starfi5h-MechaAnimMod icon


Trigger mecha idle animations by Ctrl + Numpad 0-6

Last updated 8 months ago
Total downloads 393
Total rating 0 
Categories Cosmetic Mecha
Dependency string starfi5h-MechaAnimMod-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

xiaoye97-BepInEx-5.4.17 icon

BepInEx5.4.17 mod plugin framework, Mod框架

Preferred version: 5.4.17



Trigger mecha idle animation by Ctrl + Numpad 0-6
Ctrl + 数字键 0-6 可以触发机甲空闲动画

Ctrl + 0 : Default idle state
Ctrl + 1 : Look around
Ctrl + 2 : Look up
Ctrl + 3 : Holding arm
Crtl + 4 : Kneel down
Ctrl + 5 : Dance
Ctrl + 6 : Finger Gun