Extension to hotfix Nebula multiplayer mod and improve compatibility with other mods. Check README for more info. 联机mod扩充补丁 - 修复联机mod(0.9.12)的bug,兼容其他mod
v0.4.22 (Nebula 0.9.12)
- Update UXAssist v1.2.12 compat
Previous Changelog
v0.4.21 (Nebula 0.9.11)
- Update UXAssist v1.2.8 compat
- Add GenesisBook v3.0.10 comopat for quantum depot
- Remove stacktracer as it is overlapped with ErrorAnalyzer.
v0.4.20 (Nebula 0.9.11)
- Suppress NRE in SphereOpt.InstDysonShellRenderer.RenderShells
v0.4.19 (Nebula 0.9.11)
- Update UXAssist v1.2.4 compat
- Suppress tutorial tips
v0.4.18 (Nebula 0.9.10)
- Fix IndexOutOfRangeException in SpaceSector.RemoveEnemyWithComponents (IL_026A)
- Update stacktracer format
- Revert AssemblerVerticalConstruction compat (hidden)
- Stop CommonAPI "Loading registered asset..." debug log which triggered by TheyComeFromVoid
- Fix NRE in SphereOpt.InstDysonShellRenderer.RenderShells (IL_0117)
v0.4.17 (Nebula 0.9.10)
- Fix half growth dark fog base keep regenerating
- Fix combat drones doesn't increase ground base threat
- Remove AssemblerVerticalConstruction compat
v0.4.16 (Nebula 0.9.9)
- Stop DF relays landing on planet with 7 or more powered planetary shield generators
- Suppress IndexOutOfRangeException in NearColliderLogic.UpdateCursorNear
- Update UXAssist v1.1.6 compat
v0.4.15 (Nebula 0.9.8)
- Suppress IndexOutOfRangeException in BuildTool_Path.DeterminePreviews
- Suppress IndexOutOfRangeException in CargoTraffic.SetBeltState
- Suppress NREin BGMController.UpdateLogic
v0.4.14 (Nebula 0.9.7)
- Update FactoryLocator support version to 1.3.0.
- Fix multiplayer chat settings - show battle message
doesn't work
- Fix NRE in NebulaPatcher.Patches.Transpilers.UIStatisticsWindow_Transpiler+<>c.<ComputePowerTab_Transpiler>b__2_9 (System.Int64 factoryIndex) [0x00025]
- Suppress IndexOutOfRangeException in EnemyDFGroundSystem.CalcFormsSupply
v0.4.13 (Nebula 0.9.6)
- Fix IndexOutOfRangeException in EnemyUnitComponent.RunBehavior_Defense_Ground(IL_028B)
- Fix NRE in Bomb_Explosive.TickSkillLogic(IL_03BE)
v0.4.12 (Nebula 0.9.5)
- Update MoreMegaStructure v1.5.3 compat
- Remove GalacticScale v2.14.1 compat
v0.4.11 (Nebula 0.9.5)
- Temporarily disable ACH_BroadcastStar.OnGameTick
- Temporarily disable DF Relay landing message in client
- Add GalacticScale v2.14.1 compat
v0.4.10 (Nebula 0.9.5)
- Fix Last Save Time to use real world time
- Add SphereOpt v0.9.1 compat
- Add UXAssist v1.0.26 compat
v0.4.9 (Nebula 0.9.4)
- Fix NgrokManager.IsNgrokActive
- Add syncing for relics and skillpoints in TheyComeFromVoid 3.1.2 (WIP)
v0.4.8 (Nebula 0.9.3)
- Add TheyComeFromVoid 3.1.0 compat (WIP)
- Fix divide by zero error in AssemblerVerticalConstruction
v0.4.7 (Nebula 0.9.2)
- Add DSPAutoSorter v1.2.11 compat
- Add AssemblerVerticalConstruction v1.1.4 compat (WIP)
- Fix hp bar remain after the game first load
v0.4.6 (Nebula 0.9.2)
- Fix ILS errors in client.
v0.4.5 (Nebula 0.9.2)
- Fix inventory size error in client.
- Fix EnemyFormation.RemoveUnit error in client.
v0.4.4 (Nebula 0.9.2)
- Attempt to fix some issues in client.
v0.4.3 (Nebula 0.9.1)
- Fix an issue that player data is clean up wrongly in server.
v0.4.2 (Nebula 0.9.1)
- Add new dependency DSPModSave.
- Make construction drones only launch if the current player is the cloest one or within 15m.
- Clear old playerSaves when server start.
- Suppress Enemy TickLogic excpetion to show only once per session.
v0.4.1 (Nebula 0.9.0)
- MoreMegaStructure v1.3.8: Sync star cannon and fix errors.
- PlanetFinder v1.1.3: Fix error in multiplayer lobby.
- Remove DSPMarker support.
v0.4.0 (Nebula 0.9.0 pre-release)
- Hotfix: Tempoarily disable drone syncing.
- Remove Bottleneck, DSPTransportStat, Dustbin, TheyComeFromVoid support.
- Temporily disable BlueprintTweaks, DSPMarker, MoreMegaStructure, PlanetFinder support.
Nebula version 0.8.14
Previous Changelog
v0.3.1 (Nebula 0.8.14)
- Hotfix: Fix NRE error in StationUIManager.UpdateStorage.
- Hotfix: Load dyson sphere when click on star view on the starmap.
- TheyComeFromVoid v2.2.8: Add remote cannons to let planets not loaded yet to fire weapons. Bug fixes.
v0.3.0 (Nebula 0.8.14)
- TheyComeFromVoid v2.2.8: Add Droplet syncing and fixes
- Remove BigFormingSize from incompat list
v0.2.3 (Nebula 0.8.13)
- Hotfix: Add compat to mods that increase reform brush size.
- Hotfix: (Test) Reset planet physics & audio when arriving at a planet.
- MoreMegaStructure v1.1.11: Fix receivers requested power flicks on clients.
v0.2.2 (Nebula 0.8.13)
- Hotfix: Fix an error when saving game.
- Bottleneck v1.0.15: Fixed an error that occurred on the host when the client was using different proliferator settings.
v0.2.1 (Nebula 0.8.13)
- Fix a bug that client can't change station storage.
- DSP Belt Reverse Direction is no longer supported due to vanilla has the function now.
v0.2.0 (Nebula 0.8.13)
- Hotfix: Fix mecha animation when 3rd player join.
- Update FactoryLocator support version to 1.2.0
- TheyComeFromVoid: Add StarFortress syncing
v0.1.12 (Nebula 0.8.12)
- Fix BlueprintTweak 1.5.9
- Support Dustbin 1.2.1
- Update FactoryLocator support version to 1.1.0
- Update Auxilaryfunction support version to 2.0.1
- MoreMegaStructure: Fix RefreshProduceSpeedText error
- TheyComeFromVoid: Add EnemyShips event syncing
v0.1.11 (Nebula 0.8.12)
- Hotfix: Sync Flip Whole Path button for belts in DSP
- Support SplitterOverBelt 1.1.3
- Support TheyComeFromVoid 2.1.2
- Update Auxilaryfunction support version to 1.8.9
v0.1.10 (Nebula 0.8.12)
- Fix sandbox tool enable syncing.
- Show multiplayer name in starmap for own player.
v0.1.9 (Nebula 0.8.12)
- Support FactoryLocator 1.0.1
- Update MoreMegaStructure support version to 1.1.4
- Hide server ip and port during login & reconnect.
- Show the diff count of local & remote mod list when client login.
v0.1.8 (Nebula 0.8.12)
- Hotfix: Fix trash warning (error when there are litters on host and client join, positions doen't sync)
- Hotfix: Fix InserterOffsetCorrection which may cause desync that sorters don't work on one end.
- Hotfix: Fix SplitterPriorityChange packet.
v0.1.7 (Nebula 0.8.12)
- Hotfix: Fix infinite tech level desync in client.
- Hotfix: Fix that rock destroy on remote planet show effects on local planet.
- Show possible mod patches from stacktraces on error report.
v0.1.6 (Nebula 0.8.12)
- Hotfix: Fix error on host when client put a storage chest on a logisitics distributor on remote planets.
- Update PlanetFinder support version to 1.0.0.
v0.1.5 (Nebula 0.8.11)
- Fix mod data doesn't sync correctly for another clients.
- Fix client mecha spawning position.
v0.1.4 (Nebulad 0.8.11)
- Hotfix: Fix host sometimes get error when client request logistic on other planets.
- Hotfix for GS2 star detail doesn't display correctly for clients.
v0.1.3 (Nebulad 0.8.11)
- Hotfix: Fix logistic bots errors.
- Fix client error when host reverse belts on a remote planet.
v0.1.2 (Nebula 0.8.10)
- Support DSPOptimizations
v0.1.1 (Nebula 0.8.10)
- Support AutoStationConfig, Auxilaryfunction.
- Fix advance miner power usage abnormal of AutoStationConfig.
v0.1.0 (Nebula 0.8.8)
- Support DSPTransportStat, PlanetFinder, DSPFreeMechaCustom, MoreMegaStructure.
- Fix DSPMarker didn't refresh marker when local planet changed.
- Initial release. (Game Version