whydoesitwantmetomakeateam-Bombs_For_Throwing_At_You icon

Bombs For Throwing At You

Changes the TNH hold music to the final boss music from Portal 2 :)


v1.0.0 - Inital release

v1.0.1 - made Med-Hi section slightly longer to hopefully fix the bit of silence between loops.

v1.0.2 - Accidental uptick in version number because I'm too dumb to update a mod, no change.

v1.0.3 - changed Intro to loop seamlessly with Lo, changed Lo to loop better; hopefully doesn't cause any syncing issues.

v1.0.4 - hopefully fixed overlap between Intro w/ Lo, and Lo loop, changed Med-Hi section.

v1.0.5 - actually added 1.0.4 changes, edited wrong files like a dummy.