1.4) Primary (Machine Guns)

Updated 3 days ago

Primary Weapons (Machine Guns)

Automatic Peacemaker

A large minigun dead-set on maintaining justice, whatever that means. A hail of bullets can solve most problems.

Weapon Type Minigun
Caliber .308 Pixelchester
Feed System 175-round drum magazine
Firemodes Full-auto
Attachment Mounts None
Better Mag Release Mode None
Other Features

To operate,

  1. Attach a drum magazine to the bottom of the weapon
  2. Aim and fire by pressing the trigger
  3. To reload, remove the old magazine from the weapon and attach a new one

Hand Gatling

An old-timey take on a machine gun, the Hand Gatling makes the user work for their rate of fire.

Weapon Type Gatling gun
Caliber .45 Long Pixel
Feed System 80-round pan magazine
Firemodes Full-auto
Attachment Mounts None
Better Mag Release Mode Paddle
Other Features

To operate,

  1. Attach a pan magazine to the bottom of the gun
  2. Aim and fire by cranking the handle on the left side of the gun

Heavy Machine Gun

Outrageous in size (of gun and magazine), the HMG is a high-capacity hose of intermediate-caliber bullets.

Weapon Type Open-bolt machine gun
Caliber 5.56 PG3D
Feed System 100-round drum magazine
Firemodes Full-auto
Attachment Mounts Optic, Muzzle, Forend
Better Mag Release Mode Paddle
Other Features Carry handle

To operate,

  1. Attach a drum magazine to the bottom of the frame
  2. Pull the left side charging handle to lock the bolt open
  3. Aim and fire by pressing the trigger

Other features:

  • The HMG has a carry handle that can be used to gain a different grip on the gun