Vanilla-esque rundown made by someone relatively new to modding. Standalone story planned to be added! Currently contains one level.
Version 0.1.22
- RVA1 Enemy and Resource balancing.
- Removed Checkpoint from Zone 81.
Version 0.1.21
- Fixed a bug which caused the rundown to load incorrectly.
Version 0.1.20
- Resource balancing.
- Enemy balancing.
- Fixed a bug where a key could spawn in the Zone it was meant to unlock.
- Changed Secondary Bulkhead alarm from an S I to a Class III.
- Added flavour text for Secondary Terminal Command.
- Removed useless duplicate Terminals from multiple zones.
- Lowered the amount of PIDs needed to 8.
- Now you will only have to do one alarm door if you are lucky with ID placements.
Version 0.1.12
- Updated soundbank.
Version 0.1.11
- Fixed Thunderstore download.
- Added dependency.
Version 0.1.10
- Rundown Released!
- RVA1 Added.
- RVA1 Secondary Added.