v1.2.1 New Camos: -Tiger (Animal) -BrownKnit (LittleBigPlanet) (Games)
Changes: -Minor adjustments to Games_RedCrown (CultOfTheLamb) camo texture position in an attempt to make seams less noticable on certain weapons -Minor adjustments to Games_PurpleCrown (CultOfTheLamb) camo texture position in an attempt to make seams less noticable on certain weapons
v1.1.1 Fixes: -Removed accidential camo sketch (wft windows? I put that file in my recycling bin, why did you include it?)
v1.1.0 New Camos: -StarsAndStripes (Flagship)
Additions: -Added PBR textures for Games_LifeBlood (HollowKnight) camo -Added PBR textures for Games_Infection (HollowKnight) camo
Changes: -Minor improvements to Games_RedCrown (CultOfTheLamb) camo -Minor improvements to Games_PurpleCrown (CultOfTheLamb) camo -Adjusted glowing eyes on Spooky_Lurking camo for better symmetry
Fixes: -Removed accidental PBR texture on UglySweater_H3VR camo (Note to self: when copying files, maybe check the .json first)
v1.0.0 Launch version. contains the following 20 camos: -HoneyComb (Foodie) -SweetTooth (Foodie) -Mellon (Foodie) -Peppermint (Foodie) -Glaciar (SnowStorm) -Infection (HollowKnight) (Games) -LifeBlood (HollowKnight) (Games) -RedCrown (CultOfTheLamb) (Games) -PurpleCrown (CultOfTheLamb) (Games) -MetalCovers (Industrial) -Fractal (Solar) -StarField (Solar) -Acidic (Splatter) -Aqua (Splatter) -Crimson (Splatter) -CottonCandy (Splatter) -Mango (Splatter) -Lurking (Spooky) -o'Lantern (Spooky) -H3VR (UglySweater)