Mod that adds new floors and items. It's basically unofficial DLC!
Revised music tracks used in Old West by request of C4ndy_cane. Calm track lengthened for Old West.
Fix mistake that would break custom shaders on anything except Linux. :P
Fix broken custom shaders on Linux (and maybe MacOS too but I am unable to build MacOS specific asset bundles)
New music for Old West floor courtasy of C4ndy_cane.
Adjustments made to combat loop trigger system for custom floors. Now when player enters floor for first time, a combat music track loop will not trigger until at least after one room of combat (two if on old west since entrance is combat room). This is so main track has a chance to play longer before a combat loop switchs it out.
Fixed mistake with Ammonoicon entry for Tuc who's description was accidently left as a duplicate of Angel (the Old West Bros boss fight on Old West floor)
New item added to act as key to Old West floor's special elevator on Hollow. Now obtained from going to Belly instead of via rat related items.
Old West's special elevator has new lock sprites courtasy of Lynceus. (The new key item sprite was done by Lynceus as well)
Casino's GunBall machine will have chance to give player the new Old West key instead of the Rat Key it used to give.
Glitch Chest Floor Dungeon flows modified to check for non null room table entry on boss node incase other mods want to add custom bosses/boss rooms.
Changed when code for updating AG&DReplacementTier lists so that floor 1 encountered via breach on first run can have hot shot enemies.
Added new music track for Phobos, Space tilesets. An unused vanilla music track from pre-release version of th game.
Fixed mistake in synergy namekey setup that broke localization of all other synergies in the game. :P
Lich Eye synergy notification now occurs correctly for Bullet Kin Gun.
Fixed potentional lag issue involving custom logo if Frost and Gunfire mod is installed.
Mod will now display text above the main logo for the mod name/version instead of the main graphic if Frost and Gunfire mod is installed since Expand's logo texture would be overridden by that mod.
Fixed issue preventing Skusketlink from being added to Ammonoicon. It has now been added.
All previous Ammonoicon entries now have unique EncounterGUIDs. You may need to re-encounter them to see them again. ;)
Cacti on Old West and Trees on Jungle should no longer cause issues with AI pathfinding. (as long as they didn't spwan inside the object)
Fixed code with skuskethead/chameleon ammonoicon addition that broke level generation of Jungle/Belly. This unfortunately means skusket head no longerh as an ammonoicon entry as I could not get it work without breaking Belly level generation.
Version string found on Mod Logo now a dfLabel UI element to make updating it easier. No longer requires updating the logo texture itself.
GungeonSewersExit reference for building lock prefab for Elevator door used to access entrance to Old West moved to ExpandObjectDatabase to help prevent exceptions with Alexandria API.
Dopplegunner, Red/Blue Bootleg Shotgun Kin, and Bootleg Bandana Bullet Kin now have unique Ammonomicon entries (courtasy of Lynceus)
New Dopplegunner boss card and mirror sprite recolor (thanks to Lynceus for this too)
Missing Skuskethead and Chameleon entries added. They were also done by Lynceus but my original attempt to add them didn't work appearently.
New custom floors added to load_level's alias dictionary.
Added Ammonomicon entries for most custom enemies and bosses. Sprite work thanks to Lynceus!
Added new Tree objects to ExpandFloorDecorator for Jungle floor. Modified sprites courtasy of NeverNamed!
Improved code in ExpandFloorDecorator for finding valid spawn locations for objects.
Bonus chest room on Jungle now has unique room design.
Added new sprites for hotshot enemies. Thanks to Lynceus for the spritework!
Added new April Fools day thing. Code checks system date for this so if you missed it, sorry gotta wait till next year! :P
Removed switch object from floor 1 entrance room as it was causing confusion. The default state for the music switch toggle for Rickroll chests is now "off" and can only be changed in the settings file now. Players who have already enabled it will not need to re-enable it.
TheLeadKey can no longer teleport the player to an inaccessible area in Winchester rooms and should be a playable winchester room.
TheLeadKey will automatically remove enemies that overlap the area the player will be teleported to which should cut down on players taking unavoidable contact damage.
One of the custom secret room layouts for the Witch NPC resulted in guns spawning in a hard to reach area or glitching into the wall. The layout has been adjusted to address this issue.
Soft Lock issue with Gunslinger when encountering Dopplegunner boss has been fixed.
Belly Monster chase sequence updated with new music courtesy of C4ndy_cane who also composed the music for the Jungle and Belly floors!
Belly Monster chase sequence updated with fall back code incase player some how manages to deal enough knockback to push the monster out of the room.
Tweak Alarm Mushroom placement code. Should help prevent instances of mushrooms appearing too close to exits.
Max Alarm Mushroom spawn count for smaller rooms reduced.
Gunball machine in Casino now has chance to give a blank, armor, 50 casing, or rat key instead of just a key if it rolls for a consumable item drop.
Gunball machine has slightly reduced chance of giving the player the consumable item drop.
Fix version strings due to Thunderstore mess up.
New boss card for West Bros boss on Old West floor. (sprite work thanks to Lynceus)
Jungle Boss HP lowered a bit more.
Parrot replaced with knight bullet kin and Marine Past Imp removed from minion spawn pool of Jungle Boss.
Corrupted Secret Room's NPCs are now randomized.
Exception handler added to ExpandParadropController to try and prevent possible softlocks if modded items cause changes to enemies being paradopped that cause exceptions.
Jungle floor now has one extra chest room to add more reward to visiting the floor due to the increased difficulty the floor has compared to other secret floors.
Jungle boss HP reduced a little bit to help make things easier.
Jungle boss's minion spawn pool changed to make things easier. Snake/Chameleon enemies replaced with arrowkin and rubber/tazie kin.
Removed game language override feature as it seems the bug it fixes is not present in BepInEx version of MTG.
Rat Traps in Rat's Revenge Challenge Mode now trigger on room clear to better indicate they are safe to walk over.
All The King's Men Challenge Modifier now uses the new paradrop system.
All The King's Men Challenge MOdifier can now spawn angry clownkins.
Companions no longer target cronenberg'ed enemies transformed via Cronenberg bullets.
Fixed Pirate Shotgun Kin and Pirate BulletKin corpse hat zDepth bug.
Clownkin Companion no longer spawns second bugged/detached balloon on new floor.
Exception in ClownKin Friend Companion controller when encountering new floor or first pickup fixed.
Fixed mistake that made RickRoll chests too common. (for real this time. :P )
Added custom boss music for any boss encountered on floors reached via Portable Elevator item.
Dead Alarm mushroom sprites are now randomly flipped on X axis.
Punchout Arcade Game now displays correct dialog if player finished the game with less then 100 credits.
Odds of RickRoll chests lowerd. Odds of encountering enemy trap chest lowered.
Crush door trap room redesigned to use less spike traps and has different set of enemies.
Pit Trap Trap Room has more floor area to make it less difficult. Det enemy replaced with diagonal firing one as originally intended.
Fix exceptions that may occur during custom dash behaviour used on hot shot cultists.
Fix exceptions that could occur in ResetConfig function of PortableShip.
Fix exceptions relating to AIActor rigid bodies when using this mod in combination with PlanetSide.
Set sonic ring item to excluded to prevent ring from showing up in ammonomicon.
Dopplegunner boss no longer soft locks on intro if player is solo Cultist.
TheThirdEye should no longer generate exceptions during floor generation.
Compatiblity update for MTG API 1.5.1.
Fixed mistake that made Portable Elevator always spawn glitched elevators.
Updated mod to be compatible with Mod the Gungeon API v1.5.0. It will now be the minimum version supported by the mod. Do not attempt manual install with older versions. It will NOT work!
Added custom Old West chest to Chest spawn command (only possible in BepInEx version of MTG)
Added RickRoll Chest and Surprise Chest to shrine spawn command. (they technically aren't chests so have to use this instead)
Lowered spawn odds of RickRoll Chests.
Actually fix WallMimic spawn rate for TheLeadKey rooms. (and the rooms the Jungle tree and jungle exit rooms teleport the player to)
Initial BepInEx port of the mod. Note that further updates to the MTG build will have the version string increment behind the BepInEx version by 1 (aka 2.7.0 MTG version = 2.7.1 BepInEx version).
Missing rat jail door in secret chest puzzle room on Old West restored.
Rickroll chests and enemy surprise chests no longer drop items in rainbow mode.
Fixed bug with Hooks used by Casino Arcade version of Rat Punchout. Should no longer cause the real punchout fight to spawn the same items the arcade version did.
Disabled shaders based on the custom VHS shader for Linux users due to reports of the shader not working on that platform. May re-enable in the future if it turns out to be a isolated problem.
Added new music for Belly courtesy of C4ndy_cane!
Jungle (and Belly) music now has loop sections setup.
Jungle now has custom music for main Shop and Secret rooms. (also composed by C4ndy_cane)
Casino room in the Breach. Now more things to use your Hegemony credits on!
Rat Punchout Arcade Game in Casino room. Sprite courtesy of Nevernamed!
GunBall Machine in Casino room. 3 random items for 25 Hegemony Credits each!
On Old West, areas with 4 Rat Key doors have been condensed to a single door with 4 rat key locks via new custom door object.
Alarm Mushrooms are now deactivated if room has no active combat or room is cleared of all enemies.
Alarm Mushrooms found in rooms generated by The Lead Key will now correctly trigger all mushrooms in the room when one is triggered like they do in normal rooms.
Special chests found in fake chest rooms now have low odds of replacing an existing chest on the floor instead of appearing in separate trap rooms.
The trap rooms the special chests used to be found in have been removed from the room pool.
Corruption Bomb can now corrupt the challenge shrine.
Companion Shrine now has a chance to give companion items from ExpandTheGungeon.
New item added: Clown Friend. A clown kin companion will follow you on your journey into the Gungeon!
New synergy added: Clown Friend and Clown Bullets. If both items are obtained, player gains their own balloon that pops and does miniblank on bullet hits.
Some improvements to the appearance of the clown kin sprites.
AG&D Enemy replacement system can now be used with rooms generated by The Lead Key. (aka HotShot enemies can appear in lead key rooms. :D )
Removed Arrival Elevator from Rat floor to prevent new Elevator object from showing up there. (odd they even put the DungeonPlacable for it there).
Fixed exceptions that could occur in PhysicsEngine.LateUpdate with certain rooms generated by "The Lead Key" item. (bullets freezing/player movement freezing near walls was being caused by this bug)
Music and Rain FX(if on Jungle Floor) now ends as intended when the custom exit elevator is used on a floor that has one.
Code for Dopplegunner boss optimized. During random movement phase Dopplegunner will remain stationary less often.
Camera zooms out during Dopplegunner boss fight to make it easier to track where the boss is located in the room.
Lowered Wall mimic spawn rate for AddCustomRuntimeRoomWithTileSet generated rooms. (Mainly effecting rooms generated via The Lead Key and the special exit elevator room on Keep and special exit elevator room on Jungle)
Fixed mistake that prevented HotShot Cultists from appearing.
AssetBundle moved back to being an embedded resource in mod DLL. Should finally resolve issue with some users where ModWorkShop version of the mod'z zip could cause crashes if using the ZIP file name given by ModWorkShop.
Jungle floor now has custom music. Thanks to C4ndy_cane for composing the music track!
Ladder added to special Jungle elevator room on floor 1 for quick travel back to the tree room if needed.
Space tileset now a possible tileset for Portable Elevator.
Portable Elevator has small chance to spawn glitched elevator. Same odds as normal glitch elevator/glitch chest spawns.
Rooms more then one room away from player while player has "The Third Eye" item will no longer appear with black floors/invisible objects.
Add new tileset/floor: Nakatomi. Version of office tileset from before AG&D. The tileset that R&G floor uses is heavily revised compared to the original. ;)
New version of Office tileset now a possible floor reachable via Portable Elevator item.
Fixed outline sprites remaining after hotshot enemies die.
Added unused Window tilestamps to Old West Dungeon.
Alarm mushrooms now activate all mushrooms in room if one alarm mushroom is activated. This prevents farming room clears and reduces issues caused involving this and DD20 modes.
Fixed AK47 bulletkin missing death sound. (bug with vanilla game)
Fixed bootleg shot gun ammo consumption.
Jungle now uses the unused one way door sprites meant for it's tileset.
Added new item: Portable Elevator. Active Item that allows spawning exit elevator anywhere. This elevator leads to Phobos!
New Elevator objects added to ElevatorArrival and ElevatorDeparture DungeonPlaceables that use my new Elevator controller. Since my elevator doesn't have wall tiles it can match any tileset!
Since new item is used to access Phobos, The Lead Key can no longer spawn exit rooms.
New Item: Portable Ship. Become a space ship!…I don't think this needs further explenation. Active Item. Grants 1 active item slot so it doesn't take up space in active item inventory.
The Third Eye added to item pool for Cursula Shop.
Pow Block and Clown Bullets added to item pool for Truck Shop.
Fixed some mismatched ceiling border tiles on Phobos.
Reworked how entering Jungle from Keep works. Jungle Tree now leads to a special elevator exit room instead of taking player direct to Jungle.
Lowered chest spawn rate for Third Eye (and prevented them from triggering on boss rooms)
Re-enable occlusion on final Lich boss room and Bullet Past room with Third Eye to prevent possible graphical bugs.
New Item: Clown Bullets. Enemies have chance of transforming into clown kin when shot. Credit to SmilingMustache for the Clownkin sprites!
Old West now accessible via rat key instead of Gnawed Key. Rememeber to go to rat floor from now on! Need to save at least one rat key from punch out fight for Old West!
Lowered odds of HotShot BulletKin from appearing.
Improved The Lead Key. Generated rooms now use tileset of the Dungeon floor they originated from!
Lead Key should no longer allow multiple uses of the special exit elevator.
New passive item: The Third Eye. Allows player to see rooms that have not been explored and gives player a small chance of a special surprise chest at end of combat. Adds chance of corrupted enemies appearing and adds one curse. Credit to blazeykay for the sprite used for this item.
Fixed soft lock issue with Pow Block with Bloodbulons
Fixed COOP player getting stuck in Wild West elevator on Hollows preventing player 1 from advancing to Wild West.
Fix Sonic Companion to use stock charge behavior component instead of custom one for players who don't have GGB version of MTG installed. This fixes issue some players reported where Sonic companion would not attack enemies.
Forgot to change GUID back to Cultist companion for Baby Sitter. (was set to Sonic companion while I was building/testing that AIActor). BabySitter should now spawn the intended AIActor.
Added animations for Pow Block item sprite
Pow block now consistently makes enemies rotate fully upside down.
Enemies killed after being affected by Pow Block now have their sprites fully unoccluded so they can be seen dropping over walls/other obstructions that would normally obscure their sprite.
Shambling Round's special sequence has been disabled and will now die immediately when it takes one HP of damage or is touched by player after being affected by Pow Block.
Certain Jungle rooms now have new grass patch objects restored from unused code in the game.
3 new enemies added. "Hot Shot" versions of Bullet Kin, Shot Gun Kin and Gun Cultists. These are special versions that dual wield guns that sets them apart from their regular counterparts.
Camera transition for exit to Old West from special Hollow exit room is now smoother.
Ability to disable/enable Mod's logo on Main menu screen via Resources\ExpandTheGungeon_Settings.txt
Rewrote most of special elevators used to take player to the exit room that leads to Old West on Hollow. Issues where the elevator stops working if player teleports away without using it after opening/unlocking elevator should be fixed.
Rebuilt Baby Sitter companion. Now has full six way animations setup for more accurate depiction of coop cultist.
Baby Sitter companion now correctly retains current remaining health when item is dropped and picked backup and on floor loads.
New Companion Item added: Sonic Box. Sonic The Hedgehog joins you on your run through the Gungeon! He'll spindash into enemies and drop rings if he takes damage. Rings collected by player counts as casings. Note though Sonic can die so try to keep him from taking too much damage!
Added new settings to enable/disable rain or change rain intensity for Jungle floor in ExpandTheGungeon_Settings.txt.
Added new setting to enable or disable fix for Bloodied Scarf. If you prefer the vanilla version disable that via EnableBloodiedScarfFix in ExpandTheGungeon_Settings.txt.
Mod now automatically generates ExpandTheGungeon_Settings.txt file if it wasn't present on startup.
Language Fix feature improved so to change languate at main menu instead of waiting until a character is selected.
MidGame saves now go to the correct floor after doing a midgame save from custom floors in ExpandTheGungeon. (custom floors from other mods not guranteed to work)
Wall Mimics can no longer spawn in secret rooms.
Old West floor layout altered. Rat, forge shop, and forge exit are now removed from floor and replaced with DoppleGunner. Where DoppleGunner used to be is now where the new Old West boss spawns. Exit elevator moved from fake boss path to the main boss path so beating the new Old West boss is required to exit the floor. The alt exit with the shortcut to bullet hell/past has been removed for now. Might get added back pending any feedback.
New screen shader fx for glitch chest/glitch elevator floors. New screen shader for glitch floors can be disabled in ExpandTheGungeon_Settings.txt if unwanted.
New screen shader fx for intro of new Old West boss.
The Lead Key now has chance to spawn corrupted copy of room the player had used it in (this will even work with custom rooms from other mods!). No benefit when this happens other then as a surprise and to balance it out by resulting in a little less instances of shrine/chest rooms being spawned. ;P
The Lead Key now spawns a portal that allows quick teleporting back to the previous room once player has finished with the room they were taken to. Minimap for generated rooms and teleporters have been disabled so be sure to do what you need to do before leaving as there won't be a way back!
The Lead Key has new transition FX for teleporting to new room. The effect is based on the FX used in Axiom Verge 2 when entering/leaving the breach. This FX uses a new shader sourced from this repo: https://github.com/khalladay/GlitchFX
The Lead key can no longer be used in exit hallways to avoid a bug that could occur in some circumstances.
New trap room containing a new kind of chest!
Setting added to allow enabling the old glitch chest behavior if you don't want to do a full floor to get to the double beholster fight.
Moved Tileset serializd text files into asset bundle to reduce DLL file size.
Phobos tileset now added and made working in ExpandTheGungeon. Currently will be used as a glitch floor tileset. Can be accessed via load_level mod as tt_phobos.
Unused tileset from the pasts now accessible from load_level mod as tt_space. Will be used as a glitch floor tileset as well.
New custom chest used by the puzzle chests on Old West floor.
New Paradrop system. Replaces supply crate drop system used by Alarm Mushrooms other special objects that spawn enemies.
Two new guns added. The unreleased guns used by the West Bros bosses. Synergies have been added for them as well!
Missing Pit bubble animations for Belly fixed via PitAmbientVFX in the room materials.
New sprite collection serialization system setup and all assets are now using.
Fixed missing minimap icon for Jungle tree room on floor 1. (there was always meant to be one there but at the time I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. :P )
Rats on special elevator room on Hollow replaced with Old West equilivent enemies.
Redesigned special exit room that leads to Old West on Hollow.
Shoutout to GoldenRevolver for helping with some code improvements and for setting up West Bros boss!
Added ability to save certain mod settings to external file. This allows certain things like youtube safe mode switch to retain it's previous setting. Using the switch on the entrance room on floor 1 will generate this file along with using the new console command: "expand savesettings".
New language override feature. Allows a workaround for users who want to use the game with certain languages without breaking MTG console GUI. To use this feature, set the game to the language you want to use, then use the command "expand togglelanguagefix" to enable the feature. The mod's settings file is automatically saved when this command is used. Using the command again will disable the feature and reset the game back to English. Note you do not have to set the game back to English prior to exiting. The game will be set to English on startup if this feature is enabled. Game language gets set back to your intended language after you select a character at the breach. This gets around the issue of the console breaking with certain languages. (Japanese, Korean, Chinease primarily. Though some other languages may also break the console GUI)
Belly Boss HP reduced a little.
Cursed Brick added to Cursola's item pool.
Fixed oversight in Wall Mimic code that could cause an effect similar to Cursed Brick (Wall mimics in almost every room) if RewardManager decided to place one or two normal wall mimics on the floor. Normally you must have Cursed Brick to have nearly all rooms have a Wall Mimic.
Improved code in WallMimicController's Update function to help reduce any possible lag/frame drops that would happen when floor has a lot of Wall Mimics placed due to Cursed Brick.
Fixed bug that could cause Wall Mimics to be more rare then normal.
Added new item: Cursed Brick (sprite courtesy of SomeBunny). Item that can't be dropped. When picked up causes almost all rooms to have at least one wall mimic.
Corrupted Junk now has a chance of causing up to 2 random rooms on the floor to become "corrupted".
Fix bug that caused most bosses for Pasts to not activate correctly which would cause a softlock for players intending to clear a past.
Sound bank and custom asset bundle filepaths are now generated from mod meta data instead of using preset strings. This should allow users to have what ever filename/folder name the mod that they want without breaking the mod.
Adjusted code related to enemy name localization to better improve compatibility with other mods.
Old West now has it's own set of custom rooms thanks to TheTurtleMelon.
PowBlock icon will now correctly reset when used in a room where there are no enemies it can be used on. (bosses and non room clear type enemies)
Alarm Mushrooms no longer spawn in boss rooms on Mines. (this can potentially cause issues with Tank boss and cause it to get stuck)
Glitch Elevators should no longer spawn in any room where tilemap is disabled. (rooms like Bootleg room for example)
Fixed bug with Pow item that caused exceptions if used in a room that has a Displacer Beast.
Drill should now work properly for chest room chests on Jungle secret floor.
The Lead Key will now spawn the player at a preset location in the target room if it happens to be an Exit Elevator room to prevent accidentaly leaving floor due to random spawn placing player directly inside elevator area.
Rick Roll chest now drops a C or B tier item upon opening. Destroying it will still yield junk however.
Improved code for randomly placed objects like Wall Mimics, alarm mushrooms etc. This should hopefully resolve rare issues with objects paranted to incorrect rooms in cases of custom rooms that aren't trimmed properly.
First secret path on Old West floor now requires 2 blanks to fully access instead of 1. Older versions of this floor had this intended layout but forgot about it when it was remade with Old West tileset.
Large pixel art rooms removed by request from TheTurtleMelon based on feedback from him/other players.
Trap room full of saws now only appear on Sewers and the Abbey instead of all normal floors to reduce occurance and according to player feedback.
20+ custom rooms for Mines have been trimmed to reduce visual bugs with spike decorations appearing in rooms they should not be in. (like Shop or elevator room). This should also reduce instances of rat trap door appearing in boss rooms.
Odds for Gltich Elevator reduced again. Now 0.3% odds per floor instead of 1%.
Candle Guy enemies no longer leave eternal fire goop if they are placed in rooms that aren't boss rooms.
The Lead Key no longer spawns exit elevators in Bullet Hell and no longer crashes in COOP mode.
4th floor custom secret floor is now using Old West tileset along with new floor layout. Most puzzle elements are the same. Just some bits re-arranged a bit.
Finally fixed missing floor vfx for corrupted enemies using buffer/jammer/necromancer enemy behaviors.
New active item: Pow Block. Usable only in combat. Use to flip enemies upside down and permenently stun them. Effected enemies can be one shotted with most weapons or die on contact.
Alarm Mushrooms should no longer appear in areas they aren't supposed to appear in. If this still isn't fixed then custom room pack makers need to go go back and start trimming their rooms.
Spelling mistakes with Belly boss card and node in monster entrance room fixed.
Adjustments made to sound effects used for Belly's doors. Sound fx for door seal now different then the unseal fx.
Bug Fix: Thrown guns are no longer invisible if thrown during a dodge roll.
Sound Bank and custom asset bundle now stored outside DLL for better performance. It is recommended you clear out outdated ZIP file if you switch to folder instalation version of ExpandTheGungeon.
Brand new secret floor using another unused tileset (Belly tileset this time). This time a tileset that wasn't left in the game files at all! It was completely rebuilt in code with just the sprite atlas PNG! Expect to see another unused tileset get revived in a future update! Room designs for this floor was privided by both TheTurtleMelon and Nevernamed.
Bootleg gun animations are no longer broken.
Bootleg Shotgun no longer cause endless loop of transforming already transformed enemies.
Fixed bug with explosive barrel in one of the Jungle Tree entrance room designs. Moved it away from the wall a bit. It no longer gets stuck.
Skusket Heads now die on contact like blobulins/poisbulins.
Custom Enemies from my mod and enemies added from FTA update can now be spawned via MTG's spawn command.
Wooden Crest (sprite courtasy of Retrash) now appears in the Jungle instead of Old Crest.
The Bullet Kin Gun…Fires Bullet Kins. Don't ask questions. Just accept it. :P (Credit to TankTheta for gun sprite)
PayDay Drill no longer breaks chests on jungle floor when used on chest room chests.
Jungle has a new boss.
Junk enemies should no longer spawn in the Tree rooms on Keep which could potentionally soft lock player if they spawned in the locked area.
Entrance room for 4th floor custom secret floor now has custom minimap icons! This was made possible using the new syetem I setup for making "real prefabs" using a custom asset bundle.
New veriation of the cronenberg enemies specifically for Belly. Thanks to Neihborino for taking time out to do new sprites for these.
New passive item: Baby Sitter (name may change pending suggestions). Get COOP cultist as a companion! No second human player required!
Out of bounds area outside of rooms in Jungle now have correct sprite data and have proper occlusion
Fix crash that can occur when attempting to change forms of Chamber gun while on Jungle or Canyon custom secret floors.
Chamber Gun now has custom forms for my custom secret floors. "El Tigre" for Jungle. (an unused gun in the game), and "Mimic Gun" for Canyon. Mimic Gun is likely going to be a placeholder until something more fitting is found.
Jungle Entrance Tree sprite edited to look better. Changes courtasy of Retrash.
Entrance room for Jungle made a little larger to make things less cramped for Rainbow mode.
Item class for custom master round for Canyon changed from "Special" to "Excluded". It should no longer spawn from Rainbow chests/Boss drops.
Fixed softlock bug caused by killing player mimics on custom secret floor. (the one off Hollow)
Old Crest is now obtained from a Tree Stump on Jungle floor instead of an item pedestal.
DungeonDatabase.GetOrLoadByName hook refactored to get along with future mods that may also hook this.
Jungle Tree Room now has two locked gates instead of the first locked door being the entrance to the room.
Prevented Alarm Mushrooms from showing up in a few more room types to avoid softlocks.
Added new secret room that will only show up on Jungle floor.
Made fixes to ExpandJungleTreeController to fix an exception on level generation. (didn't seem to break anything, but I fixed it anyways)
Added 2 new custom floor layouts specifically for new Jungle floor.
Jungle floor now has 100+ custom rooms (provided by TheTurtleMelon) and uses it's own room tables.
Rain intensity decreased slightly for Jungle floor.
Jungle floor now has custom entrance/exit rooms.
Custom secret floor now has a custom master round.
Fixed issue with Bootleg guns not retaining item description info in Ammonocon after game restarts.
Prevented Alarm Mushrooms from spawning in chest rooms now that they can have enemies via room packs. (there is a soft lock bug with these rooms)
New tileset/floor! An entrance method for new Jungle floor added to Keep. Note that Jungle floor currently uses same rooms/layout as sewers. But a future update will bring custom rooms and layout to this floor.
Custom secret floor no longer has bugged floor tiles and has overall improved appearance.
Further tweaks to keep the larger corrupted enemies away from exits.
Redesigned Expand_TurtleMelon_Spiral room on first floor. It shouldn't take as long to get to the center. Also has reduced appearance rate.
Changed respawn logic for Baby Good Hammer. Should get stuck in walls/objects less often.
Made "special" trap room appear less often.
Added new item: Rock Slide. An active item that causes large bolders to fall on random enemies. This item can show up in Trorc's shop.
Tweaks spawn code for corrupted enemies for glitch chest floors and custom secret floor. They shouldn't crowd near the exits anymore.
Corrupted enemies that get the mountain cube behavior now die on room clear properly.
Lightning flash effect on custom secret floor decreased in intensity.
50 new rooms for Gungeon Proper and Mines courtasy of TheTurtleMelon!
All newer RoomFactory rooms no longer appear on the custom secret floor or glitch chest floors.
More balance and appearence rate tweaks to existing rooms from TheTurtleMelon.
The Lead Key now has a small chance spawn the custom Dopplegunner secret floor boss.
Issues encountered with turtles being able to follow player out of the room.
Fixed issue where where player couldn't see contents of room if the room The Lead Key chose was a secret room.
The Lead Key can now has small chance to spawn the Dopplegunner boss room (via a room cluster so player is transported to a boss foyer room first). The item will only be able to do this once per run. (unless clone run, then you can get it again possibly after returning to floor 1)
TheTurtleMelon has re-balanced appearance rate of many of his custom rooms and adjusted enemy spawns on others.
Metal_Cube_Guy (the yellow brick thwomps on custom secret floor and the gray ones that show up in specific trap rooms on other floors) now has harmlessEnemy flag set. Companions should no longer needlessly target this enemy.
Reduced odds of bootleg guns exploding on taking damage.
100+ new rooms from TheTurtleMelon has been added.
Special trap room no longer spawns enemies if it shows up as a secret room due room clear events not working in secret rooms. (the room would never unseal)
The Lead Key can now show up as an item in the Key shop and the Baby Good Hammer can show up as an item in the Blacksmith on the Forge.
Odds for Raccoon and Turkey junk enemies spawning have been reduced. Odds of getting double junk from Raccoon also reduced.
Glitch Elevator can no longer appear in the Bootleg room where it would be inaccessible to the player.
Another new custom item + custom item synergy added. "The Lead Key". A special active item that will take the player to a random new room not connected to the rest of the floor. The custom synergys added is Master of Unlocking. A synergy betweeen Trusty Lock Picks and The Lead Key. Having this synergy gives the lock picks a 100% success rate. Having the Master of Unlocking passive also enables this synergy. Thanks to Nevernamed for the sprite and item idea!
Bootleg guns have new features. Chance to transmorgify enemies into bootleg versions. Guns now have a chance of exploding while taking damage. Bootleg guns will explode if they run out of ammo due to questionable build quality. Exploded guns are permanently removed from player's inventory. The guns exploding will damage the player. This makes them deserving of the D teir they are in.
Expand_HopScotch has been disabled until re-balancing due to difficulty in clearing this trap room.
Added switch to first floor switch to allow toggling … something …
to make YouTubers streaming the game not worry about content ID issues.
Updated RoomFactory code to support newer .room files that have placed objects.
Fixed bug with Corruption Bomb that would allow it to be used in quick succession. There is now a small 2 second cooldown before it's usable again.
Prevented Alarm Mushrooms from showing up in DD20 mode.
Black chest mimic room adjusted for better balance. It is now a secret room. The intended room category TheTurtleMelon wanted for it.
Removed Cultist as possible behavior for glitch rats on special secret floor entrance room on Hollow. Should hopefully prevent them from getting out of bounds and causing a soft-lock.
Removed one of the trap rooms from the possible trap rooms for Keep due to containing enemies typically not found on the Keep.
Added new trap room and "secret" trap room. ( ?° ?? ?°)
Fixed bug where player could cause infinite rat key spawn on custom secret floor by killing the enemy that drops it over a pit and being close enough to immediately collect it after it respawns causing an infinite loop of key falling in pit while being collected by the player.
Player can no longer cheese the Winchester game on custom secret floor using flight items.
Non consumable items dropped by winning Rat Punchout fight no longer appear in Rainbow mode. They are instead replaced with Bowler notes.
Fixed bug with Corruption Bomb spawned in special secret room causing difficulties interacting with other things in the room. This was fixed by spawning it on a Reward Pedestal.
Fixed issue with custom boss's health bar not appearing.
Updated some rooms from Sewers with balance changes from TheTurtleMelon.
Made Glitched Secret Room more rare.
Added 20+ rooms to Sewers courtesy of TheTurtleMelon.
Fixed bug with custom DD20 modifier "Apache Thunder's Revenge". If any Baby Dragun NPC objects get placed during the modifier while on floor 4, the sell creep should now continue to operate properly.
Fixed audio bug with Baby Dragun objects spawned by "Apache Thunder's Revenge" DD20 modifier. They no longer produce a very load noise when an enemy get's eaten by one.
Added around 23 custom rooms for the Sewers courtasy of TheTurtleMelon
Fixed hang on load screen when trying to visit custom secret floor a second time after going to the breach during the same game session.
Fixed collision issue with Rat fight on custom secret floor where he couldn't take damage until he started his first attack. He can now take damage almost immeditely like he normally does on the Rat Floor.
Fixed oversight that allowed NPCs to be corrupted/destroyed multiple times by Corruption Bomb.
Fixed bug that could soft lock player during Apache Thunder's Revenge DD20 modifier. Bootleg enemy swaps no longer spawn in the void outside the room. Thanks to Retrash for helping debug which enemy spawns were the cause of this.
The Cop companion is no longer corrupted by Corruption Bomb.
Updated version of old Anywhere mod. Use load_flow to load a DungeonFlow. Command syntax is mostly the same as old anywhere mod. Use "load_flow help" in console to get help on how to use this command.
A custom secret floor accessible from floor 4. Is only accessible under certain circumstances. ;)
Glitch Chests now take player to a full floor with glitched enmies instead of just a simple 3 room floor that goes direct to the boss.
Fixed pit generated under sell creep on floor 4. Pit edge decoration of floor tiles near left side of sell creep is no longer missing.
Fixed issue intreduced in FTA update that made it trouble-some to drop passives into sell creep in Bello's shop.
Added "Junk" enemies. A small chance a floor could have 1 or 2 critters that spawn Junk or Ammo when killed depending on which enemy was spawned. This was an idea from TheTurtleMelon so credits to him for this one.
Added custom rooms to room tables used by most floors. This adds new room layouts to the game! Most room designs courtasy of TheTurtleMelon!
A glitched elevator has a small chance of appearing on the floor. This takes the player to a glitch chest floor. Can only appear on rooms 1-4 and can only appear once in a run.
The few Winchester gun game rooms that were missing icons now have icons. This oversight from original game devs has been fixed.
Custom secret rooms. Staring with a ultra tiny secret room that is the smallest possible size (2x2). This secret room can appear in places you won't expect one to fit so be on the look out!
Glitch Floors have "corrupted" appearence via addition of sprite objects that use random tile map sprites.
Additions/Improvements to DD20 modifiers:
Rat's Revenge now spawn rat traps instead of flame traps.
Infamous bug with Zone Control possibly soft locking the player if teleported out of room is fixed.
Don't Blink is changed to have enemies have stone effect instead of boring stun effect.
Blobulon Rancher can now spawn poisulins as well as the normal blobulins.
Two new DD20 modifiers. "Apache Thunder's Revenge". A custom modifier that has most of the Chaos mode mayhem from ChaosGlitchMod!. The second modifier is "Triple Trouble. A modifier for the Trigger Twins boss. As you can guess a third trigger twin will spawn.
Custom items!:
"Baby Good Hammer". An active item companion that summons a Dead Blow Forge Hammer to do your bidding! Thanks to Retrash for providing the item sprite.
"Corruption Bomb". A powerful bomb that corrupts the reality around you. Corrupted enemies can no longer attack. May have suprising effects on other objects. Test it out on things if you dare!
"Table Tech Assassin". Tables flipped by enemies are betrayed by their tables. Tabled flipped by enemies explode.
"Corrupted Junk". Junk warped by corruption. May grant player an obscene amount of a random consumable.
"Cronenberg Bullets". Bullets that have a chance to transmorgify enemies into a horrible cronenberg abomination. Sprite work courtasy of Neighborino!
"Mimiclay". Special item dropped by custom boss on custom secret floor. One time use active item. Clones another active or passive when used while said active/passive is spawned/near the player. This item idea/code was created thanks to Retrash.
Certain NPCs and objects and even a copy of the player can appear as enemies on glitch floors.
An unused trap "Alarm Mushroom" has been revived and made usable. It currently appears in random rooms on the Mines, the floor the trap object was intended to appear on.
New type of elevator added. A small elevator that can take the player to another room on the floor. Used as a entrance elevator to the secret glitched elevator room on Hollow.
1 new Custom Boss! Can be found on my custom secret floor!