[NEW MUSIC, CRYPT] Dark secrets await! The real act 4 for Inscryption/ turns the Grimora section from the Finale into a full Act.
Recent Update Notes
Why do the Version Numbers on Thunderstore not match the actual Version?
- Because of the official Arg this mod was involved in, i set the version Number fo the ARG version of the mod to 6.6.6 (because its all demonic and spooky), but since you cannot delete a thunderstore Version or release a new version with a lower version Number, the Mod will forever be stuck after 6.6.6
7.6.2 (really 3.6.2)
When playing the gambling boss, slot machine slots now return to normal after the battle
Finally, and i really mean FINALLY changed the energy drone to always appear consistently no matter your api configs
Replaced the great Flood Egypt Encounter ( Rest in piss, you might be missed only for your jankiness ) with a new one, that is hopefully bug free
Added much better looking transitions to the Goat EYe Node
7.6.1 (really 3.6.1)
Softlock in Map generation when the Gambling Expansion is enabled but the Challenge isnt selected
Crash when dying in the Mods Story Mode
7.6.0 (really 3.6.0)
The new Crypt Model is now available!
Balance Fixes and Tweaks
Features Enabled by the Gambling Expansion https://thunderstore.io/c/inscryption/p/Arackulele/Grimora_Mod_Gambling_Expansion/
New Cards and Sigils in the Gambling Expansion
New Boss in the Gambling Expansion
Loading Time Improvements
Saving Issues causing the Bell to not appear
Bug causing the Fecundity Sigil and the Scavenger Sigil to Softlock the Game in KCMod
Haunter Sigil Bug Fixes
Some Map related Fixes
Fledgling Sigil Infinite Combo removed
7.5.2 (really 3.5.2)
Beautiful New Ambient Music has been added for the first 3 Areas of the Mod ( Composed by Matthewwwwww )
Fixed multiple bugs relating to the Goat Eye Node
Patched up the dialogue manager to work smoother and bettter
Sawyer Phase 3 no longer Softlocks the Game
Fixed some Sigil related Softlocks ( including an interaction between the Sentry and Haunter Sigil )
Changed the way the Fledgling Sigil works in Grimora Mod
General Performance improvements
7.5.0 (really 3.5.0)
Dialogue Overhaul! The writing of the mod has been updated and polished, along with added variety as well as Node dialogue being much more convenient now
3 New Boons have been added to the Goat Eye Node
Gravebard Node now gives
Accesibility Additions to the new Nodes
Encounters have been changed in order to provide more variety, encounters are also less static than before with more variety
New Terrain Variety
New Info Screen when you launch the Mod for the first time
Royal Boss, Sawyers Third Phase and the final Boss have had some minor tweaks to their mechanics, in order to make them more interesting
Mycologist Node has been rebalanced, making it much less overpowered ( along with making the mycologists quieter )
Item Node has been changed: The Tomb Robber it gives if you already have 3 items is now the same as it was in act 2, it has been removed from the normal card pool
Changed Electric chair sigil pool slightly
Item changes:
-The Ship Bottle now spawns 2/1 Skeletons
-The Trowel can now provide actual treasure, rarely
-The Dead Hand now draws a SKeleton from your side deck as well, and only gives you a dead hand if your main deck is actually completely empty
Card changes:
-Festering Wretch is now in the main mod
-Catacomb: Now has Bonelords thirst (1 Attack for each Bone) as his attack instead of half bones
-Deadeye: Costs 4 Bones instead of 5
-Pharaos Pets: Costs 3 Bones instead of 4
-Ectoplasm: Costs 4 Energy instead of 3, has 2 health instead of 1
-Eidolon: Has 3 Health now instead of 4
-Ember Spirit: Has made of Stone now
-Fylgja: Costs 6 Bones instead of 7
-Grave Carver: Costs 5 Bones instead of 6
-Haltia: Costs 5 Energy instead of 4, has 2 health instead of 1
-Hellhand: Costs 6 Bones now, has 2 attack instead of 1
-Noseferat: Now has 2 times Brittle Latch instead of Brittle Latch and Blood Guzzler
-Plague Doctor: Has 3 Health now instead of 2
-Poltergeist: Costs 4 Energy instead of 3, lost flying, now has a new attack stat
-Polly: Costs 3 Bones instead of 4
-Skelemagus: Costs 6 Energy now instead of 5
-Slingers Soul: Costs 4 Energy now instead of 3
-Vampire: Costs 6 Bones instead of 5
-Wechuge: Has Clinger now
-Wight: Costs 6 Bones instead of 5
-Forgotten Man: Flotsams dont have Waterborne anymore
-Moroi: Sigil now gives 3 Energy instead of 1
-Starved Man: Sigil now once again depletes health
Energy Drone now appears even when playing with the newest API Version
Fixed a softlock when overkilling Bonelords horns in the final boss fight
Fixed a Bug where scavenger and fecundity would cause a softlock in KCM
Fixed issues relating to saving and the credits appearing after every run and not just the first
7.4.1 (really 3.4.1)
Fixed various Bugs and softlocks
7.4.1 (really 3.4.1)
Fixed a Bug where loosing to a Boss would cause a Softlock
Fixed an error in ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■p
Improved logic for the Great Flood Terrain Condition
Fixed some Map layouts
Fixed some saving issues when launching the mod whilke your save state was in the tutorial
7.4.0 (really 3.4.0)
■■■■e new ■■■■s, with entirely unique mechanics and content! Youll haev to se this one in game instead of just reading the Patch Notes :)
-This is massive, trust me
-Relating to this there is a new Mechanic, new Items and new Effects
Entirely revamped Ankh Guards, coming with Terrain conditions instead of randomly generated Rules! There is 8 entirely unique conditions which will spice up these fights
-Since the old System was very deck dependant, frustrating and uninteresting to many players, the new system is meant to entriely solve these issues
Every character ( Kaycee, Sawyer, Royal, The Bonelord, ■■■■■■■■) now has a unique font to talk and uniqueSound efects! ( Many of these Sound effects were provided by the great Gold/Inversefireman)
A Visual UI based map creator made by Catboy Stinkbug is now included with the mod so you can make your own Maps ( it is found in the Mods files at Arackulele-GrimoraMod\Maps\Map_Creator )
New Antichallenge: Blessing of the Ankh, gives you ane xtra Bone and an extra starting Energy in all Boss Fights and Pharao Fights
Right clicking an Item to see its Rulebook entry in this Mod would previously do nothing, now it triggers a dialogue of Grimora explaining the Items Mechanics
Soul Urn Revamp: Now takes all of your current Soul and gives you max Soul for each Soul that was taken, if your Soul maximum is already at 6, it instead provides 2 Souls for free
Trowel Nerf: This item has been overpowered for a while, now gives way less Bones and very good terrains are much rarer
Map revamps: Almost every Chessboard layout has been revamped while a lot of new unique ones have been added
New Dead Hand Model by Pinks8n
A very significant amount of other improvements and fixes, making the mod run smoother and better overall
The cost displayer has gotten a major fix, amaking it look much better, actually update when a cards cost changes and reducing lag caused by it
Tons of Softlocks have been fixed, enjoy a way smootehr experience
7.3.3 (really 3.3.3)
Fixed Soulless not actually increasing skeleton energy cost
Some achievement triggers
Some internal changes for custom mod support
7.3.2 (really 3.3.2)
Some achievements have gotten new art by inversefireman
Clover not showing up on chest nodes when the wilted clover challenge is active
The Black Bird//The Dark Slope achievement being unobtainable
Achievements gotten in the final boss not saving and showing up as incomplete on the achievements screen
More emission fixes
7.3.1 (really 3.3.1)
Royal boss softlock while Vengeant Ghouls is inactive
Data file validation
7.3.0 (really 3.3.0)
Achievements! Discover the 12 new achievements in the game in the achievements tab
New cost renderer by Cevin_2006
Energy is now rendered as ornate additions around the bone cost instead of just squares
Blood cost is now rendered on Grimora cards ( shown at the bottom of the card )
Mox cost is now rendered on Grimora cards ( each mox is shown in a different place depending on the cost )
Config for an alternate way of paying for energy cards ( turning on this mode makes energy cards cost max energy as well )
New vfx for Royals and Kaycees 3rd phases by Cevin_2006
New maps for Sawyer and Royal
Soul Urn now also gives a max energy
Ouroboros portrait moved up
Electric chair sigil pool reset when entering the node, but the lever did not show this
Some cards were missing emissions
Other minor gameplay bugs
7.2.7 (really 3.2.6)
Slightly nerfed one blueprint in Kaycees area of Hell Mode
Fixed golden skeletons not being set correctly after beating Skull Storm
7.2.6 (really 3.2.6)
I swear this is the final version 3.2 update, i fixed hell mode so its not literally impossible
7.2.5 (really 3.2.5)
7.2.4 (really 3.2.4)
A certain reward for players dedicated enough to beat Skull Storm
Hell mode has been nerfed, especially concering some encounters that were impossible in Skull Storm runs
More Pharao fight bug fixes ( maybe )
7.2.3 (really 3.2.3)
The Electric chair Sigils now have their own metacategories so other modders can use them for their mods, and add new sigils to the list
The Dead Hand Item now gives you a Dead Hand ( Card ) if you use it while having no Cards in your main deck, or when you use it with less than 4 Cards in your main deck
Changed the Kaycee Hell Mode encounter where it spawns a turn 1 giant
Fixed that one Grimora Map where people couldnt click on the boss and were softlocked
Fixed a Softlock with the Royal Rumble challenge ( rarely the challenge still makes you unable to play Cards from your Hand, im looking for a fix for that )
More Pharao fight bugs squashed
7.2.2 (really 3.2.2)
Cards spawned by the ship in a bottle now get random pirate names
Apparition and other cards with Haunter breaking the final boss
Some Pharao fight crashes
Haunter breaking when a Card placed on a Haunted Slot is immediately destroyed ( by for example Sentry )
Terrain Cards not dropping Bones in act 1 when grimora mod is installed
Various Dialogue issues
7.2.1 (really 3.2.1)
Dead Man walking crash
7.2.0 (really 3.2.0)
Card Changes:
New Card: Spectre
New Card: Dead Man Walking
Some Cards have gotten new art
Plague doctor: Hp buffed to 2
Expansion Changes:
Added 8 new starter Decks, 7 of which were picked from the starter deck competition
The last starter deck uses a guided random generator to randomlz generate decks
New Card: Grave Carver
New Card: Grateful Dead
New Card: Big Bones
New Card: Crossbones
Card Change: Wyvern changed to Ectoplasm
Warthr: Hp buffed to 5
Control Changes:
- The arrow Keys controls have been Changed to IJKL, i recommend using this control scheme over the wasd one, as it does not overlap with any other controls
A lot of miscellanious bug fixes
7.1.0 (really 3.1.0)
Credits, when you beat a KCmod run of Grimora Mod for the first time, the mosd full credits will play
New Challenge : Vengeful Ghouls
All Bosses gain a third phase with this final challenge, it is the Grimora mod equivilant of Kcmods royal challenge
Kaycee gains a fiery new phase where she finally stops freezing
Sawyer finally stops being scared after you kill the Hellhound, and he uses his bones to make your life hell
To find out what Royal does, youll have to get there in game ( no spoilers here )
New Anti-Challenge : Pharaos Blessing
- This Final helpful modifier makes the effects of elite fights always benefit you
Elite Fight difficulty has been readjustet and is now region based instead of constant
New Visuals and sounds
Kaycees Snow Effects have been completely redone, including completely different blizzard effects in her second phase
Her fights second phase also features new snow storm ambience
Royals second phase now features a Rain Storm
The third phases may or may not feature some visual effects too
Frozen Cards ( Draugr, Glacier, Cards frozen bz Kaycee or by Cold front ) are now actually encased in ice
Terrain Cards are now dirty and Zombie-like
Every area now has unique lighting, with Kaycees region keeping the original turquoise
Every Node now gives Cards a unique emission Color
Several cards start with unique emissions
Most of the starter decks have new icons
Missing card portraits and abilities have been added to the starter deck menu
Hellhounds art has been redone
Frankenstein ( not Frank & Stein ) now has unique Art and doesnt gain another sigil when being transformed at the electric Chair
New Cards: Davy Jones and his locker
- Davy Jones is a rare pirate card, that gains more damage for every pirate on the board
Terrain Cards now no longer drop Bones
Anchored Cards are now immune to Hook, Line and Sinker
Kaycees second Phase
- Kaycee now sends a barrage of Avalanches on the Board at the start of her second Phase
Card spawning and custom Mods
Custom Card mod compatibility has been greatly increased, cards can now spawn via a custom metacategory
Custom Sigils can now be assigned to a specific level of the electric chair with a metacategory too
Sniper and Sentry no longer Softlock when given mid battle
Latchers and Sniper now use custom visuals again, instead of the ones by the api
Latcher Bugfixes and general errors fixed
When having an Area of effect Strike or Raider Card on the Board, and the dealt damage by all cards on one side of the board equals 0, the resulting damage points will no longer stay on the table and will instead be deleted
Infinite Lives now correctly disappears boss visuals when loosing
Giant Cards not being immune to certain effects they should be immune to
7.0.6 (really 3.0.6)
Nerfs some of the Ankh Guard Blueprints
Some Bug fixes
7.0.4 (really 3.0.4)
All Items have descriptions now
Two soft locks, one at the Card removal node, one at the Item Node
Card art fixes
7.0.1 - 7.0.3 (really 3.0.3)
The Item Node now has custom Visuals
New Card portraits for some Cards
Minor Bug fixes concerning the Items
7.0.0 (really 3.0.0)
New Title Screen, the Mod's Logo is now displayed and the start Run Card has entirely new Art, thanks to Nevernamed
The Mod has a new Icon, woo (Also thanks to Nevernamed) !
A new Event (Node) that functions like the Item Node in act 1/3: The Pharaoh's Tomb
There is 9 unique Items you can gain here
Revenant Bottle ( functions like the Bottle Items in act 1, just with a Revenant in it! )
Bone Heap Bottle ( functions like the Bottle Items in act 1, just with a Bone Heap in it! You start with this in a normal run. )
Dead Hand ( Discards your current Hand, you draw 4 new Cards, You start with this Item in both normal and KC mod runs. )
Bone Lords Horn ( Uses up all your current Soul, you gain 2 Bones for each used Soul. )
Spectral Urn ( Functions like the Battery Item in act 3, refills all of your Soul to its current maximum. )
Ship in a Bottle ( Places Skeletons on every empty Slot, all existing Skeletons gain 1 Power. )
Mallet ( Deal 1 Damage to any enemy Card, which will then become Brittle. )
Embalming Fluid ( Select any friendly Card, which will then gain 1 Attack. )
Trowel ( Select an empty Slot, a random Terrain Card will be played for free on that Slot, and you will gain some Bones. )
There may be a secret 10th Item, which can only be gained in a certain way
A new type of Fight : The Ankh Guard which is much more difficult than regular fights
These have unique Battle Blueprints and Cards, which are especially powerful
At the start of an Ankh Guard fight, a random Rule will be generated, with both positive and negative Effects for the Player
There is always one Ankh Guard per map, which protects the Pharaoh's Tomb Event
Terrain now spawns in fights, and is unique to each Area
2 new Challenges!
The Bone Lords Mercy anti-challenge is intended to make the game easier and more fair, giving you increased Bone generation
Hell Mode is a terible new challenge, which makes the Game way too difficult
Starter Deck Changes
As most of the Starter Decks were unfun and unplayable before, all but the default one have been reworked
4 new Starter Decks have been added, one for each Boss in Grimora Mod
Kaycee Mode win and loss Screens
Complete rework to the Boneyard Node
It now has several different effects, which Grimora tells you about before you bury your Cards, so listen to what she says!
Completely new visuals for the Node thanks to Pink
Read more about the specifics on the Wikie here: https://grimoramod.fandom.com/wiki/Boneyard_Event_Piece
Rework to the Grim Reaper / Bone Lord Node
The Node is now less random and its probabilities are determined by the amount of Sigils the Card you sacrifice has
The Bone Lord is a big fan of Obols
Changes to Challenges
Several Challenges have new Art
Challenges now show the "Bug out" Effect that also happens during act 1 when a KC Mode challenge gets activated
Grimoras dialogue was cleaned up and fixed
Changes to existing Cards
Haunted Mirror and Nosferat are now in the main Mod
Some underused Cards like Silbon and Dead Hand have had their Bone Cost reduced
The Descriptions of Cards have been majorly reworked, to be more mysterious and philosophical
Several Cards have new Art
Several new Cards have been added, mainly as Terrains
New Fair Hand! Before, you would always draw a Bone Heap and Gravedigger in your starting Hand if you had one in your Deck. The fair Hand now chooses from any cheap Cards in your Deck, making certain Strategies much more viable
The Stinkbug has been moved, and can no longer be killed
No Animals were harmed in the making of this Mod
Some Snow Storm Effects have been added to Kaycee, in anticipation of adding more visual Identity to the differnt Ghouls, will see how much Players like this
Kaycees Area now also has some unique, randomized Blocker pieces
Several Easter Eggs have been added, mostly involving placing certain Cards on certain Nodes
Bug where after loosing in a KC Mod run, your Game would freeze and completely break
The Mod is now compatible with the newest API version
Several smaller Bugs regarding Sigil interactions
Many small Bugs, the mod should now be much more consistent to play and save