Latest Update: EXTRACT:CX added. 4 rundowns. EXITPLAN, EXAMS, EXTRACT, SONAR. Under construction.
2024/05/06 1.3.6:
- This level was requested by xApolo and friends. Thanks for the hittin' the bullseye point of view.
- Request: Great combat. No annoying and ever obfuscating code hunts, no boring shooting array defenses, just a continuous battle that gradually changes the environment. In other words, a variety of enemies.
- Fixed WardenIntels of SONAR:B4,C1,C3,D4,E1,E6 which were sharing undeveloped EXTRACT:D1 Main texts.
2024/03/29 1.3.5:
- Fixed EXAMS:A5 ZONE_104 unexpectedly had 3 BigShadows by mistaking copy and paste from A4.
2024/03/05 1.3.4:
Weapon Balancing
- HeavyAR CostOfBullet 1.92->1.475.
- Short Rifle Semi->Auto, FireRate 0.1.
- LowRPM MG CLipSize 30->40. Same as vanilla except FireRate.
- Burst Cannon -> Gauss Cannon, BurstShotCount 3->1, CostOfBullet 5.0->6.75, ChargeUp 0.7->0.2.
- Precision Rifle ReloadTime 3.3->2.0.
- Sniper ClipSize 2->3.
- Burst Pistol Damage 3.2->4.64, CostOfBullet 1.8->2.738, StaggerDamageMulti 1.0->1.15.
- HeavySMG Damage 2.45->3.2, CostOfBullet 1.5->2.19, PrecisionDamage 0.8->0.91.
- Burst Rifle ClipSize 30->42, HipFireSpread 2.5->1.0, BurstDelay 0.15->0.1, ShotDelay 0.04->0.03.
- Slug Shotgun FireRate 0.75->0.45.
Finally started to resurrect dead weapons. Rollback shit updates and adjust them for the rundowns. Dead options slightly got new possibility. And most of the changes are for making better feeling guns, not making them into the same average of meta. About DoubleTap, I will save it for someone who enjoying it. The concept of the gun has been taken by Burst Pistol already.
- Fixed EXITPLAN:A1 missing translation of a terminal command.
- Fixed EXTRACT:D1 Unique door buzzer fades more quicker.
- Fixed Critical mistakes in SONAR. ECHOES:1 and ECHOES:2 wave settings were overwritten by EXTRACT:D1 and EXAMS expedition waves.
- Fixed error featured by official update in SONAR. C2Se Generator Cluster couldn't be spawned.
- Fixed all the bugs that always give one less bullet when reloading from empty. By the way, does Mr.DMR have the ability to think?
2024/02/17 1.3.3:
- Adjusting Spear precision damage and charging time for the instakill birther problem same as Scattergun is having now.
2024/02/14 1.3.2:
- Fixed official update issues and weapon changes. By the way, what is the meaning of QoL they said in the announce ? Still we have -1 reload and now PumpShotgun got too now.
2023/12/25 1.3.1:
- Fixed WardenIntels of usually SONAR:TerminalUplink objective which was sharing undeveloped EXTRACT:D1 Secondary texts.
2023/12/10 1.3.0:
- EXTRACT:D1 added.
- Fixed official update issues as always. Thanks for Inas07.
- Weapons are updated same as official except severals.
2023/06/30 1.2.9:
- EXAMS:B1 added.
- Fixed R5 update issue for weapons and outfits.
2023/06/18 1.2.8:
- Fixed R5 update issue for CustomGeoMorph.
2023/06/14 1.2.7:
- Weapon Balancing
- Low-RPM MachineGun: AmmoCapability(CostOfBullet) 1.35->1.64. too OP by mistake.
2023/06/09 1.2.6:
- BX added. This is just a quick level for playing something new. But intended easy-D1.
- Fixed the problems for current GTFO.
- Restore AX.
- Fixed A2 ExtractionScan wouldn't appear because of system update.
- Weapon Balancing (Almost roll back to fine version because many guns became garbage by the update.)
- Low-RPM MachineGun: ClipSize 40->30, Firerate and AmmoCapability rolled back.
- High Caliber Pistol: ReloadTime 2.4->2.0
- BurstCanon: Balanced Recoil, Damage 19.0->20.1.
- HEL Auto Pistol added.
Everything else was updated as current version but with applying previous modding.
- Fixed the bug sometimes SONAR:E Tier levels were unselectable. (Btw sometimes still they are unselectable, but that is another bug. You can make them selectable with switching screen.)
2023/03/04 1.2.4:
!WARNING! You have to remake a profile of the rundown. Otherwise CustomGeomorph cache will cause of error.
- Fixed SONAR:E2 The sec_door on first zone was locked down for no reason. Adjust to latest vanilla build.
- Suspended EXTRACT:AX CustomGeomorph has trouble to build.
2023/01/17 1.2.3:
- Fixed accidentally GearCategoryDataBlock messed up which cause of HEL Revolver glitch.
2023/01/17 1.2.2:
- EXAMS A1-A5 Added.
- Weapon balancing:There were some dead weapons. Still every fine weapons are same as vanilla to reserve your play experience(BullpupRifle clip 40->80, HeavyAR improved recoil, HighCaliberPistol clip 6->8, PrecisionRifle clip 8->12, Spear runnable during charging, Normal Precision 1.0->1.3, Charged Precision 1.3->3.0).
- Fixed SONAR: B3 Only 2 generators to fill in Secondary.
- Fixed SONAR:B4 both MAIN and SECONDARY require same item to gather.
- Fixed SONAR:B6 Bad DC spawn in Datacenter wall as usual.
- Fixed SONAR: C3 no reason to access ZONE_708, made it as forward exit.
- Fixed SONAR D5,E6,BHK locations to avoid too easy situations.
2022/12/12 1.2.1:
- Fixed SONAR: Zone_825 unintendedly had 140% resources.
2022/12/12 1.2.0:
- New rundown SONAR added.
2022/12/04 1.1.6:
- Balanced C3 Resource rooms require cell are now 6 use each from 3 use. Last error resource rooms are now 6 use from 4 use. Alarmed resource rooms are now 4->2, 5->3, 5->4. Because no cell resource run is too easy from feedback.
- Fixed EXITPLAN:C1 There was unintended CELL in ZONE_101.
2022/11/07 1.1.5:
- Fixed B3 Changed enemy spawn on Z101, from 3 P-birthers to 1 P-birthers and 2 birthers. I apologize for inconvenient.
2022/11/04 1.1.4:
- Fixed B3 Changed enemy spawn on Z101, from 3 birthers to 3 P-birthers.Clearing Z101 way was too easy from feedback, but try to keep it doable.
2022/11/03 1.1.3:
- Fixed B1 Critical mistake as only the first error door down the fog. Added fog down effect for other doors (Z102-Z106).Doesn't matter if alarms turned off.
2022/10/30 1.1.2:
- Added C2.Fixed C1 add notification for EMC_AIRFLOW_VENT at first. Fixed A3 Reduce Rapid shooters on motion detected door to a half.Add birther tumors on the walls on Z104.
2022/10/26 1.1.1:
- Fixed for recent update of build 32254 and BepInEx3.1.0.
- Added First rundown [EXITPLAN] and 2nd rundown[EXAMS], but [EXAMS] is temporal placeholder, it is not working now.
2022/10/19 1.1.0:
- Fixed C1:Unintentionally Z108 had a power-cell.(Still works on build 31994)
2022/10/19 1.0.9:
- Fixed C1:Lighting on doors are wrong in Z104,Z108,Z112(Error doors are red, others are green.). Decrease amount of spawn for safety. Add system error intel on descent.
2022/10/15 1.0.8:
- Fixed C1:BroadCasted Alarm with team scan have wrong degraded text, BC waves fixed (Later wave 25sec->60sec), Health rooms have now Disinfection station and more medipacks(200%->320%).
2022/10/15 1.0.7:
- Added C1. Fixed B1:Correction of BC alarm wave(45sec->60sec).
- Fixed A2:Deleted wrong command from terminal in Z102.
- Fixed:C3 Translation correction of "1 minutes" and old text "Lighting circuit, Ventilation system, Security alarm".
2022/10/09 1.0.6:
- Added B2,C3.
2022/09/10 1.0.5:
- Added B3.
2022/08/21 1.0.4:
- Fixed B1: First terminal has EMC_AIR_VENT accidentally.
2022/08/21 1.0.3:
- Added B1.
2022/08/18 1.0.2:
- Fixed the problem of RundownDataBlock which is [If there is ID:1, and it isn't loading rundown, it is failure because, GTFO always switch loading rundown ID(Key?) to 1.]
2022/08/16 1.0.1:
- I couldn't find a way to delete wrong upload. It had to be overwritten as 1.0.1.
2022/08/15 0.0.5:
- Fixed A2:No translation texts for warden intel.
- Nerfed A1:ClassXV wave reduced cause of too much difficultly and EXITPLAN balancing.
2022/08/02 0.0.4:
- Fixed A1:unintentional stopping wave and establishing fog after finishing ClassXV.