 56, 172, 64, 56, 157, 21, 17, 127,
			138, 136, 55, 0, 27, 3, 151, 54, 220, 253,
			11, 129, 115, 37, 253, 76, 210, 26, 13, 247,
			109, 102, 51, 224, 4, 96, 38, 198, 28, 237,
			187, 68, 161, 38, 111, 2, 182, 136, 243, 9,
			254, 0, 0, 32, 0, 73, 68, 65, 84, 170,
			246, 246, 207, 113, 2, 240, 104, 102, 27, 107,
			3, 199, 101, 182, 209, 9, 146, 86, 2, 78,
			5, 38, 103, 54, 245, 165, 113, 174, 198, 232,
			189, 136, 184, 48, 34, 94, 10, 188, 153, 116,
			228, 116, 147, 94, 1, 92, 33, 233, 56, 73,
			207, 110, 184, 111, 51, 27, 195, 9, 192, 12,
			84, 71, 251, 158, 73, 218, 109, 173, 132, 251,
			73, 107, 253, 239, 201, 109, 40, 34, 30, 4,
			190, 147, 31, 18, 219, 73, 202, 93, 47, 223,
			42, 73, 11, 147, 70, 104, 22, 206, 108, 234,
			65, 224, 147, 249, 17, 245, 75, 68, 124, 15,
			88, 5, 248, 48, 233, 103, 208, 148, 73, 164,
			83, 34, 255, 36, 233, 16, 73, 207, 104, 176,
			111, 51, 171, 56, 1, 152, 177, 227, 72, 235,
			169, 75, 120, 156, 116, 180, 239, 13, 133, 218,
			131, 180, 209, 77, 137, 47, 236, 131, 37, 189,
			190, 64, 59, 141, 147, 52, 25, 56, 5, 88,
			169, 64, 115, 135, 71, 196, 3, 5, 218, 233,
			157, 170, 80, 240, 115, 164, 66, 193, 207, 211,
			108, 161, 224, 188, 164, 207, 242, 159, 36, 189,
			219, 133, 130, 102, 205, 114, 2, 48, 29, 73,
			135, 146, 214, 80, 151, 16, 192, 78, 213, 218,
			236, 98, 34, 226, 78, 224, 163, 5, 154, 18,
			240, 29, 73, 165, 222, 111, 35, 170, 39, 198,
			51, 72, 235, 206, 115, 253, 141, 84, 33, 63,
			210, 34, 226, 254, 136, 248, 0, 105, 68, 224,
			180, 134, 187, 127, 22, 105, 133, 203, 239, 36,
			189, 166, 225, 190, 205, 70, 150, 242, 234, 209,
			134, 139, 164, 93, 72, 103, 160, 151, 242, 177,
			136, 56, 188, 96, 123, 79, 171, 150, 189, 157,
			15, 108, 84, 168, 201, 195, 129, 143, 103, 22,
			40, 214, 78, 210, 242, 164, 97, 255, 213, 10,
			53, 185, 75, 68, 52, 86, 15, 33, 105, 49,
			224, 217, 99, 94, 79, 0, 183, 85, 175, 219,
			171, 41, 158, 214, 73, 218, 0, 248, 28, 240,
			210, 22, 186, 255, 37, 240, 225, 9, 108, 146,
			101, 45, 169, 10, 58, 7, 253, 61, 93, 19,
			17, 46, 8, 109, 145, 19, 128, 74, 85, 73,
			254, 35, 242, 139, 201, 166, 57, 54, 34, 118,
			45, 212, 214, 12, 73, 90, 133, 116, 80, 208,
			92, 133, 154, 60, 11, 120, 91, 68, 60, 82,
			168, 189, 162, 36, 109, 76, 90, 198, 182, 120,
			161, 38, 175, 3, 86, 143, 136, 167, 10, 181,
			247, 95, 170, 29, 241, 182, 34, 157, 78, 184,
			49, 179, 95, 81, 242, 119, 224, 23, 164, 26,
			148, 31, 86, 27, 64, 181, 70, 210, 182, 164,
			228, 240, 185, 13, 119, 29, 192, 137, 192, 126,
			163, 82, 156, 217, 71, 78, 0, 250, 205, 83,
			0, 128, 164, 213, 72, 195, 158, 165, 110, 254,
			63, 5, 222, 91, 168, 173, 153, 138, 136, 63,
			144, 182, 190, 45, 101, 43, 224, 215, 213, 83,
			118, 167, 84, 163, 51, 63, 167, 220, 205, 63,
			72, 79, 153, 197, 111, 254, 146, 38, 87, 115,
			218, 151, 146, 166, 24, 190, 12, 108, 193, 248,
			150, 147, 62, 131, 148, 44, 124, 11, 184, 75,
			210, 175, 36, 109, 87, 141, 248, 52, 46, 34,
			78, 33, 77, 11, 124, 8, 104, 178, 78, 66,
			192, 142, 192, 245, 146, 14, 115, 161, 160, 89,
			121, 35, 159, 0, 140, 57, 218, 119, 193, 66,
			77, 254, 22, 120, 227, 44, 142, 246, 45, 237,
			147, 192, 245, 5, 219, 123, 17, 105, 211, 150,
			143, 73, 154, 175, 96, 187, 3, 145, 180, 170,
			164, 31, 144, 166, 102, 74, 141, 116, 0, 28,
			20, 17, 63, 46, 216, 30, 0, 146, 222, 68,
			218, 172, 233, 171, 192, 75, 72, 55, 178, 65,
			205, 1, 108, 74, 58, 128, 234, 55, 146, 54,
			207, 14, 112, 0, 17, 49, 53, 34, 142, 36,
			21, 10, 30, 5, 76, 109, 176, 251, 121, 129,
			143, 1, 55, 74, 122, 111, 85, 252, 105, 102,
			5, 140, 116, 2, 80, 29, 237, 251, 67, 96,
			217, 66, 77, 222, 78, 58, 221, 239, 239, 133,
			218, 155, 173, 136, 120, 28, 120, 55, 233, 137,
			182, 148, 5, 73, 155, 226, 76, 59, 239, 189,
			241, 234, 108, 73, 207, 150, 116, 44, 41, 161,
			122, 109, 225, 230, 79, 1, 14, 46, 217, 160,
			164, 181, 37, 93, 86, 181, 253, 252, 146, 109,
			87, 214, 6, 126, 46, 233, 39, 146, 86, 172,
			161, 253, 217, 138, 136, 7, 34, 226, 131, 164,
			17, 129, 83, 27, 238, 254, 153, 164, 145, 148,
			223, 73, 42, 253, 121, 48, 27, 73, 35, 155,
			0, 84, 55, 181, 239, 1, 107, 21, 106, 114,
			218, 209, 190, 127, 43, 212, 222, 184, 69, 196,
			121, 192, 222, 53, 52, 189, 52, 233, 188, 247,
			223, 53, 117, 146, 160, 164, 133, 36, 29, 14,
			252, 9, 120, 7, 233, 41, 184, 164, 43, 72,
			43, 51, 138, 37, 76, 146, 222, 76, 58, 67,
			96, 221, 82, 109, 206, 194, 22, 192, 101, 146,
			94, 222, 64, 95, 51, 20, 17, 127, 142, 136,
			109, 129, 13, 128, 95, 55, 220, 253, 11, 128,
			31, 84, 83, 35, 165, 142, 229, 54, 27, 73,
			35, 155, 0, 144, 150, 126, 149, 90, 114, 244,
			36, 176, 109, 68, 92, 93, 168, 189, 9, 171,
			214, 114, 151, 172, 7, 24, 107, 21, 224, 44,
			73, 55, 72, 250, 180, 164, 245, 75, 206, 73,
			75, 90, 88, 210, 246, 146, 78, 33, 205, 153,
			239, 67, 185, 237, 151, 199, 186, 157, 180, 27,
			99, 238, 78, 138, 64, 90, 137, 33, 233, 16,
			224, 100, 96, 158, 18, 109, 142, 211, 162, 192,
			79, 36, 213, 94, 103, 50, 43, 17, 113, 113,
			68, 108, 8, 188, 137, 180, 211, 101, 147, 54,
			37, 77, 139, 156, 40, 105, 185, 134, 251, 54,
			27, 10, 35, 185, 10, 64, 210, 135, 128, 207,
			22, 108, 242, 61, 17, 145, 187, 71, 127, 17,
			146, 190, 14, 188, 179, 129, 174, 238, 4, 126,
			64, 170, 86, 63, 47, 34, 254, 57, 222, 11,
			171, 228, 97, 57, 210, 208, 254, 86, 192, 38,
			192, 156, 117, 4, 57, 198, 163, 192, 38, 17,
			241, 155, 18, 141, 73, 154, 68, 186, 241, 111,
			91, 162, 189, 12, 159, 141, 136, 58, 70, 127,
			38, 164, 218, 61, 115, 55, 96, 127, 82, 130,
			210, 164, 199, 72, 155, 24, 29, 30, 17, 15,
			55, 220, 247, 72, 243, 42, 128, 126, 27, 185,
			4, 64, 210, 27, 72, 243, 151, 165, 158, 96,
			63, 19, 17, 37, 54, 229, 41, 162, 154, 218,
			56, 5, 216, 166, 225, 174, 31, 36, 61, 97,
			223, 81, 253, 231, 237, 164, 36, 97, 62, 96,
			41, 210, 116, 194, 210, 213, 127, 95, 138, 178,
			5, 125, 227, 241, 150, 136, 248, 110, 169, 198,
			36, 125, 138, 50, 155, 49, 149, 240, 222, 136,
			200, 61, 42, 186, 136, 234, 12, 141, 143, 3,
			123, 208, 252, 239, 248, 94, 224, 64, 224, 255,
			26, 44, 194, 29, 105, 78, 0, 250, 109, 164,
			18, 0, 73, 47, 37, 109, 50, 82, 106, 120,
			249, 20, 224, 205, 93, 219, 60, 71, 210, 220,
			164, 149, 13, 173, 205, 19, 119, 204, 254, 17,
			113, 104, 169, 198, 36, 109, 79, 58, 34, 186,
			43, 254, 5, 108, 17, 17, 83, 218, 14, 100,
			26, 73, 43, 144, 246, 15, 216, 174, 133, 238,
			111, 0, 62, 18, 17, 103, 181, 208, 247, 72,
			113, 2, 208, 111, 35, 83, 3, 80, 85, 78,
			255, 128, 114, 55, 255, 95, 3, 111, 239, 218,
			205, 31, 158, 94, 25, 176, 53, 169, 224, 109,
			148, 77, 5, 118, 46, 124, 243, 95, 23, 56,
			182, 84, 123, 133, 204, 9, 156, 90, 221, 116,
			59, 33, 34, 110, 142, 136, 55, 147, 118, 18,
			188, 168, 225, 238, 87, 34, 29, 121, 125, 94,
			245, 251, 50, 179, 25, 24, 137, 4, 64, 210,
			162, 148, 61, 218, 247, 70, 202, 28, 237, 91,
			155, 106, 41, 226, 150, 164, 205, 115, 70, 209,
			93, 192, 102, 17, 241, 173, 82, 13, 86, 211,
			43, 199, 211, 108, 193, 223, 120, 45, 14, 116,
			162, 14, 101, 172, 136, 184, 52, 34, 54, 2,
			222, 64, 250, 187, 105, 210, 203, 128, 75, 37,
			157, 36, 233, 57, 13, 247, 109, 214, 121, 67,
			159, 0, 84, 195, 225, 103, 82, 230, 212, 56,
			128, 251, 72, 71, 251, 222, 91, 168, 189, 218,
			84, 219, 200, 110, 73, 154, 23, 173, 109, 187,
			219, 14, 186, 26, 120, 73, 68, 148, 94, 162,
			246, 14, 210, 138, 136, 174, 122, 165, 164, 45,
			218, 14, 98, 70, 34, 226, 116, 96, 85, 96,
			79, 210, 223, 80, 83, 68, 58, 220, 235, 250,
			106, 5, 203, 66, 13, 246, 109, 214, 105, 67,
			157, 0, 84, 213, 230, 199, 145, 246, 96, 47,
			225, 49, 210, 147, 255, 159, 10, 181, 87, 187,
			136, 120, 42, 34, 14, 34, 37, 2, 119, 183,
			29, 79, 3, 78, 3, 54, 138, 136, 91, 75,
			54, 90, 109, 26, 117, 80, 201, 54, 107, 242,
			153, 106, 133, 66, 231, 68, 196, 191, 34, 226,
			11, 192, 243, 128, 35, 72, 71, 101, 55, 101,
			110, 224, 35, 192, 77, 146, 246, 144, 84, 247,
			170, 19, 179, 206, 235, 228, 23, 69, 65, 135,
			2, 111, 41, 212, 86, 144, 230, 252, 155, 158,
			207, 44, 34, 34, 126, 14, 172, 73, 58, 65,
			112, 88, 29, 12, 188, 41, 34, 254, 81, 67,
			219, 31, 2, 150, 172, 161, 221, 210, 94, 12,
			188, 173, 237, 32, 102, 37, 34, 30, 140, 136,
			143, 144, 54, 245, 57, 153, 178, 187, 88, 206,
			206, 98, 164, 61, 64, 174, 147, 244, 250, 6,
			251, 53, 235, 156, 161, 77, 0, 36, 189, 131,
			180, 135, 120, 41, 251, 86, 7, 163, 244, 86,
			68, 220, 78, 90, 25, 240, 41, 154, 253, 210,
			173, 219, 173, 192, 54, 17, 113, 64, 29, 69,
			153, 213, 19, 245, 110, 133, 155, 189, 137, 180,
			199, 255, 233, 164, 205, 143, 74, 218, 189, 112,
			123, 181, 136, 136, 191, 68, 196, 91, 73, 133,
			130, 23, 52, 220, 253, 243, 129, 211, 37, 93,
			32, 233, 37, 13, 247, 109, 214, 9, 67, 185,
			12, 176, 154, 7, 61, 135, 114, 167, 251, 125,
			45, 34, 222, 93, 168, 173, 78, 144, 180, 37,
			105, 24, 246, 69, 109, 199, 146, 225, 1, 210,
			82, 179, 47, 214, 89, 144, 41, 105, 3, 202,
			84, 178, 223, 67, 26, 73, 56, 39, 34, 238,
			159, 174, 143, 37, 73, 155, 10, 125, 18, 152,
			63, 179, 159, 0, 150, 141, 136, 219, 50, 219,
			105, 84, 245, 68, 254, 41, 202, 213, 235, 140,
			87, 144, 182, 5, 223, 55, 34, 254, 210, 112,
			223, 189, 214, 213, 101, 128, 213, 65, 102, 107,
			144, 234, 78, 234, 60, 64, 234, 49, 224, 15,
			192, 181, 53, 141, 60, 214, 43, 34, 134, 234,
			69, 186, 161, 61, 68, 250, 163, 46, 241, 250,
			17, 48, 185, 237, 247, 85, 211, 207, 74, 192,
			27, 129, 223, 21, 252, 121, 53, 241, 122, 140,
			180, 147, 227, 34, 13, 253, 156, 62, 83, 32,
			230, 83, 128, 37, 198, 209, 215, 10, 164, 189,
			42, 114, 251, 219, 173, 237, 207, 215, 128, 63,
			235, 57, 73, 155, 8, 221, 211, 210, 231, 234,
			8, 96, 225, 182, 127, 14, 125, 121, 145, 110,
			178, 131, 254, 188, 175, 174, 33, 158, 53, 129,
			139, 129, 39, 26, 254, 236, 60, 9, 156, 4,
			44, 223, 246, 239, 100, 34, 175, 161, 154, 2,
			144, 180, 52, 233, 201, 191, 212, 209, 190, 215,
			144, 246, 248, 31, 202, 93, 197, 34, 249, 62,
			176, 58, 233, 233, 243, 186, 150, 67, 154, 157,
			0, 78, 4, 86, 142, 136, 15, 71, 68, 83,
			231, 211, 111, 157, 121, 253, 55, 34, 98, 219,
			136, 184, 103, 118, 255, 48, 34, 110, 6, 54,
			7, 126, 145, 217, 103, 110, 204, 173, 136, 84,
			40, 248, 69, 82, 161, 224, 103, 72, 55, 229,
			166, 204, 13, 124, 152, 84, 40, 184, 167, 11,
			5, 251, 69, 210, 126, 192, 165, 164, 41, 165,
			166, 79, 48, 157, 196, 191, 87, 155, 188, 161,
			225, 190, 7, 54, 52, 83, 0, 146, 22, 32,
			21, 184, 173, 89, 168, 201, 191, 1, 47, 141,
			158, 13, 163, 230, 168, 230, 186, 223, 4, 124,
			130, 52, 116, 214, 21, 1, 252, 132, 52, 68,
			219, 232, 129, 75, 213, 250, 241, 191, 100, 52,
			113, 11, 240, 162, 152, 224, 17, 209, 85, 191,
			191, 3, 158, 49, 96, 191, 255, 2, 230, 235,
			123, 242, 90, 253, 28, 62, 73, 42, 230, 45,
			118, 0, 213, 56, 221, 8, 236, 19, 17, 167,
			53, 220, 111, 111, 116, 101, 10, 64, 210, 187,
			232, 206, 62, 24, 143, 147, 150, 138, 255, 178,
			237, 64, 102, 103, 40, 70, 0, 198, 28, 237,
			91, 234, 230, 255, 119, 210, 209, 190, 35, 115,
			243, 7, 136, 180, 100, 240, 123, 164, 105, 148,
			215, 1, 223, 32, 237, 237, 223, 134, 199, 73,
			211, 47, 239, 6, 150, 142, 136, 87, 53, 125,
			243, 175, 44, 155, 121, 253, 59, 38, 122, 243,
			7, 136, 136, 91, 72, 167, 34, 14, 106, 78,
			250, 177, 106, 97, 150, 34, 226, 150, 136, 216,
			30, 120, 9, 205, 175, 96, 121, 30, 240, 125,
			73, 23, 85, 219, 136, 91, 7, 85, 73, 98,
			201, 195, 221, 114, 205, 13, 28, 47, 169, 206,
			218, 131, 34, 134, 34, 1, 0, 190, 4, 188,
			186, 80, 91, 79, 144, 150, 146, 253, 182, 80,
			123, 189, 83, 37, 2, 103, 71, 196, 59, 129,
			103, 3, 107, 147, 78, 121, 187, 132, 122, 55,
			20, 122, 136, 180, 44, 108, 59, 210, 124, 249,
			171, 35, 226, 107, 17, 113, 103, 141, 125, 206,
			206, 210, 25, 215, 222, 27, 17, 57, 67, 249,
			185, 135, 23, 229, 196, 222, 41, 17, 113, 121,
			68, 108, 66, 154, 218, 184, 190, 225, 238, 55,
			0, 46, 150, 244, 61, 73, 207, 109, 184, 111,
			155, 189, 143, 50, 248, 72, 89, 93, 150, 33,
			213, 87, 117, 90, 239, 19, 0, 73, 123, 3,
			239, 41, 216, 228, 110, 17, 241, 147, 130, 237,
			245, 90, 85, 39, 112, 101, 68, 28, 26, 17,
			235, 147, 158, 42, 119, 36, 221, 156, 174, 33,
			109, 185, 59, 209, 164, 32, 72, 69, 94, 215,
			144, 158, 242, 191, 72, 218, 168, 104, 137, 136,
			120, 107, 68, 156, 50, 200, 83, 115, 77, 150,
			202, 184, 54, 235, 44, 134, 72, 43, 5, 110,
			202, 104, 34, 39, 246, 78, 138, 116, 192, 207,
			106, 164, 165, 142, 179, 173, 169, 40, 108, 91,
			224, 15, 146, 62, 87, 157, 122, 104, 221, 208,
			213, 101, 156, 77, 28, 203, 158, 165, 243, 67,
			20, 179, 34, 233, 141, 192, 167, 11, 54, 249,
			169, 136, 248, 122, 193, 246, 134, 78, 85, 200,
			118, 98, 245, 2, 158, 158, 130, 89, 130, 148,
			28, 44, 73, 186, 241, 44, 9, 60, 11, 248,
			7, 255, 62, 30, 120, 218, 113, 193, 119, 68,
			196, 191, 154, 141, 124, 96, 57, 55, 209, 43,
			11, 244, 255, 27, 96, 197, 1, 175, 29, 186,
			4, 0, 160, 170, 107, 56, 70, 210, 137, 192,
			190, 192, 94, 52, 119, 62, 195, 92, 192, 7,
			129, 157, 37, 29, 2, 28, 19, 17, 83, 27,
			234, 219, 166, 83, 109, 245, 222, 213, 165, 204,
			27, 72, 154, 59, 210, 225, 108, 157, 212, 219,
			4, 64, 210, 250, 164, 155, 80, 169, 194, 160,
			239, 82, 118, 227, 160, 145, 17, 17, 79, 2,
			119, 86, 175, 97, 147, 83, 9, 254, 207, 2,
			253, 231, 180, 49, 212, 85, 236, 17, 241, 48,
			176, 175, 164, 175, 0, 135, 1, 219, 211, 92,
			161, 224, 34, 192, 145, 192, 238, 146, 246, 137,
			136, 83, 27, 234, 215, 254, 211, 146, 164, 164,
			172, 139, 230, 37, 141, 78, 52, 189, 201, 213,
			184, 245, 114, 10, 96, 204, 209, 190, 165, 178,
			254, 11, 129, 157, 98, 88, 150, 68, 88, 73,
			57, 69, 144, 107, 21, 232, 63, 231, 56, 219,
			182, 10, 56, 27, 21, 17, 183, 70, 196, 14,
			164, 159, 213, 148, 134, 187, 127, 46, 112, 138,
			164, 95, 87, 27, 70, 89, 179, 154, 94, 25,
			50, 81, 155, 182, 29, 192, 172, 244, 46, 1,
			144, 180, 24, 105, 222, 120, 241, 66, 77, 222,
			0, 108, 221, 229, 97, 26, 107, 85, 107, 9,
			64, 181, 155, 89, 206, 114, 204, 145, 72, 0,
			166, 137, 136, 43, 34, 98, 51, 210, 10, 150,
			63, 54, 220, 253, 250, 192, 69, 146, 78, 173,
			30, 80, 204, 192, 9, 64, 57, 99, 142, 246,
			125, 126, 161, 38, 239, 37, 173, 215, 108, 242,
			120, 82, 235, 151, 219, 51, 174, 125, 142, 164,
			149, 51, 174, 127, 5, 121, 27, 154, 228, 196,
			222, 91, 17, 113, 54, 105, 94, 120, 55, 154,
			63, 1, 243, 141, 192, 239, 37, 29, 37, 105,
			209, 134, 251, 182, 238, 89, 95, 82, 87, 167,
			40, 250, 147, 0, 84, 71, 251, 126, 11, 216,
			168, 80, 147, 143, 1, 175, 139, 136, 156, 42,
			107, 27, 126, 185, 79, 209, 223, 170, 138, 36,
			39, 68, 210, 130, 164, 213, 17, 57, 70, 106,
			4, 96, 172, 136, 120, 34, 34, 190, 66, 90,
			203, 255, 73, 224, 209, 6, 187, 159, 139, 84,
			152, 120, 147, 164, 15, 117, 249, 6, 96, 181,
			155, 23, 88, 175, 237, 32, 102, 166, 55, 9,
			0, 233, 143, 248, 205, 133, 218, 10, 96, 135,
			136, 184, 184, 80, 123, 54, 188, 110, 32, 239,
			41, 242, 165, 164, 117, 202, 19, 117, 36, 176,
			92, 70, 191, 151, 71, 141, 7, 36, 245, 69,
			68, 252, 61, 34, 62, 14, 172, 12, 156, 64,
			250, 219, 111, 202, 194, 164, 13, 106, 254, 40,
			105, 187, 6, 251, 181, 110, 217, 180, 237, 0,
			102, 166, 23, 9, 128, 164, 93, 201, 219, 21,
			109, 122, 31, 169, 246, 192, 55, 155, 165, 136,
			120, 138, 84, 112, 154, 227, 64, 73, 251, 140,
			103, 36, 64, 210, 60, 146, 142, 4, 222, 145,
			217, 231, 153, 153, 215, 15, 149, 136, 248, 107,
			68, 188, 157, 180, 169, 85, 211, 91, 180, 174,
			0, 124, 87, 210, 37, 146, 54, 108, 184, 111,
			107, 223, 166, 109, 7, 48, 51, 157, 63, 11,
			160, 58, 182, 246, 135, 148, 91, 178, 248, 149,
			136, 40, 125, 182, 187, 13, 49, 73, 175, 33,
			125, 6, 115, 93, 66, 90, 109, 50, 195, 157,
			236, 36, 173, 7, 28, 79, 122, 90, 205, 181,
			90, 68, 116, 253, 112, 167, 214, 84, 191, 211,
			35, 128, 85, 90, 232, 254, 116, 224, 163, 17,
			113, 99, 11, 125, 23, 213, 246, 89, 0, 146,
			150, 7, 110, 30, 240, 242, 71, 72, 39, 248,
			141, 199, 11, 128, 77, 6, 236, 231, 81, 210,
			9, 147, 157, 219, 47, 162, 211, 9, 128, 164,
			213, 73, 75, 244, 74, 109, 243, 120, 46, 105,
			222, 255, 201, 66, 237, 217, 8, 144, 52, 15,
			105, 215, 185, 5, 10, 52, 23, 164, 221, 253,
			174, 32, 109, 20, 52, 23, 233, 169, 116, 45,
			242, 134, 252, 199, 186, 49, 34, 74, 21, 202,
			14, 173, 106, 68, 102, 87, 224, 64, 210, 166,
			85, 77, 250, 23, 240, 21, 224, 224, 62, 23,
			33, 247, 60, 1, 184, 37, 34, 150, 31, 103,
			63, 235, 2, 151, 13, 216, 15, 192, 203, 34,
			162, 115, 251, 1, 116, 118, 10, 64, 210, 179,
			73, 71, 251, 150, 186, 249, 95, 5, 108, 231,
			155, 191, 77, 84, 53, 151, 158, 187, 47, 255,
			52, 34, 21, 166, 109, 71, 218, 197, 242, 16,
			210, 254, 246, 165, 110, 254, 144, 138, 101, 109,
			54, 34, 226, 201, 136, 248, 42, 105, 85, 209,
			97, 52, 91, 40, 56, 39, 240, 126, 224, 70,
			73, 123, 87, 43, 156, 172, 187, 174, 36, 29,
			18, 55, 168, 77, 11, 197, 81, 84, 39, 19,
			128, 234, 104, 223, 31, 146, 14, 84, 40, 225,
			175, 192, 255, 70, 196, 35, 133, 218, 179, 209,
			115, 32, 101, 118, 246, 171, 219, 29, 192, 81,
			109, 7, 209, 39, 85, 161, 224, 126, 164, 68,
			224, 120, 234, 61, 240, 106, 122, 11, 3, 159,
			33, 21, 10, 190, 165, 90, 237, 100, 29, 83,
			61, 56, 230, 60, 193, 111, 90, 40, 148, 162,
			58, 151, 0, 84, 195, 114, 167, 0, 69, 206,
			137, 6, 30, 38, 29, 237, 59, 146, 107, 162,
			173, 140, 234, 104, 232, 207, 183, 29, 199, 56,
			28, 16, 17, 125, 72, 84, 58, 39, 34, 110,
			139, 136, 157, 72, 83, 50, 57, 167, 56, 14,
			98, 121, 224, 59, 192, 165, 146, 54, 110, 184,
			111, 27, 159, 41, 25, 215, 118, 114, 63, 128,
			206, 37, 0, 192, 49, 192, 171, 10, 181, 245,
			4, 240, 198, 136, 248, 93, 161, 246, 108, 180,
			125, 154, 230, 79, 160, 155, 136, 223, 3, 223,
			108, 59, 136, 190, 139, 136, 171, 35, 226, 21,
			192, 107, 128, 166, 11, 41, 215, 5, 206, 151,
			116, 134, 164, 149, 26, 238, 219, 102, 109, 74,
			198, 181, 157, 220, 15, 160, 83, 9, 128, 164,
			143, 0, 239, 46, 216, 228, 123, 34, 226, 103,
			5, 219, 179, 17, 86, 29, 62, 179, 103, 219,
			113, 204, 196, 19, 192, 123, 93, 227, 82, 78,
			68, 156, 11, 188, 152, 244, 157, 212, 244, 65,
			87, 91, 3, 215, 73, 250, 162, 164, 82, 219,
			158, 91, 158, 161, 171, 3, 232, 76, 2, 32,
			105, 91, 224, 83, 5, 155, 60, 44, 34, 190,
			81, 176, 61, 51, 34, 226, 100, 210, 156, 109,
			215, 188, 63, 34, 206, 111, 59, 136, 97, 83,
			21, 10, 126, 141, 84, 31, 112, 8, 205, 214,
			129, 76, 6, 118, 39, 21, 10, 126, 180, 90,
			141, 98, 45, 25, 198, 58, 128, 78, 36, 0,
			213, 41, 90, 199, 83, 238, 100, 167, 239, 0,
			251, 23, 106, 203, 108, 122, 251, 146, 86, 168,
			116, 197, 87, 170, 109, 111, 173, 38, 17, 241,
			72, 68, 124, 130, 148, 8, 28, 71, 179, 133,
			130, 11, 145, 30, 142, 174, 151, 180, 189, 11,
			5, 91, 53, 37, 227, 218, 206, 213, 1, 180,
			158, 0, 72, 122, 30, 112, 22, 229, 142, 246,
			61, 31, 216, 197, 71, 251, 90, 93, 170, 221,
			1, 223, 10, 92, 219, 118, 44, 164, 98, 181,
			247, 183, 29, 196, 168, 136, 136, 219, 35, 98,
			23, 96, 77, 160, 233, 233, 197, 229, 128, 111,
			3, 151, 73, 26, 116, 83, 26, 203, 51, 37,
			227, 218, 206, 213, 1, 180, 154, 0, 84, 71,
			251, 158, 75, 185, 163, 125, 175, 7, 94, 239,
			163, 125, 173, 110, 85, 61, 192, 70, 192, 79,
			90, 12, 227, 4, 210, 10, 151, 39, 90, 140,
			97, 36, 69, 196, 111, 35, 98, 11, 82, 193,
			114, 211, 137, 224, 58, 192, 20, 73, 103, 101,
			158, 54, 105, 19, 55, 84, 117, 0, 173, 37,
			0, 213, 124, 214, 89, 148, 59, 218, 247, 30,
			210, 209, 190, 247, 23, 106, 207, 108, 150, 34,
			226, 33, 82, 165, 248, 209, 13, 119, 253, 20,
			233, 60, 139, 183, 59, 217, 109, 87, 68, 252,
			152, 180, 100, 121, 87, 154, 63, 125, 241, 117,
			192, 181, 146, 142, 145, 180, 68, 195, 125, 143,
			164, 97, 171, 3, 104, 37, 1, 168, 230, 176,
			142, 7, 74, 29, 140, 241, 40, 105, 139, 223,
			63, 23, 106, 207, 108, 92, 170, 34, 177, 189,
			72, 135, 247, 60, 212, 64, 151, 119, 146, 62,
			235, 71, 52, 208, 151, 141, 67, 245, 25, 56,
			150, 244, 48, 115, 16, 240, 143, 6, 187, 159,
			12, 236, 70, 42, 20, 220, 215, 133, 130, 141,
			152, 146, 113, 109, 167, 234, 0, 218, 26, 1,
			56, 28, 216, 182, 80, 91, 79, 1, 111, 139,
			136, 75, 10, 181, 103, 54, 97, 17, 241, 77,
			224, 185, 164, 99, 124, 235, 120, 42, 127, 24,
			216, 15, 88, 49, 34, 186, 84, 128, 104, 149,
			136, 248, 71, 68, 28, 72, 74, 4, 190, 65,
			179, 133, 130, 11, 146, 142, 76, 191, 65, 210,
			14, 46, 20, 172, 213, 148, 140, 107, 59, 85,
			7, 208, 120, 2, 32, 233, 93, 12, 118, 62,
			250, 204, 236, 29, 17, 167, 23, 108, 207, 108,
			32, 17, 113, 127, 68, 124, 8, 88, 137, 180,
			31, 127, 137, 189, 229, 31, 38, 237, 64, 184,
			98, 68, 28, 230, 93, 254, 186, 47, 34, 238,
			136, 136, 119, 146, 166, 6, 154, 174, 17, 89,
			150, 84, 27, 114, 185, 164, 205, 26, 238, 123,
			84, 92, 73, 250, 187, 28, 212, 166, 133, 226,
			200, 214, 104, 2, 32, 233, 127, 72, 59, 253,
			149, 114, 76, 68, 28, 89, 176, 61, 179, 108,
			17, 113, 107, 68, 236, 76, 42, 110, 221, 134,
			244, 133, 60, 145, 218, 148, 219, 129, 175, 2,
			255, 3, 44, 17, 17, 31, 136, 136, 123, 203,
			71, 106, 117, 138, 136, 223, 69, 196, 255, 0,
			91, 2, 77, 239, 70, 186, 22, 240, 75, 73,
			103, 75, 106, 227, 200, 227, 161, 85, 213, 1,
			92, 152, 209, 196, 166, 133, 66, 201, 214, 216,
			113, 192, 146, 94, 76, 42, 158, 40, 117, 186,
			223, 15, 129, 173, 189, 243, 153, 245, 65, 117,
			198, 197, 11, 129, 103, 3, 75, 141, 121, 61,
			73, 42, 30, 155, 246, 250, 27, 240, 7, 47,
			99, 29, 46, 146, 38, 1, 59, 145, 54, 19,
			90, 186, 225, 238, 159, 0, 142, 37, 157, 19,
			113, 119, 201, 134, 71, 229, 56, 224, 25, 244,
			187, 55, 131, 111, 8, 246, 40, 176, 112, 68,
			76, 29, 240, 250, 98, 26, 73, 0, 170, 163,
			125, 47, 37, 125, 249, 149, 240, 32, 240, 62,
			96, 42, 233, 201, 234, 78, 224, 78, 175, 0,
			48, 179, 46, 147, 52, 63, 240, 97, 96, 111,
			96, 254, 134, 187, 255, 59, 233, 60, 139, 35,
			35, 162, 200, 209, 199, 35, 156, 0, 172, 11,
			92, 54, 96, 191, 0, 47, 139, 136, 156, 213,
			4, 69, 212, 158, 0, 72, 122, 6, 233, 201,
			255, 197, 181, 118, 148, 76, 5, 238, 162, 74,
			8, 170, 215, 13, 192, 79, 35, 226, 183, 13,
			244, 111, 102, 54, 91, 146, 150, 36, 141, 6,
			236, 12, 204, 209, 112, 247, 127, 35, 21, 148,
			158, 88, 109, 106, 53, 176, 17, 78, 0, 230,
			32, 61, 124, 46, 56, 96, 223, 159, 136, 136,
			67, 6, 188, 182, 152, 90, 107, 0, 36, 77,
			6, 78, 165, 153, 155, 63, 192, 92, 164, 34,
			152, 117, 129, 215, 146, 214, 230, 30, 1, 92,
			35, 233, 118, 73, 199, 73, 218, 78, 210, 162,
			13, 197, 99, 102, 246, 95, 34, 226, 206, 136,
			216, 149, 84, 40, 216, 244, 209, 195, 203, 144,
			138, 84, 175, 144, 180, 121, 195, 125, 15, 133,
			97, 169, 3, 168, 187, 8, 240, 203, 164, 2,
			152, 46, 88, 138, 52, 7, 247, 93, 224, 30,
			73, 151, 72, 58, 176, 202, 96, 205, 204, 26,
			37, 105, 53, 224, 157, 164, 109, 133, 219, 176,
			6, 240, 115, 73, 231, 72, 90, 181, 165, 24,
			250, 108, 74, 198, 181, 157, 216, 15, 160, 182,
			4, 64, 210, 62, 164, 39, 240, 46, 154, 68,
			90, 139, 121, 0, 112, 149, 164, 31, 75, 218,
			168, 229, 152, 204, 108, 200, 73, 154, 95, 210,
			59, 36, 93, 76, 90, 25, 176, 39, 208, 246,
			136, 228, 171, 129, 223, 74, 250, 63, 73, 207,
			106, 57, 150, 62, 153, 146, 113, 109, 39, 246,
			3, 168, 37, 1, 144, 180, 29, 105, 83, 138,
			190, 216, 18, 184, 64, 210, 121, 146, 94, 217,
			118, 48, 102, 54, 92, 36, 45, 34, 233, 72,
			210, 74, 143, 99, 129, 151, 182, 28, 210, 244,
			230, 0, 222, 69, 218, 81, 112, 127, 73, 243,
			182, 29, 80, 15, 244, 126, 63, 128, 226, 9,
			64, 245, 36, 93, 242, 104, 223, 38, 189, 12,
			248, 169, 164, 75, 37, 189, 206, 187, 105, 153,
			89, 14, 73, 147, 37, 189, 15, 248, 19, 240,
			1, 202, 45, 131, 174, 203, 2, 192, 193, 164,
			17, 1, 143, 138, 206, 194, 48, 212, 1, 20,
			77, 0, 36, 61, 31, 56, 19, 152, 187, 100,
			187, 45, 120, 9, 233, 160, 162, 171, 36, 181,
			62, 76, 99, 102, 253, 35, 105, 11, 224, 26,
			224, 75, 192, 98, 45, 135, 51, 81, 207, 3,
			206, 147, 244, 121, 73, 243, 181, 29, 76, 135,
			77, 201, 184, 182, 245, 58, 128, 201, 165, 26,
			146, 180, 56, 233, 104, 223, 190, 125, 208, 103,
			229, 197, 192, 133, 146, 14, 0, 62, 149, 187,
			100, 166, 11, 170, 81, 141, 37, 248, 247, 70,
			52, 179, 58, 60, 228, 41, 210, 147, 203, 245,
			77, 191, 247, 106, 249, 232, 154, 180, 63, 63,
			106, 245, 122, 132, 52, 44, 126, 123, 68, 60,
			208, 118, 48, 37, 72, 90, 134, 180, 147, 227,
			107, 218, 142, 37, 211, 36, 82, 141, 194, 107,
			36, 237, 20, 17, 23, 181, 29, 80, 7, 77,
			201, 184, 118, 90, 29, 64, 107, 251, 1, 20,
			73, 0, 198, 28, 237, 251, 188, 18, 237, 117,
			204, 100, 224, 48, 224, 149, 146, 118, 136, 136,
			191, 181, 29, 208, 68, 85, 155, 143, 188, 6,
			216, 154, 84, 240, 179, 208, 4, 155, 120, 68,
			210, 37, 164, 35, 104, 7, 93, 243, 59, 91,
			213, 110, 105, 123, 146, 230, 34, 87, 162, 197,
			227, 170, 173, 121, 146, 110, 7, 126, 64, 26,
			69, 252, 69, 68, 60, 209, 114, 72, 19, 86,
			109, 119, 126, 34, 105, 27, 232, 97, 49, 109,
			52, 224, 227, 192, 103, 188, 75, 229, 127, 152,
			86, 7, 48, 232, 126, 0, 155, 210, 98, 2,
			64, 68, 100, 189, 72, 115, 253, 167, 0, 49,
			2, 175, 251, 128, 109, 114, 127, 102, 77, 189,
			72, 251, 34, 236, 9, 220, 83, 232, 253, 79,
			5, 14, 4, 230, 168, 33, 214, 21, 73, 243,
			105, 109, 255, 142, 253, 234, 198, 235, 6, 250,
			245, 183, 54, 7, 112, 40, 105, 212, 172, 237,
			159, 93, 157, 175, 51, 73, 219, 216, 78, 123,
			223, 107, 100, 180, 117, 117, 129, 159, 251, 242,
			25, 253, 255, 165, 208, 239, 254, 156, 140, 24,
			126, 209, 230, 231, 182, 196, 19, 214, 167, 129,
			55, 21, 104, 167, 15, 22, 5, 78, 171, 150,
			203, 116, 122, 94, 172, 170, 93, 248, 35, 233,
			36, 185, 82, 79, 35, 115, 146, 150, 78, 126,
			164, 80, 123, 0, 84, 21, 199, 63, 2, 54,
			44, 217, 174, 245, 218, 243, 73, 127, 107, 23,
			84, 91, 137, 119, 86, 181, 171, 223, 207, 128,
			143, 211, 207, 226, 231, 137, 216, 138, 116, 210,
			160, 247, 79, 249, 183, 41, 25, 215, 182, 90,
			7, 144, 149, 0, 72, 122, 15, 105, 79, 235,
			81, 243, 46, 224, 215, 146, 58, 89, 239, 32,
			233, 173, 164, 15, 229, 10, 53, 117, 113, 64,
			225, 141, 67, 14, 39, 125, 225, 155, 77, 111,
			35, 210, 13, 167, 147, 197, 184, 213, 158, 240,
			87, 1, 163, 116, 244, 238, 138, 192, 197, 146,
			118, 105, 59, 144, 142, 152, 146, 113, 109, 171,
			251, 1, 12, 156, 0, 72, 122, 21, 169, 186,
			117, 84, 189, 24, 248, 153, 164, 133, 219, 14,
			100, 172, 106, 201, 209, 73, 204, 186, 184, 47,
			215, 220, 164, 225, 206, 108, 213, 94, 222, 239,
			47, 209, 150, 13, 173, 37, 73, 115, 208, 47,
			111, 59, 144, 177, 36, 173, 67, 122, 242, 95,
			178, 237, 88, 90, 48, 15, 240, 13, 224, 168,
			182, 3, 233, 128, 222, 238, 7, 48, 80, 2,
			80, 13, 255, 156, 66, 243, 135, 88, 116, 205,
			154, 192, 79, 36, 13, 90, 0, 82, 148, 164,
			45, 129, 163, 27, 234, 110, 253, 66, 237, 172,
			199, 240, 15, 155, 90, 190, 185, 129, 239, 87,
			75, 141, 91, 39, 105, 45, 224, 167, 76, 188,
			160, 118, 216, 108, 218, 118, 0, 109, 139, 30,
			239, 7, 48, 225, 85, 0, 213, 18, 151, 115,
			72, 27, 70, 180, 97, 42, 105, 217, 208, 109,
			164, 147, 255, 22, 37, 29, 51, 252, 108, 210,
			112, 74, 211, 94, 2, 252, 72, 210, 150, 17,
			241, 72, 11, 253, 3, 79, 63, 73, 127, 143,
			230, 146, 178, 37, 37, 45, 19, 249, 171, 34,
			214, 45, 18, 141, 141, 130, 69, 128, 179, 37,
			173, 17, 17, 143, 181, 21, 68, 245, 0, 244,
			179, 42, 158, 166, 61, 1, 220, 93, 189, 238,
			34, 157, 45, 191, 4, 240, 172, 234, 213, 245,
			141, 134, 134, 213, 20, 210, 10, 171, 65, 172,
			47, 105, 174, 136, 152, 90, 48, 158, 113, 153,
			80, 2, 80, 61, 233, 158, 3, 44, 93, 79,
			56, 255, 229, 26, 210, 242, 194, 203, 72, 55,
			252, 219, 128, 123, 163, 42, 189, 156, 65, 124,
			139, 240, 239, 100, 96, 117, 224, 117, 192, 6,
			212, 191, 156, 108, 3, 224, 135, 146, 94, 29,
			17, 255, 172, 185, 175, 153, 57, 156, 230, 159,
			70, 22, 33, 29, 45, 154, 219, 134, 217, 120,
			173, 12, 236, 14, 124, 182, 141, 206, 37, 173,
			14, 252, 156, 102, 246, 167, 120, 4, 56, 191,
			234, 111, 10, 112, 43, 112, 255, 204, 190, 255,
			170, 248, 230, 5, 158, 9, 172, 13, 188, 2,
			216, 156, 180, 164, 214, 234, 53, 37, 227, 218,
			246, 246, 3, 152, 192, 82, 135, 73, 164, 74,
			237, 58, 151, 152, 76, 37, 101, 214, 187, 3,
			203, 21, 90, 162, 177, 56, 233, 20, 192, 211,
			73, 127, 80, 117, 198, 255, 51, 96, 158, 166,
			151, 114, 144, 158, 162, 155, 94, 126, 244, 79,
			96, 114, 129, 216, 223, 215, 112, 220, 126, 245,
			255, 117, 31, 99, 150, 162, 53, 248, 119, 182,
			36, 105, 244, 177, 206, 247, 118, 43, 105, 169,
			237, 134, 192, 156, 133, 226, 94, 22, 216, 153,
			244, 240, 214, 165, 101, 138, 67, 177, 12, 176,
			138, 99, 14, 224, 161, 140, 88, 246, 111, 250,
			243, 28, 17, 76, 228, 13, 238, 83, 227, 7,
			225, 62, 210, 62, 217, 11, 213, 252, 7, 60,
			15, 176, 3, 112, 115, 141, 239, 229, 184, 198,
			127, 137, 237, 236, 195, 112, 113, 161, 216, 215,
			107, 33, 118, 191, 250, 255, 250, 96, 195, 127,
			99, 115, 0, 191, 170, 241, 253, 252, 150, 244,
			221, 84, 228, 166, 63, 139, 247, 177, 42, 169,
			120, 239, 241, 14, 252, 14, 135, 38, 1, 168,
			98, 233, 221, 126, 0, 227, 125, 99, 107, 144,
			158, 206, 75, 127, 0, 30, 37, 237, 35, 208,
			104, 54, 79, 42, 40, 250, 16, 112, 127, 77,
			31, 236, 173, 26, 126, 47, 15, 183, 240, 199,
			187, 75, 161, 248, 39, 3, 87, 180, 16, 191,
			95, 253, 126, 157, 223, 240, 119, 198, 97, 53,
			189, 143, 41, 192, 255, 52, 249, 94, 170, 247,
			179, 20, 105, 218, 176, 141, 239, 142, 105, 175,
			97, 75, 0, 246, 206, 136, 229, 159, 192, 92,
			141, 127, 14, 198, 241, 166, 230, 1, 174, 45,
			252, 139, 127, 10, 56, 129, 66, 195, 252, 25,
			191, 176, 69, 72, 115, 137, 143, 21, 126, 127,
			119, 1, 75, 52, 244, 30, 94, 213, 194, 31,
			238, 143, 11, 191, 135, 23, 214, 240, 59, 240,
			107, 184, 95, 79, 0, 139, 55, 248, 55, 86,
			122, 232, 252, 65, 96, 231, 54, 191, 255, 170,
			247, 182, 28, 169, 198, 160, 141, 223, 225, 176,
			37, 0, 235, 102, 254, 60, 54, 106, 250, 247,
			63, 158, 226, 184, 79, 146, 190, 160, 75, 185,
			21, 88, 47, 34, 118, 140, 136, 91, 11, 182,
			59, 97, 17, 241, 64, 68, 124, 24, 88, 133,
			180, 150, 179, 148, 103, 2, 95, 43, 216, 222,
			172, 148, 90, 142, 55, 94, 127, 4, 118, 45,
			217, 96, 68, 92, 71, 170, 251, 104, 188, 10,
			214, 122, 107, 14, 26, 216, 64, 69, 210, 178,
			164, 189, 253, 75, 46, 85, 253, 9, 176, 90,
			68, 28, 87, 176, 205, 129, 84, 223, 193, 175,
			36, 253, 253, 253, 163, 229, 112, 250, 174, 119,
			251, 1, 204, 50, 1, 168, 54, 222, 216, 171,
			96, 127, 191, 6, 214, 141, 136, 223, 20, 108,
			51, 91, 68, 220, 12, 108, 76, 154, 75, 47,
			101, 107, 73, 59, 21, 108, 111, 102, 154, 90,
			145, 241, 20, 240, 57, 96, 205, 136, 248, 107,
			233, 198, 35, 226, 88, 82, 229, 114, 201, 68,
			204, 134, 219, 178, 13, 244, 113, 2, 229, 78,
			56, 125, 4, 216, 53, 34, 254, 39, 58, 116,
			168, 88, 36, 199, 144, 54, 55, 243, 137, 127,
			3, 138, 30, 238, 7, 48, 211, 101, 128, 213,
			14, 119, 223, 162, 92, 230, 123, 28, 240, 158,
			104, 97, 173, 227, 120, 68, 90, 190, 183, 157,
			164, 107, 129, 131, 40, 243, 190, 143, 150, 244,
			203, 154, 71, 58, 114, 18, 128, 155, 73, 197,
			71, 51, 51, 237, 56, 224, 203, 129, 75, 235,
			30, 177, 137, 136, 107, 171, 45, 95, 215, 6,
			214, 169, 254, 211, 199, 1, 15, 183, 141, 25,
			252, 119, 188, 76, 201, 64, 166, 39, 233, 245,
			148, 251, 82, 126, 144, 52, 215, 127, 105, 161,
			246, 138, 139, 136, 155, 170, 135, 190, 239, 2,
			175, 111, 59, 158, 158, 154, 194, 224, 251, 1,
			108, 208, 244, 126, 0, 179, 218, 7, 224, 40,
			202, 100, 216, 79, 146, 142, 145, 61, 178, 64,
			91, 181, 139, 136, 67, 36, 93, 71, 202, 252,
			231, 207, 108, 110, 65, 224, 91, 146, 54, 143,
			106, 146, 168, 6, 57, 235, 232, 119, 140, 136,
			156, 140, 181, 184, 72, 71, 192, 94, 90, 189,
			108, 200, 73, 218, 29, 248, 226, 128, 151, 215,
			118, 22, 135, 164, 57, 73, 5, 202, 37, 220,
			3, 188, 50, 34, 174, 41, 212, 94, 109, 34,
			98, 170, 164, 55, 145, 30, 216, 118, 104, 59,
			158, 30, 250, 85, 198, 181, 243, 146, 54, 150,
			107, 236, 59, 121, 134, 83, 0, 146, 158, 75,
			153, 95, 126, 0, 219, 247, 229, 230, 63, 77,
			68, 156, 78, 218, 64, 227, 209, 2, 205, 109,
			6, 188, 166, 64, 59, 51, 147, 51, 82, 209,
			187, 243, 214, 109, 232, 228, 124, 6, 235, 220,
			66, 250, 189, 148, 57, 160, 234, 54, 224, 101,
			125, 184, 249, 79, 83, 13, 101, 191, 29, 248,
			114, 219, 177, 244, 208, 85, 244, 168, 14, 96,
			102, 53, 0, 31, 166, 204, 150, 178, 7, 69,
			196, 247, 10, 180, 211, 184, 106, 168, 174, 212,
			105, 87, 31, 46, 212, 142, 153, 213, 172, 154,
			254, 252, 68, 129, 166, 238, 4, 54, 142, 136,
			63, 22, 104, 171, 81, 85, 93, 192, 251, 128,
			47, 180, 29, 75, 159, 84, 201, 83, 206, 142,
			126, 155, 22, 10, 101, 92, 254, 43, 1, 144,
			180, 4, 105, 231, 188, 92, 167, 0, 7, 23,
			104, 167, 53, 17, 241, 93, 224, 144, 2, 77,
			109, 82, 157, 28, 102, 102, 221, 183, 31, 249,
			211, 11, 79, 2, 111, 169, 10, 140, 251, 236,
			67, 52, 56, 36, 61, 36, 166, 100, 92, 187,
			129, 164, 185, 74, 5, 50, 59, 51, 26, 1,
			120, 63, 249, 135, 234, 92, 1, 236, 84, 227,
			188, 119, 147, 14, 0, 78, 43, 208, 142, 71,
			1, 204, 58, 174, 122, 250, 223, 173, 64, 83,
			7, 68, 196, 148, 2, 237, 180, 170, 170, 201,
			121, 51, 112, 111, 219, 177, 244, 200, 148, 140,
			107, 167, 213, 1, 52, 226, 63, 18, 0, 73,
			11, 144, 246, 102, 207, 113, 59, 105, 39, 188,
			18, 243, 231, 173, 171, 146, 152, 29, 73, 115,
			59, 57, 222, 88, 157, 216, 103, 102, 221, 245,
			86, 242, 31, 128, 126, 76, 218, 63, 101, 40,
			68, 196, 109, 164, 154, 176, 97, 120, 160, 107,
			66, 111, 234, 0, 166, 31, 1, 216, 149, 252,
			211, 217, 118, 171, 62, 48, 67, 163, 90, 34,
			248, 54, 210, 176, 222, 160, 230, 160, 236, 158,
			10, 102, 86, 222, 59, 50, 175, 191, 13, 120,
			219, 144, 140, 126, 62, 45, 34, 126, 76, 185,
			85, 17, 67, 173, 79, 117, 0, 79, 39, 0,
			146, 38, 147, 14, 228, 201, 113, 81, 68, 156,
			149, 217, 70, 39, 69, 196, 239, 129, 227, 51,
			155, 121, 71, 53, 196, 104, 102, 29, 35, 105,
			77, 96, 173, 204, 102, 62, 22, 17, 247, 149,
			136, 167, 131, 14, 38, 141, 240, 218, 236, 77,
			201, 184, 182, 177, 58, 128, 177, 35, 0, 27,
			147, 191, 238, 255, 163, 153, 215, 119, 221, 1,
			228, 45, 13, 92, 128, 116, 44, 167, 153, 117,
			79, 238, 211, 255, 117, 192, 183, 75, 4, 210,
			69, 213, 180, 110, 175, 11, 187, 27, 52, 37,
			227, 218, 198, 234, 0, 198, 38, 0, 175, 204,
			108, 235, 7, 17, 49, 212, 219, 72, 86, 219,
			119, 14, 186, 105, 201, 52, 91, 150, 136, 197,
			204, 202, 145, 52, 15, 176, 125, 102, 51, 31,
			143, 136, 167, 74, 196, 211, 97, 223, 32, 237,
			14, 106, 179, 214, 139, 58, 128, 177, 9, 192,
			22, 25, 237, 60, 9, 236, 155, 25, 75, 95,
			28, 14, 60, 144, 113, 253, 70, 213, 46, 99,
			102, 214, 29, 91, 2, 57, 211, 115, 151, 12,
			235, 244, 231, 88, 213, 170, 128, 18, 123, 36,
			12, 181, 190, 212, 1, 76, 2, 144, 180, 24,
			176, 102, 70, 59, 39, 85, 115, 228, 67, 47,
			34, 30, 4, 142, 200, 104, 98, 126, 210, 177,
			145, 102, 214, 29, 27, 101, 94, 63, 74, 55,
			197, 239, 145, 142, 136, 183, 89, 155, 146, 113,
			109, 35, 117, 0, 211, 70, 0, 94, 193, 108,
			78, 6, 156, 141, 239, 20, 136, 165, 79, 114,
			223, 239, 102, 69, 162, 48, 179, 82, 54, 204,
			184, 246, 78, 224, 23, 165, 2, 233, 186, 106,
			133, 195, 73, 109, 199, 209, 3, 83, 50, 174,
			109, 164, 14, 96, 218, 77, 63, 103, 248, 255,
			97, 242, 14, 64, 232, 157, 136, 184, 5, 184,
			58, 163, 9, 39, 0, 102, 29, 33, 105, 110,
			210, 201, 147, 131, 58, 99, 4, 230, 254, 167,
			119, 106, 219, 1, 244, 64, 231, 235, 0, 166,
			37, 0, 57, 5, 128, 231, 118, 245, 136, 223,
			154, 157, 153, 113, 237, 6, 213, 151, 142, 153,
			181, 111, 29, 32, 103, 184, 181, 196, 78, 161,
			189, 18, 17, 55, 145, 191, 57, 218, 80, 235,
			67, 29, 192, 36, 73, 43, 147, 183, 252, 47,
			231, 70, 216, 103, 57, 239, 123, 94, 96, 189,
			82, 129, 152, 89, 150, 156, 225, 255, 251, 200,
			27, 234, 237, 179, 239, 183, 29, 64, 15, 76,
			201, 184, 182, 246, 58, 128, 201, 192, 202, 25,
			215, 79, 5, 206, 45, 20, 203, 132, 72, 154,
			15, 88, 5, 184, 37, 34, 26, 223, 167, 58,
			34, 174, 145, 116, 51, 176, 194, 128, 77, 108,
			47, 41, 167, 238, 98, 154, 5, 51, 174, 93,
			171, 90, 254, 100, 214, 150, 149, 50, 174, 93,
			90, 210, 166, 5, 98, 120, 85, 198, 181, 215,
			0, 27, 75, 117, 158, 76, 220, 89, 119, 101,
			94, 191, 64, 129, 223, 223, 146, 153, 215, 215,
			109, 74, 198, 181, 211, 234, 0, 106, 59, 140,
			73, 164, 237, 127, 191, 54, 224, 245, 63, 141,
			136, 198, 214, 181, 87, 55, 171, 253, 129, 215,
			145, 110, 254, 211, 142, 44, 190, 5, 56, 159,
			180, 11, 215, 223, 26, 140, 231, 104, 210, 225,
			73, 102, 102, 214, 47, 183, 68, 196, 242, 117,
			118, 32, 105, 14, 224, 126, 6, 127, 80, 219,
			63, 34, 14, 45, 24, 210, 127, 152, 4, 60,
			43, 227, 250, 27, 74, 5, 50, 59, 213, 113,
			186, 87, 2, 31, 3, 86, 227, 223, 55, 127,
			128, 231, 144, 14, 171, 184, 86, 210, 78, 77,
			197, 68, 131, 239, 223, 204, 204, 250, 165, 235,
			117, 0, 185, 9, 64, 35, 251, 66, 75, 90,
			150, 180, 204, 102, 149, 217, 252, 211, 133, 128,
			227, 36, 109, 87, 127, 84, 128, 247, 197, 54,
			51, 179, 89, 155, 146, 113, 109, 173, 117, 0,
			189, 72, 0, 128, 175, 51, 177, 33, 148, 47,
			73, 90, 162, 174, 96, 198, 184, 163, 129, 62,
			204, 204, 172, 191, 166, 100, 92, 91, 235, 126,
			0, 185, 9, 64, 237, 55, 64, 73, 175, 98,
			226, 251, 231, 47, 14, 236, 87, 67, 56, 211,
			243, 8, 128, 153, 153, 205, 74, 103, 247, 3,
			232, 195, 8, 192, 160, 75, 116, 114, 150, 246,
			140, 215, 157, 192, 80, 157, 251, 109, 102, 102,
			229, 116, 185, 14, 96, 18, 240, 204, 140, 235,
			155, 24, 2, 95, 103, 192, 235, 94, 84, 247,
			26, 202, 106, 3, 164, 97, 61, 251, 219, 204,
			204, 202, 152, 146, 113, 109, 109, 117, 0, 147,
			72, 115, 12, 131, 250, 71, 169, 64, 102, 97,
			208, 17, 138, 185, 128, 69, 74, 6, 50, 19,
			143, 52, 208, 135, 153, 153, 245, 215, 148, 140,
			107, 107, 171, 3, 152, 68, 26, 198, 30, 84,
			206, 244, 193, 120, 13, 186, 221, 228, 29, 17,
			145, 187, 81, 197, 120, 116, 125, 35, 10, 51,
			51, 107, 87, 39, 235, 0, 38, 145, 55, 143,
			191, 116, 169, 64, 102, 225, 242, 134, 175, 27,
			55, 73, 139, 0, 222, 73, 207, 204, 204, 102,
			170, 171, 117, 0, 125, 72, 0, 206, 4, 30,
			26, 224, 186, 19, 74, 7, 50, 3, 77, 188,
			127, 51, 51, 235, 191, 41, 25, 215, 214, 82,
			7, 144, 155, 0, 44, 85, 42, 144, 153, 137,
			136, 219, 129, 61, 39, 120, 217, 105, 17, 209,
			196, 65, 21, 181, 191, 127, 51, 51, 27, 10,
			83, 50, 174, 173, 165, 14, 160, 15, 35, 0,
			68, 196, 241, 192, 113, 227, 252, 231, 127, 4,
			118, 171, 49, 156, 177, 60, 2, 96, 102, 102,
			227, 209, 185, 58, 128, 94, 36, 0, 0, 17,
			177, 11, 240, 38, 224, 238, 153, 252, 147, 167,
			128, 207, 1, 107, 70, 196, 204, 254, 77, 105,
			78, 0, 204, 204, 108, 182, 186, 88, 7, 48,
			153, 188, 4, 224, 101, 165, 2, 25, 143, 136,
			248, 190, 164, 159, 3, 155, 144, 246, 7, 88,
			29, 248, 43, 169, 224, 239, 162, 136, 248, 83,
			147, 241, 84, 113, 12, 234, 175, 192, 159, 75,
			5, 98, 102, 3, 91, 157, 193, 151, 12, 223,
			6, 220, 88, 48, 150, 62, 153, 11, 88, 63,
			227, 250, 203, 201, 95, 74, 62, 15, 176, 94,
			102, 27, 77, 154, 2, 188, 102, 192, 107, 215,
			151, 52, 87, 181, 255, 76, 17, 2, 86, 5,
			174, 203, 104, 99, 141, 136, 184, 166, 80, 60,
			189, 33, 233, 25, 192, 189, 164, 63, 130, 65,
			236, 18, 17, 227, 157, 214, 48, 179, 154, 72,
			250, 2, 176, 199, 128, 151, 95, 28, 17, 27,
			148, 140, 167, 47, 36, 109, 69, 42, 210, 30,
			196, 19, 192, 34, 17, 145, 181, 143, 138, 164,
			165, 24, 252, 33, 246, 190, 136, 88, 60, 167,
			255, 137, 170, 78, 181, 253, 77, 70, 19, 27,
			71, 196, 133, 165, 226, 153, 68, 202, 96, 115,
			108, 93, 34, 144, 30, 122, 53, 131, 223, 252,
			33, 111, 40, 200, 204, 202, 201, 249, 66, 125,
			169, 164, 103, 23, 139, 164, 95, 222, 148, 113,
			237, 111, 114, 111, 254, 149, 187, 73, 211, 191,
			131, 163, 201, 90, 188, 0, 0, 11, 22, 73,
			68, 65, 84, 88, 172, 58, 105, 182, 73, 87,
			49, 216, 170, 182, 105, 54, 45, 20, 7, 0,
			147, 34, 226, 33, 224, 183, 25, 109, 140, 106,
			2, 144, 243, 190, 239, 136, 136, 81, 29, 54,
			52, 235, 154, 156, 4, 64, 192, 54, 165, 2,
			233, 11, 73, 115, 3, 175, 205, 104, 226, 87,
			37, 226, 168, 230, 213, 115, 106, 190, 214, 46,
			17, 199, 120, 85, 241, 230, 124, 222, 54, 45,
			20, 10, 144, 70, 0, 96, 240, 97, 28, 128,
			53, 36, 61, 167, 68, 48, 125, 81, 173, 199,
			124, 117, 70, 19, 126, 250, 55, 235, 136, 106,
			169, 113, 78, 61, 206, 27, 74, 197, 210, 35,
			91, 50, 177, 35, 218, 167, 87, 36, 1, 168,
			228, 156, 73, 179, 113, 177, 40, 198, 111, 74,
			198, 181, 235, 151, 220, 15, 160, 68, 2, 0,
			163, 55, 10, 176, 25, 121, 31, 126, 39, 0,
			102, 221, 146, 243, 84, 182, 177, 164, 156, 67,
			213, 250, 232, 141, 25, 215, 78, 5, 46, 42,
			21, 8, 121, 133, 236, 187, 75, 122, 81, 177,
			72, 198, 103, 74, 198, 181, 243, 81, 112, 63,
			128, 73, 0, 17, 113, 21, 112, 107, 70, 59,
			123, 72, 154, 179, 76, 72, 189, 240, 193, 204,
			235, 207, 47, 18, 133, 153, 149, 146, 147, 0,
			76, 2, 222, 95, 42, 144, 174, 147, 180, 12,
			121, 243, 255, 151, 70, 196, 163, 165, 226, 33,
			111, 219, 247, 185, 128, 19, 235, 62, 57, 118,
			58, 157, 169, 3, 152, 52, 230, 191, 159, 149,
			209, 206, 138, 192, 187, 51, 99, 233, 5, 73,
			175, 0, 182, 200, 104, 226, 1, 224, 218, 66,
			225, 152, 89, 25, 185, 73, 249, 94, 146, 154,
			56, 28, 173, 11, 14, 32, 239, 12, 148, 146,
			195, 255, 144, 63, 130, 253, 98, 224, 219, 146,
			22, 46, 17, 204, 236, 116, 169, 14, 96, 108,
			2, 144, 251, 67, 220, 95, 210, 2, 153, 109,
			116, 154, 36, 1, 159, 202, 108, 230, 228, 136,
			24, 180, 106, 213, 204, 106, 16, 17, 215, 3,
			87, 100, 52, 49, 63, 176, 95, 161, 112, 58,
			75, 210, 202, 192, 206, 153, 205, 20, 77, 0,
			34, 226, 106, 224, 47, 153, 205, 188, 9, 184,
			86, 210, 150, 249, 17, 141, 203, 148, 140, 107,
			139, 213, 1, 40, 34, 210, 127, 145, 38, 147,
			170, 41, 7, 221, 16, 3, 224, 160, 136, 56,
			176, 64, 92, 157, 36, 233, 205, 192, 201, 153,
			205, 188, 56, 34, 114, 86, 93, 152, 89, 13,
			36, 189, 3, 56, 54, 163, 137, 169, 192, 11,
			34, 226, 230, 66, 33, 117, 142, 164, 83, 200,
			27, 254, 191, 21, 88, 49, 34, 158, 40, 20,
			18, 0, 146, 62, 207, 196, 207, 140, 153, 153,
			223, 140, 121, 93, 11, 252, 171, 80, 187, 99,
			173, 1, 124, 43, 227, 250, 183, 49, 190, 253,
			123, 30, 7, 110, 140, 136, 25, 190, 135, 167,
			19, 0, 0, 73, 39, 86, 13, 15, 234, 17,
			210, 47, 183, 169, 173, 120, 27, 83, 213, 56,
			252, 129, 52, 221, 49, 168, 145, 221, 52, 196,
			172, 235, 36, 205, 71, 42, 40, 91, 40, 163,
			153, 147, 34, 34, 231, 59, 180, 179, 36, 173,
			11, 92, 74, 90, 250, 56, 168, 15, 69, 196,
			145, 133, 66, 122, 154, 164, 151, 144, 98, 179,
			255, 54, 21, 248, 29, 240, 19, 224, 208, 177,
			245, 23, 147, 166, 251, 135, 103, 100, 118, 180,
			0, 249, 67, 228, 93, 245, 1, 242, 110, 254,
			0, 95, 45, 17, 136, 153, 149, 23, 17, 255,
			36, 255, 24, 241, 237, 171, 145, 194, 161, 82,
			77, 239, 126, 155, 188, 155, 255, 67, 192, 215,
			203, 68, 244, 159, 34, 226, 50, 242, 239, 95,
			195, 106, 46, 210, 126, 7, 31, 3, 174, 150,
			244, 244, 246, 205, 211, 143, 0, 204, 65, 218,
			20, 104, 213, 204, 14, 119, 143, 136, 99, 50,
			219, 232, 12, 73, 91, 0, 231, 2, 115, 100,
			52, 243, 0, 176, 116, 68, 60, 86, 38, 42,
			51, 43, 77, 210, 42, 192, 239, 51, 155, 121,
			4, 88, 167, 170, 43, 24, 10, 146, 190, 3,
			188, 37, 179, 153, 35, 34, 226, 35, 37, 226,
			153, 145, 170, 62, 225, 90, 210, 25, 55, 54,
			115, 83, 129, 181, 35, 226, 218, 255, 24, 1,
			168, 170, 19, 247, 41, 208, 193, 231, 171, 106,
			249, 222, 147, 244, 2, 224, 20, 242, 110, 254,
			0, 199, 251, 230, 111, 214, 109, 17, 241, 7,
			224, 188, 204, 102, 22, 0, 78, 149, 52, 111,
			129, 144, 90, 39, 233, 221, 228, 223, 252, 255,
			5, 28, 93, 32, 156, 153, 170, 18, 174, 90,
			70, 24, 134, 204, 92, 192, 241, 146, 38, 255,
			199, 8, 192, 52, 146, 46, 0, 54, 202, 236,
			228, 1, 224, 165, 17, 113, 67, 102, 59, 173,
			145, 180, 8, 112, 25, 240, 188, 204, 166, 166,
			2, 171, 70, 196, 77, 249, 81, 153, 89, 157,
			36, 189, 22, 248, 65, 129, 166, 142, 171, 142,
			49, 239, 45, 73, 107, 0, 23, 147, 183, 236,
			15, 224, 196, 136, 216, 177, 64, 72, 179, 84,
			109, 200, 116, 13, 176, 100, 221, 125, 13, 129,
			119, 79, 95, 3, 48, 77, 137, 97, 154, 69,
			128, 179, 155, 90, 91, 89, 90, 181, 42, 226,
			251, 228, 223, 252, 1, 142, 242, 205, 223, 172,
			31, 34, 226, 108, 82, 193, 84, 174, 157, 37,
			125, 178, 64, 59, 173, 144, 180, 42, 112, 14,
			249, 55, 127, 128, 207, 21, 104, 99, 182, 170,
			2, 244, 109, 72, 213, 239, 54, 107, 27, 205,
			48, 1, 136, 136, 139, 41, 83, 80, 177, 18,
			41, 9, 88, 172, 64, 91, 141, 145, 52, 15,
			112, 34, 240, 242, 2, 205, 221, 6, 28, 90,
			160, 29, 51, 107, 206, 251, 73, 35, 119, 185,
			246, 149, 244, 133, 106, 15, 145, 222, 144, 180,
			54, 105, 42, 100, 233, 2, 205, 157, 219, 228,
			145, 241, 213, 253, 107, 36, 54, 166, 203, 180,
			246, 204, 70, 0, 32, 85, 12, 62, 89, 160,
			147, 141, 128, 223, 72, 90, 173, 64, 91, 181,
			171, 206, 151, 158, 2, 148, 170, 228, 221, 187,
			208, 177, 151, 102, 214, 144, 106, 234, 242, 243,
			133, 154, 219, 3, 56, 86, 210, 172, 190, 111,
			59, 67, 210, 70, 192, 47, 129, 197, 11, 52,
			247, 48, 240, 222, 2, 237, 76, 72, 68, 28,
			79, 67, 163, 14, 61, 182, 204, 76, 63, 144,
			17, 241, 71, 224, 27, 133, 58, 90, 1, 248,
			117, 53, 183, 214, 89, 146, 214, 33, 109, 254,
			176, 94, 161, 38, 207, 139, 136, 220, 141, 131,
			204, 172, 29, 135, 144, 70, 240, 74, 216, 5,
			56, 185, 235, 133, 129, 146, 254, 151, 52, 253,
			145, 115, 216, 217, 88, 123, 70, 68, 206, 57,
			51, 57, 246, 6, 14, 2, 254, 187, 208, 205,
			0, 174, 158, 93, 70, 122, 32, 240, 143, 66,
			157, 61, 3, 56, 83, 82, 137, 85, 6, 197,
			85, 107, 119, 207, 7, 158, 93, 168, 201, 39,
			73, 153, 191, 153, 245, 80, 53, 114, 183, 119,
			193, 38, 183, 5, 174, 145, 180, 97, 193, 54,
			139, 144, 180, 128, 164, 175, 2, 103, 147, 78,
			156, 43, 225, 204, 136, 248, 86, 161, 182, 38,
			44, 146, 3, 129, 237, 128, 127, 182, 21, 71,
			135, 93, 62, 203, 4, 32, 34, 238, 32, 101,
			174, 165, 50, 168, 73, 192, 225, 146, 126, 32,
			105, 165, 66, 109, 102, 145, 180, 164, 164, 175,
			145, 182, 248, 45, 153, 157, 31, 17, 17, 191,
			43, 216, 158, 153, 53, 172, 26, 193, 251, 113,
			193, 38, 159, 15, 156, 47, 233, 179, 85, 173,
			81, 235, 36, 109, 66, 218, 255, 165, 228, 188,
			249, 221, 192, 187, 10, 182, 55, 176, 136, 56,
			21, 216, 24, 184, 165, 237, 88, 58, 228, 41,
			224, 148, 217, 206, 73, 69, 196, 41, 164, 161,
			176, 146, 94, 11, 92, 39, 233, 152, 182, 206,
			209, 150, 52, 191, 164, 3, 128, 27, 129, 93,
			11, 55, 255, 83, 70, 224, 96, 16, 179, 17,
			241, 86, 210, 247, 68, 41, 147, 128, 15, 145,
			118, 101, 219, 180, 96, 187, 19, 34, 105, 81,
			73, 71, 147, 14, 231, 89, 161, 112, 243, 239,
			138, 136, 123, 10, 183, 57, 176, 136, 184, 18,
			254, 191, 189, 251, 121, 253, 172, 170, 227, 56,
			254, 58, 144, 184, 47, 114, 180, 159, 132, 11,
			13, 162, 133, 104, 148, 137, 73, 4, 42, 65,
			78, 186, 105, 39, 73, 255, 129, 45, 90, 21,
			4, 17, 141, 52, 155, 182, 66, 214, 214, 141,
			69, 81, 42, 186, 73, 41, 161, 54, 137, 32,
			152, 17, 169, 211, 12, 66, 3, 25, 204, 52,
			17, 167, 197, 185, 126, 157, 25, 149, 249, 126,
			191, 159, 123, 63, 247, 251, 153, 247, 227, 1,
			151, 129, 97, 230, 115, 15, 12, 243, 189, 207,
			207, 189, 247, 156, 147, 155, 51, 238, 232, 252,
			115, 229, 225, 28, 5, 39, 123, 239, 47, 188,
			231, 58, 0, 151, 155, 222, 96, 125, 60, 201,
			3, 11, 12, 228, 173, 36, 143, 36, 249, 241,
			180, 20, 231, 162, 166, 213, 14, 191, 149, 241,
			120, 99, 137, 185, 162, 175, 38, 185, 173, 247,
			126, 118, 129, 207, 6, 86, 48, 77, 137, 251,
			67, 198, 163, 204, 185, 189, 144, 228, 68, 198,
			45, 243, 197, 119, 10, 109, 173, 125, 42, 99,
			105, 243, 135, 50, 118, 49, 156, 219, 99, 189,
			247, 77, 119, 12, 92, 204, 52, 53, 253, 59,
			25, 51, 61, 142, 244, 59, 25, 11, 249, 125,
			146, 47, 247, 222, 207, 239, 43, 0, 146, 189,
			141, 50, 158, 207, 216, 197, 104, 9, 255, 200,
			152, 122, 247, 203, 140, 77, 115, 102, 253, 143,
			208, 90, 251, 108, 146, 251, 50, 54, 59, 90,
			234, 241, 195, 91, 73, 190, 208, 123, 223, 207,
			46, 77, 192, 14, 105, 173, 221, 151, 49, 61,
			122, 169, 41, 125, 175, 36, 57, 153, 177, 106,
			232, 185, 43, 253, 225, 131, 154, 54, 243, 249,
			118, 198, 23, 185, 77, 87, 54, 125, 63, 47,
			37, 185, 189, 247, 254, 175, 133, 62, 127, 54,
			211, 254, 6, 119, 39, 57, 158, 228, 171, 217,
			108, 39, 220, 93, 112, 33, 227, 165, 200, 31,
			77, 171, 254, 102, 223, 1, 144, 36, 173, 181,
			143, 103, 188, 37, 127, 108, 145, 225, 189, 227,
			205, 36, 191, 74, 242, 139, 36, 79, 31, 230,
			206, 192, 180, 123, 223, 157, 25, 23, 253, 175,
			37, 249, 228, 172, 35, 124, 183, 158, 228, 254,
			222, 251, 19, 11, 159, 7, 88, 73, 107, 237,
			187, 25, 63, 68, 151, 116, 62, 201, 115, 73,
			158, 153, 142, 63, 29, 230, 11, 81, 107, 237,
			88, 198, 90, 38, 95, 153, 142, 79, 204, 57,
			200, 247, 240, 114, 146, 187, 122, 239, 103, 22,
			62, 207, 236, 166, 133, 223, 238, 200, 248, 114,
			248, 209, 139, 142, 235, 178, 92, 44, 109, 195,
			127, 50, 222, 239, 248, 99, 146, 103, 122, 239,
			151, 60, 202, 58, 80, 0, 36, 73, 107, 237,
			246, 140, 57, 162, 215, 206, 53, 194, 43, 56,
			159, 177, 193, 195, 27, 23, 29, 167, 166, 95,
			207, 36, 249, 96, 46, 253, 7, 123, 251, 248,
			116, 54, 219, 214, 243, 160, 126, 158, 228, 135,
			91, 60, 31, 176, 125, 45, 201, 79, 51, 223,
			84, 225, 253, 56, 155, 228, 119, 73, 254, 158,
			241, 51, 239, 76, 198, 75, 118, 103, 146, 156,
			75, 242, 225, 140, 47, 101, 199, 50, 46, 88,
			199, 50, 118, 127, 251, 76, 150, 187, 91, 113,
			185, 191, 36, 249, 82, 239, 253, 212, 150, 206,
			199, 12, 14, 28, 0, 73, 210, 90, 123, 48,
			201, 99, 179, 143, 6, 128, 93, 243, 183, 36,
			119, 246, 222, 95, 91, 123, 32, 28, 204, 161,
			86, 166, 154, 86, 89, 250, 70, 70, 125, 2,
			80, 211, 107, 25, 47, 148, 185, 248, 239, 160,
			67, 221, 1, 216, 251, 203, 173, 221, 146, 241,
			156, 254, 99, 179, 141, 8, 128, 93, 112, 42,
			227, 182, 255, 156, 83, 36, 217, 162, 141, 214,
			166, 158, 230, 86, 222, 150, 49, 61, 6, 128,
			26, 94, 204, 120, 225, 207, 197, 127, 135, 109,
			188, 57, 69, 239, 253, 116, 146, 187, 50, 94,
			130, 3, 224, 234, 246, 147, 140, 181, 78, 94,
			89, 123, 32, 108, 102, 163, 71, 0, 239, 250,
			176, 214, 30, 206, 88, 208, 98, 39, 118, 189,
			2, 96, 223, 222, 76, 242, 205, 222, 251, 175,
			215, 30, 8, 243, 152, 53, 0, 146, 164, 181,
			118, 111, 198, 12, 129, 85, 150, 248, 5, 96,
			118, 79, 37, 121, 112, 186, 227, 203, 85, 98,
			246, 111, 234, 189, 247, 223, 36, 185, 49, 201,
			247, 51, 223, 78, 130, 0, 108, 223, 133, 140,
			213, 3, 239, 113, 241, 191, 250, 204, 126, 7,
			224, 146, 15, 111, 237, 250, 36, 223, 203, 88,
			123, 255, 3, 139, 157, 8, 128, 57, 253, 47,
			99, 135, 212, 31, 244, 222, 95, 94, 123, 48,
			44, 99, 209, 0, 216, 59, 73, 107, 55, 101,
			172, 146, 247, 245, 197, 79, 6, 192, 97, 93,
			72, 242, 179, 140, 245, 226, 95, 93, 123, 48,
			44, 107, 43, 1, 176, 119, 178, 177, 140, 240,
			137, 36, 95, 220, 218, 73, 1, 184, 146, 115,
			73, 30, 77, 114, 162, 247, 254, 250, 218, 131,
			97, 59, 182, 26, 0, 123, 39, 109, 237, 243,
			25, 59, 48, 29, 79, 114, 211, 214, 7, 0,
			64, 146, 156, 206, 152, 194, 125, 114, 23, 55,
			241, 97, 51, 171, 4, 192, 37, 3, 104, 237,
			230, 188, 19, 3, 159, 203, 246, 54, 175, 0,
			168, 230, 191, 25, 219, 186, 255, 118, 58, 254,
			220, 215, 190, 8, 176, 154, 213, 3, 224, 98,
			173, 181, 27, 50, 182, 239, 61, 158, 228, 214,
			36, 31, 90, 119, 68, 0, 59, 239, 175, 25,
			23, 251, 39, 147, 60, 219, 123, 255, 247, 202,
			227, 225, 136, 56, 82, 1, 112, 185, 214, 218,
			181, 73, 110, 72, 242, 145, 203, 142, 183, 127,
			239, 250, 36, 215, 172, 54, 64, 128, 117, 157,
			207, 216, 22, 248, 244, 251, 29, 189, 247, 179,
			235, 13, 143, 163, 236, 72, 7, 0, 0, 176,
			12, 75, 246, 2, 64, 65, 2, 0, 0, 10,
			18, 0, 0, 80, 144, 0, 0, 128, 130, 4,
			0, 0, 20, 36, 0, 0, 160, 32, 1, 0,
			0, 5, 9, 0, 0, 40, 72, 0, 0, 64,
			65, 2, 0, 0, 10, 18, 0, 0, 80, 144,
			0, 0, 128, 130, 4, 0, 0, 20, 36, 0,
			0, 160, 32, 1, 0, 0, 5, 9, 0, 0,
			40, 72, 0, 0, 64, 65, 2, 0, 0, 10,
			18, 0, 0, 80, 144, 0, 0, 128, 130, 4,
			0, 0, 20, 36, 0, 0, 160, 32, 1, 0,
			0, 5, 9, 0, 0, 40, 72, 0, 0, 64,
			65, 2, 0, 0, 10, 18, 0, 0, 80, 144,
			0, 0, 128, 130, 4, 0, 0, 20, 36, 0,
			0, 160, 32, 1, 0, 0, 5, 9, 0, 0,
			40, 72, 0, 0, 64, 65, 2, 0, 0, 10,
			18, 0, 0, 80, 144, 0, 0, 128, 130, 4,
			0, 0, 20, 36, 0, 0, 160, 32, 1, 0,
			0, 5, 9, 0, 0, 40, 72, 0, 0, 64,
			65, 2, 0, 0, 10, 18, 0, 0, 80, 144,
			0, 0, 128, 130, 4, 0, 0, 20, 36, 0,
			0, 160, 32, 1, 0, 0, 5, 9, 0, 0,
			40, 72, 0, 0, 64, 65, 2, 0, 0, 10,
			18, 0, 0, 80, 144, 0, 0, 128, 130, 4,
			0, 0, 20, 36, 0, 0, 160, 32, 1, 0,
			0, 5, 9, 0, 0, 40, 72, 0, 0, 64,
			65, 2, 0, 0, 10, 18, 0, 0, 80, 144,
			0, 0, 128, 130, 4, 0, 0, 20, 36, 0,
			0, 160, 32, 1, 0, 0, 5, 9, 0, 0,
			40, 72, 0, 0, 64, 65, 2, 0, 0, 10,
			18, 0, 0, 80, 144, 0, 0, 128, 130, 4,
			0, 0, 20, 36, 0, 0, 160, 32, 1, 0,
			0, 5, 9, 0, 0, 40, 72, 0, 0, 64,
			65, 2, 0, 0, 10, 18, 0, 0, 80, 144,
			0, 0, 128, 130, 4, 0, 0, 20, 36, 0,
			0, 160, 32, 1, 0, 0, 5, 9, 0, 0,
			40, 72, 0, 0, 64, 65, 2, 0, 0, 10,
			18, 0, 0, 80, 208, 255, 1, 21, 189, 72,
			128, 100, 137, 252, 122, 0, 0, 0, 0, 73,
			69, 78, 68, 174, 66, 96, 130

		public static Texture2D GetIconTexture(string spriteName)
			//IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0084: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Texture2D val = new Texture2D(48, 48);
			((Object)val).name = spriteName;
			if (ImageConversion.LoadImage(val, pngBytes, false))
				Texture2D val2 = new Texture2D(((Texture)val).width, ((Texture)val).height, (TextureFormat)4, false);
				Color val3 = default(Color);
				((Color)(ref val3))..ctor(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
				Color val4 = default(Color);
				((Color)(ref val4))..ctor(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
				for (int i = 0; i < ((Texture)val).width; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j < ((Texture)val).height; j++)
						Color pixel = val.GetPixel(i, j);
						if (pixel.a != 0f)
							val2.SetPixel(i, j, val3);
							val2.SetPixel(i, j, val4);
				return val2;
			return null;
	[BepInPlugin("semarware.dysonsphereprogram.bulldozer", "Bulldozer", "1.1.8")]
	public class BulldozerPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Action <>9__20_1;

			public static Response <>9__20_2;

			internal void <InitUi>b__20_1()
				GameMain.mainPlayer.SetHandItems(0, 0, 0);

			internal void <InitUi>b__20_2()

		public const string PluginGuid = "semarware.dysonsphereprogram.bulldozer";

		private static int _soilToDeduct;

		public static BulldozerPlugin instance;

		private ReformIndexInfoProvider _reformIndexInfoProvider;

		private bool _flattenRequested;

		private Harmony _harmony;

		private UIElements _ui;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Log.logger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			GuideMarker.logger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			instance = this;
			_harmony = new Harmony("semarware.dysonsphereprogram.bulldozer");
			Log.Debug("Bulldozer Plugin Loaded");
			Log.Debug("Debug build enabled");

		private void Update()
			if (!GameMain.isRunning || DSPGame.IsMenuDemo || GameMain.localPlanet == null || GameMain.localPlanet.factory == null || GameMain.localPlanet.factory.platformSystem == null)
			PlatformSystem platformSystem = GameMain.localPlanet.factory.platformSystem;
			if (_reformIndexInfoProvider == null)
				_reformIndexInfoProvider = new ReformIndexInfoProvider(platformSystem);
			if ((Object)(object)_ui != (Object)null && _ui.IsShowing())
				if (PluginConfig.NeedReformIndexProvider())
					_ui.ReadyForAction = _reformIndexInfoProvider?.Initted ?? false;
					_ui.initPercent = _reformIndexInfoProvider.InitPercentComplete();
					_ui.ReadyForAction = true;
			Player mainPlayer = GameMain.mainPlayer;
			WreckingBall.DoWorkItems((mainPlayer != null) ? mainPlayer.factory : null);
			if ((Object)(object)_ui != (Object)null && (Object)(object)_ui.countText != (Object)null)
				_ui.countText.text = $"{WreckingBall.RemainingTaskCount()}";

		private void LateUpdate()
			if (GameMain.sandboxToolsEnabled && UIRoot.instance.uiGame.buildMenu.currentCategory == 9)

		private void OnDestroy()
			if ((Object)(object)_ui != (Object)null)
				_ui = null;
			PluginConfigWindow.NeedReinit = true;

		public void OnGUI()
			if (PluginConfigWindow.visible)

		private void DoPaveUpdate()
			if (!_flattenRequested)
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogDebug((object)"repaint requested");
			SetFlattenRequestedFlag(value: false);
				if (GameMain.mainPlayer.planetData.UpdateDirtyMeshes())
				Log.LogAndPopupMessage("Bulldozer done adding foundation");
			catch (Exception arg)
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogWarning((object)$"exception painting {arg}");
				Log.LogAndPopupMessage("Failure while painting. Check logs");

		private void Decorate()
			Player mainPlayer = GameMain.mainPlayer;
			PlatformSystem val = ((mainPlayer == null) ? null : mainPlayer.factory?.platformSystem);
			Player mainPlayer2 = GameMain.mainPlayer;
			PlayerAction_Build val2 = ((mainPlayer2 != null) ? mainPlayer2.controller.actionBuild : null);
			if (val == null || val2 == null || (!PluginConfig.guideLinesOnly.Value && PlanetPainter.PaintPlanet(val, _reformIndexInfoProvider)))
			ReformIndexInfoProvider reformIndexInfoProvider = _reformIndexInfoProvider;
			if (reformIndexInfoProvider == null || !reformIndexInfoProvider.Initted || _reformIndexInfoProvider.platformSystem != GameMain.localPlanet?.factory?.platformSystem)
				if (_reformIndexInfoProvider.platformSystem != GameMain.localPlanet?.factory?.platformSystem)
				Log.LogAndPopupMessage("not initted");

		private void InvokePavePlanet()
			if (PluginConfig.alterVeinState.Value)

		private void InvokePavePlanetNoBury()
			//IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0078: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00ea: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Player mainPlayer = GameMain.mainPlayer;
			PlayerAction_Build val = ((mainPlayer != null) ? mainPlayer.controller.actionBuild : null);
			Player mainPlayer2 = GameMain.mainPlayer;
			PlatformSystem val2 = ((mainPlayer2 == null) ? null : mainPlayer2.factory?.platformSystem);
			PlanetFactory factory = GameMain.localPlanet.factory;
			if (val == null || val2 == null || factory == null)
				Log.LogAndPopupMessage("invalid state");
			if (GameMain.localPlanet == null || (int)GameMain.localPlanet.type == 5)
				Log.LogAndPopupMessage("Bulldozer doesn't work on gas giants");
			if (PluginConfig.removeVegetation.Value)
				for (int i = 0; i < factory.vegePool.Length; i++)
					if (factory.vegePool[i].protoId == 9999)
					if (PluginConfig.IsLatConstrained())
						int latitudeDegForPosition = GeoUtil.GetLatitudeDegForPosition(factory.vegePool[i].pos);


Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using CommonAPI.Nebula;
using CommonAPI.Patches;
using CommonAPI.ShotScene;
using CommonAPI.ShotScene.Patches;
using CommonAPI.Systems;
using CommonAPI.Systems.ModLocalization;
using CommonAPI.Systems.ModLocalization.Patch;
using CommonAPI.Systems.Patches;
using CommonAPI.Systems.UI;
using HarmonyLib;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Collections.Generic;
using MonoMod.Utils;
using NebulaAPI;
using PowerNetworkStructures;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.PostProcessing;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using crecheng.DSPModSave;
using xiaoye97;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("CommonAPI")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A modding library for Dyson Sphere Program. Provides multiple features to make adding custom content to DSP easier.")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("CommonAPI")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CommonAPI")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
[GeneratedCode("Nerdbank.GitVersioning.Tasks", "")]
internal static class ThisAssembly
	internal const string AssemblyConfiguration = "Release";

	internal const string AssemblyFileVersion = "";

	internal const string AssemblyInformationalVersion = "";

	internal const string AssemblyName = "CommonAPI";

	internal const string AssemblyTitle = "CommonAPI";

	internal const string AssemblyVersion = "";

	internal static readonly DateTime GitCommitDate = new DateTime(638386153850000000L, DateTimeKind.Utc);

	internal const string GitCommitId = "67c03d666395f88e057c48d593688f2d76cdc469";

	internal const bool IsPrerelease = false;

	internal const bool IsPublicRelease = true;

	internal const string RootNamespace = "CommonAPI";
namespace CommonAPI
	[BepInPlugin("dsp.common-api.CommonAPI", "DSP Common API", "")]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	public class CommonAPIPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin, IModCanSave
		public const string ID = "CommonAPI";

		public const string GUID = "dsp.common-api.CommonAPI";

		public const string DISPNAME = "DSP Common API";

		public const string VERSION = "";

		internal static Harmony harmony;

		internal static ICommonLogger logger;

		internal static ResourceData resource;

		internal static Action onIntoOtherSave;

		internal static SubmoduleHandler submoduleHandler;

		public static Dictionary<string, Registry> registries = new Dictionary<string, Registry>();

		public static readonly Version buildFor = GameVersionUtil.GetVersion(0, 10, 28, 20829);

		public static bool iconShotMenuEnabled;

		public static KeyCode openIconShotMenuButton;

		internal static ConfigEntry<string> forceLoaded;

		private void Awake()
			//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			logger = new LoggerWrapper(((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger);
			iconShotMenuEnabled = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("General", "enableIconShotMenu", false, "Is Icon shot menu enabled. It is useful for mod developers, because it allows to create consistent icons.").Value;
			openIconShotMenuButton = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<KeyCode>("General", "OpenIconShotMenuButton", (KeyCode)287, "Button used to open special Icon shot menu. It is useful for mod developers, because it allows to create consistent icons.").Value;
			harmony = new Harmony("dsp.common-api.CommonAPI");
			PluginScanner pluginScanner = new PluginScanner();
			submoduleHandler = new SubmoduleHandler(buildFor, ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger);
			string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
			resource = new ResourceData("CommonAPI", "CommonAPI", directoryName);
			logger.LogInfo("Common API is initialized!");

		private void Update()
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (iconShotMenuEnabled && DSPGame.MenuDemoLoaded && Input.GetKeyDown(openIconShotMenuButton))

		internal static void CheckIfUsedOnRightGameVersion()
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Version gameVersion = GameConfig.gameVersion;
			if (!(buildFor == gameVersion))
				ICommonLogger commonLogger = logger;
				string[] obj = new string[5] { "This version of CommonAPI was built for build id \"", null, null, null, null };
				Version val = buildFor;
				obj[1] = ((Version)(ref val)).ToFullString();
				obj[2] = "\", you are running \"";
				obj[3] = ((Version)(ref gameVersion)).ToFullString();
				obj[4] = "\".";
				logger.LogWarning("Should any problems arise, please check for a new version before reporting issues.");

		public static bool IsSubmoduleLoaded(string submodule)
			return submoduleHandler.IsLoaded(submodule);

		public static bool TryLoadModule(Type moduleType)
			return submoduleHandler.RequestModuleLoad(moduleType);

		internal static T GetModuleInstance<T>() where T : BaseSubmodule
			return submoduleHandler.GetModuleInstance<T>();

		public static void LoadModules(params Type[] moduleTypes)

		private void CheckModuleForceLoad()
			//IL_007f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0089: Expected O, but got Unknown
			List<Type> allSubmodules = submoduleHandler.allModules.Keys.ToList();
			string[] acceptableValues = CollectionExtensions.AddItem<string>(allSubmodules.Select((Type type) => type.Name), "all").ToArray();
			forceLoaded = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("Debug", "ForceModuleLoad", "", new ConfigDescription("Manually force certain modules to be loaded. Do not use unless you know what you are doing.", (AcceptableValueBase)(object)new AcceptableValueOptionsList(acceptableValues), Array.Empty<object>()));
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(forceLoaded.Value))
			if (forceLoaded.Value == "all")
			IEnumerable<Type> forceLoadTypes = from name in forceLoaded.Value.Split(new char[1] { ',' })
				select allSubmodules.Find((Type type) => type.Name.Equals(name));

		private static void LoadModules(IEnumerable<Type> forceLoadTypes)
			foreach (Type forceLoadType in forceLoadTypes)
				if (!(forceLoadType == null))

		public void Import(BinaryReader r)
			int num = r.ReadInt32();
			while (r.ReadByte() != 0)
				string key = r.ReadString();
				if (registries.ContainsKey(key))
					long num2 = r.ReadInt64();
			if (num > 0)

		public void Export(BinaryWriter w)
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Registry> registry in registries)
				MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
				BinaryWriter w2 = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream);

		public void IntoOtherSave()
	public static class VFPreloadPatch
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(VFPreload), "InvokeOnLoadWorkEnded")]
		public static void OnMainMenuOpen()
	[BepInPlugin("dsp.common-tools.common-api-nebula-compat", "Common API Nebula Compatibility", "")]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	public class NebulaCompatPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin, IMultiplayerMod
		public const string ID = "common-api-nebula-compat";

		public const string GUID = "dsp.common-tools.common-api-nebula-compat";

		public const string NAME = "Common API Nebula Compatibility";

		public string Version => "";

		private void Start()
			if (CommonAPIPlugin.IsSubmoduleLoaded("PlanetExtensionSystem"))
				NebulaModAPI.OnPlanetLoadRequest = (Action<int>)Delegate.Combine(NebulaModAPI.OnPlanetLoadRequest, (Action<int>)delegate(int planetId)
					NebulaModAPI.MultiplayerSession.Network.SendPacket<PlanetSystemLoadRequest>(new PlanetSystemLoadRequest(planetId));
			if (CommonAPIPlugin.IsSubmoduleLoaded("StarExtensionSystem"))
				NebulaModAPI.OnStarLoadRequest = (Action<int>)Delegate.Combine(NebulaModAPI.OnStarLoadRequest, (Action<int>)delegate(int starIndex)
					NebulaModAPI.MultiplayerSession.Network.SendPacket<StarExtensionLoadRequest>(new StarExtensionLoadRequest(starIndex));
			CommonAPIPlugin.onIntoOtherSave = CheckNebulaInIntoOtherSave;
			PlanetExtensionSystem.onInitNewPlanet = HandleNebulaPacket;
			((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogInfo((object)"Common API Nebula Compatibility ready!");

		public static void CheckNebulaInIntoOtherSave()
			if (!NebulaModAPI.IsMultiplayerActive || NebulaModAPI.MultiplayerSession.LocalPlayer.IsHost)
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Registry> registry in CommonAPIPlugin.registries)

		public static void HandleNebulaPacket(PlanetData planet)
			if (!NebulaModAPI.IsMultiplayerActive || NebulaModAPI.MultiplayerSession.LocalPlayer.IsHost || !PlanetExtensionSystem.pendingData.TryGetValue(, out var value))
			IReaderProvider binaryReader = NebulaModAPI.GetBinaryReader(value);
				for (int i = 1; i <; i++)
					PlanetExtensionStorage planetExtensionStorage = PlanetExtensionSystem.extensions[i];

		public bool CheckVersion(string hostVersion, string clientVersion)
			return hostVersion.Equals(clientVersion);
	public interface IItem
		int GetItemId();

		int GetCount();

		int GetMaxStackSize();
	public interface IStorage
		int size { get; }

		bool changed { get; set; }

		IItem GetAt(int index);

		void SetAt(int index, IItem stack);
	public class UICustomGrid : ManualBehaviour
		public int colCount = 10;

		public int rowCount = 5;

		public RectTransform rectTrans;

		public RectTransform contentRect;

		public Image bgImage;

		public RawImage iconImage;

		public Text prefabNumText;

		private Material iconImageMat;

		private Material bgImageMat;

		private uint[] iconIndexArray;

		private uint[] stateArray;

		private ComputeBuffer iconIndexBuffer;

		private ComputeBuffer stateBuffer;

		private Text[] numTexts;

		private int[] itemCounts;

		protected IStorage storage;

		private StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder("      ", 6);

		private static readonly int buffer = Shader.PropertyToID("_StateBuffer");

		private static readonly int indexBuffer = Shader.PropertyToID("_IndexBuffer");

		private static readonly int bans = Shader.PropertyToID("_Bans");

		private static readonly int gridProp = Shader.PropertyToID("_Grid");

		private static readonly int rect = Shader.PropertyToID("_Rect");

		public override void _OnCreate()
			//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0044: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Expected O, but got Unknown
			numTexts = (Text[])(object)new Text[400];
			itemCounts = new int[400];
			iconIndexArray = new uint[1024];
			iconIndexBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(iconIndexArray.Length, 4);
			stateArray = new uint[1024];
			stateBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(stateArray.Length, 4);
			if ((Object)(object)bgImage != (Object)null)
				bgImageMat = ProtoRegistry.CreateMaterial("UI Ex/Storage Bg", "storage-bg", "#FFFFFFFF", null, new string[0]);
				bgImageMat.SetBuffer(buffer, stateBuffer);
				((Graphic)bgImage).material = bgImageMat;
			if ((Object)(object)iconImage != (Object)null)
				iconImageMat = ProtoRegistry.CreateMaterial("UI Ex/Storage Icons", "storage-icons", "#FFFFFFFF", null, new string[0]);
				iconImageMat.SetBuffer(indexBuffer, iconIndexBuffer);
				((Graphic)iconImage).material = iconImageMat;

		public override void _OnDestroy()
			if ((Object)(object)bgImage != (Object)null)
			if ((Object)(object)iconImage != (Object)null)
			numTexts = null;
			itemCounts = null;
			bgImageMat = null;
			iconImageMat = null;
			iconIndexArray = null;
			iconIndexBuffer = null;
			stateArray = null;
			stateBuffer = null;

		public override bool _OnInit()
			if ((Object)(object)iconImage != (Object)null)
				iconImage.texture = (Texture)(object)GameMain.iconSet.texture;
			return true;

		public override void _OnFree()

		public override void _OnClose()

		public override void _OnUpdate()
			if (storage != null && storage.changed)
				storage.changed = false;

		protected int GetItemId(int gridX, int gridY)
			int result = 0;
			if (gridX >= 0 && gridY >= 0)
				int index = gridX + gridY * colCount;
				result = storage.GetAt(index).GetItemId();
			return result;

		private void OnApplicationFocus(bool focus)
			if (!focus)

		public void SetStorage(IStorage _storage)
			if (_storage != storage)
				storage = _storage;

		protected void SetRectSize()
			//IL_002d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!((Object)(object)rectTrans == (Object)null))
				rectTrans.sizeDelta = new Vector2((float)(colCount * 50 + 4), (float)(rowCount * 50 + 4));
				Vector4 val = default(Vector4);
				((Vector4)(ref val))..ctor((float)colCount, (float)rowCount, 0.04f, 0.04f);
				if ((Object)(object)bgImageMat != (Object)null)
					bgImageMat.SetVector(gridProp, val);
				if ((Object)(object)iconImageMat != (Object)null)
					iconImageMat.SetVector(gridProp, val);
					Vector4 val2 = default(Vector4);
					((Vector4)(ref val2))..ctor(0.1f, 0.1f, 1.25f, 1.25f);
					iconImageMat.SetVector(rect, val2);

		protected void CreateGridGraphic(int index)
			if ((Object)(object)numTexts[index] == (Object)null)
				numTexts[index] = Object.Instantiate<Text>(prefabNumText, (Transform)(object)rectTrans);

		protected void SetGridGraphic(int index, bool newState)
			if (((Component)numTexts[index]).gameObject.activeSelf != newState)
			if (!newState)
				numTexts[index].text = "";
				itemCounts[index] = 0;
				stateArray[index] = 0u;
				iconIndexArray[index] = 0u;

		protected void DeactiveAllGridGraphics()
			for (int i = 0; i < 400; i++)
				if ((Object)(object)numTexts[i] != (Object)null && ((Component)numTexts[i]).gameObject.activeSelf)
					numTexts[i].text = "";
			Array.Clear(itemCounts, 0, 400);
			Array.Clear(stateArray, 0, stateArray.Length);
			Array.Clear(iconIndexArray, 0, iconIndexArray.Length);

		protected void RepositionGridGraphic(int index)
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			int num = index % colCount;
			int num2 = index / colCount;
			((Graphic)numTexts[index]).rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2((float)(num * 50), (float)(num2 * -50 - 34));

		public void OnStorageDataChanged()
			if ((Object)(object)bgImageMat != (Object)null)
				Array.Clear(stateArray, 0, stateArray.Length);
				bgImageMat.SetBuffer(buffer, stateBuffer);
			if ((Object)(object)iconImageMat != (Object)null)
				Array.Clear(iconIndexArray, 0, iconIndexArray.Length);
				iconImageMat.SetBuffer(indexBuffer, iconIndexBuffer);

		public void OnStorageSizeChanged()
			if (storage == null)
				rowCount = 1;
				rowCount = (storage.size - 1) / colCount + 1;
			for (int i = 0; i < colCount * rowCount; i++)

		public void OnStorageContentChanged()
			if (storage == null)
			if ((storage.size - 1) / colCount + 1 != rowCount)
			for (int i = 0; i < storage.size; i++)
				IItem at = storage.GetAt(i);
				if (at.GetItemId() > 0)
					SetGridGraphic(i, newState: true);
					iconIndexArray[i] = GameMain.iconSet.itemIconIndex[at.GetItemId()];
					stateArray[i] = 1u;
					bool flag = itemCounts[i] != at.GetCount();
					itemCounts[i] = at.GetCount();
					if (flag)
						if (at.GetMaxStackSize() > 1)
							StringBuilderUtility.WriteKMG(strb, 5, (long)at.GetCount(), false);
							numTexts[i].text = strb.ToString();
							numTexts[i].text = "";
					iconIndexArray[i] = 0u;
					stateArray[i] = 0u;
					SetGridGraphic(i, newState: false);

		public virtual void OnContentMouseEnter(BaseEventData eventData)

		public virtual void OnContentMouseExit(BaseEventData eventData)

		public void OnContentMouseDown(BaseEventData eventData)
			//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0076: Expected I4, but got Unknown
			CommonAPIPlugin.logger.LogInfo("Mouse down");
			if (GameMain.mainPlayer != null && GetGridPos(out var gridX, out var gridY))
				CommonAPIPlugin.logger.LogInfo($"pos: {gridX} {gridY}");
				int grid = gridX + gridY * colCount;
				PointerEventData val = (PointerEventData)(object)((eventData is PointerEventData) ? eventData : null);
				if (val != null)
					OnGridMouseDown(grid, (int)val.button, VFInput.shift, VFInput.control, GameMain.mainPlayer);

		protected bool GetGridPos(out int gridX, out int gridY, bool filterEdges = false)
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0080: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			gridX = -1;
			gridY = -1;
			Vector2 val = default(Vector2);
			if (!UIRoot.ScreenPointIntoRect(Input.mousePosition, contentRect, ref val))
				return false;
			gridX = Mathf.FloorToInt(val.x / 50f);
			gridY = Mathf.FloorToInt((0f - val.y) / 50f);
			if (gridX < 0 || gridX >= colCount)
				gridX = -1;
				gridY = -1;
				return false;
			if (gridY < 0 || gridY >= rowCount)
				gridX = -1;
				gridY = -1;
				return false;
			int num = (int)(val.x - (float)(gridX * 50));
			int num2 = (int)(0f - val.y - (float)(gridY * 50));
			if (num <= 3 || num2 <= 3 || num >= 47 || num2 >= 47)
				gridX = -1;
				gridY = -1;
				return false;
			return true;

		public void OnContentMouseUp(BaseEventData eventData)
			//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0016: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0058: Expected I4, but got Unknown
			if (GameMain.mainPlayer != null)
				PointerEventData val = (PointerEventData)(object)((eventData is PointerEventData) ? eventData : null);
				if ((int)val.button == 1)
				if (GetGridPos(out var gridX, out var gridY))
					int grid = gridX + gridY * colCount;
					OnGridMouseUp(grid, (int)val.button, VFInput.shift, VFInput.control, GameMain.mainPlayer);

		public virtual void OnSort()

		protected virtual void OnGridMouseDown(int grid, int button, bool shift, bool control, Player player)

		protected virtual void OnGridMouseUp(int grid, int button, bool shift, bool control, Player player)

		protected virtual void OnGridRightMouseUp(Player player)

		protected virtual int HandTake(Player player, int grid, int count = 0)
			return 0;

		protected virtual void HandPut(Player player, int grid, int count = 0)
	public static class PrefabDescExtensions
		public static bool HasProperty(this PrefabDesc desc, string name)
			return desc.customData.ContainsKey(name);

		public static void SetProperty<T>(this PrefabDesc desc, string name, T value)
			if (desc.customData.ContainsKey(name))
				desc.customData[name] = value;
				desc.customData.Add(name, value);

		public static T GetProperty<T>(this PrefabDesc desc, string name)
			if (desc.customData.ContainsKey(name))
				return (T)desc.customData[name];
			return default(T);

		public static T GetOrAddProperty<T>(this PrefabDesc desc, string name) where T : new()
			if (desc.customData.ContainsKey(name))
				return (T)desc.customData[name];
			T val = new T();
			desc.customData.Add(name, val);
			return val;
	public interface INetwork
		int GetId();

		List<Node> GetNodes();
	public struct NodeBounds
		public Vector3 center;

		public Vector3 size;

		public Vector3 nodePoint;
	public abstract class NetworkHandler
		protected static List<int> _tmp_ints = new List<int>();

		protected static List<Node> _tmp_nodes = new List<Node>();

		protected PlanetFactory factory;

		public virtual NetworkHandler Prepare(PlanetFactory currentFactory)
			factory = currentFactory;
			return this;

		public abstract INetwork GetNetwork(int nodeId);

		protected abstract void RemoveNetwork(INetwork network);

		protected abstract void HandleNetworkMerge(INetwork first, INetwork second);

		protected abstract void SetNodeNetwork(Node node, INetwork network);

		protected abstract void HandleNodeRemoval(INetwork network, Node node);

		protected abstract INetwork CreateNewNetworkWith(List<Node> nodes);

		public abstract void UpdateVisualComponents(Node target);

		protected abstract bool CheckConnectionConditions(Node first, Node second, ref string errorMessage);

		public abstract string GetComponentType();

		public abstract bool IsRelatedTo(ItemProto proto);

		public abstract int GetNodeId(EntityData entity, Vector3 pos, Func<Node, bool> filter = null);

		public abstract NodeBounds GetNodeBounds(PrefabDesc prefab, int nodeId);

		public bool DisconnectAll(int nodeId)
			INetwork network = GetNetwork(nodeId);
			Node nodeWithId = GetNodeWithId(nodeId);
			foreach (Node conn in nodeWithId.conns)
			foreach (Node tmp_node in _tmp_nodes)
			CreateNewNetworkWith(new List<Node> { nodeWithId });
			return true;

		public void DisconnectNodes(Node first, Node other)
			INetwork network = GetNetwork(;

		public bool ConnectNodes(Node first, Node second, ref string errorMessage)
			if (!CheckConnectionConditions(first, second, ref errorMessage))
				return false;
			Algorithms.ListSortedAdd(first.conns, second);
			Algorithms.ListSortedAdd(second.conns, first);
			INetwork network = GetNetwork(;
			INetwork network2 = GetNetwork(;
			MergeNetworks(network, network2);
			return true;

		public Node GetNodeWithId(int nodeId)
			INetwork network = GetNetwork(nodeId);
				return network.GetNodes().First((Node node) => == nodeId);
			catch (InvalidOperationException)
				throw new ArgumentException("Can't find network");

		public bool AreNodesConnected(Node firstNode, Node secondNode)
			return firstNode.conns.Any((Node node) => ==;

		private void MergeNetworks(INetwork firstNetwork, INetwork secondNetwork)
			if (firstNetwork == null || secondNetwork == null || firstNetwork.GetId() == secondNetwork.GetId())
			foreach (Node node in secondNetwork.GetNodes())
				SetNodeNetwork(node, firstNetwork);
			Algorithms.ListSortedMerge(firstNetwork.GetNodes(), secondNetwork.GetNodes());
			HandleNetworkMerge(firstNetwork, secondNetwork);

		public void CheckForDisconnectedNetworks(INetwork startNetwork)
			INetwork network = startNetwork;
			int num = 0;
				List<Node> nodes = network.GetNodes();
				for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
					Node val = nodes[i];
					if (!val.flag)
						HandleNodeRemoval(network, val);
				if (_tmp_nodes.Count == 0)
				network = CreateNewNetworkWith(_tmp_nodes);
			while (num++ < 24);
	public class NetworksSystem : BaseSubmodule
		public static List<NetworkHandler> handlers = new List<NetworkHandler>();

		internal static NetworksSystem Instance => CommonAPIPlugin.GetModuleInstance<NetworksSystem>();

		internal override void Load()
			AddHandler(new PowerNetworkHandler());

		public static void AddHandler(NetworkHandler handler)

		public static bool IsConnectedToNetwork(PlanetFactory factory, int objId)
				NetworkHandler networkHandler = GetNetworkHandler(factory, objId);
				return networkHandler != null;
			catch (InvalidOperationException)
				return false;

		public static bool IsConnectedToSameNetwork(PlanetFactory factory, int firstId, int secondId)
				NetworkHandler commonNetwork = GetCommonNetwork(factory, firstId, secondId);
				return commonNetwork != null;
			catch (InvalidOperationException)
				return false;

		public static NetworkHandler GetNetworkHandler(PlanetFactory factory, int objId)
			if (objId == 0)
				return null;
			int num = ((objId > 0) ? factory.entityPool[objId].protoId : factory.prebuildPool[-objId].protoId);
			ItemProto itemProto = ((ProtoSet<ItemProto>)(object)LDB.items).Select(num);
			if (itemProto == null)
				return null;
				return handlers.First((NetworkHandler handler) => handler.IsRelatedTo(itemProto)).Prepare(factory);
			catch (InvalidOperationException)
				return null;

		public static NetworkHandler GetCommonNetwork(PlanetFactory factory, int firstId, int secondId)
			if (firstId == 0 || secondId == 0)
				return null;
			int num = ((firstId > 0) ? factory.entityPool[firstId].protoId : factory.prebuildPool[-firstId].protoId);
			int num2 = ((secondId > 0) ? factory.entityPool[secondId].protoId : factory.prebuildPool[-secondId].protoId);
			ItemProto firstItemProto = ((ProtoSet<ItemProto>)(object)LDB.items).Select(num);
			ItemProto secondItemProto = ((ProtoSet<ItemProto>)(object)LDB.items).Select(num2);
			if (firstItemProto == null || secondItemProto == null)
				return null;
				return handlers.First((NetworkHandler handler) => handler.IsRelatedTo(firstItemProto) && handler.IsRelatedTo(secondItemProto)).Prepare(factory);
			catch (InvalidOperationException)
				return null;
	public static class NodeExtensions
		public static Vector3 GetPoint(this Node node)
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return new Vector3(node.x, node.y, node.z);
	public class PowerNetworkHandler : NetworkHandler
		private PowerSystem system;

		public override NetworkHandler Prepare(PlanetFactory currentFactory)
			if (factory == currentFactory)
				return this;
			system = currentFactory.powerSystem;
			return this;

		protected override void SetNodeNetwork(Node node, INetwork network)
			system.nodePool[].networkId = network.GetId();

		public override INetwork GetNetwork(int nodeId)
			int networkId = system.nodePool[nodeId].networkId;
			if (networkId == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("Zero Network id");
			return new PowerNetworkWrapper(system.netPool[networkId]);

		protected override void RemoveNetwork(INetwork network)

		protected override bool CheckConnectionConditions(Node first, Node second, ref string message)
			//IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			float num = first.connDistance2;
			float connDistance = second.connDistance2;
			if (num < connDistance)
				num = connDistance;
			Vector3 val = first.GetPoint() - second.GetPoint();
			float sqrMagnitude = ((Vector3)(ref val)).sqrMagnitude;
			message = "距离太远";
			return sqrMagnitude <= num;

		public override string GetComponentType()
			return "dsp.common-api.CommonAPI:PowerNetworkHandler";

		public override bool IsRelatedTo(ItemProto proto)
			return proto.prefabDesc.isPowerNode;

		public override int GetNodeId(EntityData entity, Vector3 pos, Func<Node, bool> filter = null)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (filter == null || filter(GetNodeWithId(entity.powerNodeId)))
				return entity.powerNodeId;
			return 0;

		public override NodeBounds GetNodeBounds(PrefabDesc prefab, int nodeId)
			//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			NodeBounds result = default(NodeBounds); = prefab.selectCenter;
			result.size = prefab.selectSize;
			result.nodePoint = prefab.powerPoint;
			return result;

		protected override void HandleNetworkMerge(INetwork first, INetwork second)
			PowerNetwork data = ((PowerNetworkWrapper)first).data;
			PowerNetwork data2 = ((PowerNetworkWrapper)second).data;
			foreach (int consumer in data2.consumers)
				system.consumerPool[consumer].networkId = first.GetId();
			foreach (int generator in data2.generators)
				system.genPool[generator].networkId = first.GetId();
			foreach (int accumulator in data2.accumulators)
				system.accPool[accumulator].networkId = first.GetId();
			foreach (int exchanger in data2.exchangers)
				system.excPool[exchanger].networkId = first.GetId();
			Algorithms.ListSortedMerge(data.consumers, data2.consumers);
			Algorithms.ListSortedMerge(data.generators, data2.generators);
			Algorithms.ListSortedMerge(data.accumulators, data2.accumulators);
			Algorithms.ListSortedMerge(data.exchangers, data2.exchangers);

		protected override void HandleNodeRemoval(INetwork network, Node node)
			PowerNetwork data = ((PowerNetworkWrapper)network).data;
			foreach (int consumer in node.consumers)
			if (node.genId > 0)
			if (node.accId > 0)
			if (node.excId > 0)

		protected override INetwork CreateNewNetworkWith(List<Node> nodes)
			int num = system.NewNetwork();
			PowerNetwork val = system.netPool[num];
			Algorithms.ListSortedMerge(val.nodes, nodes);
			foreach (Node node in nodes)
				system.nodePool[].networkId = num;
				Algorithms.ListSortedMerge(val.consumers, node.consumers);
				foreach (int consumer in node.consumers)
					system.consumerPool[consumer].networkId = num;
				if (node.genId > 0)
					Algorithms.ListSortedAdd(val.generators, node.genId);
					system.genPool[node.genId].networkId = num;
				if (node.accId > 0)
					Algorithms.ListSortedAdd(val.accumulators, node.accId);
					system.accPool[node.accId].networkId = num;
				if (node.excId > 0)
					Algorithms.ListSortedAdd(val.exchangers, node.excId);
					system.excPool[node.excId].networkId = num;
			return new PowerNetworkWrapper(val);

		public override void UpdateVisualComponents(Node target)
	public class PowerNetworkWrapper : INetwork
		public PowerNetwork data;

		public PowerNetworkWrapper(PowerNetwork network)
			data = network;

		public int GetId()

		public List<Node> GetNodes()
			return data.nodes;
	public interface IPickerExtension<in T>
		void Open(T picker);

		void Close(T picker);

		void OnPopup(T picker);

		void PostPopup(T picker);
	public interface IMouseHandlerExtension<in T> : IPickerExtension<T>
		bool OnBoxMouseDown(T picker);

		void TestMouseIndex(T picker);
	public interface IUpdatePickerExtension<in T> : IPickerExtension<T>
		void OnUpdate(T picker);
	public interface ShowLocked
	public class IntPropertySerializer : IPropertySerializer
		public static readonly IntPropertySerializer instance = new IntPropertySerializer();

		public void Export(object obj, BinaryWriter w)

		public object Import(BinaryReader r)
			return r.ReadInt32();

		public Type GetTargetType()
			return typeof(int);
	public class IntArrayPropertySerializer : IPropertySerializer
		public static readonly IntArrayPropertySerializer instance = new IntArrayPropertySerializer();

		public void Export(object obj, BinaryWriter w)
			int[] array = (int[])obj;
			int[] array2 = array;
			foreach (int value in array2)

		public object Import(BinaryReader r)
			int num = r.ReadInt32();
			int[] array = new int[num];
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				array[i] = r.ReadInt32();
			return array;

		public Type GetTargetType()
			return typeof(int[]);
	public static class EntityDataExtensions
		public static Dictionary<string, IPropertySerializer> propertySerializers = new Dictionary<string, IPropertySerializer>();

		public static void DefineProperty(string key, IPropertySerializer serializer)
			if (propertySerializers.ContainsKey(key))
				propertySerializers[key] = serializer;
				propertySerializers.Add(key, serializer);

		public static bool HasProperty(this ref EntityData desc, string name)
			if (desc.customData == null)
				desc.customData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
			return desc.customData.ContainsKey(name);

		public static void SetProperty<T>(this ref EntityData desc, string name, T value)
			if (!propertySerializers.ContainsKey(name) || propertySerializers[name] == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Can't set property " + name + " of type " + value.GetType().FullName + " because serializer for it was not defined!");
			Type targetType = propertySerializers[name].GetTargetType();
			if (targetType != value.GetType())
				throw new ArgumentException("Can't set property " + name + " of type " + value.GetType().FullName + " because serializer defined for " + name + " is for type " + targetType.FullName + "!");
			if (desc.customData == null)
				desc.customData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
			if (desc.customData.ContainsKey(name))
				desc.customData[name] = value;
				desc.customData.Add(name, value);

		public static T GetProperty<T>(this ref EntityData desc, string name)
			if (desc.customData == null)
				desc.customData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
			if (desc.customData.ContainsKey(name))
				return (T)desc.customData[name];
			return default(T);

		public static T GetOrAddProperty<T>(this ref EntityData desc, string name) where T : new()
			if (desc.customData == null)
				desc.customData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
			if (desc.customData.ContainsKey(name))
				return (T)desc.customData[name];
			T val = new T();
			desc.customData.Add(name, val);
			return val;

		public static void ExportData(ref EntityData data, BinaryWriter w)
			if (data.customData != null)
					foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> customDatum in data.customData)
						IPropertySerializer propertySerializer = propertySerializers[customDatum.Key];
						propertySerializer.Export(customDatum.Value, w);

		public static void ImportData(ref EntityData data, BinaryReader r)
			int num = r.ReadByte();
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				string text = r.ReadString();
				IPropertySerializer propertySerializer = propertySerializers[text];
				object value = propertySerializer.Import(r);
				data.SetProperty(text, value);
	public interface IPropertySerializer
		void Export(object obj, BinaryWriter w);

		object Import(BinaryReader r);

		Type GetTargetType();
	public static class ItemProtoExtenstion
		public static void SetIcon(this ItemProto proto, string path, bool propageToRecipe = true)
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
				Sprite iconSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(path);
				proto.IconPath = path;
				proto._iconSprite = iconSprite;
				if (propageToRecipe && proto.maincraft != null)
					RecipeProto val = ((ProtoSet<RecipeProto>)(object);
					CommonAPIPlugin.logger.LogInfo($"Changing recipe icon: {val != null}");
					val.IconPath = "";
					val._iconSprite = iconSprite;
	public static class LoadSaveOnLoad
		internal static string saveName;

		internal static bool isValid
				if (saveName != null)
					return !saveName.Equals("");
				return false;

		internal static string GetArg(string name)
			string[] commandLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
			for (int i = 0; i < commandLineArgs.Length; i++)
				if (commandLineArgs[i] == name && commandLineArgs.Length > i + 1)
					return commandLineArgs[i + 1];
			return null;

		internal static void Init()
			saveName = GetArg("loadSave");
			if (isValid)
				DSPGame.LoadFile = saveName;
				CommonAPIPlugin.logger.LogInfo("Loading save " + saveName + " by default!");

		internal static void LoadSave()
			if (isValid && GameSave.SaveExist(saveName))
	public class AcceptableValueOptionsList : AcceptableValueBase
		public string[] AcceptableValues { get; }

		public AcceptableValueOptionsList(string[] acceptableValues)
			: base(typeof(string))
			if (acceptableValues == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("acceptableValues");
			if (acceptableValues.Length == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("At least one acceptable value is needed", "acceptableValues");
			AcceptableValues = acceptableValues;

		public override object Clamp(object value)
			if (!(value is string text))
				return "";
			string[] source = text.Split(new char[1] { ',' });
			return GeneralExtensions.Join<string>(from s in source
				select s.Trim() into s
				where AcceptableValues.Contains(s)
				select s, (Func<string, string>)null, ", ");

		public override bool IsValid(object value)
			if (!(value is string text))
				return false;
			string[] source = text.Split(new char[1] { ',' });
			return source.All((string s) => AcceptableValues.Contains(s.Trim()));

		public override string ToDescriptionString()
			return "# Acceptable values: " + string.Join(", ", AcceptableValues.Select((string x) => x.ToString()).ToArray()) + "\n# Multiple values can be set at the same time by separating them with , (e.g. Debug, Warning)";
	public static class Algorithms
		public static void NodeDfs(Node n)
			n.flag = true;
			int count = n.conns.Count;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 30)
				int num = 0;
				for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++)
					int num2 = i + j;
					if (num2 >= count)
					if (!n.conns[num2].flag)
						num |= 1 << j;
					n.conns[num2].flag = true;
				for (int k = 0; k < 30; k++)
					int num3 = i + k;
					if (num3 >= count)
					if ((num & (1 << k)) > 0)

		public static void ClearNodeFlags(List<Node> l)
			foreach (Node item in l)
				item.flag = false;

		public static void ListSortedMerge<T>(List<T> a, List<T> b) where T : IComparable<T>
			int count = b.Count;
			int i = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
				int count2 = a.Count;
				T val = b[j];
				bool flag = false;
				for (; i < count2; i++)
					if (a[i].CompareTo(val) == 0)
						flag = true;
					if (a[i].CompareTo(val) > 0)
						a.Insert(i, val);
						flag = true;
				if (!flag)
					i = a.Count;

		public static void ListSortedMerge(List<Node> a, List<Node> b)
			int count = b.Count;
			int i = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
				int count2 = a.Count;
				Node val = b[j];
				bool flag = false;
				for (; i < count2; i++)
					if (a[i].id ==
						flag = true;
					if (a[i].id >
						a.Insert(i, val);
						flag = true;
				if (!flag)
					i = a.Count;

		public static void ListSortedAdd<T>(List<T> l, T n) where T : IComparable<T>
			int count = l.Count;
			bool flag = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				if (l[i].CompareTo(n) == 0)
					flag = true;
				if (l[i].CompareTo(n) > 0)
					l.Insert(i, n);
					flag = true;
			if (!flag)

		public static void ListSortedAdd(List<Node> l, Node n)
			int count = l.Count;
			bool flag = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				if (l[i].id ==
					flag = true;
				if (l[i].id >
					l.Insert(i, n);
					flag = true;
			if (!flag)
	public class InstanceRegistry<T> : Registry
		public List<T> data = new List<T>();

		public InstanceRegistry()

		public InstanceRegistry(int startId)
			: this(startId, throwErrorOnConflict: false)

		public InstanceRegistry(int startId, bool throwErrorOnConflict)
			: base(startId, throwErrorOnConflict)
			for (int i = 0; i < startId; i++)

		public virtual int Register(string key, T item)
			return Register(key, (object)item);

		protected override void OnItemRegistered(string key, int id, object item)
			if (item is T item2)
			throw new ArgumentException("Tried to register invalid type " + item.GetType().FullName + ", expected " + typeof(T).FullName);
	public interface IPoolable : ISerializeState
		int GetId();

		void SetId(int id);
	public interface ISerializeState
		void Free();

		void Export(BinaryWriter w);

		void Import(BinaryReader r);
	public class Pool<T> : ISerializeState where T : IPoolable, new()
		public T[] pool;

		public int poolCursor = 1;

		protected int poolCapacity;

		protected int[] poolRecycle;

		protected int recycleCursor;

		private Action<T> _cachedInitUpdate = delegate

		public T this[int index] => pool[index];

		protected virtual T GetNewInstance()
			return new T();

		protected virtual void InitPoolItem(T item, object[] data)

		protected virtual void RemovePoolItem(T item)

		public virtual void Free()
			T[] array = pool;
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				T val = array[i];
				if (val != null && val.GetId() != 0)
			pool = null;
			poolCursor = 1;
			poolCapacity = 0;
			poolRecycle = null;
			recycleCursor = 0;

		public virtual void Import(BinaryReader r)
			int newSize = r.ReadInt32();
			poolCursor = r.ReadInt32();
			recycleCursor = r.ReadInt32();
			for (int i = 1; i < poolCursor; i++)
				if (r.ReadByte() == 1)
					pool[i] = GetNewInstance();
			for (int j = 0; j < recycleCursor; j++)
				poolRecycle[j] = r.ReadInt32();

		public virtual void Export(BinaryWriter w)
			for (int i = 1; i < poolCursor; i++)
				if (pool[i] != null && pool[i].GetId() != 0)
			for (int j = 0; j < recycleCursor; j++)

		public void Init(int newSize)
			T[] array = pool;
			pool = new T[newSize];
			poolRecycle = new int[newSize];
			if (array != null)
				Array.Copy(array, pool, (newSize <= poolCapacity) ? newSize : poolCapacity);
			poolCapacity = newSize;

		public int AddPoolItem(object[] data)
			return AddPoolItem(default(T), data);

		public int AddPoolItem(T item, object[] data)
			int num;
			if (recycleCursor > 0)
				num = poolRecycle[--recycleCursor];
				num = poolCursor++;
				if (num == poolCapacity)
					Init(poolCapacity * 2);
			if (item != null)
				pool[num] = item;
			else if (pool[num] == null)
				pool[num] = GetNewInstance();
			InitPoolItem(pool[num], data);
			return num;

		public void RemovePoolItem(int id)
			ref T reference = ref pool[id];
			T val = default(T);
			if (val == null)
				val = reference;
				reference = ref val;
				if (val == null)
					goto IL_0042;
			if (reference.GetId() == 0)
			goto IL_0042;
			poolRecycle[recycleCursor++] = id;

		protected virtual Action<T> InitUpdate()
			return _cachedInitUpdate;

		public void UpdatePool(Action<T> initFunc = null)
			Action<T> action = initFunc ?? InitUpdate();
			for (int i = 1; i < poolCursor; i++)
				ref T reference = ref pool[i];
				T val = default(T);
				if (val == null)
					val = reference;
					reference = ref val;
					if (val == null)
				if (reference.GetId() == i)

		public void UpdatePoolMultithread(int usedThreadCount, int currentThreadIdx, int minimumCount, Action<T> initFunc = null)
			Action<T> action = initFunc ?? InitUpdate();
			int num = default(int);
			int num2 = default(int);
			if (!WorkerThreadExecutor.CalculateMissionIndex(1, poolCursor - 1, usedThreadCount, currentThreadIdx, minimumCount, ref num, ref num2))
			for (int i = num; i < num2; i++)
				ref T reference = ref pool[i];
				T val = default(T);
				if (val == null)
					val = reference;
					reference = ref val;
					if (val == null)
				if (reference.GetId() == i)
	public class Registry : ISerializeState
		public Dictionary<string, int> idMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();

		public Dictionary<int, int> migrationMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();

		public HashSet<string> removedIds = new HashSet<string>();

		public HashSet<int> removedIntIds = new HashSet<int>();

		protected int lastId;

		protected bool throwErrorOnConflict;

		public Registry(int startId, bool throwErrorOnConflict)
			lastId = startId - 1;
			this.throwErrorOnConflict = throwErrorOnConflict;

		public Registry(int startId = 1)
			: this(startId, throwErrorOnConflict: false)

		protected virtual void OnItemRegistered(string key, int id, object item)

		public void InitUnitMigrationMap()
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in idMap)
				migrationMap.Add(item.Value, item.Value);

		public int Register(string key, object item = null)
			if (!idMap.ContainsKey(key))
				OnItemRegistered(key, lastId + 1, item);
				idMap.Add(key, ++lastId);
				return lastId;
			if (throwErrorOnConflict)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to register object with key '" + key + "', because it is taken!");
			return GetUniqueId(key);

		public int GetUniqueId(string typeId)
			if (idMap.ContainsKey(typeId))
				return idMap[typeId];
			throw new ArgumentException("Item with id " + typeId + " is not registered!");

		public int MigrateId(int oldId)
			if (migrationMap.ContainsKey(oldId))
				return migrationMap[oldId];
			return 0;

		public void Free()

		public void Export(BinaryWriter w)
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in idMap)

		public void Import(BinaryReader r)
			int num = r.ReadInt32();
			for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
				string text = r.ReadString();
				int num2 = r.ReadInt32();
					int uniqueId = GetUniqueId(text);
					migrationMap.Add(num2, uniqueId);
				catch (ArgumentException)
	public class TypeRegistry<TItem, TCont> : InstanceRegistry<Type> where TCont : ISerializeState
		public override int Register(string key, Type item)
			if (typeof(TItem).IsAssignableFrom(item))
				return base.Register(key, item);
			throw new ArgumentException("Trying to register type " + item.FullName + ", which does not implement " + typeof(TItem).FullName + "!");

		public TItem GetNew(int typeId)
			if (typeId > 0 && typeId < data.Count)
				return (TItem)Activator.CreateInstance(data[typeId]);
			throw new ArgumentException($"Item with id {typeId} is not registered!");

		public void ImportAndMigrate(IList<TCont> list, BinaryReader r)
			while (true)
				int num = r.ReadInt32();
				switch (num)
				case -1:
				case 0:
				int num2 = MigrateId(num);
				if (num2 != 0)
					TCont val = list[num2];
					long num3 = r.ReadInt64();
					long position = r.BaseStream.Position;
					catch (Exception ex)
						CommonLogger.logger.LogWarning("Error importing container for type " + typeof(TItem).FullName + ", message: " + ex.Message + ", Stacktrace:\n" + ex.StackTrace);
						r.BaseStream.Position = position + num3;
					long num4 = r.ReadInt64();

		public void ExportContainer(IList<TCont> list, BinaryWriter w)
			for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
				MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
				BinaryWriter w2 = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream);
				TCont val = list[i];
				catch (Exception ex)
					CommonLogger.logger.LogWarning("Error exporting container for type " + typeof(TItem).FullName + ", message: " + ex.Message + ", Stacktrace:\n" + ex.StackTrace);
	public static class CecilExtension
		internal static bool IsSubTypeOf(this TypeDefinition typeDefinition, string typeFullName)
			if (((MemberReference)typeDefinition).FullName == typeFullName)
				return true;
			TypeReference baseType = typeDefinition.BaseType;
			TypeDefinition val = ((baseType != null) ? baseType.Resolve() : null);
			while (val != null)
				if (((MemberReference)val).FullName == typeFullName)
					return true;
				TypeReference baseType2 = val.BaseType;
				val = ((baseType2 != null) ? baseType2.Resolve() : null);
			return false;
	public static class CodeMatcherExtension
		public static CodeMatcher GetInstructionAndAdvance(this CodeMatcher matcher, out OpCode opCode, out object operand)
			opCode = matcher.Opcode;
			operand = matcher.Operand;
			return matcher;

		public static CodeMatcher GetLabel(this CodeMatcher matcher, out Label label)
			label = (Label)matcher.Instruction.operand;
			return matcher;
	public static class ConfigFileExtension
		public static Type configFile;

		public static PropertyInfo OrphanedEntriesProp;

		static ConfigFileExtension()
			configFile = AccessTools.TypeByName("BepInEx.Configuration.ConfigFile");
			OrphanedEntriesProp = configFile.GetProperty("OrphanedEntries", AccessTools.all);

		public static void MigrateConfig<T>(this ConfigFile file, string oldSection, string newSection, string[] keyFilter)
			Dictionary<ConfigDefinition, string> dictionary = (Dictionary<ConfigDefinition, string>)OrphanedEntriesProp.GetValue(file);
			List<ConfigDefinition> list = new List<ConfigDefinition>();
			ConfigEntry<T> val = default(ConfigEntry<T>);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<ConfigDefinition, string> item in dictionary)
				string key = item.Key.Key;
				if (item.Key.Section.Equals(oldSection) && ((IList)keyFilter).Contains((object?)key) && file.TryGetEntry<T>(newSection, key, ref val))
					CommonAPIPlugin.logger.LogInfo("Migrating config from " + oldSection + ":" + key + " to " + newSection + ":" + key);
			foreach (ConfigDefinition item2 in list)

		public static void MigrateConfig<T>(this ConfigFile file, string oldSection, string oldName, string newSection, string newName)
			Dictionary<ConfigDefinition, string> dictionary = (Dictionary<ConfigDefinition, string>)OrphanedEntriesProp.GetValue(file);
			List<ConfigDefinition> list = new List<ConfigDefinition>();
			ConfigEntry<T> val = default(ConfigEntry<T>);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<ConfigDefinition, string> item in dictionary)
				ConfigDefinition key = item.Key;
				if (key.Section.Equals(oldSection) && key.Key.Equals(oldName) && file.TryGetEntry<T>(newSection, newName, ref val))
					CommonAPIPlugin.logger.LogInfo("Migrating config from " + oldSection + ":" + oldName + " to " + newSection + ":" + newName);
			foreach (ConfigDefinition item2 in list)
	public static class CopyPropertiesExtenstion
		public static void CopyPropsTo<T1, T2>(this T1 source, ref T2 destination)
			List<MemberInfo> members = GetMembers(source.GetType());
			List<MemberInfo> members2 = GetMembers(destination.GetType());
			foreach (MemberInfo sourceMember in members)
				if (CanRead(sourceMember))
					MemberInfo memberInfo = members2.FirstOrDefault((MemberInfo x) => x.Name.ToLower() == sourceMember.Name.ToLower());
					if (!(memberInfo == null) && CanWrite(memberInfo))
						SetObjectValue(ref destination, memberInfo, GetMemberValue(source, sourceMember));

		private static void SetObjectValue<T>(ref T obj, MemberInfo member, object value)
			object obj2 = (obj.GetType().IsValueType ? ((object)obj) : ((object)obj));
			SetMemberValue(ref obj2, member, value);
			obj = (T)obj2;

		private static void SetMemberValue<T>(ref T obj, MemberInfo member, object value)
			if (IsProperty(member))
				PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)member;
				if (propertyInfo.SetMethod != null)
					propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, value);
			else if (IsField(member))
				FieldInfo fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)member;
				fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, value);

		private static object GetMemberValue(object obj, MemberInfo member)
			object result = null;
			if (IsProperty(member))
				PropertyInfo propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)member;
				result = propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, (propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Count() == 1) ? new object[1] : null);
			else if (IsField(member))
				FieldInfo fieldInfo = (FieldInfo)member;
				result = fieldInfo.GetValue(obj);
			return result;

		private static bool CanWrite(MemberInfo member)
			if (!IsProperty(member))
				return IsField(member);
			return ((PropertyInfo)member).CanWrite;

		private static bool CanRead(MemberInfo member)
			if (!IsProperty(member))
				return IsField(member);
			return ((PropertyInfo)member).CanRead;

		private static bool IsProperty(MemberInfo member)
			return IsType(member.GetType(), typeof(PropertyInfo));

		private static bool IsField(MemberInfo member)
			return IsType(member.GetType(), typeof(FieldInfo));

		private static bool IsType(Type type, Type targetType)
			if (!(type == targetType))
				return type.IsSubclassOf(targetType);
			return true;

		private static List<MemberInfo> GetMembers(Type type)
			BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
			List<MemberInfo> list = new List<MemberInfo>();
			return list;
	public static class GameVersionUtil
		public static Version GetVersion(int major, int minor, int release, int build)
			//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Version result = default(Version);
			((Version)(ref result))..ctor(major, minor, release);
			result.Build = build;
			return result;

		public static bool CompatibleWith(this Version first, Version other)
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (first.Major == other.Major && first.Minor == other.Minor)
				return first.Release == other.Release;
			return false;
	public static class GeneralExtensions
		public static string[] units = new string[5] { "", "k", "M", "G", "T" };

		public static string FormatNumber(this int number)
			if (number == 0)
				return "0";
			bool flag = false;
			if (number <= 0)
				number = Math.Abs(number);
				flag = true;
			int num = (int)(Math.Log10(number) / Math.Log10(1000.0));
			return string.Format("{0}{1:0.#}", flag ? "-" : "", (double)number / Math.Pow(1000.0, num)) + units[num];

		public static bool IsModInstalled(this string modGUID)
			if (Chainloader.PluginInfos == null)
				return false;
			return Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey(modGUID);
	public class RegisterPatch : Attribute
		public string typeKey;

		public RegisterPatch(string typeKey)
			this.typeKey = typeKey;
	public static class HarmonyRegisterExtension
		public static IEnumerable<Type> GetTypesWithAttributeInAssembly<T>(Assembly assembly) where T : Attribute
			return from t in assembly.GetTypes()
				where t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), inherit: true).Length != 0
				select t;

		public static void PatchAll(this Harmony harmony, string typeKey)
			Assembly callingAssembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
			IEnumerable<Type> typesWithAttributeInAssembly = GetTypesWithAttributeInAssembly<RegisterPatch>(callingAssembly);
			foreach (Type item in typesWithAttributeInAssembly)
				if (item.IsClass)
					RegisterPatch customAttribute = item.GetCustomAttribute<RegisterPatch>();
					if (customAttribute.typeKey.Equals(typeKey))
					CommonAPIPlugin.logger.LogInfo("Failed to patch: " + item.FullName + ".");
	public static class Reflection
		private delegate T GetDelegate<out T>(object instance);

		private delegate void SetDelegate<in T>(object instance, T value);

		private delegate void SetDelegateRef<TInstance, in TValue>(ref TInstance instance, TValue value) where TInstance : struct;

		private delegate T GetDelegateRef<TInstance, out T>(ref TInstance instance) where TInstance : struct;

		private const BindingFlags AllFlags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(Type T, string name), FieldInfo> FieldCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<(Type, string), FieldInfo>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<FieldInfo, Delegate> FieldGetDelegateCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<FieldInfo, Delegate>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<FieldInfo, Delegate> FieldSetDelegateCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<FieldInfo, Delegate>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(Type T, string name), PropertyInfo> PropertyCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<(Type, string), PropertyInfo>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<PropertyInfo, Delegate> PropertyGetDelegateCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<PropertyInfo, Delegate>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<PropertyInfo, Delegate> PropertySetDelegateCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<PropertyInfo, Delegate>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(Type T, string name), MethodInfo> MethodCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<(Type, string), MethodInfo>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(Type T, string name, Type[] argumentTypes), MethodInfo> OverloadedMethodCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<(Type, string, Type[]), MethodInfo>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<MethodInfo, FastReflectionDelegate> DelegateCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<MethodInfo, FastReflectionDelegate>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(Type T, Type[] argumentTypes), ConstructorInfo> ConstructorCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<(Type, Type[]), ConstructorInfo>();

		private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(Type T, string name), Type> NestedTypeCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<(Type, string), Type>();

		private static TValue GetOrAddOnNull<TKey, TValue>(this ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> factory)
			if (dict.TryGetValue(key, out TValue value) && value != null)
				return value;
			return dict[key] = factory(key);

		public static FieldInfo GetFieldCached<T>(string? name)
			return typeof(T).GetFieldCached(name);

		public static FieldInfo GetFieldCached(this Type? T, string? name)
			Type T2 = T;
			string name2 = name;
			return FieldCache.GetOrAddOnNull<(Type, string), FieldInfo>((T2, name2), ((Type T, string name) x) => x.T.GetFieldFull( ?? throw new Exception("Could not find FieldInfo on " + T2.FullName + " with the name " + name2));

		public static TReturn GetFieldValue<TReturn>(this object? instance, string? fieldName)
			return instance.GetType().GetFieldCached(fieldName).GetFieldGetDelegate<TReturn>()(instance);

		public static TReturn GetFieldValue<TReturn>(this Type? staticType, string? fieldName)
			return staticType.GetFieldCached(fieldName).GetFieldGetDelegate<TReturn>()(null);

		public static void SetFieldValue<TValue>(this object? instance, string? fieldName, TValue value)
			instance.GetType().GetFieldCached(fieldName).GetFieldSetDelegate<TValue>()(instance, value);

		public static void SetFieldValue<TValue>(this Type? staticType, string? fieldName, TValue value)
			staticType.GetFieldCached(fieldName).GetFieldSetDelegate<TValue>()(null, value);

		public static void SetStructFieldValue<TInstance, TValue>(this ref TInstance instance, string? fieldName, TValue value) where TInstance : struct
			typeof(TInstance).GetFieldCached(fieldName).GetFieldSetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>()(ref instance, value);

		private static FieldInfo GetFieldFull(this Type T, string name)
			while (T != null)
				FieldInfo field = T.GetField(name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				if (field != null)
					return field;
				T = T.BaseType;
			return null;

		private static T GetMemberFull<T>(this Type type, string name) where T : MemberInfo
			while (type != null)
				MemberInfo[] member = type.GetMember(name, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				if (member != null)
					return (T)member.First();
				type = type.BaseType;
			return null;

		private static GetDelegate<TReturn> GetFieldGetDelegate<TReturn>(this FieldInfo field)
			return Extensions.CastDelegate<GetDelegate<TReturn>>(FieldGetDelegateCache.GetOrAdd(field, (FieldInfo x) => x.CreateGetDelegate<TReturn>()));

		private static SetDelegate<TValue> GetFieldSetDelegate<TValue>(this FieldInfo field)
			return Extensions.CastDelegate<SetDelegate<TValue>>(FieldSetDelegateCache.GetOrAdd(field, (FieldInfo x) => x.CreateSetDelegate<TValue>()));

		private static SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue> GetFieldSetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>(this FieldInfo field) where TInstance : struct
			return Extensions.CastDelegate<SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>>(FieldSetDelegateCache.GetOrAdd(field, (FieldInfo x) => x.CreateSetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>()));

		public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyCached<T>(string? name)
			return typeof(T).GetPropertyCached(name);

		public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyCached(this Type? T, string? name)
			return PropertyCache.GetOrAddOnNull<(Type, string), PropertyInfo>((T, name), ((Type T, string name) x) => x.T.GetProperty(, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic));

		public static TReturn GetPropertyValue<TReturn>(this object? instance, string? propName)
			return instance.GetType().GetPropertyCached(propName).GetPropertyGetDelegate<TReturn>()(instance);

		public static TReturn GetPropertyValue<TReturn>(this Type? staticType, string? propName)
			return staticType.GetPropertyCached(propName).GetPropertyGetDelegate<TReturn>()(null);

		public static void SetPropertyValue<TValue>(this object? instance, string? propName, TValue value)
			PropertyInfo propertyCached = instance.GetType().GetPropertyCached(propName);
			if ((object)propertyCached != null)
				propertyCached.GetPropertySetDelegate<TValue>()(instance, value);

		public static void SetPropertyValue<TValue>(this Type? staticType, string? propName, TValue value)
			PropertyInfo propertyCached = staticType.GetPropertyCached(propName);
			if ((object)propertyCached != null)
				propertyCached.GetPropertySetDelegate<TValue>()(null, value);

		public static void SetStructPropertyValue<TInstance, TValue>(this ref TInstance instance, string? propName, TValue value) where TInstance : struct
			typeof(TInstance).GetPropertyCached(propName).GetPropertySetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>()(ref instance, value);

		public static TValue GetStructPropertyValue<TInstance, TValue>(this ref TInstance instance, string? propName) where TInstance : struct
			return typeof(TInstance).GetPropertyCached(propName).GetPropertyGetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>()(ref instance);

		public static MethodInfo GetPropertyGetter(this Type type, string nameOfProperty)
			return type.GetProperty(nameOfProperty, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);

		public static MethodInfo GetPropertySetter(this Type type, string nameOfProperty)
			return type.GetProperty(nameOfProperty, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true);

		private static GetDelegate<TReturn> GetPropertyGetDelegate<TReturn>(this PropertyInfo property)
			return Extensions.CastDelegate<GetDelegate<TReturn>>(PropertyGetDelegateCache.GetOrAdd(property, (PropertyInfo prop) => prop.CreateGetDelegate<TReturn>()));

		private static GetDelegateRef<TInstance, TReturn> GetPropertyGetDelegateRef<TInstance, TReturn>(this PropertyInfo property) where TInstance : struct
			return Extensions.CastDelegate<GetDelegateRef<TInstance, TReturn>>(PropertyGetDelegateCache.GetOrAdd(property, (PropertyInfo prop) => prop.CreateGetDelegate<TInstance, TReturn>()));

		private static SetDelegate<TValue> GetPropertySetDelegate<TValue>(this PropertyInfo property)
			return Extensions.CastDelegate<SetDelegate<TValue>>(PropertySetDelegateCache.GetOrAdd(property, (PropertyInfo prop) => prop.CreateSetDelegate<TValue>()));

		private static SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue> GetPropertySetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>(this PropertyInfo property) where TInstance : struct
			return Extensions.CastDelegate<SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>>(PropertySetDelegateCache.GetOrAdd(property, (PropertyInfo prop) => prop.CreateSetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>()));

		public static MethodInfo GetMethodCached<T>(string? name)
			return typeof(T).GetMethodCached(name);

		public static MethodInfo GetMethodCached(this Type? T, string? name)
			Type T2 = T;
			string name2 = name;
			return MethodCache.GetOrAddOnNull<(Type, string), MethodInfo>((T2, name2), ((Type T, string name) x) => x.T.GetMethod(, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) ?? throw new Exception("Could not find MethodInfo on " + T2.FullName + " with the name " + name2));

		public static MethodInfo GetMethodWithConstructedGenericParameter(this Type? T, string? name, Type? genericTypeDefinition)
			string name2 = name;
			Type genericTypeDefinition2 = genericTypeDefinition;
			return T.GetMethods().First(delegate(MethodInfo method)
				if (method.Name != name2)
					return false;
				Type parameterType = method.GetParameters().First().ParameterType;
				if (!parameterType.IsConstructedGenericType)
					return false;
				Type type = parameterType.GetGenericArguments().First();
				return parameterType == genericTypeDefinition2.MakeGenericType(type);

		public static MethodInfo GetMethodCached<T>(string? name, Type?[]? argumentTypes)
			return typeof(T).GetMethodCached(name, argumentTypes);

		public static MethodInfo GetMethodCached(this Type? T, string? name, Type?[]? argumentTypes)
			Type T2 = T;
			string name2 = name;
			Type?[] argumentTypes2 = argumentTypes;
			return OverloadedMethodCache.GetOrAddOnNull<(Type, string, Type[]), MethodInfo>((T2, name2, argumentTypes2), ((Type T, string name, Type[] argumentTypes) x) => x.T.GetMethod(, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, x.argumentTypes, null) ?? throw new Exception("Could not find MethodInfo on " + T2.FullName + " with the name " + name2 + " and arguments: " + string.Join(",", argumentTypes2.Select((Type a) => a.FullName))));

		public static TReturn InvokeMethod<TReturn>(this object? instance, string? methodName)
			return instance.InvokeMethod<TReturn>(methodName, null);

		public static TReturn InvokeMethod<TReturn>(this Type? staticType, string? methodName)
			return staticType.InvokeMethod<TReturn>(methodName, null);

		public static void InvokeMethod(this object? instance, string? methodName)

		public static void InvokeMethod(this Type? staticType, string? methodName)

		public static TReturn InvokeMethod<TReturn>(this object? instance, string? methodName, params object[] methodParams)
			MethodInfo methodInfo = ((methodParams == null) ? instance.GetType().GetMethodCached(methodName) : instance.GetType().GetMethodCached(methodName, methodParams.Select((object x) => x.GetType()).ToArray())) ?? throw new Exception($"Could not find method on type {instance.GetType()} with the name of {methodName} with the arguments specified.");
			return (TReturn)methodInfo.GetMethodDelegateCached().Invoke(instance, methodParams);

		public static TReturn InvokeMethod<TReturn>(this Type? staticType, string? methodName, params object[] methodParams)
			MethodInfo methodInfo = ((methodParams == null) ? staticType.GetMethodCached(methodName) : staticType.GetMethodCached(methodName, methodParams.Select((object x) => x.GetType()).ToArray())) ?? throw new Exception($"Could not find method on type {staticType} with the name of {methodName} with the arguments specified.");
			return (TReturn)methodInfo.GetMethodDelegateCached().Invoke((object)null, methodParams);

		public static void InvokeMethod(this object? instance, string? methodName, params object?[]? methodParams)
			instance.InvokeMethod<object>(methodName, methodParams);

		public static void InvokeMethod(this Type? staticType, string? methodName, params object?[]? methodParams)
			staticType.InvokeMethod<object>(methodName, methodParams);

		private static FastReflectionDelegate GetMethodDelegateCached(this MethodInfo methodInfo)
			return DelegateCache.GetOrAdd(methodInfo, (Func<MethodInfo, FastReflectionDelegate>)((MethodInfo method) => method.GenerateCallDelegate()));

		public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructorCached<T>(Type?[]? argumentTypes)
			return typeof(T).GetConstructorCached(argumentTypes);

		public static ConstructorInfo GetConstructorCached(this Type? T, Type?[]? argumentTypes)
			Type T2 = T;
			Type?[] argumentTypes2 = argumentTypes;
			return ConstructorCache.GetOrAddOnNull<(Type, Type[]), ConstructorInfo>((T2, argumentTypes2), ((Type T, Type[] argumentTypes) x) => x.T.GetConstructor(x.argumentTypes) ?? throw new Exception("Could not find ConstructorInfo on " + T2.FullName + " with the arguments " + string.Join(",", argumentTypes2.Select((Type a) => a.FullName))));

		public static Type GetNestedType<T>(string? name)
			return typeof(T).GetNestedTypeCached(name);

		public static Type GetNestedTypeCached<T>(string? name)
			return typeof(T).GetNestedTypeCached(name);

		public static Type GetNestedTypeCached(this Type? T, string? name)
			Type T2 = T;
			string name2 = name;
			return NestedTypeCache.GetOrAddOnNull<(Type, string), Type>((T2, name2), ((Type T, string name) x) => x.T.GetNestedType(, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) ?? throw new Exception("Could not find nested Type on " + T2.FullName + " with the name " + name2));

		public static object Instantiate(this Type? type)
			return Activator.CreateInstance(type, nonPublic: true);

		public static object Instantiate(this Type? type, params object?[]? constructorArguments)
			return type.GetConstructorCached(constructorArguments.Select((object x) => x.GetType()).ToArray()).Invoke(constructorArguments);

		public static object InstantiateGeneric<TClass>(this Type? typeArgument)
			return typeof(TClass).MakeGenericType(typeArgument).Instantiate();

		public static object InstantiateGeneric<TClass>(this Type?[]? typeArgument)
			return typeof(TClass).MakeGenericType(typeArgument).Instantiate();

		public static IList InstantiateList(this Type? type)
			return (IList)typeof(List<>).MakeGenericType(type).Instantiate();

		private static GetDelegate<TReturn> CreateGetDelegate<TReturn>(this FieldInfo field)
			//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_008e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (field == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Field cannot be null.", "field");
			if (!typeof(TReturn).IsAssignableFrom(field.FieldType))
				throw new Exception($"Field type {field.FieldType} does not match the requested type {typeof(TReturn)}.");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition($"{field} Getter", typeof(TReturn), new Type[1] { typeof(object) });
				ILProcessor iLProcessor = val.GetILProcessor();
				if (!field.IsStatic)
					if (field.DeclaringType.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType)
						Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Unbox_Any, field.DeclaringType);
				Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, (!field.IsStatic) ? OpCodes.Ldfld : OpCodes.Ldsfld, field);
				return (GetDelegate<TReturn>)val.Generate().CreateDelegate(typeof(GetDelegate<TReturn>));

		private static SetDelegate<TValue> CreateSetDelegate<TValue>(this FieldInfo field)
			//IL_0085: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (field == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Field cannot be null.", "field");
			if (!field.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TValue)))
				throw new Exception($"Value type type {typeof(TValue)} does not match the requested type {field.FieldType}.");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition($"{field} Setter", typeof(void), new Type[2]
				ILProcessor iLProcessor = val.GetILProcessor();
				if (!field.IsStatic)
				Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, (!field.IsStatic) ? OpCodes.Stfld : OpCodes.Stsfld, field);
				return (SetDelegate<TValue>)val.Generate().CreateDelegate(typeof(SetDelegate<TValue>));

		private static SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue> CreateSetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>(this FieldInfo field) where TInstance : struct
			//IL_008a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0090: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (field == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Field cannot be null.", "field");
			if (field.FieldType != typeof(TValue))
				throw new Exception($"Value type type {typeof(TValue)} does not match the requested type {field.FieldType}.");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition($"{field} SetterByRef", typeof(void), new Type[2]
				ILProcessor iLProcessor = val.GetILProcessor();
				if (!field.IsStatic)
				Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, (!field.IsStatic) ? OpCodes.Stfld : OpCodes.Stsfld, field);
				return (SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>)val.Generate().CreateDelegate(typeof(SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>));

		private static GetDelegate<TReturn> CreateGetDelegate<TReturn>(this PropertyInfo property)
			//IL_0078: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (property == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Property cannot be null.", "property");
			if (!typeof(TReturn).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType))
				throw new Exception($"Field type {property.PropertyType} does not match the requested type {typeof(TReturn)}.");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition($"{property} Getter", typeof(TReturn), new Type[1] { typeof(object) });
				ILProcessor iLProcessor = val.GetILProcessor();
				MethodInfo getMethod = property.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
				if (!getMethod.IsStatic)
				Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Call, (MethodBase)getMethod);
				return (GetDelegate<TReturn>)val.Generate().CreateDelegate(typeof(GetDelegate<TReturn>));

		private static GetDelegateRef<TInstance, TReturn> CreateGetDelegate<TInstance, TReturn>(this PropertyInfo property) where TInstance : struct
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0083: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (property == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Property cannot be null.", "property");
			if (!typeof(TReturn).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType))
				throw new Exception($"Field type {property.PropertyType} does not match the requested type {typeof(TReturn)}.");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition($"{property} Getter", typeof(TReturn), new Type[1] { typeof(TInstance).MakeByRefType() });
				ILProcessor iLProcessor = val.GetILProcessor();
				MethodInfo getMethod = property.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
				if (!getMethod.IsStatic)
				Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Call, (MethodBase)getMethod);
				return (GetDelegateRef<TInstance, TReturn>)val.Generate().CreateDelegate(typeof(GetDelegateRef<TInstance, TReturn>));

		private static SetDelegate<TValue> CreateSetDelegate<TValue>(this PropertyInfo property)
			//IL_0085: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (property == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Property cannot be null.", "property");
			if (!property.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TValue)))
				throw new Exception($"Value type type {typeof(TValue)} does not match the requested type {property.PropertyType}.");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition($"{property} Setter", typeof(void), new Type[2]
				ILProcessor iLProcessor = val.GetILProcessor();
				MethodInfo setMethod = property.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true);
				if (!setMethod.IsStatic)
				Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Call, (MethodBase)setMethod);
				return (SetDelegate<TValue>)val.Generate().CreateDelegate(typeof(SetDelegate<TValue>));

		private static SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue> CreateSetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>(this PropertyInfo property) where TInstance : struct
			//IL_008a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0090: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (property == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Property cannot be null.", "property");
			if (!property.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TValue)))
				throw new Exception($"Value type type {typeof(TValue)} does not match the requested type {property.PropertyType}.");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition($"{property} SetterByRef", typeof(void), new Type[2]
				ILProcessor iLProcessor = val.GetILProcessor();
				MethodInfo setMethod = property.GetSetMethod(nonPublic: true);
				if (!setMethod.IsStatic)
				Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Call, (MethodBase)setMethod);
				return (SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>)val.Generate().CreateDelegate(typeof(SetDelegateRef<TInstance, TValue>));

		private static FastReflectionDelegate GenerateCallDelegate(this MethodInfo method)
			//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0075: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0092: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_016d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_017b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0126: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0140: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0139: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01cb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01f5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01fc: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (method == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Method cannot be null.", "method");
			DynamicMethodDefinition val = new DynamicMethodDefinition("CallDelegate<" + method.Name + ">", typeof(object), new Type[2]
				ILProcessor iLProcessor = val.GetILProcessor();
				ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();
				if (!method.IsStatic)
					if (method.DeclaringType.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType)
						Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Unbox_Any, method.DeclaringType);
				for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
					Type type = parameters[i].ParameterType;
					bool isByRef = type.IsByRef;
					if (isByRef)
						type = type.GetElementType();
					bool isValueType = type.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType;
					if (isByRef && isValueType)
					if (isByRef && !isValueType)
						Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Ldelema, typeof(object));
					if (isValueType)
						Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, (!isByRef) ? OpCodes.Unbox_Any : OpCodes.Unbox, type);
				if (method.IsFinal || !method.IsVirtual)
					Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Call, (MethodBase)method);
					Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Callvirt, (MethodBase)method);
				Type type2 = (method.IsConstructor ? method.DeclaringType : method.ReturnType);
				if (type2 != typeof(void))
					if (type2.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType)
						Extensions.Emit(iLProcessor, OpCodes.Box, type2);
				return (FastReflectionDelegate)val.Generate().CreateDelegate(typeof(FastReflectionDelegate));

		public static void EmitFast_Ldc_I4(this ILProcessor? il, int value)
			//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			switch (value)
			case -1:
			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 3:
			case 4:
			case 5:
			case 6:
			case 7:
			case 8:
			if (value > -129 && value < 128)
				il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S, (sbyte)value);
				il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, value);

		public static byte ReadLocalIndex(OpCode opCode, object? operand)
			//IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0070: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (opCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_0 || opCode == OpCodes.Stloc_0)
				return 0;
			if (opCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_1 || opCode == OpCodes.Stloc_1)
				return 1;
			if (opCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_2 || opCode == OpCodes.Stloc_2)
				return 2;
			if (opCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_3 || opCode == OpCodes.Stloc_3)
				return 3;
			if (opCode == OpCodes.Ldloc_S || opCode == OpCodes.Stloc_S)
				return (byte)operand;
			throw new Exception($"Could not read index for opcode and operand: {opCode} - {operand}");

		public static FieldInfo GetNestedField(Type type, string fieldName)
			Type[] nestedTypes = type.GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			Type[] array = nestedTypes;
			foreach (Type type2 in array)
				FieldInfo field = type2.GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
				if (field != null)
					return field;
			return null;

		public static MethodInfo GetNestedMethod(Type type, string methodName)


Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.TextCore;
using UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.TextCore")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.FontEngine.Tests")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace TMPro
	public class FastAction
		public LinkedList<Action> delegates;

		public Dictionary<Action, LinkedListNode<Action>> lookup;

		public void Add(Action rhs)
			throw null;

		public void Remove(Action rhs)
			throw null;

		public void Call()
			throw null;

		public FastAction()
			throw null;
	public class FastAction<A>
		public LinkedList<Action<A>> delegates;

		public Dictionary<Action<A>, LinkedListNode<Action<A>>> lookup;

		public void Add(Action<A> rhs)
			throw null;

		public void Remove(Action<A> rhs)
			throw null;

		public void Call(A a)
			throw null;

		public FastAction()
			throw null;
	public class FastAction<A, B>
		public LinkedList<Action<A, B>> delegates;

		public Dictionary<Action<A, B>, LinkedListNode<Action<A, B>>> lookup;

		public void Add(Action<A, B> rhs)
			throw null;

		public void Remove(Action<A, B> rhs)
			throw null;

		public void Call(A a, B b)
			throw null;

		public FastAction()
			throw null;
	public class FastAction<A, B, C>
		public LinkedList<Action<A, B, C>> delegates;

		public Dictionary<Action<A, B, C>, LinkedListNode<Action<A, B, C>>> lookup;

		public void Add(Action<A, B, C> rhs)
			throw null;

		public void Remove(Action<A, B, C> rhs)
			throw null;

		public void Call(A a, B b, C c)
			throw null;

		public FastAction()
			throw null;
	public class MaterialReferenceManager
		public static MaterialReferenceManager s_Instance;

		public Dictionary<int, Material> m_FontMaterialReferenceLookup;

		public Dictionary<int, TMP_FontAsset> m_FontAssetReferenceLookup;

		public Dictionary<int, TMP_SpriteAsset> m_SpriteAssetReferenceLookup;

		public Dictionary<int, TMP_ColorGradient> m_ColorGradientReferenceLookup;

		public static MaterialReferenceManager instance
				throw null;

		public static void AddFontAsset(TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public void AddFontAssetInternal(TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public static void AddSpriteAsset(TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset)
			throw null;

		public void AddSpriteAssetInternal(TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset)
			throw null;

		public static void AddSpriteAsset(int hashCode, TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset)
			throw null;

		public void AddSpriteAssetInternal(int hashCode, TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset)
			throw null;

		public static void AddFontMaterial(int hashCode, Material material)
			throw null;

		public void AddFontMaterialInternal(int hashCode, Material material)
			throw null;

		public static void AddColorGradientPreset(int hashCode, TMP_ColorGradient spriteAsset)
			throw null;

		public void AddColorGradientPreset_Internal(int hashCode, TMP_ColorGradient spriteAsset)
			throw null;

		public bool Contains(TMP_FontAsset font)
			throw null;

		public bool Contains(TMP_SpriteAsset sprite)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryGetFontAsset(int hashCode, out TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public bool TryGetFontAssetInternal(int hashCode, out TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryGetSpriteAsset(int hashCode, out TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset)
			throw null;

		public bool TryGetSpriteAssetInternal(int hashCode, out TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryGetColorGradientPreset(int hashCode, out TMP_ColorGradient gradientPreset)
			throw null;

		public bool TryGetColorGradientPresetInternal(int hashCode, out TMP_ColorGradient gradientPreset)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryGetMaterial(int hashCode, out Material material)
			throw null;

		public bool TryGetMaterialInternal(int hashCode, out Material material)
			throw null;

		public MaterialReferenceManager()
			throw null;
	public struct MaterialReference
		public int index;

		public TMP_FontAsset fontAsset;

		public TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset;

		public Material material;

		public bool isDefaultMaterial;

		public bool isFallbackMaterial;

		public Material fallbackMaterial;

		public float padding;

		public int referenceCount;

		public MaterialReference(int index, TMP_FontAsset fontAsset, TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset, Material material, float padding)
			throw null;

		public static bool Contains(MaterialReference[] materialReferences, TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public static int AddMaterialReference(Material material, TMP_FontAsset fontAsset, MaterialReference[] materialReferences, Dictionary<int, int> materialReferenceIndexLookup)
			throw null;

		public static int AddMaterialReference(Material material, TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset, MaterialReference[] materialReferences, Dictionary<int, int> materialReferenceIndexLookup)
			throw null;
	public enum TextContainerAnchors
	[AddComponentMenu("Layout/Text Container")]
	public class TextContainer : UIBehaviour
		public bool m_hasChanged;

		public Vector2 m_pivot;

		public TextContainerAnchors m_anchorPosition;

		public Rect m_rect;

		public bool m_isDefaultWidth;

		public bool m_isDefaultHeight;

		public bool m_isAutoFitting;

		public Vector3[] m_corners;

		public Vector3[] m_worldCorners;

		public Vector4 m_margins;

		public RectTransform m_rectTransform;

		public static Vector2 k_defaultSize;

		public TextMeshPro m_textMeshPro;

		public bool hasChanged
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector2 pivot
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TextContainerAnchors anchorPosition
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Rect rect
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector2 size
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float width
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float height
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool isDefaultWidth
				throw null;

		public bool isDefaultHeight
				throw null;

		public bool isAutoFitting
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector3[] corners
				throw null;

		public Vector3[] worldCorners
				throw null;

		public Vector4 margins
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public RectTransform rectTransform
				throw null;

		public TextMeshPro textMeshPro
				throw null;

		public override void Awake()
			throw null;

		public override void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public void OnContainerChanged()
			throw null;

		public override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
			throw null;

		public void SetRect(Vector2 size)
			throw null;

		public void UpdateCorners()
			throw null;

		public Vector2 GetPivot(TextContainerAnchors anchor)
			throw null;

		public TextContainerAnchors GetAnchorPosition(Vector2 pivot)
			throw null;

		public TextContainer()
			throw null;

		static TextContainer()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("Mesh/TextMeshPro - Text")]
	public class TextMeshPro : TMP_Text, ILayoutElement
		public bool m_currentAutoSizeMode;

		public bool m_hasFontAssetChanged;

		public float m_previousLossyScaleY;

		public Renderer m_renderer;

		public MeshFilter m_meshFilter;

		public bool m_isFirstAllocation;

		public int m_max_characters;

		public int m_max_numberOfLines;

		public TMP_SubMesh[] m_subTextObjects;

		public bool m_isMaskingEnabled;

		public bool isMaskUpdateRequired;

		public MaskingTypes m_maskType;

		public Matrix4x4 m_EnvMapMatrix;

		public Vector3[] m_RectTransformCorners;

		public bool m_isRegisteredForEvents;

		public int loopCountA;

		public int sortingLayerID
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int sortingOrder
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public override bool autoSizeTextContainer
				throw null;
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("The TextContainer is now obsolete. Use the RectTransform instead.")]
		public TextContainer textContainer
				throw null;

		public new Transform transform
				throw null;

		public Renderer renderer
				throw null;

		public override Mesh mesh
				throw null;

		public MeshFilter meshFilter
				throw null;

		public MaskingTypes maskType
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public void SetMask(MaskingTypes type, Vector4 maskCoords)
			throw null;

		public void SetMask(MaskingTypes type, Vector4 maskCoords, float softnessX, float softnessY)
			throw null;

		public override void SetVerticesDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void SetLayoutDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void SetMaterialDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void SetAllDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate update)
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateMaterial()
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateMeshPadding()
			throw null;

		public override void ForceMeshUpdate()
			throw null;

		public override void ForceMeshUpdate(bool ignoreInactive)
			throw null;

		public override TMP_TextInfo GetTextInfo(string text)
			throw null;

		public override void ClearMesh(bool updateMesh)
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateGeometry(Mesh mesh, int index)
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateVertexData(TMP_VertexDataUpdateFlags flags)
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateVertexData()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateFontAsset()
			throw null;

		public void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal()
			throw null;

		public void CalculateLayoutInputVertical()
			throw null;

		public override void Awake()
			throw null;

		public override void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDestroy()
			throw null;

		public override void LoadFontAsset()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateEnvMapMatrix()
			throw null;

		public void SetMask(MaskingTypes maskType)
			throw null;

		public void SetMaskCoordinates(Vector4 coords)
			throw null;

		public void SetMaskCoordinates(Vector4 coords, float softX, float softY)
			throw null;

		public void EnableMasking()
			throw null;

		public void DisableMasking()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateMask()
			throw null;

		public override Material GetMaterial(Material mat)
			throw null;

		public override Material[] GetMaterials(Material[] mats)
			throw null;

		public override void SetSharedMaterial(Material mat)
			throw null;

		public override Material[] GetSharedMaterials()
			throw null;

		public override void SetSharedMaterials(Material[] materials)
			throw null;

		public override void SetOutlineThickness(float thickness)
			throw null;

		public override void SetFaceColor(Color32 color)
			throw null;

		public override void SetOutlineColor(Color32 color)
			throw null;

		public void CreateMaterialInstance()
			throw null;

		public override void SetShaderDepth()
			throw null;

		public override void SetCulling()
			throw null;

		public void SetPerspectiveCorrection()
			throw null;

		public override float GetPaddingForMaterial(Material mat)
			throw null;

		public override float GetPaddingForMaterial()
			throw null;

		public override int SetArraySizes(UnicodeChar[] chars)
			throw null;

		public override void ComputeMarginSize()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties()
			throw null;

		public override void OnTransformParentChanged()
			throw null;

		public override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
			throw null;

		public override void InternalUpdate()
			throw null;

		public void OnPreRenderObject()
			throw null;

		public override void GenerateTextMesh()
			throw null;

		public override Vector3[] GetTextContainerLocalCorners()
			throw null;

		public void SetMeshFilters(bool state)
			throw null;

		public override void SetActiveSubMeshes(bool state)
			throw null;

		public override void ClearSubMeshObjects()
			throw null;

		public override Bounds GetCompoundBounds()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateSDFScale(float scaleDelta)
			throw null;

		public override void AdjustLineOffset(int startIndex, int endIndex, float offset)
			throw null;

		public TextMeshPro()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("UI/TextMeshPro - Text (UI)", 11)]
	public class TextMeshProUGUI : TMP_Text, ILayoutElement
		public bool m_isRebuildingLayout;

		public bool m_hasFontAssetChanged;

		public TMP_SubMeshUI[] m_subTextObjects;

		public float m_previousLossyScaleY;

		public Vector3[] m_RectTransformCorners;

		public CanvasRenderer m_canvasRenderer;

		public Canvas m_canvas;

		public bool m_isFirstAllocation;

		public int m_max_characters;

		public bool m_isMaskingEnabled;

		public Material m_baseMaterial;

		public bool m_isScrollRegionSet;

		public int m_stencilID;

		public Vector4 m_maskOffset;

		public Matrix4x4 m_EnvMapMatrix;

		public bool m_isRegisteredForEvents;

		public int m_recursiveCountA;

		public int loopCountA;

		public override Material materialForRendering
				throw null;

		public override bool autoSizeTextContainer
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public override Mesh mesh
				throw null;

		public CanvasRenderer canvasRenderer
				throw null;

		public Vector4 maskOffset
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal()
			throw null;

		public void CalculateLayoutInputVertical()
			throw null;

		public override void SetVerticesDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void SetLayoutDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void SetMaterialDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void SetAllDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate update)
			throw null;

		public void UpdateSubObjectPivot()
			throw null;

		public override Material GetModifiedMaterial(Material baseMaterial)
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateMaterial()
			throw null;

		public override void RecalculateClipping()
			throw null;

		public override void RecalculateMasking()
			throw null;

		public override void Cull(Rect clipRect, bool validRect)
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateMeshPadding()
			throw null;

		public override void InternalCrossFadeColor(Color targetColor, float duration, bool ignoreTimeScale, bool useAlpha)
			throw null;

		public override void InternalCrossFadeAlpha(float alpha, float duration, bool ignoreTimeScale)
			throw null;

		public override void ForceMeshUpdate()
			throw null;

		public override void ForceMeshUpdate(bool ignoreInactive)
			throw null;

		public override TMP_TextInfo GetTextInfo(string text)
			throw null;

		public override void ClearMesh()
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateGeometry(Mesh mesh, int index)
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateVertexData(TMP_VertexDataUpdateFlags flags)
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateVertexData()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateFontAsset()
			throw null;

		public override void Awake()
			throw null;

		public override void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDestroy()
			throw null;

		public override void LoadFontAsset()
			throw null;

		public Canvas GetCanvas()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateEnvMapMatrix()
			throw null;

		public void EnableMasking()
			throw null;

		public void DisableMasking()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateMask()
			throw null;

		public override Material GetMaterial(Material mat)
			throw null;

		public override Material[] GetMaterials(Material[] mats)
			throw null;

		public override void SetSharedMaterial(Material mat)
			throw null;

		public override Material[] GetSharedMaterials()
			throw null;

		public override void SetSharedMaterials(Material[] materials)
			throw null;

		public override void SetOutlineThickness(float thickness)
			throw null;

		public override void SetFaceColor(Color32 color)
			throw null;

		public override void SetOutlineColor(Color32 color)
			throw null;

		public override void SetShaderDepth()
			throw null;

		public override void SetCulling()
			throw null;

		public void SetPerspectiveCorrection()
			throw null;

		public override float GetPaddingForMaterial(Material mat)
			throw null;

		public override float GetPaddingForMaterial()
			throw null;

		public void SetMeshArrays(int size)
			throw null;

		public override int SetArraySizes(UnicodeChar[] chars)
			throw null;

		public override void ComputeMarginSize()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties()
			throw null;

		public override void OnCanvasHierarchyChanged()
			throw null;

		public override void OnTransformParentChanged()
			throw null;

		public override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
			throw null;

		public override void InternalUpdate()
			throw null;

		public void OnPreRenderCanvas()
			throw null;

		public override void GenerateTextMesh()
			throw null;

		public override Vector3[] GetTextContainerLocalCorners()
			throw null;

		public override void SetActiveSubMeshes(bool state)
			throw null;

		public override Bounds GetCompoundBounds()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateSDFScale(float scaleDelta)
			throw null;

		public override void AdjustLineOffset(int startIndex, int endIndex, float offset)
			throw null;

		public TextMeshProUGUI()
			throw null;
	public class TMP_Asset : ScriptableObject
		public int hashCode;

		public Material material;

		public int materialHashCode;

		public TMP_Asset()
			throw null;
	public class TMP_Character : TMP_TextElement
		public TMP_Character()
			throw null;

		public TMP_Character(uint unicode, Glyph glyph)
			throw null;

		public TMP_Character(uint unicode, uint glyphIndex)
			throw null;
	public struct TMP_Vertex
		public Vector3 position;

		public Vector2 uv;

		public Vector2 uv2;

		public Vector2 uv4;

		public Color32 color;
	public struct TMP_CharacterInfo
		public char character;

		public int index;

		public int stringLength;

		public TMP_TextElementType elementType;

		public TMP_TextElement textElement;

		public TMP_FontAsset fontAsset;

		public TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset;

		public int spriteIndex;

		public Material material;

		public int materialReferenceIndex;

		public bool isUsingAlternateTypeface;

		public float pointSize;

		public int lineNumber;

		public int pageNumber;

		public int vertexIndex;

		public TMP_Vertex vertex_BL;

		public TMP_Vertex vertex_TL;

		public TMP_Vertex vertex_TR;

		public TMP_Vertex vertex_BR;

		public Vector3 topLeft;

		public Vector3 bottomLeft;

		public Vector3 topRight;

		public Vector3 bottomRight;

		public float origin;

		public float ascender;

		public float baseLine;

		public float descender;

		public float xAdvance;

		public float aspectRatio;

		public float scale;

		public Color32 color;

		public Color32 underlineColor;

		public Color32 strikethroughColor;

		public Color32 highlightColor;

		public FontStyles style;

		public bool isVisible;
	public enum ColorMode
	public class TMP_ColorGradient : ScriptableObject
		public ColorMode colorMode;

		public Color topLeft;

		public Color topRight;

		public Color bottomLeft;

		public Color bottomRight;

		public const ColorMode k_DefaultColorMode = ColorMode.FourCornersGradient;

		public static readonly Color k_DefaultColor;

		public TMP_ColorGradient()
			throw null;

		public TMP_ColorGradient(Color color)
			throw null;

		public TMP_ColorGradient(Color color0, Color color1, Color color2, Color color3)
			throw null;

		static TMP_ColorGradient()
			throw null;
	public interface ITweenValue
		bool ignoreTimeScale { get; }

		float duration { get; }

		void TweenValue(float floatPercentage);

		bool ValidTarget();
	public struct ColorTween : ITweenValue
		public enum ColorTweenMode

		public class ColorTweenCallback : UnityEvent<Color>
			public ColorTweenCallback()
				throw null;

		public ColorTweenCallback m_Target;

		public Color m_StartColor;

		public Color m_TargetColor;

		public ColorTweenMode m_TweenMode;

		public float m_Duration;

		public bool m_IgnoreTimeScale;

		public Color startColor
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Color targetColor
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public ColorTweenMode tweenMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float duration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool ignoreTimeScale
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public void TweenValue(float floatPercentage)
			throw null;

		public void AddOnChangedCallback(UnityAction<Color> callback)
			throw null;

		public bool GetIgnoreTimescale()
			throw null;

		public float GetDuration()
			throw null;

		public bool ValidTarget()
			throw null;
	public struct FloatTween : ITweenValue
		public class FloatTweenCallback : UnityEvent<float>
			public FloatTweenCallback()
				throw null;

		public FloatTweenCallback m_Target;

		public float m_StartValue;

		public float m_TargetValue;

		public float m_Duration;

		public bool m_IgnoreTimeScale;

		public float startValue
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float targetValue
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float duration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool ignoreTimeScale
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public void TweenValue(float floatPercentage)
			throw null;

		public void AddOnChangedCallback(UnityAction<float> callback)
			throw null;

		public bool GetIgnoreTimescale()
			throw null;

		public float GetDuration()
			throw null;

		public bool ValidTarget()
			throw null;
	public class TweenRunner<T> where T : struct, ITweenValue
		private sealed class <Start>d__2 : IEnumerator<object>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
			private int <>1__state;

			private object <>2__current;

			public T tweenInfo;

			private float <elapsedTime>5__2;

			object IEnumerator<object>.Current
					throw null;

			object IEnumerator.Current
					throw null;

			public <Start>d__2(int <>1__state)
				throw null;

			void IDisposable.Dispose()
				throw null;

			private bool MoveNext()
				throw null;

			bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
				//ILSpy generated this explicit interface implementation from .override directive in MoveNext
				return this.MoveNext();

			void IEnumerator.Reset()
				throw null;

		public MonoBehaviour m_CoroutineContainer;

		public IEnumerator m_Tween;

		public static IEnumerator Start(T tweenInfo)
			throw null;

		public void Init(MonoBehaviour coroutineContainer)
			throw null;

		public void StartTween(T info)
			throw null;

		public void StopTween()
			throw null;

		public TweenRunner()
			throw null;
	public static class TMP_DefaultControls
		public struct Resources
			public Sprite standard;

			public Sprite background;

			public Sprite inputField;

			public Sprite knob;

			public Sprite checkmark;

			public Sprite dropdown;

			public Sprite mask;

		public const float kWidth = 160f;

		public const float kThickHeight = 30f;

		public const float kThinHeight = 20f;

		public static Vector2 s_ThickElementSize;

		public static Vector2 s_ThinElementSize;

		public static Color s_DefaultSelectableColor;

		public static Color s_TextColor;

		public static GameObject CreateUIElementRoot(string name, Vector2 size)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateUIObject(string name, GameObject parent)
			throw null;

		public static void SetDefaultTextValues(TMP_Text lbl)
			throw null;

		public static void SetDefaultColorTransitionValues(Selectable slider)
			throw null;

		public static void SetParentAndAlign(GameObject child, GameObject parent)
			throw null;

		public static void SetLayerRecursively(GameObject go, int layer)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateScrollbar(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateButton(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateText(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateInputField(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateDropdown(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		static TMP_DefaultControls()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("UI/Dropdown - TextMeshPro", 35)]
	public class TMP_Dropdown : Selectable, IPointerClickHandler, IEventSystemHandler, ISubmitHandler, ICancelHandler
		public class DropdownItem : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IEventSystemHandler, ICancelHandler
			public TMP_Text m_Text;

			public Image m_Image;

			public RectTransform m_RectTransform;

			public Toggle m_Toggle;

			public TMP_Text text
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public Image image
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public RectTransform rectTransform
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public Toggle toggle
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
				throw null;

			public virtual void OnCancel(BaseEventData eventData)
				throw null;

			public DropdownItem()
				throw null;

		public class OptionData
			public string m_Text;

			public Sprite m_Image;

			public string text
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public Sprite image
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public OptionData()
				throw null;

			public OptionData(string text)
				throw null;

			public OptionData(Sprite image)
				throw null;

			public OptionData(string text, Sprite image)
				throw null;

		public class OptionDataList
			public List<OptionData> m_Options;

			public List<OptionData> options
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public OptionDataList()
				throw null;

		public class DropdownEvent : UnityEvent<int>
			public DropdownEvent()
				throw null;

		private sealed class <DelayedDestroyDropdownList>d__72 : IEnumerator<object>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
			private int <>1__state;

			private object <>2__current;

			public float delay;

			public TMP_Dropdown <>4__this;

			object IEnumerator<object>.Current
					throw null;

			object IEnumerator.Current
					throw null;

			public <DelayedDestroyDropdownList>d__72(int <>1__state)
				throw null;

			void IDisposable.Dispose()
				throw null;

			private bool MoveNext()
				throw null;

			bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
				//ILSpy generated this explicit interface implementation from .override directive in MoveNext
				return this.MoveNext();

			void IEnumerator.Reset()
				throw null;

		public RectTransform m_Template;

		public TMP_Text m_CaptionText;

		public Image m_CaptionImage;

		public TMP_Text m_ItemText;

		public Image m_ItemImage;

		public int m_Value;

		public OptionDataList m_Options;

		public DropdownEvent m_OnValueChanged;

		public GameObject m_Dropdown;

		public GameObject m_Blocker;

		public List<DropdownItem> m_Items;

		public TweenRunner<FloatTween> m_AlphaTweenRunner;

		public bool validTemplate;

		public static OptionData s_NoOptionData;

		public RectTransform template
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_Text captionText
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Image captionImage
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_Text itemText
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Image itemImage
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public List<OptionData> options
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public DropdownEvent onValueChanged
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int value
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool IsExpanded
				throw null;

		public void SetValueWithoutNotify(int input)
			throw null;

		public void SetValue(int value, bool sendCallback = true)
			throw null;

		public TMP_Dropdown()
			throw null;

		public override void Awake()
			throw null;

		public override void Start()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public void RefreshShownValue()
			throw null;

		public void AddOptions(List<OptionData> options)
			throw null;

		public void AddOptions(List<string> options)
			throw null;

		public void AddOptions(List<Sprite> options)
			throw null;

		public void ClearOptions()
			throw null;

		public void SetupTemplate()
			throw null;

		public static T GetOrAddComponent<T>(GameObject go) where T : Component
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnCancel(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public void Show()
			throw null;

		public virtual GameObject CreateBlocker(Canvas rootCanvas)
			throw null;

		public virtual void DestroyBlocker(GameObject blocker)
			throw null;

		public virtual GameObject CreateDropdownList(GameObject template)
			throw null;

		public virtual void DestroyDropdownList(GameObject dropdownList)
			throw null;

		public virtual DropdownItem CreateItem(DropdownItem itemTemplate)
			throw null;

		public virtual void DestroyItem(DropdownItem item)
			throw null;

		public DropdownItem AddItem(OptionData data, bool selected, DropdownItem itemTemplate, List<DropdownItem> items)
			throw null;

		public void AlphaFadeList(float duration, float alpha)
			throw null;

		public void AlphaFadeList(float duration, float start, float end)
			throw null;

		public void SetAlpha(float alpha)
			throw null;

		public void Hide()
			throw null;

		public IEnumerator DelayedDestroyDropdownList(float delay)
			throw null;

		public void ImmediateDestroyDropdownList()
			throw null;

		public void OnSelectItem(Toggle toggle)
			throw null;

		static TMP_Dropdown()
			throw null;
	public enum AtlasPopulationMode
	public class TMP_FontAsset : TMP_Asset
		public string m_Version;

		public string m_SourceFontFileGUID;

		public Font m_SourceFontFile;

		public AtlasPopulationMode m_AtlasPopulationMode;

		public FaceInfo m_FaceInfo;

		public List<Glyph> m_GlyphTable;

		public Dictionary<uint, Glyph> m_GlyphLookupDictionary;

		public List<TMP_Character> m_CharacterTable;

		public Dictionary<uint, TMP_Character> m_CharacterLookupDictionary;

		public Texture2D m_AtlasTexture;

		public Texture2D[] m_AtlasTextures;

		public int m_AtlasTextureIndex;

		public List<GlyphRect> m_UsedGlyphRects;

		public List<GlyphRect> m_FreeGlyphRects;

		public FaceInfo_Legacy m_fontInfo;

		public Texture2D atlas;

		public int m_AtlasWidth;

		public int m_AtlasHeight;

		public int m_AtlasPadding;

		public GlyphRenderMode m_AtlasRenderMode;

		public List<TMP_Glyph> m_glyphInfoList;

		public KerningTable m_KerningTable;

		public TMP_FontFeatureTable m_FontFeatureTable;

		public List<TMP_FontAsset> fallbackFontAssets;

		public List<TMP_FontAsset> m_FallbackFontAssetTable;

		public FontAssetCreationSettings m_CreationSettings;

		public TMP_FontWeightPair[] m_FontWeightTable;

		public TMP_FontWeightPair[] fontWeights;

		public float normalStyle;

		public float normalSpacingOffset;

		public float boldStyle;

		public float boldSpacing;

		public byte italicStyle;

		public byte tabSize;

		public byte m_oldTabSize;

		public bool m_IsFontAssetLookupTablesDirty;

		public List<Glyph> m_GlyphsToPack;

		public List<Glyph> m_GlyphsPacked;

		public List<Glyph> m_GlyphsToRender;

		public List<uint> m_GlyphIndexList;

		public List<TMP_Character> m_CharactersToAdd;

		public static uint[] s_GlyphIndexArray;

		public static List<uint> s_MissingCharacterList;

		public string version
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Font sourceFontFile
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public AtlasPopulationMode atlasPopulationMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public FaceInfo faceInfo
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public List<Glyph> glyphTable
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Dictionary<uint, Glyph> glyphLookupTable
				throw null;

		public List<TMP_Character> characterTable
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Dictionary<uint, TMP_Character> characterLookupTable
				throw null;

		public Texture2D atlasTexture
				throw null;

		public Texture2D[] atlasTextures
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public List<GlyphRect> usedGlyphRects
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public List<GlyphRect> freeGlyphRects
				throw null;
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("The fontInfo property and underlying type is now obsolete. Please use the faceInfo property and FaceInfo type instead.")]
		public FaceInfo_Legacy fontInfo
				throw null;

		public int atlasWidth
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int atlasHeight
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int atlasPadding
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public GlyphRenderMode atlasRenderMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_FontFeatureTable fontFeatureTable
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public List<TMP_FontAsset> fallbackFontAssetTable
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public FontAssetCreationSettings creationSettings
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_FontWeightPair[] fontWeightTable
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public static TMP_FontAsset CreateFontAsset(Font font)
			throw null;

		public static TMP_FontAsset CreateFontAsset(Font font, int samplingPointSize, int atlasPadding, GlyphRenderMode renderMode, int atlasWidth, int atlasHeight, AtlasPopulationMode atlasPopulationMode = AtlasPopulationMode.Dynamic)
			throw null;

		public void Awake()
			throw null;

		public void InitializeDictionaryLookupTables()
			throw null;

		public void ReadFontAssetDefinition()
			throw null;

		public void SortCharacterTable()
			throw null;

		public void SortGlyphTable()
			throw null;

		public void SortGlyphAndCharacterTables()
			throw null;

		public bool HasCharacter(int character)
			throw null;

		public bool HasCharacter(char character)
			throw null;

		public bool HasCharacter(char character, bool searchFallbacks)
			throw null;

		public bool HasCharacter_Internal(char character, bool searchFallbacks)
			throw null;

		public bool HasCharacters(string text, out List<char> missingCharacters)
			throw null;

		public bool HasCharacters(string text)
			throw null;

		public static string GetCharacters(TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public static int[] GetCharactersArray(TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public bool TryAddCharacters(uint[] unicodes)
			throw null;

		public bool TryAddCharacters(uint[] unicodes, out uint[] missingUnicodes)
			throw null;

		public bool TryAddCharacters(string characters)
			throw null;

		public bool TryAddCharacters(string characters, out string missingCharacters)
			throw null;

		public bool TryAddCharacter_Internal(uint unicode)
			throw null;

		public TMP_Character AddCharacter_Internal(uint unicode, Glyph glyph)
			throw null;

		public bool TryAddCharacterInternal(uint unicode, out TMP_Character character)
			throw null;

		public uint GetGlyphIndex(uint unicode)
			throw null;

		public void UpdateAtlasTexture()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateGlyphAdjustmentRecords(uint unicode, uint glyphIndex)
			throw null;

		public void ClearFontAssetData(bool setAtlasSizeToZero = false)
			throw null;

		public void UpgradeFontAsset()
			throw null;

		public void UpgradeGlyphAdjustmentTableToFontFeatureTable()
			throw null;

		public TMP_FontAsset()
			throw null;

		static TMP_FontAsset()
			throw null;
	public class FaceInfo_Legacy
		public string Name;

		public float PointSize;

		public float Scale;

		public int CharacterCount;

		public float LineHeight;

		public float Baseline;

		public float Ascender;

		public float CapHeight;

		public float Descender;

		public float CenterLine;

		public float SuperscriptOffset;

		public float SubscriptOffset;

		public float SubSize;

		public float Underline;

		public float UnderlineThickness;

		public float strikethrough;

		public float strikethroughThickness;

		public float TabWidth;

		public float Padding;

		public float AtlasWidth;

		public float AtlasHeight;

		public FaceInfo_Legacy()
			throw null;
	public class TMP_Glyph : TMP_TextElement_Legacy
		public static TMP_Glyph Clone(TMP_Glyph source)
			throw null;

		public TMP_Glyph()
			throw null;
	public struct FontAssetCreationSettings
		public string sourceFontFileName;

		public string sourceFontFileGUID;

		public int pointSizeSamplingMode;

		public int pointSize;

		public int padding;

		public int packingMode;

		public int atlasWidth;

		public int atlasHeight;

		public int characterSetSelectionMode;

		public string characterSequence;

		public string referencedFontAssetGUID;

		public string referencedTextAssetGUID;

		public int fontStyle;

		public float fontStyleModifier;

		public int renderMode;

		public bool includeFontFeatures;

		public FontAssetCreationSettings(string sourceFontFileGUID, int pointSize, int pointSizeSamplingMode, int padding, int packingMode, int atlasWidth, int atlasHeight, int characterSelectionMode, string characterSet, int renderMode)
			throw null;
	public struct TMP_FontWeightPair
		public TMP_FontAsset regularTypeface;

		public TMP_FontAsset italicTypeface;
	public struct KerningPairKey
		public uint ascii_Left;

		public uint ascii_Right;

		public uint key;

		public KerningPairKey(uint ascii_left, uint ascii_right)
			throw null;
	public struct GlyphValueRecord_Legacy
		public float xPlacement;

		public float yPlacement;

		public float xAdvance;

		public float yAdvance;

		public GlyphValueRecord_Legacy(GlyphValueRecord valueRecord)
			throw null;

		public static GlyphValueRecord_Legacy operator +(GlyphValueRecord_Legacy a, GlyphValueRecord_Legacy b)
			throw null;
	public class KerningPair
		public uint m_FirstGlyph;

		public GlyphValueRecord_Legacy m_FirstGlyphAdjustments;

		public uint m_SecondGlyph;

		public GlyphValueRecord_Legacy m_SecondGlyphAdjustments;

		public float xOffset;

		public static KerningPair empty;

		public bool m_IgnoreSpacingAdjustments;

		public uint firstGlyph
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public GlyphValueRecord_Legacy firstGlyphAdjustments
				throw null;

		public uint secondGlyph
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public GlyphValueRecord_Legacy secondGlyphAdjustments
				throw null;

		public bool ignoreSpacingAdjustments
				throw null;

		public KerningPair()
			throw null;

		public KerningPair(uint left, uint right, float offset)
			throw null;

		public KerningPair(uint firstGlyph, GlyphValueRecord_Legacy firstGlyphAdjustments, uint secondGlyph, GlyphValueRecord_Legacy secondGlyphAdjustments)
			throw null;

		public void ConvertLegacyKerningData()
			throw null;

		static KerningPair()
			throw null;
	public class KerningTable
		public List<KerningPair> kerningPairs;

		public KerningTable()
			throw null;

		public void AddKerningPair()
			throw null;

		public int AddKerningPair(uint first, uint second, float offset)
			throw null;

		public int AddGlyphPairAdjustmentRecord(uint first, GlyphValueRecord_Legacy firstAdjustments, uint second, GlyphValueRecord_Legacy secondAdjustments)
			throw null;

		public void RemoveKerningPair(int left, int right)
			throw null;

		public void RemoveKerningPair(int index)
			throw null;

		public void SortKerningPairs()
			throw null;
	public static class TMP_FontUtilities
		public static List<int> k_searchedFontAssets;

		public static TMP_FontAsset SearchForCharacter(TMP_FontAsset font, uint unicode, out TMP_Character character)
			throw null;

		public static TMP_FontAsset SearchForCharacter(List<TMP_FontAsset> fonts, uint unicode, out TMP_Character character)
			throw null;

		public static TMP_FontAsset SearchForCharacterInternal(TMP_FontAsset font, uint unicode, out TMP_Character character)
			throw null;

		public static TMP_FontAsset SearchForCharacterInternal(List<TMP_FontAsset> fonts, uint unicode, out TMP_Character character)
			throw null;
	public class TMP_FontAssetUtilities
		public static readonly TMP_FontAssetUtilities s_Instance;

		public static List<int> k_SearchedFontAssets;

		public static bool k_IsFontEngineInitialized;

		public static TMP_FontAssetUtilities instance
				throw null;

		static TMP_FontAssetUtilities()
			throw null;

		public static TMP_Character GetCharacterFromFontAsset(uint unicode, TMP_FontAsset sourceFontAsset, bool includeFallbacks, FontStyles fontStyle, FontWeight fontWeight, out bool isAlternativeTypeface, out TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public static TMP_Character GetCharacterFromFontAsset_Internal(uint unicode, TMP_FontAsset sourceFontAsset, bool includeFallbacks, FontStyles fontStyle, FontWeight fontWeight, out bool isAlternativeTypeface, out TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public static TMP_Character GetCharacterFromFontAssets(uint unicode, List<TMP_FontAsset> fontAssets, bool includeFallbacks, FontStyles fontStyle, FontWeight fontWeight, out bool isAlternativeTypeface, out TMP_FontAsset fontAsset)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryGetCharacterFromFontFile(uint unicode, TMP_FontAsset fontAsset, out TMP_Character character)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryGetGlyphFromFontFile(uint glyphIndex, TMP_FontAsset fontAsset, out Glyph glyph)
			throw null;

		public TMP_FontAssetUtilities()
			throw null;
	public enum FontFeatureLookupFlags
		IgnoreLigatures = 4,
		IgnoreSpacingAdjustments = 0x100
	public struct TMP_GlyphValueRecord
		public float m_XPlacement;

		public float m_YPlacement;

		public float m_XAdvance;

		public float m_YAdvance;

		public float xPlacement
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float yPlacement
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float xAdvance
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float yAdvance
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphValueRecord(float xPlacement, float yPlacement, float xAdvance, float yAdvance)
			throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphValueRecord(GlyphValueRecord_Legacy valueRecord)
			throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphValueRecord(GlyphValueRecord valueRecord)
			throw null;

		public static TMP_GlyphValueRecord operator +(TMP_GlyphValueRecord a, TMP_GlyphValueRecord b)
			throw null;
	public struct TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord
		public uint m_GlyphIndex;

		public TMP_GlyphValueRecord m_GlyphValueRecord;

		public uint glyphIndex
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphValueRecord glyphValueRecord
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord(uint glyphIndex, TMP_GlyphValueRecord glyphValueRecord)
			throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord(GlyphAdjustmentRecord adjustmentRecord)
			throw null;
	public class TMP_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord
		public TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord m_FirstAdjustmentRecord;

		public TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord m_SecondAdjustmentRecord;

		public FontFeatureLookupFlags m_FeatureLookupFlags;

		public TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord firstAdjustmentRecord
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord secondAdjustmentRecord
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public FontFeatureLookupFlags featureLookupFlags
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord(TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord firstAdjustmentRecord, TMP_GlyphAdjustmentRecord secondAdjustmentRecord)
			throw null;

		public TMP_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord(GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord glyphPairAdjustmentRecord)
			throw null;
	public struct GlyphPairKey
		public uint firstGlyphIndex;

		public uint secondGlyphIndex;

		public long key;

		public GlyphPairKey(uint firstGlyphIndex, uint secondGlyphIndex)
			throw null;

		public GlyphPairKey(TMP_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord record)
			throw null;
	public class TMP_FontFeatureTable
		public List<TMP_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord> m_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecords;

		public Dictionary<long, TMP_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord> m_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecordLookupDictionary;

		public List<TMP_GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord> glyphPairAdjustmentRecords
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TMP_FontFeatureTable()
			throw null;

		public void SortGlyphPairAdjustmentRecords()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("UI/TextMeshPro - Input Field", 11)]
	public class TMP_InputField : Selectable, IUpdateSelectedHandler, IEventSystemHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IPointerClickHandler, ISubmitHandler, ICanvasElement, ILayoutElement, IScrollHandler
		public enum ContentType

		public enum InputType

		public enum CharacterValidation

		public enum LineType

		public delegate char OnValidateInput(string text, int charIndex, char addedChar);

		public class SubmitEvent : UnityEvent<string>
			public SubmitEvent()
				throw null;

		public class OnChangeEvent : UnityEvent<string>
			public OnChangeEvent()
				throw null;

		public class SelectionEvent : UnityEvent<string>
			public SelectionEvent()
				throw null;

		public class TextSelectionEvent : UnityEvent<string, int, int>
			public TextSelectionEvent()
				throw null;

		public class TouchScreenKeyboardEvent : UnityEvent<Status>
			public TouchScreenKeyboardEvent()
				throw null;

		public enum EditState

		private sealed class <CaretBlink>d__267 : IEnumerator<object>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
			private int <>1__state;

			private object <>2__current;

			public TMP_InputField <>4__this;

			object IEnumerator<object>.Current
					throw null;

			object IEnumerator.Current
					throw null;

			public <CaretBlink>d__267(int <>1__state)
				throw null;

			void IDisposable.Dispose()
				throw null;

			private bool MoveNext()
				throw null;

			bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
				//ILSpy generated this explicit interface implementation from .override directive in MoveNext
				return this.MoveNext();

			void IEnumerator.Reset()
				throw null;

		private sealed class <MouseDragOutsideRect>d__285 : IEnumerator<object>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
			private int <>1__state;

			private object <>2__current;

			public TMP_InputField <>4__this;

			public PointerEventData eventData;

			object IEnumerator<object>.Current
					throw null;

			object IEnumerator.Current
					throw null;

			public <MouseDragOutsideRect>d__285(int <>1__state)
				throw null;

			void IDisposable.Dispose()
				throw null;

			private bool MoveNext()
				throw null;

			bool IEnumerator.MoveNext()
				//ILSpy generated this explicit interface implementation from .override directive in MoveNext
				return this.MoveNext();

			void IEnumerator.Reset()
				throw null;

		public TouchScreenKeyboard m_SoftKeyboard;

		public static readonly char[] kSeparators;

		public RectTransform m_TextViewport;

		public TMP_Text m_TextComponent;

		public RectTransform m_TextComponentRectTransform;

		public Graphic m_Placeholder;

		public Scrollbar m_VerticalScrollbar;

		public TMP_ScrollbarEventHandler m_VerticalScrollbarEventHandler;

		public bool m_IsDrivenByLayoutComponents;

		public float m_ScrollPosition;

		public float m_ScrollSensitivity;

		public ContentType m_ContentType;

		public InputType m_InputType;

		public char m_AsteriskChar;

		public TouchScreenKeyboardType m_KeyboardType;

		public LineType m_LineType;

		public bool m_HideMobileInput;

		public bool m_HideSoftKeyboard;

		public CharacterValidation m_CharacterValidation;

		public string m_RegexValue;

		public float m_GlobalPointSize;

		public int m_CharacterLimit;

		public SubmitEvent m_OnEndEdit;

		public SubmitEvent m_OnSubmit;

		public SelectionEvent m_OnSelect;

		public SelectionEvent m_OnDeselect;

		public TextSelectionEvent m_OnTextSelection;

		public TextSelectionEvent m_OnEndTextSelection;

		public OnChangeEvent m_OnValueChanged;

		public TouchScreenKeyboardEvent m_OnTouchScreenKeyboardStatusChanged;

		public OnValidateInput m_OnValidateInput;

		public Color m_CaretColor;

		public bool m_CustomCaretColor;

		public Color m_SelectionColor;

		[TextArea(5, 10)]
		public string m_Text;

		[Range(0f, 4f)]
		public float m_CaretBlinkRate;

		[Range(1f, 5f)]
		public int m_CaretWidth;

		public bool m_ReadOnly;

		public bool m_RichText;

		public int m_StringPosition;

		public int m_StringSelectPosition;

		public int m_CaretPosition;

		public int m_CaretSelectPosition;

		public RectTransform caretRectTrans;

		public UIVertex[] m_CursorVerts;

		public CanvasRenderer m_CachedInputRenderer;

		public Vector2 m_LastPosition;

		public Mesh m_Mesh;

		public bool m_AllowInput;

		public bool m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate;

		public bool m_UpdateDrag;

		public bool m_DragPositionOutOfBounds;

		public const float kHScrollSpeed = 0.05f;

		public const float kVScrollSpeed = 0.1f;

		public bool m_CaretVisible;



Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking.Match;
using UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkSystem;
using UnityEngine.Networking.Types;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("UnityEngine.Networking")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Networking High Level API")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Unity Technologies")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("UnityEngine.Networking")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2014")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("UnityEditor.Networking")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Assembly-CSharp-Editor-testable")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("87035389-1bb3-40e2-b2a9-c8707e7419ba")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: UnityAPICompatibilityVersion("2018.4.12f1")]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace UnityEngine.Networking
	public class ChannelBuffer : IDisposable
		public NetworkConnection m_Connection;

		public ChannelPacket m_CurrentPacket;

		public float m_LastFlushTime;

		public byte m_ChannelId;

		public int m_MaxPacketSize;

		public bool m_IsReliable;

		public bool m_AllowFragmentation;

		public bool m_IsBroken;

		public int m_MaxPendingPacketCount;

		public const int k_MaxFreePacketCount = 512;

		public const int MaxPendingPacketCount = 16;

		public const int MaxBufferedPackets = 512;

		public Queue<ChannelPacket> m_PendingPackets;

		public static List<ChannelPacket> s_FreePackets;

		public static int pendingPacketCount;

		public float maxDelay;

		public float m_LastBufferedMessageCountTimer;

		public static NetworkWriter s_SendWriter;

		public static NetworkWriter s_FragmentWriter;

		public const int k_PacketHeaderReserveSize = 100;

		public bool m_Disposed;

		public NetBuffer fragmentBuffer;

		public bool readingFragment;

		public int numMsgsOut
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int numBufferedMsgsOut
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int numBytesOut
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int numMsgsIn
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int numBytesIn
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int numBufferedPerSecond
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int lastBufferedPerSecond
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public ChannelBuffer(NetworkConnection conn, int bufferSize, byte cid, bool isReliable, bool isSequenced)
			throw null;

		public void Dispose()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
			throw null;

		public bool SetOption(ChannelOption option, int value)
			throw null;

		public void CheckInternalBuffer()
			throw null;

		public bool SendWriter(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;

		public bool Send(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public bool HandleFragment(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public bool SendFragmentBytes(byte[] bytes, int bytesToSend)
			throw null;

		public bool SendBytes(byte[] bytes, int bytesToSend)
			throw null;

		public void QueuePacket()
			throw null;

		public ChannelPacket AllocPacket()
			throw null;

		public static void FreePacket(ChannelPacket packet)
			throw null;

		public bool SendInternalBuffer()
			throw null;

		static ChannelBuffer()
			throw null;
	public struct ChannelPacket
		public int m_Position;

		public byte[] m_Buffer;

		public bool m_IsReliable;

		public ChannelPacket(int packetSize, bool isReliable)
			throw null;

		public void Reset()
			throw null;

		public bool IsEmpty()
			throw null;

		public void Write(byte[] bytes, int numBytes)
			throw null;

		public bool HasSpace(int numBytes)
			throw null;

		public bool SendToTransport(NetworkConnection conn, int channelId)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ClientScene
		public struct PendingOwner
			public NetworkInstanceId netId;

			public short playerControllerId;

		public static List<PlayerController> s_LocalPlayers;

		public static NetworkConnection s_ReadyConnection;

		public static Dictionary<NetworkSceneId, NetworkIdentity> s_SpawnableObjects;

		public static bool s_IsReady;

		public static bool s_IsSpawnFinished;

		public static NetworkScene s_NetworkScene;

		public static ObjectSpawnSceneMessage s_ObjectSpawnSceneMessage;

		public static ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage s_ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage;

		public static ObjectDestroyMessage s_ObjectDestroyMessage;

		public static ObjectSpawnMessage s_ObjectSpawnMessage;

		public static OwnerMessage s_OwnerMessage;

		public static ClientAuthorityMessage s_ClientAuthorityMessage;

		public const int ReconnectIdInvalid = -1;

		public const int ReconnectIdHost = 0;

		public static int s_ReconnectId;

		public static PeerInfoMessage[] s_Peers;

		public static List<PendingOwner> s_PendingOwnerIds;

		public static List<PlayerController> localPlayers
				throw null;

		public static bool ready
				throw null;

		public static NetworkConnection readyConnection
				throw null;

		public static int reconnectId
				throw null;

		public static Dictionary<NetworkInstanceId, NetworkIdentity> objects
				throw null;

		public static Dictionary<NetworkHash128, GameObject> prefabs
				throw null;

		public static Dictionary<NetworkSceneId, NetworkIdentity> spawnableObjects
				throw null;

		public ClientScene()
			throw null;

		public static bool hasMigrationPending()
			throw null;

		public static void SetReconnectId(int newReconnectId, PeerInfoMessage[] peers)
			throw null;

		public static void SetNotReady()
			throw null;

		public static void Shutdown()
			throw null;

		public static bool GetPlayerController(short playerControllerId, out PlayerController player)
			throw null;

		public static void InternalAddPlayer(NetworkIdentity view, short playerControllerId)
			throw null;

		public static bool AddPlayer(short playerControllerId)
			throw null;

		public static bool AddPlayer(NetworkConnection readyConn, short playerControllerId)
			throw null;

		public static bool AddPlayer(NetworkConnection readyConn, short playerControllerId, MessageBase extraMessage)
			throw null;

		public static bool SendReconnectMessage(MessageBase extraMessage)
			throw null;

		public static bool RemovePlayer(short playerControllerId)
			throw null;

		public static bool Ready(NetworkConnection conn)
			throw null;

		public static NetworkClient ConnectLocalServer()
			throw null;

		public static NetworkClient ReconnectLocalServer()
			throw null;

		public static void ClearLocalPlayers()
			throw null;

		public static void HandleClientDisconnect(NetworkConnection conn)
			throw null;

		public static void PrepareToSpawnSceneObjects()
			throw null;

		public static NetworkIdentity SpawnSceneObject(NetworkSceneId sceneId)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterSystemHandlers(NetworkClient client, bool localClient)
			throw null;

		public static string GetStringForAssetId(NetworkHash128 assetId)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, NetworkHash128 newAssetId)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
			throw null;

		public static void UnregisterPrefab(GameObject prefab)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128 assetId, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler)
			throw null;

		public static void UnregisterSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128 assetId)
			throw null;

		public static void ClearSpawners()
			throw null;

		public static void DestroyAllClientObjects()
			throw null;

		public static void SetLocalObject(NetworkInstanceId netId, GameObject obj)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject FindLocalObject(NetworkInstanceId netId)
			throw null;

		public static void ApplySpawnPayload(NetworkIdentity uv, Vector3 position, byte[] payload, NetworkInstanceId netId, GameObject newGameObject, NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnObjectSpawn(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnObjectSpawnScene(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnObjectSpawnFinished(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnObjectDestroy(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnLocalClientObjectDestroy(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnLocalClientObjectHide(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnLocalClientObjectSpawn(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnLocalClientObjectSpawnScene(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnUpdateVarsMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnRPCMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnSyncEventMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnSyncListMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnClientAuthority(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnOwnerMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void CheckForOwner(NetworkIdentity uv)
			throw null;

		static ClientScene()
			throw null;
	public class ConnectionArray
		public List<NetworkConnection> m_LocalConnections;

		public List<NetworkConnection> m_Connections;

		public List<NetworkConnection> localConnections
				throw null;

		public List<NetworkConnection> connections
				throw null;

		public int Count
				throw null;

		public int LocalIndex
				throw null;

		public ConnectionArray()
			throw null;

		public int Add(int connId, NetworkConnection conn)
			throw null;

		public NetworkConnection Get(int connId)
			throw null;

		public NetworkConnection GetUnsafe(int connId)
			throw null;

		public void Remove(int connId)
			throw null;

		public int AddLocal(NetworkConnection conn)
			throw null;

		public bool ContainsPlayer(GameObject player, out NetworkConnection conn)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class NetworkSettingsAttribute : Attribute
		public int channel;

		public float sendInterval;

		public NetworkSettingsAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class SyncVarAttribute : Attribute
		public string hook;

		public SyncVarAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class CommandAttribute : Attribute
		public int channel;

		public CommandAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ClientRpcAttribute : Attribute
		public int channel;

		public ClientRpcAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class TargetRpcAttribute : Attribute
		public int channel;

		public TargetRpcAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class SyncEventAttribute : Attribute
		public int channel;

		public SyncEventAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ServerAttribute : Attribute
		public ServerAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ServerCallbackAttribute : Attribute
		public ServerCallbackAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ClientAttribute : Attribute
		public ClientAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ClientCallbackAttribute : Attribute
		public ClientCallbackAttribute()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class DefaultNetworkTransport : INetworkTransport
		public bool IsStarted
				throw null;

		public DefaultNetworkTransport()
			throw null;

		public int AddHost(HostTopology topology, int port, string ip)
			throw null;

		public int AddHostWithSimulator(HostTopology topology, int minTimeout, int maxTimeout, int port)
			throw null;

		public int AddWebsocketHost(HostTopology topology, int port, string ip)
			throw null;

		public int Connect(int hostId, string address, int port, int specialConnectionId, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public void ConnectAsNetworkHost(int hostId, string address, int port, NetworkID network, SourceID source, NodeID node, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public int ConnectEndPoint(int hostId, EndPoint endPoint, int specialConnectionId, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public int ConnectToNetworkPeer(int hostId, string address, int port, int specialConnectionId, int relaySlotId, NetworkID network, SourceID source, NodeID node, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public int ConnectWithSimulator(int hostId, string address, int port, int specialConnectionId, out byte error, ConnectionSimulatorConfig conf)
			throw null;

		public bool Disconnect(int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public bool DoesEndPointUsePlatformProtocols(EndPoint endPoint)
			throw null;

		public void GetBroadcastConnectionInfo(int hostId, out string address, out int port, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public void GetBroadcastConnectionMessage(int hostId, byte[] buffer, int bufferSize, out int receivedSize, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public void GetConnectionInfo(int hostId, int connectionId, out string address, out int port, out NetworkID network, out NodeID dstNode, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public int GetCurrentRTT(int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public void Init()
			throw null;

		public void Init(GlobalConfig config)
			throw null;

		public NetworkEventType Receive(out int hostId, out int connectionId, out int channelId, byte[] buffer, int bufferSize, out int receivedSize, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public NetworkEventType ReceiveFromHost(int hostId, out int connectionId, out int channelId, byte[] buffer, int bufferSize, out int receivedSize, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public NetworkEventType ReceiveRelayEventFromHost(int hostId, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public bool RemoveHost(int hostId)
			throw null;

		public bool Send(int hostId, int connectionId, int channelId, byte[] buffer, int size, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public void SetBroadcastCredentials(int hostId, int key, int version, int subversion, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public void SetPacketStat(int direction, int packetStatId, int numMsgs, int numBytes)
			throw null;

		public void Shutdown()
			throw null;

		public bool StartBroadcastDiscovery(int hostId, int broadcastPort, int key, int version, int subversion, byte[] buffer, int size, int timeout, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public void StopBroadcastDiscovery()
			throw null;
	public static class DotNetCompatibility
		public static string GetMethodName(this Delegate func)
			throw null;

		public static Type GetBaseType(this Type type)
			throw null;

		public static string GetErrorCode(this SocketException e)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public interface INetworkTransport
		bool IsStarted { get; }

		void Init();

		void Init(GlobalConfig config);

		void Shutdown();

		int AddHost(HostTopology topology, int port, string ip);

		int AddWebsocketHost(HostTopology topology, int port, string ip);

		int ConnectWithSimulator(int hostId, string address, int port, int specialConnectionId, out byte error, ConnectionSimulatorConfig conf);

		int Connect(int hostId, string address, int port, int specialConnectionId, out byte error);

		void ConnectAsNetworkHost(int hostId, string address, int port, NetworkID network, SourceID source, NodeID node, out byte error);

		int ConnectToNetworkPeer(int hostId, string address, int port, int specialConnectionId, int relaySlotId, NetworkID network, SourceID source, NodeID node, out byte error);

		int ConnectEndPoint(int hostId, EndPoint endPoint, int specialConnectionId, out byte error);

		bool DoesEndPointUsePlatformProtocols(EndPoint endPoint);

		int AddHostWithSimulator(HostTopology topology, int minTimeout, int maxTimeout, int port);

		bool RemoveHost(int hostId);

		bool Send(int hostId, int connectionId, int channelId, byte[] buffer, int size, out byte error);

		NetworkEventType Receive(out int hostId, out int connectionId, out int channelId, byte[] buffer, int bufferSize, out int receivedSize, out byte error);

		NetworkEventType ReceiveFromHost(int hostId, out int connectionId, out int channelId, byte[] buffer, int bufferSize, out int receivedSize, out byte error);

		NetworkEventType ReceiveRelayEventFromHost(int hostId, out byte error);

		int GetCurrentRTT(int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error);

		void GetConnectionInfo(int hostId, int connectionId, out string address, out int port, out NetworkID network, out NodeID dstNode, out byte error);

		bool Disconnect(int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error);

		void SetBroadcastCredentials(int hostId, int key, int version, int subversion, out byte error);

		bool StartBroadcastDiscovery(int hostId, int broadcastPort, int key, int version, int subversion, byte[] buffer, int size, int timeout, out byte error);

		void GetBroadcastConnectionInfo(int hostId, out string address, out int port, out byte error);

		void GetBroadcastConnectionMessage(int hostId, byte[] buffer, int bufferSize, out int receivedSize, out byte error);

		void StopBroadcastDiscovery();

		void SetPacketStat(int direction, int packetStatId, int numMsgs, int numBytes);
	public sealed class LocalClient : NetworkClient
		public struct InternalMsg
			public byte[] buffer;

			public int channelId;

		public const int k_InitialFreeMessagePoolSize = 64;

		public List<InternalMsg> m_InternalMsgs;

		public List<InternalMsg> m_InternalMsgs2;

		public Stack<InternalMsg> m_FreeMessages;

		public NetworkServer m_LocalServer;

		public bool m_Connected;

		public NetworkMessage s_InternalMessage;

		public LocalClient()
			throw null;

		public override void Disconnect()
			throw null;

		public void InternalConnectLocalServer(bool generateConnectMsg)
			throw null;

		public override void Update()
			throw null;

		public void AddLocalPlayer(PlayerController localPlayer)
			throw null;

		public void PostInternalMessage(byte[] buffer, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public void PostInternalMessage(short msgType)
			throw null;

		public void ProcessInternalMessages()
			throw null;

		public void InvokeHandlerOnClient(short msgType, MessageBase msg, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public void InvokeBytesOnClient(byte[] buffer, int channelId)
			throw null;
	public class ULocalConnectionToClient : NetworkConnection
		public LocalClient m_LocalClient;

		public LocalClient localClient
				throw null;

		public ULocalConnectionToClient(LocalClient localClient)
			throw null;

		public override bool Send(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public override bool SendUnreliable(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public override bool SendByChannel(short msgType, MessageBase msg, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public override bool SendBytes(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public override bool SendWriter(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public override void GetStatsOut(out int numMsgs, out int numBufferedMsgs, out int numBytes, out int lastBufferedPerSecond)
			throw null;

		public override void GetStatsIn(out int numMsgs, out int numBytes)
			throw null;
	public class ULocalConnectionToServer : NetworkConnection
		public NetworkServer m_LocalServer;

		public ULocalConnectionToServer(NetworkServer localServer)
			throw null;

		public override bool Send(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public override bool SendUnreliable(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public override bool SendByChannel(short msgType, MessageBase msg, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public override bool SendBytes(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public override bool SendWriter(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public override void GetStatsOut(out int numMsgs, out int numBufferedMsgs, out int numBytes, out int lastBufferedPerSecond)
			throw null;

		public override void GetStatsIn(out int numMsgs, out int numBytes)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class LogFilter
		public enum FilterLevel
			Developer = 0,
			Debug = 1,
			Info = 2,
			Warn = 3,
			Error = 4,
			Fatal = 5,
			SetInScripting = -1

		public const int Developer = 0;

		public const int SetInScripting = -1;

		public const int Debug = 1;

		public const int Info = 2;

		public const int Warn = 3;

		public const int Error = 4;

		public const int Fatal = 5;

		[Obsolete("Use LogFilter.currentLogLevel instead")]
		public static FilterLevel current;

		public static int s_CurrentLogLevel;

		public static int currentLogLevel
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public static bool logDev
				throw null;

		public static bool logDebug
				throw null;

		public static bool logInfo
				throw null;

		public static bool logWarn
				throw null;

		public static bool logError
				throw null;

		public static bool logFatal
				throw null;

		public LogFilter()
			throw null;

		static LogFilter()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public abstract class MessageBase
		public MessageBase()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public virtual void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
namespace UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkSystem
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class StringMessage : MessageBase
		public string value;

		public StringMessage()
			throw null;

		public StringMessage(string v)
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class IntegerMessage : MessageBase
		public int value;

		public IntegerMessage()
			throw null;

		public IntegerMessage(int v)
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class EmptyMessage : MessageBase
		public EmptyMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ErrorMessage : MessageBase
		public int errorCode;

		public ErrorMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ReadyMessage : EmptyMessage
		public ReadyMessage()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class NotReadyMessage : EmptyMessage
		public NotReadyMessage()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class AddPlayerMessage : MessageBase
		public short playerControllerId;

		public int msgSize;

		public byte[] msgData;

		public AddPlayerMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class RemovePlayerMessage : MessageBase
		public short playerControllerId;

		public RemovePlayerMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class PeerAuthorityMessage : MessageBase
		public int connectionId;

		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public bool authorityState;

		public PeerAuthorityMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public struct PeerInfoPlayer
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public short playerControllerId;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class PeerInfoMessage : MessageBase
		public int connectionId;

		public string address;

		public int port;

		public bool isHost;

		public bool isYou;

		public PeerInfoPlayer[] playerIds;

		public PeerInfoMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class PeerListMessage : MessageBase
		public PeerInfoMessage[] peers;

		public int oldServerConnectionId;

		public PeerListMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class ReconnectMessage : MessageBase
		public int oldConnectionId;

		public short playerControllerId;

		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public int msgSize;

		public byte[] msgData;

		public ReconnectMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class ObjectSpawnMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public NetworkHash128 assetId;

		public Vector3 position;

		public byte[] payload;

		public Quaternion rotation;

		public ObjectSpawnMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class ObjectSpawnSceneMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public NetworkSceneId sceneId;

		public Vector3 position;

		public byte[] payload;

		public ObjectSpawnSceneMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage : MessageBase
		public uint state;

		public ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class ObjectDestroyMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public ObjectDestroyMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class OwnerMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public short playerControllerId;

		public OwnerMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class ClientAuthorityMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public bool authority;

		public ClientAuthorityMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class OverrideTransformMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public byte[] payload;

		public bool teleport;

		public int time;

		public OverrideTransformMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class AnimationMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public int stateHash;

		public float normalizedTime;

		public byte[] parameters;

		public AnimationMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class AnimationParametersMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public byte[] parameters;

		public AnimationParametersMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class AnimationTriggerMessage : MessageBase
		public NetworkInstanceId netId;

		public int hash;

		public AnimationTriggerMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public class LobbyReadyToBeginMessage : MessageBase
		public byte slotId;

		public bool readyState;

		public LobbyReadyToBeginMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
	public struct CRCMessageEntry
		public string name;

		public byte channel;
	public class CRCMessage : MessageBase
		public CRCMessageEntry[] scripts;

		public CRCMessage()
			throw null;

		public override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
			throw null;
namespace UnityEngine.Networking
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class NetworkAnimator : NetworkBehaviour
		public Animator m_Animator;

		public uint m_ParameterSendBits;

		public static AnimationMessage s_AnimationMessage;

		public static AnimationParametersMessage s_AnimationParametersMessage;

		public static AnimationTriggerMessage s_AnimationTriggerMessage;

		public int m_AnimationHash;

		public int m_TransitionHash;

		public NetworkWriter m_ParameterWriter;

		public float m_SendTimer;

		public string param0;

		public string param1;

		public string param2;

		public string param3;

		public string param4;

		public string param5;

		public Animator animator
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool sendMessagesAllowed
				throw null;

		public NetworkAnimator()
			throw null;

		public void SetParameterAutoSend(int index, bool value)
			throw null;

		public bool GetParameterAutoSend(int index)
			throw null;

		public void ResetParameterOptions()
			throw null;

		public void FixedUpdate()
			throw null;

		public bool CheckAnimStateChanged(out int stateHash, out float normalizedTime)
			throw null;

		public void CheckSendRate()
			throw null;

		public void SendMessage(short type, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public void SetSendTrackingParam(string p, int i)
			throw null;

		public void SetRecvTrackingParam(string p, int i)
			throw null;

		public void HandleAnimMsg(AnimationMessage msg, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public void HandleAnimParamsMsg(AnimationParametersMessage msg, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public void HandleAnimTriggerMsg(int hash)
			throw null;

		public void WriteParameters(NetworkWriter writer, bool autoSend)
			throw null;

		public void ReadParameters(NetworkReader reader, bool autoSend)
			throw null;

		public override bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool forceAll)
			throw null;

		public override void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
			throw null;

		public void SetTrigger(string triggerName)
			throw null;

		public void SetTrigger(int hash)
			throw null;

		public static void OnAnimationServerMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnAnimationParametersServerMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnAnimationTriggerServerMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnAnimationClientMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnAnimationParametersClientMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public static void OnAnimationTriggerClientMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		static NetworkAnimator()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class NetworkBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
		public delegate void CmdDelegate(NetworkBehaviour obj, NetworkReader reader);

		public delegate void EventDelegate(List<Delegate> targets, NetworkReader reader);

		public enum UNetInvokeType

		public class Invoker
			public UNetInvokeType invokeType;

			public Type invokeClass;

			public CmdDelegate invokeFunction;

			public Invoker()
				throw null;

			public string DebugString()
				throw null;

		public uint m_SyncVarDirtyBits;

		public float m_LastSendTime;

		public bool m_SyncVarGuard;

		public const float k_DefaultSendInterval = 0.1f;

		public NetworkIdentity m_MyView;

		public static Dictionary<int, Invoker> s_CmdHandlerDelegates;

		public bool localPlayerAuthority
				throw null;

		public bool isServer
				throw null;

		public bool isClient
				throw null;

		public bool isLocalPlayer
				throw null;

		public bool hasAuthority
				throw null;

		public NetworkInstanceId netId
				throw null;

		public NetworkConnection connectionToServer
				throw null;

		public NetworkConnection connectionToClient
				throw null;

		public short playerControllerId
				throw null;

		public uint syncVarDirtyBits
				throw null;

		public bool syncVarHookGuard
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public NetworkIdentity netIdentity
				throw null;

		public NetworkIdentity myView
				throw null;

		public NetworkBehaviour()
			throw null;

		public void SendCommandInternal(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId, string cmdName)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool InvokeCommand(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public void SendRPCInternal(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId, string rpcName)
			throw null;

		public void SendTargetRPCInternal(NetworkConnection conn, NetworkWriter writer, int channelId, string rpcName)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool InvokeRPC(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public void SendEventInternal(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId, string eventName)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool InvokeSyncEvent(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool InvokeSyncList(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterCommandDelegate(Type invokeClass, int cmdHash, CmdDelegate func)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterRpcDelegate(Type invokeClass, int cmdHash, CmdDelegate func)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterEventDelegate(Type invokeClass, int cmdHash, CmdDelegate func)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterSyncListDelegate(Type invokeClass, int cmdHash, CmdDelegate func)
			throw null;

		public static string GetInvoker(int cmdHash)
			throw null;

		public static bool GetInvokerForHashCommand(int cmdHash, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction)
			throw null;

		public static bool GetInvokerForHashClientRpc(int cmdHash, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction)
			throw null;

		public static bool GetInvokerForHashSyncList(int cmdHash, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction)
			throw null;

		public static bool GetInvokerForHashSyncEvent(int cmdHash, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction)
			throw null;

		public static bool GetInvokerForHash(int cmdHash, UNetInvokeType invokeType, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction)
			throw null;

		public static void DumpInvokers()
			throw null;

		public bool ContainsCommandDelegate(int cmdHash)
			throw null;

		public bool InvokeCommandDelegate(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public bool InvokeRpcDelegate(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public bool InvokeSyncEventDelegate(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public bool InvokeSyncListDelegate(int cmdHash, NetworkReader reader)
			throw null;

		public static string GetCmdHashHandlerName(int cmdHash)
			throw null;

		public static string GetCmdHashPrefixName(int cmdHash, string prefix)
			throw null;

		public static string GetCmdHashCmdName(int cmdHash)
			throw null;

		public static string GetCmdHashRpcName(int cmdHash)
			throw null;

		public static string GetCmdHashEventName(int cmdHash)
			throw null;

		public static string GetCmdHashListName(int cmdHash)
			throw null;

		public void SetSyncVarGameObject(GameObject newGameObject, ref GameObject gameObjectField, uint dirtyBit, ref NetworkInstanceId netIdField)
			throw null;

		public void SetSyncVar<T>(T value, ref T fieldValue, uint dirtyBit)
			throw null;

		public void SetDirtyBit(uint dirtyBit)
			throw null;

		public void ClearAllDirtyBits()
			throw null;

		public int GetDirtyChannel()
			throw null;

		public virtual bool OnSerialize(NetworkWriter writer, bool initialState)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDeserialize(NetworkReader reader, bool initialState)
			throw null;

		public virtual void PreStartClient()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnNetworkDestroy()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnStartServer()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnStartClient()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnStartLocalPlayer()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnStartAuthority()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnStopAuthority()
			throw null;

		public virtual bool OnRebuildObservers(HashSet<NetworkConnection> observers, bool initialize)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnSetLocalVisibility(bool vis)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool OnCheckObserver(NetworkConnection conn)
			throw null;

		public virtual int GetNetworkChannel()
			throw null;

		public virtual float GetNetworkSendInterval()
			throw null;

		static NetworkBehaviour()
			throw null;
	public class NetBuffer
		public byte[] m_Buffer;

		public uint m_Pos;

		public const int k_InitialSize = 64;

		public const float k_GrowthFactor = 1.5f;

		public const int k_BufferSizeWarning = 134217728;

		public uint Position
				throw null;

		public int Length
				throw null;

		public NetBuffer()
			throw null;

		public NetBuffer(byte[] buffer)
			throw null;

		public byte ReadByte()
			throw null;

		public void ReadBytes(byte[] buffer, uint count)
			throw null;

		public ArraySegment<byte> AsArraySegment()
			throw null;

		public void WriteByte(byte value)
			throw null;

		public void WriteByte2(byte value0, byte value1)
			throw null;

		public void WriteByte4(byte value0, byte value1, byte value2, byte value3)
			throw null;

		public void WriteByte8(byte value0, byte value1, byte value2, byte value3, byte value4, byte value5, byte value6, byte value7)
			throw null;

		public void WriteBytesAtOffset(byte[] buffer, ushort targetOffset, ushort count)
			throw null;

		public void WriteBytes(byte[] buffer, ushort count)
			throw null;

		public void WriteCheckForSpace(ushort count)
			throw null;

		public void FinishMessage()
			throw null;

		public void SeekZero()
			throw null;

		public void Replace(byte[] buffer)
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;
	public struct UIntFloat
		public float floatValue;

		public uint intValue;

		public double doubleValue;

		public ulong longValue;
	public struct UIntDecimal
		public ulong longValue1;

		public ulong longValue2;

		public decimal decimalValue;
	public class FloatConversion
		public FloatConversion()
			throw null;

		public static float ToSingle(uint value)
			throw null;

		public static double ToDouble(ulong value)
			throw null;

		public static decimal ToDecimal(ulong value1, ulong value2)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class NetworkClient
		public enum ConnectState

		public Type m_NetworkConnectionClass;

		public const int k_MaxEventsPerFrame = 500;

		public static List<NetworkClient> s_Clients;

		public static bool s_IsActive;

		public HostTopology m_HostTopology;

		public int m_HostPort;

		public bool m_UseSimulator;

		public int m_SimulatedLatency;

		public float m_PacketLoss;

		public string m_ServerIp;

		public int m_ServerPort;

		public int m_ClientId;

		public int m_ClientConnectionId;

		public int m_StatResetTime;

		public EndPoint m_RemoteEndPoint;

		public static CRCMessage s_CRCMessage;

		public NetworkMessageHandlers m_MessageHandlers;

		public NetworkConnection m_Connection;

		public byte[] m_MsgBuffer;

		public NetworkReader m_MsgReader;

		public ConnectState m_AsyncConnect;

		public string m_RequestedServerHost;

		public static List<NetworkClient> allClients
				throw null;

		public static bool active
				throw null;

		public string serverIp
				throw null;

		public int serverPort
				throw null;

		public NetworkConnection connection
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("Moved to NetworkMigrationManager.")]
		public PeerInfoMessage[] peers
				throw null;

		public int hostId
				throw null;

		public Dictionary<short, NetworkMessageDelegate> handlers
				throw null;

		public int numChannels
				throw null;

		public HostTopology hostTopology
				throw null;

		public int hostPort
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool isConnected
				throw null;

		public Type networkConnectionClass
				throw null;

		public NetworkClient()
			throw null;

		public NetworkClient(NetworkConnection conn)
			throw null;

		public void SetHandlers(NetworkConnection conn)
			throw null;

		public void SetNetworkConnectionClass<T>() where T : NetworkConnection
			throw null;

		public bool Configure(ConnectionConfig config, int maxConnections)
			throw null;

		public bool Configure(HostTopology topology)
			throw null;

		public void Connect(MatchInfo matchInfo)
			throw null;

		public bool ReconnectToNewHost(string serverIp, int serverPort)
			throw null;

		public bool ReconnectToNewHost(EndPoint secureTunnelEndPoint)
			throw null;

		public void ConnectWithSimulator(string serverIp, int serverPort, int latency, float packetLoss)
			throw null;

		public static bool IsValidIpV6(string address)
			throw null;

		public void Connect(string serverIp, int serverPort)
			throw null;

		public void Connect(EndPoint secureTunnelEndPoint)
			throw null;

		public void PrepareForConnect()
			throw null;

		public void PrepareForConnect(bool usePlatformSpecificProtocols)
			throw null;

		public static void GetHostAddressesCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
			throw null;

		public void ContinueConnect()
			throw null;

		public void ConnectWithRelay(MatchInfo info)
			throw null;

		public virtual void Disconnect()
			throw null;

		public bool Send(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public bool SendWriter(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public bool SendBytes(byte[] data, int numBytes, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public bool SendUnreliable(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public bool SendByChannel(short msgType, MessageBase msg, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public void SetMaxDelay(float seconds)
			throw null;

		public void Shutdown()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Update()
			throw null;

		public void GenerateConnectError(int error)
			throw null;

		public void GenerateDataError(int error)
			throw null;

		public void GenerateDisconnectError(int error)
			throw null;

		public void GenerateError(int error)
			throw null;

		public void GetStatsOut(out int numMsgs, out int numBufferedMsgs, out int numBytes, out int lastBufferedPerSecond)
			throw null;

		public void GetStatsIn(out int numMsgs, out int numBytes)
			throw null;

		public Dictionary<short, NetworkConnection.PacketStat> GetConnectionStats()
			throw null;

		public void ResetConnectionStats()
			throw null;

		public int GetRTT()
			throw null;

		public void RegisterSystemHandlers(bool localClient)
			throw null;

		public void OnCRC(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public void RegisterHandler(short msgType, NetworkMessageDelegate handler)
			throw null;

		public void RegisterHandlerSafe(short msgType, NetworkMessageDelegate handler)
			throw null;

		public void UnregisterHandler(short msgType)
			throw null;

		public static Dictionary<short, NetworkConnection.PacketStat> GetTotalConnectionStats()
			throw null;

		public static void AddClient(NetworkClient client)
			throw null;

		public static bool RemoveClient(NetworkClient client)
			throw null;

		public static void UpdateClients()
			throw null;

		public static void ShutdownAll()
			throw null;

		public static void SetActive(bool state)
			throw null;

		static NetworkClient()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class NetworkConnection : IDisposable
		public class PacketStat
			public short msgType;

			public int count;

			public int bytes;

			public PacketStat()
				throw null;

			public PacketStat(PacketStat s)
				throw null;

			public override string ToString()
				throw null;

		public ChannelBuffer[] m_Channels;

		public List<PlayerController> m_PlayerControllers;

		public NetworkMessage m_NetMsg;

		public HashSet<NetworkIdentity> m_VisList;

		public NetworkWriter m_Writer;

		public Dictionary<short, NetworkMessageDelegate> m_MessageHandlersDict;

		public NetworkMessageHandlers m_MessageHandlers;

		public HashSet<NetworkInstanceId> m_ClientOwnedObjects;

		public NetworkMessage m_MessageInfo;

		public const int k_MaxMessageLogSize = 150;

		public NetworkError error;

		public int hostId;

		public int connectionId;

		public bool isReady;

		public string address;

		public float lastMessageTime;

		public bool logNetworkMessages;

		public Dictionary<short, PacketStat> m_PacketStats;

		public bool m_Disposed;

		public HashSet<NetworkIdentity> visList
				throw null;

		public List<PlayerController> playerControllers
				throw null;

		public HashSet<NetworkInstanceId> clientOwnedObjects
				throw null;

		public bool isConnected
				throw null;

		public NetworkError lastError
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Dictionary<short, PacketStat> packetStats
				throw null;

		public NetworkConnection()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Initialize(string networkAddress, int networkHostId, int networkConnectionId, HostTopology hostTopology)
			throw null;

			throw null;

		public void Dispose()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
			throw null;

		public static bool IsSequencedQoS(QosType qos)
			throw null;

		public static bool IsReliableQoS(QosType qos)
			throw null;

		public bool SetChannelOption(int channelId, ChannelOption option, int value)
			throw null;

		public void Disconnect()
			throw null;

		public void SetHandlers(NetworkMessageHandlers handlers)
			throw null;

		public bool CheckHandler(short msgType)
			throw null;

		public bool InvokeHandlerNoData(short msgType)
			throw null;

		public bool InvokeHandler(short msgType, NetworkReader reader, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public bool InvokeHandler(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;

		public void HandleFragment(NetworkReader reader, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public void RegisterHandler(short msgType, NetworkMessageDelegate handler)
			throw null;

		public void UnregisterHandler(short msgType)
			throw null;

		public void SetPlayerController(PlayerController player)
			throw null;

		public void RemovePlayerController(short playerControllerId)
			throw null;

		public bool GetPlayerController(short playerControllerId, out PlayerController playerController)
			throw null;

		public void FlushChannels()
			throw null;

		public void SetMaxDelay(float seconds)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool Send(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool SendUnreliable(short msgType, MessageBase msg)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool SendByChannel(short msgType, MessageBase msg, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool SendBytes(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool SendWriter(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public void LogSend(byte[] bytes)
			throw null;

		public bool CheckChannel(int channelId)
			throw null;

		public void ResetStats()
			throw null;

		public void HandleBytes(byte[] buffer, int receivedSize, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public void HandleReader(NetworkReader reader, int receivedSize, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public virtual void GetStatsOut(out int numMsgs, out int numBufferedMsgs, out int numBytes, out int lastBufferedPerSecond)
			throw null;

		public virtual void GetStatsIn(out int numMsgs, out int numBytes)
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;

		public void AddToVisList(NetworkIdentity uv)
			throw null;

		public void RemoveFromVisList(NetworkIdentity uv, bool isDestroyed)
			throw null;

		public void RemoveObservers()
			throw null;

		public virtual void TransportReceive(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId)
			throw null;

		[Obsolete("TransportRecieve has been deprecated. Use TransportReceive instead.", false)]
		public virtual void TransportRecieve(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool TransportSend(byte[] bytes, int numBytes, int channelId, out byte error)
			throw null;

		public void AddOwnedObject(NetworkIdentity obj)
			throw null;

		public void RemoveOwnedObject(NetworkIdentity obj)
			throw null;

		public static void OnFragment(NetworkMessage netMsg)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class NetworkCRC
		public static NetworkCRC s_Singleton;

		public Dictionary<string, int> m_Scripts;

		public bool m_ScriptCRCCheck;

		public static NetworkCRC singleton
				throw null;

		public Dictionary<string, int> scripts
				throw null;

		public static bool scriptCRCCheck
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public NetworkCRC()
			throw null;

		public static void ReinitializeScriptCRCs(Assembly callingAssembly)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterBehaviour(string name, int channel)
			throw null;

		public static bool Validate(CRCMessageEntry[] scripts, int numChannels)
			throw null;

		public bool ValidateInternal(CRCMessageEntry[] remoteScripts, int numChannels)
			throw null;

		public void Dump(CRCMessageEntry[] remoteScripts)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public struct NetworkBroadcastResult
		public string serverAddress;

		public byte[] broadcastData;
	[Obsolete("The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.")]
	public class NetworkDiscovery : MonoBehaviour
		public const int k_MaxBroadcastMsgSize = 1024;

		public int m_BroadcastPort;

		public int m_BroadcastKey;

		public int m_BroadcastVersion;

		public int m_BroadcastSubVersion;

		public int m_BroadcastInterval;

		public bool m_UseNetworkManager;

		public string m_BroadcastData;

		public bool m_ShowGUI;

		public int m_OffsetX;

		public int m_OffsetY;

		public int m_HostId;

		public bool m_Running;

		public bool m_IsServer;

		public bool m_IsClient;

		public byte[] m_MsgOutBuffer;

		public byte[] m_MsgInBuffer;

		public HostTopology m_DefaultTopology;

		public Dictionary<string, NetworkBroadcastResult> m_BroadcastsReceived;

		public int broadcastPort
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int broadcastKey
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int broadcastVersion
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int broadcastSubVersion
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int broadcastInterval
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool useNetworkManager
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string broadcastData
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool showGUI
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int offsetX
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int offsetY
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int hostId
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool running
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool isServer
				throw null;
				throw null;



Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR.Interaction;
using UnityEngine.SpatialTracking;
using UnityEngine.XR;

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("UnityEditor.SpatialTracking")]
[assembly: UnityAPICompatibilityVersion("2018.4.12f1")]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.XR.Interaction
	public abstract class BaseArmModel : BasePoseProvider
		[Tooltip("The head pose that will be used by the arm model")]
		public TrackedPoseDriver.TrackedPose m_HeadPoseSource;

		[Tooltip("The arm source pose that will be used by the arm model")]
		public TrackedPoseDriver.TrackedPose m_PoseSource;

		public TrackedPoseDriver.TrackedPose headPoseSource
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TrackedPoseDriver.TrackedPose poseSource
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public BaseArmModel()
			throw null;

		public bool TryGetTrackingDataFromSource(TrackedPoseDriver.TrackedPose poseSource, out Pose resultPose)
			throw null;
	public abstract class BasePoseProvider : MonoBehaviour
		public BasePoseProvider()
			throw null;

		public abstract bool TryGetPoseFromProvider(out Pose output);
namespace UnityEngine.SpatialTracking
	public class TrackedPoseDriverDataDescription
		public struct PoseData
			public List<string> PoseNames;

			public List<TrackedPoseDriver.TrackedPose> Poses;

		public static List<PoseData> DeviceData;

		public TrackedPoseDriverDataDescription()
			throw null;

		static TrackedPoseDriverDataDescription()
			throw null;
	public enum PoseDataFlags
		NoData = 0,
		Position = 1,
		Rotation = 2
	public static class PoseDataSource
		public static List<XRNodeState> nodeStates;

		public static PoseDataFlags GetNodePoseData(XRNode node, out Pose resultPose)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryGetDataFromSource(TrackedPoseDriver.TrackedPose poseSource, out Pose resultPose)
			throw null;

		public static PoseDataFlags GetDataFromSource(TrackedPoseDriver.TrackedPose poseSource, out Pose resultPose)
			throw null;

		public static PoseDataFlags TryGetTangoPose(out Pose pose)
			throw null;

		static PoseDataSource()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("XR/Tracked Pose Driver")]
	public class TrackedPoseDriver : MonoBehaviour
		public enum DeviceType

		public enum TrackedPose

		public enum TrackingType

		public enum UpdateType

		public DeviceType m_Device;

		public TrackedPose m_PoseSource;

		public BasePoseProvider m_PoseProviderComponent;

		public TrackingType m_TrackingType;

		public UpdateType m_UpdateType;

		public bool m_UseRelativeTransform;

		public Pose m_OriginPose;

		public DeviceType deviceType
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TrackedPose poseSource
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public BasePoseProvider poseProviderComponent
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TrackingType trackingType
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public UpdateType updateType
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool UseRelativeTransform
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Pose originPose
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TrackedPoseDriver()
			throw null;

		public bool SetPoseSource(DeviceType deviceType, TrackedPose pose)
			throw null;

		public PoseDataFlags GetPoseData(DeviceType device, TrackedPose poseSource, out Pose resultPose)
			throw null;

		public void CacheLocalPosition()
			throw null;

		public void ResetToCachedLocalPosition()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Awake()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDestroy()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public virtual void FixedUpdate()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Update()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnBeforeRender()
			throw null;

		public virtual void SetLocalTransform(Vector3 newPosition, Quaternion newRotation, PoseDataFlags poseFlags)
			throw null;

		public Pose TransformPoseByOriginIfNeeded(Pose pose)
			throw null;

		public bool HasStereoCamera()
			throw null;

		public virtual void PerformUpdate()
			throw null;
namespace BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer
	internal sealed class OriginalAttributesAttribute : Attribute
		public OriginalAttributesAttribute(TypeAttributes P_0)

		public OriginalAttributesAttribute(MethodAttributes P_0)

		public OriginalAttributesAttribute(FieldAttributes P_0)


Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("UnityEngine.Timeline")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Unity Timeline")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Unity Technologies")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("UnityEngine.Timeline")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright \ufffd 2016")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("UnityEditor.Timeline")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("6A10B290-9283-487F-913B-00D94CD3FAF5")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Assembly-CSharp-testable")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Assembly-CSharp-Editor-testable")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Timeline.EditorTests")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Timeline.Tests")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Timeline.Tests.Common")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Timeline.Tests.Performance")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Unity.Timeline.Tests.Performance.Editor")]
[assembly: UnityAPICompatibilityVersion("2018.4.12f1")]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace UnityEngine.Timeline
	public enum ClipCaps
		None = 0,
		Looping = 1,
		Extrapolation = 2,
		ClipIn = 4,
		SpeedMultiplier = 8,
		Blending = 0x10,
		All = -1
	public static class TimelineClipCapsExtensions
		public static bool SupportsLooping(this TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public static bool SupportsExtrapolation(this TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public static bool SupportsClipIn(this TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public static bool SupportsSpeedMultiplier(this TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public static bool SupportsBlending(this TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public static bool HasAll(this ClipCaps caps, ClipCaps flags)
			throw null;

		public static bool HasAny(this ClipCaps caps, ClipCaps flags)
			throw null;
	public struct DiscreteTime : IComparable
		public const double k_Tick = 1E-12;

		public static readonly DiscreteTime kMaxTime;

		public readonly long m_DiscreteTime;

		public static double tickValue
				throw null;

		public DiscreteTime(DiscreteTime time)
			throw null;

		public DiscreteTime(long time)
			throw null;

		public DiscreteTime(double time)
			throw null;

		public DiscreteTime(float time)
			throw null;

		public DiscreteTime(int time)
			throw null;

		public DiscreteTime(int frame, double fps)
			throw null;

		public DiscreteTime OneTickBefore()
			throw null;

		public DiscreteTime OneTickAfter()
			throw null;

		public long GetTick()
			throw null;

		public int CompareTo(object obj)
			throw null;

		public bool Equals(DiscreteTime other)
			throw null;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			throw null;

		public static long DoubleToDiscreteTime(double time)
			throw null;

		public static long FloatToDiscreteTime(float time)
			throw null;

		public static long IntToDiscreteTime(int time)
			throw null;

		public static double ToDouble(long time)
			throw null;

		public static float ToFloat(long time)
			throw null;

		public static explicit operator double(DiscreteTime b)
			throw null;

		public static explicit operator float(DiscreteTime b)
			throw null;

		public static explicit operator long(DiscreteTime b)
			throw null;

		public static explicit operator DiscreteTime(double time)
			throw null;

		public static explicit operator DiscreteTime(float time)
			throw null;

		public static implicit operator DiscreteTime(int time)
			throw null;

		public static explicit operator DiscreteTime(long time)
			throw null;

		public static bool operator ==(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static bool operator !=(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static bool operator >(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static bool operator <(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static bool operator <=(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static bool operator >=(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static DiscreteTime operator +(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static DiscreteTime operator -(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			throw null;

		public static DiscreteTime Min(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static DiscreteTime Max(DiscreteTime lhs, DiscreteTime rhs)
			throw null;

		public static double SnapToNearestTick(double time)
			throw null;

		public static float SnapToNearestTick(float time)
			throw null;

		public static long GetNearestTick(double time)
			throw null;

		static DiscreteTime()
			throw null;
	[SupportsChildTracks(null, int.MaxValue)]
	public class GroupTrack : TrackAsset
		public override bool compilable
				throw null;

		public override IEnumerable<PlayableBinding> outputs
				throw null;

		public GroupTrack()
			throw null;
	public interface IDirectorDriver
		IList<PlayableDirector> GetDrivenDirectors(IExposedPropertyTable resolver);
	public class Placeholder
		public Placeholder()
			throw null;
	public class TimelineAsset : PlayableAsset, ISerializationCallbackReceiver, ITimelineClipAsset, IPropertyPreview
		[Obsolete("MediaType has been deprecated. It is no longer required, and will be removed in a future release.", false)]
		public enum MediaType
			Animation = 0,
			Audio = 1,
			Texture = 2,
			[Obsolete("Use Texture MediaType instead. (UnityUpgradable) -> UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset/MediaType.Texture", false)]
			Video = 2,
			Script = 3,
			Hybrid = 4,
			Group = 5

		public enum DurationMode

		public class EditorSettings
			public static readonly float kMinFps;

			public static readonly float kMaxFps;

			public static readonly float kDefaultFps;

			public float m_Framerate;

			public float fps
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public EditorSettings()
				throw null;

			static EditorSettings()
				throw null;

		public enum Versions

		public static class TimelineAssetUpgrade

		public int m_NextId;

		public List<ScriptableObject> m_Tracks;

		public double m_FixedDuration;

		public TrackAsset[] m_CacheOutputTracks;

		public List<TrackAsset> m_CacheRootTracks;

		public List<TrackAsset> m_CacheFlattenedTracks;

		public EditorSettings m_EditorSettings;

		public DurationMode m_DurationMode;

		public const int k_LatestVersion = 0;

		public int m_Version;

		public EditorSettings editorSettings
				throw null;

		public override double duration
				throw null;

		public double fixedDuration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public DurationMode durationMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public override IEnumerable<PlayableBinding> outputs
				throw null;

		public ClipCaps clipCaps
				throw null;

		public int outputTrackCount
				throw null;

		public int rootTrackCount
				throw null;

		public IEnumerable<TrackAsset> flattenedTracks
				throw null;

		public List<ScriptableObject> trackObjects
				throw null;

		public TimelineAsset()
			throw null;

		public void OnValidate()
			throw null;

		public static float GetValidFramerate(float framerate)
			throw null;

		public TrackAsset GetRootTrack(int index)
			throw null;

		public IEnumerable<TrackAsset> GetRootTracks()
			throw null;

		public TrackAsset GetOutputTrack(int index)
			throw null;

		public IEnumerable<TrackAsset> GetOutputTracks()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateRootTrackCache()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateOutputTrackCache()
			throw null;

		public void AddTrackInternal(TrackAsset track)
			throw null;

		public void RemoveTrack(TrackAsset track)
			throw null;

		public int GenerateNewId()
			throw null;

		public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize()
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
			throw null;

		public void __internalAwake()
			throw null;

		public void GatherProperties(PlayableDirector director, IPropertyCollector driver)
			throw null;

		public void Invalidate()
			throw null;

		public double CalculateDuration()
			throw null;

		public static void AddSubTracksRecursive(TrackAsset track, ref List<TrackAsset> allTracks)
			throw null;

		public TrackAsset CreateTrack(Type type, TrackAsset parent, string name)
			throw null;

		public T CreateTrack<T>(TrackAsset parent, string name) where T : TrackAsset, new()
			throw null;

		public bool DeleteClip(TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public bool DeleteTrack(TrackAsset track)
			throw null;

		public TrackAsset AllocateTrack(TrackAsset trackAssetParent, string trackName, Type trackType)
			throw null;

		public void DeleteRecordingClip(TrackAsset track)
			throw null;

		public void DeleteRecordedAnimation(TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public void UpgradeToLatestVersion()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("TrackMediaType has been deprecated. It is no longer required, and will be removed in a future release.", false)]
	public class TrackMediaType : Attribute
		public readonly TimelineAsset.MediaType m_MediaType;

		public TrackMediaType(TimelineAsset.MediaType mt)
			throw null;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
	public class TrackClipTypeAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly Type inspectedType;

		public readonly bool allowAutoCreate;

		public TrackClipTypeAttribute(Type clipClass)
			throw null;

		public TrackClipTypeAttribute(Type clipClass, bool allowAutoCreate)
			throw null;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Field)]
	public class NotKeyableAttribute : Attribute
		public NotKeyableAttribute()
			throw null;
	public enum TrackBindingFlags
		None = 0,
		AllowCreateComponent = 1,
		All = 1
	public class TrackBindingTypeAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly Type type;

		public readonly TrackBindingFlags flags;

		public TrackBindingTypeAttribute(Type type)
			throw null;

		public TrackBindingTypeAttribute(Type type, TrackBindingFlags flags)
			throw null;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false)]
	public class SupportsChildTracksAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly Type childType;

		public readonly int levels;

		public SupportsChildTracksAttribute(Type childType = null, int levels = int.MaxValue)
			throw null;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
	public class IgnoreOnPlayableTrackAttribute : Attribute
		public IgnoreOnPlayableTrackAttribute()
			throw null;
	public class TimeFieldAttribute : PropertyAttribute
		public TimeFieldAttribute()
			throw null;
	public interface ITimelineClipAsset
		ClipCaps clipCaps { get; }
	public interface IClipInitializer
		void OnCreate(TimelineClip owningClip, TrackAsset owningTrack, IExposedPropertyTable resolver);
	public class TimelineClip : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
		public enum ClipExtrapolation

		public enum BlendCurveMode

		public enum Versions

		public static class TimelineClipUpgrade
			public static void UpgradeClipInFromGlobalToLocal(TimelineClip clip)
				throw null;

		public static readonly ClipCaps kDefaultClipCaps;

		public static readonly float kDefaultClipDurationInSeconds;

		public static readonly double kTimeScaleMin;

		public static readonly double kTimeScaleMax;

		public static readonly double kMinDuration;

		public static readonly double kMaxTimeValue;

		public double m_Start;

		public double m_ClipIn;

		public Object m_Asset;

		public double m_Duration;

		public double m_TimeScale;

		public TrackAsset m_ParentTrack;

		public double m_EaseInDuration;

		public double m_EaseOutDuration;

		public double m_BlendInDuration;

		public double m_BlendOutDuration;

		public AnimationCurve m_MixInCurve;

		public AnimationCurve m_MixOutCurve;

		public BlendCurveMode m_BlendInCurveMode;

		public BlendCurveMode m_BlendOutCurveMode;

		public List<string> m_ExposedParameterNames;

		public AnimationClip m_AnimationCurves;

		public bool m_Recordable;

		public ClipExtrapolation m_PostExtrapolationMode;

		public ClipExtrapolation m_PreExtrapolationMode;

		public double m_PostExtrapolationTime;

		public double m_PreExtrapolationTime;

		public string m_DisplayName;

		public const int k_LatestVersion = 1;

		public int m_Version;

		public int dirtyHash
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool hasPreExtrapolation
				throw null;

		public bool hasPostExtrapolation
				throw null;

		public double timeScale
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double start
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double duration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double end
				throw null;

		public double clipIn
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string displayName
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double clipAssetDuration
				throw null;

		public AnimationClip curves
				throw null;

		public Object asset
				throw null;
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("underlyingAsset property is obsolete. Use asset property instead", true)]
		public Object underlyingAsset
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TrackAsset parentTrack
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double easeInDuration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double easeOutDuration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("Use easeOutTime instead (UnityUpgradable) -> easeOutTime", true)]
		public double eastOutTime
				throw null;

		public double easeOutTime
				throw null;

		public double blendInDuration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double blendOutDuration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public BlendCurveMode blendInCurveMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public BlendCurveMode blendOutCurveMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool hasBlendIn
				throw null;

		public bool hasBlendOut
				throw null;

		public AnimationCurve mixInCurve
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float mixInPercentage
				throw null;

		public double mixInDuration
				throw null;

		public AnimationCurve mixOutCurve
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double mixOutTime
				throw null;

		public double mixOutDuration
				throw null;

		public float mixOutPercentage
				throw null;

		public bool recordable
				throw null;
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("exposedParameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release")]
		public List<string> exposedParameters
				throw null;

		public ClipCaps clipCaps
				throw null;

		public AnimationClip animationClip
				throw null;

		public ClipExtrapolation postExtrapolationMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public ClipExtrapolation preExtrapolationMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double extrapolatedStart
				throw null;

		public double extrapolatedDuration
				throw null;

		public TimelineClip(TrackAsset parent)
			throw null;

		public int Hash()
			throw null;

		public float EvaluateMixOut(double time)
			throw null;

		public float EvaluateMixIn(double time)
			throw null;

		public static AnimationCurve GetDefaultMixInCurve()
			throw null;

		public static AnimationCurve GetDefaultMixOutCurve()
			throw null;

		public double ToLocalTime(double time)
			throw null;

		public double ToLocalTimeUnbound(double time)
			throw null;

		public double FromLocalTimeUnbound(double time)
			throw null;

		public static double SanitizeTimeValue(double value, double defaultValue)
			throw null;

		public void SetPostExtrapolationTime(double time)
			throw null;

		public void SetPreExtrapolationTime(double time)
			throw null;

		public bool IsExtrapolatedTime(double sequenceTime)
			throw null;

		public bool IsPreExtrapolatedTime(double sequenceTime)
			throw null;

		public bool IsPostExtrapolatedTime(double sequenceTime)
			throw null;

		public static double GetExtrapolatedTime(double time, ClipExtrapolation mode, double duration)
			throw null;

		public void AllocateAnimatedParameterCurves()
			throw null;

		public void ClearAnimatedParameterCurves()
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize()
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;

		public void UpgradeToLatestVersion()
			throw null;

		static TimelineClip()
			throw null;
	public interface ITimelineEvaluateCallback
		void Evaluate();
	public class TimelinePlayable : PlayableBehaviour
		public IntervalTree<RuntimeElement> m_IntervalTree;

		public List<RuntimeElement> m_ActiveClips;

		public List<RuntimeElement> m_CurrentListOfActiveClips;

		public int m_ActiveBit;

		public List<ITimelineEvaluateCallback> m_EvaluateCallbacks;

		public Dictionary<TrackAsset, Playable> m_PlayableCache;

		public static bool muteAudioScrubbing;

		public TimelinePlayable()
			throw null;

		public static ScriptPlayable<TimelinePlayable> Create(PlayableGraph graph, IEnumerable<TrackAsset> tracks, GameObject go, bool autoRebalance, bool createOutputs)
			throw null;

		public void Compile(PlayableGraph graph, Playable timelinePlayable, IEnumerable<TrackAsset> tracks, GameObject go, bool autoRebalance, bool createOutputs)
			throw null;

		public void CompileTrackList(PlayableGraph graph, Playable timelinePlayable, IEnumerable<TrackAsset> tracks, GameObject go, bool createOutputs)
			throw null;

		public void CreateTrackOutput(PlayableGraph graph, TrackAsset track, Playable playable, int port)
			throw null;

		public void EvaluateWeightsForAnimationPlayableOutput(TrackAsset track, AnimationPlayableOutput animOutput)
			throw null;

		public static Playable CreatePlayableGraph(PlayableGraph graph, TrackAsset asset, GameObject go, IntervalTree<RuntimeElement> tree)
			throw null;

		public Playable CreateTrackPlayable(PlayableGraph graph, Playable timelinePlayable, TrackAsset track, GameObject go, bool createOutputs)
			throw null;

		public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public void Evaluate(Playable playable, FrameData frameData)
			throw null;

		public void CacheTrack(TrackAsset track, Playable playable, int port, Playable parent)
			throw null;

		public static void ForAOTCompilationOnly()
			throw null;

		static TimelinePlayable()
			throw null;
	public abstract class TrackAsset : PlayableAsset, IPropertyPreview, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
		public enum Versions

		public static class TrackAssetUpgrade

		public bool m_Locked;

		public bool m_Muted;

		public string m_CustomPlayableFullTypename;

		public AnimationClip m_AnimClip;

		public PlayableAsset m_Parent;

		public List<ScriptableObject> m_Children;

		public int m_ItemsHash;

		public TimelineClip[] m_ClipsCache;

		public DiscreteTime m_Start;

		public DiscreteTime m_End;

		public bool m_CacheSorted;

		public static TrackAsset[] s_EmptyCache;

		public IEnumerable<TrackAsset> m_ChildTrackCache;

		public static Dictionary<Type, TrackBindingTypeAttribute> s_TrackBindingTypeAttributeCache;

		public List<TimelineClip> m_Clips;

		public const int k_LatestVersion = 2;

		public int m_Version;

		public double start
				throw null;

		public double end
				throw null;

		public sealed override double duration
				throw null;

		public bool muted
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TimelineAsset timelineAsset
				throw null;

		public PlayableAsset parent
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TimelineClip[] clips
				throw null;

		public virtual bool isEmpty
				throw null;

		public bool hasClips
				throw null;

		public bool isSubTrack
				throw null;

		public override IEnumerable<PlayableBinding> outputs
				throw null;

		public string customPlayableTypename
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public AnimationClip animClip
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public List<ScriptableObject> subTracksObjects
				throw null;

		public bool locked
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool lockedInHierarchy
				throw null;

		public bool parentLocked
				throw null;

		public virtual bool compilable
				throw null;

		public static event Action<TimelineClip, GameObject, Playable> OnPlayableCreate
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TrackAsset()
			throw null;

		public IEnumerable<TimelineClip> GetClips()
			throw null;

		public IEnumerable<TrackAsset> GetChildTracks()
			throw null;

		public void __internalAwake()
			throw null;

		public virtual Playable CreateTrackMixer(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, int inputCount)
			throw null;

		public sealed override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateDefaultClip()
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateClip<T>() where T : ScriptableObject, IPlayableAsset
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateClip(Type requestedType)
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateAndAddNewClipOfType(Type requestedType)
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateClipOfType(Type requestedType)
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateClipFromPlayableAsset(IPlayableAsset asset)
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateClipFromAsset(ScriptableObject playableAsset)
			throw null;

		public void AddClip(TimelineClip newClip)
			throw null;

		public Playable CreatePlayableGraph(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, IntervalTree<RuntimeElement> tree)
			throw null;

		public virtual Playable OnCreatePlayableGraph(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, IntervalTree<RuntimeElement> tree)
			throw null;

		public void SortClips()
			throw null;

		public void ClearClipsInternal()
			throw null;

		public void ClearSubTracksInternal()
			throw null;

		public void OnClipMove()
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateNewClipContainerInternal()
			throw null;

		public void AddChild(TrackAsset child)
			throw null;

		public bool AddChildAfter(TrackAsset child, TrackAsset other)
			throw null;

		public bool RemoveSubTrack(TrackAsset child)
			throw null;

		public void RemoveClip(TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public virtual void GetEvaluationTime(out double outStart, out double outDuration)
			throw null;

		public virtual void GetSequenceTime(out double outStart, out double outDuration)
			throw null;

		public virtual void GatherProperties(PlayableDirector director, IPropertyCollector driver)
			throw null;

		public GameObject GetGameObjectBinding(PlayableDirector director)
			throw null;

		public bool ValidateClipType(Type clipType)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnCreateClip(TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public virtual void UpdateDuration()
			throw null;

		public virtual Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject gameObject, TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public void Invalidate()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateChildTrackCache()
			throw null;

		public virtual int Hash()
			throw null;

		public int GetClipsHash()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnBeforeTrackSerialize()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnAfterTrackDeserialize()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnUpgradeFromVersion(int oldVersion)
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize()
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
			throw null;

		public void UpgradeToLatestVersion()
			throw null;

		static TrackAsset()
			throw null;
	public class ActivationMixerPlayable : PlayableBehaviour
		public ActivationTrack.PostPlaybackState m_PostPlaybackState;

		public bool m_BoundGameObjectInitialStateIsActive;

		public GameObject m_BoundGameObject;

		public ActivationTrack.PostPlaybackState postPlaybackState
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public ActivationMixerPlayable()
			throw null;

		public static ScriptPlayable<ActivationMixerPlayable> Create(PlayableGraph graph, int inputCount)
			throw null;

		public override void OnPlayableDestroy(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
			throw null;
	public class ActivationPlayableAsset : PlayableAsset, ITimelineClipAsset
		public ClipCaps clipCaps
				throw null;

		public ActivationPlayableAsset()
			throw null;

		public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
			throw null;
	public class ActivationTrack : TrackAsset
		public enum PostPlaybackState

		public PostPlaybackState m_PostPlaybackState;

		public ActivationMixerPlayable m_ActivationMixer;

		public override bool compilable
				throw null;

		public PostPlaybackState postPlaybackState
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public ActivationTrack()
			throw null;

		public override Playable CreateTrackMixer(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, int inputCount)
			throw null;

		public void UpdateTrackMode()
			throw null;

		public override void GatherProperties(PlayableDirector director, IPropertyCollector driver)
			throw null;

		public override void OnCreateClip(TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;
	public class AnimationOutputWeightProcessor : ITimelineEvaluateCallback
		public struct WeightInfo
			public Playable mixer;

			public Playable parentMixer;

			public int port;

			public bool modulate;

		public AnimationPlayableOutput m_Output;

		public AnimationMotionXToDeltaPlayable m_MotionXPlayable;

		public AnimationMixerPlayable m_PoseMixer;

		public AnimationLayerMixerPlayable m_LayerMixer;

		public readonly List<WeightInfo> m_Mixers;

		public AnimationOutputWeightProcessor(AnimationPlayableOutput output)
			throw null;

		public void FindMixers()
			throw null;

		public void FindMixers(Playable parent, int port, Playable node)
			throw null;

		public void Evaluate()
			throw null;
	public class AnimationPlayableAsset : PlayableAsset, ITimelineClipAsset, IPropertyPreview, IClipInitializer, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
		public enum Versions

		public static class AnimationPlayableAssetUpgrade
			public static void ConvertRotationToEuler(AnimationPlayableAsset asset)
				throw null;

		public AnimationClip m_Clip;

		public Vector3 m_Position;

		public Vector3 m_EulerAngles;

		public bool m_UseTrackMatchFields;

		public MatchTargetFields m_MatchTargetFields;

		public bool m_RemoveStartOffset;

		public bool m_ApplyFootIK;

		public static readonly int k_LatestVersion;

		public int m_Version;

		[Obsolete("Use m_RotationEuler Instead", false)]
		public Quaternion m_Rotation;

		public Vector3 position
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Quaternion rotation
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector3 eulerAngles
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool useTrackMatchFields
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public MatchTargetFields matchTargetFields
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool removeStartOffset
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool applyFootIK
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool hasRootTransforms
				throw null;

		public AppliedOffsetMode appliedOffsetMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public AnimationClip clip
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public override double duration
				throw null;

		public override IEnumerable<PlayableBinding> outputs
				throw null;

		public ClipCaps clipCaps
				throw null;

		public AnimationPlayableAsset()
			throw null;

		public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
			throw null;

		public static Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, AnimationClip clip, Vector3 positionOffset, Vector3 eulerOffset, bool removeStartOffset, AppliedOffsetMode mode, bool applyFootIK)
			throw null;

		public static bool ShouldApplyOffset(AppliedOffsetMode mode, AnimationClip clip)
			throw null;

		public static bool ShouldApplyScaleRemove(AppliedOffsetMode mode)
			throw null;

		public void ResetOffsets()
			throw null;

		public void GatherProperties(PlayableDirector director, IPropertyCollector driver)
			throw null;

		void IClipInitializer.OnCreate(TimelineClip newClip, TrackAsset owner, IExposedPropertyTable resolver)
			throw null;

		public static bool HasRootTransforms(AnimationClip clip)
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize()
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
			throw null;

		public void OnUpgradeFromVersion(int oldVersion)
			throw null;

		static AnimationPlayableAsset()
			throw null;
	public enum MatchTargetFields
		PositionX = 1,
		PositionY = 2,
		PositionZ = 4,
		RotationX = 8,
		RotationY = 0x10,
		RotationZ = 0x20
	public enum TrackOffset
	public enum AppliedOffsetMode
	public static class MatchTargetFieldConstants
		public static MatchTargetFields All;

		public static MatchTargetFields None;

		public static MatchTargetFields Position;

		public static MatchTargetFields Rotation;

		public static bool HasAny(this MatchTargetFields me, MatchTargetFields fields)
			throw null;

		public static MatchTargetFields Toggle(this MatchTargetFields me, MatchTargetFields flag)
			throw null;

		static MatchTargetFieldConstants()
			throw null;
	[TrackClipType(typeof(AnimationPlayableAsset), false)]
	[SupportsChildTracks(typeof(AnimationTrack), 1)]
	public class AnimationTrack : TrackAsset
		public static class AnimationTrackUpgrade
			public static void ConvertRotationsToEuler(AnimationTrack track)
				throw null;

			public static void ConvertRootMotion(AnimationTrack track)
				throw null;

		public TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation m_OpenClipPreExtrapolation;

		public TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation m_OpenClipPostExtrapolation;

		public Vector3 m_OpenClipOffsetPosition;

		public Vector3 m_OpenClipOffsetEulerAngles;

		public double m_OpenClipTimeOffset;

		public bool m_OpenClipRemoveOffset;

		public bool m_InfiniteClipApplyFootIK;

		public MatchTargetFields m_MatchTargetFields;

		public Vector3 m_Position;

		public Vector3 m_EulerAngles;

		public AvatarMask m_AvatarMask;

		public bool m_ApplyAvatarMask;

		public TrackOffset m_TrackOffset;

		[Obsolete("Use m_OpenClipOffsetEuler Instead", false)]
		public Quaternion m_OpenClipOffsetRotation;

		[Obsolete("Use m_RotationEuler Instead", false)]
		public Quaternion m_Rotation;

		[Obsolete("Use m_RootTransformOffsetMode", false)]
		public bool m_ApplyOffsets;

		public Vector3 position
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Quaternion rotation
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector3 eulerAngles
				throw null;
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("applyOffset is deprecated. Use trackOffset instead", true)]
		public bool applyOffsets
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TrackOffset trackOffset
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public MatchTargetFields matchTargetFields
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool openClipRemoveOffset
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool compilableIsolated
				throw null;

		public AvatarMask avatarMask
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool applyAvatarMask
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public override bool compilable
				throw null;

		public override IEnumerable<PlayableBinding> outputs
				throw null;

		public bool inClipMode
				throw null;

		public Vector3 openClipOffsetPosition
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Quaternion openClipOffsetRotation
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector3 openClipOffsetEulerAngles
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool infiniteClipApplyFootIK
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public double openClipTimeOffset
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation openClipPreExtrapolation
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation openClipPostExtrapolation
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public AnimationTrack()
			throw null;

		[ContextMenu("Reset Offsets")]
		public void ResetOffsets()
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateClip(AnimationClip clip)
			throw null;

		public override void OnCreateClip(TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;

		public void UpdateClipOffsets()
			throw null;

		public Playable CompileTrackPlayable(PlayableGraph graph, TrackAsset track, GameObject go, IntervalTree<RuntimeElement> tree, AppliedOffsetMode mode)
			throw null;

		public override Playable OnCreatePlayableGraph(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, IntervalTree<RuntimeElement> tree)
			throw null;

		public bool RequiresMotionXPlayable(AppliedOffsetMode mode, GameObject gameObject)
			throw null;

		public static bool UsesAbsoluteMotion(AppliedOffsetMode mode)
			throw null;

		public bool HasController(GameObject gameObject)
			throw null;

		public Animator GetBinding(PlayableDirector director)
			throw null;

		public static AnimationLayerMixerPlayable CreateGroupMixer(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, int inputCount)
			throw null;

		public Playable CreateInfiniteTrackPlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, IntervalTree<RuntimeElement> tree, AppliedOffsetMode mode)
			throw null;

		public Playable ApplyTrackOffset(PlayableGraph graph, Playable root, GameObject go, AppliedOffsetMode mode)
			throw null;

		public override void GetEvaluationTime(out double outStart, out double outDuration)
			throw null;

		public override void GetSequenceTime(out double outStart, out double outDuration)
			throw null;

		public void AssignAnimationClip(TimelineClip clip, AnimationClip animClip)
			throw null;

		public override void GatherProperties(PlayableDirector director, IPropertyCollector driver)
			throw null;

		public void GetAnimationClips(List<AnimationClip> animClips)
			throw null;

		public AppliedOffsetMode GetOffsetMode(GameObject go, bool animatesRootTransform)
			throw null;

		public bool AnimatesRootTransform()
			throw null;

		public override void OnUpgradeFromVersion(int oldVersion)
			throw null;
	public class TrackColorAttribute : Attribute
		public Color m_Color;

		public Color color
				throw null;

		public TrackColorAttribute(float r, float g, float b)
			throw null;
	public class AudioPlayableAsset : PlayableAsset, ITimelineClipAsset
		public AudioClip m_Clip;

		public bool m_Loop;

		public float m_bufferingTime;

		public float bufferingTime
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public AudioClip clip
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool loop
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public override double duration
				throw null;

		public override IEnumerable<PlayableBinding> outputs
				throw null;

		public ClipCaps clipCaps
				throw null;

		public AudioPlayableAsset()
			throw null;

		public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
			throw null;
	[TrackClipType(typeof(AudioPlayableAsset), false)]
	public class AudioTrack : TrackAsset
		public override IEnumerable<PlayableBinding> outputs
				throw null;

		public AudioTrack()
			throw null;

		public TimelineClip CreateClip(AudioClip clip)
			throw null;

		public override Playable OnCreatePlayableGraph(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go, IntervalTree<RuntimeElement> tree)
			throw null;
	public class ControlPlayableAsset : PlayableAsset, IPropertyPreview, ITimelineClipAsset, IClipInitializer, IDirectorDriver
		public const int k_MaxRandInt = 10000;

		public static readonly List<PlayableDirector> k_EmptyDirectorsList;

		public static readonly List<ParticleSystem> k_EmptyParticlesList;

		public ExposedReference<GameObject> sourceGameObject;

		public GameObject prefabGameObject;

		public bool updateParticle;

		public uint particleRandomSeed;

		public bool updateDirector;

		public bool updateITimeControl;

		public bool searchHierarchy;

		public bool active;

		public ActivationControlPlayable.PostPlaybackState postPlayback;

		public PlayableAsset m_ControlDirectorAsset;

		public double m_Duration;

		public bool m_SupportLoop;

		public static HashSet<PlayableDirector> s_ProcessedDirectors;

		public static HashSet<GameObject> s_CreatedPrefabs;

		public override double duration
				throw null;

		public ClipCaps clipCaps
				throw null;

		public ControlPlayableAsset()
			throw null;

		public void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go)
			throw null;

		public static Playable ConnectPlayablesToMixer(PlayableGraph graph, List<Playable> playables)
			throw null;

		public void CreateActivationPlayable(GameObject root, PlayableGraph graph, List<Playable> outplayables)
			throw null;

		public void SearchHiearchyAndConnectParticleSystem(IEnumerable<ParticleSystem> particleSystems, PlayableGraph graph, List<Playable> outplayables)
			throw null;

		public void SearchHierarchyAndConnectDirector(IEnumerable<PlayableDirector> directors, PlayableGraph graph, List<Playable> outplayables, bool disableSelfReferences)
			throw null;

		public static void SearchHierarchyAndConnectControlableScripts(IEnumerable<MonoBehaviour> controlableScripts, PlayableGraph graph, List<Playable> outplayables)
			throw null;

		public static void ConnectMixerAndPlayable(PlayableGraph graph, Playable mixer, Playable playable, int portIndex)
			throw null;

		public IList<T> GetComponent<T>(GameObject gameObject)
			throw null;

		public static IEnumerable<MonoBehaviour> GetControlableScripts(GameObject root)
			throw null;

		public void UpdateDurationAndLoopFlag(IList<PlayableDirector> directors, IList<ParticleSystem> particleSystems)
			throw null;

		public IList<ParticleSystem> GetParticleSystemRoots(GameObject go)
			throw null;

		public static void GetParticleSystemRoots(Transform t, ICollection<ParticleSystem> roots)
			throw null;

		public void GatherProperties(PlayableDirector director, IPropertyCollector driver)
			throw null;

		void IClipInitializer.OnCreate(TimelineClip newClip, TrackAsset track, IExposedPropertyTable table)
			throw null;

		IList<PlayableDirector> IDirectorDriver.GetDrivenDirectors(IExposedPropertyTable resolver)
			throw null;

		static ControlPlayableAsset()
			throw null;
	[TrackClipType(typeof(ControlPlayableAsset), false)]
	public class ControlTrack : TrackAsset
		public ControlTrack()
			throw null;
	public class InfiniteRuntimeClip : RuntimeElement
		public Playable m_Playable;

		public static readonly long kIntervalEnd;

		public override long intervalStart
				throw null;

		public override long intervalEnd
				throw null;

		public override bool enable
				throw null;

		public InfiniteRuntimeClip(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public override void EvaluateAt(double localTime, FrameData frameData)
			throw null;

		static InfiniteRuntimeClip()
			throw null;
namespace UnityEngine
	public interface IInterval
		long intervalStart { get; }

		long intervalEnd { get; }

		int intervalBit { get; set; }
	public struct IntervalTreeNode
		public long center;

		public int first;

		public int last;

		public int left;

		public int right;
	public class IntervalTree<T> where T : class, IInterval
		public struct Entry
			public long intervalStart;

			public long intervalEnd;

			public T item;

		public const int kMinNodeSize = 10;

		public const int kInvalidNode = -1;

		public const long kCenterUnknown = long.MaxValue;

		public readonly List<Entry> m_Entries;

		public readonly List<IntervalTreeNode> m_Nodes;

		public bool dirty
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public IntervalTree()
			throw null;

		public void Add(T item)
			throw null;

		public void IntersectsWith(long value, int bitFlag, List<T> results)
			throw null;

		public void UpdateIntervals()
			throw null;

		public void Query(IntervalTreeNode node, long value, int bitflag, List<T> results)
			throw null;

		public void Rebuild()
			throw null;

		public int Rebuild(int start, int end)
			throw null;
namespace UnityEngine.Timeline
	public class RuntimeClip : RuntimeClipBase
		public TimelineClip m_Clip;

		public Playable m_Playable;

		public Playable m_ParentMixer;

		public override double start
				throw null;

		public override double duration
				throw null;

		public TimelineClip clip
				throw null;

		public Playable mixer
				throw null;

		public Playable playable
				throw null;

		public override bool enable
				throw null;

		public RuntimeClip(TimelineClip clip, Playable clipPlayable, Playable parentMixer)
			throw null;

		public void Create(TimelineClip clip, Playable clipPlayable, Playable parentMixer)
			throw null;

		public void SetTime(double time)
			throw null;

		public void SetDuration(double duration)
			throw null;

		public override void EvaluateAt(double localTime, FrameData frameData)
			throw null;
	public abstract class RuntimeClipBase : RuntimeElement
		public abstract double start

		public abstract double duration

		public override long intervalStart
				throw null;

		public override long intervalEnd
				throw null;

		public RuntimeClipBase()
			throw null;
	public abstract class RuntimeElement : IInterval
		public abstract long intervalStart

		public abstract long intervalEnd

		public int intervalBit
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public abstract bool enable

		public RuntimeElement()
			throw null;

		public abstract void EvaluateAt(double localTime, FrameData frameData);
	public class ScheduleRuntimeClip : RuntimeClipBase
		public TimelineClip m_Clip;

		public Playable m_Playable;

		public Playable m_ParentMixer;

		public double m_StartDelay;

		public double m_FinishTail;

		public bool m_Started;

		public override double start
				throw null;

		public override double duration
				throw null;

		public TimelineClip clip
				throw null;

		public Playable mixer
				throw null;

		public Playable playable
				throw null;

		public override bool enable
				throw null;

		public ScheduleRuntimeClip(TimelineClip clip, Playable clipPlayable, Playable parentMixer, double startDelay = 0.2, double finishTail = 0.1)
			throw null;

		public void SetTime(double time)
			throw null;

		public void Create(TimelineClip clip, Playable clipPlayable, Playable parentMixer, double startDelay, double finishTail)
			throw null;

		public override void EvaluateAt(double localTime, FrameData frameData)
			throw null;
	public static class TrackAssetExtensions
		public static GroupTrack GetGroup(this TrackAsset asset)
			throw null;

		public static void SetGroup(this TrackAsset asset, GroupTrack group)
			throw null;
	public class ActivationControlPlayable : PlayableBehaviour
		public enum PostPlaybackState

		public enum InitialState

		public GameObject gameObject;

		public PostPlaybackState postPlayback;

		public InitialState m_InitialState;

		public ActivationControlPlayable()
			throw null;

		public static ScriptPlayable<ActivationControlPlayable> Create(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject gameObject, PostPlaybackState postPlaybackState)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPlay(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPause(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object userData)
			throw null;

		public override void OnGraphStart(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public override void OnPlayableDestroy(Playable playable)
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("For best performance use PlayableAsset and PlayableBehaviour.")]
	public class BasicPlayableBehaviour : ScriptableObject, IPlayableAsset, IPlayableBehaviour
		public virtual double duration
				throw null;

		public virtual IEnumerable<PlayableBinding> outputs
				throw null;

		public BasicPlayableBehaviour()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnGraphStart(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnGraphStop(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPlayableCreate(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPlayableDestroy(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnBehaviourPlay(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnBehaviourPause(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public virtual void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public virtual void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
			throw null;

		public virtual Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject owner)
			throw null;
	public class DirectorControlPlayable : PlayableBehaviour
		public PlayableDirector director;

		public bool m_SyncTime;

		public double m_AssetDuration;

		public DirectorControlPlayable()
			throw null;

		public static ScriptPlayable<DirectorControlPlayable> Create(PlayableGraph graph, PlayableDirector director)
			throw null;

		public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPlay(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPause(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
			throw null;

		public void SyncSpeed(double speed)
			throw null;

		public void SyncPlayState(PlayableGraph graph, double playableTime)
			throw null;

		public bool DetectDiscontinuity(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public bool DetectOutOfSync(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public void UpdateTime(Playable playable)
			throw null;
	public interface ITimeControl
		void SetTime(double time);

		void OnControlTimeStart();

		void OnControlTimeStop();
	public class ParticleControlPlayable : PlayableBehaviour
		public const float kUnsetTime = -1f;

		public float m_LastTime;

		public uint m_RandomSeed;

		public float m_SystemTime;

		public ParticleSystem particleSystem
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public ParticleControlPlayable()
			throw null;

		public static ScriptPlayable<ParticleControlPlayable> Create(PlayableGraph graph, ParticleSystem component, uint randomSeed)
			throw null;

		public void Initialize(ParticleSystem ps, uint randomSeed)
			throw null;

		public void SetRandomSeed()
			throw null;

		public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData data)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPlay(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPause(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;
	public class PrefabControlPlayable : PlayableBehaviour
		public GameObject m_Instance;

		public GameObject prefabInstance
				throw null;

		public PrefabControlPlayable()
			throw null;

		public static ScriptPlayable<PrefabControlPlayable> Create(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject prefabGameObject, Transform parentTransform)
			throw null;

		public GameObject Initialize(GameObject prefabGameObject, Transform parentTransform)
			throw null;

		public override void OnPlayableDestroy(Playable playable)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPlay(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPause(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public static void SetHideFlagsRecursive(GameObject gameObject)
			throw null;
	public class TimeControlPlayable : PlayableBehaviour
		public ITimeControl m_timeControl;

		public bool m_started;

		public TimeControlPlayable()
			throw null;

		public static ScriptPlayable<TimeControlPlayable> Create(PlayableGraph graph, ITimeControl timeControl)
			throw null;

		public void Initialize(ITimeControl timeControl)
			throw null;

		public override void PrepareFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPlay(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;

		public override void OnBehaviourPause(Playable playable, FrameData info)
			throw null;
	public class PlayableTrack : TrackAsset
		public PlayableTrack()
			throw null;

		public override void OnCreateClip(TimelineClip clip)
			throw null;
	public static class Extrapolation
		public static readonly double kMinExtrapolationTime;

		public static void CalculateExtrapolationTimes(this TrackAsset asset)
			throw null;

		public static TimelineClip[] SortClipsByStartTime(TimelineClip[] clips)
			throw null;

		static Extrapolation()
			throw null;
	public static class HashUtility
		public static int CombineHash(this int h1, int h2)
			throw null;



Decompiled a year ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx.AssemblyPublicizer;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.U2D;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.UI.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI.CoroutineTween;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("guisystem")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("guisystem")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © Microsoft 2013")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("UnityEngine.UI.Tests")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("d4f464c7-9b15-460d-b4bc-2cacd1c1df73")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: UnityAPICompatibilityVersion("2018.4.12f1")]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace UnityEngine.EventSystems
	public enum EventHandle
		Unused = 0,
		Used = 1
	public interface IEventSystemHandler
	public interface IPointerEnterHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IPointerExitHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IPointerDownHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IPointerUpHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IPointerClickHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IBeginDragHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IInitializePotentialDragHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnInitializePotentialDrag(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IDragHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IEndDragHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IDropHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnDrop(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IScrollHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData);
	public interface IUpdateSelectedHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnUpdateSelected(BaseEventData eventData);
	public interface ISelectHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnSelect(BaseEventData eventData);
	public interface IDeselectHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData);
	public interface IMoveHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnMove(AxisEventData eventData);
	public interface ISubmitHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData);
	public interface ICancelHandler : IEventSystemHandler
		void OnCancel(BaseEventData eventData);
	[AddComponentMenu("Event/Event System")]
	public class EventSystem : UIBehaviour
		public List<BaseInputModule> m_SystemInputModules;

		public BaseInputModule m_CurrentInputModule;

		public static List<EventSystem> m_EventSystems;

		public GameObject m_FirstSelected;

		public bool m_sendNavigationEvents;

		public int m_DragThreshold;

		public GameObject m_CurrentSelected;

		public bool m_HasFocus;

		public bool m_SelectionGuard;

		public BaseEventData m_DummyData;

		public static readonly Comparison<RaycastResult> s_RaycastComparer;

		public static EventSystem current
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool sendNavigationEvents
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int pixelDragThreshold
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public BaseInputModule currentInputModule
				throw null;

		public GameObject firstSelectedGameObject
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public GameObject currentSelectedGameObject
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("lastSelectedGameObject is no longer supported")]
		public GameObject lastSelectedGameObject
				throw null;

		public bool isFocused
				throw null;

		public bool alreadySelecting
				throw null;

		public BaseEventData baseEventDataCache
				throw null;

		public EventSystem()
			throw null;

		public void UpdateModules()
			throw null;

		public void SetSelectedGameObject(GameObject selected, BaseEventData pointer)
			throw null;

		public void SetSelectedGameObject(GameObject selected)
			throw null;

		public static int RaycastComparer(RaycastResult lhs, RaycastResult rhs)
			throw null;

		public void RaycastAll(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> raycastResults)
			throw null;

		public bool IsPointerOverGameObject()
			throw null;

		public bool IsPointerOverGameObject(int pointerId)
			throw null;

		public override void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public void TickModules()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnApplicationFocus(bool hasFocus)
			throw null;

		public virtual void Update()
			throw null;

		public void ChangeEventModule(BaseInputModule module)
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;

		static EventSystem()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("Event/Event Trigger")]
	public class EventTrigger : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerClickHandler, IInitializePotentialDragHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IDropHandler, IScrollHandler, IUpdateSelectedHandler, ISelectHandler, IDeselectHandler, IMoveHandler, ISubmitHandler, ICancelHandler, IEventSystemHandler
		public class TriggerEvent : UnityEvent<BaseEventData>
			public TriggerEvent()
				throw null;

		public class Entry
			public EventTriggerType eventID;

			public TriggerEvent callback;

			public Entry()
				throw null;

		public List<Entry> m_Delegates;

		[Obsolete("Please use triggers instead (UnityUpgradable) -> triggers", true)]
		public List<Entry> delegates;

		public List<Entry> triggers
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public EventTrigger()
			throw null;

		public void Execute(EventTriggerType id, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPointerExit(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDrop(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPointerUp(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnSelect(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnMove(AxisEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnUpdateSelected(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnInitializePotentialDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnCancel(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;
	public enum EventTriggerType
	public static class ExecuteEvents
		public delegate void EventFunction<T1>(T1 handler, BaseEventData eventData);

		public static readonly EventFunction<IPointerEnterHandler> s_PointerEnterHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IPointerExitHandler> s_PointerExitHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IPointerDownHandler> s_PointerDownHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IPointerUpHandler> s_PointerUpHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IPointerClickHandler> s_PointerClickHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IInitializePotentialDragHandler> s_InitializePotentialDragHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IBeginDragHandler> s_BeginDragHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IDragHandler> s_DragHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IEndDragHandler> s_EndDragHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IDropHandler> s_DropHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IScrollHandler> s_ScrollHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IUpdateSelectedHandler> s_UpdateSelectedHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<ISelectHandler> s_SelectHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IDeselectHandler> s_DeselectHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<IMoveHandler> s_MoveHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<ISubmitHandler> s_SubmitHandler;

		public static readonly EventFunction<ICancelHandler> s_CancelHandler;

		public static readonly ObjectPool<List<IEventSystemHandler>> s_HandlerListPool;

		public static readonly List<Transform> s_InternalTransformList;

		public static EventFunction<IPointerEnterHandler> pointerEnterHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IPointerExitHandler> pointerExitHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IPointerDownHandler> pointerDownHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IPointerUpHandler> pointerUpHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IPointerClickHandler> pointerClickHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IInitializePotentialDragHandler> initializePotentialDrag
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IBeginDragHandler> beginDragHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IDragHandler> dragHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IEndDragHandler> endDragHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IDropHandler> dropHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IScrollHandler> scrollHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IUpdateSelectedHandler> updateSelectedHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<ISelectHandler> selectHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IDeselectHandler> deselectHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<IMoveHandler> moveHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<ISubmitHandler> submitHandler
				throw null;

		public static EventFunction<ICancelHandler> cancelHandler
				throw null;

		public static T ValidateEventData<T>(BaseEventData data) where T : class
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IPointerEnterHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IPointerExitHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IPointerDownHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IPointerUpHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IPointerClickHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IInitializePotentialDragHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IBeginDragHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IDragHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IEndDragHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IDropHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IScrollHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IUpdateSelectedHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(ISelectHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IDeselectHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(IMoveHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(ISubmitHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void Execute(ICancelHandler handler, BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public static void GetEventChain(GameObject root, IList<Transform> eventChain)
			throw null;

		public static bool Execute<T>(GameObject target, BaseEventData eventData, EventFunction<T> functor) where T : IEventSystemHandler
			throw null;

		public static GameObject ExecuteHierarchy<T>(GameObject root, BaseEventData eventData, EventFunction<T> callbackFunction) where T : IEventSystemHandler
			throw null;

		public static bool ShouldSendToComponent<T>(Component component) where T : IEventSystemHandler
			throw null;

		public static void GetEventList<T>(GameObject go, IList<IEventSystemHandler> results) where T : IEventSystemHandler
			throw null;

		public static bool CanHandleEvent<T>(GameObject go) where T : IEventSystemHandler
			throw null;

		public static GameObject GetEventHandler<T>(GameObject root) where T : IEventSystemHandler
			throw null;

		static ExecuteEvents()
			throw null;
	public enum MoveDirection
	public static class RaycasterManager
		public static readonly List<BaseRaycaster> s_Raycasters;

		public static void AddRaycaster(BaseRaycaster baseRaycaster)
			throw null;

		public static List<BaseRaycaster> GetRaycasters()
			throw null;

		public static void RemoveRaycasters(BaseRaycaster baseRaycaster)
			throw null;

		static RaycasterManager()
			throw null;
	public struct RaycastResult
		public GameObject m_GameObject;

		public BaseRaycaster module;

		public float distance;

		public float index;

		public int depth;

		public int sortingLayer;

		public int sortingOrder;

		public Vector3 worldPosition;

		public Vector3 worldNormal;

		public Vector2 screenPosition;

		public int displayIndex;

		public GameObject gameObject
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool isValid
				throw null;

		public void Clear()
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;
	public abstract class UIBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
		public UIBehaviour()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Awake()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Start()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDestroy()
			throw null;

		public virtual bool IsActive()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnBeforeTransformParentChanged()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnTransformParentChanged()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnCanvasGroupChanged()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnCanvasHierarchyChanged()
			throw null;

		public bool IsDestroyed()
			throw null;
	public class AxisEventData : BaseEventData
		public Vector2 moveVector
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public MoveDirection moveDir
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public AxisEventData(EventSystem eventSystem)
			throw null;
	public abstract class AbstractEventData
		public bool m_Used;

		public virtual bool used
				throw null;

		public AbstractEventData()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Reset()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Use()
			throw null;
	public class BaseEventData : AbstractEventData
		public readonly EventSystem m_EventSystem;

		public BaseInputModule currentInputModule
				throw null;

		public GameObject selectedObject
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public BaseEventData(EventSystem eventSystem)
			throw null;
	public class PointerEventData : BaseEventData
		public enum InputButton

		public enum FramePressState

		public GameObject m_PointerPress;

		public List<GameObject> hovered;

		public GameObject pointerEnter
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public GameObject lastPress
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public GameObject rawPointerPress
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public GameObject pointerDrag
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public RaycastResult pointerCurrentRaycast
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public RaycastResult pointerPressRaycast
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool eligibleForClick
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int pointerId
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector2 position
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector2 delta
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector2 pressPosition
				throw null;
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("Use either pointerCurrentRaycast.worldPosition or pointerPressRaycast.worldPosition")]
		public Vector3 worldPosition
				throw null;
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("Use either pointerCurrentRaycast.worldNormal or pointerPressRaycast.worldNormal")]
		public Vector3 worldNormal
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float clickTime
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int clickCount
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Vector2 scrollDelta
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool useDragThreshold
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool dragging
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public InputButton button
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Camera enterEventCamera
				throw null;

		public Camera pressEventCamera
				throw null;

		public GameObject pointerPress
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public PointerEventData(EventSystem eventSystem)
			throw null;

		public bool IsPointerMoving()
			throw null;

		public bool IsScrolling()
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;
	public class BaseInput : UIBehaviour
		public virtual string compositionString
				throw null;

		public virtual IMECompositionMode imeCompositionMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public virtual Vector2 compositionCursorPos
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public virtual bool mousePresent
				throw null;

		public virtual Vector2 mousePosition
				throw null;

		public virtual Vector2 mouseScrollDelta
				throw null;

		public virtual bool touchSupported
				throw null;

		public virtual int touchCount
				throw null;

		public BaseInput()
			throw null;

		public virtual bool GetMouseButtonDown(int button)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool GetMouseButtonUp(int button)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool GetMouseButton(int button)
			throw null;

		public virtual Touch GetTouch(int index)
			throw null;

		public virtual float GetAxisRaw(string axisName)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool GetButtonDown(string buttonName)
			throw null;
	public abstract class BaseInputModule : UIBehaviour
		public List<RaycastResult> m_RaycastResultCache;

		public AxisEventData m_AxisEventData;

		public EventSystem m_EventSystem;

		public BaseEventData m_BaseEventData;

		public BaseInput m_InputOverride;

		public BaseInput m_DefaultInput;

		public BaseInput input
				throw null;

		public BaseInput inputOverride
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public EventSystem eventSystem
				throw null;

		public BaseInputModule()
			throw null;

		public override void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public abstract void Process();

		public static RaycastResult FindFirstRaycast(List<RaycastResult> candidates)
			throw null;

		public static MoveDirection DetermineMoveDirection(float x, float y)
			throw null;

		public static MoveDirection DetermineMoveDirection(float x, float y, float deadZone)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject FindCommonRoot(GameObject g1, GameObject g2)
			throw null;

		public void HandlePointerExitAndEnter(PointerEventData currentPointerData, GameObject newEnterTarget)
			throw null;

		public virtual AxisEventData GetAxisEventData(float x, float y, float moveDeadZone)
			throw null;

		public virtual BaseEventData GetBaseEventData()
			throw null;

		public virtual bool IsPointerOverGameObject(int pointerId)
			throw null;

		public virtual bool ShouldActivateModule()
			throw null;

		public virtual void DeactivateModule()
			throw null;

		public virtual void ActivateModule()
			throw null;

		public virtual void UpdateModule()
			throw null;

		public virtual bool IsModuleSupported()
			throw null;
	public abstract class PointerInputModule : BaseInputModule
		public class ButtonState
			public PointerEventData.InputButton m_Button;

			public MouseButtonEventData m_EventData;

			public MouseButtonEventData eventData
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public PointerEventData.InputButton button
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public ButtonState()
				throw null;

		public class MouseState
			public List<ButtonState> m_TrackedButtons;

			public MouseState()
				throw null;

			public bool AnyPressesThisFrame()
				throw null;

			public bool AnyReleasesThisFrame()
				throw null;

			public ButtonState GetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton button)
				throw null;

			public void SetButtonState(PointerEventData.InputButton button, PointerEventData.FramePressState stateForMouseButton, PointerEventData data)
				throw null;

		public class MouseButtonEventData
			public PointerEventData.FramePressState buttonState;

			public PointerEventData buttonData;

			public MouseButtonEventData()
				throw null;

			public bool PressedThisFrame()
				throw null;

			public bool ReleasedThisFrame()
				throw null;

		public const int kMouseLeftId = -1;

		public const int kMouseRightId = -2;

		public const int kMouseMiddleId = -3;

		public const int kFakeTouchesId = -4;

		public Dictionary<int, PointerEventData> m_PointerData;

		public readonly MouseState m_MouseState;

		public PointerInputModule()
			throw null;

		public bool GetPointerData(int id, out PointerEventData data, bool create)
			throw null;

		public void RemovePointerData(PointerEventData data)
			throw null;

		public PointerEventData GetTouchPointerEventData(Touch input, out bool pressed, out bool released)
			throw null;

		public void CopyFromTo(PointerEventData from, PointerEventData to)
			throw null;

		public PointerEventData.FramePressState StateForMouseButton(int buttonId)
			throw null;

		public virtual MouseState GetMousePointerEventData()
			throw null;

		public virtual MouseState GetMousePointerEventData(int id)
			throw null;

		public PointerEventData GetLastPointerEventData(int id)
			throw null;

		public static bool ShouldStartDrag(Vector2 pressPos, Vector2 currentPos, float threshold, bool useDragThreshold)
			throw null;

		public virtual void ProcessMove(PointerEventData pointerEvent)
			throw null;

		public virtual void ProcessDrag(PointerEventData pointerEvent)
			throw null;

		public override bool IsPointerOverGameObject(int pointerId)
			throw null;

		public void ClearSelection()
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;

		public void DeselectIfSelectionChanged(GameObject currentOverGo, BaseEventData pointerEvent)
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("Event/Standalone Input Module")]
	public class StandaloneInputModule : PointerInputModule
		[Obsolete("Mode is no longer needed on input module as it handles both mouse and keyboard simultaneously.", false)]
		public enum InputMode

		public float m_PrevActionTime;

		public Vector2 m_LastMoveVector;

		public int m_ConsecutiveMoveCount;

		public Vector2 m_LastMousePosition;

		public Vector2 m_MousePosition;

		public GameObject m_CurrentFocusedGameObject;

		public PointerEventData m_InputPointerEvent;

		public string m_HorizontalAxis;

		public string m_VerticalAxis;

		public string m_SubmitButton;

		public string m_CancelButton;

		public float m_InputActionsPerSecond;

		public float m_RepeatDelay;

		public bool m_ForceModuleActive;

		[Obsolete("Mode is no longer needed on input module as it handles both mouse and keyboard simultaneously.", false)]
		public InputMode inputMode
				throw null;

		[Obsolete("allowActivationOnMobileDevice has been deprecated. Use forceModuleActive instead (UnityUpgradable) -> forceModuleActive")]
		public bool allowActivationOnMobileDevice
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool forceModuleActive
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float inputActionsPerSecond
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float repeatDelay
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string horizontalAxis
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string verticalAxis
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string submitButton
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string cancelButton
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public StandaloneInputModule()
			throw null;

		public bool ShouldIgnoreEventsOnNoFocus()
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateModule()
			throw null;

		public override bool IsModuleSupported()
			throw null;

		public override bool ShouldActivateModule()
			throw null;

		public override void ActivateModule()
			throw null;

		public override void DeactivateModule()
			throw null;

		public override void Process()
			throw null;

		public bool ProcessTouchEvents()
			throw null;

		public void ProcessTouchPress(PointerEventData pointerEvent, bool pressed, bool released)
			throw null;

		public bool SendSubmitEventToSelectedObject()
			throw null;

		public Vector2 GetRawMoveVector()
			throw null;

		public bool SendMoveEventToSelectedObject()
			throw null;

		public void ProcessMouseEvent()
			throw null;

		[Obsolete("This method is no longer checked, overriding it with return true does nothing!")]
		public virtual bool ForceAutoSelect()
			throw null;

		public void ProcessMouseEvent(int id)
			throw null;

		public bool SendUpdateEventToSelectedObject()
			throw null;

		public void ProcessMousePress(MouseButtonEventData data)
			throw null;

		public GameObject GetCurrentFocusedGameObject()
			throw null;
	[Obsolete("TouchInputModule is no longer required as Touch input is now handled in StandaloneInputModule.")]
	[AddComponentMenu("Event/Touch Input Module")]
	public class TouchInputModule : PointerInputModule
		public Vector2 m_LastMousePosition;

		public Vector2 m_MousePosition;

		public PointerEventData m_InputPointerEvent;

		public bool m_ForceModuleActive;

		[Obsolete("allowActivationOnStandalone has been deprecated. Use forceModuleActive instead (UnityUpgradable) -> forceModuleActive")]
		public bool allowActivationOnStandalone
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool forceModuleActive
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TouchInputModule()
			throw null;

		public override void UpdateModule()
			throw null;

		public override bool IsModuleSupported()
			throw null;

		public override bool ShouldActivateModule()
			throw null;

		public bool UseFakeInput()
			throw null;

		public override void Process()
			throw null;

		public void FakeTouches()
			throw null;

		public void ProcessTouchEvents()
			throw null;

		public void ProcessTouchPress(PointerEventData pointerEvent, bool pressed, bool released)
			throw null;

		public override void DeactivateModule()
			throw null;

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;
	public abstract class BaseRaycaster : UIBehaviour
		public abstract Camera eventCamera

		[Obsolete("Please use sortOrderPriority and renderOrderPriority", false)]
		public virtual int priority
				throw null;

		public virtual int sortOrderPriority
				throw null;

		public virtual int renderOrderPriority
				throw null;

		public BaseRaycaster()
			throw null;

		public abstract void Raycast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList);

		public override string ToString()
			throw null;

		public override void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDisable()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("Event/Physics 2D Raycaster")]
	public class Physics2DRaycaster : PhysicsRaycaster
		public new RaycastHit2D[] m_Hits;

		public Physics2DRaycaster()
			throw null;

		public override void Raycast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("Event/Physics Raycaster")]
	public class PhysicsRaycaster : BaseRaycaster
		public const int kNoEventMaskSet = -1;

		public Camera m_EventCamera;

		public LayerMask m_EventMask;

		public int m_MaxRayIntersections;

		public int m_LastMaxRayIntersections;

		public RaycastHit[] m_Hits;

		public override Camera eventCamera
				throw null;

		public virtual int depth
				throw null;

		public int finalEventMask
				throw null;

		public LayerMask eventMask
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int maxRayIntersections
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public PhysicsRaycaster()
			throw null;

		public bool ComputeRayAndDistance(PointerEventData eventData, ref Ray ray, ref int eventDisplayIndex, ref float distanceToClipPlane)
			throw null;

		public override void Raycast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
			throw null;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.CoroutineTween
	public interface ITweenValue
		bool ignoreTimeScale { get; }

		float duration { get; }

		void TweenValue(float floatPercentage);

		bool ValidTarget();
	public struct ColorTween : ITweenValue
		public enum ColorTweenMode

		public class ColorTweenCallback : UnityEvent<Color>
			public ColorTweenCallback()
				throw null;

		public ColorTweenCallback m_Target;

		public Color m_StartColor;

		public Color m_TargetColor;

		public ColorTweenMode m_TweenMode;

		public float m_Duration;

		public bool m_IgnoreTimeScale;

		public Color startColor
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Color targetColor
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public ColorTweenMode tweenMode
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float duration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool ignoreTimeScale
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public void TweenValue(float floatPercentage)
			throw null;

		public void AddOnChangedCallback(UnityAction<Color> callback)
			throw null;

		public bool GetIgnoreTimescale()
			throw null;

		public float GetDuration()
			throw null;

		public bool ValidTarget()
			throw null;
	public struct FloatTween : ITweenValue
		public class FloatTweenCallback : UnityEvent<float>
			public FloatTweenCallback()
				throw null;

		public FloatTweenCallback m_Target;

		public float m_StartValue;

		public float m_TargetValue;

		public float m_Duration;

		public bool m_IgnoreTimeScale;

		public float startValue
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float targetValue
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float duration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool ignoreTimeScale
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public void TweenValue(float floatPercentage)
			throw null;

		public void AddOnChangedCallback(UnityAction<float> callback)
			throw null;

		public bool GetIgnoreTimescale()
			throw null;

		public float GetDuration()
			throw null;

		public bool ValidTarget()
			throw null;
	public class TweenRunner<T> where T : struct, ITweenValue
		public MonoBehaviour m_CoroutineContainer;

		public IEnumerator m_Tween;

		public TweenRunner()
			throw null;

		public static IEnumerator Start(T tweenInfo)
			throw null;

		public void Init(MonoBehaviour coroutineContainer)
			throw null;

		public void StartTween(T info)
			throw null;

		public void StopTween()
			throw null;
namespace UnityEngine.UI
	public class AnimationTriggers
		public const string kDefaultNormalAnimName = "Normal";

		public const string kDefaultSelectedAnimName = "Highlighted";

		public const string kDefaultPressedAnimName = "Pressed";

		public const string kDefaultDisabledAnimName = "Disabled";

		public string m_NormalTrigger;

		public string m_HighlightedTrigger;

		public string m_PressedTrigger;

		public string m_DisabledTrigger;

		public string normalTrigger
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string highlightedTrigger
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string pressedTrigger
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public string disabledTrigger
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public AnimationTriggers()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("UI/Button", 30)]
	public class Button : Selectable, IPointerClickHandler, ISubmitHandler, IEventSystemHandler
		public class ButtonClickedEvent : UnityEvent
			public ButtonClickedEvent()
				throw null;

		public ButtonClickedEvent m_OnClick;

		public ButtonClickedEvent onClick
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Button()
			throw null;

		public void Press()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public IEnumerator OnFinishSubmit()
			throw null;
	public enum CanvasUpdate
	public interface ICanvasElement
		Transform transform { get; }

		void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate executing);

		void LayoutComplete();

		void GraphicUpdateComplete();

		bool IsDestroyed();
	public class CanvasUpdateRegistry
		public static CanvasUpdateRegistry s_Instance;

		public bool m_PerformingLayoutUpdate;

		public bool m_PerformingGraphicUpdate;

		public readonly IndexedSet<ICanvasElement> m_LayoutRebuildQueue;

		public readonly IndexedSet<ICanvasElement> m_GraphicRebuildQueue;

		public static readonly Comparison<ICanvasElement> s_SortLayoutFunction;

		public static CanvasUpdateRegistry instance
				throw null;

		public CanvasUpdateRegistry()
			throw null;

		public bool ObjectValidForUpdate(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public void CleanInvalidItems()
			throw null;

		public void PerformUpdate()
			throw null;

		public static int ParentCount(Transform child)
			throw null;

		public static int SortLayoutList(ICanvasElement x, ICanvasElement y)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public bool InternalRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public static void RegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public static bool TryRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public bool InternalRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public static void UnRegisterCanvasElementForRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public void InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public void InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(ICanvasElement element)
			throw null;

		public static bool IsRebuildingLayout()
			throw null;

		public static bool IsRebuildingGraphics()
			throw null;

		static CanvasUpdateRegistry()
			throw null;
	public struct ColorBlock : IEquatable<ColorBlock>
		public Color m_NormalColor;

		public Color m_HighlightedColor;

		public Color m_PressedColor;

		public Color m_DisabledColor;

		[Range(1f, 5f)]
		public float m_ColorMultiplier;

		public float m_FadeDuration;

		public Color normalColor
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Color highlightedColor
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Color pressedColor
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Color disabledColor
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float colorMultiplier
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float fadeDuration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public static ColorBlock defaultColorBlock
				throw null;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			throw null;

		public bool Equals(ColorBlock other)
			throw null;

		public static bool operator ==(ColorBlock point1, ColorBlock point2)
			throw null;

		public static bool operator !=(ColorBlock point1, ColorBlock point2)
			throw null;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			throw null;
	public static class DefaultControls
		public struct Resources
			public Sprite standard;

			public Sprite background;

			public Sprite inputField;

			public Sprite knob;

			public Sprite checkmark;

			public Sprite dropdown;

			public Sprite mask;

		public const float kWidth = 160f;

		public const float kThickHeight = 30f;

		public const float kThinHeight = 20f;

		public static Vector2 s_ThickElementSize;

		public static Vector2 s_ThinElementSize;

		public static Vector2 s_ImageElementSize;

		public static Color s_DefaultSelectableColor;

		public static Color s_PanelColor;

		public static Color s_TextColor;

		public static GameObject CreateUIElementRoot(string name, Vector2 size)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateUIObject(string name, GameObject parent)
			throw null;

		public static void SetDefaultTextValues(Text lbl)
			throw null;

		public static void SetDefaultColorTransitionValues(Selectable slider)
			throw null;

		public static void SetParentAndAlign(GameObject child, GameObject parent)
			throw null;

		public static void SetLayerRecursively(GameObject go, int layer)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreatePanel(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateButton(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateText(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateImage(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateRawImage(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateSlider(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateScrollbar(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateToggle(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateInputField(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateDropdown(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		public static GameObject CreateScrollView(Resources resources)
			throw null;

		static DefaultControls()
			throw null;
	[AddComponentMenu("UI/Dropdown", 35)]
	public class Dropdown : Selectable, IPointerClickHandler, ISubmitHandler, ICancelHandler, IEventSystemHandler
		public class DropdownItem : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, ICancelHandler, IEventSystemHandler
			public Text m_Text;

			public Image m_Image;

			public RectTransform m_RectTransform;

			public Toggle m_Toggle;

			public Text text
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public Image image
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public RectTransform rectTransform
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public Toggle toggle
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public DropdownItem()
				throw null;

			public virtual void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
				throw null;

			public virtual void OnCancel(BaseEventData eventData)
				throw null;

		public class OptionData
			public string m_Text;

			public Sprite m_Image;

			public string text
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public Sprite image
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public OptionData()
				throw null;

			public OptionData(string text)
				throw null;

			public OptionData(Sprite image)
				throw null;

			public OptionData(string text, Sprite image)
				throw null;

		public class OptionDataList
			public List<OptionData> m_Options;

			public List<OptionData> options
					throw null;
					throw null;

			public OptionDataList()
				throw null;

		public class DropdownEvent : UnityEvent<int>
			public DropdownEvent()
				throw null;

		public RectTransform m_Template;

		public Text m_CaptionText;

		public Image m_CaptionImage;

		public Text m_ItemText;

		public Image m_ItemImage;

		public int m_Value;

		public OptionDataList m_Options;

		public DropdownEvent m_OnValueChanged;

		public GameObject m_Dropdown;

		public GameObject m_Blocker;

		public List<DropdownItem> m_Items;

		public TweenRunner<FloatTween> m_AlphaTweenRunner;

		public bool validTemplate;

		public static OptionData s_NoOptionData;

		public RectTransform template
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Text captionText
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Image captionImage
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Text itemText
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Image itemImage
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public List<OptionData> options
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public DropdownEvent onValueChanged
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int value
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public Dropdown()
			throw null;

		public override void Awake()
			throw null;

		public override void Start()
			throw null;

		public void RefreshShownValue()
			throw null;

		public void AddOptions(List<OptionData> options)
			throw null;

		public void AddOptions(List<string> options)
			throw null;

		public void AddOptions(List<Sprite> options)
			throw null;

		public void ClearOptions()
			throw null;

		public void SetupTemplate()
			throw null;

		public static T GetOrAddComponent<T>(GameObject go) where T : Component
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnCancel(BaseEventData eventData)
			throw null;

		public void Show()
			throw null;

		public virtual GameObject CreateBlocker(Canvas rootCanvas)
			throw null;

		public virtual void DestroyBlocker(GameObject blocker)
			throw null;

		public virtual GameObject CreateDropdownList(GameObject template)
			throw null;

		public virtual void DestroyDropdownList(GameObject dropdownList)
			throw null;

		public virtual DropdownItem CreateItem(DropdownItem itemTemplate)
			throw null;

		public virtual void DestroyItem(DropdownItem item)
			throw null;

		public DropdownItem AddItem(OptionData data, bool selected, DropdownItem itemTemplate, List<DropdownItem> items)
			throw null;

		public void AlphaFadeList(float duration, float alpha)
			throw null;

		public void AlphaFadeList(float duration, float start, float end)
			throw null;

		public void SetAlpha(float alpha)
			throw null;

		public void Hide()
			throw null;

		public IEnumerator DelayedDestroyDropdownList(float delay)
			throw null;

		public void OnSelectItem(Toggle toggle)
			throw null;

		static Dropdown()
			throw null;
	public class FontData : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
		public Font m_Font;

		public int m_FontSize;

		public FontStyle m_FontStyle;

		public bool m_BestFit;

		public int m_MinSize;

		public int m_MaxSize;

		public TextAnchor m_Alignment;

		public bool m_AlignByGeometry;

		public bool m_RichText;

		public HorizontalWrapMode m_HorizontalOverflow;

		public VerticalWrapMode m_VerticalOverflow;

		public float m_LineSpacing;

		public static FontData defaultFontData
				throw null;

		public Font font
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int fontSize
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public FontStyle fontStyle
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool bestFit
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int minSize
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int maxSize
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public TextAnchor alignment
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool alignByGeometry
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool richText
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public HorizontalWrapMode horizontalOverflow
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public VerticalWrapMode verticalOverflow
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public float lineSpacing
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public FontData()
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize()
			throw null;

		void ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize()
			throw null;
	public static class FontUpdateTracker
		public static Dictionary<Font, HashSet<Text>> m_Tracked;

		public static void TrackText(Text t)
			throw null;

		public static void RebuildForFont(Font f)
			throw null;

		public static void UntrackText(Text t)
			throw null;

		static FontUpdateTracker()
			throw null;
	public abstract class Graphic : UIBehaviour, ICanvasElement
		public static Material s_DefaultUI;

		public static Texture2D s_WhiteTexture;

		public Material m_Material;

		public Color m_Color;

		public bool m_RaycastTarget;

		public RectTransform m_RectTransform;

		public CanvasRenderer m_CanvasRenderer;

		public Canvas m_Canvas;

		public bool m_VertsDirty;

		public bool m_MaterialDirty;

		public UnityAction m_OnDirtyLayoutCallback;

		public UnityAction m_OnDirtyVertsCallback;

		public UnityAction m_OnDirtyMaterialCallback;

		public static Mesh s_Mesh;

		public static readonly VertexHelper s_VertexHelper;

		public readonly TweenRunner<ColorTween> m_ColorTweenRunner;

		public static Material defaultGraphicMaterial
				throw null;

		public virtual Color color
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public virtual bool raycastTarget
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public bool useLegacyMeshGeneration
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public int depth
				throw null;

		public RectTransform rectTransform
				throw null;

		public Canvas canvas
				throw null;

		public CanvasRenderer canvasRenderer
				throw null;

		public virtual Material defaultMaterial
				throw null;

		public virtual Material material
				throw null;
				throw null;

		public virtual Material materialForRendering
				throw null;

		public virtual Texture mainTexture
				throw null;

		public static Mesh workerMesh
				throw null;

		public Graphic()
			throw null;

		public virtual void SetAllDirty()
			throw null;

		public virtual void SetLayoutDirty()
			throw null;

		public virtual void SetVerticesDirty()
			throw null;

		public virtual void SetMaterialDirty()
			throw null;

		public override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
			throw null;

		public override void OnBeforeTransformParentChanged()
			throw null;

		public override void OnTransformParentChanged()
			throw null;

		public void CacheCanvas()
			throw null;

		public override void OnEnable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnDisable()
			throw null;

		public override void OnCanvasHierarchyChanged()
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnCullingChanged()
			throw null;

		public virtual void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate update)
			throw null;

		public virtual void LayoutComplete()
			throw null;

		public virtual void GraphicUpdateComplete()
			throw null;

		public virtual void UpdateMaterial()
			throw null;

		public virtual void UpdateGeometry()
			throw null;

		public void DoMeshGeneration()
			throw null;

		public void DoLegacyMeshGeneration()
			throw null;

		[Obsolete("Use OnPopulateMesh instead.", true)]
		public virtual void OnFillVBO(List<UIVertex> vbo)
			throw null;

		[Obsolete("Use OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh) instead.", false)]
		public virtual void OnPopulateMesh(Mesh m)
			throw null;

		public virtual void OnPopulateMesh(VertexHelper vh)
			throw null;

		public override void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties()
			throw null;

		public virtual void SetNativeSize()
			throw null;

		public virtual bool Raycast(Vector2 sp, Camera eventCamera)
			throw null;

		public Vector2 PixelAdjustPoint(Vector2 point)
			throw null;

		public Rect GetPixelAdjustedRect()
			throw null;

		public virtual void C