tru0067-PierceBugFix icon


Fixes piercing so that piercing shots hit the advertised number of enemies.

Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 1414
Total rating 2 
Categories Client Mods Rundown Mods
Dependency string tru0067-PierceBugFix-1.2.1
Dependants 5 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_GTFO-3.2.1 icon

BepInEx pack for GTFO. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 3.2.1



Fixes piercing so that piercing shots hit the advertised number of enemies.

Currently there is a hardcoded limit of 5 hits before piercing shots stop checking for additional hits. However, a single enemy can use up multiple of these hits, drastically reducing the number of enemies that are actually hit, particularly for wide enemies.

This mod removes this hardcoded limit. It does so by directly modifying the assembly instructions of the BulletWeapon.Fire and Shotgun.Fire methods. It changes the inc instruction which increments the number counting up to 5 into a nop or do nothing instruction. This causes the number to never reach 5, completely removing the hardcoded limit. Shots still naturally terminate when hitting something non-damageable or if their actual piercing limit is reached.

It additionally changes the behaviour of shotguns piercing to no longer re-evaluate the spread on every pierce. In the base game every pierce causes the spread of the shotgun shot to continually increase, this mod fixes this so that each pellet simply continues on its original trajectory.

You can find the dev feedback thread on the GTFO modding discord here:

Known Issues

None! Please let me know if you encounter any!


Kasuromi for SniperMeleeFix, which much of this fix is based on. randomuserhi for suggesting the use of no-ops and for implementing the fix for shotguns! Dinorush for initial discussion and for implementing the fix for shotgun spread!