ARC Complex
Solo rundown seeking to alter the vanilla gameplay loop to mimic DOOM and Ultrakill
-Added R7C1 Abomination (R7C1 remix): expect more surprises than the last 3 levels
-Added stronger prisoner as a dependency, players now sprint with heavy carries
-POST UPDATE: added heat bug fix and fixed some warden text on Abomination
-Added R7D2 River Styx (R7D2 remix)
-Reworked enemy grapple to make it a lot less clunky, is now a keybind (use your Toggle Gear bind)
-Added flashlight QOL: Every item now uses the headlight, and the headlight has been buffed to the sniper flashlight
-POST UPDATE: every level now starts at 100% res, removed shooters from scout waves on River Styx
-Added R7E2 Anarchy (it's the reactor half of r7e1 with a few twists)
Post update:
-Gave hel gun part of heavy cannon 2 pierce
-Anarchy: nerfed wave 3 flyer wave, added big flyers to flyer waves in wave 2 and 3, removed backspawning strikers at end of wave 3
-Added a meathook variant to the super shotgun, grapple with ads fire
Added 1 level, 3 weapons, all base mechanics for now. (Reuploaded to update readme with parry instructions just in case)