Bone-My_Little_Pony_FIM_Card_Pack icon

My Little Pony FIM Card Pack

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic cards for Inscryption! Tails update!

By Bone
Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 3150
Total rating 5 
Categories Cards Kaycee's Mod
Dependency string Bone-My_Little_Pony_FIM_Card_Pack-2.5.2
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_Inscryption-5.4.1901 icon

BepInEx pack for Inscryption. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.1901
API_dev-API-2.4.0 icon

The de-facto standard core API for all Inscryption mods. This lets you create new cards, abilities, challenges, map nodes, starter decks, and more.

Preferred version: 2.4.0
MADH95Mods-JSONCardLoader-2.1.0 icon

This is a BepInEx plugin made for Incryption to create custom cards using JSON files and the API. It can currently parse custom cards and pass them to InscryptionAPI to load them into the game.

Preferred version: 2.1.0
AllTheSigils-All_The_Sigils-3.0.6 icon

A very large collection of sigils for modders to use. Includes over 175 sigils!

Preferred version: 3.0.6
Infiniscryption-Pack_Management_API-1.0.7 icon

Organizes the card mods you have installed into packs that can be toggled on and off with each run through Kaycee's Mod.

Preferred version: 1.0.7
TVFLabs-CustomSideDeck-1.2.0 icon

Change the side deck to something other than squirrels! Allows changing the number of cards in the side deck, having more than one type of card in the side deck, and having cards be selected when starting the run.

Preferred version: 1.2.0
Nevernamed-Nevernameds_Sigilarium-1.16.0 icon

An extensive pack of over 270 wild and weird sigils covering every act of Inscryption. Supports Grimora Mod and P03 Kaycees Mod.

Preferred version: 1.16.0


My Little Pony Card Pack!

MLP Card pack made by ponie_pie! Art all by me, inspired by the show of course, some characters aren't canon to the show, such as The Candy Mare, the "???" card, and The Vicious Pony card.


Thank Yous

Special thanks to the folks in the Inscryption Modding discord for card balance advice, art advice, and for being cool :)

Thank you FriskDreemurr#3913 (nicknamed FireFi in the discord) for coming up with some of the leshy quotes for certain cards!

Thanks Prof.Eggnog (professoreggnog on discord) for help with Discord's new Sigil, plus The new pony tribe icon.

Thanks Fangz#9575 for helping come up with Surprise's lines (and inspiring the card)

Thank you lilysylvie for Surprise's special ability and for working on the special ability for Discord! Also for just being an Inscryption Modding superhero.

Gramophone credits -

RainbowCrash88 - Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Applejack Fighting is Magic Themes

WhitetailMusic - Rarity and Pinkie Fighting is Magic Themes

Catsmeat Studios for the Slaughter Horse Theme and Slaughter Horse 2 OST - The Listener <-- Go check out Slaughter Horse 2 on Steam!

The Living Tombstone - Babs Seed Remix, Smile Song Remix, Discord Remix

Glaze/Woodentoaster - Nightmare Night

Developed with KCM in mind!


Just uh, use the mod manager and ya oughta be good to go. report issues to ponie_pie on discord!


44 total cards! 16 of which are rare cards! 2 talking cards! 2 Sigils!

What's New?

  • New Pony tribe, now applies to all pony cards instead of the hooved tribe.
  • Fixed Surprise card.
  • Removed 'Spectral Filly' and replaced it with 'Candy Mare' talking card
  • Try giving Pinkie Pie the fletchling sigil!
  • Changed Tricky Pony entirely.
  • Scissorlegs rework.
  • New card art for Discord.
  • Adjusted music volumes.
  • New 'Candy Curse' sigil. 2 new cards associated with it, and a starter deck.
  • Various sigil and stat changes
  • Internal name adjustments
  • New art for the Changeling Brute!
  • A fucking shitload of tails. All cards now have sensible tails when given the loose tail sigil. Some even have special tails that do interesting things.

"Friendship Pony" Twilight Sparkle

Costs 2 blood Cards-in-hand/2 Commander sigil Pony tribe. Works very well with the "Kindness Pony" card.

"Laughter Pony" Pinkie Pie

Costs 1 blood 1/2 Clingy sigil. Pony tribe. Good basic card, you can move her where you like usually because of the clingy sigil. Try giving her fletchling! ;)

"DJ Pony" Vinyl Scratch AKA DJ Pon3

Costs 1 blood 0/2 Buff neighbors, GainBattery Sigils. Pony tribe. Wubs.

"Kindness Pony" Fluttershy

Costs 1 blood 0/1 Rabbit sigil Pony tribe. Kind of just a warren. A warren could still be better though if you're building a bug deck, and you're using totems! Makes sure you can use most 2 cost cards right away. Ice cube sigil will have her drop a wolf cub when killed.

"Discord" Discord

Costs 2 blood 2/1 Chaos Sigil, Annoying Sigil, Chaos Sigil. Pony, Reptile, Bird tribes. A fairly chaotic and risky card to use, has good stats but god knows if he's going to help you or screw you over. He will move if you put sigils over his face. (currently doesnt play nicely with non vanilla merged sigil placement.)

"Generous Pony" Rarity

Costs 2 blood 2/1 Magpie Sigil Pony tribe. Pretty okay.

"Loyal Pony" Rainbow Dash

Costs 2 blood 2/2 Strafe Sigil, Flying. Pony tribe. This card makes your deck 20% cooler with it's good stats and dodging abilities. (20% joke was obligatory im sorry)

"Honesty Pony" Applejack

Costs 2 blood 1/5 Mole Sigil. Pony tribe. Wonderful defense card, can take at least one hit from the angler's sharks. Can't blocking flying, however.

"Crusader Fillies" Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetiebelle

Costs 1 bood 1/1 Tri-strike Sigil. Pony tribe. Mantis god clone that will work with your hooved decks. Very cute.

"Rock Pony" Maud Pie

Costs 1 blood 0/1 Stone Sigil, Ice Cube sigil. Pony tribe. Drops a boulder when killed. Just okay, always looks bored.

"Vicious Pony" Pinkamena

Costs 3 blood 2/5 Vicious Sigil(VoidSigils), Bloodlust Sigil. Pony tribe. Serial Killer card. Nearly unstoppable in a lot of cases, preys on the weak. Loves a good cupcake!

"Derpy Pony" Derpy Hooves/ Ditzy / Muffins

Costs 1 blood 1/1 Flying, Random Strike(VoidSigils) Pony tribe. Really cute card, useful VS the trapper's strange frogs. Adds decent additional damage to your board, can be OP given the right run.

"Tricky Pony" Trixie

Costs 2 blood 0/2 Retreat, Oppurtunist Sigils. Pony tribe. I reworked this one because she originally softlocked the game and kinda just was like "oh yeah i slamed some sigils onto this card lawl"

"Wonderbolt Pony" Spitfire

Costs 3 blood 2/4 Sniper Sigil. Burning Pony tribe. Will tactically hit any space on the board that you wish. A true professional.

"Peace Pony" Starlight

Costs 1 blood 1/1 Brittlelatch Sigil Pony tribe. Card is meant to be played in front of a strong card, when killed you can pick any card to perish next turn.

"Dragon Child" Spike the Dragon.

1 bone 0/1 Bait Sigil(allthesigils... i think) Reptile sigil. Your favorite punching bag in card form.

"Evil Unicorn" King Sombra.

Costs 4 blood Sacrifices-this-turn/6 Deadly Sigil(the one the adder has) Pony tribe. Weird ass card, probably not worth it unless you just need 4 damage, as it will only do 4 damage it's first turn, unless you use a goat. This card sucks ill be real with you.

"Changeling Queen" Queen Chrysalis

Costs 8 bones 4/3 Opponentbones Sigil, Trample (voidsigils) Pony, Insect tribes. In a normal deck she probably is not gonna get played unless you have a bone focused deck. Good for getting overkill, or if you're becoming overwhelmed, as she deals damage to the board even when hitting a card, assuming she does overkill.

"Changeling Drone" Just a changeling

Costs 1 bones Bonedigger Sigil Pony, Insect tribes. bone gen go brr

"Changeling Brute" Just a changeling

Costs 4 bones 2/3 Opponentbones Sigil Pony, Insect tribes. i should really redraw the art for this one.

"???" Creepypasta OC

Costs 6 bones half-the-bones/1 Repulsive Sigil No tribes. Can't hit a porcupine or it dies. Good at keeping damage off your board, has potential to do wild damage if you have a lot of bones. Likely won't do damage in it's first turn if you're struggling to generate bones.

"Sun Alicorn" Princess Celestia

Costs 3 blood 2/5 Immortal, Double Strike Sigil. Pony tribe. Solid 3 blood card. One campfire could make it an OTK. The sun princess!

"Moon Alicorn" Princess Luna

Costs 3 blood 2/3 Immortal, Desperation Sigil(Voidsigils) Pony tribe. Lunaaa!!

"Merchant Brothers" Flim and Flam

Costs 2 blood 1/3 Tri-strike Sigil Pony tribe. Mantis with more health.

"Trusty Stallion" Bic Mac

Costs 1 blood 1/2 Thick Shell (VoidSigils) Solid Card, Will take no damage vs a card with 1 power.

"SWAG_BOT" R-Dash 5000

Costs 5 energy 1/2 Omnistrike Sigil, Detonator Sigil No tribes. Great for cleaning up leshy's side of the board, but not great at dealing damage directly to the board. Also, cant be sacrificed unless you want to kill the cards next to it.

"Sweetie_Bot" SweetieBot

Costs 4 energy 2/1 Nano Shield No tribes. Decent card, will block any incoming damage regardless of the amount at least once.

"Nurse Pony" Nurse Redheart

Costs 1 blood 0/2 Nurse sigil. Pony tribe. Nurse pony get nurse sigil.

"Bat Pony" Flutterbat

Costs 3 bones 1/2 Corpse Eater, Flying. Pony tribe. Surprisingly good. Stop the bats!

"Sniper Pony" Secret Agent Bon-Bon

Costs 2 blood 2/1 Sniper Sigil. Pony tribe. Good for taking out whatever card you need, assuming it has no more than 2 health.

"Mare" Lyra

Costs 1 blood 1/3 No Sigils Pony tribe.

"Empathy Pony" Sunset Shimmer

Costs 2 blood 1/2 Transformer Sigil. Pony tribe.

Sunset (Human)

Transformed Version of "Empathy Pony" 3/2 Transformer Sigil

"Bonefreak" A personal OC

Costs 3 blood Costs 4 bones Lammergeier/3 Bonedigger x2 Sigils. Pony tribe.


Costs 2 blood Costs 4 energy 2/3 Doublestrike Sigil, Sniper Sigil Pony tribe. The pink firepower is here!

"Occult Mare" Lil Miss Rarity Creepypasta OC

Free Sacrificesthisturn/1 Unlimited Sacrifices, Noble sacrifice. Pony tribe. I know, it's strong.

"Punk Pony" Raripunk

Costs 1 blood 1/3 Swapper Pony tribe. That Rarity swag.

"Scissor Legs" Scissor Twilight. Creepypasta OC

Costs 2 blood Costs 3 bones 2/4 Scissors sigil. Harms whatever she touches, intentional or not.

"Screwy Pony" Screwball

Costs 3 blood 2/3 Discord Sigil Pony tribe. something funny is going on here.

"Science Pony" Dr Whooves

Costs 2 blood 1/2 Sentry, activated deal damage Pony tribe. An expert of all sciences, this stallion wields a gun. (has one of my favorite emissions)

Candy Husk (Creepypasta/Grimdark OC pony.)

Costs 1 bone 0/2 Predator sigil, regen sigil Pony tribe. Cannot be upgraded at a campfire. Cannot be sacrificed.

Talking Cards

Surprise (G1 Pony)

Costs 1 blood 1/3 No sigils Pony tribe. Behaves in a very special manner. Very chatty!

Candy Mare (Creepypasta/Grimdark OC pony.)

Costs 1 blood Costs 2 bones 1/1 Candy Curse Sigil Pony tribe. Cannot be upgraded at a campfire. Cannot be sacrificed.

This one requires a little explanation to understand. This talking card's sigil is inherent to this card, and merging the sigil onto another card will result in that card turning into a 'Candy Husk'. It also will not work as it usually does.

Assuming the sigil is on Candy Mare and nothing else, this is how it works. (Lore wise, the curse is literally just her. She IS the Candy Curse.)

For each card Candy Mare slays, she will gain 1 power. For each time Candy Mare is slain, she will lose 2 power. These effects are permanent and will last the entire run. You will need to invest in trying to secure kills for her early so she can grow.

Once she reaches 4 or above power, she will gain the 'Made of Stone' sigil after her first turn after being placed. Her hide has toughened from absorbing the souls of others.

Once she reaches 7 or above power, she will gain the 'Omnistrike' sigil after her first turn after being placed. She is not interested in helping you win, persay. She wants to grow stronger in hopes of escaping this wretched game.

Side Deck Cards

"Changeling" Just a changeling.

Free 1/1 Brittle Sigil Pony and Insect tribes. Basically a skeleton. good because it can take out 1 health cards, but it cant block damage because it dies right away.


Free 0/1 Poison, Morsel Sigils. Pony tribe. A delicious treat, one would presume. The fruits of a certain pink menace's labor. Ever wonder why it has the pony tribe?

Starter Decks

Basic Mares Starter Deck

  • Kindness Pony

  • Mare

  • Bat Pony

  • An extra pelt

  • Basic Pony Cards

Changeling Starter Deck

  • 2 Changeling Drones

  • Changeling Brute

  • Changeling Queen

  • You should probably use the changeling side deck for this one. Mostly uses bones, so can be weird to play with.

Sci-Fi Starter Deck

  • Swag_Bot

  • Sweetie_Bot

  • DJ Pony

  • Sniper Pony

  • This deck's strongest cards are energy cards with a high cost, so you'd better hope you can survive until the funny energy meter hits 4.

Surprise Starter Deck

  • Surprise

  • The gal, and some pelts.

Candy Mare Starter Deck

  • Candy Mare

  • Candy Husk

  • Challenging to start i'd say but cracked as shit later on if you invest in making Candy Mare stronger. Try to invest in bones.

Creepypasta Starter Deck

  • Occult Mare

  • Scissorlegs

  • Candy Husk

  • Vicious Pony

  • Cupcake sidedeck is reccomended for this, just for thematic reasons. Candy Mare would have fit this deck well thematically but its already kind of cracked as is.