
Updated 7 months ago


This page documents all of the sigils in the mod and how they work. It also documents how the various sigil templates work if you want to implement your own sigil that extends one of those templates.

The Sigil Library

All (most) of the sigils added by this mod are now part of a standalone mod called the P03 Sigil Library. This allows you to use these sigils as a dependency without having to have P03 in Kaycee's Mod as a dependency (i.e., if you want to use some of these sigils in Leshy, Grimora, Magnificus, or Act 2 regions (although, be warned: most sigils do not have Act 2 icons; you might have to add those yourself).

All sigils in the sigil library use the guid: zorro.inscryption.infiniscryption.p03sigillibrary

Complete Sigil List

Some of these sigils may use supplementary mechanics. These mechanics are explained below.

Icon Name Rulebook Description
Icon Airborne Conduit Cards within a circuit completed by [creature] have Airborne.
Icon Airborne Latch When [creature] perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Airborne sigil.
Icon Alarm Clock The creature that this sigil is pointing to will gain +1 attack. The clock will turn at the beginning of the player's turn.
Icon Annoying Latch When [creature] perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Annoying sigil.
Icon Annoying Without Green The creature opposing [creature] gains 1 power unless the owner of [creature] also controls a Green Mox.
Icon Apotheosis When [creature] is drawn, it gains a randomly selected rare ability.
Icon Armor Giver When [creature] enters, all opposing cards gain Nano Armor.
Icon Arsonist When [creature] is played, it sets all spaces on the board on fire for four turns.
Icon Bedazzling Conduit Cards within a circuit completed by [creature] are Gemified.
Icon Blood Donation As long as [creature] is alive, all friendly cards can be sacrificed to pay blood costs even if they normally could not.
Icon Blue Mox Charger When [creature] is played, it creates a Charge in your hand for each Blue Mox its owner controls. Charge is a spell that refills 1 Energy when played.
Icon Blue Mox Gift When [creature] perishes, if you control an Blue Mox, gain a random card.
Icon Blue Mox Looter When [creature] deals damage directly, if you control a Blue Mox, draw a card for each damage dealt.
Icon Bonus Energy Conduit If [creature] is part of a completed circuit, it provides a reserve of energy equal to the player's current maximum energy.
Icon Bounty Hunter When drawn, [creature] will turn into a random bounty hunter
Icon Brittle Lord As long as [creature] is alive, cards with Brittle have Unkillable.
Icon Brittle Summoner When [creature] is played, a random brittle card is created in your hand.
Icon Brittle Without Orange After attacking, [creature] will perish if its owner does not control an Orange Mox
Icon Buck Wild Upon taking damage, this card will charge into the opposing slot, killing anything in its way.
Icon Bulldoze Pay 1 Energy to cause this card to move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. Creatures that are in the way will be pushed in the same direction..
Icon Burnt Out When [creature] dies, it sets the land on fire for three turns.
Icon Burst Cards sacrificed to pay for [creature] explode, dealing 10 damage to each adjacent card.
Icon Button Pusher When [creature] is played, all activated sigils and sigils that trigger on play or on death are activated.
Icon Cannon Fire Create a Blast! card in hand. Blast! is defined as a spell that costs 2 energy and sets the target on fire.
Icon Catch Fire When [creature] targets a slot, the target gains Nano Armor.
Icon Coal Roller As long as [creature] is alive, all friendly cards which have fuel are Stinky.
Icon Combat Research When [creature] deals damage, create a Forced Upgrade card in hand. Forced Upgrade is defined as a spell that costs 2 energy and caused any target to upgrade to a new version.
Icon Conduit Latch When [creature] perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Null Conduit sigil.
Icon Conduit Protector When [creature] is within a completed circuit, damage that would be dealt to the conduits is dealt to this creature instead.
Icon Controlled [creature] is under control of its opponent. At the end of the turn, it will return to its owner. While being controlled, it cannot be hammered.
Icon Copy and Paste The controller of [creature] chooses two cards they control. The second card's sigils are replaced with the sigil's of the first.
Icon Dead Byte When a card bearing this sigil perishes, take 1 damage.
Icon Death Latch [creature] will die at the end of the turn. When [creature] perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain this sigil. This will repeat.
Icon Defend When [creature] targets a slot, the target gains Nano Armor.
Icon Dispenser Gain a random item.
Icon Double Sprinter At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil twice.
Icon D-Pad Move to an adjacent empty lane.
Icon Drive Pay 1 Fuel to move in the direction inscribed in this sigil.
Icon Dust Giver As long as [creature] is alive, all friendly cards have Magic Dust
Icon Electric When [creature] declares an attack, it will deal half the damage to cards adjacent to the target.
Icon Emerald Blessing [creature] provides +2 Health to all creatures you control.
Icon Emerald Shard When [creature] would be struck, an Emerald Mox is created in its place and a card bearing this sigil moves to the right.
Icon Emergence Latch When cards sacrificed to pay for [creature] die, their owner chooses a card to gain their first sigil.
Icon Energy Siphon Whenever another card you own dies in combat, [creature] creates a Charge in your hand. Charge is a spell that refills 1 Energy when played.
Icon Enrage Pay Energy equal to the Power of this card plus 2 to increase the Power of this card by 1
Icon Explodonate When [creature] dies, it explodes and deals 10 damage to all five adjacent slots.
Icon Explodonate When Powered If [creature] is within a circuit, it detonates itself and all five adjacent spaces.
Icon Fire Strike When [creature] attacks, it sets the target space on fire for three turns.
Icon Fire Strike When Fueled When [creature] attacks, if it fueled, it consumes one fuel to set the target space on fire for three turns.
Icon Fireball At the end of its turn, [creature] chooses a card slot to set on fire for three turns.
Icon First Latch When [creature] perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the first sigil this card has.
Icon Flame Stoker While [creature] is on board, all fires you start will be stronger, causing them to last one turn longer.
Icon Flammable When [creature] dies, it detonates and sets adjacent spaces on fire for three turns
Icon Fling When [creature] is played, if one or more cards was sacrificed to play it, [creature] deals damage to a card of the player's choice equal to the total attack value of all sacrificed cards.
Icon Fossil Fuel Provides an additional energy cell.
Icon Fuel Shield As long as [creature] has fuel, it takes damage by losing fuel instead of health.
Icon Fuel Siphon Whenever [creature] deals damage directly to the opponent, it gains that much fuel.
Icon Fuel Strike [creature] consumes one fuel to attack and can only attack if it has fuel.
Icon Full of Blood [creature] can be sacrificed to pay blood costs.
Icon Full of Guts When [creature] dies, it slimes the opposing slot.
Icon Full of Oil When [creature] dies, it adds 3 health to the creature on either side and across from it.
Icon Fully Loaded When [creature] dies, it leaves a permanent +1 attack bonus in the lane it occupied.
Icon Gas Conduit Cards within a circuit completed by [creature] have Fire Strike and Burnt Out.
Icon Gem Consumer When [creature] is played, all gem vessels on its owner's side of the board are sacrificed.
Icon Gem Ignition As long as [creature] is alive, all friendly gems have +1 Power, Flame Strike, Brittle, and Burnt Out.
Icon Gem Strike [creature] attacks once for each gem provider its owner controls.
Icon Green Mox Buff When [creature] is played, it gains two health for each Green Mox its owner controls.
Icon Green Mox Gift When [creature] perishes, if you control a Green Mox, gain a random card.
Icon Guts Sacrifice Cards sacrificed to pay for [creature] slime the opposing slot when they die. Cards in slimed slots have one less power.
Icon Holo Trap When a card bearing this sigil perishes, the creature opposing it perishes as well. A Vessel is created in your hand.
Icon Holo Weaver Once per turn, create a Defend! card in hand. Defend! is defined as a spell that costs 2 energy and gives the target a shield.
Icon Hopper At the end of each turn, [creature] moves to an empty space of its owner's choosing.
Icon Iterate When [creature] is played, a copy of it with a different cost is created in your hand.
Icon Kraken Transformer At the beginning of your turn, [creature] will transform to, or from, Kraken mode.
Icon Launch Missile Skip your attack this turn to launch a missile that lands on the next turn, splashing damage to adjacent spaces. Use carefully - ammo is limited.
Icon Launch Self [creature] can sacrifice itself to launch a missile that lands on the next turn, splashing damage to adjacent spaces.
Icon Lootbox Whenever [creature] kills a card, a random card is created in your hand.
Icon Macabre Growth [creature] gains the attack and health of all cards sacrificed to play it.
Icon Magic Dust When [creature] dies, it leaves one of its gems behind on the board. Any future cards in that space will provide those gems.
Icon Mental Gymnastics When Powered When [creature] is played, if it is within a circuit, its owner draw cards equal to the number of Mox Cards on their side of the game board.
Icon Miner [creature] buries itself during its opponent's turn. While buried, opposing creatures attack its owner directly. When it comes back up, it creates a card in its owner's hand.
Icon Nerf This! When [creature] is drawn, it gains a randomly selected negative ability
Icon Orange Mox Airborne If you control an Orange Mox, [creature] will ignore opposing cards and strike an opponent directly.
Icon Orange Mox Printer If you control an Orange Mox, [creature] will draw a card from your side deck at the start of every turn.
Icon Orange Mox Warrior When [creature] is played, it attacks all enemy cards opposite Orange Mox providers its owner controls.
Icon Overcharge Pay 4 Energy to increase the Power of this card by 1
Icon Overheat When the scales are in your favor, [creature] loses 1 power. When the scales aren't in your favor, [creature] gains 1 power.
Icon Overwhelming Entrance When [creature] is played, all opposing creatures are tossed into new slots. Non-conduit terrain is not affected.
Icon Phase Through At the end of its controller's turn, [creature] moves one space in the direction indicated, moving through other cards if necessary until it finds an empty space.
Icon Phasers Ready When [creature] is played, create two Zap! cards in hand. Zap! is defined as a spell that costs 2 energy and deals 1 damage to any target.
Icon Power Dice Pay 2 Energy to set the power of [creature] randomly between 1 and 6.
Icon Power Drain [creature] consumes all of its owner's available energy each turn.
Icon Purist Cards opposing [creature] have their sigils removed.
Icon Purist With Blue If the owner of [creature] controls a Blue Mox, cards opposing [creature] have their sigils removed
Icon PuristImplementation This handles actually removing abilities. You should never see this ability on a card!!!
Icon Rampage Latch When [creature] perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Rampager sigil. The target will immediately rampage once when the latch is applied.
Icon Rapid Recycle Pay 1 Energy to choose another card you control to die and immediately respawn. You may only activate this ability once per turn.
Icon Recharge When [creature] is played, one energy will be refilled (up to the player's maximum energy)
Icon Recharge Reserves Pay 2 Energy to create a Charge in your hand. Charge is defined as a spell that refills 1 Energy when played.
Icon Refueler As long as it has fuel, [creature] will attempt to move beside any creatures you play that also use fuel. Each turn, [creature] will refuel adjacent creatures.
Icon Rubber Stamp Whenever you play [creature], it becomes a copy of another creature of your choosing. If this creature has other abilities, those abilities will be transferred (up to the maximum of 4).
Icon Ruby Blessing [creature] provides +1 Attack to all creatures you control.
Icon Sapphire Blessing [creature] reduces the cost of all cards in your hand by 1.
Icon Scrap Dumper When a card bearing this sigil is played, a broken bot is played on the opposing space.
Icon Scrap Salvage When [creature] is played, create a Charge! for each energy cost sacrificed, create a Zap! for each gem cost sacrificed, create an Upgrade! for each blood cost sacrificed, and create a Defend! for each bone cost sacrificed.
Icon Second Chance Whenever a friendly non-Brittle creature dies, if [creature] is on the battlefield, a 1/1 skeleton will be created in its place.
Icon Seed Sprinter At the end of its controller's turn, [creature] moves one space in the direction indicated (if it can) and plants a seed in its previous space.
Icon Shatter Cards sacrificed to pay for [creature] drop 4 bones instead of 1 when they die.
Icon Shield Absorption When [creature] is played, all creatures lose their shields. This creature gains 1 attack for each shield lost this way.
Icon Short Circuit If [creature] is within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, create a Zap! in your hand. Zap! is defined as a spell that costs 2 energy and deals 1 damage to any target.
Icon Shred Shred a card from your hand to get +1 Attack (until end of turn). The shredded card behaves as if it died. Unkillable cards and cards Made of Stone cannot be shredded.
Icon Skeleclocked When [creature] dies, it permanently becomes an Exeskeleton with the same abilities. If [creature] has Unkillable, it will be unaffected.
Icon Slime Vandal When [creature] is played, it slimes all slots on the board. Cards in slimed slots lose one power.
Icon Slimeball At the end of its turn, [creature] chooses a card slot become slimed. Cards in a slimed slot lose one power.
Icon Solar Heart When [creature] dies, its heart stays behind and provides conduit power to the slot.
Icon Splice Conduit If [creature] completes a circuit, all cards within that circuit are moved towards it, splicing with it if possible.
Icon Static Electricity [creature] will cause adjacent cards to behave as if they are part of a completed conduit.
Icon Stinky Conduit Cards within a circuit completed by [creature] have Stinky.
Icon Stinky Latch When [creature] perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Stinky sigil.
Icon Stone Giver As long as [creature] is alive, all friendly cards are Made of Stone
Icon Submerge Submerge during the opponent's turn. While submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly.
Icon Summon Familiar When [creature] is played, it plays a techbeast in an empty adjacent slot.
Icon Supercharge Friendly cards gain 1 power until the end of the turn. This ability can only be activated once per turn.
Icon Swapper Latch When [creature] perishes, its owner chooses a creature to gain the Swapper sigil. The target will immediately swap stats once when the latch is applied.
Icon Synchronized Fate When [creature] dies, you lose the game.
Icon Target Required [creature] can only attack lanes that have cards in them.
Icon Tinkerer When [creature] is played, create three spell cards selected at random.
Icon Tow Hook Tow an opposing creature to your side of the board until end of turn. Creatures being towed cannot be hammered.
Icon Transforms When Powered If [creature] is within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, it will transform into a stronger form.
Icon Transforms When Unpowered If [creature] is NOT within a circuit at the beginning of the turn, it will transform back its original form.
Icon Trap When Powered When a card bearing this sigil perishes while in a circuit, the creature opposing it perishes as well. A Vessel is created in your hand.
Icon Unkillable When Powered If [creature] is within a circuit when it perishes, a copy of it is created in your hand.
Icon Upgrade When [creature] targets a slot, the target is immediately upgraded to a stronger version of itself.
Icon Urchin Spawn Conduit Empty spaces within a circuit completed by [creature] spawn Urchin Cells at the end of the owner's turn.
Icon Vessel Heart When a card bearing this sigil perishes, a vessel is created in its place.
Icon Waterborne When Unpowered If [creature] is NOT within a circuit it submerges itself during its opponent's turn. While submerged, opposing creatures attack its owner directly.
Icon Zap Deals damage directly to the target.
Icon Zip of Death Take 2 damage.

Dependency note

Everything below this line requires you to make the PO3 Sigilarium a dependency of your mod, and to have the P03 Sigilarium DLL as a referenced assembly for your C# project

Supplementary Mechanics

Fuel (Beta Release)

Fuel is a secondary resource that can be attached to specific cards. If a card has fuel, a fuel gauge will appear showing the card's current fuel level. Sigils can then spend that fuel (either through an activated ability or automatically) as part of their trigger resolution. Activated sigils that spend fuel can only be activated once each turn.

Card cannot have more than 4 fuel at any time.

Fuel is in beta right now; the visualization and fuel gauge used by fuel is subject to change at any time.

Fuel activated abilities should inherit from the abstract FuelActivatedAbilityBehaviour base class. Implement your activated code in the ActivateAfterSpendFuel abstract method.

To give a card fuel, use the SetStartingFuel extension method (C#):

CardManager.New("Prefix", "CardName", "Card Name", 1, 1)
  .SetCost(bonesCost: 3)

If you are using the JSON loader, you can set the FuelManager.StartingFuel extension property to set the card's starting fuel.

To spend fuel in a coroutine, use the TrySpendFuel extension method of PlayableCard. If this method returns true, the card had enough fuel to activate and that fuel will be automatically deducted from the card's current fuel:

public override IEnumerator OnUpkeep(bool playerUpkeep)
  if (this.Card.TrySpendFuel(1))
    // Do something

Sacrifice Triggers

You can now write sigils that respond to when cards are sacrificed to pay their cost by implementing the IAbsorbSacrifices interface. The sacrifice trigger provided by this interface fires when the card is about to be sacrificed, but before it actually dies. This example ability causes cards that are sacrificed to pay for this card to explode when they die:

public class SacrificeExplode : AbilityBehaviour, IAbsorbSacrifices
  public bool RespondsToCardSacrificedAsCost(PlayableCard sacrifice) => !sacrifice.HasAbility(Ability.ExplodeOnDeath);

  public IEnumerator OnCardSacrificedAsCost(PlayableCard sacrifice)
    yield break;

C# Sigil Templates

Conduit Gain Ability

A number of sigils follow the "cards within this conduit gain an ability" template. All of the scaffolding to build additional sigils in this template has been done for you already; you simply need your ability behavior to inherit from Infiniscryption.P03KayceeRun.Cards.ConduitGainAbility:

using Infiniscryption.P03KayceeRun.Cards;

public class MyConduitAbility : ConduitGainAbility
    protected override Ability AbilityToGive => Ability.None; // The first ability to give
    protected override Ability SecondaryAbilityToGive => Ability.None; // The second ability to give

Note: when registering your ability with the AbilityManager, you must set passive = false on the AbilityInfo. This may look like a passive ability, but it relies on triggers to keep everything in sync.

Currently, you can give at most two abilities. You really should only give one ability at a time; generally the only reason you would have a conduit grant a second ability is if you are giving both a positive and a negative ability.

Cards With X Have Y

This sigil template is another ability granting template. These sigils say that cards that have some ability gain some other ability. This is currently only used in one place; the "Brittle Lord" ability which grants Unkillable to all Brittle cards you control. The template ability here is Infiniscryption.P03KayceeRun.Cards.CardsWithAbilityHaveAbility, and the relevant sample code looks like this:

using Infiniscryption.P03KayceeRun.Cards;

public class BrittleGainsUndying : CardsWithAbilityHaveAbility
    public override Ability RequiredAbility => Ability.Brittle;
    public override Ability GainedAbility => Ability.DrawCopyOnDeath;
    public override bool AppliesToOpposing => false;
    public override bool AppliesToFriendly => true;

If RequiredAbility is set to Ability.None, this is interpreted as "no restriction," which causes all cards to gain the ability.

Ability When Unpowered

The base game has plenty of examples of how to have abilities ("cell" abilities) that apply when the card is powered. Internally, there isn't anything particular special about the trigger handlers to make these work; the RespondsTo overrides simply check to see if the card is within a completed circuit. Visually, however, the color of the ability icon on the card changes when the card is powered, and this color changing behavior is implemented by setting conduitCell = true on the AbilityInfo associated with the ability.

This mod has a number of abilities that work the other way; the card has the ability unless it's powered. Here, the color-changing needs to work in the opposite direction; the default color needs to be on normally, and then switch to the alternate color when the card is powered on. The logic to make this is all implemented for you; you simply need to set the following extension property on the AbilityInfo object:

info.hasColorOverride = true;
info.conduitCell = true;
info.SetExtendedProperty("InverseCell", true);

Ability With/Without Mox

Analogous to "ability when powered," this mod also supports "ability with or without mox." The idea is that the ability turns on (or off) when you control a particular mox. Once again, there are two parts to making this work. First, you need to check to see if the card is eligible for the gem bonus, and there is an extension method to help you out here. Remember that the resources manager does not track the opponent's gems, so if you want this particular sigil to work for both the player and the opponent, checking to see if the gem bonus is active is a little bit complicated. Use the extension method EligibleForGemBonus to make your life easier:

public override bool RespondsToDie(bool wasSacrifice, PlayableCard killer)
    return base.RespondsToDie(wasSacrifice, killer) 
           && Card.EligibleForGemBonus(GemType.Blue);

Next, you need to mark the ability as changing color based on gems. Once again, this is handled by extension properties:

info.hasColorOverride = true;
info.colorOverride = GameColors.Instance.purple;
info.SetExtendedProperty("FromBlue", true); // This could be from Blue, Orange, or Green
info.SetExtendedProperty("FromBlueInverse", true); // Or you can have this behave in the inverse; i.e., show the color when you DON'T have the gem.