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jinxOAO-RecycleableFuelRods-2.0.2 icon


After the generators burning the deuteron fuel rods or the antimatter fuel rods, you will get the empty rods back. You can use that to make new full rods by only adding fuels in empty rods. 发电厂烧完燃料棒会返还空的燃料棒,你可以往里面加燃料生产新的燃料棒。

Date uploaded a year ago
Version 2.0.2
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Downloads 2646
Dependency string jinxOAO-RecycleableFuelRods-2.0.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

xiaoye97-BepInEx-5.4.17 icon

BepInEx5.4.17 mod plugin framework, Mod框架

Preferred version: 5.4.17
xiaoye97-LDBTool-2.0.6 icon

Library that allows mods to add and edit Proto data. Also allows you to see Proto data, config ID's of mod Protos and change localized strings

Preferred version: 2.0.6
CommonAPI-CommonAPI-1.6.3 icon

A modding library for Dyson Sphere Program. Currently is under development.

Preferred version: 1.6.3


Recyclable Fuel Rods

After a mini fusion power station burning a deuteron fuel rod (or an artificial star burning an antimatter fuel rod), it will produce an empty deuteron fuel rod (or an empty antimatter fuel rod) back. You can take them out by sorters(no need to set a filter). And you can use that to make new full rod by only adding fuels in empty rods. Also works on mecha.

New recipes:
Deuteron fuel rod reperfusion: 1 Empty deuteron fuel rod + 10 Deuterium -> 1 Deuteron fuel rod (in page 1 by default)
Antimatter fuel rod reperfusion: 1 Empty antimatter fuel rod + 6 Antimatter + 6 Hydrogen -> 1 Antimatter fuel rod (in page 1 by default)
1 Titanium alloy + 1 Super-magnetic ring -> 2 Empty dueteron fuel rod (in page 3 by default)
1 Titanium alloy + 1 Annihilation constraint sphere -> 2 Empty Animatter fuel rod (in page 3 by default)

This mod won't work on Hydrogen fuel rods.

Installation (If Manually)

  1. Install BepInEx.
  2. Install LDBTool and CommonAPI. (You must have this mod!) Thanks to xiaoye97 for providing such convenient tools.
  3. Drag RecyclableFuelRod.dll into "Dyson Sphere Program/BepInEx/plugins/"
  4. Drag "recycleicons" into the same folder of the RecyclableFuelRod.dll

Mod conflicts

Problems may arise when other mods that create new items/recipes use the following IDs:
RecipeProto.ID: 458,459,460,461
ItemProto.ID: 9451,9452

Problems may arise when other mods that create new items/recipes use the following GridIndex:
1606,1607 / 1611,1612 / 3611,3612



  • Fix an error when starting the game.


  • Update to work with game version


  • Rewrite the main logic. Now there are no more restrictions on how you place your power generators. You can put it side by side if you want, line them up with sorters, just like the vanilla game. And the sorter that connects 2 generators will automatically choose which rod(full or empty) to deliver. Of cource you can also set a filter to control the sorters if you want.
  • Now the full rods and empty rods can be stored in the generator at the same time, and you can see/take out/put in them on the UI window. The amount of fuel that can be stored in each power station has been restored to match the original limit of the vanilla game.
Click to view all changelog

the versions before v1.1.9 have some limitations when you build the generators:
--After installing this mod, the mini fusion power station and artificial star can only storage one fuel rod (full or empty) now (if by sorter). If you put more than one rods by your hand, the full-fuel rods will not become empty rods except for the last one.
--In that case, you can no longer build "mini fusion power stations or artificial stars" side by side (Does not affect thermal power stations). Because these two kinds of power stations can only get fuel from the conveyor belt, but not from other power stations. And in order to take out the empty fuel rods, you also need to build conveyor belts to transport the empty fuel rods away (but not necessary, see the next note) .
--To prevent the power station from being unable to receive new fuel rod due to the blockage of empty fuel rods, If a power station ran out off fuel inside, and there is still empty rod which have not been taken away, The power station will still accept new full-fuel rod, and the original empty rod will disappear.

v1.1.8 and v1.1.9: Use CommonAPI instead of MoreProtoPages to select the empty rods. The MoreProtoPages mod has been deprecated.

v1.1.7: Add the recipe to make the empty rod. You can see it in the 3rd page if you install the MoreProtoPages mod.
Fix the problem that you can't find empty rods in ILS or PLS. Now you can select them in the 3rd page.
Reduced time consumption of reperfusion recipes to match the vanilla recipes.

v1.1.6: Now the mecha will return an empty rod when it burns out a fuel rod. Fix two description text errors.

v1.1.5: Update for game version (2022-1-20). After you update this mod, you MUST DELETE the temp fix .dll file, if you've downloaded it from my github. (named RFRTempPatch.dll) Because this two dll files are in conflict with each other.

v1.1.4: Modify the recipe of Antimatter fuel rod reperfusion(Antimatter & Hydrogen: 10 to 6) to make it consistent with the game update.

v1.1.3: Correct a description text error.

v1.1.2: Fix a bug that you can not select the empty rods as cargo in the ILS or PLS.

v1.1.0 & v1.1.1: Fix a bug that may cause errors and abnormal performance when manually crafting deuteron fuel rods.

v1.0.1: Fix a bug that may cause the abnormal consumption speed (5x) of the fuel rods.



氘核燃料棒再灌注:1空的氘核燃料棒 + 10重氢 -> 1氘核燃料棒 (默认在第一页)
反物质燃料棒再灌注:1空的反物质燃料棒 + 6反物质 + 6氢气 -> 1反物质燃料棒 (默认在第一页)
1钛合金 + 1超级磁场环 -> 2空的氘核燃料棒 (默认在第三页)
1钛合金 + 1湮灭约束球 -> 2空的反物质燃料棒 (默认在第三页)



  1. 安装 BepInEx框架。
  2. 安装 LDBTool和CommonAPI(必须安装这个mod)感谢宵夜97提供了方便的工具。
  3. 将RecyclableFuelRod.dll放入 "Dyson Sphere Program/BepInEx/plugins/"文件夹内
  4. 将recycleicons文件拖入与RecyclableFuelRod.dll同一个文件夹


RecipeProto.ID: 458,459,460,461
ItemProto.ID: 9451,9452
1606,1607 / 1611,1612 / 3611,3612



  • 修复了一个启动游戏过程中的报错问题。


  • 更新以适配游戏版本


  • 重写了主要逻辑,移除了所有摆放发电站的限制。现在你可以把他们并排连接、用分拣器串成一串等等随便摆放。连接两个发电站的分拣器将自动选择运送的燃料棒类型(空的或者满的),无需设置过滤物品(当然你想设置也可以)。
  • 现在空棒和满棒可以同时存储在发电站中,你还可以在UI面板里面看到他们的数量,取出或放入这些物品。发电站可储存的燃料数量上限也恢复成了和原本游戏的限制一致。


v1.1.8 - v1.1.9: 使用CommonAPI来选择空的燃料棒。原本的mod MoreProtoPages已被弃用。

v1.1.7: 新增了制造空燃料棒的配方,他们默认在第三页,因此你需要安装MoreProtoPages mod来看到他们。

v1.1.6: 现在,机甲烧尽燃料棒后也会返还一个空的燃料棒。更正了两处表述文本的错误。

v1.1.5: 更新以适配游戏版本0.9.24.11182(游戏更新于2022-1-20)请注意,如果你之前从我的github下载过这个mod的临时修复版本,请务必删除那个dll文件(名字叫RFRTempPatch.dll)!!!因为二者是冲突的。

v1.1.4: 修改反物质燃料棒再灌注的配方(反物质和氢气消耗10 -> 6),使其与游戏更新一致。

v1.1.3: 更正一个描述文本错误。

v1.1.2: 修复一个bug,该bug曾导致你无法在物流站里面选择空的燃料棒。

v1.1.0 & v1.1.1: 修复一个bug,该bug曾导致手动合成氘核燃料棒时的不正确表现,以及ArgumentOutOfRange(曾与QTools不兼容,目前已修复)或IndexOutOfRange报错。

v1.0.1: 修复一个bug,该bug曾导致发电站以5倍的速度消耗燃料棒。