zannc-KeepsakePort icon


Porting some Keepsakes over from Hades 1 to Hades 2. Currently added Thanatos, Persephone, Hermes. Now with Icons! Configuration for Thanatos and Hermes Keepsakes.




2.0.2 - 2024-06-11

Updated Packages

2.0.1 - 2024-06-10

Added Persephone Level 4

2.0.0 - 2024-06-09

Added Config options, now you can customize values of Hermes & Thanatos Keepsake (Be sure to delete your old config)
Added Custom Clear times per region and minibosses/bosses for Hermes Keepsake

Fixed Clear Text being messed up for Thanatos
Fixed Crash when going into Arachne Combat Encounters
Fixed Crash for Hermes keepsake when going into NPC rooms with no start time

Changed Path to icons to be GUID

1.0.2 - 2024-06-05

Added Icons (woo!)
Fixed Hermes Crash in Fields

1.0.1 - 2024-05-31

Hopefully? fixing weird file names

1.0.0 - 2024-05-30

Added 3 God Keepsakes from Hades1, Hermes, Thanatos and Persephone


-- Orpheus Keepsake (Game is more range based now)
-- Maybe Sisyphus, bloated boon pool so it might be easier for it to be viable
-- New Keepsakes from New Gods?
-- Boons for Hermes
-- ImGui in general or Config for clear times