KLEIROF-Auto_Translate icon

Auto Translate

允许用一些线上翻译api翻译游戏内文字为其支持的语言。使用前请阅读申明。反馈至GitHub。 Allows the use of some online translation APIs to translate in-game texts into their supported languages. Please read the declaration before use. Submit issues on GitHub.


更新日志 Changelog

  • 1.0.12:修复部分文本不被翻译的问题。修复某些小贴图不显示的问题。进行一些优化。
  • 1.0.11:修复部分标签与文本大小不匹配的问题。修复NoBrain模组的标签位置有异常偏移的问题。修复有时候不完全翻译的问题。
  • 1.0.10:增加对象池以优化。
  • 1.0.9:增加对大模型的支持。进行一些优化。
  • 1.0.8:修复警报时标签不显示的问题。更好的RegexForIgnoredSubstringWithinText。改变已经请求翻译的字符数标签位置,并允许自定义位置。将配置文件分条目。
  • 1.0.7:修复追加的文本不被翻译的问题。兼容NoBrain。删除多余的配置选项。增加一个标签显示已经请求翻译的字符数。增加请求翻译到达界限时发出警报并暂停翻译的功能。增加请求字符数标签开启/关闭快捷键。增加翻译开启/关闭快捷键。
  • 1.0.6:修复过长文本导致翻译队列阻塞的问题。修复特殊标记被翻译或不被处理的问题。增加功能,可以自定义一些标签的高度防止超出范围。增加可以放大过小的文本的功能。修复一些文本不被翻译的问题。修复ItemTipsMod文本先被切割成多行再翻译造成不连贯的问题。修复动态字体字符宽度计算的问题。增加一种中文自定义点阵字体。使用动态自定义字体可以解决某些mod文本内嵌贴图不显示的问题。
  • 1.0.5:增加对象复用以优化性能。
  • 1.0.4:没有更新。
  • 1.0.3:允许用户查看那些文本被请求翻译。在配置里面勾选LogRequestedTexts以生效。
  • 1.0.2:更新说明文档。修复RequestBatchSize未生效的问题。优化初始化逻辑。
  • 1.0.1:更新说明文档。
  • 1.0.0:发布。

  • 1.0.12: Fixed the issue of some texts not being translated. Fixed the issue where some sprites does not display. Made some optimizations.
  • 1.0.11: Fixed the issue where some labels did not match the size of the text. Fixed the issue of abnormal offset of the label position in the NoBrain mod. Fixed the issue of incomplete translation at times.
  • 1.0.10: Added object pool to optimize.
  • 1.0.9: Added support for large models. Made some optimizations.
  • 1.0.8: Fixed the issue of the label not displaying when alerts are triggered. Better RegexForIgnoredSubstringWithinText. Changed the position of the label displaying the number of characters having been requested for translation and allowed customization of the position. Breaked down the configurations into entries.
  • 1.0.7: Fixed the issue of text not being translated when appending the text. Compatible with NoBrain. Removed unnecessary configuration options. Added a label to display the number of characters that have been requested for translation. Added the function of issuing an alert and pausing translation when the requested translation reaches a threshold. Added the key binding of toggling the display of requested character count. Added the key binding of toggling translation.
  • 1.0.6: Fixed the issue of translation queue blocking caused by excessively long text. Fixed issues where special tags are translated or not processed. Added the feature to customize the height of some labels to prevent exceeding the range. Added the feature to enlarge text that is too small. Fixed some text not being translated issues. Fixed the issue where the ItemTipsMod text was first cut into multiple lines and then translated, causing inconsistency. Fixed the issue of calculating the width of dynamic font characters. Added a custom Chinese dot matrix font. Using dynamic custom fonts can solve the problem of some mod text embedding sprites not displaying.
  • 1.0.5: Increase object reuse to optimize performance.
  • 1.0.4: Nothing new.
  • 1.0.3: Allowed users to view which texts have been requested for translation. Check LogRequestdTexts in the configuration to take effect.
  • 1.0.2: Update the description documentation. Fixed the issue of RequestBatchSize not taking effect. Optimized initialization logic.
  • 1.0.1: Update the description documentation.
  • 1.0.0: Released.