Cortex Star
I have not failed. I’ve just found a way that won’t work.
0.3.3 (Beta)
Overall balancing
(nerf) CS-B2
Balance Test Version
May release balancing frequently, as I will form a playtest team and run this version. Please note that it is a verification of seems clearable
, not 100% clearable
. Because I dont want limit difficulty by the ability of playtest team.
CS-B2: Devotion
- Main East Sector: Alarm Warning added to terminal command.
- Overload 4 => 3.
CS-B3: Vulnerable
- Terminal Added to first zone.
- Description Added.
Survival relies on exploiting vulnerabilities.
- z105 cocoons removed.
CS-C2: Curse
- First curse is now slower x0.25
- Second curse is now slower x0.5
- Adjusted z109 and z110 alititude
- Fixed missing Disinfection Station
CS-D1: Enlighten
- Increased Wave duration (only timer, not enemies)
- Increased Resources z103
0.3.0 (Beta)
Balance Test Version
May release balancing frequently, as I will form a playtest team and run this version. Please note that it is a verification of seems clearable
, not 100% clearable
. Because I dont want limit difficulty by the ability of playtest team.
CS-B3: Vulnerable
CS-C2: Curse
CS-D1: Enlighten
- Released.
CS-D2: Transfer
- Moved to D2 from C2!
- Side zones will be unlocked faster.
- Team scans in side zones alarm are back.
- Slightly reduced pickups of consumable.
- Potential Of Threats Appeared To Outsides. (Replaced some Big shooters wave)
Overall balancing
(buff) CS-B1
, CS-B2
(nerf) CS-C2
(adjust) CS-C1
- z104 Removed, Pickups integrated into z103.
- Removed resources from z103, z106
- Reduced resources overall
- Removed Fog Repellers from z501
- Removed Scouts from z304
- Adjusted z110 enemies
- Slightly increased ov alarm enemies
- (Note) I recommend remaking the lobby if you have played other expeditions in the current lobby.
- Added WardenIntels for z104/z110 unlock.
- Reduced amount of big striker/shooter wave
- Reduced amount of shadow wave
- Delayed the start of ramp alarm
- Removed teamscans from side zone alarm.
- Fixed misplaced resources
- (Note) Hardest version of
, It was cleared without boosters. but...