Jolly Coop
为合作模式添加更多掉落。有了合作愉快模组,享受双倍快乐,让合作体验直接拉满,再也不需要因为有限的道具而缩衣节食! Add more drops to coop mode. With Jolly Coop mod providing double joy which enhances coop experience, you won’t need to tighten your belt for resources!
更新日志 Changelog
- 1.3.0:尝试增加平衡性。
- 1.2.2:为彩虹箱增加物品分发锁。函数补丁使用SpecialAPI提出的转译规则重写。
- 1.2.1:希望修复角色相关漏洞。
- 1.2.0:把选项从命令迁移到Gunfig。添加物品分发锁功能,防止物品被争抢。增加箱子被另一个玩家打开后你的物品在你进入房间之前不会被偷走的功能。
- 1.1.0:减少模组冲突版。
- 1.0.10:更多敌人增强数值选项。
- 1.0.9:双人模式敌人增强数值修改。
- 1.0.8:修复彩虹箱子物品相近的异常,为了平衡新增双人模式敌人增强。
- 1.0.7:优化代码。
- 1.0.6:更新彩虹局可以选两个彩虹箱。
- 1.0.5:选项可以单独开启或关闭。
- 1.0.4:修复Boss房奖励显示异常。
- 1.0.3:修复小地图显示的异常。
- 1.0.0:发布。
- 1.3.0: Attempting to increase balance.
- 1.2.2: Added item distribution lock to the rainbow chests. Function patches rewritten using transpiling rules proposed by SpecialAPI.
- 1.2.1: Hopefully fixed bugs related to players.
- 1.2.0: Moved options from command to Gunfig. Added item distribution lock function to prevent items from being competed for. Added the feature that after opening the chest by another player, items belonging to you will not be stolen before you enter the room.
- 1.1.0: Less mods conflict version.
- 1.0.10: More alternatives for enemy enhancement value.
- 1.0.9: Coop mode enemy enhancement value modified.
- 1.0.8: Fix the bug that items in rainbow chests were similar. Add enemy enhancement in coop mode for game balance.
- 1.0.7: Optimize the code.
- 1.0.6: Two rainbow chests to choose in the rainbow run in coop mode.
- 1.0.5: Options can be individually turned on or off.
- 1.0.4: Fix boss clear reward display bug.
- 1.0.3: Fix mini map display bug.
- 1.0.0: Release.