KLEIROF-Coop_View icon

Coop View

(测试版)允许在合作模式中在第二显示器给另一个角色一个独立的视角。如果没有第二显示器就用parsec-vdd。 (Beta Ver.) Allow another character to have an independent view on the second display in coop mode. Use parsec-vdd if having no second display.

Last updated 6 hours ago
Total downloads 533
Total rating 2 
Categories Mods QoL
Dependency string KLEIROF-Coop_View-0.8.3
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

MtG_API-Mod_the_Gungeon_API-1.8.7 icon

Adds the good parts of Mod the Gungeon to BepInEx.

Preferred version: 1.8.7


合作视角 Coop View





Ctrl + Shift + P :切换成窗口位置预设。

Ctrl + Shift + [ :将第二窗口在全屏和窗口化之间切换。

Ctrl + Shift + ] :将第二窗口全屏显示在下一个显示器上。

Ctrl + Shift + - :将主窗口在全屏和窗口化之间切换。

Ctrl + Shift + = :将主窗口全屏显示在下一个显示器上。



shortcutkey [shortcut_key_ID]

- 设置自定义快捷键。
- 快捷键ID应在参数中从1到5指定,如“shortcutkey 1”.
- 当前快捷键及其快捷键ID会被显示作为提示。

switchpreset [preset_index]

- 切换成窗口位置预设。
- 预设索引可以在参数中指定,从0到2,如“switchpreset 2”。
- preset_index = 0 :主窗口在显示器1全屏,第二窗口在显示器2全屏。
- preset_index = 1 :主窗口在显示器2全屏,第二窗口在显示器1全屏。
- preset_index = 2 :主窗口在显示器1窗口化,第二窗口在显示器1窗口化。

secondwindow fullscreen [monitor_index]

- 将第二窗口切换成全屏模式。
- 目标显示器可以在参数中指定,如“secondwindow fullscreen 1”。

secondwindow windowed [width] [height]

- 将第二窗口切换成窗口模式。
- 窗口大小可以在参数中指定,如“secondwindow windowed 1920 1080”。

mainwindow fullscreen [monitor_index]

- 将主窗口切换成全屏模式。
- 目标显示器可以在参数中指定,如“mainwindow fullscreen 1”。

mainwindow windowed [width] [height]

- 将主窗口切换成窗口模式。
- 窗口大小可以在参数中指定,如“mainwindow windowed 1920 1080”。

(Beta Ver.) Allow another character to have an independent view on the second display in coop mode.

Connect your monitor and set it to expand mode before starting the game.

If you don't have two display devices, you can create a virtual display device using Parsec-vdd and transmit the image to your partner through Parsec or Sunshine.

Default Shortcut keys:

Ctrl + Shift + P : Switch to window position presets.

Ctrl + Shift + [ : Switch the second window between fullscreen and windowed mode.

Ctrl + Shift + ] : Fullscreen the second window on the next monitor.

Ctrl + Shift + - : Switch the main window between fullscreen and windowed mode.

Ctrl + Shift + = : Fullscreen the main window on the next monitor.

Command list:

[The content in square brackets can be omitted. ]

shortcutkey [shortcut_key_ID]

- Set custom shortcut keys.
- The shortcut key ID should be specified from 1 to 5 in the parameters, like 'shortcutkey 1'.
- Current shortcut keys and its shortcut key ID will be displayed to give you a hint.

switchpreset [preset_index]

- Switch to window position presets.
- The preset index can be specified from 0 to 2 in the parameters, like 'switchpreset 2'.
- preset_index = 0 :Main window fullscreen on monitor 1, second window fullscreen on monitor 2.
- preset_index = 1 :Main window fullscreen on monitor 2, second window fullscreen on monitor 1.
- preset_index = 2 :Main window windowed on monitor 1, second window windowed on monitor 1.

secondwindow fullscreen [monitor_index]

- Switch the second window to fullscreen mode.
- The target monitor can be specified in the parameters, like 'secondwindow fullscreen 1'.

secondwindow windowed [width] [height]

- Switch the second window to windowed mode.
- The window size can be specified in the parameters, like 'secondwindow windowed 1920 1080'.

mainwindow fullscreen [monitor_index]

- Switch the main window to fullscreen mode.
- The target monitor can be specified in the parameters, like 'mainwindow fullscreen 1'.

mainwindow windowed [width] [height]

- Switch the main window to windowed mode.
- The window size can be specified in the parameters, like 'mainwindow windowed 1920 1080'.

更新日志 Changelog

  • 0.8.3:使用更安全的快捷键注册方式。快捷键可以自定义。

  • 0.8.2:增加控制两个窗口的快捷键。增加一些窗口位置预设。修复UI显示区域不全的问题。

  • 0.8.1:增加命令控制第二窗口目标显示器和窗口大小的功能。修复改变第二窗口大小造成的缩放问题。

  • 0.8.0:增加第二窗口可以窗口化的功能。修复主窗口无法移动位置的问题。修复改分辨率后游戏画面区域外纹理滞留的问题。

  • 0.7.4:修复对话框不显示的问题。修复结束时子弹银河不显示问题。修复角色走出视野的问题。

  • 0.7.3:修复错误拉伸的问题。

  • 0.7.2:优化性能,也许。

  • 0.7.1:修复黑屏问题。

  • 0.7.0:主窗口可以随意更改分辨率不会闪屏。

  • 0.6.1:文档修改。

  • 0.6.0:修复了画面缩放的问题。

  • 0.5.0:测试版。

  • 0.8.3: Used a safer shortcut key registration method. Shortcut keys can be customized.

  • 0.8.2: Added shortcut keys to control two windows. Added some window position presets. Fixed the issue of incomplete UI display area.

  • 0.8.1: Added the function of command control for target monitor and window size of the second window. Fixed the scaling issue caused by changing the size of the second window.

  • 0.8.0: Added the function of windowing the second window. Fixed the issue where the main window cannot be moved. Fixed the issue of texture retention outside the game screen area after changing the resolution.

  • 0.7.4: Fixed the issue where the dialog box does not display. Fixed the issue of bullets Nebula not displaying at the end. Fixed the issue of characters stepping out of sight.

  • 0.7.3: Fixed the issue of incorrect stretching.

  • 0.7.2: Optimized performance, perhaps.

  • 0.7.1: Fixed the black screen issue.

  • 0.7.0: The resolution of the main window can be changed freely without flickering.

  • 0.6.1: Doc changed.

  • 0.6.0: Fixed the issue of screen scaling.

  • 0.5.0: Beta ver.