starfi5h-SampleAndHoldSim icon


Approximated simulation to improve UPS (warning: may disable Milkyway upload). 模拟帧-减慢远端星球工厂更新频率并放大产出以提升帧率(可能会无法上传银河系)

Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 27418
Total rating 9 
Categories Game Breaking Nebula Compatible Optimization
Dependency string starfi5h-SampleAndHoldSim-0.6.14
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

xiaoye97-BepInEx-5.4.17 icon

BepInEx5.4.17 mod plugin framework, Mod框架

Preferred version: 5.4.17


Sample and Hold Simulation

Reduce factory calculation by changing how the game works aggressively:
Reduce the update frequency of the remote planets and multiply their input/output to behave like the vanilla game.

The mod control panel is on the statistics panel - performance test.
Ratio - PlanetFactory is updated every x ticks. The input field can set the value higher than 10.
Focus Local - When enabled, the local planet/star will always be active. It can give a better gaming experience.
Warning: Because this mod manipulates stats data and item generation, it may disable Milkyway upload.
Warning: This mod is not fully tested against Dark Fog enemies, back up your saves before using it.

Additional UI for displaying flow-in/flow-out rate of cargo in stations. Configurable in options.

How does it work

The difference between vanilla behavior:

  • Stations may have negative value to maintain the cargo balance between slowed and unslowed environment.
  • Lancer attacks will be scaled down in remote systems.
  • Turrets that attack space unit will be scaled up in remote systems.
Detial (Click to expand)

Let factories have active tick and idle tick. When active, the factory will run the whole simulation. When idle, the factory will use values from the last active tick to generate input and output, multiplying the "result".
The goal is to make factories tick less but still make nearly the same amount of items in ILS in the long term, trade simulation accuracy for UPS.
User can set how many planet factories can work during a game tick, the rest will be put into the idle state. For working factories, the factories will run as normal. For idle factories, simulate the input/output by value changes of the last active tick.
In the example chart, the upper one is the original game which runs 3 factories per tick, and their factory cycles are 4/3/2. The lower one set cycle time = 3 ticks so there is only 1 factory run per tick, and it now takes 3 times to complete a full factory cycle.

Factory Input:

  • Mineral amount decrease in veins
  • Logistic stations storage decrease by belt output ports

Factory Output:

  • Logistic station storage increase by belt input ports
  • Research hash upload
  • Statistics data (production, power)
  • Ejector bullets & silo rockets

normal vs sim
Simulation in action. Above: vanilla game, ratio = 1. Below: mod enable, ratio = 2.
In the gif, both vein amounts go from 100 to 90, and station storage go from 55 to 65.

The production throughput will catch up with the original one in the long term if it is stable. In the short term, there are some differences. For example, production stats will be more sparse. Also, local components inside the factory will be slower, so storage boxes or tanks will have fewer items than vanilla.


Run the game one time to generate starfi5h.plugin.SampleAndHoldSim.cfg file.

  • UpdatePeriod (Default:5)
    Compute actual factory simulation every x ticks.

  • SliderMaxUpdatePeriod (Default:10)
    Max value of upate period slider.

  • UIStationStoragePeriod (Default:600)
    Display item flow in/out from belts in station storages in x ticks. 0 = no display

  • UnitPerMinute (Default:false)
    If true, show the rate per minute. otherwise, show the rate per second.

  • EnableRelayLanding (Default:true)
    If true, allow Dark Fog relays to land on planet (vanilla).


(✅) CommonAPI
(✅) DSPOptimizations
(✅) NebulaMultiplayer - SampleAndHoldSim will be diabled in client mode. Only host can use it.
(🛠️) CheatEnabler - Fix the error when enabling 'skip bullet' function. Need to restart the game after switching.
(⚠️) Auxilaryfunction - Temporarily set ratio to 1 when stopping factory.
(⚠️) Blackbox - Fix analysis can't start. Fix stats multiply.
(⚠️) PlanetMiner - Fix mine rate on idle factories, let it not be affected by FPS.
(⛔) Multfuntion mod - Some game-breaking features are not compatible.

模擬帧 - 修改游戏运算方式以提升逻辑帧率

勾选Focus Local可让本地工厂保持运行来维持游戏体验,但在切换星球后可能会有残留货物的问题。
警告: 此mod会改动统计资料和虛空產物。可能会让存档无法上传银河系。
注意: 目前黑雾的部分尚未完全测试, 请作好存档备份



  • 为了保持内外部物品时恒定, 物流塔内的货物可能为负数

目前对战斗系统进行了以下的修改, 可能会影响平衡:

  • 远程星系的枪骑攻击力依照倍率缩减, 避免远程星系的星球被攻破
  • 远程星球的导弹和电浆炮伤害依照倍率增加, 但可能有溢伤的问题



  • 矿脉的矿物消耗
  • 物流塔流出减少的货物量


  • 物流塔流入增加的货物量
  • 研究的哈希块上传量
  • 产物统计和电力统计
  • 射出的太阳帆和火箭

normal vs sim
实际演示,上图为正常游戏ratio=1,下图为设置ratio=2。 下图的内部元件速率只有上图的1/2,但是一次发射火箭的数量和一次出塔数量皆为上图的2倍,因此最终两者有一致的输入输出速率:同样12秒间,两者皆发射了2枚火箭,物流塔火箭储量皆从12减少至10。

工厂内的残留货物在改变速度时(重加载存档, 锁定当地星球)会造成误差, 并且研究站研究时矩阵和哈希值对应的关系也可能被破坏, 这些累积就会触发数据异常。因此要上榜不建议使用此mod。


管理器安装: 左边选项Config editor -> 找到starfi5h.plugin.SampleAndHoldSim -> Edit Config
手动安装: 更改BepInEx\config\starfi5h.plugin.SampleAndHoldSim.cfg文件

  • UpdatePeriod (默认:5)
    更新周期: 每x逻辑帧运行一次实际计算

  • SliderMaxUpdatePeriod (默认:10)

  • UIStationStoragePeriod (默认:600)
    显示过去x帧内物流塔经传送带的货物的流入或流出速率, 0 = 不显示

  • UnitPerMinute (默认:false)
    true: 显示单位设为每分钟速率 false: 显示每秒速率

  • EnableRelayLanding (默认:true)
    true: 允许黑雾中继器登陆星球(原版逻辑) false: 不允许


(✅) DSPOptimizations(优化mod)
(✅) NebulaMultiplayer(联机mod) - 只有主机可使用, 客户端会自动停用并关闭介面
(🛠️) CheatEnabler - 修复启用'跳过子弹阶段'时造成的冲突。切换后需重启游戏
(⚠️) Auxilaryfunction - 在停止工厂时会将倍率暂时调为1避免产物异常
(⚠️) Blackbox(黑盒化mod) - 修复无法分析黑盒的问题。修复黑盒产物统计会倍增的问题。目前数据统计的UPS耗用会异常增加
(⚠️) PlanetMiner - 修复星球矿机速率不正确的问题, 使其不随FPS变动。
(⛔) Multfuntion mod(多功能OPmod) - 兼容问题: 在跳过子弹时,太阳帆的数量没有被倍增。其他某些改机制功能(星球矿机等)不兼容。