NordLandeW-LocalTransportFix icon


Increase the output speed of the Logistic Drones at the Interstellar Logistics Station from a maximum of 6/sec to 20/sec. 解除星际站点中物流运输机的输出速度上限至 20/sec。

Last updated 3 weeks ago
Total downloads 518
Total rating 0 
Categories Logistics Transportation
Dependency string NordLandeW-LocalTransportFix-1.0.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

xiaoye97-BepInEx-5.4.17 icon

BepInEx5.4.17 mod plugin framework, Mod框架

Preferred version: 5.4.17



Increase the output speed of the Logistic Drones at the Interstellar Logistics Station from a maximum of 6/sec to 20/sec.

The game checks if a logistic drone can be sent every 10 game ticks, which means that the logistic drones' maximum output speed is 6/sec. This mod changes the frequency of checking to increase the logistic drones' output speed. The frequency is configurable.

This mod probably won't affect achievements, etc.

A future game update may break this mod.

这个 mod 解除了星际站点间物流运输机的输出限制(从6/sec至20/sec)。

游戏在每10个游戏刻后检查一个物流运输机是否能从星际站点被发出,这意味一个星际站点的物流运输机的最大输出速度是6/sec。这个 mod 改变了这一检查的频率来提高物流运输机的输出速度。这个频率可以在配置中修改。

这个 mod 大概率 不会影响成就及银河系上传。
