JC136-overrunori icon


Operator Ori with more enemies and harder rounds, not for the faint of heart!!

Last updated 2 years ago
Total downloads 2442
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Dependency string JC136-overrunori-1.0.2
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

DeliCollective-Deli-0.4.1 icon

A modding framework which provides a uniform way of packaging and loading mods, each containing any type or number of assets.

Preferred version: 0.4.1
devyndamonster-TakeAndHoldTweaker-1.6.7 icon

An H3VR plugin for modifying Take & Hold

Preferred version: 1.6.7


Operator Ori changes

5 starting tokens battle rifle max spawn mag type set to 20, should cut down on the fal with 5 round mag spawns machine guns cost slightly less, will be purchasable at wave 3 multi shot grenade launchers will also be purchasable wave 3 left the "hack" targets the same as i find some maps have less than ideal placement for them when you use more than 3

pre round 1 3 guards at shop & hold point 2 patrols of 2 sosigs round 1 enemy squads have max enemies changed from 2 to 4 max enemies alive is doubled to 8, dont get overrun

pre round 2 all shops will have their min and max box count at 4 boxes for better chance at health replenishment, token chance unchanged guard count 4 to ensure the above isnt just free regen and you have to work for it, also to keep up the escalating tone of the character 4 guards at hold point 3 patrols of 2 sosigs round 2 min enemies 3, max enemies 5 the peaks are higher and the dips lower but the average is still higher than round 1 at 4 sosigs per squad, and at this stage a player should have better equipment to handle this

pre round 3 shops have same amount of boxes as round 2, this will remain the same going forward 4 guards at both shop and hold point 3 patrols of 4 sosigs, stay on your toes round 3 shield sosigs & their squads have the default settings as they can turn a fight into absolute nonsense with boosted numbers other squads will have min and max values set to 5 with a maximum alive value at 15, take em out fast or youre gonna get overrun

pre round 4 6 guards at supply and hold points, this is default & i think its a pretty fair number, any more might be a bit much 4 patrols of 3, stay moving and try to route around them Round 4 min and max enemy values set to 7, max set to 14 so as to not overwhelm player so easily

Round 5 general: elite round,sosigs in this round are intended to be elite troops, aesthetically & statwise based on the pacsquads from return of the rotweiners, with some mild changes to be more take and hold suitable. they utilise weapons with lasers when available & all have a 50% chance of spawning with a flash grenade(scrap this for the moment, sosig flash grenades are being troublesome to have work). pre Round 5 hold point and shop guards is default 8 sosigs, still dangerous but you should have good enough equipment by the time you contest these guys 4 patrols of 4, if youre trying to avoid conflict between rounds use your radar if you have it enabled to go the path of least reistance, start investing into suppressors so you dont aggro the entire map every time you take a shot round 5 squads range from 5-10 sosigs with up to 20 alive at any given time, take em out fast or you wont make it from this point onwards sosigs that have flash grenades in thieir profile will have their grenade chance value set to 0.20, elite sosigs will have a chance to spawn carrying them however.

Endless rounds if youre going for this i salute you but you gonna need to do your best to survive all endless rounds will give you 4 tokens for hold instead of normal 2, this is for those doing limited ammo runs who might need the extra for guns or magazine duplication shop and hold point guards set to 10, the enemy have well and truly moved into this area and you either have to flatline them before they can react or gorrila warfare until its safer to move in. enemy min 8 and max counts 12 with enemy maximums ranging from 20-30 depending on the rng round selection with the exception of the shield squads who will be limited to 6 to try and keep the shield sosigs. the round that has the limit of 30 will use different sosigs from default but shouldnt be too different patrols are 5 squads of 5, you wont really get a moment to take a breather in this, keep fighting one of the rng round profiles uses elite round sosigs, similar to round 5 but harder.


1.0.1: set value for cleanup sosig drops to true, sosig weapons should now clear, although i think they would do this before at the end of waves. Removed line about spawning with a secondary weapon,this was untrue and its something i never got around to & IMO would probably change a bit too much about this being default Operator Ori but harder. changed the elite sosig rounds so that one of the waves wont just be all shield elites, sorry about that. Elite sosig chance to spawn with flash grenade should now function at 50%. this might prove too much. if after testing this proves to be too much i will lower it to 33% or even 25% 1.0.2 messed up the ts manifest, uploading again to fix