IngoH-HardTimeKeybindCheats icon


Keybind cheats for Hard Time III

Last updated a day ago
Total downloads 18
Total rating 0 
Categories Mods Misc
Dependency string IngoH-HardTimeKeybindCheats-1.0.3
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



Hard Time III Keybind Cheats

Keybind cheats for Hard Time III.

Keybind Cheats

Keybind cheats can be used by pressing a combination of keys to activate a cheat. The keybind cheats are listed below.

Targeting (Game)

Alt + , - Previous targeting mode Alt + . - Next targeting mode Default targeting mode is All.

Targeting Cheats (Game)

Alt + End - Halves the target characters' health!
Alt + I - Injures the target characters!
Alt + L - Causes all target characters to lose a limb! (Hold Ctrl to disable decapitation) Alt + H - Heals the target characters' injuries and regrows lost limbs!
Alt + Alpha1 - Sets the target characters' health to max!
Ctrl + Alt + Alpha1 - Sets the target characters' health to 0!
Alt + Alpha2 - Sets the target characters' spirit to max!
Ctrl + Alt + Alpha2 - Sets the target characters' spirit to 0!
Alt + Alpha3 - Makes all target characters urinate themselves!
Ctrl + Alt + Alpha3 - Makes all target characters defecate themselves!*
Alt + Alpha4 - Makes all target characters vomit!
Ctrl + Alt + Alpha4 - Removes all target characters' toilet needs!
Alt + Alpha5 - Spawns a random weapon!
Ctrl + Alt + Alpha5 - Spawns a random furniture item!
Alt + Alpha6 - Ignites all weapons and furniture! (If they can be lit)
Ctrl + Alt + Alpha6 - Extinguishes all weapons and furniture!
Alt + Alpha7 - Breaks all weapons and furniture!
Ctrl + Alt + Alpha7 - Repairs all weapons and furniture!
Alt + Alpha8 - Adds a random arrest warrant to the target characters!
Ctrl + Alt + Alpha8 - Removes all warrants from the target characters!
Alt + Alpha9 - Adds a random accusation (arrest reason) to the target characters!

Non-Targeting Cheats (Game)

E+X - Creates a random explosion! (Holding Shift creates explosions without delay. Ctrl and Alt double and quadruple explosion size respectively)

Player Cheats (Game)

E++/- - Adjusts the player's health!
H++/- - Adjusts the player's spirit!
S++/- - Adjusts the player's strength!
I++/- - Adjusts the player's skill!
A++/- - Adjusts the player's agility!
T++/- - Adjusts the player's stamina!
D++/- - Adjusts the player's attitude!
R++/- - Adjusts the player's reputation!
M++/- - Adjusts the player's bank balance!
End++/- - Adjusts the player's sentence!
PageUp - Makes the player fly!

* Hold Shift to change values 10 times faster or fly higher.

Text Cheats (Game)

Text cheats can be activated by typing a specific phrase at any time. Note that spaces are optional and capitalization does not matter.
Text cheats are not affected by targeting and usually affect the 'star' (character selected for 'Play' mode) unless otherwise specified.

Cheats From Old School

take me home - Sets the player's home to house 1 in the suburbs!
full of energy - Sets the player's energy (health) to 100%!
what a rush - Sets the player's spirit to 90%!
bathroom break - Removes the player's toilet needs!
show me the money - Gives the player $1000!
teflon don - Removes the player's arrest warrant!
heartbreak kid - Makes all compatible characters of the opposite gender fall in love with the player!
trend setter - Rerolls the current trends!

New Cheats

in good shape - Fully heals the player! (Excluding lost limbs)
in excellent shape - Fully heals the player! (Including lost limbs)
dead or alive - Adds a random arrest warrant to the player! take me to court - Starts a court case against the player!
civilian life - Makes the player a civilian!
go to jail - Makes the player a prisoner!
i am the law - Makes the player a police officer!
not a long time - Removes the player's sentence!
life sentence - Sets the player's sentence to 100 years!
tough love - Makes all characters hate the player!
silent treatment - Makes all characters neutral to the player!
buddy system - Makes all characters friendly to the player!
unlimited power - Sets all player stats to 99%!