cris-ProjectEternal icon



By cris



- Enemies:
    - Mech Enemies: Larger weakspot hitbox + Rebalancing
- Reduced asset bundles size


- F.08:
    - Fixed reactor override events


- F.01: Disabled some world events


- F.01 released. Do not expect it as a normal F-tier level.
- Fixed DMR audio.


- HEL Gun: Reduced clipsize to 9
- HEL Rifle: Reduced clipsize(->5) and increased penetrating rounds(->6)
- Precision Rifle: Reduced recoil power & AimTransitionTime
- F.00:
    - Fixed extraction wave settings


- C.02: Fixed broken layouts


- Disabled F.01, which is supposed to be locked.


- Burst Pistol: Increased ammo capacity
- DMR: Increased firerate, changed muzzle flash
- HEL Rifle: Increased precision dmg multi
- Precision Rifle: Increased precision dmg multi, reduced clipsize, faster reload


- Short Rifle: Increased ammo capacity
- Machinegun V: Increased ammo capacity
- Remade Rifle


- HEL Gun: Reduced stagger multi
- HEL Rifle: Reduced piercing count


- Nerfed Combat Shotgun

1.10.8 - 1.10.9:

- Burst Pistol: Slightly increased firerate
- Sniper: Reduced dmg
- Precision Rifle: Reduced reload time
- Revolver: Increased dmg
- Combat Shotgun: Increased firerate & ammo capacity
- HEL Gun: Increased clipsize
- HEL Rifle: Increased clipsize


- Weapon changes:
    - Removed ALL modded weapons
    - HEL Autopistol: Reduced dmg & stagger multi, increased ammo capacity
    - Heavy SMG: Check it out in game
    - Assault Rifle: Increased dmg
    - Bullpup Rifle: Increased dmg & clipsize
    - Burst Pistol: Increased stagger multi
    - PDW: Increased dmg
    - Sawed-off Shotgun: Reduced reload time
    - DMR: Increased clipsize
    - Sniper: Increased base dmg
    - Precision Rifle: Increased ammo capacity
    - Combat Shotgun: Increased stagger multi, firerate & conesize
    - Machinegun X: Increased base dmg
    - Machinegun V: Increased base dmg, reduced precision multi & ammo capacity
    - Choke Mod Shotgun: Increased dmg
    - Burst Cannon: Reduced recoil power


- My old dc account(criscriscris0228) is no longer accessible. From now I'm using a new account with id: iwantmalatang
- F tier levels rebalancing
- Removed progression gears
- Weapon stats rebalancing


- F.09:
    - Disabled


- Flechette Rifle: Reduced reload time
- Assault Rifle: Increased firerate
- HEL Assault Rifle: Increased firerate
- Tactical Rifle: Reduced reload time & increased firerate
- Pistol: Increased base dmg, reduced precision multi & reload time
- Blazer Shotgun: Increased overtime dmg, reduced damage


- F.09:
    - Added a few more resource packs
- Flechette Rifle:
    - Increased precision multi
    - Optimized recoil animation


- F.09:
    - Modified light settings & dust particle color


- Weapon changes:
    - Rifle: Lower dmg, higher prec multi, larger ammo reserve
    - Heavy SMG: Increased stagger multi
    - Light Machinegun: Reduced reload time
    - Deagle: Increased dmg, reduced crit chance
    - Burst Cannon: Increased ammo capacity
    - HEL Autopistol: Reduced dmg, increased stagger multi
    - Plasma Pistol: Slightly tweaked base dmg
- F.05:
    - Fixed layouts
    - Fixed enemy textures


- F.01:
    - Disabled > Waiting for remake.
- F.09:
    - A new threat has been released.
    - If you dont want the custom musics in this level, you may delete F09_CUSTOM_THEMES.bnk under Assets - SoundBank in crislibrary to avoid extra memory usage.
- Recompressed asset bundles to resolve high memory usage:
    - It might lead to asset missing(object not in dictionary error). Feel free to send me feedback.
    - A fresh installation is required.
- Weapon changes:
    - Deagle: increased crit chance at the cost of crit dmg.
    - Sniper(thermal): Reduced stagger multi.

1.9.17 - 1.9.18:

- Removed duplicated ids in player offline gears


- F.08:
    - Reduced blood door enemy groups


- F.02, F.06, F.09:
    - Slightly modified overall balancing

1.9.13 - 1.9.14:

- F.09:
    - Modified custom music volume(In game you use Master Volume to control it)
    - Optimized warden intels
    - Slightly reduced tool supplies
- Added full Simplified Chinese translation for Deagle desc.


- Updated new trailer
- Added Deagle(Special Weapon)


- New Weapons:
    - "Flechette Rifle" Steyr ACR
    - "Bayonet" AKM Type II


- Bullpup Rifle ALT:
    - Changed sight part


- HEL Gun:
    - Increased min range
    - Increased precision multiplier
    - Increased ammo capacity
    - Reduced damage
- Revolver:
    - Increased min range


- Added an exclusive version of HEL Gun


- Added Bullpup Rifle ALT as D-tier clear reward


- Fixed the bug that rundown fails to load.


- F.09:
    - Added item scan requirement on shutdown verification scan
    - Removed some unused world event object filters
    - Slightly tweaked extraction waves


- F.09:
    - Fixed wave spawn direction during reactor shutdown alarm
    - Added missing text translation
    - Deleted duplicated wave ids


- Updated rundown main page visuals
- F.04:
    - Fixed wave spawn direction during dual alarms


- Updated LGTuner & ProgressionGear to their public versions.
- Removed unused plugins and configs in rundown folder.


- F.09:
    - Fixed the bug that this level is unlocked for some players.


- F.09:
    - Level released, and it'll be the last full-team level.


- Removed E.0X: This level is highly identical to E.04
- Updated F.09 level intro


Reorganized rundown layouts


- C.03:
    - Changed cell position


- C.03:
    - More ammopacks and medipacks in early game


- C.03:
    - Some small tweaks including stealth scan size and door lockdown status changes.


- Enabled E.03. Don't use the public LGTuner on Thunderstore if you want this level.


- C.03:
    - Level released
- E.03:
    - Waiting for bugs fix


- F.03:
    - Fixed some typos in warden intels


- F.03:
    - Removed the second success page

1.8.2 & 1.8.3:

- E.0X:
    - Added resource stations
    - Fixed wardenintel typos
    - Fixed wrong generator and terminal positions


E.0X: Level released


F.03: some extra tweaks


- Removed some dependencies


- F.03 released


- Fixed compatibility issue


- Unfortunately it's my 3rd attempt to fix the compatibility issue. Also when I say fresh install I mean create a new BepIn folder.


- I fked up the last update. Hopefully this one is just fine. If you find bugs feel free to dm me since I'm still configuring my new upgraded plugins. A fresh install recommended since 1.7.4.


- New plugin compatibility test


- F.00:
    - Added 6 rounds HEL revovler
    - Fixed warden intels
    - More disinfection packs
- F.01:
    - Fixed uplink bug
- Removed all "nerfed" weapons
- Fixed Blazer Shotgun overtime precision damage
- Removed OldBulkheadSound from dependencies


- F.00:
    - Fixed the bug that the 2nd reactor waves sometimes dont spawn properly
    - Modified resource distribution


- Partially remade F.00


- D.03:
    - Level released
- Some weapon rebalancing


- Autocannon: Increased clipsize and ammo capacity
- Autoshotgun & Blazer Shotgun: Increased staggering multiplier
- E.03:
    - Fixed wrong warden intels


- F.07:
    - Modified resource distribution
    - Nerfed some survival waves

- F.08:
    - Nerfed some survival waves


- Weapon rebalancing


- Fixed F.07 missing uplinks


- Added Plasma Pistol


- Added Blazer Shotgun


- Fixed missing Autocannon icon
- Fixed Autocannon environment dmg


- Added Autocannon

Update 1.6.10 - 1.6.11:

- F.08:
    - Level rebalance

Update 1.6.9:

- F.08 released

Update 1.6.8:

- Lite Burst Cannon:
    - Reduced ammo capacity
    - Increased dmg and clipsize

Update 1.6.7:

- HEL Gun, HEL Rifle, Lite Burst Cannon: Increased ammo capacity

Update 1.6.6:

- I somehow fucked up cocoon spawning. Fixed this issue.

Update 1.6.5:

- Updated HEL assault rifle sight part.
- Added trailer link in

Update 1.6.3:

- Possibly fixed cocoon texture

Update 1.6.2:

- Fixed scout waves in all levels due to wrong EEC setting

Update 1.6.1:

- E.03:
    - More resource for the final fight
    - Modified some events

Update 1.6.0:

- E.03:
    - Modified resource distribution

Update 1.5.10:

- E.03:
    - Modified resource distribution
    - Fixed the bug that players trigger tp event early(possibly fixed tho)

Update 1.5.9:

- Updated Thunderstore Rundown Page Description

Update 1.5.8:

- Updated Thunderstore Rundown Page Description
- Added E.03 into ***Electrmagnetic Rifle*** unlock progression

Update 1.5.7:

- E.03:
    - Level released

Update 1.5.6:

- Updated asset bundles

Update 1.5.5:

- Updated wave roar sounds for Pouncer, Striker_Berserk, and Shooter_Spread
- Weapon changes:
    - UMR: Reduced ammo capacity
    - Electromagnetic Rifle: Increased range, reduced over time damage duration
    - Pulse Rifle: Changed sight part
    - Autoshotgun: Slightly modified sight part zoom multiplier
    - Double Barreled Shotgun: Modified stock part
    - Boltgun: Fixed reload animation
- F.01:
    - Slightly changed layouts
- E.01:
    - Removed one charger scout
- Recompressed all asset bundles. Remember to create a new r2modman profile and install this rundown again to avoid custom asset packs stacking.

Update 1.5.4:

- Added Prototype Air Rifle

Update 1.5.3:

- C.02:
    - Fixed typos
- Boltgun: Reduced clipsize

Update 1.5.2:

- Added Flame Blade(unlock by completing standalone contest level)
- Updated plugins

Update 1.5.1:

- Removed outdated plugin

Update 1.5.0:

- Removed Big Berserker
- F.02:
    - Nerfed scout waves
- Increased Electromagnetic Rifle precision multi

Update 1.4.11:

- F.0X:
    - Reworked on hibernates spawning
- New plugin compatibility check

Update 1.4.10:

- Fixe duplicated wave setting ids.
- F.07:
    - Fixed scout waves

Update 1.4.9:

- Modified Electromagnetic Rifle reload animation

Update 1.4.8:

- Added Electromagnetic Rifle(E-tier clear reward)

Update 1.4.7:

- C.02 completely released.

Update 1.4.6:

- C.02 TEST:
    - More resource packs
    - Slightly modified extraction waves

Update 1.4.5:

- F.07:
    - Nerfed scout waves
    - Modified hibernates distribution

Update 1.4.4:

 - Added C.02[test]

Update 1.4.3:

- DBS: 
    - Increased ammo capacity
    - Reduced reload time
    - Reduced shot delay
    - Changed equipment animation
    - Reduced stagger multi
    - Increased precision multi

Update 1.4.2:

- E.02:
    - Fixed unexpected error alarms

Update 1.4.0 - 1.4.1:

- Fixed missing weapon icons
- F.07:
    - Slightly modified survival wave settings
    - Changed scout waves

Update 1.3.10:

- E.02:
    - Slightly Modified wave settings

Update 1.3.8 - 1.3.9:

- E.01:
    - Slightly Modified wave settings
- Weapon rebalance

Update 1.3.7:

- Added DBS(Double Barreled shotgun)

Update 1.3.6:

- F.0X:
    - Fixed fog settings
    - Modified reactor waves
    - Modified extraction

Update 1.3.5:

- C.01:
    - Modified wave settings
- F.05:
    - Modified security sensors
    - Increased overall stealth difficulty in dimension 1
    - Reduced resource packs in dimension 1

Update 1.3.2:

- E.01:
    - Fixed wrong uplink wave settings
- Elite Rifle: Modified sight part

Update 1.3.1:

- E.01:
    - Updated outro

Update 1.3.0:

- F.01:
    - Fixed a missing chained objective

Update 1.2.9:

- F.0X:
    - Removed the unexpected apex door

Update 1.2.8:

- ProgessionGears & EOS compatiblity test

Update 1.2.7:

- F.0X:
    - Fixed missing plug reference
- E.01:
    - Resized EMP range
    - Modified [ZONE_4] terminal to avoid bad alarm scan rng

Update 1.2.6:

- F.0X:
    - Fixed broken navmesh

Update 1.2.5:

- F.0X "Havoc":
    - Level released(actually an old level)
- E.01:
    - Added a few EMP events

Update 1.2.4:

- Temporarily disabled Elite Rifle, Grenade Launcher, and Axe since the progression unlocks dont work as expected.

Update 1.2.3:

- F.07:
    - Slightly redistributed resoucr packs

Update 1.2.2:

- Added Elite Rifle as the reward of F-tier clear

Update 1.2.1:

- Improved E.01 final arena performance

Update 1.2.0:

- E.01 & F.07 released
- Known Issue: E.01 Simplified Chinese expedition success page is in unexpected low resolution.

Update 1.1.15:

- Rearranged rundown layouts
- Added a new [test version] level
- Added Axe as the reward of standalone expedition clear

Update 1.1.14:

- F.04:
    - Fixed unexpected scan positions and events
- Added two more geo packs as dependencies.

Update 1.1.13:

- Fixed the bug that the oxygen styem kills players.. possibly

Update 1.1.12:

- E.01[test]:
    - Updated development progress

Update 1.1.11:

- Added release date for each level.

Update 1.1.10:

- Added F.00 Clear reward: Grenade Launcher(special weapon)

Update 1.1.8 - 1.1.9:

- Changed charger texture

Update 1.1.7:

- R6E1:
    - Modified chained puzzle types
- Added test persion of E.01
- Light Machinegun: Increased firerate
- Added ExtraChainedPuzzleCustomization in dependencies

Update 1.1.6:

- R3E1, R6E1, F.04:
    - Added more ammopacks

Update 1.1.5:

- R6E1:
    - Modified the first zone layout in dimension 2
- R4E1:
    - Level released, with the OG layout, scan speed, and resource distribution.

Update 1.1.4:

- F.04:
    - Modified resource distribution

Update 1.1.3:

- Scorpion SMG:
    - Reduced firerate and increased range

Update 1.1.2:

- Added Scorpion SMG

Update 1.1.1:

- R5E2:
    - Temporarily disabled this level. It's still under review.