Decompiled source of DSPJapanesePlugin v1.2.11


Decompiled a month ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using HarmonyLib;
using TranslationCommon.SimpleJSON;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.UI;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("DspFontPatcher")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("DspFontPatcher")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright ©  2021")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("81DF3045-8007-4F6A-AAF6-903139D85B6C")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace TranslationCommon.SimpleJSON
	public enum JSONNodeType
		Array = 1,
		Object = 2,
		String = 3,
		Number = 4,
		NullValue = 5,
		Boolean = 6,
		None = 7,
		Custom = 255
	public enum JSONTextMode
	public abstract class JSONNode
		public struct Enumerator
			private enum Type

			private readonly Type type;

			private Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator m_Object;

			private List<JSONNode>.Enumerator m_Array;

			public bool IsValid => type != Type.None;

			public KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> Current
					if (type == Type.Array)
						return new KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>(string.Empty, m_Array.Current);
					if (type == Type.Object)
						return m_Object.Current;
					return new KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>(string.Empty, null);

			public Enumerator(List<JSONNode>.Enumerator aArrayEnum)
				type = Type.Array;
				m_Object = default(Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator);
				m_Array = aArrayEnum;

			public Enumerator(Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator aDictEnum)
				type = Type.Object;
				m_Object = aDictEnum;
				m_Array = default(List<JSONNode>.Enumerator);

			public bool MoveNext()
				if (type == Type.Array)
					return m_Array.MoveNext();
				if (type == Type.Object)
					return m_Object.MoveNext();
				return false;

		public struct ValueEnumerator
			private Enumerator m_Enumerator;

			public JSONNode Current => m_Enumerator.Current.Value;

			public ValueEnumerator(List<JSONNode>.Enumerator aArrayEnum)
				: this(new Enumerator(aArrayEnum))

			public ValueEnumerator(Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator aDictEnum)
				: this(new Enumerator(aDictEnum))

			public ValueEnumerator(Enumerator aEnumerator)
				m_Enumerator = aEnumerator;

			public bool MoveNext()
				return m_Enumerator.MoveNext();

			public ValueEnumerator GetEnumerator()
				return this;

		public struct KeyEnumerator
			private Enumerator m_Enumerator;

			public string Current => m_Enumerator.Current.Key;

			public KeyEnumerator(List<JSONNode>.Enumerator aArrayEnum)
				: this(new Enumerator(aArrayEnum))

			public KeyEnumerator(Dictionary<string, JSONNode>.Enumerator aDictEnum)
				: this(new Enumerator(aDictEnum))

			public KeyEnumerator(Enumerator aEnumerator)
				m_Enumerator = aEnumerator;

			public bool MoveNext()
				return m_Enumerator.MoveNext();

			public KeyEnumerator GetEnumerator()
				return this;

		public class LinqEnumerator : IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>>, IDisposable, IEnumerator, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>>, IEnumerable
			private Enumerator m_Enumerator;

			private JSONNode m_Node;

			public KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> Current => m_Enumerator.Current;

			object IEnumerator.Current => m_Enumerator.Current;

			internal LinqEnumerator(JSONNode aNode)
				m_Node = aNode;
				if (m_Node != null)
					m_Enumerator = m_Node.GetEnumerator();

			public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>> GetEnumerator()
				return new LinqEnumerator(m_Node);

			IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
				return new LinqEnumerator(m_Node);

			public bool MoveNext()
				return m_Enumerator.MoveNext();

			public void Dispose()
				m_Node = null;
				m_Enumerator = default(Enumerator);

			public void Reset()
				if (m_Node != null)
					m_Enumerator = m_Node.GetEnumerator();

		private static StringBuilder m_EscapeBuilder;

		public static bool forceASCII = false;

		public static bool longAsString = false;

		public static bool allowLineComments = true;

		public static byte Color32DefaultAlpha = byte.MaxValue;

		public static float ColorDefaultAlpha = 1f;

		public static JSONContainerType VectorContainerType = JSONContainerType.Array;

		public static JSONContainerType QuaternionContainerType = JSONContainerType.Array;

		public static JSONContainerType RectContainerType = JSONContainerType.Array;

		public static JSONContainerType ColorContainerType = JSONContainerType.Array;

		internal static StringBuilder EscapeBuilder
				if (m_EscapeBuilder == null)
					m_EscapeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
				return m_EscapeBuilder;

		public abstract JSONNodeType Tag { get; }

		public virtual JSONNode this[int aIndex]
				return null;

		public virtual JSONNode this[string aKey]
				return null;

		public virtual string Value
				return "";

		public virtual int Count => 0;

		public virtual bool IsNumber => false;

		public virtual bool IsString => false;

		public virtual bool IsBoolean => false;

		public virtual bool IsNull => false;

		public virtual bool IsArray => false;

		public virtual bool IsObject => false;

		public virtual bool Inline
				return false;

		public virtual IEnumerable<JSONNode> Children
				yield break;

		public IEnumerable<JSONNode> DeepChildren
				foreach (JSONNode C in Children)
					foreach (JSONNode deepChild in C.DeepChildren)
						yield return deepChild;

		public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode>> Linq => new LinqEnumerator(this);

		public KeyEnumerator Keys => new KeyEnumerator(GetEnumerator());

		public ValueEnumerator Values => new ValueEnumerator(GetEnumerator());

		public virtual double AsDouble
				double result = 0.0;
				if (double.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result))
					return result;
				return 0.0;
				Value = value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		public virtual int AsInt
				return (int)AsDouble;
				AsDouble = value;

		public virtual float AsFloat
				return (float)AsDouble;
				AsDouble = value;

		public virtual bool AsBool
				bool result = false;
				if (bool.TryParse(Value, out result))
					return result;
				return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value);
				Value = (value ? "true" : "false");

		public virtual long AsLong
				long result = 0L;
				if (long.TryParse(Value, out result))
					return result;
				return 0L;
				Value = value.ToString();

		public virtual ulong AsULong
				ulong result = 0uL;
				if (ulong.TryParse(Value, out result))
					return result;
				return 0uL;
				Value = value.ToString();

		public virtual JSONArray AsArray => this as JSONArray;

		public virtual JSONObject AsObject => this as JSONObject;

		public virtual decimal AsDecimal
				if (!decimal.TryParse(Value, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result))
					result = default(decimal);
				return result;
				Value = value.ToString();

		public virtual char AsChar
				if (IsString && Value.Length > 0)
					return Value[0];
				if (IsNumber)
					return (char)AsInt;
				return '\0';
				if (IsString)
					Value = value.ToString();
				else if (IsNumber)
					AsInt = value;

		public virtual uint AsUInt
				return (uint)AsDouble;
				AsDouble = value;

		public virtual byte AsByte
				return (byte)AsInt;
				AsInt = value;

		public virtual sbyte AsSByte
				return (sbyte)AsInt;
				AsInt = value;

		public virtual short AsShort
				return (short)AsInt;
				AsInt = value;

		public virtual ushort AsUShort
				return (ushort)AsInt;
				AsInt = value;

		public virtual DateTime AsDateTime
				if (!DateTime.TryParse(Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out var result))
					result = new DateTime(0L);
				return result;
				Value = value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		public virtual TimeSpan AsTimeSpan
				if (!TimeSpan.TryParse(Value, out var result))
					result = new TimeSpan(0L);
				return result;
				Value = value.ToString();

		public virtual byte[] AsByteArray
				if (IsNull || !IsArray)
					return null;
				int count = Count;
				byte[] array = new byte[count];
				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
					array[i] = this[i].AsByte;
				return array;
				if (IsArray && value != null)
					for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)

		public virtual List<byte> AsByteList
				if (IsNull || !IsArray)
					return null;
				int count = Count;
				List<byte> list = new List<byte>(count);
				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				return list;
				if (IsArray && value != null)
					for (int i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)

		public virtual string[] AsStringArray
				if (IsNull || !IsArray)
					return null;
				int count = Count;
				string[] array = new string[count];
				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
					array[i] = this[i].Value;
				return array;
				if (IsArray && value != null)
					for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)

		public virtual List<string> AsStringList
				if (IsNull || !IsArray)
					return null;
				int count = Count;
				List<string> list = new List<string>(count);
				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				return list;
				if (IsArray && value != null)
					for (int i = 0; i < value.Count; i++)

		internal static string Escape(string aText)
			StringBuilder escapeBuilder = EscapeBuilder;
			escapeBuilder.Length = 0;
			if (escapeBuilder.Capacity < aText.Length + aText.Length / 10)
				escapeBuilder.Capacity = aText.Length + aText.Length / 10;
			foreach (char c in aText)
				switch (c)
				case '\\':
				case '"':
				case '\n':
				case '\r':
				case '\t':
				case '\b':
				case '\f':
				if (c < ' ' || (forceASCII && c > '\u007f'))
					ushort num = c;
			string result = escapeBuilder.ToString();
			escapeBuilder.Length = 0;
			return result;

		private static JSONNode ParseElement(string token, bool quoted)
			if (quoted)
				return token;
			if (token.Length <= 5)
				string text = token.ToLower();
				if (text == "false" || text == "true")
					return text == "true";
				if (text == "null")
					return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			if (double.TryParse(token, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result))
				return result;
			return token;

		public static JSONNode Parse(string aJSON)
			Stack<JSONNode> stack = new Stack<JSONNode>();
			JSONNode jSONNode = null;
			int i = 0;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			string aKey = "";
			bool flag = false;
			bool flag2 = false;
			bool flag3 = false;
			for (; i < aJSON.Length; i++)
				switch (aJSON[i])
				case '{':
					if (flag)
					stack.Push(new JSONObject());
					if (jSONNode != null)
						jSONNode.Add(aKey, stack.Peek());
					aKey = "";
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					jSONNode = stack.Peek();
					flag3 = false;
				case '[':
					if (flag)
					stack.Push(new JSONArray());
					if (jSONNode != null)
						jSONNode.Add(aKey, stack.Peek());
					aKey = "";
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					jSONNode = stack.Peek();
					flag3 = false;
				case ']':
				case '}':
					if (flag)
					if (stack.Count == 0)
						throw new Exception("JSON Parse: Too many closing brackets");
					if (stringBuilder.Length > 0 || flag2)
						jSONNode.Add(aKey, ParseElement(stringBuilder.ToString(), flag2));
					if (jSONNode != null)
						jSONNode.Inline = !flag3;
					flag2 = false;
					aKey = "";
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					if (stack.Count > 0)
						jSONNode = stack.Peek();
				case ':':
					if (flag)
					aKey = stringBuilder.ToString();
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					flag2 = false;
				case '"':
					flag = !flag;
					flag2 = flag2 || flag;
				case ',':
					if (flag)
					if (stringBuilder.Length > 0 || flag2)
						jSONNode.Add(aKey, ParseElement(stringBuilder.ToString(), flag2));
					flag2 = false;
					aKey = "";
					stringBuilder.Length = 0;
					flag2 = false;
				case '\n':
				case '\r':
					flag3 = true;
				case '\t':
				case ' ':
					if (flag)
				case '\\':
					if (flag)
						char c = aJSON[i];
						switch (c)
						case 't':
						case 'r':
						case 'n':
						case 'b':
						case 'f':
						case 'u':
							string s = aJSON.Substring(i + 1, 4);
							stringBuilder.Append((char)int.Parse(s, NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier));
							i += 4;
				case '/':
					if (allowLineComments && !flag && i + 1 < aJSON.Length && aJSON[i + 1] == '/')
						while (++i < aJSON.Length && aJSON[i] != '\n' && aJSON[i] != '\r')
				case '\ufeff':
			if (flag)
				throw new Exception("JSON Parse: Quotation marks seems to be messed up.");
			if (jSONNode == null)
				return ParseElement(stringBuilder.ToString(), flag2);
			return jSONNode;

		public virtual void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem)

		public virtual void Add(JSONNode aItem)
			Add("", aItem);

		public virtual JSONNode Remove(string aKey)
			return null;

		public virtual JSONNode Remove(int aIndex)
			return null;

		public virtual JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode;

		public virtual void Clear()

		public virtual JSONNode Clone()
			return null;

		public virtual bool HasKey(string aKey)
			return false;

		public virtual JSONNode GetValueOrDefault(string aKey, JSONNode aDefault)
			return aDefault;

		public override string ToString()
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			WriteToStringBuilder(stringBuilder, 0, 0, JSONTextMode.Compact);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public virtual string ToString(int aIndent)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			WriteToStringBuilder(stringBuilder, 0, aIndent, JSONTextMode.Indent);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		internal abstract void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode);

		public abstract Enumerator GetEnumerator();

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(string s)
			return (s == null) ? ((JSONNode)JSONNull.CreateOrGet()) : ((JSONNode)new JSONString(s));

		public static implicit operator string(JSONNode d)
			return (d == null) ? null : d.Value;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(double n)
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator double(JSONNode d)
			return (d == null) ? 0.0 : d.AsDouble;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(float n)
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator float(JSONNode d)
			return (d == null) ? 0f : d.AsFloat;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(int n)
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator int(JSONNode d)
			return (!(d == null)) ? d.AsInt : 0;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(long n)
			if (longAsString)
				return new JSONString(n.ToString());
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator long(JSONNode d)
			return (d == null) ? 0 : d.AsLong;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(ulong n)
			if (longAsString)
				return new JSONString(n.ToString());
			return new JSONNumber(n);

		public static implicit operator ulong(JSONNode d)
			return (d == null) ? 0 : d.AsULong;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(bool b)
			return new JSONBool(b);

		public static implicit operator bool(JSONNode d)
			return !(d == null) && d.AsBool;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> aKeyValue)
			return aKeyValue.Value;

		public static bool operator ==(JSONNode a, object b)
			if ((object)a == b)
				return true;
			bool flag = a is JSONNull || (object)a == null || a is JSONLazyCreator;
			bool flag2 = b is JSONNull || b == null || b is JSONLazyCreator;
			if (flag && flag2)
				return true;
			return !flag && a.Equals(b);

		public static bool operator !=(JSONNode a, object b)
			return !(a == b);

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return (object)this == obj;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return base.GetHashCode();

		public abstract void SerializeBinary(BinaryWriter aWriter);

		public void SaveToBinaryStream(Stream aData)
			BinaryWriter aWriter = new BinaryWriter(aData);

		public void SaveToCompressedStream(Stream aData)
			throw new Exception("Can't use compressed functions. You need include the SharpZipLib and uncomment the define at the top of SimpleJSON");

		public void SaveToCompressedFile(string aFileName)
			throw new Exception("Can't use compressed functions. You need include the SharpZipLib and uncomment the define at the top of SimpleJSON");

		public string SaveToCompressedBase64()
			throw new Exception("Can't use compressed functions. You need include the SharpZipLib and uncomment the define at the top of SimpleJSON");

		public void SaveToBinaryFile(string aFileName)
			Directory.CreateDirectory(new FileInfo(aFileName).Directory.FullName);
			using FileStream aData = File.OpenWrite(aFileName);

		public string SaveToBinaryBase64()
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			memoryStream.Position = 0L;
			return Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray());

		public static JSONNode DeserializeBinary(BinaryReader aReader)
			JSONNodeType jSONNodeType = (JSONNodeType)aReader.ReadByte();
			switch (jSONNodeType)
			case JSONNodeType.Array:
				int num2 = aReader.ReadInt32();
				JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
				for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
				return jSONArray;
			case JSONNodeType.Object:
				int num = aReader.ReadInt32();
				JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					string aKey = aReader.ReadString();
					JSONNode aItem = DeserializeBinary(aReader);
					jSONObject.Add(aKey, aItem);
				return jSONObject;
			case JSONNodeType.String:
				return new JSONString(aReader.ReadString());
			case JSONNodeType.Number:
				return new JSONNumber(aReader.ReadDouble());
			case JSONNodeType.Boolean:
				return new JSONBool(aReader.ReadBoolean());
			case JSONNodeType.NullValue:
				return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
				throw new Exception("Error deserializing JSON. Unknown tag: " + jSONNodeType);

		public static JSONNode LoadFromCompressedFile(string aFileName)
			throw new Exception("Can't use compressed functions. You need include the SharpZipLib and uncomment the define at the top of SimpleJSON");

		public static JSONNode LoadFromCompressedStream(Stream aData)
			throw new Exception("Can't use compressed functions. You need include the SharpZipLib and uncomment the define at the top of SimpleJSON");

		public static JSONNode LoadFromCompressedBase64(string aBase64)
			throw new Exception("Can't use compressed functions. You need include the SharpZipLib and uncomment the define at the top of SimpleJSON");

		public static JSONNode LoadFromBinaryStream(Stream aData)
			using BinaryReader aReader = new BinaryReader(aData);
			return DeserializeBinary(aReader);

		public static JSONNode LoadFromBinaryFile(string aFileName)
			using FileStream aData = File.OpenRead(aFileName);
			return LoadFromBinaryStream(aData);

		public static JSONNode LoadFromBinaryBase64(string aBase64)
			byte[] buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(aBase64);
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
			memoryStream.Position = 0L;
			return LoadFromBinaryStream(memoryStream);

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(decimal aDecimal)
			return new JSONString(aDecimal.ToString());

		public static implicit operator decimal(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsDecimal;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(char aChar)
			return new JSONString(aChar.ToString());

		public static implicit operator char(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsChar;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(uint aUInt)
			return new JSONNumber(aUInt);

		public static implicit operator uint(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsUInt;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(byte aByte)
			return new JSONNumber((int)aByte);

		public static implicit operator byte(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsByte;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(sbyte aSByte)
			return new JSONNumber(aSByte);

		public static implicit operator sbyte(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsSByte;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(short aShort)
			return new JSONNumber(aShort);

		public static implicit operator short(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsShort;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(ushort aUShort)
			return new JSONNumber((int)aUShort);

		public static implicit operator ushort(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsUShort;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(DateTime aDateTime)
			return new JSONString(aDateTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

		public static implicit operator DateTime(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsDateTime;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(TimeSpan aTimeSpan)
			return new JSONString(aTimeSpan.ToString());

		public static implicit operator TimeSpan(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsTimeSpan;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(byte[] aByteArray)
			return new JSONArray
				AsByteArray = aByteArray

		public static implicit operator byte[](JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsByteArray;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(List<byte> aByteList)
			return new JSONArray
				AsByteList = aByteList

		public static implicit operator List<byte>(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsByteList;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(string[] aStringArray)
			return new JSONArray
				AsStringArray = aStringArray

		public static implicit operator string[](JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsStringArray;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(List<string> aStringList)
			return new JSONArray
				AsStringList = aStringList

		public static implicit operator List<string>(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.AsStringList;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(int? aValue)
			if (!aValue.HasValue)
				return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			return new JSONNumber(aValue.Value);

		public static implicit operator int?(JSONNode aNode)
			if (aNode == null || aNode.IsNull)
				return null;
			return aNode.AsInt;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(float? aValue)
			if (!aValue.HasValue)
				return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			return new JSONNumber(aValue.Value);

		public static implicit operator float?(JSONNode aNode)
			if (aNode == null || aNode.IsNull)
				return null;
			return aNode.AsFloat;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(double? aValue)
			if (!aValue.HasValue)
				return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			return new JSONNumber(aValue.Value);

		public static implicit operator double?(JSONNode aNode)
			if (aNode == null || aNode.IsNull)
				return null;
			return aNode.AsDouble;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(bool? aValue)
			if (!aValue.HasValue)
				return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			return new JSONBool(aValue.Value);

		public static implicit operator bool?(JSONNode aNode)
			if (aNode == null || aNode.IsNull)
				return null;
			return aNode.AsBool;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(long? aValue)
			if (!aValue.HasValue)
				return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			return new JSONNumber(aValue.Value);

		public static implicit operator long?(JSONNode aNode)
			if (aNode == null || aNode.IsNull)
				return null;
			return aNode.AsLong;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(short? aValue)
			if (!aValue.HasValue)
				return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			return new JSONNumber(aValue.Value);

		public static implicit operator short?(JSONNode aNode)
			if (aNode == null || aNode.IsNull)
				return null;
			return aNode.AsShort;

		private static JSONNode GetContainer(JSONContainerType aType)
			if (aType == JSONContainerType.Array)
				return new JSONArray();
			return new JSONObject();

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(Vector2 aVec)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(VectorContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(Vector3 aVec)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(VectorContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(Vector4 aVec)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(VectorContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(Color aCol)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(ColorContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(Color32 aCol)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(ColorContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(Quaternion aRot)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(QuaternionContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(Rect aRect)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(RectContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(RectOffset aRect)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(RectContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator JSONNode(Matrix4x4 aMatrix)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			JSONNode container = GetContainer(RectContainerType);
			return container;

		public static implicit operator Vector2(JSONNode aNode)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return aNode.ReadVector2();

		public static implicit operator Vector3(JSONNode aNode)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return aNode.ReadVector3();

		public static implicit operator Vector4(JSONNode aNode)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return aNode.ReadVector4();

		public static implicit operator Color(JSONNode aNode)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return aNode.ReadColor();

		public static implicit operator Color32(JSONNode aNode)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return aNode.ReadColor32();

		public static implicit operator Quaternion(JSONNode aNode)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return aNode.ReadQuaternion();

		public static implicit operator Rect(JSONNode aNode)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return aNode.ReadRect();

		public static implicit operator RectOffset(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode.ReadRectOffset();

		public static implicit operator Matrix4x4(JSONNode aNode)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return aNode.ReadMatrix();

		public Vector2 ReadVector2(Vector2 aDefault)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0055: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0061: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Vector2(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat);
			if (IsArray)
				return new Vector2(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat);
			return aDefault;

		public Vector2 ReadVector2(string aXName, string aYName)
			//IL_002c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Vector2(this[aXName].AsFloat, this[aYName].AsFloat);

		public Vector2 ReadVector2()
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ReadVector2(;

		public JSONNode WriteVector2(Vector2 aVec, string aXName = "x", string aYName = "y")
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				Inline = true;
				this[aXName].AsFloat = aVec.x;
				this[aYName].AsFloat = aVec.y;
			else if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				this[0].AsFloat = aVec.x;
				this[1].AsFloat = aVec.y;
			return this;

		public Vector3 ReadVector3(Vector3 aDefault)
			//IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0079: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Vector3(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat, this["z"].AsFloat);
			if (IsArray)
				return new Vector3(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat);
			return aDefault;

		public Vector3 ReadVector3(string aXName, string aYName, string aZName)
			//IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Vector3(this[aXName].AsFloat, this[aYName].AsFloat, this[aZName].AsFloat);

		public Vector3 ReadVector3()
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ReadVector3(;

		public JSONNode WriteVector3(Vector3 aVec, string aXName = "x", string aYName = "y", string aZName = "z")
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0091: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				Inline = true;
				this[aXName].AsFloat = aVec.x;
				this[aYName].AsFloat = aVec.y;
				this[aZName].AsFloat = aVec.z;
			else if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				this[0].AsFloat = aVec.x;
				this[1].AsFloat = aVec.y;
				this[2].AsFloat = aVec.z;
			return this;

		public Vector4 ReadVector4(Vector4 aDefault)
			//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0092: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Vector4(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat, this["z"].AsFloat, this["w"].AsFloat);
			if (IsArray)
				return new Vector4(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat, this[3].AsFloat);
			return aDefault;

		public Vector4 ReadVector4()
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ReadVector4(;

		public JSONNode WriteVector4(Vector4 aVec)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				Inline = true;
				this["x"].AsFloat = aVec.x;
				this["y"].AsFloat = aVec.y;
				this["z"].AsFloat = aVec.z;
				this["w"].AsFloat = aVec.w;
			else if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				this[0].AsFloat = aVec.x;
				this[1].AsFloat = aVec.y;
				this[2].AsFloat = aVec.z;
				this[3].AsFloat = aVec.w;
			return this;

		public Color ReadColor(Color aDefault)
			//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Color(this["r"].AsFloat, this["g"].AsFloat, this["b"].AsFloat, HasKey("a") ? this["a"].AsFloat : ColorDefaultAlpha);
			if (IsArray)
				return new Color(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat, (Count > 3) ? this[3].AsFloat : ColorDefaultAlpha);
			return aDefault;

		public Color ReadColor()
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ReadColor(Color.clear);

		public JSONNode WriteColor(Color aCol)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				Inline = true;
				this["r"].AsFloat = aCol.r;
				this["g"].AsFloat = aCol.g;
				this["b"].AsFloat = aCol.b;
				this["a"].AsFloat = aCol.a;
			else if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				this[0].AsFloat = aCol.r;
				this[1].AsFloat = aCol.g;
				this[2].AsFloat = aCol.b;
				this[3].AsFloat = aCol.a;
			return this;

		public Color32 ReadColor32(Color32 aDefault)
			//IL_00c1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Color32((byte)this["r"].AsInt, (byte)this["g"].AsInt, (byte)this["b"].AsInt, (byte)(HasKey("a") ? this["a"].AsInt : Color32DefaultAlpha));
			if (IsArray)
				return new Color32((byte)this[0].AsInt, (byte)this[1].AsInt, (byte)this[2].AsInt, (byte)((Count > 3) ? this[3].AsInt : Color32DefaultAlpha));
			return aDefault;

		public Color32 ReadColor32()
			//IL_0004: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ReadColor32(default(Color32));

		public JSONNode WriteColor32(Color32 aCol)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				Inline = true;
				this["r"].AsInt = aCol.r;
				this["g"].AsInt = aCol.g;
				this["b"].AsInt = aCol.b;
				this["a"].AsInt = aCol.a;
			else if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				this[0].AsInt = aCol.r;
				this[1].AsInt = aCol.g;
				this[2].AsInt = aCol.b;
				this[3].AsInt = aCol.a;
			return this;

		public Quaternion ReadQuaternion(Quaternion aDefault)
			//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0092: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Quaternion(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat, this["z"].AsFloat, this["w"].AsFloat);
			if (IsArray)
				return new Quaternion(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat, this[3].AsFloat);
			return aDefault;

		public Quaternion ReadQuaternion()
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ReadQuaternion(Quaternion.identity);

		public JSONNode WriteQuaternion(Quaternion aRot)
			//IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				Inline = true;
				this["x"].AsFloat = aRot.x;
				this["y"].AsFloat = aRot.y;
				this["z"].AsFloat = aRot.z;
				this["w"].AsFloat = aRot.w;
			else if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				this[0].AsFloat = aRot.x;
				this[1].AsFloat = aRot.y;
				this[2].AsFloat = aRot.z;
				this[3].AsFloat = aRot.w;
			return this;

		public Rect ReadRect(Rect aDefault)
			//IL_004b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0050: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0092: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (IsObject)
				return new Rect(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat, this["width"].AsFloat, this["height"].AsFloat);
			if (IsArray)
				return new Rect(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat, this[3].AsFloat);
			return aDefault;

		public Rect ReadRect()
			//IL_0004: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ReadRect(default(Rect));

		public JSONNode WriteRect(Rect aRect)
			if (IsObject)
				Inline = true;
				this["x"].AsFloat = ((Rect)(ref aRect)).x;
				this["y"].AsFloat = ((Rect)(ref aRect)).y;
				this["width"].AsFloat = ((Rect)(ref aRect)).width;
				this["height"].AsFloat = ((Rect)(ref aRect)).height;
			else if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				this[0].AsFloat = ((Rect)(ref aRect)).x;
				this[1].AsFloat = ((Rect)(ref aRect)).y;
				this[2].AsFloat = ((Rect)(ref aRect)).width;
				this[3].AsFloat = ((Rect)(ref aRect)).height;
			return this;

		public RectOffset ReadRectOffset(RectOffset aDefault)
			//IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0054: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0093: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0099: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (this is JSONObject)
				return new RectOffset(this["left"].AsInt, this["right"].AsInt, this["top"].AsInt, this["bottom"].AsInt);
			if (this is JSONArray)
				return new RectOffset(this[0].AsInt, this[1].AsInt, this[2].AsInt, this[3].AsInt);
			return aDefault;

		public RectOffset ReadRectOffset()
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			return ReadRectOffset(new RectOffset());

		public JSONNode WriteRectOffset(RectOffset aRect)
			if (IsObject)
				Inline = true;
				this["left"].AsInt = aRect.left;
				this["right"].AsInt = aRect.right;
				this["top"].AsInt =;
				this["bottom"].AsInt = aRect.bottom;
			else if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				this[0].AsInt = aRect.left;
				this[1].AsInt = aRect.right;
				this[2].AsInt =;
				this[3].AsInt = aRect.bottom;
			return this;

		public Matrix4x4 ReadMatrix()
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Matrix4x4 identity = Matrix4x4.identity;
			if (IsArray)
				for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
					((Matrix4x4)(ref identity))[i] = this[i].AsFloat;
			return identity;

		public JSONNode WriteMatrix(Matrix4x4 aMatrix)
			if (IsArray)
				Inline = true;
				for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
					this[i].AsFloat = ((Matrix4x4)(ref aMatrix))[i];
			return this;
	public class JSONArray : JSONNode
		private readonly List<JSONNode> m_List = new List<JSONNode>();

		private bool inline;

		public override bool Inline
				return inline;
				inline = value;

		public override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.Array;

		public override bool IsArray => true;

		public override JSONNode this[int aIndex]
				if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_List.Count)
					return new JSONLazyCreator(this);
				return m_List[aIndex];
				if (value == null)
					value = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
				if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_List.Count)
					m_List[aIndex] = value;

		public override JSONNode this[string aKey]
				return new JSONLazyCreator(this);
				if (value == null)
					value = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();

		public override int Count => m_List.Count;

		public override IEnumerable<JSONNode> Children
				foreach (JSONNode item in m_List)
					yield return item;

		public override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return new Enumerator(m_List.GetEnumerator());

		public override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem)
			if (aItem == null)
				aItem = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();

		public override JSONNode Remove(int aIndex)
			if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_List.Count)
				return null;
			JSONNode result = m_List[aIndex];
			return result;

		public override JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode)
			return aNode;

		public override void Clear()

		public override JSONNode Clone()
			JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
			jSONArray.m_List.Capacity = m_List.Capacity;
			foreach (JSONNode item in m_List)
				if (item != null)
			return jSONArray;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
			int count = m_List.Count;
			if (inline)
				aMode = JSONTextMode.Compact;
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				if (i > 0)
				if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
				if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
					aSB.Append(' ', aIndent + aIndentInc);
				m_List[i].WriteToStringBuilder(aSB, aIndent + aIndentInc, aIndentInc, aMode);
			if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
				aSB.AppendLine().Append(' ', aIndent);

		public override void SerializeBinary(BinaryWriter aWriter)
			for (int i = 0; i < m_List.Count; i++)
	public class JSONObject : JSONNode
		private readonly Dictionary<string, JSONNode> m_Dict = new Dictionary<string, JSONNode>();

		private bool inline;

		public override bool Inline
				return inline;
				inline = value;

		public override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.Object;

		public override bool IsObject => true;

		public override JSONNode this[string aKey]
				if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey))
					return m_Dict[aKey];
				return new JSONLazyCreator(this, aKey);
				if (value == null)
					value = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
				if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey))
					m_Dict[aKey] = value;
					m_Dict.Add(aKey, value);

		public override JSONNode this[int aIndex]
				if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_Dict.Count)
					return null;
				return m_Dict.ElementAt(aIndex).Value;
				if (value == null)
					value = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
				if (aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < m_Dict.Count)
					string key = m_Dict.ElementAt(aIndex).Key;
					m_Dict[key] = value;

		public override int Count => m_Dict.Count;

		public override IEnumerable<JSONNode> Children
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> item in m_Dict)
					yield return item.Value;

		public override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return new Enumerator(m_Dict.GetEnumerator());

		public override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem)
			if (aItem == null)
				aItem = JSONNull.CreateOrGet();
			if (aKey != null)
				if (m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey))
					m_Dict[aKey] = aItem;
					m_Dict.Add(aKey, aItem);
				m_Dict.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), aItem);

		public override JSONNode Remove(string aKey)
			if (!m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey))
				return null;
			JSONNode result = m_Dict[aKey];
			return result;

		public override JSONNode Remove(int aIndex)
			if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= m_Dict.Count)
				return null;
			KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> keyValuePair = m_Dict.ElementAt(aIndex);
			return keyValuePair.Value;

		public override JSONNode Remove(JSONNode aNode)
				KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> keyValuePair = m_Dict.Where((KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> k) => k.Value == aNode).First();
				return aNode;
				return null;

		public override void Clear()

		public override JSONNode Clone()
			JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> item in m_Dict)
				jSONObject.Add(item.Key, item.Value.Clone());
			return jSONObject;

		public override bool HasKey(string aKey)
			return m_Dict.ContainsKey(aKey);

		public override JSONNode GetValueOrDefault(string aKey, JSONNode aDefault)
			if (m_Dict.TryGetValue(aKey, out var value))
				return value;
			return aDefault;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
			if (Children.Count() != 0)
				bool flag = true;
				if (inline)
					aMode = JSONTextMode.Compact;
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> item in m_Dict)
					if (!flag)
					flag = false;
					if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
					if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
						aSB.Append(' ', aIndent + aIndentInc);
					if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Compact)
						aSB.Append(": ");
					item.Value.WriteToStringBuilder(aSB, aIndent + aIndentInc, aIndentInc, aMode);
				if (aMode == JSONTextMode.Indent)
					aSB.AppendLine().Append(' ', aIndent);

		public override void SerializeBinary(BinaryWriter aWriter)
			foreach (string key in m_Dict.Keys)
	public class JSONString : JSONNode
		private string m_Data;

		public override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.String;

		public override bool IsString => true;

		public override string Value
				return m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		public JSONString(string aData)
			m_Data = aData;

		public override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		public override JSONNode Clone()
			return new JSONString(m_Data);

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (base.Equals(obj))
				return true;
			if (obj is string text)
				return m_Data == text;
			JSONString jSONString = obj as JSONString;
			if (jSONString != null)
				return m_Data == jSONString.m_Data;
			return false;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return m_Data.GetHashCode();

		public override void Clear()
			m_Data = "";

		public override void SerializeBinary(BinaryWriter aWriter)
	public class JSONNumber : JSONNode
		private double m_Data;

		public override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.Number;

		public override bool IsNumber => true;

		public override string Value
				return m_Data.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
				if (double.TryParse(value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var result))
					m_Data = result;

		public override double AsDouble
				return m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		public override long AsLong
				return (long)m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		public override ulong AsULong
				return (ulong)m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		public JSONNumber(double aData)
			m_Data = aData;

		public JSONNumber(string value)
			Value = value;

		public override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		public override JSONNode Clone()
			return new JSONNumber(m_Data);

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
			aSB.Append(m_Data.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

		public static bool IsNumeric(object value)
			return value is int || value is uint || value is float || value is double || value is decimal || value is long || value is ulong || value is short || value is ushort || value is sbyte || value is byte;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return false;
			if (base.Equals(obj))
				return true;
			JSONNumber jSONNumber = obj as JSONNumber;
			if (jSONNumber != null)
				return m_Data == jSONNumber.m_Data;
			if (IsNumeric(obj))
				return Convert.ToDouble(obj) == m_Data;
			return false;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return m_Data.GetHashCode();

		public override void Clear()
			m_Data = 0.0;

		public override void SerializeBinary(BinaryWriter aWriter)
	public class JSONBool : JSONNode
		private bool m_Data;

		public override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.Boolean;

		public override bool IsBoolean => true;

		public override string Value
				return m_Data.ToString();
				if (bool.TryParse(value, out var result))
					m_Data = result;

		public override bool AsBool
				return m_Data;
				m_Data = value;

		public JSONBool(bool aData)
			m_Data = aData;

		public JSONBool(string aData)
			Value = aData;

		public override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		public override JSONNode Clone()
			return new JSONBool(m_Data);

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)
			aSB.Append(m_Data ? "true" : "false");

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return false;
			if (obj is bool)
				return m_Data == (bool)obj;
			return false;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return m_Data.GetHashCode();

		public override void Clear()
			m_Data = false;

		public override void SerializeBinary(BinaryWriter aWriter)
	public class JSONNull : JSONNode
		private static readonly JSONNull m_StaticInstance = new JSONNull();

		public static bool reuseSameInstance = true;

		public override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.NullValue;

		public override bool IsNull => true;

		public override string Value
				return "null";

		public override bool AsBool
				return false;

		private JSONNull()

		public static JSONNull CreateOrGet()
			if (reuseSameInstance)
				return m_StaticInstance;
			return new JSONNull();

		public override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		public override JSONNode Clone()
			return CreateOrGet();

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if ((object)this == obj)
				return true;
			return obj is JSONNull;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return 0;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)

		public override void SerializeBinary(BinaryWriter aWriter)
	internal class JSONLazyCreator : JSONNode
		private readonly string m_Key;

		private JSONNode m_Node;

		public override JSONNodeType Tag => JSONNodeType.None;

		public override JSONNode this[int aIndex]
				return new JSONLazyCreator(this);
				Set(new JSONArray()).Add(value);

		public override JSONNode this[string aKey]
				return new JSONLazyCreator(this, aKey);
				Set(new JSONObject()).Add(aKey, value);

		public override int AsInt
				Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0;
				Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		public override float AsFloat
				Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0f;
				Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		public override double AsDouble
				Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0.0;
				Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		public override long AsLong
				if (JSONNode.longAsString)
					Set(new JSONString("0"));
					Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0L;
				if (JSONNode.longAsString)
					Set(new JSONString(value.ToString()));
					Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		public override ulong AsULong
				if (JSONNode.longAsString)
					Set(new JSONString("0"));
					Set(new JSONNumber(0.0));
				return 0uL;
				if (JSONNode.longAsString)
					Set(new JSONString(value.ToString()));
					Set(new JSONNumber(value));

		public override bool AsBool
				Set(new JSONBool(aData: false));
				return false;
				Set(new JSONBool(value));

		public override JSONArray AsArray => Set(new JSONArray());

		public override JSONObject AsObject => Set(new JSONObject());

		public JSONLazyCreator(JSONNode aNode)
			m_Node = aNode;
			m_Key = null;

		public JSONLazyCreator(JSONNode aNode, string aKey)
			m_Node = aNode;
			m_Key = aKey;

		public override Enumerator GetEnumerator()
			return default(Enumerator);

		private T Set<T>(T aVal) where T : JSONNode
			if (m_Key == null)
				m_Node.Add(m_Key, aVal);
			m_Node = null;
			return aVal;

		public override void Add(JSONNode aItem)
			Set(new JSONArray()).Add(aItem);

		public override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem)
			Set(new JSONObject()).Add(aKey, aItem);

		public static bool operator ==(JSONLazyCreator a, object b)
			if (b == null)
				return true;
			return (object)a == b;

		public static bool operator !=(JSONLazyCreator a, object b)
			return !(a == b);

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj == null)
				return true;
			return (object)this == obj;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return 0;

		internal override void WriteToStringBuilder(StringBuilder aSB, int aIndent, int aIndentInc, JSONTextMode aMode)

		public override void SerializeBinary(BinaryWriter aWriter)
	public static class JSON
		public static JSONNode Parse(string aJSON)
			return JSONNode.Parse(aJSON);

		public static string ToJson(object data, bool isIndented = true)
			return new SimpleJSONBuilder().Serialize(data, isIndented);

		public static T FromJson<T>(string data) where T : new()
			return new SimpleJSONBuilder().Deserialize<T>(data);
	public class SimpleJSONBuilder
		public T Deserialize<T>(string serializationStream) where T : new()
			JSONNode value = JSON.Parse(serializationStream);
			return (T)SimpleJSONStaticParser.FromJsonNode(value, typeof(T), default(SimpleJSONParserSettings));

		public string Serialize(object graph, bool isIndented)
			SimpleJSONParserSettings simpleJSONParserSettings = default(SimpleJSONParserSettings);
			simpleJSONParserSettings.IsIndented = isIndented;
			SimpleJSONParserSettings settings = simpleJSONParserSettings;
			JSONNode jSONNode = SimpleJSONStaticParser.ToJsonNode(graph, settings);
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			jSONNode.WriteToStringBuilder(stringBuilder, 0, settings.IsIndented ? 2 : 0, settings.IsIndented ? JSONTextMode.Indent : JSONTextMode.Compact);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();
	public struct SimpleJSONParserSettings
		public bool IsIndented;

		public static SimpleJSONParserSettings Default()
			SimpleJSONParserSettings result = default(SimpleJSONParserSettings);
			result.IsIndented = true;
			return result;
	public static class SimpleJSONStaticParser
		public static object FromJsonNodeImplicitSlow(JSONNode node, Type type)
			Type typeFromHandle = typeof(JSONNode);
			MethodInfo methodInfo = typeFromHandle.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).FirstOrDefault((MethodInfo info) => info.Name == "op_Implicit" && info.ReturnType == type);
			if (methodInfo != null)
				object[] parameters = new JSONNode[1] { node };
				return methodInfo.Invoke(null, parameters);
			return node;

		public static object FromJsonNode(JSONNode value, Type type, SimpleJSONParserSettings settings)
			//IL_01d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01fb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0223: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_024b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0273: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02be: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_030e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (value == null)
				return null;
			if (type == typeof(string))
				return (string)value;
			if (type == typeof(char))
				return (char)value;
			if (type == typeof(bool))
				return (bool)value;
			if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(type))
				Type typeFromHandle = typeof(List<>);
				Type[] genericArguments = type.GetGenericArguments();
				Type type2 = typeFromHandle.MakeGenericType(genericArguments);
				IList list = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(type2);
				foreach (JSONNode child in value.AsArray.Children)
					list.Add(FromJsonNode(child, genericArguments[0], settings));
				return list;
			if (typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(type))
				Type typeFromHandle2 = typeof(Dictionary<, >);
				Type[] genericArguments2 = type.GetGenericArguments();
				Type type3 = typeFromHandle2.MakeGenericType(genericArguments2);
				IDictionary dictionary = (IDictionary)Activator.CreateInstance(type3);
				JSONNode.Enumerator enumerator2 = value.GetEnumerator();
				while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
					KeyValuePair<string, JSONNode> current2 = enumerator2.Current;
					dictionary.Add(FromJsonNode(current2.Key, genericArguments2[0], settings), FromJsonNode(current2.Value, genericArguments2[1], settings));
				return dictionary;
			if (type == typeof(Vector2))
				return (Vector2)value;
			if (type == typeof(Vector3))
				return (Vector3)value;
			if (type == typeof(Vector4))
				return (Vector4)value;
			if (type == typeof(Quaternion))
				return (Quaternion)value;
			if (type == typeof(Rect))
				return (Rect)value;
			if (type == typeof(RectOffset))
				return (RectOffset)value;
			if (type == typeof(Matrix4x4))
				return (Matrix4x4)value;
			if (type == typeof(Color))
				return (Color)value;
			if (type == typeof(Color32))
				return (Color32)value;
			if (type == typeof(byte))
				return (byte)value;
			if (type == typeof(sbyte))
				return (sbyte)value;
			if (type == typeof(int))
				return (int)value;
			if (type == typeof(uint))
				return (uint)value;
			if (type == typeof(short))
				return (short)value;
			if (type == typeof(ushort))
				return (ushort)value;
			if (type == typeof(char))
				return (char)value;
			if (type == typeof(float))
				return (float)value;
			if (type == typeof(double))
				return (double)value;
			if (type == typeof(decimal))
				return (decimal)value;
			if (type == typeof(long))
				return (long)value;
			if (type == typeof(ulong))
				return (ulong)value;
			object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
			FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
			FieldInfo[] array = fields;
			foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array)
				fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, FromJsonNode(value[fieldInfo.Name], fieldInfo.FieldType, settings));
			return obj;

		public static JSONNode ToJsonNode(object value, SimpleJSONParserSettings settings)
			//IL_0082: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0099: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01f6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0206: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_011c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0121: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0133: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0138: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0226: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0236: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0246: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (value != null)
				if (!(value is JSONNode result))
					if (!(value is string aData))
						if (!(value is char c))
							if (!(value is bool aData2))
								if (!(value is IList list))
									if (!(value is IDictionary dict))
										if (!(value is Vector2 val))
											if (!(value is Vector3 val2))
												if (!(value is Vector4 val3))
													if (!(value is Quaternion val4))
														if (!(value is Rect val5))
															RectOffset val6 = (RectOffset)((value is RectOffset) ? value : null);
															if (val6 == null)
																if (!(value is Matrix4x4 val7))
																	if (!(value is Color val8))
																		if (!(value is Color32 val9))
																			if (value is float num)
																				return new JSONNumber(num.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
																			if (JSONNumber.IsNumeric(value))
																				return new JSONNumber(Convert.ToDouble(value));
																			JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
																			FieldInfo[] fields = value.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
																			FieldInfo[] array = fields;
																			foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in array)
																				object value2 = fieldInfo.GetValue(value);
																				JSONNode aItem = ToJsonNode(value2, settings);
																				jSONObject.Add(fieldInfo.Name, aItem);
																			return jSONObject;
																		return val9;
																	return val8;
																return val7;
															return val6;
														return val5;
													return val4;
												return val3;
											return val2;
										return val;
									return ToJsonNode(dict, settings);
								return ToJsonNode(list, settings);
							return new JSONBool(aData2);
						return new JSONString(new string(c, 1));
					return new JSONString(aData);
				return result;
			return JSONNull.CreateOrGet();

		private static JSONArray ToJsonNode(IList list, SimpleJSONParserSettings settings)
			JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
			for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
				jSONArray.Add(ToJsonNode(list[i], settings));
			return jSONArray;

		private static JSONObject ToJsonNode(IDictionary dict, SimpleJSONParserSettings settings)
			JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
			foreach (object key in dict.Keys)
				jSONObject.Add(key.ToString(), ToJsonNode(dict[key], settings));
			return jSONObject;
	public enum JSONContainerType
namespace DSPJapanesePlugin
	internal class GASAccess
		public static IEnumerator CheckAndDownload(string Url, string dstPath)
			string LastUpdate = (File.Exists(dstPath) ? File.GetLastWriteTime(dstPath).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") : "0");
			LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("URL : " + Url + "?date=" + LastUpdate));
			UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(Url + "?date=" + LastUpdate);
			request.timeout = 10;
			AsyncOperation checkAsync = (AsyncOperation)(object)request.SendWebRequest();
			while (!checkAsync.isDone)
			if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError)
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("辞書チェックエラー : " + request.error));
			else if (request.downloadHandler.text == "match")
				Main.JPDictionary = JSON.FromJson<Dictionary<string, string>>(File.ReadAllText(dstPath));
			else if ( < 2000)
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("辞書のダウンロードに失敗しました\u3000:\u3000" + Regex.Match(request.downloadHandler.text, "TypeError.*)")));
				Main.JPDictionary = JSON.FromJson<Dictionary<string, string>>(request.downloadHandler.text);
				File.WriteAllText(dstPath, request.downloadHandler.text);
			yield return null;

		public static IEnumerator MakeFromSheet(string Url, string dstPath)
			LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("URL : " + Url));
			UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(Url ?? "");
			request.timeout = 10;
			AsyncOperation checkAsync = (AsyncOperation)(object)request.SendWebRequest();
			while (!checkAsync.isDone)
			if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError)
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("辞書チェックエラー : " + request.error));
			else if ( < 2000)
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("辞書のダウンロードに失敗しました\u3000:\u3000" + Regex.Match(request.downloadHandler.text, "TypeError.*)")));
				string strings = request.downloadHandler.text.Replace("[LF]", "\\n").Replace("[CRLF]", "\\r\\n");
				Main.JPDictionary = JSON.FromJson<Dictionary<string, string>>(strings);
				File.WriteAllText(dstPath, strings);
			yield return null;

		public static IEnumerator DownloadAndSave(string Url, string dstPath)
			UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(Url);
			AsyncOperation checkAsync = (AsyncOperation)(object)request.SendWebRequest();
			while (!checkAsync.isDone)
			if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError)
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Dictionary download error : " + request.error));
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Dictionary downloaded");
				File.WriteAllText(dstPath, request.downloadHandler.text);
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Dictionary saved ");
			yield return null;

		public static IEnumerator TranslateString(string ENUSString)
			if (ENUSString == "")
				yield return "";
			UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(Main.TranslateGAS.Value + "?text=" + ENUSString);
			request.timeout = 10;
			AsyncOperation checkAsync = (AsyncOperation)(object)request.SendWebRequest();
			while (!checkAsync.isDone)
			if (request.isNetworkError || request.isHttpError)
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("GASアクセスエラー : " + request.error));
			else if (request.downloadHandler.text == "traslateFailed")
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("GAS翻訳に成功しました。: " + request.downloadHandler.text));
			yield return request.downloadHandler.text;
	[BepInPlugin("Appun.DSP.plugin.JapanesePlugin", "DSPJapanesePlugin", "1.2.9")]
	public class Main : BaseUnityPlugin
		public static ConfigEntry<bool> EnableFixUI;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> EnableAutoUpdate;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> ImportSheet;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> exportNewStrings;

		public static ConfigEntry<string> DictionaryGAS;

		public static ConfigEntry<string> SsheetGAS;

		public static ConfigEntry<string> TranslateGAS;

		public static string PluginPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

		public static string jsonFilePath = Path.Combine(PluginPath, "translation_DysonSphereProgram.json");

		public static string newStringsFilePath = Path.Combine(PluginPath, "newStrings.tsv");

		public static AssetBundle FontAssetBundle { get; set; }

		public static Font newFont { get; set; }

		public static Dictionary<string, string> JPDictionary { get; set; }

		public void Awake()
			LogManager.Logger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), (string)null);
			EnableFixUI = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("表示の修正:アップデートでエラーが出る場合はfalseにすると解消できる可能性があります。", "EnableFixUI", true, "日本語化に伴い発生する表示の問題を修正するか");
			EnableAutoUpdate = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("辞書自動アップデート:起動時に日本語辞書ファイルを自動でダウンロードすることができます。", "EnableAutoUpdate", true, "起動時に日本語辞書ファイルを自動でアップデートするかどうか");
			ImportSheet = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("翻訳者、開発者向けの設定:基本的に変更しないでください。", "ImportSheet", false, "翻訳作業所のシートのデータを取り込んで辞書ファイルを作るかどうか");
			DictionaryGAS = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("翻訳者、開発者向けの設定:基本的に変更しないでください。", "DictionaryGAS", "", "日本語辞書ファイル取得のスクリプトアドレス");
			SsheetGAS = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("翻訳者、開発者向けの設定:基本的に変更しないでください。", "SsheetGAS", "", "翻訳作業所のシート取得のスクリプトアドレス");
			TranslateGAS = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<string>("翻訳者、開発者向けの設定:基本的に変更しないでください。", "TraslateGAS", "", "google翻訳のスクリプトアドレス");
			exportNewStrings = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config.Bind<bool>("翻訳者、開発者向けの設定:基本的に変更しないでください。", "exportNewStrings", false, "バージョンアップ時に新規文字列を翻訳作業所用に書き出すかどうか。");
			if (EnableAutoUpdate.Value)
				if (!ImportSheet.Value)
					IEnumerator enumerator = GASAccess.CheckAndDownload(DictionaryGAS.Value, jsonFilePath);
					IEnumerator enumerator2 = GASAccess.MakeFromSheet(SsheetGAS.Value, jsonFilePath);
			if (JPDictionary == null)
				if (!File.Exists(jsonFilePath))
					LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("File not found" + jsonFilePath));
				JPDictionary = JSON.FromJson<Dictionary<string, string>>(File.ReadAllText(jsonFilePath));
				AssetBundle val = AssetBundle.LoadFromStream(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("DSPJapanesePlugin.newjpfont"));
				if ((Object)(object)val == (Object)null)
					LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Asset Bundle not loaded.");
				FontAssetBundle = val;
				newFont = FontAssetBundle.LoadAsset<Font>("MPMK85");
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("フォントを読み込みました : " + (object)newFont));
			catch (Exception ex)
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("e.Message " + ex.Message));
				LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("e.StackTrace " + ex.StackTrace));
	public class LogManager
		public static ManualLogSource Logger;
	public class NewStrings
		public static void Check()
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in Localization.namesIndexer)
				if (!Main.JPDictionary.ContainsKey(item.Key))
					string text = Localization.currentStrings[item.Value].Replace("#", "[SHARP]").Replace("\r\n", "[CRLF]").Replace("\n", "[LF]");
					string text2 = "";
					stringBuilder.Append(item.Key + "\t" + text2 + "\t\tnew\t" + text + "\t\r\n");
					Main.JPDictionary[item.Key] = Main.JPDictionary[item.Key].Replace(" ", "\u00a0");
			if (stringBuilder.Length == 0)
			File.WriteAllText(Main.newStringsFilePath, stringBuilder.ToString());
			LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)("新規文字列がありましたので、" + Main.newStringsFilePath + "に書き出しました。"));
	internal class Test
		public static void PlanetTransport_GameTick_PrePatch(PlanetTransport __instance)
			for (int i = 1; i < __instance.dispenserCursor; i++)
				if (__instance.dispenserPool[i] != null && __instance.dispenserPool[i].id == i)
					StorageComponent storage = __instance.dispenserPool[i].storage;
	internal class TranslatePatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Localization), "Translate", new Type[] { typeof(string) })]
		public static bool Localization_Translate_Prefix(ref string __result, string s)
			if (s == null)
				__result = "";
				return false;
			if (Localization.namesIndexer == null || Localization.currentStrings == null)
				__result = s;
				return false;
			if (Main.JPDictionary.ContainsKey(s))
				__result = Main.JPDictionary[s];
				return false;
			if (!Localization.namesIndexer.ContainsKey(s))
				__result = s;
				return false;
			__result = Localization.currentStrings[Localization.namesIndexer[s]];
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Localization), "get_isCJK")]
		public static bool Localization_get_isCJK_Prefix(ref bool __result)
			__result = true;
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Localization), "get_isKMG")]
		public static bool Localization_get_isKMG_Prefix(ref bool __result)
			__result = true;
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Localization), "get_isZHCN")]
		public static bool Localization_get_isZHCN_Prefix(ref bool __result)
			__result = false;
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Localization), "get_isENUS")]
		public static bool Localization_get_isENUS_Prefix(ref bool __result)
			__result = false;
			return false;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Localization), "get_isFRFR")]
		public static bool Localization_get_isFRFR_Prefix(ref bool __result)
			__result = false;
			return false;

		public static void Localization_Load_Prefix(ref bool __result, int index)
			if (!Localization.Loaded)
				__result = false;
			int num = Localization.Languages.Length;
			int num2 = Localization.resourcePages.Length;
			int namesCount = Localization.NamesCount;
			if ((ulong)index >= (ulong)num)
				__result = false;
			string[] array = (Localization.strings[index] = new string[namesCount]);
			float[] array2 = (Localization.floats[index] = new float[namesCount]);
			StreamReader[] array3 = new StreamReader[num2];
			bool flag = true;
				for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
					string text = $"{Localization.ResourcesPath}{Localization.Languages[index].lcId}/{Localization.resourcePages[i]}.txt";
					if (new FileInfo(text).Exists)
						array3[i] = new StreamReader(text, detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: true);
			catch (Exception ex)
				flag = false;
				Debug.LogError((object)("[Locale] 访问文件路径失败:" + ex.ToString()));
			if (flag)
					(new char[1])[0] = '\t';
					StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
					StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder();
					for (int j = 0; j < num2; j++)
						if (array3[j] == null)
						while (true)
							string text2 = array3[j].ReadLine();
							if (text2 == null)
							if (text2.Equals(string.Empty))
							int length = text2.Length;
							int num3 = 0;
							for (int k = num3; k < length; k++)
								if (text2[k] == '\t')
									stringBuilder.Append(text2, 0, k);
									num3 = k + 1;
							string text3 = Localization.UnescapeString(stringBuilder, stringBuilder2).ToString();
							if (text3.Length == 0 || !Localization.namesIndexer.ContainsKey(text3))
							int num4 = Localization.namesIndexer[text3];
							if (array[num4] != null)
							bool flag2 = false;
							bool flag3 = false;
							for (int l = num3; l < length; l++)
								if (text2[l] == '\t')
									num3 = l + 1;
								if (text2[l] == '#')
									flag2 = true;
							string text4 = text2[num3].ToString();
							for (int m = num3; m < length; m++)
								if (text2[m] == '\t')
									num3 = m + 1;
									flag3 = true;
							if (flag3)
								stringBuilder.Append(text2, num3, length - num3);
								string s = (array[num4] = Localization.UnescapeString(stringBuilder, stringBuilder2).ToString());
								LogManager.Logger.LogInfo((object)(index + " : " + text3 + " : " + text4 + " : " + array[num4]));
								if (flag2 && !float.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out array2[num4]))
									array2[num4] = 0f;
									Debug.LogWarning((object)("[Locale] 标识名 [" + text3 + "] 参数解析失败"));
								Debug.LogWarning((object)("[Locale] 标识名 [" + text3 + "] 文本读取失败"));
					int num5 = 0;
					foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in Localization.namesIndexer)
						if (array[item.Value] == null)
							array[item.Value] = item.Key;
					if (num5 > 0)
						Debug.LogWarning((object)$"[Locale] {num5} 个词条未找到翻译文本");
				catch (Exception ex2)
					flag = false;
					Debug.LogError((object)("[Locale] 读取过程失败:" + ex2.ToString()));
			for (int n = 0; n < num2; n++)
				if (array3[n] != null)
					array3[n] = null;
			array3 = null;
			__result = flag;

		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(VFPreload), "PreloadThread")]
		public static void VFPreload_PreloadThread_Patch()
			Text[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Text)) as Text[];
			Text[] array2 = array;
			foreach (Text val in array2)
				if ((Object)(object)val.font != (Object)null && ((Object)val.font).name != "DIN")
					val.font = Main.newFont;
				if (Main.JPDictionary.ContainsKey(val.text))
					val.text = Main.JPDictionary[val.text];

		public static void UICursor_LoadCursors_Prefix()
			//IL_0125: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_012a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_013b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0140: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0151: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0156: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0167: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_016c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_017d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0182: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0193: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0198: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01a9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01bf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01ec: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01f1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0203: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0208: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_021a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_021f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0231: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0236: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0248: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_024d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_025f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0264: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0276: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_027b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_028d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0292: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!UICursor.loaded)
				UICursor.cursorTexs = (Texture2D[])(object)new Texture2D[17]