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Some functions and patches for better user experience / 一些提升用户体验的功能和补丁
Date uploaded | 3 weeks ago |
Version | 1.2.15 |
Download link | |
Downloads | 3257 |
Dependency string | soarqin-UXAssist-1.2.15 |
This mod requires the following mods to function

A modding library for Dyson Sphere Program. Currently is under development.
Preferred version: 1.6.5
Library that allows to store mod save data separately from vanilla saves
Preferred version: 1.1.4
Some functions and patches for better user experience
- Press
to call up the config panel. You can change the shortcut on the panel. - There are also buttons on title screen and planet minimap area to call up the config panel.
- Patches:
- Strict hotkey dectection for build menu, thus building hotkeys(0~9, F1~F10, X, U) are not triggered while holding Ctrl/Alt/Shift.
- Fix a bug that warning popup on
Veins Utilization
upgraded to level 8000+ - Sort blueprint structures before saving, to reduce generated blueprint data size a little
- Increase maximum count of Metadata Instantiations to 20000 (from 2000)
- Increase capacity of player order queue to 128 (from 16)
- Enable
Hide UI
by default) while on Star Map view - Append mod profile name to game window title, if using mod managers (
Thunderstore Mod Manager
- Features:
- General
- Enable game window resize
- Remember window position and size on last exit
- Convert Peace-Mode saves to Combat-Mode on loading
- Scale up mouse cursor
- Note: This will enable software cursor mode, which may cause mouse movement lag on heavy load.
- Mod manager profile based save folder
- Save files are stored in
folder. - Will use original save location if matching default profile name.
- Save files are stored in
- Logical Frame Rate
- This will change game running speed, down to 0.1x slower and up to 10x faster.
- A pair of shortcut keys (
) to change the logical frame rate by -0.5x and +0.5x. - Note:
- High logical frame rate is not guaranteed to be stable, especially when factories are under heavy load.
- This will not affect some game animations.
- When set game speed in mod
, this feature will be disabled. - When mod
is installed, this feature will be hidden, but patchBulletTime
's speed control, to make its maximum speed 10x.
- Set process priority
- Set enabled CPU threads
- Increase maximum count of Metadata Instantiations to 20000 (from 2000)
- Increase capacity of player order queue to 128 (from 16)
- Planet/Factory
- Sunlight at night
- Remove some build conditions
- Remove build count and range limit
- Larger area for upgrade and dismantle(30x30 at max)
- Larger area for terraform(30x30 at max)
- Off-grid building and stepped rotation
- Treat stack items as single in monitor components
- Enhanced control for logistic storage limits
- Logistic storage limits are not scaled on upgrading
Logistics Carrier Capacity
, if they are not set to maximum capacity. - You can use arrow keys to adjust logistic storage limits gracefully.
- Logistic storage limits are not scaled on upgrading
- Quick build and dismantle stacking labs/storages/tanks
- Fast fill in to and take out from tanks
- You can set multiplier for tanks' operation speed
- This affects manually fill in to and/or take out from tanks, as well as transfer from upper to lower level.
- Protect veins from exhaustion
- By default, the vein amount is protected at 100, and oil speed is protected at 1.0/s, you can set them yourself in config file.
- When reach the protection value, veins/oils steeps will not be mined/extracted any longer.
- Close this function to resume mining and pumping, usually when you have enough level on
Veins Utilization
- Do not render factory entities (except belts and sorters)
- This also makes players click though factory entities but belts and sorters
- Drag building power poles in maximum connection range
- Allow overflow for Logistic Stations and Advanced Mining Machines
- Allow overflow when trying to insert in-hand items
- Allow
Enhanced control for logistic storage limits
to exceed tech capacity limits - Remove logistic strorage limit check on loading game
- Logistics Control Panel Improvement
- Auto apply filter with item under mouse cursor while opening the panel
- Quick-set item filter while right-clicking item icons in storage list on the panel
- Real-time logistic stations info panel
- Re-intialize planet (without reseting veins)
- Quick dismantle all buildings (without drops)
- Quick build Orbital Collectors
- Belt signals for buy out dark fog items automatically
- 6 belt signals are added to the signal panel, which can be used to buy out dark fog items automatically.
- Generated items are stacked in 4 items.
- Exchange ratio is following the original game design, aka:
- 1 Metaverse = 20 Dark Fog Matrices
- 1 Metaverse = 60 Engery Shards
- 1 Metaverse = 30 Silicon-based Neurons
- 1 Metaverse = 30 Negentropy Singularities
- 1 Metaverse = 30 Matter Recombinators
- 1 Metaverse = 10 Core Elements
- Player/Mecha
- Unlimited interactive range
- Enable player actions in globe view
- Hide tips for soil piles changes
- Enhanced count control for hand-make
- Auto navigation on sailings
- It keeps Icarus on course to the target planet
- It will try to bypass any obstacles(planets, stars or dark-fog hives) on the way
- Furthermore, you can set a shortcut key in the system options window, which is used to toggle
that enables flying to targeted planets fully automatically.- Auto-cruise will start when you select a planet as target
- It will use warper to fly to the target planet if the planet is too far away, the range can be configured.
- It will speed down when approaching the target planet, to avoid overshooting
- Dyson Sphere
- Stop ejectors when available nodes are all filled up
- Construct only structure points but frames
- Re-initialize Dyson Spheres
- Quick dismantle Dyson Shells
- Dyson Sphere "Auto Fast Build" speed multiplier
- Note: this only applies to
Dyson Sphere "Auto Fast Build"
in sandbox mode
- Note: this only applies to
- Tech
- Restore upgrades of
Sorter Cargo Stacking
on panel - Set
Sorter Cargo Stacking
to unresearched state - Buy out techs with their prerequisites
- This enables batch buying out techs with their prerequisites. Buy-out button is shown for all locked techs/upgrads.
- Restore upgrades of
- Combat
- Open Dark Fog Communicator anywhere
- General
- Please upgrade
5.4.21 or later if using with BlueprintTweaks to avoid possible conflicts.- You can download
here(choose x64 edition). - If using with r2modman, you can upgrade
by clickingSettings
->Browse profile folder
, then extract downloaded zip to the folder and overwrite existing files.
- You can download
- Dyson Sphere Program: The great game
- Multifunction_mod: Some cheat functions
- LSTM & PlanetFinder: UI implementations
- OffGridConstruction: Off-grid building & stepped rotation implementations
- CruiseAssist and its extension AutoPilot:
Auto navigation on sailings
- 按
键呼出主面板,可以在面板上修改快捷键。 - 标题界面和行星小地图旁也有按钮呼出主面板。
- 补丁:
- 更严格的建造菜单热键检测,因此在按住Ctrl/Alt/Shift时不再会触发建造热键(0~9, F1~F10, X, U)
- 修复了
升级到8000级以上时弹出警告的bug - 保存蓝图前对建筑进行排序,以减少生成的蓝图数据大小
- 将元数据提取的最大数量增加到20000(原来为2000)
- 将玩家指令队列的容量增加到128(原来为16)
- 在星图视图中启用
) - 如果使用mod管理器(
Thunderstore Mod Manager
- 功能:
- 通用
- 可调整游戏窗口大小(可最大化和拖动边框)
- 记住上次退出时的窗口位置和大小
- 在加载和平模式存档时将其转换为战斗模式
- 放大鼠标指针
- 注意:这将启用软件指针模式,可能会在CPU负载较重时导致鼠标移动延迟
- 基于mod管理器配置档案名的存档文件夹
- 存档文件会存储在
文件夹中 - 如果匹配默认配置档案名则使用原始存档位置
- 存档文件会存储在
- 逻辑帧倍率
- 这将改变游戏运行速度,最慢0.1倍,最快10倍
- 设置了一对快捷键(
),可以-/+0.5倍改变逻辑帧倍率 - 注意:
- 高逻辑帧倍率不能保证稳定性,特别是在工厂负载较重时
- 这不会影响一些游戏动画
- 当在
mod中设置游戏速度时,此功能将被禁用 - 当安装了
- 设置进程优先级
- 设置使用的CPU线程
- 将元数据提取的最大数量增加到20000(原来为2000)
- 将玩家指令队列的容量增加到128(原来为16)
- 行星/工厂
- 夜间日光灯
- 移除部分不影响游戏逻辑的建造条件
- 范围升级和拆除的最大区域扩大(最大30x30)
- 范围铺设地基的最大区域扩大(最大30x30)
- 脱离网格建造以及小角度旋转
- 在流速计中将堆叠物品视为单个物品
- 物流塔存储数量限制控制改进
- 当升级
时,不会对各种物流塔的存储限制按比例提升,除非设置为最大允许容量。 - 你可以使用方向键微调物流塔存储限制
- 当升级
- 快速建造和拆除堆叠研究站/储物仓/储液罐
- 储液罐快速注入和抽取液体
- 你可以设置储液罐操作速度的倍率
- 影响手动注入和抽取,以及从储液罐上层传输到下层的速度
- 保护矿脉不会耗尽
- 默认矿脉数量保护在100,采油速保护在1.0/s,你可以在配置文件中自行设置。
- 当达到保护值时,矿脉和油井将不再被开采。
- 关闭此功能以恢复开采,一般是当你在
- 不渲染工厂建筑实体(除了传送带和分拣器)
- 这也使玩家可以点穿工厂实体直接点到传送带和分拣器
- 拖动建造电线杆时自动使用最大连接距离间隔
- 允许物流塔和大型采矿机物品溢出
- 当尝试塞入手中物品时允许溢出
- 允许
超过科技容量限制 - 在加载游戏时移除物流塔容量限制检查
- 物流控制面板改进
- 打开面板时自动将鼠标指向物品设为筛选条件
- 在控制面板物流塔列表中右键点击物品图标快速设置为筛选条件
- 物流运输站实时信息面板
- 注意:如果你启用了
- 注意:如果你启用了
- 初始化本行星(不重置矿脉)
- 快速拆除所有建筑(不掉落)
- 快速建造轨道采集器
- 用于自动购买黑雾物品的传送带信号
- 在信号面板上添加了6个传送带信号,可以用于自动购买黑雾道具。
- 生成的物品堆叠数为4。
- 兑换比率遵循原始游戏设计,即:
- 1个元宇宙 = 20个黑雾矩阵
- 1个元宇宙 = 60个能量碎片
- 1个元宇宙 = 30个硅基神经元
- 1个元宇宙 = 30个负熵奇点
- 1个元宇宙 = 30个物质重组器
- 1个元宇宙 = 10个核心素
- 玩家/机甲
- 无限交互距离
- 移除建造数量和范围限制
- 在行星视图中允许玩家操作
- 隐藏沙土数量变动的提示
- 手动制造物品的数量控制改进
- 航行时自动导航
- 它会保持伊卡洛斯飞向目标星球
- 它会尝试绕过途中的任何障碍物(行星、恒星或黑雾巢穴)
- 此外,可以在系统选项窗口中设置快捷键,用于切换
,实现完全自动化的飞行至目标星球。- 当你选择目标星球后,自动巡航就会开始
- 如果目标星球距离过远会自动使用曲速(超过5AU),你可以在面板上更改这个值。
- 它会在接近目标星球时减速,以避免发生越过目标的情况
- 戴森球
- 可用节点全部造完时停止弹射
- 只建造节点不建造框架
- 初始化戴森球
- 快速拆除戴森壳
- 戴森球自动快速建造速度倍率
- 注意:这仅适用于沙盒模式下的
- 注意:这仅适用于沙盒模式下的
- 科研
- 在升级面板上恢复
的升级 - 将
设为未研究状态 - 买断科技也同时买断所有前置科技
- 这使得可以批量买断科技及其所有前置科技。所有未解锁的科技/升级都会显示买断按钮。
- 在升级面板上恢复
- 战斗
- 在任意位置打开黑雾通讯器
- 通用
- 如果和BlueprintTweaks一起使用,请升级
到5.4.21或更高版本,以避免可能的冲突。- 你可以在这里(选择x64版本)下载
。 - 如果使用r2modman,你可以点击
->Browse profile folder
- 你可以在这里(选择x64版本)下载
- 戴森球计划: 伟大的游戏
- BepInEx: 基础模组框架
- LSTM & PlanetFinder: UI实现
- OffGridConstruction: 脱离网格建造以及小角度旋转的实现
- CruiseAssist及其扩展AutoPilot:
- 1.2.15
Off-grid building and stepped rotation
: Fix compatibility with DSP (#57)Enhanced control for logistic storage limits
: Try to fix possible crash. (#54)
- 1.2.14
- Fix an issue that an unexpected menu icon is shown in the top-right corner of the config panel.
Stop ejectors when available nodes are all filled up
: Fix compatibility withDyson Sphere Program v0.10.32.25496
- 1.2.13
Belt signals for buy out dark fog items automatically
: Fix possible crashes.Logistics Control Panel Improvement
: Auto apply filter with in-hand item now.- Fix an alignment issue on UI panel.
- 1.2.12
Construct only structure points but frames
: Fix a bug that frames are still not constructed when this function is disabled.Drag building power poles in maximum connection range
: Fix a bug that single power pole cannot be placed at some positions.
- 1.2.11
- Fix an issue caused by game update: tips are not shown when mouse hovering on tips button.
- 1.2.10
Set enabled CPU threads
: Fix hybrid-architect check for CPUs without hyper-threadingRe-initialize Dyson Spheres
andQuick dismantle Dyson Shells
: Fix possible crashes and a display issue, while Dyson Sphere panel is actived.
Older versions
- 1.2.9
Protect veins from exhaustion
:- Fix a bug that vein protection causes crashes (#50).
- Fix a bug that minimum oil speed in config is not working (#50).
- Fix a bug that oil is not extracted when vein protection is enabled in infinite resource mode (#52).
- 1.2.8
- New feature:
Fast fill in to and take out from tanks
- You can set multiplier for tanks' operation speed
- This affects manually fill in to and/or take out from tanks, as well as transfer from upper to lower level.
- Fixes to
Append mod profile name to game window title
:- Fix a bug that window title is not set correctly when multiple instance is launched.
- Fix a bug that window title is not set correctly if BepInEx debug console is enabled.
Real-time logistic stations info panel
: Fix a bug that item status bar appears unexpectedly.
- New feature:
- 1.2.7
- Fix some minor issues
- 1.2.6
Remember window position and size on last exit
- Fix a bug that window position is restored even the option is disabled.
- Fix a bug that the last window position is wrongly remembere when game is closed at minimized state.
- 1.2.5
- New feature:
Set process priority
- New feature:
Set enabled CPU threads
Drag building power poles in maximum connection range
: Add a new config optionBuild Tesla Tower and Wireless Power Tower alternately
- New feature:
- 1.2.4
Sunlight at night
:- Fix flickering issue while mecha is sailing.
- Can configure the light angles now.
Scale up mouse cursor
: Fix known issues.Buy out techs with their prerequisites
: Fix a bug that warning popup from invalid data.- Does not patch
's speed control now, asBulletTime
has been updated to support configurable maximum speed. - Some minor fixes and tweaks.
- 1.2.3
Real-time logistic stations info panel
: Fix bar length not match with item amount when item amount is more than capacity.Sunlight at night
: Fix not working.
- 1.2.2
Real-time logistic stations info panel
: Fix text color mismatch sometimesLogical Frame Rate
: Set default shortcut key toCtrl
to avoid conflict with other shortcut keys
- 1.2.1
Off-grid building and stepped rotation
:- Fix off-grid building's default shortcut key for belts
- Fix coordinate display issue
- 1.2.0
- New feature:
Logical Frame Rate
- This will change game running speed, down to 0.1x slower and up to 10x faster.
- A pair of shortcut keys (
) to change the logical frame rate by -0.5x and +0.5x. - Note:
- High logical frame rate is not guaranteed to be stable, especially when factories are under heavy load.
- This will not affect some game animations.
- When set game speed in mod
, this feature will be disabled. - When mod
is installed, this feature will be hidden, but patchBulletTime
's speed control, to make its maximum speed 10x.
Off-grid building and stepped rotation
: Due to conflict with shortcut key in new game update, the shortcut key for belts is changed toCtrl
by default, and can be set in system options now.Real-time logistic stations info panel
: Fix a crash issue.Dyson Sphere "Auto Fast Build"
: Fix possible wrong production records.- Codes refactored, for better maintainability.
- New feature:
- 1.1.6
- New feature:
Scale up mouse cursor
- Note: This will enable software cursor mode, which may cause mouse movement lag on heavy load.
- New feature:
Real-time logistic stations info panel
- Note: This function will be hidden if you enabled
Show station info
in modAuxilaryfunction
- Note: This function will be hidden if you enabled
- Fix an issue that
Dyson Sphere "Auto Fast Build"
does not generate production records for solar sails. - Remove use of AssetBundle, move all icons into
Assembly Resources
, for better flexibility.
- New feature:
- 1.1.5
- New feature:
Logistics Control Panel Improvement
- Auto apply filter with item under mouse cursor while opening the panel
- Quick-set item filter while right-clicking item icons in storage list on the panel
- New feature:
Dyson Sphere "Auto Fast Build" speed multiplier
- Note: this only applies to
Dyson Sphere "Auto Fast Build"
in sandbox mode
- Note: this only applies to
- New feature:
Mod manager profile based save folder
- Save files are stored in
folder. - Will use original save location if matching default profile name.
- Save files are stored in
Quick build and dismantle stacking labs
: works for storages and tanks nowEnable game window resize
: Keep window resizable on applying game options.Remember window position and size on last exit
: Do not resize window on applying game options if resolution related config entries are not changed.- Auto resize panel to fit content, for better support of multilanguages and mods dependent on UX Assist config panel functions.
- New feature:
- 1.1.4
- Fix
Remove some build conditions
- Fix
- 1.1.3
- UI texts are updated following game settings now
- Fix hover area for checkboxes in config panel
- Fix an issue which makes
Convert Peace-Mode saves to Combat-Mode on loading
not working
- 1.1.2
Belt signals for buy out dark fog items automatically
: Always add belt signals to the panel to fix missing belt icons when disabled.
- 1.1.1
- Fix assetbundle loading issue
- 1.1.0
Stop ejectors when available nodes are all filled up
: ShowNo node to fill
on ejector panel when all dyson sphere nodes are filled up.- Append mod profile name to game window title, if using mod managers (
Thunderstore Mod Manager
). - New features:
Buy out techs with their prerequisites
: This enables batch buying out techs with their prerequisites. Buy-out button is shown for all locked techs/upgrads.Belt signals for buy out dark fog items automatically
, while enabled:- 6 belt signals are added to the signal panel, which can be used to buy out dark fog items automatically.
- Generated items are stacked in 4 items.
- Exchange ratio is following the original game design, aka:
- 1 Metaverse = 20 Dark Fog Matrices
- 1 Metaverse = 60 Engery Shards
- 1 Metaverse = 30 Silicon-based Neurons
- 1 Metaverse = 30 Negentropy Singularities
- 1 Metaverse = 30 Matter Recombinators
- 1 Metaverse = 10 Core Elements
- 1.0.26
- New features:
- Restore upgrades of
Sorter Cargo Stacking
on panel - Set
Sorter Cargo Stacking
to unresearched state
- Restore upgrades of
- Changes to
Protect veins from exhaustion
configuration:- The vein amount is protected at 1000 by default now
- The maximum vein amount is changed to 10000, and the maximum oil speed is changed to 10.0/s
- New features:
- 1.0.25
- Fix an issue that building entites can not be clicked through when
Do not render factory entities (except belts and sorters)
is enabled
- Fix an issue that building entites can not be clicked through when
- 1.0.24
- Changes to
Do not render factory entities (except belts and sorters)
- Add shortcut key in config panel to toggle this function
- Can click on both belts and sorters now
- New feature:
Drag building power poles in maximum connection range
- New feature:
Allow overflow for Logistic Stations and Advanced Mining Machines
- Allow overflow when trying to insert in-hand items
- Allow
Enhanced control for logistic storage limits
to exceed tech capacity limits - Remove logistic strorage limit check on loading game
- Changes to
- 1.0.23
- New features:
Do not render factory entities (except belts and sorters)
- This also makes players click though factory entities but belts
Open Dark Fog Communicator
- Belts can be built off-grid now, by pressing the shortcut key for
Switch Splitter model
by default) - Add a suboption
Auto boost
does warp when core energy at least 80% now
- New features:
- 1.0.22
- Fix a crash issue caused by
Quick build and dismantle stacking labs
- Fix a crash issue caused by
- 1.0.21
- Fix a bug that stepped rotation is not working in
Off-grid building and stepped rotation
, which is caused by latest game update - Fix some issues in
Auto nativation
, now only boosts when core energy at least 10% and warps when core energy at least 50%
- Fix a bug that stepped rotation is not working in
- 1.0.20
- Fix an infinite-loop issue when
Quick build and dismantle stacking labs
andNo condition build
are both enabled - Fix a crash caused by
Re-initialize planet
in combat mode
- Fix an infinite-loop issue when
- 1.0.19
- New functions:
Quick build and dismantle stacking labs
Protect veins from exhaustion
- By default, the vein amount is protected at 100, and oil speed is protected at 1.0/s, you can set them yourself in config file.
- When reach the protection value, veins/oils steeps will not be mined/extracted any longer.
- Close this function to resume mining and pumping, usually when you have enough level on
Veins Utilization
- Remove default shortcut key for
, to avoid misoperation. Please set it in the system options window manually if needed.
- New functions:
- 1.0.18
- Fix crash while coursing to a dark-fog hive.
- Auto-cruise does not bypass dark-fog hives if they are targeted.
- 1.0.17
- New function:
Auto navigation on sailings
, which is inspired by CruiseAssist and its extension AutoPilot- It keeps Icarus on course to the target planet
- It will try to bypass any obstacles(planets, stars or dark-fog hives) on the way
- Furthermore, there is also a shortcut key which can be set in the system options window, which is used to toggle
that enables flying to targeted planets fully automatically.- Auto-cruise will start when you target a planet on star map
- It will use warper to fly to the target planet if the planet is too far away, the range can be configured.
- It will speed down when approaching the target planet, to avoid overshooting
- Fix a crash caused by
Stop ejectors when available nodes are all filled up
in latest game update Off-grid building and stepped rotation
: Hide Z coordinate from display if it is zero
- New function:
- 1.0.16
- Add CommonAPI to package manifest dependencies(missing in last version)
- New function:
Hide tips for soil piles changes
- 1.0.15
- Move shortcut key settings to system options window, which depends on CommonAPI
- Enable
Hide UI
by default) while on Star Map view - New function:
Treat stack items as single in monitor components
- 1.0.14
- Fix crash in
Re-initialize planet
again Off-grid building and stepped rotation
: Add Z coordinate to display, and adjust the precision to 4 decimal after point
- Fix crash in
- 1.0.13
Off-grid building and stepped rotation
: show building coordinates(relative to grids) on building preview and building info panel now- Increase maximum count of Metadata Instantiations to 20000 (from 2000)
- Increase capacity of player order queue to 128 (from 16)
- Fix issue caused by game updates
Remove some build conditions
: fixed issue that some conditions are not eliminatedRe-initialize planet
: fixed crash issue
- 1.0.12
- Fix a bug that ejectors aimed at even-numbered orbits stop working when
Stop ejectors when available nodes are all filled up
is enabled.
- Fix a bug that ejectors aimed at even-numbered orbits stop working when
- 1.0.11
- Remove
Better auto-save mechanism
due to conflicts with DSPModSave and some other mods.
- Remove
- 1.0.10
- Fix a button display bug
- Fix a possible crash while
Enhanced control for logistic storage limits
is enabled
- 1.0.9
- New function:
Better auto-save mechanism
- Auto saves are stored in 'Save\AutoSaves' folder, filenames are combined with cluster address and date-time
- Note: this will sort gamesaves by modified time on save/load window, so you don't have to use [DSP_Save_Game_Sorter] anymore
- New function:
- 1.0.8
- New function:
Enhanced control for logistic storage limits
- New function:
- 1.0.7
- Fix a crash issue on choosing language other than English and Chinese
- Games saved in Peace-Mode after Dark-Fog update can also be loaded as Combat-Mode now.
- 1.0.6
- Convert old saves to Combat-Mode on loading
- 1.0.5
- Support game version
- Sort blueprint structures before saving, to reduce generated blueprint data size a little.
- 1.0.4
- Add new function:
Off-grid building and stepped rotation
- Fix an issue that window position not restored and can not be resized when function is enabled but game is started with different mod profiles.
- Add new function:
- 1.0.3
- Add new function:
Quick build Orbital Collectors
. - Add confirmation popup for
Re-intialize planet
,Quick dismantle all buildings
,Re-initialize Dyson Spheres
andQuick dismantle Dyson Shells
. - Fix error on
Remove build count and range limit
when building a large amount of belts. - Fix an issue that window position not saved correctly when quit game without using in-game menu.
- Add new function:
- 1.0.2
- Redesign config tabs, for clearer layout.
- Add 2 new options:
- Enable game window resize.
- Remember window position and size on last exit.
- 1.0.1
- Fix config button text and tips while returning to title menu.
- Fix that error occurs while returning to title menu, with
Stop ejectors when available nodes are all filled up
enabled. - Add a patch to fix the bug that warning popup on
Veins Utilization
upgraded to level 8000+.
- 1.0.0
- Initial release
- Functions moved from MechaDronesTweaks and CheatEnabler
- 1.2.15
:修复了与0.10.32.25682的兼容性 (#57)物流塔存储数量限制控制改进
:修复了可能导致崩溃的问题 (#54)
- 1.2.14
- 修正设置窗口右上角多出一个菜单图标的问题
:修复了与戴森球计划 v0.10.32.25496
- 1.2.13
:现在也自动将拿着的物品设为筛选条件- 修复了UI面板上的对齐问题
- 1.2.12
- 1.2.11
- 修复了游戏更新导致的提示按钮鼠标悬停时不显示提示文字的问题
- 1.2.10
Older versions
- 1.2.9
:- 修复了矿脉保护导致崩溃的问题(#50)
- 修复了配置中的最小采油速度不起作用的问题(#50)
- 修复了无限资源模式下油井保护导致无法采油的问题(#52)
- 1.2.8
- 新功能:
- 你可以设置储液罐操作速度的倍率
- 影响手动注入和抽取,以及从储液罐上层传输到下层的速度
- 在游戏窗口标题中追加mod配置档案名的修复:
- 修复了多实例启动时窗口标题未正确设置的问题
- 修复了启用BepInEx调试控制台时窗口标题未正确设置的问题
- 新功能:
- 1.2.7
- 修复了一些小问题
- 1.2.6
- 修复了即使选项被禁用也恢复窗口位置的问题
- 修复了窗口最小化时关闭游戏导致窗口位置被错误记录的问题
- 1.2.5
- 新功能:
- 新功能:
- 新功能:
- 1.2.4
:- 修复了航行时闪烁的问题
- 现在可以配置入射光线角度了
:修复了数据错误警告弹窗的问题- 不再对
已更新支持可配置最大速度 - 一些小修复和调整
- 1.2.3
- 1.2.2
- 1.2.1
:- 修复了传送带脱离网格建造的默认快捷键
- 修复了坐标显示问题
- 1.2.0
- 新功能:
- 这将改变游戏运行速度,最慢0.1倍,最快10倍
- 设置了一对快捷键(
),可以-/+0.5倍改变逻辑帧倍率 - 注意:
- 高逻辑帧倍率不能保证稳定性,特别是在工厂负载较重时
- 这不会影响一些游戏动画
- 当在
mod中设置游戏速度时,此功能将被禁用 - 当安装了
:修复了可能出现的错误生产记录- 代码重构,以获得更好的可维护性
- 新功能:
- 1.1.6
- 新功能:
- 注意:这将启用软件指针模式,可能会在CPU负载较重时导致鼠标移动延迟
- 新功能:
- 注意:如果你启用了
- 注意:如果你启用了
- 修复了
未生成太阳帆生产记录的问题 - 移除了AssetBundle的使用,将所有图标移入
- 新功能:
- 1.1.5
- 新功能:
- 打开面板时自动将鼠标指向物品设为筛选条件
- 在控制面板物流塔列表中右键点击物品图标快速设置为筛选条件
- 新功能:
- 注意:这仅适用于沙盒模式下的
- 注意:这仅适用于沙盒模式下的
- 新功能:
- 存档文件会存储在
文件夹中 - 如果匹配默认配置档案名则使用原始存档位置
- 存档文件会存储在
:如果分辨率相关的配置项未改变,则在应用游戏选项时不调整窗口大小- 自动调整面板大小适应内容,以更好地支持多语言和依赖于UX助手配置面板功能的mod
- 新功能:
- 1.1.4
- 修复了
- 修复了
- 1.1.3
- 界面文本现在完全跟随游戏语言设置改变
- 修复了配置面板中勾选框的鼠标悬停区域
- 修复了
- 1.1.2
: 总是将传送带信号添加到面板,以修复禁用时传送带图标丢失的问题。
- 1.1.1
- 修复了资源包加载问题
- 1.1.0
: 当所有戴森球节点都造完时,在弹射器面板上显示没有可建造节点
- 如果使用mod管理器(
Thunderstore Mod Manager
)启动游戏,在游戏窗口标题中追加mod配置档案名 - 新功能:
,启用时:- 在信号面板上添加了6个传送带信号,可以用于自动购买黑雾道具。
- 生成的物品堆叠数为4。
- 兑换比率遵循原始游戏设计,即:
- 1个元宇宙 = 20个黑雾矩阵
- 1个元宇宙 = 60个能量碎片
- 1个元宇宙 = 30个硅基神经元
- 1个元宇宙 = 30个负熵奇点
- 1个元宇宙 = 30个物质重组器
- 1个元宇宙 = 10个核心素
- 1.0.26
- 新功能:
- 在升级面板上恢复
的升级 - 将
- 在升级面板上恢复
配置的改动:- 现在默认矿脉数量保护在1000
- 最大矿脉数量改为10000,最大采油速度改为10.0/s
- 新功能:
- 1.0.25
- 修复了
- 修复了
- 1.0.24
的改动- 在配置面板中添加了一个快捷键来切换此功能
- 现在也可以点击到分拣器了
- 新功能:
- 新功能:
- 当尝试塞入手中物品时允许溢出
- 允许
超过科技容量限制 - 在加载游戏时移除物流塔容量限制检查
- 1.0.23
- 新功能:
- 这使得玩家可以点穿工厂实体直接点到传送带
- 在任意位置
- 传送带现在可以脱离网格建造了,通过按住
) - 为
- 新功能:
- 1.0.22
- 修复了
- 修复了
- 1.0.21
- 修复了
在最新游戏更新后无法小角度旋转的问题 - 修复了
- 修复了
- 1.0.20
- 修复了
同时启用时可能导致的逻辑死循环问题 - 修复了在战斗模式下
- 修复了
- 1.0.19
- 新功能:
- 默认矿脉数量保护于剩余100,采油速保护于速度1.0/s,你可以在配置文件中自行设置。
- 当达到保护值时,矿脉和油井将不再被开采。
- 关闭此功能以恢复开采,一般是当你在
- 移除了
- 新功能:
- 1.0.18
- 修复了以黑雾巢穴为目标时导致崩溃的问题
- 当黑雾巢穴是目标时,自动导航不会绕过它
- 1.0.17
- 新功能:
,想法来自CruiseAssist及其扩展AutoPilot- 它会保持伊卡洛斯飞向目标星球
- 它会尝试绕过途中的任何障碍物(行星、恒星或黑雾巢穴)
- 此外,还有一个快捷键可以在系统选项窗口中设置,用于切换
,实现完全自动化的飞行至目标星球。- 当你选择目标星球后,自动巡航就会开始
- 如果目标星球距离过远会自动使用曲速(超过5AU),你可以在面板上更改这个值。
- 它会在接近目标星球时减速,以避免发生越过目标的情况
- 修复了最新游戏更新后
引起崩溃问题 脱离网格建造和小角度旋转
- 新功能:
- 1.0.16
- 添加了对CommonAPI的包依赖(上个版本忘记加了)
- 新功能:
- 1.0.15
- 将快捷键设置移动到系统选项窗口,依赖于CommonAPI
- 在星图视图中启用
) - 新功能:
- 1.0.14
- 再次尝试修复
导致的崩溃问题 脱离网格建造和小角度旋转
- 再次尝试修复
- 1.0.13
:现在在建造预览和建筑信息面板上显示建筑坐标(相对于网格)- 将元数据提取的最大数量增加到20000(原来为2000)
- 将玩家指令队列的容量增加到128(原来为16)
- 修复了游戏更新导致的问题
- 1.0.12
- 修复了当
- 修复了当
- 1.0.11
- 移除
- 移除
- 1.0.10
- 修复了一个按钮显示错误
- 修复了
- 1.0.9
- 新功能:
- 自动存档会以星区地址和日期时间组合为文件名存储在'Save\AutoSaves'文件夹中
- 注意:此功能会在保存/读取菜单按最后修改时间对存档进行排序,因此你不再需要[DSP_Save_Game_Sorter]了
- 新功能:
- 1.0.8
- 新功能:
- 新功能:
- 1.0.7
- 修复了选择英文和中文以外的语言时的崩溃问题
- 黑雾更新后使用和平模式保存的存档现在也可以转换为战斗模式了
- 1.0.6
- 在加载旧存档时将其转换为战斗模式
- 1.0.5
- 支持游戏版本0.10.28.20759
- 保存蓝图前对建筑进行排序,以减少生成的蓝图数据大小
- 1.0.4
- 添加了新功能:
- 修复了当功能启用但游戏使用不同的mod配置文件启动时窗口位置无法正确恢复和不可拖动改变大小的问题
- 添加了新功能:
- 1.0.3
- 添加了新功能:
- 为
添加了确认弹窗 - 修复了
在建造大量传送带时可能导致的错误 - 修复了在不使用游戏内菜单退出游戏时窗口位置无法正确保存的问题
- 添加了新功能:
- 1.0.2
- 重新设计了配置面板,使布局更清晰
- 添加了两个新选项:
- 可调整游戏窗口大小(可最大化和拖动边框)
- 记住上次退出时的窗口位置和大小
- 1.0.1
- 修复了返回标题界面后设置按钮文本和提示信息不正确的问题
- 修复了
选项启用时返回标题界面可能导致崩溃的问题 - 添加了一个补丁,修复了
- 1.0.0
- 初始版本
- 从MechaDronesTweaks和CheatEnabler移动了部分功能过来