JarheadHME-RundownExtensionFix icon


Make the Extended Protocol window work better for mod dev

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Total downloads 10
Total rating 1 
Categories Client Mods Dev Tools
Dependency string JarheadHME-RundownExtensionFix-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_GTFO-3.2.1 icon

BepInEx pack for GTFO. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 3.2.1


Makes the Extended Protocol section of the rundown menu function a bit better

Patches two things to accomplish essentially the same task:

  • Cleans up the extended level icon list when going back to rundown select
  • Cleans up the extended level icon list when hotreloading with MTFO or LiveEditing with PartialData

When switching rundowns with extended levels, the list of icons wouldn't get cleaned up, and when going to another rundown with extended levels, would duplicate the buttons to all the extended levels, causing an extended level from, say, your modded rundown 2 to show on top of extended levels in your modded rundown 4. This same issue would happen when hotreloading with MTFO, though it would actually cause the duplicated level to get placed below the first as if it were the next extended level being placed.

Now, how do I use the Extended Protocol?

Well it's kinda janky, but workable.

Firstly, the header text is defined by RundownDB.StorytellingData.ExternalExpTitle.

Secondly, your StorytellingData.Visuals.TierAVisuals.Scale should be around 0.75 (this is the value used by OG Rundown 6). This determines the size of the extended protocol box, so if you set this close to 0, then it will become smaller until you can't see it anymore.

Next, I recommend making sure all of your TierXVisuals.ScaleYModifer's of tiers that will have extended levels be the same. Every expedition that gets added to the extended protocol box using their own tier's ScaleYModifier, and get added with math that blindly assumes every level has use the same value. If you set TierAVisuals.ScaleYModifier to say 0.5, and B to 1.0, and add two extension levels in A tier and one in B tier, then the A tiers will be pretty close to the header text and to each other, and the B tier will be significantly farther away from the A tier.

Lastly, I recommend you have all levels that are extended have their corresponding TierXVisuals.Scale be the same as each other, and similar to the number used by TierAVisuals.Scale. Otherwise your extended icons can get smaller or larger relative to each other.

The simplest way to achieve all of this, in my opinion, is put all your extended levels in the same tier, have that tier have the same (or similar) scale as TierA. Do whatever you schenanigans you want to make your whole rundown layout look better though!

Also, if you want to have extended levels start lower down without affecting their spacing, you can make a placeholder level with "HideOnLocked": true, "Accessibility": 1, in its RundownDB entry.

Happy extending!