Andocas-AchievementHelper icon


Provides helpful info for Biotracker and The Inner. Also fixes a very rare bug that makes The Voice of Truth and Unmasked unobtainable.

By Andocas
Last updated 3 weeks ago
Total downloads 169
Total rating 0 
Categories Client Mods
Dependency string Andocas-AchievementHelper-0.1.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_GTFO-3.2.1 icon

BepInEx pack for GTFO. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 3.2.1



Displays a notification the first time an unmarked enemy is killed. For host, the notification also identifies the player responsible.

At any time, you can type /biotracker in chat to see the current status of the achievement. If the achievement is active, this command also reports how many enemies are left on the map.

The Inner

Displays your current progress before and after every game.

The Voice of Truth

When a player reads JN8-M96-M31 in R2E1 Zone 598, the game makes an API call to PlayFab to record that the log was read, and it makes a separate API call to Steam to give credit for the achievement. In rare circumstances, it's possible for the first API call to succeed, but the second API call to fail. When this occurs, the achievement becomes unobtainable, even on subsequent playthroughs.

If this happened to you, then AchievementHelper will retroactively give you credit for the achievement as soon as you launch the game. (It won't give you the achievement if you haven't read the log.)


Same as The Voice of Truth, but for 12 logs scattered across R5A1, R5A2, R5A3, R5B3, and R5C2.

D-Lock Block Decipherer

AchievementHelper doesn't help with this achievement. I still recommend