Tile List
Mining Complex
- Mixed
- Storage
- Refinery
- DigSite
Tech Complex
Service Complex
- Mixed
- Floodway
Dead_End_01 ( !!! NOT FULLY FINISHED !!! )
- Dead_End_02 (+EnemySpawn)
- Garden
Subcomplex Transition (Storage -> DigSite)
Height Transition (-12m)
Complex resource set data:
"Prefab": "Assets/Prefabs/Geomorph/Mining/geo_mining_FA_alt12m_T_01.prefab",
"SubComplex": "Storage",
"Shard": "S1"
Subcomplex Transition (DataCenter -> Lab)
Has 2 Boss Spawn Align
Most of part is DataCenter I Tile but on end wall it leads to Lab Subcomplex through broken wall
Complex resource set data:
"Prefab": "Assets/Prefabs/Geomorph/Tech/geo_tech_FA_transition_I_01.prefab",
"SubComplex": "DataCenter",
"Shard": "S1"
Has 2 Boss Spawn Align
Simple Hub Tile for DataCenter
Including EnemySpawn Version which allow to enemies spawn from inaccessible top floor area and jump down to ground
Complex resource set data:
"Prefab": "Assets/Prefabs/Geomorph/Tech/geo_datacenter_FA_hub_01.prefab",
"SubComplex": "DataCenter",
"Shard": "S1"
Enemy Spawnpoint version
"Prefab": "Assets/Prefabs/Geomorph/Tech/geo_datacenter_FA_hub_01_enemyspawn.prefab",
"SubComplex": "DataCenter",
"Shard": "S1"
Has 2 Boss Spawn Align
Bullrush BlobSurface Included
Including version with enemy spawn point
Dead End Tile with cosmetic Broken Security door on end (Enemy spawn behind if it's enemyspawn variant)
Complex resource set data:
"Prefab": "Assets/Prefabs/Geomorph/Service/geo_floodways_FA_dead_end_02.prefab",
"SubComplex": "Floodways",
"Shard": "S1"
Enemy Spawnpoint version
"Prefab": "Assets/Prefabs/Geomorph/Service/geo_floodways_FA_dead_end_02_enemyspawn.prefab",
"SubComplex": "Floodways",
"Shard": "S1"
If you have issue:
Contact Discord: flowaria