zannc-Generalist icon


Zoom Out! Increase pom levels! Increase max grasp! Pick your starting reward and Other Random Changes, completely configurable through ImGUI. Check README for more info!




2.0.0 - 2024-08-08

Changed Description, Updated ReadME.
Added a zoom in/out mod, which allows you to see more or less of the map
Redid all of the ImGUI config, should be more streamlined
Fixed issue with the scaling mod in where Hephaestus and other cooldown boons would not reduce cooldown but increase instead.
Changed Scaling to allow for boons to be removed/added as the config is toggled on/off.
Fixed issue with Hammer Mod allowing for an additional 2 hammers to spawn (since the defaults were left in there).

1.0.4 - 2024-07-27

Added Config Options to Disable/Enable individual mods, and general ImGUI cleanup
Added Option to allow for more than 2 hammers per run (Default; you need to clear 2 biomes before you get another one)
Added Options to increase Consumable Gain by x100 (aka Bones/Ash/Psyche)

1.0.3 - 2024-07-19

Fix crash when spawning boons cause of poor print lol (I'm dumb part 2)

1.0.2 - 2024-07-18

Fix ImGUi issue with Starting Choice (I'm dumb)

1.0.1 - 2024-07-18

Fix crash when entering fields.

1.0.0 - 2024-07-17

Release Mod
Manage Starting Boon for runs so you can see only what you want to see at the start
Manage your maximum grasp to allow you to select all the cards
Option to remove diminishing returns from all Boons and Change Level increase for Poms