2. Sosig Creation

Updated 2 months ago

Sosig Creation

Minimum Sosig Setup

The minimum sosig setup to get it into H3VR

  1. Give it a Unique Name: in the Sosig Enemy Template
  2. Assign a unqiue Sosig Enemy ID (See SosigEnemyID)in the Sosig Enemy Template
  3. Optional - Set Sosig Enemy Category or create a unique ID
  4. Save .csosig file into a plugin mod folder The loader will automatically find the sosig in any mod folder and load it into


This is the unique identifying number for your sosigs, you should be very careful and coordinate with the community when using your own number sets as not to conflict with others.


  • Any IDs in red are in use and should be avoided as they're already in use and will cause conflicts
  • Use Negative numbers to avoid conflicts with H3VR Sosig IDs (Don't use massive numbers, -99999 or higher)
  • Stick to a number between 0 and 100 at a set value range for all your mods and future sosigs, e.g. -33000 - -33100

Custom Skin Textures

Custom skin textures allow you to change the sosigs skin appearance. These textures need to be placed in the .csosig file location and optionally the Editor's Textures folder.

The formatting for the skin is as follows:

  • Base Albedo NameOfTexture.png
  • Normal NameOfTexture_Normal.png
  • Alloy Pack Map NameOfTexture_MASR.png
  1. Under Custom Sosigs > Material Set Texture: to Custom or White (Default sosig skin but white for better coloring)
  2. You can either enter the name of the texture directly or use the Browse function which shows all available Textures in the Texture folder within the Editor's directory.