Gekquerel-Alternate_Ainsley icon

Alternate Ainsley

Classic Loadout Lewis with tweaks to difficulty and more weapons variety.

Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 263
Total rating 0 
Categories Characters
Dependency string Gekquerel-Alternate_Ainsley-1.0.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

devyndamonster-TakeAndHoldTweaker-1.7.7 icon

An H3VR plugin for modifying Take & Hold

Preferred version: 1.7.7


Alternate Ainsley

Alternate Ainsley started out as me wanting to just add more weapons to Classic Loadout Lewis, but then my brain kicked in. With the Institution update came a bunch of new encryptions. and i kept dying to them.

i couldnt allow that.

So i altered the order they came in, so the harder ones come a bit later, bit more gradually. While i was at it, i also threw in turrets. those are fun. All encryptions are present on Endless mode, but Five Hold Standard lacks the ones i really hate. all in all, this is just a little project to make TnH more fun for me personally, and ive decided to share it. I BELIEVE all (vanilla) weapons are able to spawn, but if theres any missing, let me know!

Buy the random weapon crates for the most fun!


[1.0.1] - 2024-8-10

  • Fixed it saying "template character" on the readme instead of the actual name. wowie

[1.0.0] - 2024-8-10

  • Initial Release