YoFamn-SR_Agency icon

SR Agency

A SupplyRaid faction known as the AAHW.

By YoFamn



  • Upload Error, trying again


  • 4 new enemies:
  • Possessed Agent/Engineer, they are more dark gray in color and has more health than their regular counterpart
  • The Sheriff, he is a boss unit in one of the levels, and wears a darker gray suit with his sheriff hat
  • Elite Body Guard, they accompany the Sheriff as his body guard, they wear light gray suits and use suppressed SMGs
  • Go3lm health doubled

  • Endless should now include all of the AAHW, Sheriff and his body guards not included


  • Changed a few weapons from the Go3lm
  • New a image added to the page


  • Cleaned up the description a bit


  • Initial Release